Factors Causes Students Low English Language Learning 1 DEAL

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Isna Ratna Rakhmawati

Postgraduate of Magister Program of English Education
Ahmad Dahlan University


The ojective of this study is to investigate the students’ weakness of learning English as a
foreign language in a formal education system. The study focuses on the factors influencing
the students’ poor English proficiency. The data is gained from the research question of “Why
are students of Muhammadiyah Pleret Junior High School weak in English?”. An in-depth
interview was conducted to 10 of ninth grade students based on their feeling and experiences
during their study in the school. Every student had to answer ten questions related to the reason
why they were poor in English. The data were collected by using reflection. In this reflection
the participants were given a pieace of paper and asked to write their learning experience
including what caused them to be left behind in english subject. The findings showed that the
students’ English performance were poor because they were fraid of making mistakes, they
were lacck of confidence, lack of vocabulary, had low motivation and suffered from anxiety.

Key words: English performance, factors, weaknesses


This paper’s objective is to investigate the factor that influence the students’ poor
performance in English. The research conducted during the second semester of the academic
year of 2017/2018. It gave some benefits for the English teachers in order to make the teaching
and learning process better. The students in non-English speaking country are generally face
difficulties in learning the second language. More over in the non bilingual school, the students
have to try hard in the learning English. It influences the students performance in English.

English language is a global language that the purpose is to communicate with other
around the world. English language is a term that stand on many parts and it influences on
many different cultures in many countries. Nowdays, the English language becomes something
important in the teaching and learning process. It is because the government of Indonesia
includes the English language in the National Examination. In Indonesia, junior highschool
students have to study English for four hours per week. Most of the students are not motivated
to study English especially in the conventional school. They come from many different
backgrounds of live. So that, it can influence the students performance in English.

Many reasons that cause the Muhammadiyah Pleret junior highschool students poor
performance of the English as a foreign language lack of English teachers proficiency, lack of
students motivation, lack of confidence, and lack of vocabulary also the English course does
not relate to the students’ needs and interests. The weak students usually have poor strategies
and gve up easily when they find struggle (Souriyavongsa, et al, 2013).

This paper investigates the the issues of teaching and learning the English language as a
foreign language or second language: a case study in Muhammadiyah Pleret junior highschool.
This research also classify the factors that influence the students English performance. Why
are Muhammadiyah Pleret junior highschool students weak in English?


The Nature of Speaking Skill

Speaking is one of the most important and essential skills that must be practiced to
communicate orally. People who have ability in speaking will be better in sending and
receiving information or message to another. Speaking is the process of building and sharing

meaning through the uses of verbal and non verbal symbol in various contexts. The mastery of
speaking skill is a priority for many second and foreign language learners. Speaking is a tool
to communicate with other in the form of worklife, relationship, or friendship. Therefore, it can
say that speaking as a skill is playing significant role for the learners who studied English
especially as a foreign language. Speaking skill is one of the language skills that are very
essential to support further oral communication especially in English, but it is the most difficult
skill to develop.
Teaching speaking is not like listening, reading, and writing. It needs habit formation
because it is a real communication and speaking is a productive skill so it needs practicing as
often as possible. Traditional classroom speaking practice often takes the form of drills in
which one person asks a question and another gives an answer. The purpose of asking and
answering the question is to demonstrate the ability to ask and answer the question. Foreign
language learners learning to acquire the oral proficiency in the target language may have some
problems, both internal and external. Internally, they may experience the feeling of anxiety.
They may feel reluctant to use the target language as they may be afraid of making mistakes.
They may have the feeling of discomfort using the target language as “it deprives them of their
normal means of communication” (Nascente, 2001).
Speak means to produce some words representing one’s ideas. Speaking is a process of
building and sharing meaning through the use of verbal and non-verbal symbols, in a variety
of contexts (Kayi, 2003). Speaking skill is an oral production and becomes one of the skills
that students need to learn in their language development (Haidara, 2016). This research
focused on the speaking skill because the mastery of speaking skill in learning any language
including English is a main for many second or foreign language learners. Speaking skill is one
of the skills that should be mastered by the target language learners. It is one of the macro skills
of English teaching and learning is speaking. It is not easy to define what is meant by terms
such as speaking skill since it has been defined in various ways in different disciplines.
The students of English are not highly competent in speaking because of their fear of
making mistakes (Sato, 2003). According to (Ballard, 1996 in JIN Yan-hua, 2007 in Juhana,
2012) students find speaking English a stressful activity especially if they have to perform
something using English.
Research has also thrown considerable light on the complexity of spoken interaction
In either a first or second language. For example, Luoma (2004) cites some of the following
features of spoken discourse:
a. Composed of idea units (conjoined short phrases and clauses)

b. May be planned (e.g., a lecture) or unplanned (e.g., a conversation)
c. Employs more vague or generic words than written language
d. Employs fixed phrases, fillers, and hesitation markers
e. Contains slips and errors reflecting online processing
f. Involves reciprocity (i.e., interactions are jointly constructed)
g. Shows variation (e.g., between formal and casual speech), reflecting speaker roles,
speaking purpose, and the context
The function of speaking according to Brown and Yule (1983) made a useful distinction
between the interactional functions of speaking, in which it serves to establish and maintain
social relations, and the transactional functions, which focus on the exchange of information.
The micro and macroskills total roughly 16 different objectives to asses in speaking
(Brown, ).
Micro- and macroskills of oral production
1. Produce difference among English phonemes and allophonic variants.
2. Produce chunks of language of different lenghts.
3. Produce English stress patterns, words in stressed and unstressed positions, rhythmic
structure, and intonation contours.
4. Produce reduced forms of words and phrases.
5. Use an adequate number of lexical units (words) to accomplish pragmatic purposes.
6. Produce fluent speech at different rates of delivery.
7. Monitor one’s own oral production and use various strategic devices-pausess, fillers,
self-corrections, backtracing-to enhance the clarity of the message.
8. Use grammatcal word classes (nouns, verbs, etc.), system (e,g., tense, agreement,
pluralization), word order, patterns, rules, and elliptical forms.
9. Produce speech in atural constituents: in appropriate phrases, pause groups, breath
groups, and sentence constituents.
10. Express a particular meaning in different grammatical forms.
11. Use cohesive devices in spoken discourse.

12. Appropriately accomplish communicative functions according to situations,
participants, and goals.

13. Use appropriate styles, registers, implicature, redundancies, pragmatic conventions,
conversation rules, floor-keeping and –yielding, interrupting, and other
sociolinguistic features in face-to-face conversations.
14. Convey links and connections between events and communicate such relations as
focal and peripheral ideas, events and feelings, new information and given
information, generalization and exemplification.
15. Convey facial features, kinesics, body language, and other nonverbal cues along with
verbal language.
16. Develop and use a battery of speaking strategies, such as emphasizing key words,
rephrasing, providing a context for interpreting the meaning of words, appealing for
help, and accurately assessing how well your interlocutor is understanding you.

Causes of Weakness in English Language Learning

There are several problems that effect the students English performance in learning
English as a Foreign Language. The factors can be from many components including, the
students background of live, the social environment, the differences of culture, social
economic, psychology, etc. These factors can influence the students English performance in
language learning, especially in the conventional school in Indonesia. Here, the reseacher will
explain one by one of the factors that influence the students English performance.

Learning Strategy

The learning strategy according to Oxford (1990), there are six major groups of L2
learning strategy. They are cognitive strategies, metacognitive strategies, memory-related
strategies, compensatory strategies, affective strategies, and social strategies. The cognitive
strategies are focus on the students to manipulate the language materials in direct way. For
example note-taking, summarizing, outlining, and practising natural setting. According to
Purpura (1999) in Juhana metacognitive is a strategies that had "a significant, positive, direct
effect on cognitive strategy use, providing clear evidence that metacognitive strategy use has
an executive function over cognitive strategy use in task completion”. For example planning
for an L2 task, gathering and organizing materials, arranging a study space and a schedule,
monitoring mistakes, and evaluating task success. The memory-related strategies is strategy
that helps the students link a L2 with other concept but do not involve deep understanding.
There are some strategies to link the one L2 with other concept. For example via sounds,

images, pictures, body movement, mechanical means, combinations of sounds and image and
locations. Those strategy can be appled in the activity of rhyming, the meaning of the word,
total physical response, flashcard, key word method, and on a page or whiteboard.
Compensatory strategies are strategy that helps the students to make up for missing knowledge.
For example guessing from the context in listening and reading. Affective strategies are about
the students feelings, the students mood and anxiety level, rewarding the students for good
performance, and positive self talk. The social strategies are strategy to help the students work
with others, understand the target culture as well as the language.


Psychological factors that influences the students English performnace. Each of them is
explained below.

Fear of Mistake

Aftat, (2008) in Juhana (2012) adds that this fear is linked to the issue of correction
and negative evaluation. In addition, this is also much influenced by the students’ fear
of being laughed at by other students or being criticized by the teacher. Therefore, it is
important for teachers to convince their students that making mistakes is not a wrong or bad
thing because students can learn from their mistakes. The primary reason of fear of mistake is
that students are afraid of looking foolish in front of other people and they are concerned about
how other will see them (Kurtus, 2001). The possible solution to overcome students’ fear of
mistakes, Zua (2008) in Juhana (2012) gives several suggestions. First, she suggests that
emotional bonds between students and teachers should be build. This way, the students
are expected to feel comfort with their teacher and believe that the teacher will help
them if they make mistake. Second, Zua further states that the teacher should improve
the students' concentration when learning English. This can be done, as she suggests, by
creating a supporting learning atmosphere. Finally, the last suggestion is that the teacher creates
a harmonious atmosphere that can reduce students’ nervousness.


Anxiety is a feeling of tension, apprehension and nervousness associated with the

situation of learning a foreign language (Horwitz et al., 2010). Further Horwitz writes that,
among other affective variables, anxiety stands out as one of the main blocking factors for
effective language learning. In other words, anxiety influences students in learning language.
Therefore, paying attention to this factor of learning should also be taken into
consideration. Their low ability in this aspect, in many cases, causes anxious feeling
among many students. The second cause which is test anxiety deals with students’ fear of
being tested. The last cause has to do with other students’ evaluation. In this case, as mentioned
above, very often that other students’ evaluation causes anxiety among students themselves.
As suggested by Harmer (2007), to reduce this anxiety feeling, teachers need to pay attention
to each students’ strengths and weaknesses so that they can create a learning method which
accommodates all students in the classroom.

Lack of Motivation

It is mentioned in the literature that motivation is a key to students’ learning

success (Songsiri, 2007) in Juhana 2012. Zua (2008) in Juhana 2012 further adds that
motivation is an inner energy. She says that no matter what kinds of motivation the learners
possess it will enhance their study interest. It has been proven in many studies that students
with a strong motivation to succeed can persist in learning and gain better scores than those
who have weaker motivation of success showing that building students motivation to learn is
urgent for every teacher.

Aftat (2008) in Juhana 2012 emphasizes that to motivate students to learn well and
actively communicate in English, teachers should have passion, creativity and interest in their
students. In other words, students’ motivation is really influenced by the teachers’ teaching
performance. Therefore, it is important that teachers also show enthusiasm in their
teaching performance. To overcome students’ lack of motivation, teachers can do activities
like promoting students’ awareness of the importance of English, enhancing students’ interest
in English, and developing their self-confidence.

A study has been conducted by (Souriyavongsa et al., 2013), on the investigation of the
factors that cause language anxiety for ESL/EFL learners in learning speaking skills and the

influence it casts on communication in the target language found difficulties of language
learning, differences in learners’ and target language cultures, the difference in social status of
the speakers are the factors that affect to the students’ weakness of language learning. In
addition, a study of problems encountered by Arab EFL learners showed that learners preferred
to use Arabic rather than English for communication in both outside and inside the classroom,
the lack of the target language exposure as spoken by its native speakers, the shortage and
weakness of the contribution in their language teaching context, and lack of their personal
motivation (Loae, 2011).


This paper aims to determine the factors making the students low in English performance.
There were 10 students of SMP Muhammadiyah Pleret in the academic year 2017-2018 who
become the respondents. The respondents were selected from four classes through the
purposive sampling research method. All participants were the third year students.

The research question focus on, “Why are Muhammadiyah Pleret Junior Highschool
students weak in English?”. It was a tool in this study to ask the students perceptions based on
their reasons that the students are poor performance for learning English as a foreign language.
Beside that, the researcher collect the data by using reflection. The researcher gave 10 questions
related to the students individual aspects in order to make the data more detail. They write
down the answer in the paper provided. After that all answers were returned back, the
researcher identified and developed into categories for coding and categirizing constructing as
well as each answer was also translated into English language. The categorization of the data
was based on the question that given to the students.


The research question focus on “ Why Muhammadiyah Pleret Junior Highschool students
weak in English?” was the research tool in this study to find the factors that influence the
students English performance. However this cases cannot be generalized to all students, but it
represents the all students, espesially the ninth grade students of Muhammadiyah Pleret in the
academic year 2017-2018.

Based on the research questions, the result indicates of the need to improve the method
in teaching English to make the students become more understand in learning English and
improve the students motivation in order to make the students more interest in studying
English, also enrich the students’ vocabulary to make the students more confidents and less
fear of mistake.

The followings are the result of data gained from students’ reflection that influenced the
students’ English Performance.

Fear of Mistake

The factor that most frequently chosen by students is fear of mistake (90%) . The students
reason that make them fear mistake was they were afraid of being laughed as represented by
respondents B, E, F.
B: “I don’t feel confidence because I am scare to make mistake.”

E:” I am scare to speak because I am afraid making mistake”.

F:” I am scare to answer, because I am afraid in making mistake”.


Some students answer that they felt shy when they spoke English. They felt say as they
were shy naturally. This was represented by students D, G.
D:” I don’t feel confidence when I speak English, because I feel shame”.

G:” I am afraid to speak and fell shame”.


Students said that they felt anxious to speak because they got nervous and fear what they
said was wrong. This represented by students A .
A: ““ I feel ashame and nervous when I want to speak in English”.
Other student mentioned the reason of anxiety was lack of vocabulary. It represented by
student E.

E: I am also scare to speak because I cannot speak in English and do not know a lot
about the vocabulary”.

The respons is relevant to the statement that limited vocabulary make difficult the student
to convey what they wanted to say.

Lack of Confidence

The students lacks of convidence. It was because they did not have eough vocabulary
and did not know how to pronounce the words correctly. This represented by students C, H.
C:” I am not confidence to speak English”.
H:” I less confidence because I do not usually speak in English”.

Lack of Motivation

Students mention that the factors that they lack of motivation were because they did not
like learning English because it is not their language. They also mention that the teacher
teachng strategy was not interesting enough. This represented by students A, D, I, J.
A:” I do not like English because it is boring”.

D:” I do not like English because the language is difficult to learn”.

I:” I do not like English because I do not have competence on it”.

J:” I do not like English because I do not have competence on it”.

Table 1 Below presents the factors that cause students weak in English language learning.
NO. Category of Factors Frequency Presentages (%)
1. Students' lack of confidence to use the 9 90%
2. The students are shame 9 90%
3. The students afraid make mistakes 9 90%
4. Lack of English Background 6 60%
5. Students themselves are not interested 4 40%
in study English
6. English language is difficult to learn. 3 30%
7 Students are lack of vocabulary 3 30%
8 Teacher strategy was not interesting 2 20%


The research showed that the students English performance influenced by several factors.
According to the data gained by the researcher, the factors were from learning strategies and
psychological aspects. The learning strategies were about the learner’s and the teacher’s
strategies. The students’ learning strategies focused on the lack of vocabulary. While the
teacher’s strategies focused on how the teacher taught the students. While the psychological
aspects were because the learners’ fear of make mistakes. It’s mean that the learners were
unconfidents with their skill. It can influence by the lack of vocabulary itself. Most of them
think that people may laugh at them if they mispronounce some words then they prefer not to
interact in English until they know for sure that they are not making any mistake Then, the
second was because the students anxiety to perform their English. It’s related to the confidence
and also the lack of vocabulary. The third was lack motivation. The lack of motivation was
because of the students didn’t have interest in learning English. It influenced by the students
English skills, the fear of mistake, and the teacher strategies in teaching English was not
The teacher that often face in the classroom is the students communicate use their own
language than English to perform classroom tasks. This students want to say something
important but they can deliver it using English clearly, so they use their own language. They
have difficulty to say something and because they do not want losing their face in front of their

friends, they think that they better use their native language and so others can understand them.
This problem also connected with students does not want to talk or say anything in the foreign
language but they keep using their own language. In this situation, teacher can create
an English environment and keep reminding them always use English.
One of the problems is students feel really shy about talking in front of other students,
they are suffer from a fear of making mistakes and therefore, losing face‟ in front of their
teacher and their friends. The teacher should build the students’ self-confidence. Speaking in
front of other people needs courage, motivation from inside, and outside such as joyful
atmosphere in the conversation and interesting topic. “Students are afraid of making mistake
because they are worry that their friends will laugh at them and receive negative evaluations
from their peers if they make mistake in speaking English (Kurtus, 2001). This statement is
relevant to the comments of the respondents B, E, F. This condition influence the students want
to speak, but they feel worry to speak. (Brown, 2001)
Students lack confidence and feel that they cannot speak English because they think that
they do not have the ability to speak English well and their limited knowledge of the language
(Brown, 2001). This condition influence the students English Speaking. The teacher should
make the students practice to speak in daily school to build their confidence.
Another reason or student silence may simply be that the classroom activities are boring.
Many people have a good ability in English language skills but when they should communicate
with English, they fail in expressing their ideas. They are afraid and anxious of saying
something wrong or incomprehensible. This is in line with what Liu, (2007) stated that “error
and afraid of being evaluated are the causes of anxiety that make students very anxious in
learning oral English”. In ths condition they aware that other students and their teacher will
evaluate their performance. One way to encourage students to speak in English is simply to
speak in English as much as possible in classroom. According to (Souriyavongsa et al., 2013),
specify that learning English as a second language or a foreign language, research has
established that it is the highest significant that students receive support in terms of supportive
and conductive learning situation and adequate, meaningful language experience.
In the teaching and learning process the teacher often find that the students are less
dicipline in the class activity. Some students do not pay attention to the lesson given, they just
talk with each other and make some noises. Some come and go as they like, as the teacher
cannot control them. The problems may be because the students bored with the activities or
they feel unable to cope with the task given. The students are often only sleep while teaching
and learning procees. It makes the teacher have to pay attention to the students to make them

learn seriously. This condition related to the students motivation in learning English. If they
have low motivation, it means they have low enthusiasm in following the classroom which
make them indiscipline in the classroom. In this situation, the teacher can create activities that
make students feel enjoy themselves in the class.
The teacher should teach the students by integrating the language they are teaching with
the situation. When school topics do not relate to students‟ lives, they may find themselves
confused or bored. Moreover, when students cannot understand the language instruction, they
may become frustrated. The problem is also connected with the students‟ motivation. If the
right activities are taught in the right way, speaking classroom can be a lot of fun, raise learner
motivation and make the English language classroom a fun and dynamic place to study English.
Their motivation is more likely to increase if the students can see how their process of
classroom learning achieves the objective, and helps them to accomplish the success. One key
to increasing motivation is to use activities matched to the personalities, learning styles and
characteristics of the learners as often as practically possible. These facts is in line with the
statement of (Patel, et al, 2010) stressing that motivation is a product of good teaching, not its
prerequisite, students are unmotivated and unwilling to speak English in the classroom among
others are because uninspiring teaching and lack of appropriate feedback. Therefore, the
teacher should pay attention with the students’ motivation in studying English. They have to
encourage the teaching method and strategy to increase the students motivation. The interesting
and creative teaching are appropriate.


According to the objective of the study, it can be concluded that students have
psychological factors such as fear of mistake, shyness, anxiety, confidence, and lack motivation
influenced the students practicing their speaking in English class. The factors, like fear of
making mistakes were most influence the students English speaking. The students were fear of
being laughed at by their friends. In addition, in terms lack of motivation hinder the students
to speak, because some of them do not master the English competence. It makes the students
do not like to learn English. To overcome the psychological factors that hinder students from
speaking, it will be good if the teacher encourages interesting and creative method and strategy
to increase the students’ motivation in learning English. The teacher also have to conduct
interesting teaching vocabulary in order to make the students master the vocabulary. The
students believed that by enriching the vocabulary will make the students to be more confident

to speak. Also all aspect between teaching and learning strategy factor and the psychology
factors have to conduct in the class integratively.

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