Fire Extinguisher Using Soundwaves

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Fire accidents are catatastrophic in nature. It is the fact that fire can lead to
unrecoverable loss. Although fire is a necessary necessity for mankind, it can come as a
disatrous threat for human being or any living organisms. Fire is made up of four components:
Fuel, Oxygen, Heat, and Chemical Chain Reaction. This type of reaction is normally called the
Fire Tetrahedron.

According to Zinni, Y. (September 2019) fire is the result of a chemical reaction called
combustion, which requires a combination of fuel and oxygen as well as a source of ignition.
Different methods can be used to extinguish fires. The methods often involve the removal of
heat by cooling the burning material, the cutting of fuel or air source or the adding of chemical

As human civilization continously develops and socities become complicated the

response of the fire accidents must to change. Fire extinguishing techniques is a one of the
method to prevent disastrous fire incidents. Unfortunately existing of fire extinguisher
containing chemical compounds leading an hazardous effects in mankind is a dangerous threat.
According to Fire
extinguishers contain different chemicals, depending on the application. Handheld
extinguishers, which are commonly sold at hardware stores for use in the kitchen or garage, are
pressurized with nitrogen or carbon dioxide (CO2) to propel a stream of fire-squelching agent to
the fire. The active material may be a powder such as potassium bicarbonate (KHCO3), liquid
water, an evaporating fluorocarbon or the propelling agent itself. The most effective and
common fluorocarbon used until recently for this application had been
bromochlorodifluorom-ethane (CF2ClBr), referred to as halon 1211. By international
agreement, however, production of all types of halons ceased in 1994 because the bromine and
chlorine atoms in the chemical were found to migrate over time to the stratosphere, where
they react to deplete ozone in a very efficient catalytic cycle. Therefore a new and eco-friendly
fire extinguisher is needed to overcome this problem.

According to Robertson and Tran 2016, the sonic fire extinguisher offers the cleanest
and least destructive way to put out flames, because while fluids and chemicals are effective in
putting out fires, they can also cause additional property damage and health risks. While the
current version of the extinguisher is only capable of putting out small fires, the students have
proven that it works.

Causing this research paper to proposed an eco-friendly fire extinguisher equipment.

And to utilize the scientific principle of physics and the engineering aspects of electonics. The
current fire extinguisher technologies has a several drawbacks. As to proposed an eco-friendly
fire extinguisher equipment, Sound Wave Fire Extinguisher are found to be one of the
alternative to extinguish fire.

• To evaluate how distance, frequency, volume, and time are directly or indirectly
propotional to each other.

• To know how many gallons of water use to extinguish a fire

• To deacrease the existing of fire extinguisher containing chemical compounds leading

an hazardous effects in mankind.


However, several reseachers have developed new methods to extinguish a fire by using
a sound waves. A useful fire extinguisher equipment has to be improve. According to India
Technical Research Oraganization 2016, acoustic wave patternss are referred to as longitudinal
pressure waves, in which they are able to agitate air molecules away from the fuel of the flame.
The ideal gas of law has an affect on suppresing a flame. When the pressure waves are being
directed at the source of a flame, it will deacrease the pressure at the source which will in turn
deacrese the average temperature.

The idea of fire being affected by sound was discovered as far back 1857 when Irish
scientist, John Tyndall, recognized that sound waves could extinguish flames. Tyndall’s work has
brought on a new waves of research on sound waves and their effects on fire. The most recent
research was carried out by West Georgia University’s Prometheus Project and DARPA’s (
Defense Advance Research Projects Agency ) experiments. DARPA’s research concluded that, “
a threshold velocity must be applied to the flame in order to achieve extinction, rather than a
specific frequency or acoustic pressure.” However, this is not always the case, that there were
specific frequencies where the flames was extinguished. According to MediaCollege.Com
Sound waves exist as variations of pressure in a medium such as air. They are created by the
vibration of an object, which causes the air surrounding it to vibrate – meaning sound waves
are traveling through the air surface and creates a noise to produce sound.


The study focused to the effectiveness of the Bluetooth Sound Wave Fire Extinguisher.
The researcher will compare the traditional using of fire extinguisher to the proposed study
prototype. The researcher will evaluate the quality of the sound wave fire extinguisher when it
comes to the a) distance, b), time, c) volume, and d) frequency in sound. The scope of the
research is focusing the respondent in the different Fire Station in Tondo area and in Tondo
High School. The respondents who answer this survey are fire fighters, teachers and rescuers.


Sound is mechanical wave. The development of portable fire extinguisher is initiated

with the basic design approach shown in fig.




Fig.2.1 Design of portable fire extinguisher

The key components incudes a tone generator is interfaced with the speakerr, which
converts the low frequency waves into sound waves these waves are amplified using amplifier.
The generated sound waves are made to travel to the vortex tube. Speaker along with the
vortex cannon is designed to produce extremely low frequencies is used to manipulate the
sound waves. The sound waves are further tuned in frequency generator until they extinguish
the fire.


The method of research used in the study is Experimental method using a evaluation
survey questionnaire as the primary instrument to gather the needed data and information.

The present study aims to measure the effectiveness of Bluetooth Sound Wave Fire
Extinguisher when it comes to a) distance, b) volume, c) frequency in Hertz, and d) time as
assessed by fire fighters, rescuers, and teachers.

2.3.1 Materials Needed.

 Home Made Bluetooth Speaker

 Vortex Tube
 Gasoline, Gaas, or any light materials easy to make a fire.

2.3.2 Steps To Do.

1. Create an home made bluetooth speaker.

2. Make a vortex tube

3. Put inside all of the connected circuit inside the vortex tube, to make a bluetooth sound
wave fire extinguisher

4. After making the bluetooth sound wave fire extinguiser, it is time to make a fire using the
following fuels:

 Gasoline
 Gaas
 Any light materialsthat can easy tomake a fire

5. And last step, you can now use the bluetooth sound wave fire extinguisher, to extinguish a

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