MALACHI Adventurer and Pathfinder Club Induction Service
MALACHI Adventurer and Pathfinder Club Induction Service
MALACHI Adventurer and Pathfinder Club Induction Service
Pathfinder Director : Greetings family and friends! We welcome you to the Induction Ceremony of the
Malachi Adventurer and Pathfinder Club!
*Lights Out!
For the light of our program, we turn to the Spirit of Pathfindering. The candle with light in front represents
this Spirit. It is the Spirit of adventure, fun, learning, comradery, awareness, and awakening, and above all,
a spirit of reverence and a spirit of service to God and man. This light is of itself not complete or sufficient.
To introduce the complimentary light, we call on our Pathfinders.
(Jane) Person 1: (BLUE) The Pathfinder Friend Class is a course of study in learning, skills, and physical
fitness that will help one to be a better neighbor now and a friend of God throughout eternity.
(Ken) Person 2: (RED) The Pathfinder Companion Class is a course of study in learning, skills, and
physical fitness that will give more meaning to life and a companionship with Jesus Christ every hour of
the day.
(Meg) Person 3: (GREEN) The Pathfinder Explorer Class is a course of study that will help one to find
new adventure in exploring God’s word and His created works.
(Ken) Person 4: (SILVER) The Pathfinder Ranger Class is a course of study that will open up new areas
of discovery in the natural and spiritual world to secure true and genuine happiness.
(Jane) Person 5: (PURPLE) The Pathfinder Voyager Class is a course of study in physical, mental,
cultural, and spiritual development that challenges the teen to develop a wholesome self-concept and
Christian lifestyle.
(Meg) Person 6: (YELLOW) The Pathfinder Guide Class is a course of study that emphasizes personal
growth and spiritual discoveries and prepares the Pathfinder for development of new skills in leadership
and survival techniques.
Club Director: The Spirit of Pathfindering candle represents the good things in the Pathfinder program. It
represents the high ideals for which the club stands and the growth that each Pathfinder will make as a club
member. We will now light the Adventurer Pledge candle.
Adventurer (___________): Raise your right hand and please follow after me.
Adventurer Pledge
Because Jesus loves me,
I will always do my best.
Deputy Director On behalf of the Apostello Pathfinders, I accept the candidates vow to observe the
Pathfinder law.
Club Director: Let us proceed with the ceremony of lighting the Adventurer Law candle.
Adventure (___________): Put your right hand on your chest and please follow after me.
Jesus can help me
Be obedient
Be pure
Be true
Be kind
Be respectful
Be attentive
Be helpful
Be cheerful
Be thoughtful
Be reverent
Deputy Director On behalf of the Malachi Pathfinders, I accept the candidates vow to observe the
Pathfinder law.
Club Director: And now, we will light the Pathfinder Pledge candle.
*One by one they will go and stay in front until Pathfinder Pledge is finished.
*1st Person will bring the candle, light it, and place it in front.
(___________) Person 1: By the grace of God which means I will rely on God to do His will.
(___________) Person 2: I will be pure which means I will raise above the wicked world in which I live
and keep my life clean with words and actions that will make others happy.
(___________) Person 3: I will be kind which means I will be considerate not only to the people around
me but also to God’s creation; the animals and the environment in which I live.
(___________) Person 4: I will be true which means that I will be honest in study, work, or play, and will
always do my best.
(___________) Person 5: I will keep the Pathfinder Law which means I will understand the Pathfinder
Law and live up to it.
(___________) Person 6: I will be a servant of God which means I will put God first in everything.
(___________) Person 7: I will be a friend to man which means I will treat others like I would like to be
Deputy Director (Ma’am DollyDane Doronilla): On behalf of the Malachi Pathfinders, I accept the
candidates vow to live by the Pathfinder Pledge.
Club Director: Let us proceed with the ceremony of lighting the Pathfinder Law candle.
**1st Person will bring the candle, light it, and place it in front.
(____________) Person 1: The Pathfinder Law is for me to Keep the morning watch, which means I will
have prayer and personal Bible study each day.
(____________) Person 2: Do my honest part, which means I will do my share of the work and be there
when other people need help.
(____________) Person 3: Care for my body, which means I will not put anything harmful in my body;
and I will stay physically fit.
(____________) Person 4: Keep a level eye, which means I will not lie, cheat, or talk dirty.
(____________) Person 5: Be courteous and obedient, which means I will think about other people’s
feelings and do what I am asked.
(____________) Person 6: Walk softly in the sanctuary, which means I will be quiet in church and
during worships.
(____________) Person 7: Keep a song in my heart, which means I will try to always be happy, even
when I don=t feel like it.
(____________) Person 8: Go on God’s errands, which means I will always be ready to tell people about
Deputy Director (Ma’am Dollydane Doronilla): On behalf of the Malachi Pathfinders, I accept the
candidates vow to observe the Pathfinder law.
Club Director: To affirm your dedication to the high principles of the Pathfinder Club, I ask you to join
me and repeat the Pathfinder Pledge and law in unison.
Club Director: I hereby declare the candidates accepted in to the fellowship of the Malachi Adventurer
and Pathfinder Club of Camella-Nazareth Seventh-day Adventist Church - Bacoor, Cavite District 3.
You are now being presented with a candle, which you may now light from the ‘Spirit of Pathfindering’
candle. Your light is now added to our club, and we charge you in the presence of these Pathfinders to let
your light shine before others in the Spirit of Pathfindering.
We will now ask our Deputy Director Grace Pangilinan to pray that God will give you strength to live up to
the high ideals of our club and to be a faithful and loyal member.
*Turn on lights
*Presentation of certificate of appreciation to the speaker c/o the Unit – Ken will lead.
Kenn On behalf of the LCD 1 Conqueror Masterguide Trainees assigned here in Malipay Seventh-day
Adventist Church, we would like to express our in depth gratitude to our speaker, Ma’am Joyce
Dalugdugan. (Read what’s on the certificate)