Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission: Hyderabad
Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission: Hyderabad
Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission: Hyderabad
Introductory Agriculture and Principles of Agronomy
01. Basic elements of crop production; Factors affecting crop production;
History of Agricultural Development; Chronological Agricultural Technology
development in India. Indian Agriculture, balance sheet, liabilities; Assets and
Contrasting trends (DATA), Agril. growth, contrasting food chains, Diversity in
physiography, Soil groups, marine, livestock and water; Liabilities: Soil factors,
weather factors, Economic ecology, dry and irrigation agriculture, Farming
Systems approach, value addition, requirements in new technology; Women in
Agriculture: multifaceted roles and tasks, work stress factors, Nutritional and rural
life standards, role in house hold design making, drudgery reduction for farm
women, women friendly agricultural technology; Empowerment of women; Group
dynamics for farm women, rural women; The nucleus of Agricultural Extension and
Training. Meaning and scope of Agronomy: National and International Agricultural
Research Institutes in India, Agro-climatic zones of India and Andhra Pradesh.
Tillage, crops stand establishment, Planting geometry and its effect on growth and
yield cropping systems, Harvesting.
12. Soil Chemistry, Soil Fertility and Nutrient Management Soil as a source
of plant nutrients. Essential and beneficial elements, criteria of essentiality, forms
of nutrients in soil , mechanisms of nutrient transport to plants, factors affecting
nutrient availability to plants. Measures to overcome deficiencies and toxicities.
Problem soils – acid, salt affected and calcareous soils, characteristics, nutrient
availabilities. Reclamation – mechanical, chemical and biological methods.
Fertilizer and insecticides and their effect on soil water and air. Irrigations water –
Quality of irrigation water and its appraisal. Indian standards for water quality. Use
of saline water for agriculture. Soil fertility – Different approaches for soil fertility
evaluation. Methods, Soil testing – Chemical methods, critical levels of different
nutrients in soil. Plant analysis – DRIS methods, critical levels in plants. Rapid
tissue tests. Indicator plants. Biological method of soil fertility evaluation. Soil test
based fertilizer recommendations to crops. Factors influencing nutrient use
efficiency (NUE) in respect of N, P, K, S, Fe and Zn fertilizers. Source, method and
scheduling of nutrients for different soils and crops grown under rainfed and
irrigated conditions.
15. Pests of Field Crops and Stored Grain and their Management Stored
grain pests: Coleopteran and Lepidopteran pests, their biology and damage,
preventive and curative methods. Distribution, biology, nature and symptoms of
damage, and management strategies of insect and non insect pests of rice,
sorghum, maize, ragi (Eleucine coracana), wheat, sugarcane, cotton, sunhemp,
pulses, groundnut, castor, gingerly, safflower, sunflower, mustard, cumin, fennel,
spinch, amaranthus and tobacco,. Common phytophagous mites, rodents and bird