k30/30 Tower crane
Mounting possibilities
Consult us
k30/30 Tower crane
k30/30 Tower crane
k30/30 Tower crane
k30/30 Tower crane
1 Introduction
2 Complete Crane
4 Tower
5 Tower head
k30/30 Tower crane
This brochure contains the dimensions for the space requirements of the crane.
It is split up into two groups:
The dimensions are detailed in such a way that the setting up of the machine can be
prepared in a more precise and complete manner.
ATTENTION: the indicated dimensions being theoretical ,especially they do not take
into account the deformations without load or with load.
k30/30 Tower crane
k30/30 Tower crane
SYM 10
k30/30 Tower crane
SYM 11
k30/30 Tower crane
SYM 12
k30/30 Tower crane
SYM 13
k30/30 Tower crane
SYM 14
k30/30 Tower crane
2 Track laying
6 Rail stops
SYM 15
k30/30 Tower crane
The rail width and the maxi bogie pressure are shown on the following table and in the
data sheet.
Certain conditions under which the machine will be used may require and 《Out of
service》anchorage pad. In such a case, refer to the manual treating of 《Out of service
Or by the ground
Types of tracks
SYM 16
k30/30 Tower crane
The rail section must be suitable for the wheels it will support; maximum head width 67mm.The best
rail to use is one which is slightly worn as this has a good bearing surface. It is preferable to use
The user must choose the other dimensional characteristics of the rail according to how latter will be
connected to the concrete strips or to the broad flanged girder (HEB) and according to the maximum
Good slightly new rail poor bearing over worn rail rail worn on one side
worn rail surface wheels wear poor bearing surface
SYM 17
k30/30 Tower crane
- For the erection, a minimum length of track is required {see drawing 《Site
- The centre portion of the track must be banked up to the level of the rail foot so as to
ease the travelling of the site machines.
《 The following drawings are given as an indication only. They exclusively apply
the maximum bogie reaction of the machine without causing any local subsidence》.
SYM 18
k30/30 Tower crane
The table opposite gibes the various track widths depending on the chassis used. The
dimensions 6-8m etc. are the widths between the rail axes.
Any greater radius can be negotiated without any gauge correction. It is recommended
to use the minimal radius in case of real necessity.
Travelling over the curves stated is only possible if the chassis are equipped
SYM 19
k30/30 Tower crane
SYM 20
k30/30 Tower crane
6M track widths
Radii of curvature
8M Track widths
Radii of curvature YA
Track corrected
Track uncorrected
SYM 21
k30/30 Tower crane
SYM 22
k30/30 Tower crane
SYM 23
k30/30 Tower crane
Bottom layer
Top layer
Middle layer
Lap joint between steel enforcement bar of top and bottom
Maximum vertical force borne by longitudinal sleeper is 45
Maximum vertical force borne by longitudinal sleeper is 55
to 75 kn
Weight of steel rail per meter (kg)
Model of steel rail
SYM 24
k30/30 Tower crane
SYM 25
k30/30 Tower crane
SYM 26
k30/30 Tower crane
SYM 27
k30/30 Tower crane
SYM 28
k30/30 Tower crane
SYM 29
k30/30 Tower crane
Washer Φ
Upper lager
SYM 30
k30/30 Tower crane
SYM 31
k30/30 Tower crane
The elements used for the track construction are determined in relation to the R reaction
R :: Maximum
HEB :: Height
Heightin in
H.B. : Height
Height of ballastininmm
of ballast mm
P.R. :: Weight
Weight of rail per metreininkgkg
of rail per metre
B :: Oak
Oak sleepers
P.C.C : Compacted broken stones 40/60
T.R. : Type of rail
SYM 32
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SYM 33
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SYM 34
k30/30 Tower crane
SYM 35
k30/30 Tower crane
SYM 36
k30/30 Tower crane
SYM 37
k30/30 Tower crane
SYM 38
k30/30 Tower crane
We remind you that the crane when approaching the track end must be stooped before
hitting the safety devices which are not working systems.
The three safety devices are fitted as indicated in the following drawing. They consist
of :
a) a travel limit switch.
b) a sprung stop {buffer} .
c) a fixed stop welded on the rail.
The above devices are prescribed by the Safety Authorities and must be designed and
fitted with particular care. Periodically make sure that they are working correctly.
The mounting of system (a) is described in the relevant section of the handbook. Check
that the ramp (a) is parallel to the rail so that the limit switch roller does not leave the
The supply and fixing of the devices (a), (b) and (c) are the responsibility of the user.
Different models for device (b), clamped onto the rail, are available from specialized
suppliers. When choosing the appropriate devices, pay attention to the crane weight
(buffering capacity) and the buffer height which must correspond to that of the stop on
the bogies.
Device (c) must be welded on the rail and have appropriate dimensions so as to prevent
the crane from running off the track. The following schematic drawing serves as an
indication only.
SYM 39
k30/30 Tower crane
SYM 40
k30/30 Tower crane
1 Conditions of preparation
2/1 Table 《Forces-Stresses》
SYM 41
k30/30 Tower crane
The table of forces and stresses, the dimensional characteristics of the fixing angles,
the fitting of the fixing angles in the block on the following pages are necessary and
adequate to determine a concrete block (dimensions and reinforcement).
SYM 42
k30/30 Tower crane
If not fit for use abroad, realise the concrete blocks according to the information
for case 《A》or consult us.
It is the permissible ground pressure of the site which determines, for the final
height to be reached and for each type of machine, the best type of block to use.
For any height, choose the block with a ground pressure equal to or lower than
that of the ground of the site, see page 2/2.
Bad fitting of the fixing angles can lead to serious incidents using the machine
(perpendicularity not respected, distortion of the mast assembly planes).
It is absolutely essential to use the fitting elements provided. Operating
instructions are given as an indication on page4.
The drawings effected by the Company CORNILLON are justifiable for the
maximum stresses given for each case.
SYM 43
k30/30 Tower crane
C Mast composition
H Hook height in m See data
P Weight
M Maximum moment
ET Shearing stress
R Stresses
TRACT Tension
COMP Compression
ES In service
HS Out of service
SYM 44
k30/30 Tower crane
Fixing reaction
m Kg mKg Kg Kg KG Kg mKg Kg Kg Kg
1+0+1 9.75 72032 176035 2073 47991 84007 72839 158041 5102 41044 77463
1+1+1 12.75 73522 180947 2205 49461 86222 74329 158041 5527 40671 77836
1+2+1 15.75 75012 186258 2338 51079 88585 75819 158041 5952 40299 78208
1+3+1 18.75 76502 191968 2471 52848 91099 77309 158041 7282 39926 78581
1+4+1 21.75 77992 198076 2604 54765 93761 78799 158041 7707 39554 78953
1+5+1 24.75 79482 204582 2737 56832 96573 80289 158041 8132 39181 79326
1+6+1 27.75 80972 211487 2870 59048 99534 81779 158041 8716 38809 79698
1+7+1 30.75 82462 218790 3002 61414 102645 83269 158041 9301 38436 80071
1+8+1 33.75 83952 226492 3135 64293 106269 84759 158041 9885 38064 80443
1+9+1 36.75 85442 234592 3268 68044 110765 86249 158041 10469 37691 80816
1+10+1 39.75 86932 243091 3401 71890 115356 87739 158041 11054 37319 81188
1+11+1 42.75 88422 251988 3534 75833 120044 89229 158041 11638 36946 81561
1+12+1 45.75 89912 261284 3667 79871 124827 90719 183468 12223 46106 91466
1+13+1 48.75 91402 270978 3799 84006 129707 92209 219804 12807 59357 105462
1+14+1 51.75 92892 281070 3932 88236 134682 93699 257894 13392 73266 120115
SYM 45
k30/30 Tower crane
Fixing pressions
SYM 46
k30/30 Tower crane
The fixing angles must be fitted symmetrically in relation to the axes of the block and
form a square of 1.6 m or 2 m according to the dimension of mast they are to receive.
In every case, respect the 150 mm dimension of fish-plating of the fixing angles.
SYM 47
k30/30 Tower crane
according to frame
SYM 48
k30/30 Tower crane
The material necessary in order to perfectly anchor the fixing angles comprises:
SYM 49
k30/30 Tower crane
Plumb line
Standard section
Fixing frame
4 Fixing angles
Reinforced concrete
SYM 50
k30/30 Tower crane
26 : number of bars
20 : diameter of iron in mm
26 HA 20 x 540 (e:19)
540 : unit length of iron in cms
Lower bed
SYM 51
k30/30 Tower crane
SYM 52
k30/30 Tower crane
SYM 53
k30/30 Tower crane
SYM 54
k30/30 Tower crane
SYM 55
k30/30 Tower crane
SYM 56
k30/30 Tower crane
1 Contents
2 Cable winders
3 Earthing
SYM 57
k30/30 Tower crane
—The electrical installation of the site must be carried out as per the standards in force
in the considered country.
—The required electrical power depends on the crane equipment. It is stated on the
technical data sheet to be consulted for each machine.
—The following tables allow to determine the section of the supply cable and the cable
winder type to be used for each static or travelling crane.
—In the case of a travelling crane, the allowable track length is always twice the
smallest value stated:
L-i.e. the maximum cable length considering any voltage drop or CE-i.e. the cable
winder capacity for a given cable section. L is measured starting form the central supply
point of the track to the cable winder.
—For a static crane, L can represent the maximum distance between the main supply
switch and the crane.
—The “Operating Manuals” specify for each crane the conditions for the use of
—If the crane is supplied by means of a generating set, please consult us.
—The tracks and the crane must be earthed (see example on page 3/1) .
VERY IMPORTANT: the electric power shown in the technical data sheets for the
mechanisms is a minimum which must be available on the connection point of the cable
winder (central point of the track).
SYM 58
k30/30 Tower crane
P : Power in KVA
S : Cable section in mm2
L : Length of cable in m
CE : Cable winder capacity
LV : Track length
X : 8 to 10 m minimum provided by customer for supply between cable winder and the crane’s
isolating switch
SYM 60
k30/30 Tower crane
SYM 61
k30/30 Tower crane
ATTENTION —The earth circuit of the crane must neither include a fuse nor a switch.
The neutral wire on the supply cable is not connected to the earth.
SYM 62
k30/30 Tower crane
A Earth spikes
B Earth plates
C Buried wires
NOTE The earth wires designed to be bolted in position must have a terminal
tag soldered to them. (5)
SYM 63
k30/30 Tower crane
1 Introduction
SYM 64
k30/30 Tower crane
The base ballast is made up of one or several reinforced concrete blocks which are
placed symmetrically on the chassis. Each layer consiste of blocks identified by letters
A or B or C etc…
These blocks must be positionned on the chassis as shown in the figures and the
corresponding table, i.e. between the attachment points of the ballast fixing device, if
latter is required.
The reinforcing of the concrete blocks, except the one shown in the figure, is left
up to the customer who has also the responsibility for the ballast preparation. No supply
from us .
SYM 65
k30/30 Tower crane
SYM 66
k30/30 Tower crane
Section A-A
Dimensions in cm
Reinforced concrete P: 2800kg D: 2,3
SYM 67
k30/30 Tower crane
Section A-A
Dimensions in cm
SYM 68
k30/30 Tower crane
1 Introduction
SYM 69
k30/30 Tower crane
The block’s reinforcement as well as the device used to lift and to suspend the blocks on
the counter-jib is to be determined and to be prepared by the user in such a way that the
blocks do not chip off or get loose when handling them or operating the crane.
The following pages give the constructional and functional dimensions required to
install the lifting and suspension device.
To obtain the required weight with + or –50 kg per block . vary the dimension X as a
fonction of the density of the aggregate used (see table).
We recommend to weigh the blocks and to mark the weight with paint on one of their
For the examples of reinforcement on page 3, the dimensions and the number of
S-shaped hooks are determined for a density of 2,2.
SYM 70
k30/30 Tower crane
SYM 71
k30/30 Tower crane
Blocks EFT
Links HA
Welding detail
Round bar_Plates 1_2
Plates 120x20 cut : 790415
SYM 72
k30/30 Tower crane
Blocks F-S9
Links HA
Welding detail
Round bar_Plates 1_2
Plates 120x20 cut : 790415
SYM 73
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SYM 74
k30/30 Tower crane
SYM 75
k30/30 Tower crane
SYM 76
k30/30 Tower crane
SYM 77
k30/30 Tower crane
1 Introduction
2 Instructions
SYM 78
k30/30 Tower crane
Beyond its free travelling or free standing height, the crane must be connected either to
the ground by means of guy ropes or to the building using rigid anchorages.
The present brochure deals only with the rigid anchoring to the building.
For anchoring by guy ropes, consult our After-Sales Service; besides, another brochure
deals with this device.
SYM 79
k30/30 Tower crane
—When it is a crane on rail travelling chassis, move it to its static position, tighten the
rail clamps and disconnect the travelling mechanism.
—In certain cases it is necessary to telescope an additional mast section so that the
anchorage frame can be fitted (see page 3).
Under these conditions the crane is no longer normally autonomous, and it is forbidden
to work and to leave the crane free out of service.
When telescoping, check the perfect perpendicularity of the crane in both planes in
order to avoid any variation of distance between crane tower and building.
SYM 80
k30/30 Tower crane
In order to ensure good connection between frame and crane tower and to prevent the
mobile wedges (1) from falling down, it is essential to turn the pieces carrying the
welded wedges (2) so that the fitting corresponds to the sketch.
SYM 81
k30/30 Tower crane
The heights given in the table opposite are the heights on anchoring feet, measured with
regard to the joining surface. For any use of anchorages on cranes with chassis, consult
The mast composition is given for the case of optimum use of the anchorage frame, i.e.
in its lowest position with a maximum of telescoped mast sections above it.
As the client is responsible for the beams connecting the anchorage frame to the
building, consult us when carrying out these beams in order to inform you of the
stresses on the level of the frame(s).
SYM 82
k30/30 Tower crane
—Remove the standard ladder from the mast section which will be fitted with the
anchorage frame.
—On the ground , place the two lateral girders (1) and (2) onto the front girder (3)
(insert shaft (4)only in order to facilitate spacing girder (1)and (2)).
—Sling and raise the assembly until it reaches the right position on the mast (with the
side of the anchoring beam attachment (3) towards the building).
—to facilitate fitting, use 2 cords for guiding.
— Hook the front girder (3) onto the horizontal bracings located in the middle of the
mast section (detail A).
— Fold back lateral girders (1) and (2) and pin them using shafts (5).
— Sling and raise rear girder (6), position it and pin-connect it to the lateral firders
using shafts (7).
— Raise and place successively brackets (8),(9),(10)and (11), then pin them onto the
— Place and pin diagonal bracing bar (12).
SYM 84
k30/30 Tower crane
SYM 85
k30/30 Tower crane
— Place outer wedges (1) and act on them in order to bring the frame into contact with
the mast uprights.
— Place outer wedges (2) and drive them in (detail A).
— Having carried out these operations, check that there is no play remaining between
the wedges and the mast uprights.
— Fit the ladder supplied with the frame instead of the standard ladder, then equip it
with the two back loop parts (detail B).
SYM 86
k30/30 Tower crane
SYM 87
k30/30 Tower crane
SYM 88
k30/30 Tower crane
1 Introduction
3 Travelling-mechanism
4 Chassis
5 Mast
6 { Cat
7 Counter-jib
8 Jib
SYM 89
k30/30 Tower crane
f : Trailing bogie
m: Motor bogie
3) Jib DM
Rail level
SYM 90
k30/30 Tower crane
Rail level
Subject to alterations
SYM 91
k30/30 Tower crane
The weights, radii, heights in the tables of page 2 have been calculated considering the
different possibilities as to :
—the site conditions,
The height H, measured from the rail level, applies to a travelling crane on chassis. For
a crane on fixing angles, the height of the chassis is to be deducted.
The height H includes the sling length which varies according to the crane parts.
The other pages specify the weights of the main components for their handling on the
site so that the complete packages to be lifted can be constituted
If you wish, the packages (2) and (5) —each containing 3 mast sections —can be put
in place by the mobile crane used provided that its charactenistics allow for it
SYM 92
k30/30 Tower crane
SYM 93
k30/30 Tower crane
SYM 94
k30/30 Tower crane
SYM 95
k30/30 Tower crane
Side member
Strut tie
Obliqual legs
SYM 96
k30/30 Tower crane
SYM 97
k30/30 Tower crane
Equipped strut
Strut without
Tie bar
SYM 98
k30/30 Tower crane
SYM 99
k30/30 Tower crane
SYM 100
k30/30 Tower crane
SYM 101
k30/30 Tower crane
SYM 102
k30/30 Tower crane
SYM 103
k30/30 Tower crane
Second part
SYM 104
k30/30 Tower crane
SYM 105
k30/30 Tower crane
1 Introduction
3 Erection
SYM 106
k30/30 Tower crane
This erection procedure allows to rapidly assemble your crane until it reaches its
telescoping position.
It requires an auxiliary mobile crane, the characteristics of which must correspond to the
parts to be handled.
Reducing to a minimum the time the auxiliary crane is used on site involves a good
co-ordination between the erection and assembling sequences, the erector teams, and
appropriate accesses and assembling area.
This erection procedure needs no electrical power up to the moment the telescoping
sequence starts.
The object of this brochure is to make you well acquainted with all the erection
operations which are separately dealt with and detailed in small specialized brochures.
SYM 107
k30/30 Tower crane
1. All the handling operations using the lorry mounted crane must be
3. Make sure that protection and safety means are fitted and used, such as:
6. Before starting any telescoping operation, make sure that the pins
secured by split-pins.
8. For telescoping, always slew the jib to the opening of the telescoping
SYM 108
k30/30 Tower crane
the tower.
10.It is forbidden to slew the jib, operate the jib trolley and use the load
being lifted.
- the erection
- the dismantling.
SYM 109
k30/30 Tower crane
ATTENTION: This reeving serves only for the tie bar tightening by
SYM 110
k30/30 Tower crane
SYM 111
k30/30 Tower crane
SYM 112
k30/30 Tower crane
SYM 113
k30/30 Tower crane
SYM 114
k30/30 Tower crane
SYM 115
k30/30 Tower crane
- The bogies must be positioned on the track taking account of the space
- Rest the bogies on the rails at the 4 corners of a square having the
- Tighten the bogies to the track using rail clamps (detail C); pack them
SYM 116
k30/30 Tower crane
SYM 117
k30/30 Tower crane
- Fit slings (1) onto hooks (2) provided for this purpose.
- Lift up the bogie which will remain perceptibly horizontal in the lateral
plane. Longitudinally, the motor side of the bogie will tilt down in the
- When placing on the track, fit the bogies with dimension (A) (bigger
dimension with regard to the wheel shaft on the inner side of the track).
SYM 118
k30/30 Tower crane
SYM 119
k30/30 Tower crane
2 Cross-beam equipment
5 Ballasting-Ballast attachment
SYM 120
k30/30 Tower crane
-2 cross-member (2) carrying on one end a fixed fork (3) and on the
All the remaining parts of the parts of the equipment are common to
-one longitudinal member block (5)and the bolts (6)to fix it onto the
-one basic mast unit (10)and the bolts (11)fixing it into the
longitudinal members.
The following table specifies the weights of the main parts and lists the
connecting means (bolts and pins ) depending on the chassis type used.
SYM 121
k30/30 Tower crane
Weights. Dimensions
Rep Nb
Description 1.6m 2m
3 2 Traverse 1580kg 1860kg
SYM 122
k30/30 Tower crane
A fork (1), a spacer (2) equipped with a grease nipple (3), a ball thrust
bearing (4), a compression spring (5), a mobile block (6) equipped with
a spring pressure system (7), two half washers (8) and (9), a protecting
plug (10) with screws and washers (11), a locking plate (12) with
Ex-works ,the cross-beams are initially fitted for a given chassis type,
Before fitting on the bogies, check the cleanness of the parts being in
contact, clean and re-grease if required, make sure that they work
check the state of the track (eveness, local ground subsidences, fitting
SYM 123
k30/30 Tower crane
SYM 124
k30/30 Tower crane
- ATTENTION: The ladder position of the basic mast (A) and the chassis
- Make sure that the chassis position allows to obtain one of the two
- Fit slings around the cross-members and raise them; slew the forks, if
- Engage the forks onto the bogies, dimension A (widest side with regard
to the bogie pivot axis) on the inside of the track (detail C).
- Make sure that the bogie pivot axis is always in the axis of the wheel
- Drive in the shaft until its neck reaches the position allowing to
introduce and to fix the locking plate (1) by means of screws and washers
fit slings around the side member block (3), raise it and place it onto the
rope lines from the top and place it into the side member block, lining up
SYM 125
k30/30 Tower crane
H30x85 P36 (7) at each corner, with the nut on the side of the side
member plate. Make sure that the bearing surface are clean and ensure
correct tightening.
- Lift up the oblique legs (9) by slinging them at the 2nd plate (10) from
- Pin this end onto the basic mast unit by means of a shaft (12); the part
(11) serves to hold the shaft in position without assistance of a 2nd erector.
SYM 126
k30/30 Tower crane
SYM 127
k30/30 Tower crane
Group the ladder components: the 3.60m ladder (1), the 1.50m ladder
(2), the fixing means (3) and the locking wedges (4), the hand-rail (5)
and its fixing brackets (6). Unfold the back loops of ladder (1)
Ladder (1), then ladder (2) onto the ladder supports using the fixing
means (3) and the locking wedges (4). After fitting the basic mast,
install the hand-rail (5)and place the brackets (6) (see detail).
onto the basic mast opposite to the cable winder, if any. These same
supports are used to fix the panel onto the basic mast if the crane is
mains supply coming from the cable winder, one plug for the remote
switch, one output with 4 wires, each fitted with a socket and the
SYM 128
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SYM 129
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SYM 130
k30/30 Tower crane
SYM 131
k30/30 Tower crane
fastening parts (4) for the uprights (1) on the chassis (5) -2 bars (6) -1
bar (7).
Fit uprights (1) onto the longitudinal member (2 shafts 20x40 C, mark
8) and connect them with the basic mast unit by means of parts (4)
Complete the device by fitting uprights (3),then bars (6) and bar (7).
(6)and (7)will be inserted into the uprights and fixed at (10) by means
SYM 132
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SYM 133
k30/30 Tower crane
(3) for the uprights (1) on the chassis (4) –2 rope (5) –2 rope guide
Fit uprights (1) onto the longitudinal member (2 shafts 20x40 L, mark
8) and connect them with the basic mast unit by means of parts (3)
Complete the device by fitting ropes (5) using 2 bulldog grips (10).
Pass the ropes through tubes (6). Carry out a loop on the rope ends
using 2 bulldog grips (11). Fit the tensioning devices on ropes (5),
SYM 134
k30/30 Tower crane
SYM 135
k30/30 Tower crane
1 Description Weights
SYM 136
k30/30 Tower crane
The table on the next page gives the weight of the main components
SYM 137
k30/30 Tower crane
Rep Nb.
1.6m 2m 2m(H)
1 1 2135 4320
2 4 430 610
3 1 2625 3510
4 1 280 480
5 1 330 330
Total 5800 9250 9250
SYM 138
k30/30 Tower crane
Check that the basic mast assembly is equipped with the telescoping yoke
and the cylinder. Otherwise, place the cylinder, piston rod side
downwards, between the cage and the basic mast and pin it onto the
telescopic cage. Position the telescoping yoke and pin it onto the cylinder.
- Fit the supports (1) onto the cage using the HM12x35 bolts.
- Pin the supports and the cat-walk at (5) using HM12x35 bolts.
- Place the cat-walks (6 ) and (7), connect them with the cage and
- Fit slings onto the basic mast as shown in fig. A and put it upright.
- Position the cat-walk (8) and connect it with the cage and the
SYM 139
k30/30 Tower crane
2 - The cat-walks (2), (6) and (7) are folded back against the basic
- Unfold the cat-walk (2), then the cat-walks (6) and (7) and fit them
- Fit slings onto the basic mast according to fig. A, put it upright and
mount the cat-walk (8) and the grab rails (9) as in the first case.
SYM 140
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SYM 141
k30/30 Tower crane
Check that the basic mast is equipped with the telescoping yoke and the
the cage and the basic mast and pin it onto the telescopic cage. Position
- Fit slings onto the basic mast as shown in fig. A, tighten the slings
- Pin the cat-walk supports (1) at (2) onto the cage using 25x60 C
- Raise the cat-walks (3) and pin them onto the cage by means of
25x60 C shafts.
- Raise the supports (1) and fit them at (4) onto the cat-walks around
the cage.
-Assemble the grab rails together by means of the fixing brackets (7).
SYM 142
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SYM 143
k30/30 Tower crane
- Engage the 3.60m ladders (1) into the 1.50m ladders (2) and mount the
assembly using ladder fittings (3), fixing brackets (4), wedges (5) and
pins (6).
SYM 144
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SYM 145
k30/30 Tower crane
- Lift up the basic mast and check that the fishplating surfaces and the
pin holes are clean, then position it onto the basic mast unit.
- In order to guide the basic mast, take all precautions thus ensuring a
maximum degree of safety for the personnel (form the ground, using
cords, and finally, in order to introduce it into the fishplates, from the
- Fit the assembly at (1) using 4x2 pins (2) secured by a locking pin (3).
- Position the support (4) under the basic mast ladder and set it up onto
- Insert the basic mast right into the fixing angles (AND NEVER INTO
- Pin connect the basic mast with the fixing angles by means of 4x2 pins
- Position the support plate (4) under the basic mast ladder and prop it
SYM 146
k30/30 Tower crane
SYM 147
k30/30 Tower crane
1 Description _weight
SYM 148
k30/30 Tower crane
- A cabin (3)
The opposite table indicates the weight of the main parts which can be
SYM 149
k30/30 Tower crane
SYM 150
k30/30 Tower crane
- Position both monorails (1) under the towerhead and pin-connect them.
With the cab mast bedded down, fit four 8 m slings Φ21.3 (2) around it
fixing the loops (3) on the cab mast ears (4) according to figure A. Set the
cab mast upright and attach a cord in order to guide it whilst raising.
Using the same sling fitting raise as shown in figure B and engage the
towerhead into the basic mast, the monorails (1) being located on the
open telescopic cage side – see figure C. Pin-connect the towerhead with
the basic mast by means of 8 shaft (5), lock these shafts using 4 pins (6)
IMPORTANT: For greasing by oil bath, check that the drain plug is
closed and fill up the housing with the required oil quantity (see brochure
SYM 151
k30/30 Tower crane
SYM 152
k30/30 Tower crane
1 Description – weights
SYM 153
k30/30 Tower crane
- a strut (1)
The opposite table indicates the weight of the main parts which can be
SYM 154
k30/30 Tower crane
WEIGHTS – 2500kg
SYM 155
k30/30 Tower crane
Fit a 4 m sling (2) around strut (1). Raise until the position of figure B is
reached. Lower slightly in order to engage the strut feet into the cab-mast
gussets. Pin shafts (3) of the strut and as it is inclined in the right position,
SYM 156
k30/30 Tower crane
SYM 157
k30/30 Tower crane
1 Introduction
4 Various jibs
7 Jib plates
SYM 158
k30/30 Tower crane
The following pages give details about the lengths of the counter-jibs
with respect to the jib lengths, the various profiles, pin dimensions or
Pay particular attention to the pins. The different pin types are shown in
the table below. Some are made of high-strength steel (*)and their use for
SYM 159
k30/30 Tower crane
SYM 160
k30/30 Tower crane
SYM 161
k30/30 Tower crane
The windsail plates A and C show the name of our make, D and E are
When assembling the jib and counter-jib and depending on each site , it is
All or part of, the plates are used following the instructions of the
drawing hereafter.
counter-jib and outside the grab rails. On the jib one single plate is fitted
Use the fixing brackets and cadmium-plated bolts HM6x20 with flat
For certain cranes and certain uses, the windsail and publicity panels are
SYM 162
k30/30 Tower crane
SYM 163
k30/30 Tower crane
SYM 164
k30/30 Tower crane
SYM 165
k30/30 Tower crane
SYM 166
k30/30 Tower crane
SYM 167
k30/30 Tower crane
● P 42.4 Ø100 45 Ø100 50 Ø70 55 Ø65 60 Ø60
60m C 6000 5600 4950 4450 4000
● P 45.3 Ø100 50 Ø70 55 Ø65
55m C 6000 5400 4800
● P 47 Ø100 50 Ø70
50m C 6000 5600
● P 45 Ø70
45m C 6000
● P 40 Ø70
45m C 6000
SYM 168
k30/30 Tower crane
● P 21.7 Ø100 35 Ø100 40 Ø100 45 Ø100 50 Ø70 55 Ø65 60 Ø60
60m C 12000 6840 6000 5200 4550 4030 3600
● P 23.2 Ø100 35 Ø100 40 Ø100 45 Ø100 50 Ø70 55 Ø65
55m C 12000 7400 6310 5600 4960 4400
● P 24.1 Ø100 35 Ø100 40 Ø100 45 Ø100 50 Ø70
50m C 12000 7760 6600 5910 5200
● P 24.4 Ø100 35 Ø100 40 Ø100 45 Ø70
45m C 12000 7900 6700 5800
● P 24.6 Ø100 35 Ø100 40 Ø70
45m C 12000 7980 6800
SYM 169
k30/30 Tower crane
1 Introduction
SYM 170
k30/30 Tower crane
1) Trolleying unit
b: Towing rope.
1) 2-rope
The front trolley and a pnlley block (see drawing A), Rear
2) 4-rope
connect the front trolley and rear tiolley by pin, connect the
SYM 171
k30/30 Tower crane
SYM 172
k30/30 Tower crane
without load, at low speed, without swinging and at the jib foot, neither
The upper pulley block (1) equipped with an automatic coupling device
(2) remains hard against the jib trolley when the lower pulley block (3) is
The automatic coupling of the lower pulley block with the upper pulley
position by a spring (8).It acts on the plates (4) by means of a cam stop
located under the jib when the trolley is moved to the jib foot.
SYM 173
k30/30 Tower crane
SYM 174
k30/30 Tower crane
The upper pulley block (1) is hard against the trolley. The coupling plates
are closed.
The coupling plates (6) open when they come into contact with the shaft
The locking of the device is obtained by means of the noses (3) located
SYM 175
k30/30 Tower crane
SYM 176
k30/30 Tower crane
The upper pulley block (1) and the lower pulley block (2) are coupled.
Control 《hoisting》and act on the shunt button of the control unit until the
The 2 pulley blocks are in contact and, in this position, the connecting
shaft (3) located at the upper end of the opening (4) locks no longer the
Control 《trolley in 》, act on the shunt button and move the trolley hard
When over-running, the cam stop (6) pushes the unlocking device
downwards, thus acting on the coupling plates (5) which open by pivoting
SYM 177
k30/30 Tower crane
SYM 178
k30/30 Tower crane
This operation is to be carried out when assembling the jib on the ground.
placed on the counter-jib and looks towards the jib nose according to the
opposite sketch.
G l.h.s. D r.h.s.
When fitting the trolley onto the jib, make sure that the attachments of the
front and rear trolley ropes are located on the lefthand side.
Fit the inspection platform onto the trolley using 2 shafts (1);split-pin
The trolleys are provided with a sling (2) fixed by shafts (3).
For certain countries the trolleys are equipped with a pivoting arm device;
SYM 179
k30/30 Tower crane
SYM 180
k30/30 Tower crane
Unwind the rear rope from the reel. This rope is defined according to the
Fix this end onto the drum flange using the rope anchor box (4).
Wind the rope onto the drum until the other end reaches pulley (3).
Fix the rope thimble at (5) onto the trolley using a shaft.
SYM 181
k30/30 Tower crane
SYM 182
k30/30 Tower crane
Unwind the front trolley rope from the reel. This rope is defined
Run the rope over the pulleys (3),(4),(5), put 3 dead turns onto the drum
by winding up the rope from underneath and anchor its end in the rope
Fix the other end at (6) in the rope anchor box of the tensioning drum on
the trolley and wind up the rope excess until the front rope is taut.
SYM 183
k30/30 Tower crane
SYM 184
k30/30 Tower crane
Certain of our cranes equipped with pivoting arms for the trolley. This
device comprises:
- Run the rope through the eye (3) of the pivoting arms.
SYM 185
k30/30 Tower crane
SYM 186
k30/30 Tower crane
1 Introduction
SYM 187
k30/30 Tower crane
There are several possibilities but only the most usual has been chosen.
SYM 188
k30/30 Tower crane
On the ground, assemble the counter-jib nose (1) with the counter-jib foot
(2) using 4x1 shaft (3). Fit the small connecting catwalk (4) between the
counter-jib nose and foot. Fit and assemble the ballast support (5) on the
counter-jib nose using 4x1 shaft (6). Fit or fold down the catwalks and
assemble them according to detail A. Place the lateral grab rails and
interconnect them by means of parts (7); split-pin at (8). Place both end
grab rails (9), fix them using 4x1 shaft (10) according to detail B and pin
counter-jib, position two 3.80m tie bars (12) which will be pin-connected
with those of the strut (13). Attach a cord at the counter-jib nose so as to
SYM 189
k30/30 Tower crane
SYM 190
k30/30 Tower crane
To fit the counter-jib use two 12m slings (Φ21.3mm) (1). Run the slings
Lift the counter-jib up from the ground and check its stability. The
counter-jib being slightly inclined towards the front, raise it and pin the
two upper shafts (2) which are already positioned in the shaft inserting
devices; split-pin.
Lower in order to pin the two lower shafts (3);split-pin. As the counter-jib
is inserted and pin-connected onto the cab mast, remove the slings (1).
SYM 191
k30/30 Tower crane
SYM 192
k30/30 Tower crane
Fit and assemble the ballast support (1) on the counter-jib nose (2) using
Fit or fold down the counter-jib nose catwalks (4) and assemble them
according to detail A.
Place the lateral grab rails (5) and interconnect them by means of parts
Place both end grab rails (8), fix them using 4x1 shaft (9) according to
detail C and pin-connect them at (10). Position the lateral grab rails (11)
onto the counter-jib foot (12), interconnect them by means of parts (6)
plates onto the counter-jib nose until they will be fitted according to
brochure 8 B 1. Fit the counter-jib yoke (13) onto the counter-jib foot.
Before raising the counter-jib foot, position two 3.80m tie bars (14)
which will be pin-connected with those of the strut (15). Attach a cord at
raising. Carry out the same operation for the counter-jib nose.
SYM 193
k30/30 Tower crane
SYM 194
k30/30 Tower crane
To fit the counter-jib foot (1) use two 8m Φ21.3 slings (2). Fit these
slings between the diagonals of the counter-jib foot according to fig. A. fit
the slings so that the counter-jib foot is slightly inclined towards the front
as shown in fig. B. When raising the counter-jib foot make sure that the
Lift the counter-jib foot up from the ground and check its stability. Raise
it by means of the mobile crane above the upper fixing points, lower and
Placed in the pin inserting devices, then split-pin. Continue lowering until
SYM 195
k30/30 Tower crane
SYM 196
k30/30 Tower crane
To fit the counter-jib nose (1) use four 8mΦ21.3slings (2). Fit the slings
so that the counter-jib nose is slightly inclined towards the front as shown
in fig. A.
Use the slinging points (3) at the front and the winch support gussets (4)
Lift the counter-jib nose up from the ground and check its stability. Raise
it by means of the mobile crane above the upper fixing points, lower and
Continue lowering until the 2 lower pins (6) can be inserted; split-pin.
Fold down the connecting catwalk between the foot and the nose and fit
SYM 197
k30/30 Tower crane
SYM 198
k30/30 Tower crane
On the ground, fit three 4m slings (1) on the hoist winch, and use 3
Raise the winch and position it onto the counter-jib, then pin-connect it
Pin-connect the 3.80m tie bars (3) with the 5.77m tie bars (4) of the strut,
the whole assembly being pinned on the counter-jib yoke (5). For raising
the strut and tightening the tie bars, use a Tirfor (6) fixed at (7). Run the
Tirfor rope (8) over the yoke pulley (9) and anchor it at a point of the
SYM 199
k30/30 Tower crane
SYM 200
k30/30 Tower crane
Pack up the jib foot sufficiently so that the jib trolley can be fitted. Mount
the trolley, equipped with its inspection platform (see brochure 9 B 1) and
Fit the jib foot grab rail. Assemble the jib sections according to the
required jib length (see brochure 8 B 1). Fit the brackets (1) onto the
upper jib section member making sure that the round bar (2) of the half
tilting of the tie bar line (detail A). Onto the lower tie bars (4) mount and
fix the brackets (3) into which the upper tie bars (5) will engage (detail B).
Mount and pin-connect the lower tie bar line (4) (brochure 8 B 1) and the
The lower (4) and upper tie bar lines (5) are missing the tie bars (6) and
(7) which are fitted onto the strut by means of the connecting links (8)
Fit the safety rope (10) at the jib nose using three bulldog grips (detail D),
run it through the hooks provided on the jib and fix it on the jib foot
SYM 201
k30/30 Tower crane
Fasten a cord on the jib nose, thus allowing to guide the jib from the
NOTE: Before raising the jib attach the tie bars (4) and (5) onto the upper
member of the jib foot using a short sling (12) placed behind the tie bar
SYM 202
The dimension marked on the jibs (see opposite sketch) corresponds to the theoretical
distance between
the center of gravity and the fib foot.
These sling points are theoretical. Raise the fib about 10 cm and adjust the slinging
if necessary.
Check that the slings are fitted either in front of (a) or behind (b)a node of the upper
member and
Not between the diagonals (c) .DO NOT JAM the tie bars between the rope lines at
slinging point.
Use two 8 mφ21.3 slings for E.F.G cranes and 12 m slings for H cranes.
The jib fitting is carried out in three phases.
A – Fitting the jib foot
B – Raising the jib nose
C – Tightening the tie bars
First phase A = Fit two 4 m slings (1) around the jib foot. The jib nose is
to be placed onto two cross-beams (2) in order to promote its sliding. By
means of the mobile crane raise the jib foot beyond the pinning points,
then lower so that the jib foot shafts (3) can be pinned; split-pin. Remove
the slings.
Second phase B =Drive the mobile crane to the jib nose, fit slings (4)and
raise it until the tie bars (5) and (6) can be pin-connected with those of
the strut (detail a). Operate the “Tirfor” (7) (see fitting page 3/2) in
order to tighten the counter-jib tie bars. Withdraw the shafts or links (8)
and fold the latter back onto the counter-jib.
Third phase C = Continue operating the “Tirfor”, the strut tilts backwards.
The jib tie be lines are tightened. Pin-connect the counter-jib yoke (9) to
the links (10) according to detail (b). Remove the “Tirfor” and the mobile
crane slings.
The jib fitting is carried out in three phases.
A – Raising the jib
B – Pinning the tie bars
C – Tightening the tie bars
First phase A = Fit two 12 m φ21.3 slings (1) around the jib, slinging
points indicated on page 5. Fasten two cords on the jib nose so as to guide
the jib whilst raising. By means of the mobile crane, lift the jib up beyond
the pinning points, then lower so that the two jib foot shafts (2) can be
pinned” split-pin.
Third phase C = Continue operating the “Tirfor”, the strut tilts backwards.
The jib tie bar lines are tightened. Pin-connect the counter-jib yoke (7) to
the links (8) according to detail (b) . Remove the “Tirfor” and the mobile
crane slings.
1 Introduction
The hoist rope is normally supplied wound up onto the hoist drum. For
further erections the hoist rope transport must be maintained in this
manner except that the hoist rope must be removed for the following
. rope wear noticed when dismantling
. rope length not corresponding to the new working height.
The choice of the hoist rope is described on page 2.
The hoist rope reeving is shown on page 3.
The description for fitting the rope onto the hoist drum is given on page 4.
It is most advisable to adapt the length of the rope in accordance with the
height and duration of use at that moment.
This assuming that the maximum working height will be obtained by
several phases.
The following tables illustrate the various height stages according to the
equipment of the equipment of the crane.
120 LMD 30 DM
55 RCS 30
Cable anti
Drallfreies Seil
C a b l e a n t i d 1 8 R 1 8 R 0 4 4 11
Non spinning rope
Run the rope successively over the fleeting pulley (1),over the strut pulley
(2),over the load weighing pulley (3) and over the biconical roller (4).
Bring the rope to the trolley placed on the jib foot. Carry out the rope
reeving according to detail A (2 fall –4-fall). The pulley blocks are
propped up vertically on the ground so as to avoid any friction of the rope.
Equip the rope with the rope anchor box (5) and fix a bulldog grip (6) on
the dead line (detail B) . At about 1 m from the rope end, fix a pin by
means of two bulldog grips (detail C) in order to ensure a temporary fixed
point between the pulley and the rope guide when raising the pulley
blocks. Lift up the pulley blocks and move the trolley to the jib nose (if
necessary, slacken the rope by moving the control lever to
hoisting-lowering ) . Fit the rope anchor box onto the rope swivel using
shaft (7) . Split-pin. Remove the pin. Check the rotating of the rope
This operation must be carried out ensuring the largest possible distance
between the reel (1) with the new rope and the drum (2) . This condition
is automatically obtained after fitting the counter-jib .
Using a cord, raise the rope end onto the counter-jib. Run the rope over
the pulley (3)and fix it in the rope anchor box (4) by means of pear (5)
(detail A) . Carry out the corresponding electrical connections so as to be
able to use the “HOIST” motion. Check that the rope winds up correctly
onto the drum grooves (2).
1 Introduction
It is to be noted that lifting the ballast with the hoist winch requires the
crane to be connected electrically, i. e. that the recommended electric
power is already installed on the rite.
BEFORE FITTING make sure that the types, the total weight and the
dimensions of the blocks correspond to the respective prescriptions. FOR
LACK.OF CHECKING ON THE GROUND you risk incidents when
engaging them into the counter-jib.
Remove the locking bar (1) located a the counter-jib nose. Position the
ballast blocks in thair fitting order ( see brochure 8 A 1) . Using sling (3 )
fitted by shaft (2) raise the first block up to the level of the ballast support
(4) . Engage the block between the upper beams as shown in fig. A and B.
Pin the shafts (5) on the attachments (6), then lower the block so that the
shafts engage into their supports (7) as shown in detail C. During this
operation, check particularly that the block does not press under the
counter-jib thus risking to lift it up.
Proceed in the same manner for the other blocks . As soon as all the
blocks are fitted, they must be locked together. To do this, slide the fixing
rods (9) through the holes of the blocks. Introduce the forks (8) onto these
rods and place them into the holes provided for this purpose. Then carry
out 1/4 turn with the rods so as to block the forks. On the inside, engage
the forks (10) into the ballast support and lock the whole assembly using
2 nuts (11) as shown in detail D. All the ballasting sequences are carried
out from the cat-walks (12). Re-fit the locking bar (1).
Position the ballast blocks under the counter-jib (see brochure 8 A 1). Fit
the ballast lifting beam (1) and lock it by means of two shafts (2) (fig . A
and B).
A—Reeving the hoist rope. Unwind the rope, run it over the pulleys (3) ,
(4) , (5) , (6) and by means of a rope anchor box (8) , pin it at (7) noto
the lifting beam using shaft (9) .
B—Raising the ballast. By means of the hoist winch lower the lifting fork
(10) and fit it using 1 shaft (11) onto the first block. Raise the block up to
the level of the ballast sup port and engage it (as shown in fig. B) by
guiding the block from the cat—walks (12) . Pin the 2 shafts (13), then
lower the block so that the shafts engage into their supports (14) as shown
in detail C. During this operation, check particularly that the block does
not press under the counter—jib which could cause anomalous forces in
the crane structure.
Displace the lifting beam and carry out the same operation for each block.
As soon as all the blocks are fitted. They must be locked together. To do
this, slide the fixing rods (16)through the holes of the blocks. Introduce
the forks (15) onto these rods and place them into the holes provided for
this purpose . Then carry out 1/4 turn with the rods so as to block the
forks. On the inside, inside, engage the forks(17) into the ballast support
and lock the whole assembly using 2 nuts (18 ) as shown in detail D .
1 Introduction
2 Mast composition
This manual specifies the various masts with which the machines stated
in the following tables are fitted.
These mast compositions are valid only for free standing heights on
fixing angles or on chassis.
For greater heights the mast is generally reinforced at its base according
to the indications in brochure 9 A 1.
For all other cases which are not mentioned, consult our
PA VA 654
The panels are assembled by means of 4 headed shafts (9) and split pins.
The diagonal braces equipped with the ladder fastenings must face each
The diagonal braces are fitted on the panels by means of 8 shafts (10) and
split pins.
1 Introduction
3 Fitting
The fitting of the accesses in the mast sections ix carried out on the
ground; thus allowing when telescoping, to lift up the complete equipped
mast sections onto the introducing rails.
The pages 3 give the equipment detail of the various access types.
All the ladders are fitted on the mast panels equipped with the
telescoping lugs.
The A and D accesses must be positioned according to the instructions
given in the following tables.
A ACCESS (1.6 m . 2 m)
D ACCESS (1.6 m . 2 m)
Put the mast section upright. Then fit the ladder support (1) on the mast
gussets using φ10 shaft (2); split-pin.
Check that the ladder ends (3) are clean (no earth or other matters in the
holes ) and not crooked.
Manually introduce the ladder (with the back loops folded back) into the
mast section.
Position the ladder top onto the ladder support (1).
Introduce the two fixing brackets (4), insert wedges (5), drive them in and
bend the ends (6) outwards. Unfold the back loops (7).
Fit the landing-place (8) in the mast section (opening on the ladder
side )using clamps (9) and bolts (10). Fit the grab rails.
In order to prevent the ladder from swinging in the mast when fitting,
block it using a cord or a steel wire.
1 Introduction
The accessories are specific to particular crane types and are recapitulated
in the table on page 2.
Most are placed during fitting of the relevant crane part without being
《ready to work》as such.
These appliances are tested and guaranteed by the constructor. In the case
of serious breakdown, it is preferable to contact our After-Sales-Service
rather than to carry out a faulty repair which could be dangerous and
cancel the guarantee.
MAT 2 m MAT 2.15 m
MONORAIL A12110—88
12T Z12110 87—
16T A — 19110-93
Use a long double sling (1) so as to better guide the yoke against the mast
(detail A).
Hook the yoke (2) onto the telescoping lugs (3) using support plates (4);
if required, lock it by means of stop plates (5) screwed onto the support
plates by the bolts (6)—detail B.
The two monorails are fitted using a double sling (1) attached to the
handle of the monorail (detail A).
Rest the rear part of the monorail on the basic mast frame.
By hand, pull the monorail inside the mast. Using the pulley block
manoeuvre so as to ease the introduction of the monorail in its seating.
k30/30 Tower crane
SYM 250
k30/30 Tower crane
In order to raise the masts by means of the mast lifting yoke , the hoist hook
must be disconnect and replaced by the telescoping hook (1) provided for this
Pin-connect hook (1) on the lower pulley block (2) using shaft (3) and split-pin
SYM 251
k30/30 Tower crane
SYM 252
k30/30 Tower crane
Packing – Filling up – Connections – Adjustments
SYM 253
k30/30 Tower crane
1 Special instructions
SYM 254
k30/30 Tower crane
NOTE : For each crane type there are several pages «2» giving the theoretical
balancing position depending on
1) the mast type
2) the type of hoist winch .
So consult the page corresponding to the equipment of the crane concerned .
SYM 255
k30/30 Tower crane
SYM 256
k30/30 Tower crane
The perfect working order of the telescoping assembly (cylinder and cage )
involves the center of gravity of the lifted part being in the axis of the cylinder .
Also make sure that a mast section hangs from the monorails before carrying out
the balancing operation .
Move the trolley , if required with an appropriate load , to the balancing position
given in the tables on page 2 .
The distances stated are theoretical ; they depend in particular on the actual
counter-jib ballast weight . Make sure that this ballast weight corresponds to the
counter-jib and jib lengths used .
Moreover , the wind exerts an action on the crane equilibrium which must not be
neglected . If the wind speed exceeds 60 km/h the crane must not be telescoped .
The load of 1000 kg is an arbitrary weight , the other loads correspond to the
weight of one base ballast block .
SYM 257
k30/30 Tower crane
SYM 258
k30/30 Tower crane
SYM 259
k30/30 Tower crane
SYM 260
k30/30 Tower crane
SYM 261
k30/30 Tower crane
SYM 262
k30/30 Tower crane
- The crane can only be balanced after the towerhead feet (1) have left the mast
fishplates (2) .
- Operate the lever of the hydraulic group in the «hoist up» direction and
telescope until the feet of the towerhead just leave the fishplates .
- Check that the crane is balanced and readjust , if required, by moving the jib
trolley according to the various possibilities described in the manual «Use
and fitting the jib trolleys» .
- The exact position is found by verifying the alignment of the towerhead feet
with fishplates and checked by reading the minimum pressure required for
telescoping on the pressure gauge of the hydraulic group .
- This balancing position of the jib trolley can be marked on the jib by knotting
a rag around a diagonal bracing . But remember that this marked distance
depends on the jib length . Consequently the mark should be removable .
SYM 263
k30/30 Tower crane
SYM 264
k30/30 Tower crane
2m×2m Mast
1 Principle
SYM 265
k30/30 Tower crane
- Lifting the crane part to be telescoped by extracting the ram which rests on
the telescoping yoke (1) and the lugs (a) .
- Resting the lifted part on the lugs (c) of the mast by means of the cage shoes
(2) .
- Resting the safety shafts (3) which lock the support plates (4) on the
telescoping lugs (a) .
- Unhook the support plate/yoke assembly , keep it away from the lugs , then
raise it by retracting the ram .
- The first ram stroke is about 1 m and constitutes the initial climbing phase
according to figures A and B .
- Repeat the sequence three times so as to obtain the space (5) required for the
introduction of the mast in the cage according to figures C and D .
SYM 266
k30/30 Tower crane
SYM 267
k30/30 Tower crane
The lifted crane part is resting on the upper lugs (e) of the last mast section by
means of the support shoes (1) of the cage . The ram is almost entirely extracted
and total stroke is provided in such a way that the upper guide rollers of the
telescopic cage cannot go beyond the fixed part of the mast tower .
Slide the mast toward the tower and introduce it into the cage , see figure A .
Operate the hydraulic group lever in the “hoist up” direction so as to release the
shoes (1) from the lugs (e) . hold latter away from the mast using the control rod
(2) .
Operate the hydraulic group lever in the “hoist down” direction and make sure
that the mast section (3) engages correctly in the fishplates (4) . Connect this
mast section using 4x2 shafts , insert locking pins and split-pin them , see detail
B . Raise the ladder which pivots in (5) up to its upper fixing position and
engage the tenons of the ladder uprights in the ladder of the lower mast section
(6) .
Disconnect the mast lifting yoke from the 4 attachment points (7) and slide it out
of the cage .
SYM 268
k30/30 Tower crane
SYM 269
k30/30 Tower crane
To hang the mast section to be telescoped from the monorail ,it is essential that
the lifted crane parties solidly anchored to the fixed mast tower .
To do this , operate the lever of the hydraulic group in the “hoist down” direction
until the feet of the towerhead (1) engage in the fishplates of the last mast
telescoped .
Fit the safety pins (2) fixed to the cage by chains located on the side of the cage
ladders .
If required ,lower the balancing load ,hang the mast lifting yoke from the pulley
block .
Suspend another mast section fitted with its accesses on the mast lifting yoke (3)
and raise it up to the monorail (4) .
If required , reposition the balancing load and balance the crane .
Disconnect the safety pins (2) .
Another telescoping sequence can be started . Repeat it until the required height
is obtained .
The last mast section must be pin-connected to mast tower as well as to the
towerhead feet .
SYM 270
k30/30 Tower crane
SYM 271
k30/30 Tower crane
1 Introduction
SYM 272
k30/30 Tower crane
All the operation the putting into service serve the crane work under
correct driving and safety conditions
On the whole , ale these operations can be split up into three groups:
- Checking and carrying out the mounting operations in order to avoid any
hindrance as regards the proper working order or the safety (see pages 2 and
3 ).
- Adaptation of the crane equipment to the site requirements(see brochure 9
B1) .
- Adjusting the various safety devices (see Operating instructions) .
in order to carry out the adjustments and maintenance and to reach the control
unit , use the devices provided on the crane according to the way shown on page
SYM 273
k30/30 Tower crane
The execution of the crane erection and safety require a certain number of
operations or checkings to be carried out according to the following description:
Travelling crane
- Check that there are no obstacles on the track
which may hinder the crane travelling .
- Check the fitting of the buffers and the limit
switch ramps (according to the standards in
force ) .
Travelling - Remove any wedges and anchorages .
- Release the bogie rail clamps .
- Make sure that the traveling mechanisms are
electrically connected .
Static crane :
- Check that the bogie rail clamps and any other
anchoring means possibly used are correctly fitted.
SYM 274
k30/30 Tower crane
SYM 275
k30/30 Tower crane
SYM 276
k30/30 Tower crane
SYM 277
k30/30 Tower crane
SYM 278
k30/30 Tower crane
As the monorails risk to hinder maneuvering the jib trolleys at the minimum
radius, we advise you to push them in under the towerhead.
Unpin shafts (1) and (2), the links (3) and (4) lower to position B. Repin shafts
(1) at a and b; later on the monorail (5) will be supported by these shafts. Unpin
shaft (6), lift up the monorail (5) at its nose by means of the hoist yoke, pin shaft
(6) at c. Unpin shaft (7). The monorail until it can pinned at d.
SYM 279
k30/30 Tower crane
SYM 280
k30/30 Tower crane
Using the crane, lower the telescoping yoke and the ram to the ground. Fit a
sling (1) around the rear cage beam on the ram fastening (detail A) and hang it
from the load hook. Use a sling which is long enough so that the pulley block
does not lower underneath the towerhead . Tighten the sling but not too
much .Check that the mast sections are pin-connecter together and with the
towerhead. Remove shafts (2) connecting the telescopic cage to the towerhead
(detail B) . Release the safety locks .
In order to carry out the lowering operation in safety, the personnel must leave
the cage catwalks and work from inside the mast using the normal access .
Slacken the rope , the cage lowers due to its dead weight .
SYM 281
k30/30 Tower crane
SYM 282
k30/30 Tower crane
SYM 283
k30/30 Tower crane
SYM 284
k30/30 Tower crane
SYM 285
k30/30 Tower crane
SYM 286
k30/30 Tower crane
As far as the final stage of dismantling is concerned , this be carried out
entirely by the mobile crane , but site conditions permitting it can be carried out
partly by the hoist winch . which requires that the electrical installations must
not touched .
For this purpose this brochure deals with the types of dismantling for
lowering the counter-jib ballast and dismantling of the jib .
For dismantling certain parts, such as the jib , counter-jib…security regulations
must be observed which enable all risk of the load being out of balance with the
rest of the crane to be prevented when removing the part .
SYM 287
k30/30 Tower crane
SYM 288
k30/30 Tower crane
If required :
a) Move the crane to the dismantling area and make sure that there is no obstacle
hindering the dismantling operations .
b) Fold down the bogie rail clamps and tighten them on the rails the telescopic
cage to the mast top (1) and pin-connect it to the four towerhead corners (see
brochure 16 B 1). Fit the telescoping accessories according to the instruction
given in the same brochure taking the following differences into account :
a - The telescoping yoke (2) will be fitted on the 5 th set of lugs (3) from the
b - The mast lifting yoke will be raised on the monorail and fixed on mast
section to be dismantled .
SYM 289
k30/30 Tower crane
SYM 290
k30/30 Tower crane
Carry out the balancing condition for telescoping the crane according to the
instruction given in brochure 16 B 1 . As soon as the towerhead feet have left the
fishplates by about 2 cm , stop telescoping and lock the attachments (1) of the
mast lifting yoke (2) on the mast section (3) to be dismantled . For fitting the
lifting yoke , refer to brochure 15 B 1 . Remove pins (4) and shafts (5)
connecting mast section (3) with that below . Unhook the ladder . Continue
telescoping up until mast section (3) can be pulled out from fishpla s (6) , then
rest the locking shoes (7) of the telescopic cage on the lugs (8) of the mast .
Move the mast lifting yoke (2) outside on the monorail so as to bring the mast
out of the cage .
Pivot the ladders a little upwards in order to avoid that they get caught on the
inner mast . Then carry out the telescoping sequences described in brochure 17 B
1 but in the reverse order .
To detelescope a mast section , le cycle must be repeated three times . The crane
is now in the position as shown in figure A .
CAUTION : It is essential that the safety wedges (10) of the shoes (11) are
placed when lowering .
SYM 291
k30/30 Tower crane
SYM 292
k30/30 Tower crane
Engage the towerhead feet (1) into the fishplates (2) of the lower mast and insert
the safety pins (3) at the four corners .
Fit the telescoping hook (4) on the mast lifting yoke (5) ; then lower the mast
section to the ground .
Re-raise the mast lifting yoke (5) which will be introduced on the monorail (6) ;
then connect it to the new mast section to be dismantled . Repeat these
operations as often as necessary until the mast tower is dismantled completely.
Connect the towerhead to the basic mast by means of the normal shafts used for
crane work .
SYM 293
k30/30 Tower crane
SYM 294
k30/30 Tower crane
Unpin rope anchor box (1) from the swivel at the jib nose (2) .
When the counter-jib ballast and the jib cannot be dismantled by means of the
mobile crane , wind the hoist rope onto the hoist rope drum . Otherwise , it can
be stored away on a reel .
Lower the counter-jib ballast either using the mobile crane or the hoist winch
according to brochure 12 B 1 but in the reverse order .
Move the trolley to the jib foot , unpin the ropes from above the trolley . Wind
the rear rope(s) onto the trolley rope drum . Remove the front ropes(s) .
immobilize the trolley on the jib .
Drain off the slewing ring oil reservoir if the crane is equipped with one .
SYM 295
k30/30 Tower crane
SYM 296
k30/30 Tower crane
This dismantling requires a mobile crane with at least the same characteristics as
that used when erecting . Apart from the jib , this mobile crane will allow to
totally dismantle the crane .
There are 3 operations to the dismantling .
A- Placing the nose on the ground .
B- Unpinning the ties .
C- Lowering the foot to the ground .
If the mobile crane’s capacity is adequate , sling the jib at the points indicated in
brochure 10 B 1.
There are 3 operations to the dismantling .
A- Unpinning the yoke of the counter-jib.
B- Unpinning the jib ties.
C- Lowering the jib to the ground.
Whatever the version of jib dismantling, place a safety sling connecting the jib
foot and the cab mast . If site conditions allow , the jib must be stewed to the
most favorable position .
SYM 297
k30/30 Tower crane
First phase A : Fir a 5000 kg Tirfor (1) on the counter-jib equipped with a 40 m
rope as indicated in brochure 10 B 1 . Sling the jib nose using two 4 m sling (2),
relieve of the load using the mobile crane . Operate the Tirfor to slacken the
counter-jib ties , unpin the counter-jib yoke (3) .
Second phase B : While using the Tirfor , lower the nose , the strut swings
forwards and arrives in position , pin the connecting links (4) . Raise the jib by
means of the mobile crane , unpin ties (5) and (6) . Check that the jib ties are
well inserted in the brackets and to increase the safety ,bind ties (5) and (6) on
the jib foot at (7) .
Third phase C : Lower the jib nose to the ground on two cross-beams (8) which
will help it to slide . Fit a second Tirfor (9) fixed to the nose . Free the sling (2),
move the mobile crane and sling at (10) . Unpin the shafts of the jib foot (11) .
Operate the Tirfor (9) , move out the jib foot . Lower the jib operating the Tirfor
(9) at the same which allows to free the from the tower .
SYM 298
k30/30 Tower crane
SYM 299
k30/30 Tower crane
First phase A : Sling the jib using two 12 m slings ¢21.3 (1) at the points
indicated in brochure 10 B 1. Fit on the counter-jib a 5000 kg Tirfor (2)
equipped with a 40 m rope as indicated in brochure 10 B 1. Operate the Tirfor to
slacken the ties, unpin the counter-jib yoke (3) .
Second phase B : Operating the Tirfor , lower the jib , the strut swings forwards
and arrives in position , pin the connecting links (4) . Raise the jib ,unpin ties (5)
and (6) . Check that the jib ties are well inserted in the brackets and to increase
safety, bind ties (5) and (6) on the jib foot at (7).
Third phase C : Bring the jib to horizontal position unpin the shafts of the jib
foot (8) . Move out the jib foot and lower the jib guiding it with cords attached to
the nose .
SYM 300
k30/30 Tower crane
SYM 301
k30/30 Tower crane
With the counter-jib tie line slackened, the 5.77 m ties (1) are resting on the
strut . Unpin the 3.80 m ties (2) but leave them pinned to the yoke (3) . Attach
ties (2) and yoke (3) with wire on the counter-jib foot . Dismantle the
Tirfor .Unpin shafts (4) of the winch support Detail A . Sling the winch using
three 4 m slings (6) fixed to the loops provided on the winch support using 3
shackles .
SYM 302
k30/30 Tower crane
SYM 303
k30/30 Tower crane
There are 2 versions for dismantling the counter-jib depending on the capacities
of the mobile crane .
These 2 versions of dismantling require the use of oblique wedges placed on the
counter-jib foot provided for this purpose .
In these two versions of dismantling , fit a safety sling between the counter-jin
and the cab mast .
SYM 304
k30/30 Tower crane
For this dismantling ,the counter-jib (1) will be dismantled in a single operation .
Sling the counter-jib using 4 slings ¢ 21.3 length 8 m (2) at the slinging points
provided . To facilitate removal of the lower shafts (3), it is advisable to use
oblique wedges (4) and wedges (5) detail a . As the counter-jib is engaged , it is
difficult to unpin the lower shafts manoeuvring the mobile crane . Take out the
lower shafts (3) and leave them in the shaft-inserting devices . Unpin upper
shafts (6) manoeuvring the mobile crane , leave them in the shaft-inserting
devices . Manoeuvre with the mobile crane to move the counter-jib out from the
cab mast , free the safety sling , place the counter-jib on the ground .
SYM 305
k30/30 Tower crane
SYM 306
k30/30 Tower crane
First phase : Fold back the connecting cat-walk between the nose (1) and foot
(2) .Sling the nose using four 8 m . slings ¢ 21.3 (3) ,on the slinging points
provided at the front of the nose and at rear on the gussets of the winch support .
Unpin the lower shafts (4) manoeuvring the mobile crane to facilitate their
removal . Unpin the upper shafts (5) , move the counter-jib out and place it on
the ground . Free the slings .
Second phase : Sling the counter-jib foot (2) using two 8 m slings ¢ 21.3 (6) ,
pass them between the diagonal braces of the foot . To facilitate removal of the
lower shafts (7) it is advisable to use oblique (8) and wedges (9) . As the
counter-jib is engaged , it is difficult to unpin the lower shafts manoeuvring with
the mobile crane . See detail. Unpin the upper shafts (10) , move the counter-jib
foot out from the cab-mast , free the safety sling and place the counter-jib foot
on the ground .
SYM 307
k30/30 Tower crane
SYM 308
k30/30 Tower crane
Check that no electric cable remains fitted between two successive assemblies .
- LOWERING THE STRUT : Fit a 4 m sling on the strut (1) , relieve , unpin the
retaining links (2) . Unpin the shafts of the strut , disconnect it and lower it down
to the ground . Figure A .
- LOWERING THE CABIN MAST : Fit two 8 m slings (¢ 21.3) on the cabin
mast (3) . Use the quoins and wedges provided to unpin the shafts connecting it
with the towerhead . Disconnec and lower the cabin mast to the ground . Figure
- LOWERING THE TOWERHEAD : Fit slings on the telescopic cage , unpin it
from the towerhead a rest it on the lugs . Fit two 8 m sling (¢ 21.3)on the
towerhead (4) ,unpin the shafts connecting it to the basic mast , disconnect and
lower it to the ground . Figure C .
If the sift conditions allow , dismantling the cabin mast / towerhead assembly
one single operation is possible.
(¢ 21.3) on the basic mast (5) , fastening the thimbles on the fishplate shafts ;
unpin the shafts which connect it with the basic mast unit , disconnect and lower
the basic mast to the ground . Figure D .
SYM 309
k30/30 Tower crane
SYM 310