Treatment of Sternal Wound Infections After Open-Heart Surgery
Treatment of Sternal Wound Infections After Open-Heart Surgery
Treatment of Sternal Wound Infections After Open-Heart Surgery
Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Zhongshan Hospital, Fudan University, Shanghai,
Received 29 September 2012; received in revised form 23 May 2013; accepted 9 July 2013
Available online 22 August 2013
KEYWORDS Summary Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate the proper treatment of in-
infection; fected median sternotomy wounds.
muscle flap; Methods: A retrospective study was conducted to investigate the proper treatment of infected
sternotomy median sternotomy wounds on patients with sternal wound infections from January 2007 to
July 2009. The characteristics of the sternal infections and the treatment outcomes were ana-
Results: Ninety-seven patients with sternal wound infections were treated. A total of 32 pa-
tients acquired the infection within one month after open-heart surgery, 10 patients got the
infection one to two months after the surgery, and 1 patient died two days after debridement.
There were 54 patients who acquired the infection beyond two months post-surgery, while 1
patient died on the day before the operation. One patient received four cycles of wound
debridement, 18 patients received two cycles and 78 patients only received one cycle. A total
of 14 patients received a vacuum-assisted closure treatment. There were 73 patients who had
surgery for repair of muscle flaps, 1 patient for breast tissue flap, 63 patients for pectoralis
major muscle flap, and 9 patients with rectus abdominis muscle flap. There were 12 patients
who received a transverse plate fixation of the sternum with titanium plating.
Conclusion: A positive prognosis can be obtained by the algorithm treatment based on the
onset and depth of the sternal infection.
Copyright ª 2013, Asian Surgical Association. Published by Elsevier Taiwan LLC. All rights
Conflicts of interest: The authors declare that they have no financial or non-financial conflicts of interest related to the subject matter
or materials discussed in this article.
* Corresponding author. Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Zhongshan Hospital, Fudan University, Number 180, Fenglin
Road, Xuhui District, Shanghai 200032, China.
E-mail address: [email protected] (F.-Z. Qi).
1015-9584/$36 Copyright ª 2013, Asian Surgical Association. Published by Elsevier Taiwan LLC. All rights reserved.
Treatment of sternal wound infections 25
3. Results
Figure 3 (A) Man (66 years old) presented with chest wound infection 5 months after CABG. Debridement was performed prior to
admission to remove a part of the wire. (B) Debridement included extensive resection of the necrotic sternum, removal of wires
and bone wax, and lavage with hydrogen peroxide, benzalkonium bromide, and saline. (C) Immediate reconstruction with a
bilateral pectoralis major myocutaneous flap after debridement; titanium plate and titanium nail were implanted during the
operation. (D) Two weeks post-operation.
more suitable for treating deep infections or large defects grafts and obturate dead sternal space, but the risk of
of soft tissues with fine blood supply and anti-infection opening the abdominal cavity makes the omentum flap a
property. To assist in flap selection, Nahai et al5 proposed a reserved choice.16
flap classification based on the types of bypass grafts, such The timing of the reconstruction using muscle flaps is
as vein graft, unilateral graft, or bilateral internal mam- still controversial. Most scholars recommend radical
mary artery graft. Greig et al6 proposed an anatomical debridement followed by one-step flap reconstruction to
classification to aid in flap selection using the location of obturate dead spaces and reduce bleeding and mortality.
infection: the upper half of the sternum, the lower half of However, a previous study9 shows that immediate recon-
the sternum, and the whole sternum. They recommended struction using muscle flaps may diffuse the infection or
pectoralis major muscle flap for defects in the upper half of lead to reinfection, especially in a complex wound. For
the sternum, and the combined pectoralis major and rectus DSWI patients who cannot be treated with initial radical
abdominis bipedicled muscle flaps for defects in the lower debridement, open and dressing are more important. Sec-
half and the whole sternum. The omentum can also protect ondary tissue flap reconstruction should be conducted after
Figure 4 Man (65 years old) with sternum infection 1 month after the pericardial stripping operation. Three-dimensional CT
imaging: (A) preoperation and (B) 2 weeks post-operation.
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