Thursday 25th July: Essentials of Psychoanalysis, Public Lectures For Students

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Essentials of Psychoanalysis, public lectures for students

Thursday 25th July 9:00 to 17:00 and Friday 26th July 9:00 to 15:00
Church House - Deans Yard, Westminster, London SW1P 3NZ
To register please visit
Student Programme (one day) $47
Student Programme (two days) $67
The IPA Student Programme of the 50th IPA-Congress is addressed to the public interested
in psychoanalysis, especially to students of all levels, as well as faculties and professionals of
different psychosocial fields. The programme offers basic knowledge in different fields of
psychoanalysis, demonstrating the essentials of psychoanalytic thinking as the meaning of
the unconscious, internal conflicts and developmental aspects.

Attendees will get to know the different approaches to clinical, scientific, theoretical and
cultural applications of psychoanalysis from well-known speakers and experienced
lecturers from around the world.
Many case examples will be presented and attendees will have the opportunity to discuss
these with the speakers.
Thursday 25th July
Moderator Martin Teising
09:00 - 10:30 Power and Psychic Suffering - a Reflection on Psychoanalysis and Politics
Church House - Bishop Partridge
Will describe some psychoanalytic contributions useful for the understanding of
power , then highlight the main features of psychic suffering and finally take
advantage of these ideas to illustrate how psychoanalytic insights may be
helpful in order to understand situations and characters of the current political
Presenter: Cláudio Laks Eizirik

10:30 – 11:00 Coffee break

11:00 - 12:30 Maturescence, Midlife and the (Human) Riddle of Life and Death
Church House - Bishop Partridge
The presentation offers a renewed psychoanalytic understanding of
maturescence —the ensuing of true aging— and forthcoming midlife —a long
period of years before old age— through the vertex of Freudian papers. The
delivery tries to answer the challenge of maturescence through the Kipling
Method 5W1H: «I keep six honest serving–men. (They taught me all I knew). Their
names are What and Why and When and How and Where and Who.»
Maturescence is an opportunity the life cycle offers to promote, deep–in, and
continue psychic growth in the scenarios of one’s own subjectivity, the bond
with other people, and the exchange between prior and new generations.
Presenter: Guillermo Julio Montero

Thursday 25th July

12:30 – 13:30 Lunch break

13:30 - 15:00 Internal Racism: The Vicissitudes of Out-Group Hostility

Church House - Bishop Partridge
Psychoanalytic theory focuses on development within the family, and its models
usually succeed in shedding light on the struggles we encounter more generally
in the outside world. However, it has become clear that our theories do not
account adequately for the experience of disempowered out-groups, such as
immigrants, against whom racist mechanisms are readily deployed. In this
presentation I shall describe the model of internal racism, which is a clinically
based account of the othering mechanisms employed in relation specifically to
the out-group. These mechanisms are structurally different to the processes that
set us apart from others in general (the self-other distinction) and those involved
in the Oedipal configuration (the gender distinction). I argue that our
relationship with the out-group is embedded in a paranoid, us-them, defensive
structure that produces fantasies about the out-group, based on projections
into them. Although the internal racist structure is a universal feature of the mind,
it is difficult to detect because of the ways in which the initial projection into the
object is disguised as fact. I will trace this developmentally and show how this
conceptualisation may help us to understand why it is so difficult to engage
effectively with the intolerance displayed towards minority group members in
the wider world, when we too can become easily drawn into a polarised us-
them mindset. I will suggest that this same structure is mobilised in the difficulty
that psychoanalysis, as a profession, faces in engaging racial/cultural difference
in the consulting room.
Presenter: M. Fakhry Davids

15:00 – 15:30 Coffee break

16:00 - 17:30 Principles of psychoanalytic psychosomatics

Church House - Bishop Partridge
It is only because the body, as body image, is interpersonal and not solipsistic
that it can assume the function of language and become part of the
communication addressed to the other. For this reason, the intersubjectivity of
the body image resulting from interaction is discussed first. Then follows a
systematic account of the body’s semiotic functions in relation to the other,
while the significance of bodily symptoms for the important object relationships
is analysed and differentiated with reference to the discipline of semiotics. In the
author’s view, semiotics and psychoanalysis must cooperate if psychosomatic
suffering is to be appropriately understood. The contribution ends with some
conclusions for practical therapy.
Presenter: Joachim Kuechenhoff

Friday 26th July
Moderator Martin Teising
09:00 - 10:30 Remembering and Working through, the Trauma of Paternal loss and maternal
Church House - Bishop Partridge
Remembering and Working through, the Trauma of Paternal loss and maternal
Depression: The Case of John
Presenter: Mali Mann

10:30 – 11:00 Coffee break

11:00 - 12:30 The Changing Reflection of the Self

Church House - Bishop Partridge
This presentation examines a patient who, from the start of analysis, used
paintings and poems to convey her unconscious conflicts, depressive fantasies
and anxieties. I drew on the patient’s creative activity as an important source of
information from her internal world. The patient's growth and maturation was
reflected in analysis by changes in her style of painting: While in the beginning of
analysis her paintings showed her tremendous fear of fragmentation and death,
in the last stages her paintings illustrated her sense of reintegration and the more
harmonious world she created. The incorporation of creative activity from the
beginning of treatment through all its phases had an important role in solving
conflicting life and death wishes. the performing arts, stemming from the belief
that the psychoanalytic exploration of works of art leads to a richer and fuller
understanding of each individual’s internal reality. She has received the Sigourney
Award in 2016.
Presenter: ilany Kogan

12:30 – 13:30 Lunch

13:30 - 15:00 Gender as an Enigmatic Message

Church House - Bishop Partridge
Referring to the General Seduction Theory of Jean Laplanche a new
psychoanalytic conceptualization of gender identity can be developed, which
transcends the binary gender order and opens the space for diversity. Beginning
with Freud´s concept of constitutive bisexuality the psychoanalytic main-stream
gender theory by Robert Stoller will be critically reviewed. The concept of
enigmatic messages gives way to a notion of gender which is intromitted in the
child as a life-long requirement for psychic work. These intromissions are messages
from at least two adults and consists of different, often contradictory dimensions.
Therefore gender identity is not binary but manifold. Neither it is established once
and for all, but it has to be rewritten permanently, the afterwardsness plays an
important role.
Presenter: Ilka Quindeau

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