Drivers, Decision Making Processes and Outcomes of Unsafe Abortion in Four Districts of Siaya County, Kenya
Drivers, Decision Making Processes and Outcomes of Unsafe Abortion in Four Districts of Siaya County, Kenya
Drivers, Decision Making Processes and Outcomes of Unsafe Abortion in Four Districts of Siaya County, Kenya
A Thesis Submitted in Partial Fulfillment for the Award of the Degree of Doctor of
August 2012
This thesis is my original work and has not been presented before in any other
university or any other award.
Signature Date
This thesis has been submitted with our approval as university supervisors.
Signature Date
Signature Date
Kenyatta University
Signature Date
To all women who bare the brunt of unwanted pregnancy, unsafe abortions and resultant
I am highly indebted to my university supervisors – Prof Alloys Orago, Dr Isaac Mwanzo and
Prof Elizabeth Bukusi. Their support has been tremendous and I would not have completed
this study so successfully without their encouragement, guidance and supervision. I also
appreciate the much input given by Dr Ellen Mitchell, an international researcher on abortion
Ipas, the organization for which I work, has been very supportive of the study. Dr Janie
Benson and Dr Brooke Levondsky were especially helpful and gave their technical opinions
as well as material support which I really appreciate. The entire Ipas Africa Alliance office
was always ready to help and provided me with time to be in the field. Thank you so much
I cannot forget to thank the participants of the study. They shared very sensitive information
in the most sincere way. I thank them so much for the trust they bestowed on me.
Finally I thank my family for being supportive and bearing with me for the many days and
months that I had to spend out of home in the field during data collection. They also
understood when I stayed awake late into the nights working on the thesis. May God bless
Declaration ii
Dedication iii
Acknowledgements iv
Table of contents v
List of figures x
List of tables xi
Definition of terms xv
Abstract xvi
1.5.3 Assumptions 9
For abortion 19
Abortion services 26
Environments 31
3.1 Introduction 35
3.3 Variables 38
4.2 Results for objective 1: Drivers of unsafe abortion at health system and
community levels 62
Ugenya Districts 93
4.4.1 Methods, where they were used and the type of providers who used
them 93
4.6.4 The role of social networks in women‘s decision making process for
References 140
Facilities 60
Fig 4.4: People consulted for advice on the pregnancy by women of various ages 80
Fig. 4.6: Unsafe abortion methods used in the catchment areas of the clinics 95
Fig. 4.8: Locations where unsafe abortion methods were used 100
Fig. 4.9: Range and frequency of complications across health facilities 104
Table 4.6: Availability of basic infrastructure and equipment for the provision of
Table 4.13 Summary of advice from people the pregnant women undergoing unsafe
Abortion talked to 72
Table 4.16: Consultation with the social network prior to aborting unsafely 79
Consulted 81
Table 4.18: Relationship of person consulted to gestation when abortion was done 81
Table 4.19: Model fitting information: predictors for desire for pregnancy in
Table 4.20: Likelihood ratio tests: predictors for desire for pregnancy 83
Table 4.22: Model fitting information: predictors for ownership of decision to abort
Unsafely 84
Table 4.23: Likelihood ratio tests: predictors for ownership of decision to abort
Unsafely 85
Table 4.26: First line methods of unsafe abortion used by various age groups 96
Table 4.28: Methods used by various unsafe abortion providers to initiate abortion 97
Table 4.30: Locations where unsafe abortions were initiated by different catchment
Populations 102
Table 4.31: Sites where abortion was initiated by the various age groups 102
Table 4.36: Model fitting information: predictors of outcomes of unsafe abortion 114
Table 4.37; Pseudo R-Square: predictors for outcomes of unsafe abortion 114
Table 4.38: Likelihood ratio tests: predictors for outcome of unsafe abortion 115
UN – United Nations
or providing the service in conditions lacking the necessary equipment and hygiene or
referred to as nodes) that are tied by one or more specific types of interdependencies
Unsafe abortion is a major public health problem causing 13% and 30% of maternal deaths
globally and in Kenya respectively. Despite this, the drivers of the practice in Kenyan
communities are scarcely documented. Further, little is documented about the decision
making process for women who chose unsafe abortion and whether social networks have a
role on this. In addition, not much is known about the methods unsafe abortion providers
use and the outcomes of the methods. The objectives of this study were, therefore, to
determine the drivers of the practice; find out how social networks influence women‘s
decisions to procure abortion; and determine outcomes of methods used in Siaya County.
The study employed a mixture of quantitative and qualitative techniques including cross-
sectional survey of 320 patients presenting to health facilities after attempted unsafe
abortion; case studies of 8 women who had undergone unsafe abortions; one enquiry into
unsafe abortion related death using Rashomon technique and in-depth interviews with 12
unsafe abortion providers and 21 key informants. The findings indicated that women
procuring unsafe abortions were mostly below the age of 24 years (76%), in their first
trimester of pregnancy (85%) and presenting to health facilities with incomplete abortion
(87%). The most commonly reported drivers of unsafe abortion included inadequate
infrastructure and equipment in health facilities with all facilities studied not having a full
complement of recommended conditions. Only 5.5% of eligible health workers were
competent and willing to provide termination of pregnancy services. At community level,
unsafe abortions were associated with desire for a good life, pressure from social contacts,
and the determination of unsafe abortion providers to give the service. Social networks were
found to play a role in the woman‘s decision making process with 95% of the women
consulting with their social networks before making a decision. These consultations led to
63% of women owning a decision to abort while the rest were either not sure or even felt
compelled to abort. Logistic regression predictions showed that the man causing the
pregnancy and the woman‘s mother were the most influential persons in cases of unsafe
abortion. A case fatality rate of 0.3 per 1000 women aged 15 – 44 was recorded. Other
severe complications included hemorrhage requiring blood transfusion and pelvic infection.
A Chi square test revealed significant difference in the outcomes of unsafe abortion based
on the methods used (2 = 193, df = 30, p ˂ 0.05). Logistic regression predictions confirmed
that the outcomes depended on methods used, genital tract injury, for example, being 30%,
120% and 370% more likely to occur with use of self -inserted gadgets, self- inserted
medicine and gadgets inserted by someone else respectively as compared to hemorrhage not
requiring transfusion. It is recommended that the Ministries in charge of Health and NGOs
running programs to reduce unsafe abortion prioritizes community involvement as a way of
reducing unsafe abortion; give unsafe abortion providers capacity to counsel and refer
patients to health facilities; and that the identified drivers of unsafe abortion are addressed
Unsafe abortion is the termination of pregnancy by untrained people lacking the skill to
provide such a service; the provision of the service in conditions lacking the minimum
(WHO, 2003). For a person to qualify to be trained to provide abortion services, they need to
have basic medical or nursing qualification and to be registered to practice in their profession.
Such a person would then have to undergo specific training on how to do termination of
pregnancy. The competency to provide the services is based on guidelines that the World
Health Organization (WHO, 2003) has developed. The guidelines specify the recommended
minimum equipment and hygiene standards for the provision of safe abortion services
(WHO, 2003).
It is estimated that more than 40 million abortions occur in the world annually half of which
are unsafe and contributing to 13% of global maternal deaths (WHO, 2003). Of all the unsafe
abortions, 95% happen in the developing world where complications kill at least 68,000
women each year (FCI, 2007). It is also estimated that in many sub-Saharan African
countries, 20 to 50% of maternal deaths result from unsafe abortions (FCI, 2007).
Other than mortality, unsafe abortion is associated with high rates of morbidity. From a range
of studies, WHO estimates that 10% to 50% of women undergoing unsafe abortions in
developing countries need subsequent medical care (Info for Health, 2007). Complications
resulting from such abortions account for the largest proportion of hospital admissions for
In Kenya, there has been only one national study to estimate the incidence and consequences
of unsafe abortion. The study estimated that 300,000 abortions occur in Kenya annually with
2005). Some of these women die from serious complications and others have short and long
term sequel.
Many reasons may cause a woman to seek unsafe abortion. It is widely acknowledged that
restrictive abortion laws are a major cause (Grimes, 2007). Even where the law is liberal
however, weak health systems do contribute to lack of services (Kirigia, 2008). Community
and social factors could also be contributory. The social network in which the woman finds
herself could determine her choice for unsafe abortion. Further, providers of unsafe abortion
and their networks, by getting in-roads into the community, could influence the magnitude of
the problem. There may also be motivating factors that make these providers intensify their
Whatever the case, the consequences of unsafe abortion are a major public health problem.
To date programs have concentrated on legal, policy and service delivery improvement as a
way of responding to the problem. Little has been done to understand the social dynamics of
the problem including who the providers are, the outcomes of the procedures they undertake
and the social networks that support their services. This study therefore investigated these
background social dynamics as well as quantifying the problem and the consequences in four
Unsafe abortion remains a major public health problem globally and in Kenya (JHPIEGO,
2003; Gebreselessie, 2005). It affects the health and wellbeing of women in the reproductive
age group and is estimated to cause 20 - 50% of maternal deaths in developing countries (Gil,
2004; Rogo, 1999). With over 300,000 abortions in Kenya, high stigma and a restrictive legal
status, services are possibly unavailable in health facilities and most of the procedures could
The Kenyan abortion law is found in the new constitution section 26 as well as the Penal
Code Cap 158 to 160. The code spells out punishment for the person who provides abortion,
the woman who procures abortion, and the person who sells abortificient substances if such
actions are undertaken unlawfully. There are lawful abortions though. The new Kenyan
constitution section 26(4) as well as the Penal Code Cap 240 explain that a person is not
criminally responsible for performing in good faith and with reasonable care and skill a
surgical operation upon any person for his benefit, or upon an unborn child for the
preservation of the mother's life, if the performance of the operation is reasonable, having
regard to the patient's state at the time, and to all the circumstances of the case. The
constitution allows only qualified health professionals to undertake the procedure. This
therefore means that while some safe abortions are legal in Kenya, unsafe abortions are
illegal under all circumstances. This is because unsafe abortion providers may lack skill and
the procedures may leads to injury. The procedure cannot be justified as reasonable and
cannot be said to preserve the mother‘s life given the mortality and morbidity associated.
Despite the stiff penalties for unsafe abortion, women continue to go for the procedure and
The root causes (drivers) of unsafe abortion must be very compelling for women and unsafe
abortion providers so as to take the medical and legal risks associated with the procedure.
Further, given the stigmatized nature of unsafe abortion, there are social structures within the
community which should be working to eliminate it yet little is known about their
contribution in impacting women‘s choices for the procedure. Little is documented in Kenya
on whether social networks of the pregnant woman as well as the unsafe abortion provider
In fact very little is documented in Kenya on who the providers of unsafe abortion are and the
methods that they use. It is the methods used that result in morbidity and mortality yet little
Under the current situation, effective interventions may not be possible to develop to address
unsafe abortion. This study therefore identified drivers of unsafe abortion, defined how social
networks influence choice for unsafe abortion and showed how methods used influence
The general objective of this study was to establish drivers, decision making processes and
a) To identify drivers of unsafe abortion at health system and community levels in four
b) To determine the role of social networks in the decision making process for unsafe
c) To establish the relationship between methods used and outcomes of unsafe abortion
1. What are the drivers of unsafe abortion in the four study districts?
2. How do social networks affect women‘s decision making process to have unsafe
3. How do methods used to procure unsafe abortions relate to outcomes in the four study
a) There are no drivers of unsafe abortion in the four study districts of Siaya County.
b) Women‘s decision to have unsafe abortion is not influenced by social networks in the four
study districts.
b) There is no difference in outcomes for the methods used by unsafe abortion providers in
Unsafe abortion is a recognized cause of maternal mortality as well as short and long term
morbidity. So far, focus has been on legal change and improvement of clinical services in
tackling the problem (WHO, 2006). There seems to be a big gap on tackling the problem by
focusing on women‘s decision making processes at community level. The role of social
networks in this and how this can be used to reduce harm remains unstudied. Segmenting the
root causes and the drivers and focusing on these to limit the impact of the problem is one
area that could be used to mitigate the problem. This study therefore opens a new area of
focus on the fight to eliminate unsafe abortion and results could help programs to design new
Providers of unsafe abortion and social networks in the community may hold a lot of
knowledge on the health behavior of women with unplanned pregnancy and could be
channels of education and information to women. Further, they already have inroads into the
community and could assist in community mobilization for advocacy as well as for provision
of safe services. Yet little is known about them and the factors that motivate them. This study
endeavored to bring these aspects of unsafe abortion to the fore so that appropriate
The methods that unsafe abortion providers use are the cause of complications. By
documenting these methods and relating them to complications, important talking points can
be developed for advocating with the providers and women in the hope that they change or
In general this study opened a new aspect of the fight against unsafe abortion that has hitherto
been neglected: the community dynamics of the problem. The recommendations from the
study may provide new insights for organizations working to reduce maternal mortality from
unsafe abortion and may call for policies and laws to enhance the involvement of unsafe
Some unsafe abortion providers refused to be interviewed, fearing arrest. Others only
accepted to be interviewed by proxies known to them. A few others denied providing the
service despite being named by more than one victim of unsafe abortion. The study therefore
lacks views of the unsafe providers who were unwilling to be interviewed. They included a
herbalist, a cook in a secondary school, and a nurse who was reported to provide abortions in
her house.
Not all women with complications of unsafe abortion were captured in the study. A number
of women visiting public health facilities were missed out, some because they refused to
participate in the study but others because health workers did not record their treatment in the
hospital books. When the study started, public health facilities did not have logbooks for
collecting abortion related clinical data. Working with Kisumu Medical and Educational
Trust (Ki-MET) the study team introduced a post-abortion care (PAC) register. Not all
service providers recorded clinical data for the patients they attended to even after that. In the
process, a number of women were treated and discharged without being listed in the hospital
records and as such the study team could not capture them.
According to key informants, collecting data on abortion complications had previously led to
service providers being victimized by their seniors. When such data reached the managers at
district level, service providers were accused of terminating pregnancies leading to high
figures of post-abortion care being reported. As a result, most facilities were not keen on
recording every patient attended so as to avoid being victimized. This led to a number of
In addition, some service providers were reported as avoiding recording of patient data after
carrying out procedures to avoid stigma from colleagues. Abortion related procedures were
considered dirty and not meant for serious professionals. Sometimes patients were charged
The community was also sometimes unsupportive of abortion related services. In one health
facility, a patient with abortion complications who is a member of a nearby church was
treated. The next day, the church mobilized its congregation to demonstrate against the health
facility, condemning it for doing abortions. Because it was hard for health personnel to
explain what had happened, they kept quiet about it but developed cold feet towards treating
Study team members in public health facilities tried to capture the cases they could get when
they were physically present, especially during the day but a number of cases coming at night
were missed. Data from private health facilities were more accurate.
The use of multiple study methodologies improved the quality of information received and
reduced errors related to non-response. Further, data collectors were well trained and acted
professionally to extract the needed but sensitive information from interviewees. They were
from the study community and easily struck rapport with interviewees. Some unsafe abortion
providers were interviewed more than once to verify the authenticity of or get more
1.5.3 Assumptions
This study was done at a time when Kenya was undergoing constitutional review process in
which disagreements over abortion took centre stage. It is assumed that the charged political
and religious arguments of the time did not affect the behavior of social networks, unsafe
Just before the study started, one NGO had just introduced misoprostol for the management
of post-partum hemorrhage in the study area. Given that misoprostol is also used for
termination of pregnancy, it is assumed that its increased availability in the community at this
time did not affect the choice of methods unsafe providers of abortion used.
Women with unwanted pregnancy consider options of how to deal with their condition.
Should they find themselves in a social network that supports unsafe abortion, their decisions
could possibly be influenced and they go for unsafe abortion. Theories that have been
developed to explain health seeking behavior recognize the importance of social networks in
influencing decisions that people make in seeking health care. According to the socio-
behavioral theory or the Anderson model (Anderson and Neuman, 1975), health seeking
behavior is affected by predisposing factors, enabling factors, and need factors. Examples of
predisposing factors include previous experience, formal education and knowledge of the
illness. One of the enabling factors is the influence of the social network, the influence that
Another theory that explains health seeking behavior is the theory of reasoned action
(Campbell and Mzaidume, 2001; Ajzen, 1991). According to this theory, a person's voluntary
behavior is influenced by his/her attitude toward that behavior and his/her perception of other
people‘s expectation. The theory stipulates that, a person's intention to perform a specific
behavior is a function of two factors: attitude toward the behavior and the influence of the
social environment (general subjective norms) on the behavior. The attitude toward the
behavior is determined by the person's belief that a given outcome will occur if s(he)
performs the behavior and by an evaluation of the outcome. The social or subjective norm is
determined by a person's normative belief about what important or "significant" others think
s(he) should do and by the individual's motivation to comply with those other people's wishes
or desires.
The third theory of health seeking behavior is the pathway model (Good, 1987). According to
this theory, a person feels symptoms of a disease and this is immediately followed by seeking
advice from social contacts considered important or significant (Good, 1987). The decision
and behavior that follows is a result of what the ‗significant other‘ advises. The ‗significant
It therefore appears that social networks may play an important role in health seeking
behavior and this may be applicable to the case of unwanted pregnancy and unsafe abortion.
The network could discourage or encourage the choice for unsafe abortion services.
Given that unsafe abortion is a crime, drivers of the practice can be explained using crime
related sociological theories. At a personal level, the strain theory could explain why women
engage in unsafe abortion. According to Farnworth (1989) the strain theory is founded on the
fact that modern industrial cultures create definitions of success for which each member of a
community want to be identified. Not all members of a community can achieve the set
standards though and the perception of inability to achieve success causes personal perceived
strain that can lead to deviance and crime. Engagement in crime is seen as a way of reducing
or escaping from the strain being experienced. For example, people may engage in violence
to end harassment from others, they may steal to reduce financial problems, or they may run
away from home to escape abusive parents. They may also engage in crime to seek revenge
against those who have wronged them. And they may engage in the crime of illicit drug use
to make themselves feel better. At a personal level, therefore, it is possible that personal
The social disorganization theory could explain why the practice continues to thrive in the
community despite its illegal nature. According to Kubrin (2003), this theory explains why
crime happens in some communities and not in others. He postulates that such communities
have lost social control over its members. The communities may have high poverty levels,
may be large in size, may be high in residential mobility (people frequently move into and
out of the community), and high family disruption, e.g. high rates of divorce, widowhood and
single-parent families. These factors are said to reduce the ability or willingness of
community residents to exercise effective social control, that is, to exercise direct control,
provide young people with a stake in conformity, and socialize young people so that they
condemn delinquency and develop self-control. It is possible that a number of women who
find themselves with unwanted pregnancy may end up aborting unsafely and illegally due to
Unsafe abortion providers also play an important role in driving unsafe abortion. The interest
of the unsafe abortion providers in continuing to provide the service can be explained by the
social learning theory. As explained by Asher (2009), the theory states that people engage in
crime through their association with others. They are reinforced for crime, they learn beliefs
that are favorable to crime, and they are exposed to criminal models. As a consequence, they
come to view crime as something that is desirable or at least justifiable in certain situations.
Applied to unsafe abortion, the unsafe abortion provider may have a strong social network
with whom to associate, may get reinforcements through appreciation and gifts from the
community and may view the practice as something desirable as more women go to them to
seek services.
Social networks having influenced decisions for unsafe abortion and driving factors having
acted upon victims, the result is occurrence of unsafe abortions. The outcomes of unsafe
abortions are, however, varied. The variation is based on the methods that providers use.
Figure 1.1 below summarizes the conceptual and theoretical framework where these variables
Community -
has women Drivers of unsafe abortion at health facility
with pregnancy and community levels.
There is minimal data on abortion in Kenya and generally in Africa. Many studies on
abortion have been done in developed countries. This literature review therefore borrows
It is not known whether providers of unsafe abortion are motivated by similar factors as
providers of safe abortion. This is grossly lacking in literature. Further, the diversity of
providers of unsafe abortion is broad and includes the woman herself, traditional
midwives, nurses and physicians. Motivating factors are unlikely to be the same for these
different groups.
For providers of safe abortion, the motivations include the preservation of the life of the
mother, right to choice, prevention of maternal mortality, and autonomy of the woman in
According to the Abortion Clinic Directory (2008), physicians and other clinicians who
choose to provide abortions do so because they believe that women should have a choice.
Many older physicians remember when they saw women who were desperate with unplanned
pregnancy and sought unsafe abortions after being denied safe services. Such abortions were
performed under poor sanitary conditions, and women got infections, became infertile, or
died from complications. By being hands off, these physicians feel that they contributed to
such consequences. They believe that denying women a choice can be catastrophic.
Other providers of safe abortion want every child that is born to be born into a family that
wants a child (Griffin, 2006). Their motivation is that no child should be born into a family
where they are not wanted and cannot be cared for fully. They see this as a tragedy that must
The safety of abortion has to some extent contributed to providers‘ willingness to provide
safe services (Feminist Women‘s Centre, 2008). Today it is known that abortion is about 10
times safer than giving birth. Modern technology has also made it one of the easiest
procedures to perform. Done safely, there are no long term consequences. Hence, providers
In some countries, the law mandates health workers to provide or facilitate the provision of
safe abortion services (bpas, 2008). While some countries give no provision for refusal to
provide services, others allow providers to refuse but without the legal right to refuse to refer
a patient to another provider who does perform abortions. In addition, in circumstances where
it is not practical for the patient to make their own arrangements to see another doctor (for
example a very young patient, or an in-patient in hospital) the attending doctor must ensure
that arrangements are made, without delay, for another doctor to take over the care of the
patient. Hence, the law may be motivating for the doctor to provide abortions.
While motivations to provide safe abortions look well documented, this is not the case with
unsafe abortions. There is limited literature on the motivations of unsafe abortion providers.
It is not clear why researchers have had little interest in this area.
A social network is a social structure made up of nodes (which are generally individuals or
organizations) that are tied by one or more specific types of interdependency, such as values,
visions, ideas, financial exchange, friendship, kinship, or trade (Wasserman, 1994). For
unwanted pregnancy the point of interest for the social network may be to ensure that
abortion happens and the interdependencies may include supply of ideas, financial exchange,
referral for services, etc. The resulting structures are often very complex. What ties
information architecture, knowledge management and social network closely together is the
Social network analysis views social relationships in terms of nodes and ties. Nodes are the
individual actors within the networks, and ties are the relationships between the actors.
Examples of nodes in a social network for abortion services may be the man who caused
pregnancy, the relatives that a woman confides in, the friends that provide ideas and so on.
There can be many kinds of ties between the nodes, i.e. the specific contributions that a node
may make in the relationship. Research in a number of academic fields has shown that social
networks operate on many levels, from families up to the level of nations, and play a critical
role in determining the way problems are solved, organizations are run, and the degree to
Social network analysis is the mapping and measuring of relationships and flows between
(Borgatti, 2007). The analysis provides both a visual and a mathematical analysis of human
To understand networks and their participants, an evaluation of the location of actors in the
network is done. Measuring the network location is referred to as finding the centrality of a
node. These measures give insight into the various roles and groupings in a network, i.e. who
are the connectors, mavens, leaders, bridges, isolates, where are the clusters and who is in
them, who is in the core of the network, and who is on the periphery and so on.
The "Kite Network," (Fig 2.1 below) developed by David Krackhardt, a leading researcher in
social networks, has been used to explain principles behind social networks theory. Two
nodes are connected if they regularly talk to each other, or interact in some way, e.g. a
pregnant woman may talk regularly to the boyfriend about progress in procuring the abortion.
In the kite below, Andre regularly interacts with Carol, but not with Ike. Therefore Andre and
Carol are connected, but there is no link drawn between Andre and Ike. In the case of a
pregnant woman seeking abortion, there may be frequent interaction with the provider of
Andre Ferna
Heath Jane
Diane e
Bever Garth
Fig. 2.1: Kite network: The social network diagram (Krackhardt, 2010)
Social network researchers measure network activity for a node by using the concept of
degrees -- the number of direct connections a node has. In the kite network above, Diane has
the most direct connections in the network, making hers the most active node in the network.
She is a 'connector' or 'hub' in this network. Although common wisdom in personal networks
is "the more connections, the better," this is not always so. What really matters is where those
connections lead to and how they connect the otherwise unconnected. Here Diane has
connections only to others in her immediate cluster -- her clique. For a pregnant woman, this,
for example, can be connections to family members only. She connects only those who are
While Diane has many direct ties, Heath has few direct connections -- fewer than the average
in the network. Yet, in many ways, she has one of the best locations in the network -- she is
between two important constituencies. She plays a 'broker' role in the network. She plays a
powerful role in the network, although, she is also a single point of failure. Without her, Ike
and Jane would be cut off from information and knowledge in Diane's cluster. For a pregnant
woman, this may be the single person who knows the provider of unsafe abortion without
whom there would be no action. A node with high betweenness has great influence over what
flows and does not in a network. A node like Heath holds a lot of power over the outcomes in
a network. Hence, nothing is more important in a social network than the location of a node.
Fernando and Garth have fewer connections than Diane, yet the pattern of their direct and
indirect ties allow them to access all the nodes in the network more quickly than anyone else.
They have the shortest paths to all others -- they are close to everyone else. They are in an
excellent position to monitor the information flow in the network -- they have the best
visibility into what is happening in the network. They make important key informants. For
unsafe abortion, they carry community knowledge of what goes on and could be good
community counselors.
2.2.2 Documented roles of social networks in women’s decision making for abortion
According to a study by Colman (2009), minors nearing the age of 18 years delayed their
abortions till they crossed over to adulthood in order not to involve their parents in decision
making for abortion which is a legal requirement in Texas where the study was done. The law
in Texas requires parents to give consent for the minor to have abortion. The study suggests
that minors would rather not involve their parents in decision making to have abortion.
In another study done in the Netherlands (Loeber, 2008), it was found that the commonest
reason why women decided to have abortion was because of relationship problems. An
uncooperative man pushed the woman into opting for abortion. The study suggests that if
close social contacts (spouse, boyfriend) are not pleased with the pregnancy or the
One study in England and Wales confirmed this. Done in 2005 and involving 883 women
with second trimester abortions, one of the main reasons for finally opting to have abortion
after too much delay in decision making was because of the man‘s refusal to cooperate with
the pregnant woman (Ingham, 2008). Either the relationship broke up when the woman
reported that she was pregnant; the man refused to provide support to the woman if she opted
to carry on with pregnancy; or the man simply changed his mind about having a baby.
In South Africa it was found that women in the process of making a decision to have abortion
avoided discussions with the partner and instead talked to their women friends and their
mothers whom they perceived to be more understanding and supportive (Harries, 2007). The
man was kept in the dark in such circumstances and neither got to know about the pregnancy
nor the abortion. The man was especially avoided in such circumstances if he was known to
Medical workers have also been found to be important contacts in decision making for
abortion. Kumar et al (2004) found that women intending to do abortion sometimes went to
health workers for reassurance. The counseling done at health facility level, however, did not
make women already decided on having abortion change their minds. Contact with health
workers as part of the decision making process therefore seemed to be aimed at getting more
There are two aspects to unsafe abortion: skill of the provider and the environment of service
provision including equipment and hygiene of the place (WHO, 2006). One or both of these
two aspects are found to be inadequate for the abortion to be defined as unsafe. As such, there
are two aspects to the outcome of unsafe abortion – skill of the person providing it and the
South Africa (2004), a medical practitioner or a midwife who has undergone training on
Dickson-Tetteh (2000) in twenty seven health facilities in South Africa to evaluate provision
of abortion services by midwives following the implementation of the Act concluded that
The Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (2006), however, specifies the role of
care and assisting the doctor in doing abortion surgical procedures. Nurses and midwives are
According to WHO (2008), most developed countries still require that gynaecologists carry
out abortions, yet this is not necessary, particularly for abortions performed under 14 weeks
of pregnancy, given that the skills needed have been greatly simplified and that the rate of
complications is low. As such, WHO recommends that with appropriate training, nurse–
midwives or those with comparable training would be the most appropriate abortion
According to Hyman and Castleman (2005), training on abortion should include reproductive
rights; community linkages; abortion pain management and medication abortion. It should
The National Abortion Federation, USA, (2007) has developed a curriculum for training
physician assistants and nurses on abortion care. The curriculum covers topics on pregnancy
verification and estimation; counseling and informed consent; selection of appropriate uterine
and evaluation.
The WHO Technical and Policy Guidance on abortion (2003) has listed topics of importance
in abortion care. These are not very different from the other curricula already highlighted and
include: exposition on unsafe abortion as a public health problem; all aspects of clinical
evaluation for a patient asking for abortion – history, clinical examination, laboratory tests;
infection prevention; uterine evacuation methods; and pain management. Other topics
covered include: how to set up clinical services; creating an enabling environment for
abortion services; and monitoring and evaluating abortion services. Legal and policy
considerations, which are country dependent, are also included in the guidance document.
In Kenya, until the new constitution came to being on 27th of August 2010, termination of
pregnancy was allowed to save the life of the mother (Ogutu, 2001). The new constitution
allows abortion in cases of emergency, to save life and to protect health of the woman or as
may be allowed by any other law. The Kenya Medical Practitioners and Dentists Board,
under the old constitution, stipulated that abortions could only be done by a medical
practitioner after consultation with two senior colleagues. The current constitution requires a
single trained health professional to take the decision. The Ministry of Health will be
developing further guidelines on provision of abortion services based on the new constitution.
In summary, the current legal dispensation on abortion allows trained health professionals -
addition to these basic professional qualifications, they need to have undergone a specific
training in abortion care. Many curricular exist for training in abortion but the Ministry of
Health is yet to come up with a Kenyan specific curriculum. Appendix 3 summarizes the
Unsafe abortion is carried out by people of varying backgrounds and skills. In one study done
in South Africa, Jewkes (2005) found that two-thirds of women with incomplete abortion
seeking care in public hospitals had self-induced or had consulted a traditional healer for
pregnancy termination. According to most of these women, self induction of abortion was a
‗natural‘ response to a health problem (unwanted pregnancy). The rest of the women had
received treatment from a doctor, nurse, or pharmacist. These service providers administered
Misoprostol, a drug that causes abortion, without following the recommended protocols and
In a study done in Western and Nyanza provinces of Kenya, Rogo, (1999) found providers of
abortion to include the pregnant women themselves, community based distributors (CBD),
nurses, clinical officers and physicians. The study did not, however, classify the providers
In another study done in Kaduna State, Nigeria, Adebiyi (2006) found that 5.4% of women
presenting with pelvic abscess after unsafe abortion had received abortion care from
traditional healers. Another 32% had received care from pharmacy attendants. The rest had
been treated by staff in clinics and hospitals with little or no knowledge of medicine
(Adebiyi, 2006).
Sing (2005) has found almost a similar list of unsafe abortion providers in Uganda. In a study
to determine the incidence of induced abortions in Uganda, he found that women with
complications had procedures carried out by trained providers who had little experience. In
addition, a substantial proportion of abortions leading to complications had been carried out
by informal and untrained providers, mainly traditional healers, lay practitioners, pharmacy
Studies have shown that self-induced abortions pose the greatest risk of complications
(Abortion Tips.Com, 2008). Methods used by women, who in most cases lack any knowledge
miscarriage; abdominal massage; receiving blows to the abdominal area which can be self
Other methods of self induced abortions include attempted removal of the fetus with a coat-
hanger or similar devices inserted into the uterus through the vagina; attempted piercing of
the fetus with a knitting needle or similar device inserted into the uterus through the vagina
show that most women who self induce abortions have very little or no knowledge and skill
of terminating a pregnancy.
An observation made by Education for Choice, an NGO that sensitizes women on abortion
issues, is that some people resort to inflicting physical abuse including falling down the stairs,
blows to the belly, jumping from heights, etc when they cannot find any other way in which
to end an unwanted pregnancy. This, the organization says, is extremely risky for the woman
Another group of abortion providers whose work leads to severe complications is the
practitioners were found to insert tubers and other foreign objects into the uterus (Ahmed,
1998). It was concluded that the work of some traditional practitioners in abortion care could
lead to life threatening complications. The skills of some traditional abortion providers may
therefore be in doubt.
Another group that has been associated with unsafe abortion is traditional birth attendants
whatever training they may have undergone, are not categorized as skilled health workers.
In summary, unsafe abortion providers can be categorized into medical workers with little
training; traditional birth attendants; traditional healers; and the pregnant women themselves.
2.3.3 Recommended infrastructure, equipment and sanitary standards for abortion services
Other than inadequate skills, abortions become unsafe because they have been performed in
WHO (2003).
The recommended infrastructure for clinics providing abortion services appears in many
statutes that regulate this service. According to the regulations of Florida State, USA (2008),
the infrastructure for clinics providing first trimester abortions is different from those
Regulations of the City of Modesto, USA, explain infrastructural requirements for first
trimester abortions. A clinic providing abortion, according to these regulations, should have
basic requirements for any medical clinic. In addition, such a clinic should have a post-
procedure recovery room with a bed and curtains to ensure privacy, each bed space being 60
square feet. Pre-procedure and post-procedure counseling rooms both of which should be at
least 60 sq feet are also necessary. There should also be a room for patients to keep their
The regulations of South Carolina State (2008) expound further on these requirements to
include resuscitation equipment, emergency drugs, clock with a sweep second hand, sterile
suturing equipment and supplies, adjustable examination light, containers for soiled linen and
materials with lids, refrigerators and equipment for administering general anesthesia if called
for. Also required is a bed/recliner for recovery, oxygen with flow meters and oxygen
Clinics performing second trimester abortions have more requirements. According to Florida
State regulations, these include consultation room(s) with adequate private space specifically
designated for interviewing, counseling, and medical evaluations; dressing rooms designated
for staff and patients; handwashing station(s) equipped with a mixing valve and wrist blades
and located in each patient exam/procedure room or area; and private procedure room(s) with
Other requirements include post procedure recovery room(s) equipped to meet the patient‘s
needs; emergency exits wide enough to accommodate a standard stretcher or gurney; cleaning
and sterilizing area(s) adequate for the cleaning and sterilizing of instruments; adequate and
secure storage area(s) for the storage of medical records and necessary equipment and
supplies; and at least one general use toilet room equipped with a hand washing station.
The statutes seem to be at great variance with WHO recommendations. With the advent of
manual vacuum aspiration (MVA), first trimester abortions are classified as outpatient
procedure with no need for general anaesthesia. The requirements for providing both first and
second trimester abortions include MVA instruments, pain medication, local anaesthetics and
anti-anxiety drugs. The required instruments are the simple instruments used in pelvic
According to WHO (2003), some laboratory tests may be desirable but none is mandatory for
a woman asking for abortion. Ultrasound scanning is not necessary unless ectopic pregnancy
is suspected. General anaesthesia is not recommended. In fact WHO views some of the
Sanitary Standards
All the statutes prescribe strict sanitary standards for abortion clinics. The Choice on
termination of Pregnancy Act of South Africa (National Progressive Primary Health Care
Network, 1997) states that such a clinic must have sterilizing equipment of appropriate type
and of adequate capacity to properly sterilize instruments and materials. The sterilizing
According to Arizona State Legislature (2007), an abortion clinic must have a designated area
for pre-procedure hand washing. It is also mandatory for such a clinic to have appropriate
lavatory areas. The clinic should have areas for cleaning and sterilizing instruments.
Kentucky (2008). According to these regulations, sharp wastes, including needles, scalpels,
razors, or other sharp instruments used for patient care procedures, shall be segregated from
other wastes and placed in puncture resistant containers immediately after use. Needles
disposal. The containers of sharp wastes shall either be incinerated on or off site, or be
rendered nonhazardous.
On disposable wastes, the Kentucky laws stipulate that they shall be placed in suitable bags
or closed containers so as to prevent leakage or spillage, and shall be handled, stored, and
disposed of in such a way as to minimize direct exposure of personnel to waste materials. The
abortion facility shall establish specific written policies regarding handling and disposal of all
wastes. Pathological waste, such as tissues, organs, body parts, and bodily fluids, shall be
The following wastes, according to the law of Kentucky State, shall be disposed of by
to sanitary sewer: blood, blood specimens, used blood tubes, or blood products.
Instruments that come in touch with patients raw tissues are at the greatest risk of
transmitting pelvic infection. Proper processing of these instruments is therefore key to safety
of abortion. The National Abortion Federation (2004) has developed a guide on how to
process these instruments for safety, starting with disassembling the instruments, soaking
them in chlorine, washing with soap, rinsing with clean water, drying them and finally
According to WHO (2003), the basic requirements for clinics providing abortions include
It is recommended that all medical workers strictly adhere to universal precautions as a way
of protecting themselves and their patients during abortion procedures (WHO, 2003).
Medical workers should wash their hands thoroughly before coming into contact with
patients. Barriers such as gloves, goggles, gowns and boots should be used if contact with
patient‘s body fluids is expected. Clinic walls, floors, beds, toilets and linen and disinfected.
other forms of manipulation be avoided. Instead the sharps should be disposed of in puncture
The WHO (2003) recommendations on processing of equipment for abortion care are quite
decontaminated immediately after use ideally by washing with soap and water. This is then
From the foregoing, there is no doubt that strict aseptic conditions are recommended in
abortion related care. This ranges from hand washing, use of protective barriers, safe disposal
of wastes and appropriate processing of equipment. Clinics providing abortion should have
infrastructure, equipment and supplies that support the recommended sanitary conditions.
More is known today about the epidemiology of safely induced abortion in countries where
the service is legal than any other operation (Grimes, 2003). In contrast, huge gaps persist in
the understanding of the incidence, conditions under which care is given, morbidity and
mortality of unsafe abortion especially in countries with laws that restrict abortion such as
Kenya. Because of stigma or fear of legal reprisals, unsafe abortions are grossly under-
reported and under-studied and the complications thereafter are often concealed or attributed
Morbidity and mortality from unsafe abortions, however, vary according to conditions under
which the abortion is performed in addition to other factors such as the procedure adopted,
the skill of the person performing it, the stage of gestation, and health and parity of the
woman (Kapilashrami, 2007). These variables explain why mortality ratio due to unsafe
abortions ranges from 1 to 3.5 per 100,000 abortions in the developed countries. In India, the
mortality is reported to be 7.8 per 1000 random abortions. These ratios could be higher in
parts of Africa where unsafe abortions are performed in severely unhygienic conditions
(Kapilashrami, 2007).
Unsafe abortions happen inside as well as outside of health facilities (Grimes, 2003). In
health facilities, abortion providers vary widely in quality of their service provision. Even
where abortion is legal and supposed to be safe, providers may be limited in skill. Many
clinicians have little training in induced abortion. Experience with spontaneous abortion,
where the cervix is often dilated, is common but that with induced abortion is limited. It is
known that many clinicians continue to use obsolete instruments, such as the metal curette.
The little that is known of the conditions under which unsafe abortions are performed outside
of the health facilities show that the conditions do not respect any standards recommended in
following unsafe abortion, Agarwal (2007) describe deplorable conditions under which
unsafe abortions were performed. In one case a patient had infection following placement of
a wooden ―abortion stick‖ in the cervical canal to induce termination of pregnancy. The
abortion stick may have been a wooden or bamboo twig, or a piece of an irritant plant such as
madar (Calotropis) or chitra (Plumbago zeylanica). These sticks are soaked in an irritant
solution (eg, marking nut juice; paste from white arsenic, lead, or asafoetida), or may act by
themselves as abortifacients.
According to the Alan Guttmacher Institute (1999), women who want to terminate a
pregnancy in countries with restricted law and poor access to services start with a homemade
or locally purchased remedy. The home therefore seems to be a main location for unsafe
abortion. Women then follow this up with visits to health facilities and chemists as
A study by the Ministry of Health and its partners in Nepal (Ministry of Health, Nepal, 1999)
show that providers of unsafe abortion like inserting foreign bodies into the cervix. A nurse
working in a health post was found to insert a catheter in the cervix for days; a traditional
birth attendant inserted a stick coated with unknown medicine; and a village provider inserted
a tube full of herbal medicine. All the patients ended up with severe complications.
Sing (2005) has described how unsafe abortions are performed in Uganda. In health facilities,
physicians were found to favor dilation and curettage over vacuum aspiration and medical
abortion which are recommended by the WHO. Most informal providers in urban areas were
thought to use hormonal drugs or rubber catheters, and many providers in rural areas, as well
as women who induce their own abortions, were found to use herbs and sharp objects such as
In summary, little is known about the conditions under which unsafe abortions are performed.
The available literature however classifies these into conditions inside of health facilities and
those outside. In both cases, the conditions go against those recommended in various statutes
as well as by WHO.
From this review of literature, motivations to provide safe abortions are well documented.
This is however not the case with motivations to provide unsafe abortions as literature is
Social networks may play a role in influencing the woman‘s choice to have unsafe abortion.
This is supported by theories of health seeking behavior and real life examples from research.
Literature also shows that only trained health professionals are allowed to provide abortion in
Kenya. This only came into being with enactment of a new constitution. Earlier on only
doctors could provide the service even though WHO recommendation has always been that
nurses, midwives and other mid-level providers be allowed to provide the service. In addition
to the basic professional qualifications, abortion providers need to have undergone a specific
Unsafe abortion providers can be medical workers (doctors, nurses, etc); pharmacy staff;
workers in health institutions with no medical training; traditional birth attendants; traditional
As far as conditions under which unsafe abortions are performed is concerned, very little is
found in literature. The available information however classifies these into conditions inside
or outside of health facilities. In both cases, the conditions go against those recommended in
3.1 Introduction
This chapter details the methodological approaches used in the study. Given the sensitivity of
the topic, a mixture of approaches was used. Information was also solicited from a variety of
audiences. The next sub-sections describe the details of the methodologies used.
ii) Case studies – women with typical signs and symptoms of unsafe abortion and/or
incident is arrived at. The technique was used to investigate maternal deaths arising
iv) Key informant interviews with community health workers, pharmacy workers,
v) Focus group discussions with community health workers from each division.
vi) Social network analysis – using information from focus group discussions, key
informants, case studies and the Rashomon technique, the inter-relationships that lead
to and support unsafe abortion were identified. Determined in the analysis were lines
of communication, lines of referral, sources of advice on unsafe abortion, and the flow
of gains that maintain the social network that promotes unsafe abortion.
Table 3.1 in the next page shows the sources of data, methods used in data collection, and the
data collected:
3.3 Variables
unsafe abortion
The study was carried out in Ugenya, Ugunja, Gem and Siaya Districts of Siaya County in
the southwestern part of Kenya. At the beginning of the study the district was one – Siaya but
midway through it was divided into four. The districts are bordered by Busia Districts to the
North, Vihiga and Butere/Mumias Districts to the North-East, and Bondo District to the
South. The Districts lie between latitude 0° 26‘ to 0° 18‘ north and longitude 33° 58‘ east and
34° 33‘ west (Republic of Kenya, 2002). The Districts are divided into seven administrative
Table 3.2: Administrative divisions of ugenya, Ugunja, Gem and Siaya Districts
Figure 3.1 in the next page is the map of the study area:
Figure 3.1: Map of Study Area Showing Divisions of Ugenya, Ugunja, Gem and Siaya
International Community for the Relief of Starvation and Suffering (2008) reports the study
districts to be exclusively occupied by the Luo community. The population studied came
from the catchment areas of the health facilities made up of 221,986 people and distributed as
Total 221,986
The study had four categories of participants, women with complications of unsafe abortion
seeking treatment from sampled health facilities; unsafe abortion providers; key informants
and focus group discussants. There were criteria for selecting participants for each category
as follows:
i) Women presenting with complications of induced unsafe abortion at any gestational age
in the sampled health facilities were included in the study if they fulfilled the following
Other considerations for induced abortion for inclusion into the study included:
Unsafe abortion providers were included in the study only if they were mentioned by more
than one survivor of unsafe abortion. This guarded against the remote risk of untruths by
patients as well as the risk of an unsafe provider associating the research with any specific
Except for one male herbalist, all the unsafe abortion providers identified and interviewed
were females. In fact the male herbalist was not from the local community – he was a Maasai
selling herbs in a local market. The rest of the unsafe abortion providers identified by women
undergoing unsafe abortion were women. It would generally appear that unsafe abortion
providers from the Luo community in the two districts are females. The unsafe abortion
providers offered a number of health services in the community and abortion was just one of
them. The table below summarizes the types of providers who accepted face to face
Herbalists 4
Two other unsafe abortion providers refused face to face interviews, only accepting
interviews through proxies who were known to them. One was a cook in a boarding school
Two unsafe abortion providers were mentioned by patients and key informants but denied
providing the service. They were a nurse and a pharmacy worker. They were therefore not
ii) Women with typical features of induced unsafe abortion and who confessed that they had
undergone the procedure underwent a case study for social network analysis to determine
iii) Women dying from unsafe abortion in the study sites in the duration of the study were
iv) Key informant interviewees were selected on the basis of their knowledge, contact and/or
relationship with survivors of unsafe abortion. Table 3.6 summarizes the details of the
Clinical officers 3
Nurses 4
Pharmacy workers 1
Cultural leaders 2
v) Community health workers from each of the four divisions of study were interviewed in a
Gebreselessie, (2005).
Ugenya, Ugunja, Gem and Siaya Districts were purposively sampled for the study because
they have some of the highest maternal mortality ratios in Kenya (KDHS, 2003). The
Districts were sub-divided into their seven divisions. The urban divisions that host the
Districts headquarters (Karemo and Ugunja Divisions) and two rural divisions with the
highest numbers of cases of post abortion care (Ukwala and Yala) were purposively sampled.
In each urban division sampled, one public and one private health facility with the highest
cases of post abortion care participated in the study. In the rural divisions, one facility seeing
the highest number of post abortion care cases was sampled. In Yala this was a public health
facility (Yala sub-district hospital) and in Ukwala it was a private facility (Sega Cottage
hospital). The following table summarizes the health facilities in which the studies were
Paula N/H 54
Total 320
Because not many patients met the inclusion criteria, all patients meeting the inclusion
The unsafe abortion providers were identified by patients, community health workers, key
unsafe abortion providers was done up to the point of saturation. At the end of it, 16
providers were identified, 12 accepted face to face interviews, two accepted interviews
As for case studies, 8 women with most obvious signs of induced unsafe abortion or those
confessing having undergone the procedure were purposively sampled. Two women per
division underwent case studies. One woman who died of complications of unsafe abortion in
the thirteen months of data collection was studied using the Rashomon technique.
Snowballing was used to identify participants for interview during the case study and the
Rashomon technique. Social network analysis has been done using results of the case study
and the Rashomon technique. The population in the division formed the census population for
the network analysis while the divisional boundary marked the network boundary.
Key informants who underwent in-depth interviews were purposively sampled from each
division and included those who hold indigenous knowledge in the community, key opinion
leaders, those who take care of the girl child‘s welfare (school teachers), as well as
attendants (TBAs), community health workers, herbalists, pharmacy workers, nurses and
clinical officers.
The sample size for patients interviewed for the cross-sectional survey was calculated
n = Z 2 pq D
i.e. those who have had unsafe abortion (not known in this case).
o q = 1-p
Because the population of women admitted to hospital after unsafe abortion in a year in the
two districts is less than 10,000 (estimated at 20,000 for public health facilities in the 200
districts at the time, hence, averagely 100 women per district; 200 for the two districts), the
correction factor for the sample size was used as shown for nf
nf = n
= 770/1+ (770/200)
= 159
Because private health facilities were included in the study and it is estimated that 50% of
SRH services are normally provided by the private health facilities (Kenya Service Provision
Assessment Survey, 2004), this figure was doubled to take care of the private facilities
As part of the cross-sectional survey, women identified unsafe abortion providers in the
community who terminated their pregnancies. A census was done of providers identified by
Study instruments were constructed for each of the study designs and in response to every
objective as follows:
Cross-sectional survey – variables relevant to each objective were listed. For each
variable a set of relevant questions were developed. Possible answers for each
question were developed and listed as choices. A logical sequence was then
The rest of the methodologies being qualitative (see section 3.2 above) guide, open
ended questions were developed in line with each objective and with each variable to
be studied. The questions were then listed a logical sequence forming interview
Following training for research assistants, each of them was given the questionnaires for
testing in the health facilities and in the community. Each had a chance to administer the
questionnaires and qualitative research study guides. A review meeting was held with all
research assistants for feedback. Further clarifications were made on the questionnaires. A
few questions were reworded to bring out the meanings more clearly.
Cross-sectional survey data was collected through face to face interviews using structured
Case studies were done through interviews with the service providers who were treating the
patient, interviewing the patient, and interviewing contacts of the patient for whom the
Key informant interviews and FGDs were conducted using guide tools. Given the sensitivity
of the subject, some key informants, especially unsafe abortion providers preferred not to
have the interviews recorded. They however allowed repeat interviews to clarify points that
Using a data collection sheet, baseline data on the infrastructure, supplies and services for
Nominal and ordinal variables such as sex of the patient, marital status, and type of provider
were coded with easily recognizable symbols, e.g. M for male, F for female, etc. Interval and
ratio scale variables, including age of the patient, age of the provider, and cost of services
were coded using numbers. The coded quantitative data were entered in to SPSS.
After entering data into SPSS, it was cleaned up. This involved confirming that right codes
had been used for every variable, that all variables were falling within the expected range,
and that there were no erroneous outliers. Doubted figures were counterchecked with original
Cross-tabulation was used as a first step in exploring the relationship between variables. This
was followed by statistical tests to find out the significance of the relationships. Chi square
The magnitude of unsafe abortion has been calculated by adding up cases collected over the
13 months, getting average for 12 months, relating this to the catchment area of the study
sites and using a multiplier to calculate to include women who did not go to health facilities
Abortion case fatality rate has been calculated by dividing the number of deaths resulting
from abortion by the cases of the condition. Deaths identified in the health facilities as well as
Qualitative data has been organized using NVivo software. Data from case studies and
Generally for qualitative data, field notes were read repeatedly; audio recordings (where
applicable) were also played repeatedly so as to familiarize with the content and audio
content used to update field notes. The data was then organized according to the study
For each objective, the data was coded into themes and the themes graded from the most
common to the least common. Patterns arising from the themes were identified. This
qualitative data has been used to enrich the results for each objective. The summary of the
analysis has been presented in a narrative form and dominant themes presented verbatim.
This study was conducted in compliance with the principles of the Declaration of Helsinki
(World Medical Assembly, 1983). The protocol was approved by the ethical committee of
Kenyatta University and the Ministry of Education according to the requirements of the
As per the requirements of the Declaration, inherent risks to the patients were assessed and
found to be negligible – patient autonomy and privacy were maintained and any information
shared with patients was not divulged to the community or to the police. Because the study
targeted unsafe abortion providers that had been identified by more than one patient, it was
not possible for the provider to link the source of information to any patient.
The Declaration of Helsinki also requires that consent be obtained from the patient after the
patient is informed of all the aspects of the study including risks. This principle was adhered
to. Refusal by a patient to participate in the study did not compromise the care given by
medical personnel.
Among other requirements, the Declaration demands that studies involving human subjects
must carry inherent benefits that outweigh the risks. This study will contribute to program
work aimed at reducing maternal mortality and morbidity resulting from unsafe abortion. It is
Other than the welfare and respect for the patient, the study respected the privacy and
autonomy of the unsafe abortion providers, key informants and focus group discussants. The
knowledge obtained will not be used for prosecution but for the improvement of program
Any indigenous knowledge gained by interacting with the community either through unsafe
The results are arranged according to the objectives. The first section however gives
characteristics of study participants as well as the study sites (health facilities) where
participants came from. In addition, the magnitude of unsafe abortion in the study area is
discussed in the first section. Results of objectives 1, 2 and 3 are discussed in sections 4.3, 4.4
a) Age of patients
Young women were disproportionately affected by unsafe abortion. Out of the 320 patients
interviewed, 110 (34.4%) were below the age of 18 years and another 133 (41.6%) between
18 and 24 years. Hence, 76% were between 10 and 24 years old. This is demonstrated in
figure 4.1:
The majority of patients (62.2%; N =199) were nulliparous (never been pregnant before). As
parity increased, the number of women aborting unsafely tended to reduce so that 17.2%,
8.4%, 9.2%, and 2.5% had 1, 2, 3 and 4 children respectively. Seventeen patients had had a
previous miscarriage. Four others had had previous pregnancy terminations and were having
c) Gestation
Over three quarters of the pregnancies being terminated (85%; N = 272) were in the first
trimester. Table 4.1 below shows the distribution of gestational ages across the study sites
(health facilities):
There was a significant difference in the gestational ages distributions across health facilities
(2 = 40.19; df = 5; p ˂ 0.05). The difference arose from Sega Cottage Hospital where
women had more second trimester abortions compared to Yala, Paula and Uzima clinics.
Sega borders Busia District and contamination from the district could have been the source of
the difference.
The commonest type of abortion at admission was incomplete abortion (87.5%) followed by
septic abortion (8.8%), complete abortion (2.2%) and missed abortion (1.6%).
All patients had vaginal bleeding at the time of admission to hospital. In addition, tenderness
both in the supra pubis and adnexia was a common finding at admission. Table 4.2
Over half of the patients (60%) had pregnancy tests on realizing that they could be pregnant.
The rest used pregnancy symptoms to diagnose pregnancy including missing monthly periods
The majority of women (84.1%) who had unsafe abortions did not desire the pregnancy from
the start. Only 2.2% had desired the pregnancy while the rest (13.8%) were not sure as shown
Hence, it is notable that although unsafe abortion did happen among women who did not
desire to be pregnant, it occasionally occurred in those who either desired or were unsure
Desire for pregnancy did not depend on the age of the woman (2 = 7.26; df = 4; p = 0.12) as
Pregnancy Desired
Age of Patient
in Years Yes or
Unsure No Total
n % n % n %
10-18 20 6 90 28 110 34
19-24 17 5 116 37 133 42
25-30 6 2 46 14 52 16
31-35 6 2 14 4 20 6
Above 35 2 1 3 1 5 2
Total 51 16 269 84 320 100
The distribution of patients between the public and private facilities was almost equal (I64 for
public and 156 for private facilities). Of the public health facilities, Yala Sub-District hospital
had the highest number of cases (95) while among the private Sega Cottage Hospital was
Most unsafe abortions happened in the month of December (12.2% of all cases). It also
appeared that the months following school holidays (May and September) had relatively high
Fig 4.2: Monthly distribution of unsafe abortion cases seen in health facilities
The average population under study derived from the catchment population of the health
The number of women treated in the health facilities due to unsafe abortion in the 13 months
of data collection was 320. This is averagely 296 (320/13 X 12) women per year.
Key informants, community health workers and unsafe abortion providers indicated that 30%
or less of women having unsafe abortion in the community seek further care in health
facilities. This figure does not differ from the known rate of hospital based deliveries for the
area which mirrors the proportion of women who would seek care following abortion
(Nangendo (2006); Ouma (2010)). Using this average therefore, the annual total number of
This figure can be used to calculate the unsafe abortion rate in the catchment population. The
unsafe abortion rate is the number of unsafely induced abortions per 1000 women aged 15 to
Number of abortions ×1000 ÷ the female population aged between 15 and 44 years.
As discussed in section 4.2, this figure is unacceptably high compared to rates in developed
4.2: Objective 1: Drivers of Unsafe Abortion at Health System and Community Levels
The area of study has a total of 34 level 3 and level 4 health facilities and these qualify to
provide abortion related services. Only 15 (44%) of these facilities however reported
providing at least one post-abortion care service in three months leading to the study. The
other facilities did not have the service and referred patients.
a) Basic infrastructure and equipment for the provision of post-abortion care (PAC) and
The health facilities reporting provision of services were further assessed. In order to
establish their capacity to offer PAC and TOP to women in need, a standard check list was
used. The 15 health facilities were all assessed. The assessment looked at: 1) Existence of a
room for doing the manual vacuum aspiration (MVA) procedure with provision for
counseling 2) availability of a procedure couch and lamp and functioning MVA equipment;
and 3) a register for recording procedures. Overall, none of the sites had everything required
for a standard MVA procedure. Statistically there was no significant difference between the
public and private health facilities as far as adequacy of infrastructure and equipment was
Table 4.6: Availability of basic infrastructure and equipment for the provision of
Public 27 40 13 13 13
Private 7 20 13 20 13
Total 34 60 26 33 26
It was found that 110 of the 145 (76%) health workers eligible to provide PAC were willing
to provide the service. However only 21 out of the 145 (14.5%) were willing to provide safe
abortion. Those willing to provide the service were either at the district or sub-district
hospital level or in private health facilities. Incidentally, health centres, which are the most
accessible and provide most of the maternal health services, had no service providers willing
Public 74 12
Private 2 2
Total 76 14
Out of the 18 service providers in the public health facilities that were willing to provide safe
abortion, only 5 indicated that they were competent to provide the services while all the
providers in the private sector who were willing to provide also indicated that they were
Public 24 3
Private 2 2
Total 26 5
Importantly to note therefore, only 38 out of 145 (26%) and 5 out of 145 (5.5%) of all eligible
health workers could provide PAC and TOP services respectively. There was a difference
between the public and private health facilities, the public ones being more affected by lack
of competence for this service than the private (2 = 5.5; df = 1; p ˂ 0.05). This is despite the
fact that private health facilities have profits as their bottom line and not many women in
The reasons why health workers were unwilling to provide TOP were mostly to avoid being
in conflict with the law and SDP administration. There were also issues around competence,
professional image in the community and personal values. These are summarized in table 4.9
While most unwanted pregnancies and unsafe abortions occurred among young people, none
of the public health facilities had youth friendly services. Only one private clinic had made
Further, none of the SDPs had all methods of contraception at the time of the study. All SDPs
reported irregular contraceptive commodity supplies sometimes making women to drop out
Public 0 0 80 0
Private 2 0 20 0
Total 2 0 100 0
None of the clinics had a community component of the family planning and unwanted
pregnancy prevention program – funding for this was reported to have been stopped some
time back.
Health system drivers for unsafe abortion can therefore be summarized as inadequate
infrastructure and supplies for performing safe abortions, inadequate health workers who are
willing and competent to provide safe abortion services, and inadequate preventive strategies
for unwanted pregnancies within health facilities as shown in table 4.11 below:
Women gave varying reasons to account for their actions. Table 4.12 summarizes the
Being in school or college was the reason most frequently mentioned by women (25.7%).
According to key informants, peer pressure as well as lack of basic needs make school girls
engage in sex which results in pregnancy as noted by a community health worker below:
“Most girls lack money for lunch while at school. Some have no money to buy pads. Yet they
want to be like their richer classmates. They easily give in to men’s demands for sex when
promised money. It is a big problem because most of our people are poor.” Source: CHW
For some poor parents, this was said to be an avenue for earning a living as the men gave
them money.
“Parents know when their children are having affairs with teachers or other men but do
nothing about it. Some actually encourage their daughters to continue. They see this as a way
of the girl getting a responsible man to marry and supporting the family.” Source: counseling
teacher, Yala
When pregnancy results from these relationships, the girl is under pressure to abort because
there are no social systems of support for her. Further, they do not have economic means to
continue with pregnancy, delivery and baby care. This fact was stressed by unsafe abortion
“When a woman or a girl has unwanted pregnancy, she stops thinking about anything else
except her future and the future of the child to be born. When they realize that social support
will not be forthcoming and they have no economic means to carry on with pregnancy they
decide to abort. Once they have decided you cannot stop them. It is a matter of life and death
for them. They would rather die than have the pregnancy. They can do anything. You just
have to help them abort. Unwanted pregnancy is very stressful.” Source: TBA unsafe
provider of abortion.
The face of poverty as a driver of unsafe abortion is therefore multipronged, making girls
give in to sex for basic needs, making parents tolerate this behavior for material gain and
making a pregnant girl with a bleak future resort to whatever means to terminate the
Most of the girls are single but end up having sex with married men because they are the ones
with money. This however compounds the problem as the man will want to protect himself
Key informants indicated that in some instances, parents are too harsh and unapproachable
when pregnancy occurs. Fathers were said to be especially bad. At least two fathers were
reported to have involved the police in the course of the study when they discovered that their
daughters were aborting. In one case the girl ran away from home while still sick and ended
up dying. In cases where the mother of the child got to know about the pregnancy in good
time she helped the girl to abort without the knowledge of the man. Other than poverty,
therefore, lack of coping mechanisms between parents and their daughters is a driver of
unsafe abortion.
Culture was also found to be a driver for unsafe abortion, for example conceiving while still
breastfeeding was not culturally acceptable in this community. The cultural belief behind this
was that if a pregnant woman breastfed, the baby was likely to die. Culturally such women
had to stop breastfeeding to continue with pregnancy or have abortion to continue with
breastfeeding, especially if the baby was too young. Options for abortion in this community
Another cultural reason for abortion was goyo dala or starting a new home. At some point a
married man was expected to move from his father‘s home and build his own home. There
was an elaborate culture to follow for this including the man and the first born son spending a
night in the site of the proposed homestead, slaughtering a cock the next day when a new
structure (temporary house) would be erected, and the man and the wife opening the new
Opening the new home meant that the man had sex with the wife in the new home for the
first time. The woman was not supposed be pregnant at such a time. According to a cultural
leader, failure to follow the steps for goyo dala was a serious breach of culture and this had
caused many men and women to die. In this community serious breaches of culture were
believed to result in mysterious deaths. If a woman got pregnant just before goyo dala,
abortion had to happen or the family had to wait for the delivery to happen then wait for
another one year before proceeding. Unsafe abortion providers reported performing abortions
on such women, the decisions having been arrived at after family consultations.
“Recently I had a married woman asking for abortion. She was sent to me by her husband.
The man was to build a new home. Culture does not allow a new home to be put up when the
woman is pregnant. They had no choice but to have the abortion or wait for very long before
building the new home. I provided the abortion successfully.” Source: CHW unsafe abortion
provider, Siaya.
Widows also faced a cultural challenge when they got pregnant. Culturally widows were
supposed to be inherited. Sex would then take place within this second marriage setting.
With the advent of HIV, more women were opting not to be inherited. According to a cultural
leader, this meant that they were not supposed to have sex. It was also reported that wife
inheritors were no longer the responsible relatives of the dead man. Because wife inheritance
has an aspect of cleansing, a cultural leader from Sega said that sometimes women just
allowed any mad man to have sex with them so that they were cleansed. The first sexual
activity after the death of the man cleansed the widow of dirt associated with death.
Sometimes widows conceived from the cleansing activities. Some also opted not to be
inherited but had secret relationships with other men. When pregnancy resulted such widows
had no choice but to abort. Sometimes it was the close relatives of the woman who forced her
to abort to avoid shaming the family as depicted by one unsafe abortion provider:
“Widows also do abortions. In one case I had, the widow had children supported in primary
and secondary schools by one NGO. It is a poor family. She conceived from an affair with a
secret boyfriend. When her children discovered this, they told her off and said they would
never accept such a thing. She was so embarrassed. She did not have money. I found her
waiting at my door with a cock. I took the cock and helped her. She was so relieved to abort.”
For most cultural problems requiring abortion, the decision for abortion was made by close
relatives of the woman and the woman had to go by the choice of the family.
Relationship problems were also given as a cause for unsafe abortion. Women worried that
Over 95% of women consulted with their social contacts before terminating their pregnancies
unsafely. A wide variety of people were consulted by the pregnant woman including the man
who caused pregnancy, the woman‘s mother, sister, and friend among others. In 92% of the
time, the woman was advised to terminate the pregnancy. Table 4.13 shows these findings:
Table 4.13: Summary of Advisex from People the Pregnant Women Undergoing Unsafe
Abortion Talked to:
Person talked to Advice from the person on what to do with the pregnancy
Sister 30 0 0 0 30
Mother 66 3 0 0 69
Father 2 0 0 0 2
Teacher 0 0 0 0 0
Health worker 30 2 10 0 42
Other persons 22 1 4 0 27
Women reported that the reasons why their social contacts advised on abortion were quite
different from theirs. The interest of the person advising seemed to be contrary to the interests
of the woman. They were especially worried about financial responsibility that would follow
if the pregnancy was to continue. Further, a number were concerned about their image in the
society. Figure 4.3 summarizes reasons why social contacts advised on abortion:
There was a significant difference among advisors in the distribution of reasons for advising
on abortion (2 = 96.4; df = 20, p ˂ 0.05). The difference arose mainly from whether the
advisor had the main reason as avoiding embarrassment or whether it was fear of financial
responsibility compared to other reasons. These findings are summarized in table 4.14:
Non-medical provider of 3 2 3 0 8
Others 6 5 2 3 16
Total 123 108 28 13 270
Other than advising women to abort, the social network of the woman responded to the
actions of the unsafe abortion providers with respect and appreciation. The providers were
seen as helping the community solve a problem. The unsafe abortion providers knew this and
“They (the community) call me doctor. They salute me with a lot of respect whenever I meet
them in the paths or in the market. This appreciation makes me feel that my work is valuable
to our people and I must continue.” Source: CHW provider of unsafe abortion, South Alego
The CHWs and CBDs especially valued the respect that came with providing the service.
They compared their reputation in the community before and after they started the services
“Even people who used to despise me now respect me. This thing (provision of abortion
services) has given me value. I should say it is the best thing that has happened to me.”
The behavior of the woman‘s social networks not only led women with unwanted pregnancy
to abort unsafely but also encouraged the unsafe abortion providers to carry on with their
Table 4.15 summarizes the prevalent themes for providing unsafe abortion as brought out by
Personal satisfaction
Unsafe abortion providers reported that there was demand for abortion services in the
community and that what they were doing was to respond to the demand. They saw it as a
“Termination of pregnancy has always been there. Women in the village always come
requesting. If I don’t assist them I will have failed in my role.” Source: Herbalist Sega.
The unsafe abortion providers also understood and chose to identify with women‘s problems.
There was shared belief between the providers and the women that some pregnancies needed
to be terminated. This mutual understanding of community problems made it easier for the
woman to approach the provider and for the abortion to be performed. One community health
“Some of these women are very poor. They have malnourished children. Some school girls
who conceive do not even have parents. They are orphans and they stay with their
grandmothers. It would be too bad if they had to deliver another baby. I understand the
problem and it is important for me to help.” Source: CHW provider of unsafe abortion, South
The providers indicated that even God understood the problems of the women. They seemed
to have a struggle with their religious beliefs but justified that God was on their side.
“We say that even if God will punish us, we have helped someone and we hope He
This belief that God understands was also shared in the community. According to the unsafe
abortion providers and key informants, religious people in the community help needy women
to abort. Community members, irrespective of their religious affiliation, sometimes saw need
for abortion and this gave the unsafe abortion providers comfort and reinforced the belief that
“The student did not have money. She however has an uncle who is an engineer but also a
staunch Catholic. She decided to call the uncle and ask for help. I really feared. I thought I
would be reported to the police. The uncle requested to talk to me on phone, I was so worried
but I gathered courage and talked to him. To my amazement, he pleaded with me to do it (the
abortion) but keep it a secret. He sent me money by M-PESA. A few days later he visited me
to thank me. He said he has helped many girls to go back to school. On the issue of his faith,
he said many Catholics do the same.” Source: CHW provider of unsafe abortion, Karapul.
Herbalists said that they inherited the art of performing abortions from their parents or
grandparents and for them the more important thing was to carry forward the family practice.
It was an honor to be the one chosen in the family to inherit the practice of herbal treatment.
In fact the most responsible and trusted child was the one chosen. There was divine
connection between such a child, the elder passing over the practice, the ancestors and the
gods. It was therefore important for the herbalist not only to practice the art but to identify
“I inherited the art of treatment from my mother who used to provide similar services. My
mother also inherited the art from my grandmother. The art therefore runs in the family. I
will also pass it on to the child in the family whom I like and trust. I have identified one of my
granddaughters to whom I will pass the art. I intend to work closely with her till she is
Because they believed that they are responding to a need in the community and that God (and
ancestors) was on their side, unsafe abortion providers derived satisfaction in providing the
service. They had no feelings of guilt and even when complications happened, they saw it as
In terms of financial gain, every woman treated paid something but there was no fixed price.
Some paid chicken, some 500 shillings while others paid 1000 shillings. Sometimes they paid
little money and followed up with a bigger gift after the procedure was completed. CBDs and
CHWs bought medicine for the procedure and indicated that their clients had to pay at least
500 shillings:
“The women I treat must have at least 500 shillings for buying the medicine. I get the
medicine at 300 shillings and I pay for transport to go and buy the medicine. Those who can
afford always offer to pay more. I don’t force them. Some have paid as much as 1000
shillings. In addition some just bring me a gift after the procedure is completed………the gift
can be sugar, sometimes chicken or even a dress.” Source: CHW provider of unsafe
abortion, Karapul.
Overall, unsafe abortion providers had other sources of income. They treated other diseases
and were involved in farming or in business. Some were attached to NGOs and helped with
community programs such as distribution of contraceptives. Abortion did not seem to be their
main or only source of income. The social benefits for providing abortion seemed to be the
4.3 Results for objective 2: The role of social networks in women‘s decision making
Almost all women who ended up having unsafe abortions talked to one or more people either
Table 4.16: Consultation with the social network prior to aborting unsafely
The pregnant woman was likely to discuss the pregnancy with the man who caused
pregnancy (64.1% of the time), friend of the same sex (32.8% of the time) and her mother
(21.6% of the time), among others. The variety of people consulted was higher among
younger women and reduced as age increased. Figure 4.4 is a summary of the people the
Fig. 4.4: People consulted for advice on the pregnancy by women of various ages
The type of person consulted did not however depend on the previous deliveries that a
woman had had (2 = 19.6; df = 12; p = 0.07) as shown in table 4.17:
Compared to women advised by other advisors, most women having unsafe abortion in the
second trimester had received advice from non-health worker provider of unsafe abortion,
mother or friend of the same sex as shown in table 4.18 below (2 = 23.8; df = 5; p ˂0.05).
Table 4.18: Relationship of person consulted to gestation when abortion was done
Type of person consulted
Gestation in Weeks Non-health
at the time of Man who Worker
abortion caused Friend of Health Provider of Other
pregnancy same sex Mother Worker Abortion persons Total
12 and Below 181 22 32 14 4 13 266
Above 12 24 7 2 3 6 1 46
Total 205 29 37 17 10 14 312
As shown in table 13 above, the people consulted almost always advised the woman to
terminate the pregnancy. Out of the 509 pieces of advice given to the women, 469 (92%)
were recommendations for abortion. Advice on either to keep the pregnancy (2.2%) or for the
A logistic regression analysis was conducted to examine the relationship between desire for
pregnancy as an independent variable and the woman‘s age, number of previous deliveries
and the person influencing the woman most to abort as predictors for unsafe abortion. A test
of the full model against a constant only model was statistically significant, indicating that
the predictors as a set had a significant relationship with the independent variable – desire for
pregnancy (chi square = 54.84, p ˂ 0.05 with df = 26) as shown in table 4.19 below:
Table 4.19: Model Fitting Information: Predictors for Desire for Pregnancy in
Women Aborting Unsafely
Model Fitting Criteria Likelihood Ratio Tests
-2 Log Likelihood Chi-Square df Sig.
Intercept 117.776
Final 62.929 54.847 26 .001
Nagelkerke‘s R2 was 0.308 indicating a weak relationship between prediction and grouping
though. Parameter estimates demonstrated that only the type of person influencing the
woman to abort unsafely made a significant contribution to the prediction (p ˂ 0.05). Both
age and the number of previous deliveries were not significant predictors.
Table 4.20: Likelihood Ratio Tests: Predictors for Desire for Pregnancy
Model Fitting Criteria Likelihood Ratio Tests
-2 Log Likelihood of
Effect Reduced Model Chi-Square df Sig.
Intercept 62.929 .000 0 .
Age 68.684 5.755 2 .056
Births 74.256 11.327 10 .333
Influence 89.426 26.497 14 .022
The Wald criterion showed that the significant relationship arose when women who had
desire for pregnancy were compared to those who did not. The significant relationship arose
from advice to the groups by the man who caused pregnancy or by the mother of the woman.
The Odd‘s ratios show that the women who had desire for pregnancy was thousands of times
likely to end up aborting after advice from the man/mother as compared to those who did not
Although 66.6% of women indicated that the decision to abort was personal, a good 33.4%
said they were either not sure (10.6%) or felt that they were coerced into aborting by the
Proportion (%)
Ownership of Decision
Number of women
Decision was woman‘s 213 66.6
Decision was not woman‘s 73 22.8
Woman not sure 34 10.6
Total 320 100.0
Multinomial logistic regression analysis was done to examine the relationship between the
woman‘s ownership of the decision to abort unsafely and her desire for pregnancy, her age,
A test of the model with the independent variables against a constant only model was
statistically significant, showing that the independent variables as a set had a significant
relationship with the woman‘s ownership of the decision to abort unsafely (chi square =
Table 4.22: Model Fitting Information: Predictors for Ownership of Decision to Abort
The significance of the relationship was brought about by ownership of decision in relation to
age and previous deliveries. Compared to those who were unsure of owning the decision to
abort, those who owned the decision were 60% more likely to own the decision as age
increased. Further, their odds of owning the decision increased with increasing number of
previous births from 1.7 in those with no previous deliveries to 2.3, 3.6 and 18.3 in those with
1, 2 and 3 children respectively. Hence, the higher the number of children one had the higher
was the possibility of her owning decisions for abortion. Compared with those who were
unsure of their decision to abort, those who did not own the decision had strikingly opposite
findings in relation to age and previous number of deliveries, the regressions being negative.
Table 4.23: Likelihood Ratio Tests: Predictors for Ownership of Decision to Abort
There was an intricate network in the society that led women to unsafe abortion providers.
Providers had contacts in key places in the community who referred women to them. Further,
the social networks that influenced the woman‘s decision to have abortion helped with
finding a provider of the service. Below are some of the key intermediaries who were
Schools were important sources of girls who wanted abortions. Unsafe abortion providers
acknowledged this and put systems in place for girls in need to reach them. One unsafe
“I realized that I could help the many school girls who get unwanted pregnancies…… I have
a cousin in XX secondary school. The school is close to my home and my cousin who is a
student there has been instrumental in referring pregnant schoolmates to me. My neighbor
also has a daughter who goes to YY, another nearby school and has been referring school
girls from that school to me.” Source: unsafe abortion provider in Kogelo village.
Teachers reported that girls in boarding schools sometimes wrote to their friends to get them
herbs or medicines from unsafe abortion providers and take the drugs to them in school,
especially during school visiting days. Girls in day schools had an easier time as they had the
Some teachers had sexual relationships with students and helped them get unsafe abortions.
They prevailed upon the students not to reveal their pregnancies to the school. One girl who
had been impregnated by a teacher and ended up with unsafe abortion had this to say:
“Last month I missed my periods and decided to do a pregnancy test. It was positive. The
first person I discussed with was the teacher. He said there was a lot at stake and advised me
not to talk to anybody else about it. He also advised me not to talk to any medical people in
the town as they could leak the news. I got scared and called my sister. She advised me to
have abortion but I did not have money. The teacher told me not to worry. He had a friend
living in Ugunja who knew a doctor who could provide the service. The teacher’s friend had
a similar problem at one time and was easily helped in Ugunja. He escorted me to Ugunja
Women who had had abortion became important sources of referral to the provider. Pregnant
women tended to consult with their friends and those who had aborted before become the key
sources of information and referral. Unsafe abortion providers indicated that they got cases
“I get at least 3 cases per month, mostly 1 per week. They are mostly school girls. They are
referred by those I have treated before………. I only help those referred by women I know,
mostly the women I have treated before.” Source: CHW unsafe abortion provider, Siaya
Unsafe abortion providers confirmed that some girls were assisted by parents and other close
relatives to have the procedure. They took the girls to the unsafe abortion providers, paid for
A number of unsafe abortion providers provided other health services. This helped them in
getting clients for abortion. The contraceptive service was especially an important link to
contraceptive and she realized that she was already pregnant, she requested the provider for
“There are a number of women who want contraceptives but are not sure of having
conceived. I therefore keep pregnancy test kits. Some women also just come to me having
confirmed pregnancy but I still confirm by doing my own pregnancy test. Most of the women
who have positive pregnancy test ask for abortion. I provide the abortion then give them
Unsafe abortion providers knew each other. When one failed to terminate a pregnancy, they
would refer the woman to other providers. Community health workers and CBDs considered
themselves superior to herbalists whom they called bush doctors. They themselves were
called nyamrerwa – people who have been trained by the MoH or NGOs and who provided
modern health services at community level. They said the bush doctors referred patients to
“A number of my patients are referred by people who know me and those I have previously
helped. Other patients are referred by bush doctors when they fail to terminate the
pregnancies. You know their methods are crude and many times they fail.” Source: a
g) Other social organizations and structures within the community referred women to
Because of their training in aspects of community healthcare, CBDs and CHWs had
connections with the church, women‘s groups, CBOs and NGOs. These organizations
referred patients to them for healthcare but that care was not specified. As a result, patients
According to one herbalist in Sega, termination of pregnancy has always been there. She
inherited the practice from her parents. The community therefore knew that her family had
that gift because the family has lived among them since time immemorial and always helped
them have abortion for cultural reasons. Women in the village with culturally unacceptable
Decision making on how to handle unwanted pregnancy was found to be one of the biggest
roles of social contacts with over 95% of women consulting the network before making
decisions. The man causing pregnancy was the most consulted followed by friend of the
The second issue which was found to bring social contacts into play was the need for referral.
Agents of unsafe abortion providers, women who had had abortion before, mother, sister and
friends of the woman were important for referral. Social groups such as women‘s groups,
NGOs and community leaders also referred women generally and not specifically for
abortion. Unsafe abortion providers were also found to do cross referral among themselves.
Although young women of school going age were the most affected by unsafe abortion, the
role of teachers remained unclear. Abortions were found to happen in girls from both primary
and secondary schools. Teachers reported that their pupils did get pregnant and while some
dropped out of school, some went for abortion. In both primary and secondary schools it was
reported that about 2 out of 100 of the girls got pregnant per term.
“At one time we decided to do pregnancy test on all our girls. Some tricked us. They gave us
water instead of urine. Our school has 200 girls. When we did the test 4 were pregnant. I
would say 3-5 get pregnant every term.” Source: secondary school counseling master, Yala
Counseling teachers reported that the girls never consulted them before going for the unsafe
abortions. They also said that they had a very packed syllabus and supporting such girls was
not incorporated in their scope of work. Even if they offered to help like the counseling
teachers had offered to, they said that they lacked capacity to provide professional counseling
“We try to help but we are not trained in the counseling. It is also not our official scope of
work. We do it outside normal working hours. It is a big sacrifice.” Source: primary school
Unfortunately some school girls were impregnated by teachers. This was described by key
“The problem of errant teachers is very common. I know two who were interdicted last year
for sleeping with pupils. Many times they get transferred…..Parents tolerate errant teachers.
In fact there are instances when the head teachers have reported errant teachers to TSC but
parents of the girl come out strongly to defend the teacher and he is let scot free. Poor
parents see such relationships as a source of income and encourage their daughters to get
There was no collaboration between teachers and parents to help the girls. In fact they
disagreed most of the time and amorous teachers colluded with parents to hide their acts.
Teachers who wanted to get involved to correct the situation were viewed as the bad ones.
Parents are not supportive of the help we try to give. There is a student who was pregnant
and aborted and continued to misbehave. I walked to their home to talk to the parents so that
we work together to help her. They talked to me very badly and I looked like the bad one who
was witch hunting their daughter. I promised myself never to follow students beyond the
Not all social contacts supported unsafe abortion though. In one case, an unsafe abortion
provider was taken to the police by the father of a girl she was treating. Two other providers
indicated that they had been reported to the police at different times. They had however learnt
to negotiate with the police and always went scot free. Some relatives of the girl therefore
played the role of fighting unsafe abortion by engaging the police who appeared to sort the
Unsafe abortion also brought fights between herbalists and medical workers. Herbalists
always feared referring patients to hospitals. This is because medical workers reported them
to the police sometimes. They preferred referring patients to CHW and CBDs. These two
cadres have good relationships with both public and private health facilities and easily refer
patients. Instead of facing the police, herbalists found it better to just refer to CHWs and
CBDs. Overall however, there was more social support than opposition for unsafe abortion in
the community.
The kite network that follows summarizes the social interactions around unsafe abortion:
Church contacts
Hospital contacts
Women’s groups
NGO contacts
The nodes highlighted in red color are key in sustaining the unsafe abortion service. They are
the links between the pregnant woman and the unsafe abortion provider. Without them the
4.4 Results for Objective 3: How Methods Used to Procure Unsafe Abortions
Influence Outcomes
4.4.1 Methods, where they were used and the type of providers who used them
Use of medicines either by swallowing (65.6%) or through the vagina (9.4%) was the
Use of herbs orally accounted for 6.9% while 4.1% of women self inserted gadgets into the
vagina to initiate abortion. Table 4.23 below summarizes the methods that were used:
Number of Proportion
First line method used
Women (%)
Oral conventional medication 210 65.6
Conventional medication self inserted into vagina 30 9.4
Oral herbs 22 6.9
Use of gadgets by self through the vagina 13 4.1
Use of gadgets by someone else through the vagina 7 2.2
Injection 4 1.3
Others 9 2.7
Method not known 25 7.8
Total 320 100.0
There was a significant difference in the range of methods used in the catchment areas of the
clinics where the patients came from (2 = 92; df = 12; p ˂ 0.05). Table 4.24 shows these
Women from around Yala Sub-District Hospital used the widest range of methods. The use
of herbs was also most common in the area. In fact there was almost an even distribution of
The rest of the health facilities majorly had conventional medicine as a dominant method. In
fact in Siaya almost all women used the medicine. These findings are further shown shown in
Figure 4.6: Unsafe abortion methods used in the catchment areas of the clinics
There was also a significant difference in the distribution of methods used based on the age
group of the woman (2 = 40.2; df = 15; p ˂ 0.05). The younger women tended to use a wider
range of methods compared to the older women. Table 4.25 shows methods used by the
Table 4.26: Fist line methods of unsafe abortion used by various age groups
Although conventionally first and second trimester methods of abortion are known to be
different, there was no significant difference in the choice of methods used by unsafe
abortion providers in the first and in the second trimesters of pregnancy (t = 1.38; df = 12; p =
0.19). Table 4.26 below shows choice of methods for the two trimesters:
Further, the choice of methods was not significantly different in those who had desired
compared to those who had not desired the pregnancy from the start (t = 0.67; df = 20; p =
There was however a significant difference in the distribution of methods used based on the
person initiating unsafe abortion (2 = 113.0; df = 20; p ˂ 0.05). Health workers used a
variety of methods to start off the process. Herbalists as well as women self inducing abortion
also had relatively more methods than the rest of the providers as shown in table 4.27 and
figure 4.7.
Table 4.28: Methods used by various unsafe abortion providers to initiate abortion
In addition to the first line methods, 6.3% (n = 20) of women used a second line method
before coming to hospital. Of these, 6 had used oral conventional medicine and followed it up
with insertion of herbs into the vagina. Another 5 used conventional medicine per vaginum
then followed this up with insertion of herbs in the vagina. Four cases used oral conventional
medicine then followed it up with oral herbs while another 4 had self use of physical gadgets
through the vagina following oral use of conventional medicine. Table 4.28 summarizes these
The tendency to use a wide variety of methods among a group of women aborting unsafely
(each method with its own inherent risks) was therefore seen in women from around Yala
Sub-District Hospital, among younger women, and from those having their abortions initiated
The methods used depended on the place where the unsafe abortion was initiated. The sites of
unsafe abortion included the woman‘s home, medical clinics, herbalists‘ clinics and
herbalists‘ homes. Figure 4.8 summarizes the distribution of methods per site:
Clinics and homes had the highest mix of methods. Home methods were given to the woman
schools sometimes used the medicine in school and this was also considered home use. On
realizing that they were pregnant, girls in boarding school sent out messages to relatives and
For some reason I decided to open the letter. As a teacher sometimes you just find yourself
doing this. The girl had written to her peer in the village instructing her on the leaves and
roots of trees to fetch. She was then to boil them and get her the solution in a bottle. The two
girls must have done this at some point together and this must have been a repeat. Source:
Some abortions actually went on and happened in the school compound. In the study, these
were still considered as having happened at home. One head teacher had the following
example to give:
…..the mother brought her the medicine during parent’s day. She took it but the abortion did
not happen the same day. The next day at class time she said she was going to the toilet. She
delivered a formed baby before reaching the toilet. The baby died after a few minutes. I was
so annoyed with the family. I told them to get her another school. Source: head teacher key
informant, Sega.
Herbalists‘ clinics similarly had multiple methods. These were however less than methods
used in medical clinics and at home. Occasionally herbs were used in the herbalist‘s home as
some herbalists did not have clinics. The pharmacy was another location for abortion but
There was a significant difference in the range of unsafe abortion sites used by women in the
catchment areas of the different study health facilities (2 = 45.7; df = 6; p ˂ 0.05). Women
from Sega tended to have abortions initiated in their homes as compared to the other
catchment areas. For the rest of the areas a health facility – clinic/hospital/pharmacy seemed
There was however no difference in the range of locations chosen by the various age groups
for initiation of abortion (2 = 12; df = 6; p = 0.05) as shown in table 4.30 below:
Table 4.31: Sites where abortion was initiated by the various age groups
Where Termination of Pregnancy Was Initiated Total
Age of Patient in Years Clinic/hospital/ Herbalist‘s
Home pharmacy clinic/home/other
10-18 32 59 19 110
19-24 56 68 9 133
25-30 23 27 2 52
Above 30 10 13 2 25
Total 121 167 32 320
Further, there was no difference in the locations chosen by women in their first trimester
What therefore appears to be is that each catchment area had a range of preferred options of
locations for initiating abortion, possibly determined by community norms, which were not
affected by woman specific factors, the major determinant of the choice of location being
majorly the geographical area where a woman found herself – if one was in Yala there were
From the foregoing findings, the determinants of choice for unsafe abortion methods can be
summarized as:
- The area (community) where a woman found herself in – each community had its
- Those having their unsafe abortions initiated by health workers and herbalists also
The majority (63.4%) of women presenting in health facilities after attempting unsafe
abortion did not have complications and just presented with some pain and vaginal bleeding.
requiring transfusion), pelvic infection and lower genital tract injury. Table 4.31 summarizes
The range and severity of complications were significantly different across health facilities
(2 = 218.11; df = 25; p ˂ 0.05). The bigger public health facilities registered a wider and
There was also a significant age related difference in the rate of complications with younger
The type of provider initiating unsafe abortion also had a bearing on the outcomes and there
was a significant difference in the range and severity of outcomes based on the provider type
(2 = 142.89; df = 20; p ˂ 0.05). Table 4.33 shows the complications arising from each type
of provider:
The widest range of complications were seen among health workers (45% of cases had
complications), followed by herbalists (43%) and pharmacy workers (40%). Self induced
abortions had the lowest complication rate (17%). The most severe complication other than
death (hemorrhage requiring transfusion) was seen in women treated by herbalists. The
second most severe complications were seen among those treated by health workers followed
There was however no difference in outcomes between those aborting in the first and those in
the second trimester (t = 1.33, df = 10, p = 0.21). Further, no significant difference was noted
based on the number of previous deliveries a woman had had (2 = 24.61, df = 25, p = 0.48).
From the above findings, the following were associated with bad outcomes for unsafe
These are the same determinants for use of a variety of unsafe abortion methods, hence, the
bigger the variety of unsafe abortion methods in an area, the more the complications, a
proportional relationship therefore exists between number of unsafe abortion methods and
number of complications.
The recorded complications could just be a tip of the iceberg and many women could be
suffering immediate and long term complications following unsafe abortion in the
community. Because they believe that the methods they used were effective, unsafe abortion
providers indicated that most of their patients did not need to go to medical facilities for
further treatment after having unsafe abortion. This fact was confirmed by CHWs and CBDs
among other key informants. The highest possible proportion estimated by unsafe abortion
providers as going for further care in health facilities was 3 out of every 10 patients treated
(i.e. 30%). Many unsafe abortion providers reported proportions much lower than this.
Hence, the number of patients seen in health facilities could be 30% or less of the total
According to one herbalist who reported that none of her patients ever go for further care in
medical facilities, her success lay in terminating the pregnancies late. She reported that late
I prefer terminating advanced pregnancies. I prefer that the abortion is done at 6 months.
From my experience, small pregnancies are hard to terminate. I advise women to come late
in pregnancy. I have never had to refer anybody because of complications. All my patients
recover well. That is why they refer others to me. Source: herbalist provider of unsafe
abortion, Sega
One woman treated by the herbalist self reported the process as successful. She described the
I accepted to terminate the pregnancy but it had to be done at 6 months. At that time (6
months), I was given herbs to drink three times a day. After one day I developed labor-like
pains. I expelled a formed baby. It was alive and moved its legs and hands. As advised by the
herbalist, I just left it on the ground. It breathed for sometime then went quiet. I dug a hole
and buried it. There was no funeral ceremony or anything. I did not consider it a child.
Below is a description of the complications that were seen in the health facilities in the course
of the study:
a) Death
Death was the severest complication. One death was recorded in the health facilities and was
investigated using the Rashomon technique. It occurred following severe hemorrhage as per
the medical report. Evacuation of the uterus was done but the patient collapsed and died
thereafter. Service providers in the hospital reported that the patient was brought to the
On further enquiry, the husband to the patient reported that the woman waited in the health
facility for five hours while bleeding because they did not have money for her to be treated.
He went around looking for money and the woman was kept in the hospital bleeding and only
The husband also reported that his mother (the woman‘s mother in law) had assured him that
the bleeding was normal and expected but he did not understand why. The mother in law had
given the deceased some medicine. She could have known the woman‘s problem but the man
was not aware that the woman was pregnant. He lived in a far away town and the woman
lived in the rural home with his mother and he had just visited them.
On interview, the mother in law to the woman insisted that there was no abortion and that the
woman was not pregnant. She insisted that she had not given her any medicine. She was not
ready to discuss the matter further. Her body language was one of a bothered person looking
It would appear that the man was kept in the dark and the mother in law could have worked
with the dead woman to attempt termination of pregnancy. Service providers possibly
Apart from this maternal death that was recorded in the health facility, a number of abortion
related deaths were reported to have happened in the community in the duration of the study.
Case 1:
women who got serious problems. The last case I remember was a case in the village not long
ago. A girl died having used aloe vera leaves given to her by her grandmother to terminate
the pregnancy. The grandmother defended herself saying that the girl did not follow
instructions and overdosed. People were very annoyed with her but because she is too old,
they could not punish her. Source: CHW provider of unsafe abortion from Karapul
Case 2:
A girl in form 1 at XX secondary school attempted abortion and died……….It was just this
year, a few days after the new term started………….. She had taken herbs. She was cheated
by her mother. She got very sick after taking the herbs. She was taken to Yala hospital in
critical condition but died the same day. Source: CHW Key informant, Yala
Case 3:
There is a girl who conceived in YY school and was helped by a cook to do abortion. She
used school fees to pay for it and cheated her parents that she had lost the money. The father
followed up with the school and got to know the truth. He was furious. The girl got scared
and ran away to Mombasa where one of their relatives lives. Unfortunately the abortion was
not over by the time she ran away. She died two weeks later. She was returned home dead.
Case 4:
………..Deaths still happens though. A neighbor’s daughter died last month attempting
abortion. I really do not know what she had taken. She was bleeding and was very sick. The
mother asked me to help but it was too late. We could not even take her to hospital. She died
in the house. It must have been one of the dangerous methods. Source: CHW provider of
While two cases were reported as resulting from use of herbs, the methods used in the other
two were not known. The four deaths were also not part of the hospital records. Key
informants said that when deaths occur in the community people just moan and arrange for
burial. Sometimes the area chief gets to know but there is no requirement for reporting the
From the findings in the community and in the clinic, case fatality rate (CFR) for unsafe
abortion in this community can be calculated. The formula for this is as follows:
If only the confirmed death that occurred in the health facility is used against the confirmed
If the deaths in the health facility together with those mentioned by community health
workers (4) are used against the calculated magnitude of unsafe abortion in the catchment
b) Other complications
The other serious complication was hemorrhage requiring blood transfusion. Four patients
suffered this and were transfused. They were reported to have come to hospital in near
Seventy eight women had hemorrhage not requiring transfusion. They were either treated
Eighteen patients suffered pelvic infection. They required antibiotics for several days.
Another 15 patients suffered lower genital tract injury. This ranged from bruises to marks of
The complications highlighted were acute. The study did not assess long term complications
According to key informants, the experience in the community was that pain and bleeding
occurred commonly in women aborting unsafely. They reported that these two symptoms
were the commonest reasons for women going to hospital for treatment after attempting
abortion in the community. One woman who had survived unsafe abortion had this to report:
I approached my friend for advice. She told me to boil concentrated tea and add OMO to it. I
did exactly that and after a few hours I got pain and bleeding. The pain and bleeding were
however so much that I decided to go to the hospital. They cleaned me up in the hospital and
I got well. I am happy to have survived the experience. I can never advice someone to do the
same. I will always advice on hospital treatment for unwanted pregnancy. Source: woman
It was reported by key informants that general ill health persisted in women who had
terminated pregnancies unsafely. After surviving heavy bleeding, their health continued to be
bad. One such case was reported by a community health worker in Yala:
I know a mother in advanced age. She conceived. She tried aborting and bled a lot.
Fortunately she did not die but her health has remained very bad thereafter. She just looks
This may mean that women who undergo unsafe abortion may sometimes develop chronic
The table below summarizes the outcomes of specific methods used by the unsafe abortion
Repeat multiple regression analyses to identify predictors of the outcomes of unsafe abortion
found significant relationships to exist between the outcomes and place (catchment area of
facility) where the abortion was initiated, methods used for abortion, and the person who
initiated the abortion. A test of the model with the independent variables against a constant
only model was statistically significant, indicating that the predictors had a significant
relationship with outcomes of unsafe abortion (chi square = 89.907, p < .000 with df = 33).
and grouping.
Likelihood ratio tests show the significant relationships for the predictors as shown in table
Table 4.38: Likelihood Ratio Tests: Predictors for Outcomes of Unsafe Abortion
The relationship between outcomes and the catchment area of the facility where abortion was
initiated as well as with the person who initiated the abortion has been discussed in section
The significant relationship between complications and methods in this relationship arose in
the type of complications that were likely to occur with use of various methods:
- As compared to hemorrhage not requiring transfusion, genital tract injury was 30%,
70%, 120%, and 370% more likely to occur when women self inserted gadgets,
inserted medicines, had someone insert gadgets, or had someone insert medicine into
their vagina to initiate abortion respectively. Hence, methods involving use of the
vaginal route to initiate abortion were more likely to lead to injury than hemorrhage.
- Pelvic infection was likely to occur at a higher frequency with all methods in
comparison to genital tract injury with all methods except use of non-medicinal
chemicals being 80% or more likely to lead to infection than to genital tract injury.
- The most severe complication noted was death. The second most severe complication
was hemorrhage requiring transfusion. Both of these methods were associated with
Below are the methods discussed in order of their safety with the most dangerous coming
Over 50% (13 out of 22) of women presenting with incomplete abortion after using oral herbs
had complications. Nine of them had hemorrhage not requiring transfusion while 4 had pelvic
infection. Patients with severe bleeding requiring transfusion indicated that they had been
treated by herbalists. Key informants confirmed the risk of using oral herbs when they
indicated that two deaths in the community occurring during the time of the study were due to
use of herbs. Use of oral herbs to terminate pregnancies therefore stands out as one of the
According to key informants, the main compounding factor to use of herbs is that herbalists
have no functional referral network with the health system. Health workers are hostile to
them and so they advice patients to avoid the health facilities. In fact herbalists indicated that
their care is superior to the health system and patients go to them after being failed by the
health facilities.
The result of the non-functional health system is that patients with complications delay till
they are in a critical condition before seeking care. The final outcomes then become worse
Seven women had their pregnancies terminated by use of gadgets inserted into the vaginal
cavity by the provider of unsafe abortion. They all got complications. Five of them had
hemorrhage not requiring transfusion, one had pelvic infection and the last had lower genital
tract injury. If not for the severity of complications, this method would have been worse than
use of oral herbs. The fact that deaths and hemorrhage requiring transfusion were associated
with use of oral herbs, however, makes it worse than use of this method.
Out of the 13 women attempting to terminate their own pregnancies with self use of gadgets,
9 had complications. Of the 9, lower genital tract injury occurred in 5 and 4 had hemorrhage
not requiring transfusion. Four women had symptoms of incomplete abortion and no
Thirty women self inserted conventional medicine into their vaginal canals. Seventeen of
these women had hemorrhage not requiring transfusion and two had genital tract injury.
Eleven did not suffer complications. Genital tract injury could have resulted from improper
technique of inserting the medicine while hemorrhage could have been due to the mode of
Out of the 210 women using this method, 165 (78.6%) did not have a complication. Of the
ones having complications, 8 had had the unsafe provider attempt to evacuate the contents of
the uterus using gadgets following use of the medication. Four others had taken herbs in
addition. The tendency to use multiple methods was therefore seen in this group and this was
the cause of many complications. The reason for this behavior could be that most of the drugs
taken to terminate pregnancies took time to act. Because women may not have known this,
they moved on to other methods in desperation. The overall outcome was that the majority of
those with complications (71%) ended up with hemorrhage not requiring transfusion, another
15% had lower genital tract injury and the rest (13%) had pelvic infection.
Key informants and unsafe abortion providers confirmed that the drug in use was commonly
misoprostol. They said it was much safer than other methods that they had used before as
Misoprostol has saved our women. A lot more women used to die before we learnt about this
drug because more dangerous methods (of abortion) were used. Many of the CHW and CBDs
now know the drug and we use it frequently. Women do not get complications (with
misoprostol) like with other methods used in the community. Source: CHW unsafe provider of
abortion, Sega
The CHWs and CBDs have however not been trained on how to terminate pregnancies using
e) Other methods
Some other methods were used by very few women and it is hard to make conclusions on
Four women reported to have been injected in clinics with some unknown drugs to terminate
their pregnancies. They all ended up with hemorrhage not requiring transfusion. Two other
preparations were concentrated tea and Omo (a detergent) or a mixture of both. Incidentally
they ended up with symptoms of unsafe abortion and no complication. As one woman who
had used the method put it, what made them go to hospital was the pain and bleeding
I approached my friend for advice. She told me to boil concentrated tea and add OMO to it. I
did exactly that and took the mixture. After a few hours I got pain and bleeding. The pain and
bleeding were however so much that I decided to go to the hospital. Source: woman treated
Two other women put the non medicinal preparations into the vaginal canal. They both got
Two women self inserted herbs into their vaginal cavities. They ended up with incomplete
Three women had an unsafe provider insert conventional medicines into their vaginal canal.
One did not have a complication, one had hemorrhage not requiring transfusion and one had
pelvic infection.
Complications resulting from the various methods are summarized in figure 4.10:
This study estimated that 987 women had unsafe abortions in the study population of
221,986. The estimated unsafe abortion rate was 19 per 1000 women aged 15 – 44 years.
The most recent estimates of the world unsafe abortion rates were done by Shah and Ahman
(2010). They estimated the world unsafe abortion rate to be 14 per 1000 women aged 15 to
49 years. They however found the overall rate for developing countries to be higher at 27 per
1000 women aged 15 – 49 years. In fact Sub-Saharan Africa had a higher rate of 31. Eastern
Africa specifically had a rate of 36 per 1000 women aged 15 – 49 years making it the highest
in Africa.
According to the Guttmacher Institute (2009), the overall abortion rate for Africa is 33 per
1000 women aged 15 – 49 years. Out of these, 95% are unsafe abortions. This estimate
however includes countries with more liberal abortion laws in Africa in which there are more
The unsafe abortion rate of 19 per 1000 women aged 15 – 49 years found in this study are
higher than the overall estimated world unsafe abortion rates as expected for an African
community. It is however lower than what other studies have found in the East African region
which is quite high (36 per 1000 women aged 14 – 49 years). It is however notable that the
country listing by the United Nations lamps a number of countries with poor maternal health
as part of Eastern Africa (Sedgh, 2007). The countries under the category include Burundi,
Réunion, Rwanda, Somalia, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, and Zimbabwe. Among these
countries, Kenya has the best maternal health indicators and so is likely to have a lower
unsafe abortion rate than the estimated 36 per 1000 women aged 15 – 49.
Further, the calculated unsafe abortion rate could have resulted from under reporting in public
health facilities which was a big challenge for the study (see section on limitations). Some
women may not also have volunteered information on termination of pregnancy and could
have been misclassified as having miscarriages and excluded from the study. The study
brings out a much known point though: the difficulty in estimating abortion rates, especially
Unsafe abortion was found to affect young women disproportionately in this community. Out
of the 320 patients presenting with incomplete abortion following unsafe abortion, 243
These findings are in tandem with those of the Kenya Demographic and Health Survey of
2008 which found Nyanza Province to be having the lowest age at first sexual debut. The
average age at first sexual exposure was found to be 16.5 years. The same KDHS also found
that 73% of women aged 15 to 19 years and 37% of those aged 20 to 24 years who were
sexually active did not use contraceptives. The risk of pregnancy was therefore found to be
high. Nyanza Province was again found to have the highest number of child bearing
adolescents in the country standing at 27% compared, for example, to Central Province which
had 10%.
This study found that most women (85%) had termination of pregnancy in the first trimester.
This is higher than findings by Gebreselessie et al (2005) who found women presenting with
first trimester incomplete abortions to hospitals to be 66%. His study however combined
those terminating pregnancies with those having miscarriages. Just like in the study by
Gebreselessie however where 80% of women presented with incomplete abortion, 87% of
Inaccessibility of safe abortion services through the health facilities due to inadequate
infrastructure, supplies and willing and competent personnel was found to be a driver of
unsafe abortion. This finding is in line with previous studies done in Kenya by Pearson and
Shoo in which they found health facilities to lack basic infrastructure, equipment and drugs
for providing emergency obstetric care services under which treatment of unsafe abortion
complications falls. They also found staff morale to be low and working conditions to be poor
(Pearson, 2005).
According to Kimani (2008), health facilities providing obstetric and gynecological services
in Kenya exemplify the state of health facilities in Africa. The facilities lack basic
infrastructure, equipment and supplies and sometimes patients are asked to buy supplies from
As far as availability and willingness of staff to provide safe abortion services is concerned,
studies done in South Africa by WHO concur with findings of this study. WHO found that
several factors influenced decisions of service providers to become involved in some way
with abortion service provision. These included a combination of circumstance and personal
interest. Some of the reasons for refusal to provide the services were religious and moral
Other than inadequate infrastructure, equipment and staff, clinics studied did not target the
youth with pregnancy prevention services even though young people were found to be the
most affected by unsafe abortion. It is known that access to contraceptives by young women
remains a big challenge in developing countries. Studies done by the United Nations show
that only 19% of married adolescents in developing countries use contraceptives compared to
and Health Research Centre (APHRC) using the demographic and health survey data shows
low rates of contraceptive initiation, high discontinuation rates, and relatively high levels of
use of traditional methods among young, unmarried sexually active women. All these factors
combine to provide high potential for unintended pregnancy. The 1998 KDHS data show that
about one in five women age 15-19 years were either pregnant or already had a child at the
time of the survey, and there was little change in this figure between 1993 and 1998
(APHRC, 2001).
responsive health system. Studies done in Kenya and Zambia show that nurse-midwives
abortion yet this is the cadre of health workers tasked with provision of these services in
Lack of some methods of contraception and poor commodity security for contraceptives was
found in all health facilities, a situation that could also promoted occurrence of unwanted
At community level, the drivers of unsafe abortion were found to be at personal level, driven
by social contacts and fueled by unsafe abortion providers. Personal level drivers included
poverty that made women indulge in sex for material gain, made parents tolerate such
behavior, and caused pregnant women to go for unsafe abortions for the sake of securing a
better future. These findings seem to support the strain theory; that the cause of deviance (if
to meet goals that have been set by the community to define success (Farnworth (1989).
Social networks advised women to abort as a way of evading social embarrassment. They
also wanted to evade financial responsibility and were rarely worried about the woman‘s
wellbeing. These actions, again, seem to be in congruence with the strain theory.
Recognition and respect accorded to unsafe abortion providers was found to be their main
motivation for performing abortions. Due to this benefit, unsafe abortion providers braved
risks of the practice and even developed strategies for mitigating the risks. This behavior fits
well with the social learning theory as the community positively reinforced provision of the
service by commending and even paying for the services (Asher, 2009). Further, herbalists
learnt the practice from their families and were made to believe that they had a divine role to
perpetuate it.
Overall, the continuing occurrence of unsafe abortion in the community is partly contributed
to by the woman, social networks, and unsafe abortion providers. The woman and her social
network are responsible for the demand while the unsafe abortion provider is responsible for
the supply of the service. In fact the reason why they command so much respect is because
they provide solutions at a very desperate time to their clients. They are able to respond to the
situations because they have shared beliefs with the community making it easy for them to
Although the unsafe abortion providers exhibit internal conflict between their activities and
their religious beliefs, they are convinced that God understands the situations they have to
These findings echo what has been expressed at the international level in relation to abortion:
it is a prevalent public health problem and where safe services are not available, communities
resort to unsafe methods (Mclnerney, 2001). At the United Nations (UN) International
unsafe abortion as a public health problem and called for action by member states to reduce
morbidity and mortality from it (ICPD, 1994). The 1995 Fourth World Conference on
Women (FWCW) in Beijing brought further attention to the issue, and called on countries to
consider reviewing laws that penalize women who have had illegal abortions (FWCW, 1995).
The realization has been that abortion is prevalent and unless available safely communities
resort to unsafe methods, hence, with or without the unsafe providers the magnitude of
The Cairo and Beijing conferences encouraged significant improvements in women‘s ability
Session of the UN General Assembly reviewing global progress since the Cairo conference
(ICPD+5) reaffirmed their commitment to addressing unsafe abortion and reached consensus
on new actions needed. The commitments addressed issues around abortion policy and
however remains unexplored yet this study shows that they may be the more important to
4.6.4 The Role of Social Networks in Women’s Decision Making Process for Unsafe
This study found that 95.3% of women undergoing unsafe abortions discussed their problem
with a social contact either directly or indirectly before taking a decision. Almost all social
networks contacted advised on abortion, even though the reason for the advice was not
necessarily for the benefit of the woman. The man causing pregnancy and the mother of the
pregnant woman were the most influential causing women with desired pregnancy to go for
The result of advice by social networks was that 70% of the women had abortion out of their
own volition while 30% felt it was not their own decision. Ownership of decision was more
likely the older the woman was. It was also more likely the more the children a woman
already had.
The concept of a social network as described by Wasserman (1994) was noted in the
interactions that the pregnant woman had. According to Wasserman, a social structure is
made up of individuals or organizations that are tied by one or more specific types of
trade (Wasserman, 1994). The people influencing decisions on abortion were driven by
community values that prohibit some types of relationships, for example that a teacher should
not make a student pregnant; a married man should not impregnate a single girl; a widow
should not conceive among others. These shared values made the man causing pregnancy to
advice on abortion.
According to Cross et al (2001), there are many dimensions to an advice network. People
who seek advice from others seek to understand their problem better, get solutions to the
problem and justify their intended actions. The problem comes when the one giving the
advice has personal interests and inadequate knowledge about the problem. The advice seeker
is likely to end up taking the wrong action, especially when it is a sensitive topic like
unwanted pregnancy that cannot be discussed by a wider audience. Unsafe abortion is likely
to happen.
When it comes to accessing unsafe abortion, the most important people in the social network
were the intermediaries who linked up the woman with the unsafe abortion provider. They
included agents of the unsafe abortion provider, former clients of the services, relatives and
friends of the woman and the man responsible for the pregnancy. Unsafe abortion providers
also had cross-referrals among themselves. These intermediaries were the ‗connectors‘ in the
network. Without them there would be no unsafe abortion services in the community. In
analyzing the social network, therefore these intermediaries form the key links to unsafe
abortion service and the most important nodes in sustaining the service.
The study findings are in line with the theories of health seeking behavior. They are coherent
with the socio-behavioral theory or the Anderson model (Anderson and Neuman, 1975), the
theory of reasoned action (Campbell and Mzaidume, 2001; Ajzen, 1991) and the pathway
model (Good, 1987). All these theories stipulate that people turn to their ‗significant other‘,
friends, relatives and other social contacts for direction and advice whenever a health
condition occurs.
The fact that almost all people contacted by the woman advised on abortion is an important
point to note. It is possible that women chose to seek advice from people they thought would
favor or side with their desire to abort. Colman (2009) and Harries (2007) in their studies in
Texas and South Africa respectively found that women with unwanted pregnancies avoided
talking to people they thought could stop them from having abortions and only sought advice
Also important is that the younger a woman was, the higher the variety of people that she was
likely to consult for advice on the pregnancy and the less the likelihood she had of owning
the decision to abort. Further, most of the women having a desired pregnancy and ending up
aborting unsafely were likely to be of the younger age. It may therefore appear that the effect
of social networks was greater the younger the age of the woman was. This finding is in
agreement with studies done elsewhere on pregnancies among adolescents and young people.
According to Arai (2007), young people choose to either abort or carry on with the pregnancy
based on either direct advise or pressure by peers and friends, or if they know of their age
According to Matyastick et al (2008), the inner circle of an adolescent has a great influence
on sexual behavior, pregnancy and abortion. In fact the beliefs of the associates of an
4.6.5 How Methods Used to Procure Unsafe Abortions Influence Outcomes Among
According to key informants, community health workers and unsafe abortion providers, only
30% or less of women terminating pregnancies unsafely seek further care in health facilities.
This finding is in agreement with estimates by WHO which put the proportion at 10% to 50%
(Info for Health, 2007). A recent study by Gebreselassie et al (2010) in Malawi to estimate
the magnitude of unsafe abortion put the proportion at 29% although the estimate was taken
from the perspective of hospital based health workers. Studies done in communities in
Nyanza and Western regions of Kenya have also consistently shown that home deliveries are
over 70% (Nangendo (2006); Ouma (2010)). Home deliveries mirror health seeking behavior
in women with abortion related problems. In essence therefore, over two thirds of women
procuring abortions unsafely do not get to hospital for further care. Some deaths were
reported to have occurred in the community in such women. Some could be suffering long
term morbidity. This study did not assess chronic and long term sequel of the abortions.
Unsafe abortion providers were found to generally use a mixture of methods to terminate
pregnancies. Methods used were not specific to a particular provider, for example herbalists
used conventional medicines and medical workers used herbs. There was therefore a degree
of shared knowledge among unsafe abortion providers in the community. This led to
Death was the severest outcome of unsafe abortion. A case fatality rate of 0.3 to 0.5% was
recorded. Thonneau (2007) has estimated unsafe abortion case fatality rates in the Eastern
Africa region to be 0.8%. A smaller country based study done in Ethiopia however found a
rate of 3.6% (Gebrehiwot, 2008). These variations not only point to differences in
methodology but also to the difficulty in estimating unsafe abortion related deaths in a
community. The community in Siaya District could be different from others where the other
The death that happened in the health facility was partly due to the delay in providing uterine
evacuation. Service providers insisted on payment being made before the procedure could be
undertaken. It was also reported that monies paid for treatment of unsafe abortion were
pocketed by service providers and that records of such treatments were not made. The
attitude of health workers towards patients with abortion complications was that of
irresponsibility and unprofessionalism. In fact many studies have found that health worker
attitude is a major barrier to women with abortion related problems accessing healthcare
(Kade, 2003). Programs aimed at transforming attitudes of health workers towards women
with abortion related problems have shown promising results and could help save affected
As far as outcomes of specific methods are concerned, use of oral herbs led to the most
severe complications. Two deaths reported in the community were as a result of using herbs.
The four women who required blood transfusion had also been treated by herbalists. Previous
studies by Benson (2008) and by Ahmed (1998) found traditional practitioners of abortion to
be quite dangerous. It was concluded that the work of some traditional practitioners in
abortion care could lead to life threatening complications. The situation appears to be the
same in this community. The situation in this community could have been made worse by the
bad relationship that exists between herbalists and medical workers leading to delays in or
The use of gadgets inserted through the vaginal cavity by an unsafe abortion provider or by
the woman herself was the second most dangerous method of unsafe abortion. Previous
studies have shown the dangers of this method. Agarwal (2007), for example, found women
who had had an ―abortion stick‖ inserted in the cervical canal to induce termination of
pregnancy to develop severe pelvic infections. The abortion stick may have been a wooden or
bamboo twig, or a piece of an irritant plant such as madar (Calotropis) or chitra (Plumbago
zeylanica) or other sticks coated with irritant chemicals. In another study, Ahmed (1998)
found life threatening complications to result from insertion of tubers and other foreign
objects into the uterus. This method, which seemed to cut across providers of unsafe abortion
This study found the use of oral conventional medicine to be the safest method of unsafe
abortion. The drug commonly linked to this method was misoprostol. In one study done in
Kenya by Ongech et al (2008), misoprostol was found to be available for sale in 42% of
pharmacies. Some pharmacies sold it directly to women while others only sold it on
stock the drug. The drug is known to be in circulation in Africa, Kenya included (Ipas, 2009).
The use of misoprostol for abortion in the community has been found to be associated with
fewer complications and reduces morbidity and mortality from unsafe abortion
(Monteblanco, 2010). This led the government of Uruguay to include a program for
health policy (Monteblanco, 2010). The findings of this study are therefore consistent with
The tendency to use multiple methods was however seen in the women using oral
conventional medicines to terminate pregnancy. This led to the women getting unexpected
complications with the method. It is known that bleeding takes time to resolve when
abortificient drugs are used for pregnancy termination, the average duration of bleeding being
11 days, sometimes bleeding going on for more than two weeks (National Abortion
Federation, 2010). Unless women are made aware of this fact, they may think that the method
has failed and go for more methods. This could have been the case in this study.
One significant finding was that there was no difference in the choice of methods used for
terminating pregnancies in the first and in the second trimesters of pregnancy (t=1.38; df=12;
p value 0.19). According to WHO (2003), methods for terminating pregnancies in the first
trimester are totally different from those in the second trimester and using one method across
the two trimesters can lead to complications. Unsafe abortion providers did not seem to
The incidence of unsafe abortion was found to be 19 per 1000 women aged 15 – 49 years
which, as expected, is greater than the global estimate but incidentally lower than the estimate
The affected women were generally young, 76% of them being below 24 years old, mostly
nulliparous and presenting to the clinic with incomplete abortion in the first trimester.
Previous studies have similarly found young women to be the most affected by unsafe
Poor infrastructure, lack of the right equipment, unwilling health providers and inadequate
competent service providers were found to make health facilities unable to provide safe
abortion and by extension, women to seek unsafe abortion services from elsewhere. Health
facilities also lacked youth friendly services and comprehensive contraceptive services which
The other driver for unsafe abortion was found to be socially stressful social circumstances
that made women go for unsafe abortion. At the centre of this was poverty, culture and a
desire for a good future. Stigma due to unwanted pregnancy as well as abortion also made
The pregnant woman‘s social networks not only recommend abortion to the woman but also
appreciate unsafe abortion providers and this encouraged perpetuation of the service.
Multiple social motivations to providers were found to be a driving force behind the practice
of unsafe abortion. Material gain was present but seemed to play a less important role.
The incidence of unsafe abortion is therefore a result of demand and supply for the service.
The woman and her social contacts cause demand while the unsafe abortion provider makes
d) The role of social networks in women‘s decision making process for unsafe abortion
The majority (84.1%) of pregnancies aborted unsafely were not desired from the start.
Irrespective of whether a pregnancy was desired or not however, the tendency to consult with
the social network for advice was high (95.3%). This observation is in line with the theories
While the majority of women owned the decision to abort unsafely following consultations
with the social network, a significant 30% felt that the decision was not theirs. Hence the fact
that a pregnancy was not desired did not necessarily mean that unsafe abortion was needed.
Neither was it true that a wanted pregnancy could not be aborted unsafely. Consultation with
the social network played a determining role on the final decisions on the pregnancy. There
was no difference in ownership of the decision to abort between women with desired, those
with undesired or those not sure of their desire for the pregnancy. The social contacts highly
recommended abortion for the women who ended up aborting unsafely. There was no
difference in the type of advice given by the various contacts consulted. It would appear that
social contacts had a great influence on the decision for unsafe abortion.
Methods of unsafe abortion included conventional medicines taken orally or vaginally, oral
herbs, and gadgets inserted into the vagina by self or by the unsafe abortion provider. Rare
The community where a woman found herself determined the available methods that she
could use. Despite this, a wide range of methods was seen among younger women and those
receiving advice from men responsible for the pregnancies as well as from their mothers.
Similarly, a wide range of methods were seen in abortions initiated by medical workers and
Complications of unsafe abortion were hemorrhage, pelvic infection, genital tract injury and
death. A case fatality rate of 0.3 – 0.5% was recorded. This is lower than the estimate for the
Severer and higher frequency of complications were seen in younger women, those
influenced by the man causing pregnancy, those influenced by their sisters and those having
The method of unsafe abortion used was the end result of a number of determinants and had a
direct relationship with outcomes. Oral use of herbs was found to be the riskiest followed by
use of gadgets per vaginum. Use of conventional medicine was found to be the least risky in
terms of severity of complications. Bad outcomes from herbal clinics could have been due to
poor referral networks resulting from the bad relationship between health workers in the
With a low case fatality rate of 0.3 – 0.5 and a high incidence rate of 19 per 1000 women
aged 15 – 45 years, the devastation of unsafe abortion lies in the numbers of women aborting
rather than the dangers of the procedures used. The public health focus in tackling unsafe
abortion should therefore aim to reduce demand and supply for the service, a fact that calls
for changes in community knowledge, beliefs and practices. Reducing demand for unsafe
abortion will be determined by how men, mothers, sisters, teachers, friends and other social
contacts of women behave and guide the woman. Reducing supply also lies with the way the
community treats providers of unsafe abortion including the amount of support they provide
to them. Finding ways of motivating community providers of abortion to refer women for
care in health facilities rather than providing the service could be a key strategy. Such
motivations should surpass the gains that they get by providing unsafe abortion. Advocacy
should target herbalists and health worker providers of unsafe abortion who are the most
dangerous before proceeding to other providers. Generally the findings of this study lay
greater responsibility for reducing unsafe abortion in the arena of interventions in the
5.3 Conclusions
Drivers of unsafe abortion exist at health system and community levels in the study area.
Social networks are consulted by women before they opt for unsafe abortion and contribute to
number of determinants that culminate in the methods used. Herbal methods are the riskiest
followed by use of gadgets through the vagina. Use of conventional medicine, especially
through the pharmacy is the safest unsafe abortion method. Unsafe abortions flourish in the
5.4 Recommendations
a) There is need for the Ministry of Health to improve health system response to the
b) Because the decisions to have unsafe abortions are highly influenced by members of
the community, the Ministry of Health and other players in reproductive health should
develop strategies aimed at reaching the whole community and not just the pregnant
Men and mothers of the women should be targeted and their capacity built to be
Socio-cultural reasons for abortion should be interrogated with the aim of having
the welfare and autonomy of women considered in any decisions made concerning
Intermediaries that link pregnant women to the unsafe abortion providers are
important in guiding women on where to seek help for unwanted pregnancy and
c. The Ministry of Health should improve the relationship between medical workers and
d. The community holds unsafe abortion providers in high esteem. They should
therefore not be stigmatized and demonized by health workers but rather collaborated
Grey areas that arose in the course of this study that need further research are as follows:
How can the school system contribute more positively in the sexuality of pupils and
What can be done to help widows enjoy healthy sexuality devoid of unwanted
How can the relationship between herbalists and medical workers be improved for the
benefit of patients?
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1. Age in years
3. Previous miscarriages
6. Type of abortion
(i) Incomplete (ii) complete (iii) Septic (iv) Missed (v) Threatened
7. Mark the following findings for the patient as assessed at presentation to the hospital:
History/Symptom Finding
Score 0 1 2
Score 0 3 6
Section 2: Fill for Patient Who Scores 3 or more in the Assessment Above
(i) Pregnancy test (ii) Had symptoms (iii) Told by 3rd party (iv) Other (specify)
10. (If yes go to No. 11) If not what are the reasons for not disclosing?
(i) Fear of being punished (ii) Lack of someone to confide in (iii) Stigma
11. If someone else is aware of the pregnancy tick below as appropriate who the person is and
Other man
Friend of same
Health worker
Non health
worker provider
of abortion
Other persons
12. From the assessment and history so far it is clear that the abortion is induced (score 6 and
above or 3 and above with advise from at least one person to have abortion)
13. Would the patient say that the decision to have abortion was personal?
14. How can she grade the influence from the following in deciding to have abortion from 0 –
0 1 2 3
Health worker
Other persons
15. Fill in the table below why the person influencing wanted the pregnancy terminated?
Person who wanted Reason why the person wanted pregnancy terminated
pregnancy terminated
Man who
Other man
Friend of same
Health worker
Non health
worker provider
of abortion
Other persons
(i) Home (ii) Clinic/hospital (iii) Pharmacy (iv) herbal clinic (v) herbalist’s home (vi) Other
(i) Self (ii) Doctor/nurse (iii) Pharmacy worker (iv) herbalist (v) Other
18. Other people who have contributed to completing the termination before coming to this hospital
(i) Self (ii) Doctor/nurse (iii) Pharmacy worker (iv) herbalist (v) Other
19. Tick the methods that were used to start off the abortion and others that have been used
thereafter before patient came to hospital:
20. Tick the complications that the patient has suffered to date?
Complication Suffered
Yes No
Pelvic infection
Pelvic abcess
Systemic poisoning
Other (specify)
21. Is patient ready to be followed up and to provide more information to assist the course of this
study including understanding providers of abortion in the community?
22. Comment from interviewer from observation during the interview on how sincere the
interviewee is and how helpful it will be to follow her up as a case study. If the patient is to be
followed up please get physical address and phone numbers and agree on the best place to meet
(home, hospital, etc)
My name is …………. I am participating in a research that aims to understand the health of women in
our community. I have been informed that you have been helping women with problems and so you
can help me understand the problems that they face. I have a few questions that you can help me
answer. If you do not mind participating in this interview kindly sign the consent form then we can
Once the consent form is signed, the interviewer gets the following details of the provider
Interview Questions
My name is ……………… I am involved in a study that aims to understand how women in our
community deal with the problem of unwanted pregnancy. Because of your position in this
community, you definitely have a lot of knowledge that you can share with me. I have a number of
questions that you can help me answer. Kindly sign the consent form if you do not mind to
participate in the interview.
Interview Questions
Participants with typical features of induced abortion who are willing to give further information will
undergo a case study. After reviewing how the interviewee has fared with treatment following the
first contact, the interviewer proceeds with the case study. The interviewee should have signed
consent to participate in the study during the first contact. The following are guide questions for the
case study:
Interview Questions
My name is …………… I am involved in a research that aims to understand the health of women in our
community. I am informed that you knew …………… who passed on recently. I am interested in
knowing her story because this can help us improve health in the community to avoid women facing
a similar calamity. If you do not mind participating in the interview kindly sign the consent form.
Interview Questions
Proceed as follows:
3. Who else knew her whom she may have talked to?
a. Please introduce me to these people so that they give me further information.
4. In your assessment, how could we have avoided this death?
Availability of:
Safe abortion
Safe abortion
Safe abortion
Contraceptive services
o Methods present (All) (Some) (None)
Medical Knowledge
Describes the differences between an aspiration abortion and a medication abortion and know the indications and
contraindications of each
Patient Care
Uses the bimanual exam to describe the position of the uterus, estimate the GA and to identify normal and abnormal findings
Examines the tissue aspirate in order to identify the completeness of the procedure
Able to perform and interpret sonograms for gestational dating, pregnancy location and completion of abortion procedure
Solicits questions from the patient prior to the procedure and answers them
Asks the patient to position herself for the procedure without any physical handling
Communicates with patients during the procedure with attention to her comfort
Fosters sense of cooperation, team spirit, works effectively with other team members
Demonstrates sensitivity and responsiveness to patients’ culture, age, gender, language and disabilities
Demonstrates respect, compassion, integrity, and professional composure (esp. in high stress situations)