Docs - Cisco Ccna 2022
Docs - Cisco Ccna 2022
Docs - Cisco Ccna 2022
- show ip ospf neighbor - lists all neighbours that have met the requirements
- IOS stores network commands in sequence (latter, specific command may be ignored)
- IOS uses area ID in ip ospf rather than network command
- show ip ospf - lists the RID (must match) and PID (doesn't have to match)
- shutdown - brings down neighbour relationships and quits sending Hellos
- MTU mismatch: routers can reach a 2-way state, but if they have different MTU settings,
they fail to exchange their LSDBs (ip mtu size)
Introduction to IPv6
- ipv6 unicast-routing - globally enables IPv6 routing
- ipv6 address or ipv6 enable - enables IPv6 on an interface
- Routers use the next-hop router's link-local IPv6 address
- show ipv6 route address - lists the specific IPv6 route a router would use to send packets
to the specified destination address
- show ipv6 neighbors - lists the IPv6 replacement for the IPv4 ARP table
- Host IPv6 settings must be correct (ipv6config /all)
- Host can use stateful DHCPv6 with NDP or SLAAC with stateless DHCPv6 and NDP
- ipv6 dhcp relay destination ipv6-addr - defines the DHCP server's IPv6 address
- DHCP relay agents use the outgoing interface to the DHCPv6 server as the source IPv6
address for DHCP relays
- NDP RS and RA must work for SLAAC to work (routers need both ipv6 address and ipv6
- Router may have routing protocol issues, router-to-router link issues, incorrect static
routes or there may be a poor subnet design
- Incorrect routes may cause a packet to loop around until its Hop Limit reaches 0
2.5 Configure, verify, and troubleshoot single area and multiarea OSPFv3 for IPv6 (excluding
authentication, filtering, manual summarisation, redistribution, stub, virtual-link, and LSAs)
- OSPFv2 does not communicate with OSPFv3 (separate LSDBs, SPF algorithms etc.)
whether using address families or configured both versions
- Both OSPFv2 and OSPFv3 have many similarities (metric, route exchange, SPF algorithm,
design concepts etc.)
- OSPFv3 has different LSA structures, adds new LSA types and does not care if two
neighbour routers are in different prefixes (new name for Type 3 LSAs: inter-area prefix
- FF02::5 is for all OSPF routers and FF02::6 is for all DR and BDR routers
- ipv6 unicast-routing and ipv6 address - enables IPv6 globally and on interfaces
- ipv6 router ospf PID - creates an OSPFv3 process and enters OSPF config mode
- router-id RID - manually defines the RID (if not configured, use the highest 'up' loopback
interface IPv4 address and then the highest 'up' nonloopback interface IPv4 address)
- clear ipv6 ospf process - needs to be issued before router-id takes effect
- passive-interface int-id - configures OSPFv3 passive interfaces
- ipv6 ospf PID area area-id - enables an interface and specifies which area it belongs to
(interface subcommand)
- Multiarea configuration: interfaces on the same router placed in different areas
- ipv6 ospf cost x - sets the interface cost to a value between 1 - 65535 (interface
- auto-cost reference-bandwidth bw-mbps - defines the reference bandwidth
- bandwidth bw-kbps - defines the interface bandwidth
- maximum-paths no. - defines the maximum number of equal-cost OSPFv3 routes that
can be added to the IPv6 routing table (default: 4)
- default-information originate - advertises a default route with the local router as the
eventual destination if there is a default route in the IPv6 routing table
- shutdown - disables the OSPF routing process
- show ipv6 protocols and show ipv6 ospf interface brief- lists brief information about
the OSPFv3 interface information
- show ipv6 ospf interface - lists detailed interface information including timers etc.
- All commands list both passive and nonpassive OSPFv3 interfaces
- debug ipv6 ospf adj - lists log messages for OSPFv3 adjacency events (neighbour states)
- show ipv6 ospf neighbor - lists neighbour RIDs and the local interface states
- show ipv6 ospf database - lists the different LSAs stored in the LSDB
- show ipv6 ospf - lists the reference bandwidth and the RID
- show ipv6 ospf interface brief - lists the interface cost
- show interfaces - lists the interface bandwidth
- Neighbours must be in the same area (show ipv6 ospf interface brief) but do not need
to be in the same subnet
- Interface should not be made passive (show ipv6 protocols)
- Neighbour requirements (show ipv6 ospf neighbor):
- Matching authentication (show ipv6 ospf interface)
- Matching Hello and Dead timers (show ipv6 ospf interface)
- Unique router IDs (show ipv6 ospf)
- Interface falls to Down state if there is a duplicate RID
- MTU mismatch causes interface to be unable to exchange routes, but allows it to reach
the 2-way state (ipv6 mtu size)
- Check directly connected neighbour relationships if there are missing routes
- Check for broken neighbour relationships in the optimal path or nondefault OSPFv3 cost
settings if there are suboptimal routes
2.6 Configure, verify, and troubleshoot EIGRP for IPv4 (excluding authentication, filtering,
manual summarisation, redistribution, stub)
- Default Ethernet EIGRP Hello timer: 5 seconds; Hold timer: 15 seconds
- Default serial EIGRP Hello timer: 60 seconds; Hold timer: 180 seconds
- EIGRP Hello messages are sent to if multiple router need to be updated;
otherwise, they are sent to the unicast IP address of the neighbour
- Neighbour requirements:
- Matching authentication
- Same configured ASN
- Same subnet
- Matching K-values
- EIGRP does not require neighbouring routers to have the same Hello and Hold timers
- Neighbour formation and route exchange process:
1. R1 <==> [Neighbour Discovery with Hello] <==> R2
2. R1 <==> [Full routing update with RTP] <==> R2
(R1 and R2 keep sending/receiving continuous Hellos)
3. R1 <==> [Partial updates in status change/new information] <==> R2
- K1: Bandwidth (1)
K2: Load (0)
K3: Delay (1)
K4: Reliability (0)
K5: MTU (0)
- EIGRP default metric calculation: ((107 / least-bandwidth) + cumulative-delay) * 256
- Least bandwidth: lowest bandwidth link in the route, in Kbps
- Cumulative delay: sum of all the delay values for all outgoing interfaces in the route, in
tens of microseconds
- show interfaces and show ip eigrp topology lists delay in microseconds
- delay uses delay in tens of microseconds
- Default delay: serial - 20000 usec, Ethernet - 10000 / speed-Mbps
- All serial interface default to bandwidth of 1544 Kbps
- Feasible distance: the local router's composite metric of the best route to reach a subnet
- Reported distance: the next-hop router's best composite metric for that subnet
- If a nonsuccessor route's RD is less than the FD, the route is a feasible successor route
- EIGRP uses DUAL if there are no FS routes:
- EIGRP query messages sent to working neighbours and receives EIGRP replies,
confirming that the route will not cause a loop
- EIGRP uses Reliable Transport Protocol instead of TCP/UDP to guarantee that the
neighbour received the message
- Autosummarisation summarises the routes into a classful network route
- Autosummarisation in a discontiguous network causes incorrect equal-cost routes
- router eigrp {ASN | name} - creates an EIGRP process in class (AS) mode or named mode
- network net-no. [wildcard] - enables EIGRP on interfaces with IP addresses that are within
the classful network (if no wildcard), and the specified subnet (if wildcard)
- OSPF requires wildcard mask; EIGRP does not require wildcard mask
- eigrp router-id RID - manually defines a RID (if none, use loopback/nonloopback interface
IP address)
- Process does not have to be cleared for new RID to take effect
- Adjacency goes down and then back up when RID is changed
- maximum-path x - sets the maximum number of concurrent equal-cost or unequal-cost
routes to reach a subnet (default: 4)
- variance multiplier - router considers FS routes with the FD less than the FD of the
successor route multiplied by the multiplier to be equal routes
- bandwidth bw-kbps and delay delay-in-10s-of-microseconds can be used to accurately
tune the metric
- [no] auto-summary - enables/disables autosummarisation (default: off)
- show ip protocols - lists a shorthand EIGRP configuration with K-values, maximum paths,
variance, autosummarisation, passive interfaces, RID etc.
- show ip eigrp interface - lists the true interfaces on which the router has actually enabled
and configured EIGRP on
- EIGRP-enabled interface, no. of peers connected to interface etc.
- Does not list disabled or passive interfaces
- show ip eigrp interface detail - lists more detail, including timers, split horizon etc.
- show ip eigrp neighbors - lists neighbour IP address, outgoing interface, remaining hold
time, uptime etc.
- show ip eigrp topology - lists the EIGRP topology table
- Lists successor and FS routes, with their FD and RD and outgoing interface and next-hop
IP address
- show ip eigrp topology all-links - lists all routes, including non-FS, non-successor routes
- show ip eigrp topology subnet - lists the K-values and FD
- show ip route eigrp - lists the EIGRP successor routes, with code 'D' and metric
- debug eigrp fsm - lists successor route fails, routes being given the infinity metric and FS
routes becoming the successor route
- show ip eigrp interface lists all EIGRP-enabled interfaces that are not passive interfaces
- show ip protocols lists network commands and passive interfaces for both EIGRP and
- If show ip eigrp interface does not list an interface, incorrect network command may be
configured -> check show ip protocols to determine the incorrect command
- Use show ip protocols to determine passive interfaces
- show ip eigrp neighbor - lists neighbours that have passed all requirements
2.7 Configure, verify, and troubleshoot EIGRP for IPv6 (excluding authentication, filtering,
manual summarisation, redistribution, stub)
- EIGRP sends multicast messages to FF02::A
- EIGRPv6 does not support the network command => ipv6 eigrp ASN
- ipv6 router eigrp ASN - creates the EIGRPv6 process and defines the ASN
- eigrp router-id RID - manually defines the router ID (uses highest 'up' loopback and
nonloopback interface IPv4 address)
- maximum-paths no., variance multiplier, [no] shutdown, bandwidth bw-kbps and delay
delay-10s-of-microseconds are identical to EIGRP for IPv4 configurations
- ipv6 hello-interval eigrp ASN time and ipv6 hold-time eigrp ASN time - manually sets the
EIGRPv6 Hello interval and Hold time
- ipv6 eigrp ASN - enables an interface to use EIGRPv6 and assigns an ASN to it
- EIGRPv6 does not need [no] auto-summary
- show ipv6 eigrp interfaces - does not list any passive interfaces
- show ipv6 protocols - identifies passive interfaces
- show ipv6 eigrp interfaces detail - lists detailed interface EIGRPv6 information for
nonpassive interfaces
- show ipv6 eigrp neighbors - lists the EIGRPv6 neighbour table
- show ipv6 eigrp topology - lists the EIGRPv6 topology table, with successor and FS
routes and feasible and reported distances
- The next-hop router IPv6 address is a link-local address
- show ipv6 route eigrp - lists the best EIGRPv6-learned routes, with the AD and metric
- EIGRPv6 has the same neighbour requirements as EIGRP for IPv4 except neighbours can
be in different prefixes
- Omission of ipv6 eigrp ASN can result in missing routes because the router does not learn
or advertise routes over the interface
- Passive interfaces prevent the neighbour relationship from forming
- EIGRPv6 neighbour requirements:
- Matching authentication (if configured)
- Same ASN (as defined in ipv6 router eigrp ASN)
- Matching K-values
- EIGRP neighbours can:
- Be in different prefixes (subnets)
- Have mismatching Hello and Hold timers
- Have a duplicate router ID
- Make sure all interfaces in the path to a subnet all have EIGRP enabled so that they can
learn and advertise routes
- Make sure all neighbour relationships in the optimal path to a subnet are up and lowest
bandwidth and cumulative delay settings are correct to avoid using a suboptimal route
- Branch offices can have private WAN connection to the central office that has an
Internet connection to the cloud provider (more load on private WAN)
- Branch offices can have direct Internet connections (reduces load but less secure)
4.2.b Virtual services
- Virtual machine (VM): virtual OS instance that is decoupled from the hardware
- Hypervisor treats each thread that can be run on a single CPU chip using multithreading
as a virtual CPU (vCPU) and assigns each VM a number of vCPUs
- A VM needs a minimum number of vCPUs, RAM, storage and NICs
- Hypervisor manages and allocates the host hardware to each VM
- Each VM has at least on vNIC, connected to an internal virtual switch
- Each VM can be in its own VLAN, share the same VLAN, or use VLAN trunking to the VM
- Each host is cabled to two ToR switches (access layer switch), which are connected to an
EoR switch (distribution layer switch)
- Criteria for a cloud computing service (NIST):
- On-demand self-service: consumer chooses when to start and stop using the service
- Broad network access: service must be available from many types of networks
- Resource pooling: the provider dynamically allocates resources from a pool for each
new request from a customer
- Rapid elasticity: to the consumer, the resource pool appears to be unlimited and
requests for new service are filled quickly
- Measured service: the provider can measure the usage and report that usage to the
consumer for transparency and billing
- Private cloud: provides service to internal customers within an enterprise
1. The cloud team configures the cloud services catalog and adds new services to it
2. The customer requests for VMs via the cloud services catalog
3. The virtualisation software adds, moves or deletes VMs accordingly
- Public cloud: offers and sells services to consumers in other companies
1. Customers send requests for VMs through the remote cloud service catalog
2. Virtualisation software in other company creates a new VM
3. The VM is then instantiated and ready for use by the customer
- Public cloud provides different network access options (e.g. VPN and private WAN)
- Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS):
- Customer specifies the amount of hardware performance/capacity (e.g. vCPU, RAM)
and the OS and can install applications later => very flexible hardware and software
- Software as a Service (SaaS):
- The customer only chooses the application, and the hardware is managed by others =>
provides file storage features, private email services etc.
- Platform as a Service (PaaS):
- PaaS has configurable hardware and many development tools (e.g. IDEs) than IaaS
4.2.c Basic virtual network infrastructure
- Cloud providers can perform server load balancing (SLBaaS) between VMs
- VNF is a virtual instance of a traditional networking device that can be used in a cloud
- NFV is the process for how SPs virtualise network functions within their network
- DNS server in the public cloud can be used to resolve DNS queries
- The enterprise DNS server can point to the DNS server in the cloud since it automatically
creates a DNS record for each VM
- Cloud provider applies DHCP and NAT to correctly assign and translate public and private
IP addresses (as per specified by the customer in the cloud services catalog)
- Enterprise can use private addresses from their address space when using private WAN
or a VPN tunnel that terminates at the CSR that is running as a VNF
- VMs and VNFs can be NTP clients, the virtual router can be the NTP client/server and the
enterprise server can be the NTP server
4.3. Describe basic QoS concepts
- QoS manages Bandwidth, Delay, Jitter and Loss
- Bandwidth: capacity of the link; QoS can reserve percentages of bandwidth to traffic
- Delay: one-way delay (sender - destination) or round-trip delay (sender - back to sender)
- Jitter: variation in one-way delay between consecutive packets
- Loss: the amount of lost messages
4.3.a Marking
- Classification: the process of matching the fields in a message to make a QoS decision
- Marking: the process of QoS changing one or more header fields, setting a value in the
- First networking device to forward the packet can marks the packet's Differentiated
Services Code Point (DSCP) field, and the rest can match the DSCP value
- QoS classification can refer to an IP ACL to match packets matched with permit action
- NBAR matches packets for classification in a large variety of ways
- TOS byte (old): 3-bit IP Precedence (IPP) field (8 values to mark)
- TOS byte (new): 6-bit DSCP field (64 values to mark) + 2-bit ECN
- Class of Service (CoS) field is a 3-bit marking field in 802.1Q header (8 values to mark)
- Traffic ID (TID) for 802.11 header and EXP in MPLS label
- DSCP Expedited Forwarding (EF) (DSCP value 46):
- DSCP EF is used for voice packets for low latency (delay), low jitter and low loss
- Call signalling messages use CS3 since they do not require low delay, jitter and loss
- DSCP Assured Forwarding (AF):
- AF has 4 queues and 3 drop priority classes => 12 different DSCP AF markings
- Best AF: AF41, Worst AF: AF13
- Class Selector (CS) allows DSCP backward compatibility with IPP values
4.3.b Device trust
- Trust boundary: the point in the path of a packet at which the networking devices can
trust the current QoS markings
- IP phones are typically the trust boundary because they can set the CoS and DSCP values
for the phone and the connected PC
4.3.c Prioritisation
4.3.c. (i) Voice
- Single voice flow requires only a little bandwidth compared to data applications
- Voice traffic should experience minimal delay, jitter and loss:
- One-way delay: 150 ms or less
- Jitter: 30 ms or less
- Loss: 1% or less
- Uses priority queue with LLQ for interactive voice for low delay, jitter and loss but place
it in a different queue from video so policing function applies separately
- Uses CAC to avoid adding to much voice/video to the network which would trigger the
policer function
4.3.c. (ii) Video
- Video traffic requires a higher bandwidth than voice per flow:
- Bandwidth: 384 Kbps to 20+ Mbps
- One-way delay: 200 - 400 ms
- Jitter: 30 - 50 ms
- Loss: 0.1% - 1%
- Uses priority queue with LLQ for interactive video for low delay, jitter and loss but
place it in a different queue from voice so policing function applies separately
4.3.c. (iii) Data
- Interactive web-based application requires a certain amount of bandwidth capacity,
and are able to take some amount of one-way delay, jitter and losses
- Interactive web-based applications require low delay and jitter for a high QoE
- Non-interactive web-based applications (e.g. backups) require more bandwidth and
less losses, but cares less about delay or jitter
- Use round robin queueing like CBWFQ for data and noninteractive voice and video
- Give more important data traffic higher weight in CBWFQ
4.3.d Shaping
- Shaper slows messages by queueing the messages and servicing them based on the
shaping rate, not the availability of the outgoing interface
- Shapers allow for a burst beyond the shaping rate
- Shaper is enabled on the egress side of the customer
- Shaper causes more delay and jitter
4.3.e Policing
- Policer can discard the packets that are over the policing rate
- Policer can re-mark the messages that exceed the policing rate, and let them into the
SP's network, but are aggressively discarded during congestion
- Policer allows for a burst beyond the policing rate for a short time, after a period of low
- Policer is enabled on the ingress side of the SP
- Policer causes more loss
4.3.f Congestion management
- Round robin: cycles through the queues in order, taking a percentage of bytes
- Weighting: scheduler takes a different number from each queue, with preferences
- CBWFQ guarantees a minimum amount of bandwidth to each class
- Round robin scheduler does not provide low delay, jitter, or loss
- Low latency queueing (LLQ): uses priority queues to always send packets
- LLQ reduces delay and jitter of voice packets in the priority queue
- LLQ can cause queue starvation when the scheduler never services other queues
because the priority queue is taking up all bandwidth
- Policing can be used to control queue starvation, but creates more loss
- Call Admission Control (CAC) limits the amount of voice and video that the network
routes out this link
- Congestion avoidance with TCP packets:
- Receiver increases window if all is well, but shrinks the window if TCP segment is lost
- Tail drop: when congestion management tools drop arriving packets when a queue is
full (causes more loss and increases delay)
- Full drop: if the queue exceeds the maximum threshold, the tool drops all packets
- Congestion avoidance tools drop some TCP segments so that windows are limited and
congestions won't happen later
4.4 Configure, verify, and troubleshoot IPv4 and IPv6 access list for traffic filtering
4.4.a Standard
- ACL numbers 1 - 99 and additional 1300 - 1999
- Has an implicit deny any at the end that does not exist in the configuration
- access-list {1 - 99 | 1300 - 1999} {permit | deny} ip-addr [wildcard]
- Standard ACLs only match the source IP address(es)
- host keyword may be used, but IOS removes the keyword
- any keyword matches any and all source IP addresses
- Explicitly configured deny any allows show [ip] access-list to show the counter for the
number of packets matched by that explicit deny any logic
- access-list no. remark text - leaves text documentation on the ACL
- access-list ... log - causes IOS to issue log messages when an ACE is matched, and every 5
minutes after that for more matches
- log keyword makes packets be fast-switched and not CEF-switched
- Standard ACLs should be placed near to the destination to avoid filtering important
- Router does not filter packets that the router itself creates with an outbound ACL
- ip access-group {no. | name} {in | out} - enables an ACL on an interface
- show ip access-lists - lists all IPv4 ACLs with sequence numbers and counters
- show access-lists - lists all ACLs, with same information as show ip access-lists
- IPv6 ACLs only use names to be identified (no standard or extended keywords)
- IPv6 standard ACLs can match the source and destination IPv6 address
- ACLs cannot filter based on the encapsulated or tunnelled traffic
- IPv6 ACLs have implicit permit statements (NDP NS & NA) before deny ipv6 any any
- Router can have both IPv4 and IPv6 ACLs applied inbound and outbound on a single
interface (IPv4 ACLs have no function on IPv6 packets and vice versa)
- ICMPv6 messages (e.g. NDP, Path MTU Discovery [PMTUD]) must be permitted
- IPv6 ACLs use prefix lengths, not wildcard masks
- ipv6 access-list name - creates an IPv6 ACL and enters user into IPv6 ACL config mode
- remark text - leaves a text documentation on the IPv6 ACL
- {permit | deny} ipv6 {source-ipv6-prefix/prefix-length | any | host source-ipv6-addr}
{dest-ipv6-prefix/prefix-length | any | host dest-ipv6-addr} [log] - configures a standard
IPv6 ACL, with the source and destination IPv6 address(es) specified
- Standard IPv6 ACLs can have different protocol values and TCP/UDP port values
- sequence keyword allows insertion of an ACE with a specific sequence number
- ipv6 traffic-filter name {in | out} - applies the IPv6 ACL to an interface in a direction
- show ipv6 interface - lists the ACL applied on the interface
- show ipv6 access-list - lists the contents of all IPv6 ACLs and counters for each ACE
- clear access-list counters name - clears the IPv6 ACL traffic counters
4.4.b Extended
- Extended ACL can match protocol, source and destination IP address, source and
destination port TOS byte etc.
- ACL numbers 100 - 199 and additional 2000 - 2699
- access-list {no. | name} {deny | permit} protocol source-ip [wildcard] dest-ip [wildcard]
[log | log-input]
- access-list {no. | name} {deny | permit} {tcp | udp} source-ip [wildcard] [operator
source-port] dest-ip [wildcard] [operator dest-port] [established] [log]
- Extended ACLs must use the host keyword for a single host IP address
- Servers use well-known ports and clients use dynamic ports of 1024 and higher
- Extended ACLs should be placed as close as possible to the source of the packets to save
some bandwidth
- IPv6 ACLs can match the flow label, Traffic Class (e.g. DSCP), source/destination IPv6
addresses, TCP/UDP port numbers, TCP flags, ICMPv6 type and code, MIPv6 headers,
extension (hop-by-hop headers, routing headers, fragmentation headers, IPsec,
destination options) and option header values
- {permit | deny} {icmp | tcp | udp | ipv6} {source-ipv6-prefix/prefix-length | any | host
source-ipv6-addr} [operator source-port] {dest-ipv6-prefix/prefix-length | any | host
dest-ipv6-addr} [operator dest-port] [icmp-message] [log | log-input]
- echo-request and echo-reply keywords match ICMPv6 Echo and Reply
- nd-ns and nd-na keywords match ICMPv6 NDP NS and NA
- router-solicitation and router-advertisement keywords match ICMPv6 NDP RS and RA
- ipv6 access-class name {in | out} - enables an ACL on a VTY line and restricts
management plane traffic
- show ipv6 neighbors - lists the neighbours learnt by NDP (NS and NA must work)
- show ipv6 routers - lists the routers on the same subnet as learned by NDP (RS and RA
must work)
- Make sure multicast addresses are allowed:
- NDP RS sends to FF02::2 and RA sends to source router's link-local address or FF02::1
- NDP NS sends to solicited-node multicast address and NA sends to source host's unicast
address or to FF02::1
- Routing protocols and DHCPv6 uses multicast addresses
- permit icmp any any nd-na, permit icmp any any nd-ns and deny ipv6 any any are
implicitly configured on all ACLs
4.4.c Named
- Named ACLs use names to identify the ACL, ACL subcommands and allow ACL editing
- ip access-list {standard | extended} {name | no.} - enters user into ACL config mode
- permit, deny and remark commands can be entered without ip access-list {name | no.}
- no {command | seq-no.} - deletes a single line from the ACL
- seq-no. {permit | deny} ... - inserts a line into the ACL with a specified sequence number
- Numbered ACLs appear in the running-config as a global command, no matter the
configuration method
- ACEs configured in global config mode is added to the end of the ACL with automatic
sequence numbers
- show ip interfaces - lists on which interfaces ACLs are enabled, and in which direction
- show [ip] access-lists - lists the contents of each ACL
- Check for: misordered ACLs, reversed source/destination addresses/ports, syntax (tcp or
udp for ports and icmp for ICMP), dangerous inbound ACLs (with deny any) and location
of the standard ACL (should be near the destination)
- RIP uses UDP port 520 and, OSPF uses and and EIGRP uses
- Self-ping on a serial link sends the packet out the serial link and get routed back - local
router's inbound ACL and remote router's inbound and outbound ACL can filter
- Ethernet self-ping does not leave the interface - local router's inbound ACL can filter
4.5 Verify ACLs using the APIC-EM Path Trace ACL analysis tool
- APIC-EM adds ESA, IWAN, PnP and Path Trace etc. applications
1. Discovery application discovers the network topology
2. Path Trace application analyses where the imaginary packet would flow from the
specified source and destination address (and port)
- Path Trace does not take ACLs into consideration
- User can specify the source and destination IP address (optionally the protocol and
source and destination port numbers and ACL Trace option)
- Path Trace displays the forwarding logic between hops (e.g. switched, OSPF, connected)
- Path Trace identifies the routing protocols, SVI, switched, HSRP etc.
- Path Trace determines the path and ACL Trace determines ACLs in the path
- ACL Trace lists indicator icons for:
- No ACLs present
- An ACL is present and permits the packet
- An ACL is present and denies the packet
- An ACL is present but might or might not be denying the packet (depends on port)
- 'View Matching ACEs' shows the specific ACL and ACE that would match the packet
- If the packet may or may not be filtered, 'View Matching ACEs' lists all ACEs that may
match the packet
5.0 Infrastructure maintenance
5.1 Configure and verify device-monitoring protocols
- SNMP manager: network management application running on a PC or server (NMS)
- SNMP agent: the device that is being monitored by the SNMP manager
- Management Information Base (MIB): a database of variables that make up the
parameters, status and counters for the operations of the device using OIDs
- NMS uses SNMP Get, GetNext and GetBulk messages to ask for information from agent
- Get Request asks for contents of a variable and Get Response supplies the information
- SNMP Traps notify the NMS of an event and uses UDP
- SNMP Informs notify the NMS with. UDP, but NMS must acknowledge receipt (reliable)
- Read-only (RO) community allows Get messages
- Read-write (RW) community allows both Get and Set messages
- SNMPv3 uses username and hashed password
5.1.a SNMPv2
- snmp-server community comm-str {RO | RW} [ipv6 acl-name] [acl-name] - enables the
SNMP agent and sets the read-only or read-write community string and optionally
restricts incoming SNMP messages based on the IPv4 or IPv6 ACL
- snmp-server location location-text - documents the location of the device
- snmp-server contact contact-name - documents the contact
- snmp-server host {hostname | ip-addr} [informs | traps] version 2c notif-comm -
configures the SNMP agent to send either Traps or Informs to the listed host and the
notification community string (traps is the default)
- snmp-server enable traps - enables the sending of Traps and Informs
- show snmp community - repeats the community string values and attached ACLs
- show snmp host - lists the IP address/hostname of NMS, message type, username and
- show snmp location - lists the configured location
- show snmp contact - lists the configured contacts
- show snmp - lists detailed counters on the number of SNMP packets input and output,
requested MIB variables, Set requests, number of altered variables etc.
5.1.b SNMPv3
- snmp-server group name v3 {noauth | auth | priv} [{read | write} viewname] [access
[ipv6] acl-name] - configures a group to use a certain security setting, views and ACLs
- noauth only checks message integrity
- auth checks message integrity and performs authentication
- priv checks message integrity, performs authentication and encrypts the messages
- v1default is an MIB view that includes all the useful parts of the MIB
- snmp-server view viewname {OID | word} {included | excluded}
- snmp-server user username group-name v3 [auth {md5 | sha} pass] [priv {des | 3des |
aes {128 | 192 | 256}} key-value - configures a user and its security/privacy settings
- snmp-server host {hostname | ip-addr} [informs | traps] version 3 {noauth | auth |
priv} username - configures where to send notifications to, the security setting and
- snmp-server enable traps - allows Traps and Informs to be sent
- show snmp user - lists the username, authentication and privacy protocol and group
- show snmp group - lists the group name, security settings, read & write view and ACL
- show snmp - lists the counters for the number of Traps and Informs sent by the agent
- show snmp host - lists the notification host, message type, username and security
5.2 Troubleshoot network connectivity issues using ICMP echo-based IP SLA
- IP SLAs measure the performance and availability statistics
- IP SLAs generate traffic (e.g. ICMP, VoIP) and measures the results of received responses
- ICMP Echo probe does not require an IP SLA responder because any device, host or server
can reply back with an ICMP Echo Reply
- ip sla no. - enters user into IP SLA configuration mode
- icmp-echo dest-addr source-ip source-addr - configures a source and destination for the
ICMP Echo operation
- frequency seconds - defines the time interval that the message is sent (default: 60)
- threshold milliseconds - defines the time when action is taken (e.g. send SNMP trap)
before the timeout
- history filter all - keeps all data in the history
- history buckets-kept size - defines the limit for the maximum number of buckets in the
history (default: 50)
- ip sla schedule no. life {forever | seconds} start-time {now | hh:mm:ss | after hh:mm:ss}
- defines when to start the operation and when to stop
- no ip sla schedule no. - removes the command and ends the operation
Verification & Troubleshooting:
- show ip sla summary - lists a single line of output per SLA operation (higher ID = newer)
- Lists the operation type, destination IP address, round-trip time and return code
- show ip sla statistics no. - lists counters of successes/failures of past operations and the
most recent operation's return code and RTT
- ip sla restart no. - resets the counters for an IP SLA
- show ip sla history no. - lists a single line of output for each bucket
- You can look for spikes in the RTT and consistency in the return code
5.3 Use local SPAN to troubleshoot and resolve problems
- SPAN allows traffic to be copied to the port connected to the network analyser (source
port => destination port)
- SPAN session: a collection of SPAN rules that define one or more source ports and the
destination port and the direction of flow that will be copied (Tx, Rx, both)
- Using SPAN on a VLAN indicates all ports in the VLAN, including trunks
- Local SPAN: source and destination ports are attached to the same switch
- Remote SPAN (RSPAN): forwards SPAN traffic over a trunk link at Layer 2
- Encapsulated RSPAN (ERSPAN): encapsulates the SPAN traffic in a GRE tunnel to forward
the traffic to another Layer 3 switch
- Local SPAN rules:
- A SPAN destination port can be used with only one SPAN session at a time
- A SPAN destination port cannot also be a SPAN source port
- The SPAN destination port is not treated as a normal port (e.g. switch does not learn
MAC addresses from the port or sends data out the port)
- SPAN destination port can be unconfigured and then added to another session
- Multiple SPAN sources can be used in a single SPAN session
- One SPAN session must have all interface or all VLAN sources
- One SPAN session can have any combination of directions (Tx, Rx, both)
- EtherChannel interfaces and trunks can be used as source ports
- monitor session no. source {interface | vlan} {int-id [last-in-range] | vlan-id} {tx | rx |
both} - configures the SPAN source interfaces or VLANs
- both is the default keyword (therefore does not need to be explicitly configured)
- monitor session no. destination int-id - defines the one SPAN destination port for the
monitor session
Verification & Troubleshooting:
- show monitor session all - lists the enabled directions for source ports/VLANs and the
destination port
- show monitor detail - lists all three directions for both ports and VLANs
- Duplicate copies of a frame may be sent out the destination port because one port
receives the frame and another sends out the frame => use a single direction across all
5.4 Describe device management using AAA with TACACS+ and RADIUS
TACACS+: Cisco-proprietary RADIUS: RFC 2865
Most often used for network devices Most often used for users
TCP port 49 UDP port 1645, 1812
Encrypts the password AND the entire packet Encrypts ONLY the password
Supports function to authorise each user to a Doesn't support separation of
subset of CLI commands authentication and authorisation
- aaa new-model - enables AAA services in the local device and allows new commands
(default: no aaa new-model)
- tacacs server server-name - specifies a name for the server
address ipv4 ip-addr - points to the IPv4 address of the server
key key-value
port port-no.
- aaa group server group-name - creates a server group
server name server-name - adds a server to the group
- aaa authentication default [local | line | group group-name] lists different
authentication methods for the console, VTY and Aux port
5.5 Describe network programmability in enterprise network architecture
5.5.a Function of a controller
- Controller can have all, most, partial, or no control plane functions
- OpenDaylight SDN controller (ODL) uses OpenFlow, NetConf, PCEP, BGP-LS and OVSDB
etc. as the SBIs
- Switches need to support OpenFlow to support ODL
- The Cisco Open SDN Controller (OSC) is Cisco's commercial version of the ODL and picks
out the subset of features that Cisco wants to use
- Cisco switches (Nexus) and routers (ASR series) support OpenFlow
- Cisco Application Centric Infrastructure (ACI) uses endpoints (servers/VMs), endpoint
groups and policies (defines which endpoint groups can communicate with others)
- ACI uses a centralised controller called the Application Policy Infrastructure Controller
- Software and scripts can define endpoint groups and policies on the centralised APIC
- ACI uses a partially centralised control plane with OpFlex as an SBI
- ONF and ACI model centralises most, or much of the control plane
- APIC-EM adds network programmability while keeping the same traditional
switches/routers (distributed control plane)
- APIC-EM controller supports Cisco applications and RESTful API, with Telnet, SSH and
SNMP as the SBI (protocols already supported)
- APIC-EM gathers information about the network over the SBI and makes that
information available through NBI applications
- APIC-EM can use Telnet/SSH to log onto a device and issue CLI commands and use SNMP
Set commands to configure the networking device