Artigo Stevens 1971
Artigo Stevens 1971
Artigo Stevens 1971
The task here is to review the matching comment on only a few of the features that
procedures used to determine the power func- characterize the principal methods. Con-
tions that govern the growth of sensation sideration is also given to some of the in-
magnitude and to consider some of the terval or partition methods, and to the dis-
sources of deviation and perturbation that tinction between the virtual exponent and
have raised questions concerning the nomo- the actual exponent. Other problems dis-
thetic quality of the psychophysical power cussed concern individual differences, aver-
law. aging, and range effects.
Since all procedures of measurement in-
volve matching operations, the interesting MAGNITUDE MATCHING
differences among different scales and differ- These procedures include all direct equa-
ent kinds of measurement can often be re- tions between two continua. Three principal
duced to a basic question : What was matched varieties of magnitude matching have been
to what, and how? In the domain of psy- distinguished.
chophysics, numerous scaling methods have
been invented, many of them useful for the Cross-Modality Matching
determination of ratio scales of apparent When the stimulus for a continuum can be
magnitude. The approaches of ratio scaling readily varied by means of a control of some
can be catalogued in different ways, but for kind, it becomes possible to match that con-
present purposes they fall into two general tinuum to any other continuum. Figure 1
classes : magnitude matching, which includes gives examples of matching functions pro-
the subclasses (a) cross-modality matching, duced when several different continua were
( b ) magnitude estimation, and (c) magni- matched to vibration on the fingertip.
tude production; and ratio matching which Ideally, the experiment comparing two
includes the subclasses (a) cross-modal ra- continua should provide for a balanced de-
tio matching, (6) ratio estimation, and (c) sign in which each continuum is matched in
ratio production. turn to the other continuum. A balanced
Since there are endless variations on psy- procedure may help to assess and correct the
chophysical procedures, it is possible here to regression effects that are always present in
Supported in part by Grant NS-02974 from the the matching operation (Stevens & Green-
National Institutes of Health (Laboratory of Psy- baum, 1966). Tn the typical experiment, the
chophysics Report ppr-366-133). observer tends to shorten the range of which-
Requests for reprints shoultl be addressed to S. ever variable he controls. Even within the
S. Stevens, Laboratory of Psychophysics, Harvard
University, 33 Kirkland Street, Cambridge, Massa- same modality the regression effect shows up
chusetts 02138. in matching functions. Thus, two somewhat
The regression effect, of course, is only ject has learned to recognize a particular
one of the sources contributing to the sys- stimulus, little or no new information is ob-
tematic errors that affect the outcome of ex- tained from subsequent judgments of its
periments, but it is one of the most obstinate, repeated presentation. Furthermore, biases
and therefore perhaps the most important. due to range and spacing of stimuli seem to
And it may be composed of more than a have less effect when the subject is limited
single factor. to one judgment per stimulus.
Untrained, inexperienced college subjects
Magnitude Estimation seem to do as well at the matching tasks as
those who have had many years of practice.
This procedure is actually a form of cross- Hence, there is no need to "train" the sub-
modality matching in which numbers are jects. Indeed, since there is no right or
matched to stimuli. When first used, the wrong to the subjects' responses, it is not
procedure was called absolute judgment clear what would be meant by training.
(Stevens, 1953), later numerical estimation Under some circumstances, the nature of the
(Stevens, 1954), and still later magnitude task may profitably be clarified by allowing
estimation (Stevens, 1955a). That last the subjects to begin by matching numbers
name appears to have stuck. In this con- to an easier continuum, such as apparent
text, the number continuum can be regarded length of lines, or apparent size of circles.
as another perceptual modality. Magnitude Averaging can be done by computing geo-
estimation or "number matching" has be- metric means or medians. The log-log slope
come a popular method, mainly because of its (exponent) determined by the geometric
convenience. The subject brings the num- means is not affected by the fact that each
bers with him, so to speak, and the experi- observer uses a different unit of modulus.
menter needs only to provide the target When it is desired to adjust the judgments
stimuli to which the numbers are to be to a common modulus, a good method is to
matched. The nature of the task can be minimize the squares of the individual sub-
portrayed in terms of a typical set of written ject's intercept differences. The procedure
instructions to the subject. is: convert all scores to logs, compute grand
You will be presented with a series of stimuli in mean of logs, and adjust each log score for
irregular order. Your task is to tell how — they each observer by whatever additive constant
seem by assigning numbers to them. Call the first makes the observer's mean correspond to the
stimulus any number that seems to you appropriate. grand mean. That procedure of modulus
Then assign successive numbers in such a way that
they reflect your subjective impression. For ex- equalisation permits each of an observer's
ample, if a stimulus seems 20 times as •—, assign estimates to contribute to the correction fac-
a number 20 times as large as the first. If it tor to be applied to that observer's modulus.
seems one-fifth as —, assign a number one-fifth as
large, and so forth. Use fractions, whole numbers,
or decimals, but make each assignment proportional Magnitude Production
to the — as you perceive it.
Here the experimenter presents the num-
Experience has shown that it is usually bers one at a time in irregular order, and the
better not to designate a standard. The sub- subject adjusts the stimulus to produce an
ject then remains free to choose his own apparent match. The numbers themselves
modulus. If possible, stimuli should be pre- should normally approximate a geometrical
sented in a different irregular order to each progression. For example, in an extensive
subject, but the first stimulus is usually study of loudness and its inverse, softness,
chosen from among those in the middle re- the successive numbers presented were in the
gion, rather than from one end of the range. ratio 2 to 1 and ranged from 1.25 to 80
Between 10 and 20 stimuli may be presented (Stevens & Guirao, 1962). Sample results
at a session. A good schedule provides for are shown by the triangles in Figure 2.
one judgment, or at the most two judgments, Because of the regression effect, the power
per stimulus by each subject. After the sub- functions obtained by magnitude production
Relative sound pressure (subdivision = 20 dB)
FIG. 3. Individual functions obtained when each of the 11 observers set the stimulus level and esti-
mated the loudness. (Each point represents a judgment. There was no averaging—from J. C. Stevens
& Guirao, 1964.)
17-18). The results confirmed the relative tion is the name commonly used for pro-
values of the exponents for loudness and cedures that require the subject to set a
brightness, showing, in fact, that the two stimulus to one-half (or some other fraction)
exponents are approximately equal. of the standard. (For a tabulation of many
of the numerous ratio productions that have
Ratio Estimation been made with acoustic stimuli, see Stevens,
Here the subject matches numerical ratios Ratio production has fallen into disuse
to apparent stimulus ratios. In the "com- mainly because magnitude matching seems to
plete" version of the procedure, stimuli are be a superior procedure. The biases in ratio
presented in all possible pairs and the ap- production are such that the method often
parent ratios are estimated (Ekman, 1958). fails to produce a clean power function.
Other versions use fewer stimulus pairings,
and some versions provide for reporting in INTERVAL MATCHING AND VIRTUAL
terms of fractions or percentages. For ex- EXPONENTS
ample, in an early experiment, Ham and
Parkinson (1932) presented a sound at one Although the judgment of intervals or dif-
level followed by a sound at a lower level, ferences, as required in various kinds of par-
and asked the subjects to estimate what per- titioning operations, may produce satisfactory
centage of the loudness remained. results on metathetic continua, systematic
biases afflict partitions carried out on pro-
thetic continua. Furthermore, the partition-
Ratio Production ing operations can produce at best an interval
In this once-popular scaling procedure, the scale, not a ratio scale. Nevertheless, one or
subject is required to find or produce the another form of interval matching has pro-
stimulus that seems to stand in a prescribed duced data that have played a role in the
relation to a standard stimulus. As we have establishment of the psychophysical power
seen, Merkel invented that kind of task with law (Stevens, 1953).
his method of doubled stimulus. Fractiona- In order to describe the procedures used
and the results obtained in the various kinds than differences, and without intending it, he
of partition operations, it is convenient to may actually produce ratio matches between
distinguish two exponents: a virtual or func- the pairs of stimuli on the two continua.
tional exponent and the actual exponent of Efforts to judge intervals often encounter
the continuum in question. The virtual ex- a dramatic hysteresis effect, which makes the
ponent is the one the observer appears to be judgment highly contingent on the order in
using when he makes his partition judgments. which the stimuli are presented (Stevens,
It is an "as if" exponent. The value of the 1957b).
virtual exponent a turns out to be lower
than that of the actual exponent /?. Since Interval Estimation
a < ft, the scales created by partitioning are
nonlinear relative to the corresponding mag- Here the subject may be asked to assign
nitude scales created by magnitude or ratio numbers to represent the sizes of apparent
matching. differences. For example, Dawson (1968)
Perhaps the best known example of a presented pairs of loudnesses and asked the
partition scale is the Munsell scale for the observers to make a magnitude estimation of
lightness of grays. That scale has been the apparent difference in each pair. He
determined and redetermined by several also presented pairs of visual areas. The
kinds of partition operations. A series of typical biases that emerge under partitioning
gray papers may also be scaled by magnitude procedures were apparent in the results,
estimation, as was shown by Stevens and especially in the judgments of loudness dif-
Galanter (1957). The virtual exponent of ferences. A constant loudness difference (in
the Munsell scale is approximately .33 and sones) is not judged to be constant; rather a
is decidedly lower than the actual exponent, given difference is judged smaller when it is
approximately 1.2, obtained by magnitude moved up the stimulus scale.
estimation. Another demonstration of the bias in in-
Let us now consider four varieties of in- terval judgments—the operation of a virtual
terval scaling procedures. exponent—is contained in the results of Beck
and Shaw (1967) who asked 28 subjects to
judge four loudness intervals, 5, 10, 15, and
Cross-Modal Interval Matching 20 sones in width, each located at four stim-
This procedure seemed to work well in ulus levels. The median estimations for
a 1953 experiment when subjects adjusted three of the interval sizes are shown in
markers along a line (position, a metathetic Figure 4 as a function of the sound pressure
continuum) in order to match the apparent level of the tone at the lower end of the in-
spacing of a series of loudnesses. Subjects terval. The curved lines show the general
also matched marker position to the apparent trend of the data.
spacing of the heaviness in a series of lifted If the world were so constructed that equal
weights. The same principle is involved, of prothetic intervals appeared equal to the per-
course, in numerous rating scales: the sub- ceiving subject, the lines in Figure 4 would
ject expresses his opinion by marking a posi- be straight and horizontal. The downward
tion on a line. Newhall (1950) used a some- trend of the data in Figure 4 illustrates the
what similar method, involving markers on typical result obtained in partition judgments
a two-dimensional grid, in order to deter- of whatever variety: equal intervals are not
mine spacings among the apparent light- judged equal at different locations on a pro-
nesses of gray papers. His results agreed thetic continuum. As an interval of a con-
with the Munsell scale. As a general stant size moves up the scale of the contin-
method, however, interval matching suffers uum, the constant interval is judged to be
from a basic ambiguity, especially when smaller and smaller.
metathetic position is not one of the continua The curves in Figure 4 were generated by
used. If two prothetic continua are involved, a partition model in which it was postulated
the subject may find it easier to match ratios that the observer's judgments are governed
100 which 29 observers made magnitude estima-
Interval tions of another set of loudness intervals—
intervals that were constructed to be constant
- 50
in size as determined by the lambda scale, a
scale that was constructed so as to agree with
30 a particular set of bisection data (Garner,
= 20
1954). Over the stimulus range of interest
here, the lambda scale has an effective ex-
ponent of approximately .3. In other words,
10 the "constant" intervals provided by the ex-
perimenters were generated by a function
whose exponent coincided with that of the
virtual exponent. As we should expect,
ZO 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 therefore, the judged size of the intervals
Bottom end of interval - dB did not show a downward drift with increas-
ing stimulus level. In fact, when the judg-
FIG. 4. Showing how the judgment of an inter-
val of a constant size depends on the location of the
ments are plotted as in Figure 4, but with
interval. (Observers made magnitude estimations lambda interval rather than sone interval as
of sets of intervals 5, 10, 20 sones wide. In another the parameter, the data describe functions
set of experiments (triangles) the intervals were that are very nearly horizontal. Thus the
approximately 30 sones wide. The stimulus level principle is clear: When the generating func-
at the bottom end of the interval is shown by the
abscissa. The ordinate gives relative values only. tion used to set up the equal intervals has
As a constant interval moves upward in sound pres- the same exponent as the virtual operating
sure level, the perceived size of the interval de- function employed by the observers in their
creases. The family of three curves was generated partition judgments, then the intervals all
by assuming that instead of the actual exponent of appear equal.
the sone scale .6, the observers used a virtual or "as
if" exponent equal to .3. Triangles from Dawson, It is of interest next to consider the other
1968; other data from Beck & Shaw, 1967.) extreme and to ask what happens when the
equal intervals are generated by a function
by a power law that does not have the actual with an exponent that is lower than the vir-
exponent of the continuum, but rather has a tual exponent. Since a power function with
virtual or functional exponent equal to .3. a very low exponent resembles a logarithmic
The fit of the curves is only fair, for the data function (see Figure 5), we can examine the
do not provide enough information to dis- problem by setting up equal logarithmic or
tinguish between the family of functions gen- equal decibel intervals. Again the results
erated by the virtual exponent value .3 and turn out as expected. Decibel intervals ap-
the family given by some other nearby ex- pear to grow larger as their absolute level is
ponent. If the observer's virtual exponent raised. Thus a series of successive 10-db.
were .6, it would correspond to the actual intervals beginning at 40 db. produced the
exponent, and the lines in Figure 4 would following magnitude estimations: 1.51, 1.89,
then become straight and horizontal. As the 2.65, 4.14, and 9.10 (Dawson, 1968). Those
virtual exponent becomes smaller, the family values represent averages over four different
of curves tilts more steeply downward, and experiments. They show that the 10-db. in-
the distance between the curves decreases. terval 80-90 db. was judged to be about six
To a first approximation, then, it appears times larger than the 10-db. interval 40-50
that the observer judges loudness intervals db. If plotted in Figure 4, the judgments of
as if his power function had a virtual ex- 10-db. intervals would describe a curve that
ponent about half as large as the actual sweeps upward rather than downward. In
exponent of the continuum. That principle other words, observers' judgments demon-
was rather nicely confirmed in a second strate that the virtual exponent is decidedly
experiment by Beck and Shaw (1967) in greater than zero, and that a logarithmic
tion scale, relative to the magnitude scale, is exponent as that produced by the magnitude
always in the same direction. estimation of differences, as in Figure 4.
More formally, we may express the sub- In category scaling, the difference between
jective magnitude ^ as a function of the the virtual exponent a and the actual ex-
stimulus </> by i/» = k<$>&, where k depends on ponent ft seems also to depend on variability,
units, and ft is the actual exponent of the or on the noise load imposed by the task.
continuum. The actual exponent ft is the Some continua are easier to judge than
one we hope to determine more and more others. For example, the curvature of the
accurately as we learn to control regression category scale was shown to increase and the
effects and other biases. The partition scale virtual exponent to decrease as the con-
value P can be expressed by a similar equa- tinuum was changed from length of lines to
tion, but with an additive constant P0 to take largeness of squares to loudness of tones
care of the arbitrary reference: P + P0 = (Stevens & Guirao, 1963). The variabilities
k<l>tt, where a is the virtual exponent. (standard deviations) with which the ob-
The amount by which the value of a is less servers set values on those three continua
than the value of ft determines the curvature under the procedure of magnitude production
of the partition scale. In some kinds of were: length, 1.0; largeness, 2.1; and loud-
equisection experiments, the curvature is so ness, 4.0 decilogs.
slight that the value of a. has been pushed to It is especially important to note that
within about 10% of the value of ft. At the although partitioning produces a power-
other extreme, in some forms of category group transformation that lowers the effec-
scaling, the value of « has fallen to very low tive value of the exponent, the resulting
values (Marks, 1968). virtual exponent a is always positive. We
It is interesting to note that the category must, of course, exclude from that generali-
scale for stellar magnitude cannot be ex- zation the category scale obtained with highly
pressed in terms of a power function, because skewed distributions of stimuli, because those
the scale is more curved even than a log- abnormalities are essentially artificial and
arithmic function. Otherwise said, the mid- can be remedied by straightforward proce-
point or bisection point of the visual category dures of experimental iteration (see Pollack,
scale of stellar magnitude falls below the geo- 1965). The iterated pure category scale
metric mean of the stimulus scale. The stel- seems always to have a positive exponent.
lar category scale is a rather special case, The importance of a virtual exponent that is
however, because as a stimulus array, the positive and decidedly different from zero lies
distribution of the stars is prodigiously in the evidence it provides that the category
skewed. An attempted representation of the scale is not a logarithmic function of the
stellar judgments by a power function with a magnitude scale. A logarithmic category
negative exponent was given by Marks scale has often been assumed (e.g., Torger-
(1968), and a similar treatment for bisec- son, 1961), but under that assumption, the
tions falling below the geometric mean was virtual exponent would lie near zero.
given by Fagot (1963). Negative expon- The term power group was the name
ents, however, imply inverse or reciprocal proposed for the group of permissible trans-
functions and do not seem to be appropriate formations on what I called a logarithmic
to the present problem. interval scale (Stevens, 1957b). The power
A category production scale for loudness group provides that any scale value x may
gave the virtual exponent .3, which is about be replaced by x' where x' = axb. The
half the value of the actual exponent for transformation preserves the equality of
loudness. The procedure of category pro- ratios, but not of differences. For the visu-
duction serves to diminish the effects of ally minded, it may be helpful to note that a
stimulus spacing and thereby to approximate power-group transformation changes the
the pure form of the category scale. It is curvature, or, in log-log coordinates, the
interesting that the pure category scale slope of a function.
should have approximately the same virtual It is remarkable how widespread are the
server produced the exponent .9; the geo- by being averaged out. An analogous strat-
metric mean of the two exponents is .6 (see egy of error cancellation by averaging finds
graphs in Stevens & Greenbaum, 1966). usefulness in psychophysics and in all the
Five observers in those same experiments rest of science.
(Stevens & Guirao, 1962) made both magni- In the long run, since scientists tend to be-
tude estimations and magnitude productions lieve only those results that they can repro-
of the loudness of noise. The ratio of the duce, there appears to be no better option
largest to the smallest exponent for estima- than to await the outcome of replications. It
tion was 1.42; for production, it was 1.27. is probably fair to say that statistical tests of
When the geometric means of the expon- significance, as they are so often miscalled,
ents for estimation and production were ex- have never convinced a scientist of anything.
amined, the range ratio fell to 1.14. In other By contrast, a tabulation of 178 determina-
words, the individual differences were less tions of the loudness exponent, based on 25
pronounced when both estimation and pro- years of accumulated results from several
duction were used in a balanced design. different laboratories, produced a median re-
The balancing of estimation by production sult .6, which became the exponent recom-
may be good for a start, but if we are seri- mended by the International Standards Or-
ously interested in the power function for a ganization (see Stevens, 1955a). Since
particular individual, we will not stop with then, a further accumulation of experimental
magnitude estimation and production. We determinations has begun to fix the second
will want to know the results from a bal- decimal place, and it now appears that the
anced array of additional cross-modality value 2/3 may be more representative (Stev-
matching tasks, the more the better. ens, in press). The value 2/3 happened to
correspond to the modal value of the 1955
VARIABILITY AND AVERAGING distribution, but at that time, the median
seemed a better choice than the mode.
Criticism of the power law has sometimes How to average data presents serious and
centered on one or another aspect of varia- interesting questions. The median is per-
bility. It would be good, of course, if varia- haps the single most unbiased measure of
bility could be reduced, so that the psycho- location, and it has often been used in psy-
physical functions could be determined with chophysics. A popular rule is: when in
higher precision. But empirical functions doubt, use the median. On the other hand,
always suffer from variability, and the cen- a more efficient average is often wanted, and
tral question is not so much whether a mea- the choice of an efficient measure can usually
surement is variable, or whether subjects be made to rest on the form of the distribu-
disagree, but whether averaging is appro- tion. Thus, two different averages have
priate. If the data can be appropriately proved appropriate in psychophysical scal-
averaged, it does not matter how widely the ing, each under a particular circumstance.
variability may range, provided the number In an equisection experiment, 45 subjects
of independent measurements can be in- divided a 40-db. segment of the loudness con-
creased. In principle, the standard error can tinuum into four equal-appearing intervals.
then be brought down to any desired level. Because the decibel measures of the subjects'
In electrophysiology, for example, mira- settings gave skewed distributions, it did not
cles of averaging are performed routinely by seem proper to average the decibel values,
computers programmed to dig a particular which would have been equivalent to com-
waveform out of the myriad variations in the puting geometric means. When the decibel
ongoing neural activity of the brain. A re- measures were converted into sones (a linear
peated click delivered to the ear can then be loudness value), the settings showed the de-
seen as an evoked potential at the scalp. sired symmetries. It was concluded that
The response to the click emerges remark- averaging should be done by computing the
ably clear and unencumbered by the noise of arithmetic means of the loudness values, and
the brain, for the noise has been suppressed an iteration procedure for determining those
ment carried out in 1954. The elimination ard deviations ranged from 1.7 to 5.4 deci-
of the standard was an important procedural logs, with a median value of 2.2 decilogs.
change suggested by Geraldine Stevens. A The variability in the results of cross-
group of 32 observers each made two judg- modality matching for a group of observers
ments of each level of a 1000-hertz (Hz.) can be divided into three main components,
tone. (The details of the procedure are given namely, the variability attributable to differ-
in Stevens, 1956.) The level of the first tone ences from observer to observer in the effec-
was varied from one observer to another and tive modulus (intercept), the effective ex-
was assigned whatever number the observer ponent (slope), and the residual scatter in
thought appropriate. The cumulative fre- each observer's matches. It is sometimes
quencies were nicely log normal, both before useful to partial out those sources of varia-
and after modulus equalization. The effect bility (see Stevens & Stevens, 1960).
of the modulus equalization was to reduce
the standard deviations by a large factor, as RANGE EFFECTS
shown in Table 1.
It is significant to note that the standard Much has been written about the effects of
deviations were larger when the stimulus to stimulus range on the exponents of the sen-
be judged was 1000 Hz. (Table 1) than sory power functions. The range (loga-
when it was a white noise (Figure 8). In rithmic spread) of the stimuli used in cross-
numerous experiments, it has been found modality matches may affect the exponent,
that a noise is easier to judge than a tone. but the experimenter can design tactics to
Still more difficult for most observers are offset the biasing effects of range, if he so
magnitude estimations of apparent pitch. chooses. Analogous options face the experi-
Each of 20 subjects made two judgments of menter with regard to other distorting fac-
12 frequencies between 100 and 7500 Hz., tors, and the same principle applies to mea-
with no designated standard (Stevens & surements in physics as well as psychophys-
Galanter, 1957). With such a small number ics. A scientific measurement of serious
of scores, the cumulative frequency plots consequence can never be based on one
showed much scatter, but the overall pic- experiment, because multiple experiments
ture was log normal. Corrected by modulus are required to detect and correct the sys-
tematic errors. Multiple experiments are
equalization, pitch judgments yielded stand-
the rule in physics; they ought also to be
ard deviations that were not very different the rule in psychophysics.
from the corrected values for the loudness There is a negative correlation between
judgments in Table 1. For pitch, the stand- the measured exponents and the ranges of
the stimuli that were used in some of the
TABLE 1 experiments by which the exponents were
determined. For example, a range as great
ESTIMATIONS DETERMINED GRAPHICALLY as 90 db. has been used for loudness, which
FROM CUMULATIVE DISTRIBUTIONS has a low exponent, compared with a range
of about 10 db. for electric current through
Stimulus SD SD the fingers, which has a high exponent. The
unconnected corrected
negative correlation between range and ex-
110 5.6 3.0 ponent has led Poulton (1968) to say
100 5.4 2.3
90 4.7 1.8 that in designing the experiments to measure the
80 4.7 1.7 exponent, the experimenters did not adequately
70 4.6 1.7 compensate for the effects of the different physical
60 5.0 1.9 ranges . . . [p. 5].
50 5.5 3.0
40 5.8 3.2 To be sure, the experimenter could choose a
10-db. range for the study of loudness; but a
Note.—Thirty-two subjects made two judgments of each
stimulus (1000 Hz.), When corrected by modulus equalization,
90-db. range of electric current through the
the variability fell by a factor of approximately 2. fingers would prove insupportable. It seems
that stimulus ranges are to a very large ex- ponent. Some of the lowest measured ex-
tent selected by experimenters because na- ponents apply to odor. Benzaldehyde (syn-
ture's exponents are what they are, not the thetic almond) gave the exponent .2 (Stev-
other way around. ens, 1957b). That was probably the first ol-
In suggesting that the experimenter should factory exponent ever determined. A similar
compensate for the effects of the different low value has since been found by Berglund,
physical ranges, Poulton directed attention Berglund, Engen, and Ekman (1971). The
to the wrong side of the equation. It is not stimulus range for benzaldehyde is relatively
the physical ranges that need compensation; short, at least as compared to loudness or
rather, the experimenter should try to en- brightness. From the point of view of the
sure that the subjective ranges are as com- observer, the subjective range of the odor
parable as possible. Stimulus measures have seems extremely short compared to the
much arbitrariness about them: measures of enormous subjective ranges that can be pro-
sound pressure give one loudness exponent; duced in loudness or brightness.
measures of sound power give an exponent
that is half as large. For apparent size, the
measured diameter of circles gives one ex- Although range effects may be present in
ponent, the measured area of circles gives any given experiment, the degree to which
another, and so on. they affect the outcome may sometimes
In comparing the exponents of different be altered by repeated presentation of the
continua, the experimenter would like to be stimuli.
able to select stimuli—regardless of how they An experiment showing how repeated pre-
happen to be measured—so that they would sentations of a very short range of luminous
produce a constant subjective range. If he targets can cause the measured brightness
could do that, then the correlation would exponent to increase on successive presenta-
uniquely fix the relative values of all the ex- tions was carried out in 1960 by A. W. F.
ponents. Of course, if the experimenter Huggins (reported in Stevens & Stevens,
knew in advance how to choose the stimulus 1960). The results are shown in Figure 9.
ranges that would produce the perfect corre- The stimuli, a series of Munsell grays rang-
lation, he would not need to run the experi- ing from black to white, were viewed under
ment. In effect, then, much of the extensive so-called reduction conditions, which made
work with cross-modality comparisons can them appear as luminous targets, not as sur-
be regarded as an effort by trial and error faces. The stimulus range covered only 16
to determine what stimulus ranges would be db., because that is all there is between a
needed to provide a constant subjective range black paper and a white one. The stimuli
on all continua and thereby make it possible were also presented under two levels of il-
to produce a perfect negative correlation be- lumination, which extended the range and
tween logarithmic range and exponent. which gave the filled points in Figure 9.
The correlation between stimulus range The exponent for the extended range is .35.
and exponent has been reported as high as The magnitude estimations for the shorter
— .94 by Teghtsoonian (1971), who proposed range on the first presentation follow very
closely the lowest five points on the extended
that a single scale of sensory magnitude serves a range, but later presentations give succes-
wide variety of perceptual continua, and that vari- sively steeper slopes (higher exponents).
ation in power law exponents is primarily due to
variation in dynamic ranges [of stimuli] [p. 71]. Although the limiting of the experimental
procedure to a single presentation of each
That is an interesting hypothesis, even stimulus may attenuate some of the effects
though a test of it would require that we of range, residual effects on the exponent
learn how to determine dynamic range, may still remain. Under some circum-
which may prove to be an elusive variable. stances, the residual effects can be balanced
It is important to note that a short range out in the experimental design, as is shown
does not necessarily produce a large ex- below.