Segmentation Worksheet

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Client Segmentation

Using Your CRM for Client
Segmentation Worksheet
Client segmentation is an important strategy for optimizing your efforts in your practice
and maximizing your return on your book of business. Segmenting your client base
enables you to focus most of your time and resources on those clients who need your
help the most, and who will lead to more sales and more renewals.

Keep in mind, you can segment your current client list as means to identify which of them
would be good cross-sell and up-sell opportunities, or to identify what level of service they
will receive. You can also segment prospects in your contact list to identify candidates for
upcoming marketing campaigns. And, at its core, segmentation is essential to defining
and finding your niche.

To segment your client base and identify the marketing and sales strategies for each
segment follow these three steps using your CRM.

Identify the Criteria You Will
Step 1
Use to Segment Your Clients

Every advisor has a different approach to how they segment their client base. The approach
that makes the most sense for business is made up of individual criteria that defines a segment.
To identify the criteria you will use to segment your clients think of your ideal clients : what
attributes and qualities do they share that make them the best? These qualities are criteria
you will use to sort your contacts into segments.

Exercise 1
Thinking of your ideal clients, select from the following list ( and / or add more of your own )
the characteristics most important to you when determining if a client belongs in your ‘ A ’,
‘ B ’, ‘ C ’ or ‘ D ’ segment.





Net worth

Marital status

Number of children



Other ( List below ) :


Attitude towards risk

Level of relationship desired

Preferred method of communicating

Decision-making style

Other ( List below ) :

Economic Value

Cost to service relationship

Annual recurring revenue

Assets under management

Number of introductions and referrals per year

Profitability of relationship

Products and services purchased ( List below ) :

Other ( List below ) :

Exercice 2
Once you have created your list of the characteristics most important to you, define the specific attribute
you are looking for in each characteristic.

Here’s an example :

Segment Demographics Psychographics

• Age : 40-60 years old • Attitude towards risk :

• Earnings : 150k + Moderate risk tolerance
• Occupation : Doctor, Lawyer • Level of relationship desired : High.
Face-to-face reviews and semi-annual in
person contact

• Age : 40-45 years old • Attitude towards risk :

• Earnings : 100k-149k High risk tolerance
B • Occupation : Doctor, Lawyer • Level of relationship desired : Moderate.
Frequent email and online contact. Annual
in-person review.

Fill the table below with your specific attributes for each segment.

Segment Demographics Psychographics Economic Value

Step 2
Your Client Base

If you are using a good advisor-specific CRM, you should be able to use its filters functionality
to segment your client base. You can sort your clients into ‘ A ’, ‘ B ’, ‘ C ’ or ‘ D ’ segments using
the criteria you defined in the previous step. And you can then create appropriate marketing
and service strategies for each segment.

Kronos Finance Tip

Using Kronos Finance’s filters in the Contact Module it’s easy to segment your client base.
Doing this ensures that, while you give the same great service to all clients when they
need it, you focus your proactive efforts on those clients who have the greatest need and
potential for profitability.

Check out this article to learn how to create and use filters in Kronos Finance. Once you
have made sure that all your segmentation criteria have been entered as filters, you can
use them to segment your clients.

Create a Client
Step 3
Segmentation Strategy

Boy, that’s a mouthful of big words. Don’t worry, it’s simple to do and will be invaluable in
guiding your activities and building an even more profitable practice.

After you’ve completed your segmentation, you need to identify the marketing, sales and
service strategies appropriate to each segment. For each segment, consider what your
expectations are around income, the amount you’ll need to invest in your client and what
strategies you will use to most effectively and profitably interact with that client type.

Here’s an example of what a segmentation strategy looks like :

Annual Annual Marketing

Profit per
Segment Criteria Income Cost and Service Technology
per client per client Activities

• More than $ 400,000 $ 5,001 + $ 2,001 + ~ $ 3,000 • Concept lunch • CRM

AUM • Seminar • FNA
• > 6 referrals or • 2 review meetings • Social media tool
introductions per year • Newsletter
A • Annual renewals • Respond to
incoming calls and

• $ 200,000-399,000 AUM $ 1,251-5,000 $ 501-1,000 ~ $ 1,000

     • Annual review • CRM
• 4-6 referrals or • Newsletter • FNA
B introductions • Seminar • Social media tool
• Respond to
incoming calls and

• $ 50,001-199,000 AUM $ 601-1250 $ 201-500 ~ $ 500 • Newsletter • CRM

• 2-4 referrals • Annual check-up
C phone call
• Respond to
incoming calls
and emails

•  < $ 50,000 AUM $ 0-600 $ 0-200 ~ $ 100 • Newsletter • CRM

D • < 2 referrals per year • Respond to
incoming calls
and emails

To reduce effort going forward it’s a good idea to create a template of your client
segmentation strategy for each segment in your CRM. That way you’ll be able to create
new strategies with little hassle, whenever you need.

Exercise 3
Fill out the blank template :

Annual Annual Marketing

Profit per
Segment Criteria Income per Cost per and Service Technology
Client Client Activities

Wrap up
Now that you have completed the exercises in this workbook you should have a segmented
client base. You can use these segments to identify your niche, drive your marketing
strategies, increase your ability to cross-sell, and offer awesome proactive service.
And, keep in mind, your segmentation can be useful in preparing your practice for transition.
To see more on how that would work check out our Transition Planning ebook.


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