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General Problems of The Global Environmental Change: 1. Green House Effect and Global Warming

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Increased human activity, urbanization, industrialization have led to rapid
deterioration of the environment. This has severely affected the life supporting system.
The developmental discrepancies in different regions of the world pose a serious
threat to our common global environment. Consequently, we are confronted with
complex environmental issues deserving attention. The important global
environmental issues are:
• green house effect and global warming
• biodiversity loss
• desertification
• depletion of ozone layer
• acid rain
• oil spills
• dumping of hazardous wastes


What is the green house effect?

The temperature surrounding the earth has been rising during the recent past. This
is due to the ‘green house effect’.

A green house is a glass chamber in which plants are grown to provide them warmth
by trapping sun light. Sunlight (a form of energy) passes through the glass and it
gets absorbed inside releasing heat radiations unlike sunlight, heat radiation can not
escape through glass the heat generated there from, cannot escape out of the glass
chamber. Thus, even on a cold winter day, the inside of a green house can become
quite warm to support plant growth. The phenomenon of heat build up inside a glass
chamber from the absorption of solar radiation is called green house effect.

But, you may well ask, where is the glass around the earth that prevents escaping
of heat from the earth’s surface. Look at the fig. 14.1 and trace the following
sequence to understand the green house effect.

Global warming and green-house effect

The green-house effect is a natural phenomenon and has been occurring for millions
of years on the earth. Life on the earth has been possible because of this natural
which is
due to

particles of water present in the atmosphere. Together, these produce more than 95
percent of total green-house warming. Average global temperatures is maintained
at about 150C due to natural green house effect. Without this phenomenon, average
global temperatures might have been around –170 C and at such low temperature
life would not be able to exist.
Fig. 14.1: Solar radiations strike the earth. Some of these radiations are reflected back
by the atmosphere into the space, but some pass through the atmosphere towards earth.
About half of these are absorbed by the atmosphere and heat the air. The rest reaches
the earth’s surface. The earth’s surface now heats up and gives off longer wavelength,
lower energy (infra red or heat) radiations. These infra-red radiations pass back up into
the atmosphere. Instead of being radiated 100 percent back into the space, much of it is
absorbed by the atmosphere and are reradiated back to the earth’s surface. The
temperature near the earth’s surface as well as that of the atmosphere then rises.

Before industrialization, simple human activity did not cause any significant increase in
the atmospheric temperature. What is particularly worrisome is the increase in the
emission of green house gases due to urbanization and industrialization. These green
house gases have increased significantly in the atmosphere in recent years. Some
important green house gases and their major sources are listed in table 14.1.

Table 14.1: Greenhouse Gases: Their sources and Causes

Gas Sources and Causes

Carbon dioxide (CO2) Burning of fossil fuels, deforestation

Chlorofluorocarbons(CFCs) Refrigeration, solvents, insulation foams, aero propellants,
industrial and commercial uses
Methane (CH4) Growing paddy, excreta of cattle and other livestock, termites,
burning of fossil fuel, wood, land fills.
Nitrogen oxides (N2O) Burning of fossil fuels, fertilizers; burning of wood and crop

Global warming affects both living and non-living components of our planet.
Effect on climate

Observe the following diagram and both the effects of global warming:
14.2.3 Effect on living beings
• Increased CO2 concentration in the atmosphere may increase photosynthetic productivity
of plants. This in turn produces more organic matter. It may seem a positive effect. But,
• Weeds may proliferate rapidly, and that too at the expense of useful plants.
• Insects and other pests that feed on plants may also increase in number.
• Survival of other organisms gets affected.

14.2.4 Strategies to cope with greenhouse effect

We must take immediate steps to minimize global warming by reducing emission

of green house gases especially carbon dioxides. Following steps would be useful
in reducing emission/release of green house gases into the atmosphere:

• Increased fuel efficiency of power plants and vehicles;

• Development/implementation of solar energy/non-fossil fuel alternatives;
• Halting deforestation;
• Supporting and undertaking tree-planting (afforestation);
• Reduce air-pollution.(see table14.1)

Plants and animals of a region constitute biodiversity. Biodiversity is a natural wealth
essential for human survival.

14.3.1 Classification
Biodiversity could be classified as -
(a) Species biodiversity: It includes total number of different taxonomical
or biological species.
(b) Genetic biodiversity: It includes land traces; horticultural varieties;
cultivers, ecotypes (related types differing due to difference in the
ecological condition); all within a biological species.
(b) Ecosystem biodiversity: It includes various biological zones, like lake, desert,
coast, estuaries, wetlands, mangroves, coral reefs etc.
Both flora and fauna, all over the world are under an assault from a variety of
indiscriminate human activities. These activities are often related to rapid growth
of human population, deforestation, urbanization and industrialization.
14.3.2 Reasons for biodiversity loss

Rapid decline of biodiversity is a result of various causes.

(1) Loss of habitat: Due to the growing human population, wetlands are being
made dry through landfills, as the demand for land increases. Natural forests are
cleared for industry, agriculture, dams, habitation, recreational sports, etc. As a
consequenceevery plant and animal species occupying that ecosystem is
temporarily or permanently affected. So are the migrating birds or other animals
visiting that habitat.
Thus, the population of different species occupying that habitat become
unsettled. An altered ecosystem causes changes in the neighbouring
(2) Pollution: Pollution also alters the habitat to such an extent that it becomes
critical for survival of some of the species. For example, pollution that leads to
green house effect results in global warming. All those species that are slow to
adjust to the changed environment are eventually lost.
(3) Overuse: Whales for oil, fish for food, trees for wood, plants for medicines etc.
are being removed by humans at higher rates than they can be replaced.
Excessive cutting of trees, overgrazing, collection of fire-wood, hunting of wild
animals for skin, ivory etc. all result in gradual loss of species.
(4) Introduction of foreign species: With growing volume of international travel
accidental introduction of species into a new or foreign area has become easier.
There are many species which have invaded new areas to which they were
introduced unintentionally. Many of the new species introduced into new
regions thrive at the expense of native species. For example: Parthenium,
Argemone and Lantana are the common weeds of foreign origin in our country
(Fig. 14.2).
Fig. 14.2: Common foreign origin weeds of our country

(5) Environmental degradation: A vast array of factors causing environmental

degradation may result in the loss of biodiversity. Some of these factors are:
global warming, increased CO2 concentration in atmosphere, nuclear radiation;
UV-exposure; oil spills, etc.
As an example, let us below, compile a combination of factors which results in the loss of
marine biodiversity. (Fig. 14.3)
High Technology Fishing
Improved technologies, such as radar/sonar/electronic
equipments/navigation, aids help locate shoals of fish very
accurately. It ensures capture efficiency.

Such capture results in It result in large scale It helps deeper zone

capture of high value fishing of newer fishing, which results
fish. A high value fish is species. It results in in the capture/loss of
the one which is captured depriving larger fish, which were not
prior to completing its fish/mammals/ aquatic caught earlier easily.
life cycle. Thus, it leads birds of their prey. It
to loss of generation. effects food-chain.

Fish farms destroy

Improved and large mangrove trees. Some fish and other
substantial aqua cultural It causes loss of fish edible animals such as
practices lead to capture sheltering in the Cray fish are cultured
of more fish than they vicinity of submerged at the cost of other
can be reproduce. It roots of mangrove. natural fish causing
leads to loss of imbalances.

Marine fishing Many kinds of birds/aquatic

endangers the existence mammals/reptiles are
of eels, elvers unnecessarily caught by the nets
used for fishing and left
abandoned to perish.

Fig. 14.3: Loss of marine biodiversity

As defined earlier (lesson no. 9) desertification is diminution or destruction of the
biological potential of the land which ultimately leads to the formation of desert.
The land that has lost its productivity (ability to grow plants) is called a desert. A
desert landscape supports a very limited growth of sparse vegetation and stunted
growth of plants. Substantial part of earth’s 132.4 million sq km of terrestrial area
is facing desertification due to overexploitation and mismanage of land resources
for human activities. Some of the principal causes, which promote desertification,

• over cultivation,
• overgrazing,
• deforestation, and
• salt accumulation due to irrigation.
(a) Over Cultivation

Every cycle of cultivation is preceded by ploughing to remove weeds. The ploughed

land turns soil upside down thus exposing rich sub-soil to wind and water erosion.
Such land may remain barren for most part of the year and in turn lose more soil
due to erosion. Such erosion is most pronounced on slopes. Moreover, in regions
where rainfall is low, the soil is often dry and is more susceptible to erosion.
Ploughed soil loses more water by evaporation.

(b) Overgrazing

Deserts receive less rainfall. Deserts have sparce vegetation mostly consisting of
grasses and herbs less and best used for grazing. Overgrazing by goats, domestic
cattle remove the protective vegetation and expose the soil. Further the movement
of grazing animals loosen the soil surface by their hoofs. Unprotected loose soil
becomes highly susceptible to erosion by wind and water. Such conditions leads to
progressive desertification due to series of events as mentioned in figure 14.4.

(c) Deforestation

Forests and vegetation prevent soil erosion and to hold water in soil. Plant roots
absorb and recycle nutrients released from the decaying organic matter. Forests are
often cleared to agriculture, timber, construction wood, firewood, raw material for
paper etc. All this leads to barrenness of the land leading to desertification.
Fig 14.4: Factors causing desertification

(d) Salting due to Irrigation

With demand for more land for agriculture, crops are grown in areas that have little access
to natural water bodies. The water is supplied to these growing areas by artificial means and
improved irrigation methods. Such water brings salts dissolved in it. Even the best quality of
irrigation water contain 200-500 ppm of salts. Water used for irrigation is lost from
agriculture field through evaporation and transpiration by crop plant. The water gets
evaporated but the dissolved salt keeps on accumulating which makes the soils more salty.
Saline accumulation of execesive soils prevents retards plant growth. Land devoid
of plant cover easily becomes desertified. Accumulation of excessive salt in soil or
salinization makes the soil unfit for agriculture.


14.5.1 Formation of ozone layer

Ozone (O3) is a highly reactive molecule containing three oxygen atoms. The upper
part of the earth’s atmosphere, between 10 and 50 km above the earth surface called
stratosphere contains a thin layer of ozone. This ozone layer serves as a natural filter
for blocking deadly incoming uv radiation from the sun.

Ultra violet (UV) radiation, with wavelengths shorter than visible spectrum
has high energy. UV radiations can be divided into three forms: UV-A
(wavelength between 320-400nm), UV-B (wave length lesser than 280 nm),
and UV-C (wavelength lesser than 280 nm). UV-C is most damaging to
biological systems.
Since, the early 1970’s levels of the stratospheric ozone have thined markedly over
certain regions of the earth, particularly over the Antarctic region. The Antarctic
region contains one of the worlds’ most productive marine ecosystems. The
thinning of stratospheric ozone layer is termed ‘“ozone hole”.

14.5.2 Causes of ozone layer depletion

Ozone (O3) layer can be destroyed both by natural and man-made causes-

(i) Natural causes: A number of naturally occurring substances destroy stratospheric

ozone. Most important of these compounds are:
Hydrogen oxide (HOx), Methane (CH4), Hydrogen gas (H2), Nitrogen oxides
(NOx). Chlorine monoxide (ClO); during volcanic eruptions, significant amount
of chlorine may be released in the stratosphere. Tiny particulate matter in the
stratosphere, known as stratospheric aerosols, may also lead to ozone
(ii) Human activity related causes: Any event, which release chlorine atoms into the
atmospheric, can cause severe ozone destruction, because chlorine atoms in the
stratosphere can destroy ozone very efficiently. Most damaging among such agents
are human made chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), which is widely used as refrigerants
and to pressurize sprays cans. In stratosphere, chlorine atoms from CFCs react with
ozone to form chlorine monoxide and oxygen molecule.

Cl + O3————— ClO + O2

Chlorine monoxide, may then react with oxygen atoms to release more chlorine atoms:

2ClO + O2————— 2Cl + 2O2

One chlorine atom can break down 1,00,000 ozone molecules.

O3O2 + O

Oxygen 2 oxygen
High-energy molecule atoms
UV radiation

O +
oxygen ozone atom molecule

Fig. 14.5: Formation of ozone molecule

Table 14.2: Important ozone depleting chemicals and their uses.
Name of the Used in
CFCs Refrigeration, aerosol, foam, food freezing, warming devices,
cosmetics, heat detectors solvents, cosmetics, refrigerants,
Halon Fire fighting
HCFC-22 Refrigeration, aerosol, foam, fire fighting
Methyl chloroform Solvent
Carbon tetrachloride Solvent

14.5.3 Effect of O3-layer depletion

Why are we so concerned about ozone hole? It is because without the ozone-shield
the deadly uv radiation shall pass through the atmosphere and reach the earth surface. A
small amount of uv-radiation is necessary for well-being of human beings and other
organisms, such as uv-B promote synthesis of vitamin-D. UV-radiation also act as a
germicide to control microorganisms. However, increased uv dose is highly dangerous to
living organisms.

Harmful effects on humanHarmful effects on plants

beings - Inhibit photosynthesis
- Increase susceptibility- of Inhibit metabolism
- Repress growth -
- Increase cataract
Destroy cells
- Damage DNA
- Cause mutation
- Damage cornea
- Decline forest
- Cause retinal diseasesproductivity
- Suppers human immune

Harmful effects on non-living

Harmful effects on other
- Accelerate breakdown
- Marine/freshwater
organisms are very of paints
sensitive to UV-rays - Accelerate breakdown
- Fish larvae are very of plastics
sensitive - Affect temperature
- Plankton population gradient levels in the
severely damaged. atmosphere
- Affect fish/shrimp/crab Affect atmospheric
larvae circulation pattern,
climatic changes.
14.5.4 Measures to prevent ozone (O3) layer depletion
Global awareness and action on the part of world community in the form of Helsinki
(1989), Montreal (1990’s) conventions and protocol have had some important
success on this front. A complete ban on the use of CFCs and other ozone destroying
chemicals is recommended. Further, use of HCFCs (Hydrochloric fluorocarbons)
as a substitute for CFCs is being recommended on temporary basis because HCFCs
are relatively less damaging to ozone layer as compared to CFCs, but they are not
completely ozone safe.

Acid rain refers to any precipitation (rain, fog, mist, snow) that is more acidic than
normal. Acid rain is caused by atmospheric pollution from acidic gases such as
sulphur dioxide and oxides of nitrogen emitted from burning of fossil fuels. Acid
rain is formed when the air that contains acidic gases emitted mostly from power
plants industries and automobiles, combines with the rain drops. The acid rain affect
ecosystems in diverse ways (see fig.


Fig.14.5: Acid rain

Therefore, emission of sulphur dioxide oxide and of oxides nitrogen into the
atmosphere can lead to the formation of acid rain.

It is also recognized that acidic smog, fog, mist, move out of the atmosphere and
settle on dust particleswhich in turn accumulate on vegetation as acid depositions.
When rain falls,
the acid from these depositions leak and form acid dews.

The table below shall help you to know the sources of gases/materials that
contribute to acid rains (table 14.3)
Table14.3: Acidic gases and their emission sources.
Acidic gases Source
CO2 (Carbon dioxide) Fossil fuel burning, industrial process, respiration.

CH4 (Methane) Paddy fields, wetlands, gas drilling, landfills, animals, termites

CO Biomass burning, Industrial sources, Biogenesis, Plant isoprene’s.

SOx (Sulphur oxides) Fossil fuel burning, industrial sources, volcanoes, oceans.

NOx (nitrogen oxides) Fossil fuel burning, lightening, biomass burning, oceans, power plants

14.6.1 Harmful effects of acid rain

Acid precipitation affects both aquatic and terrestrial organisms. It also damages
buildings and monuments.
(i) Effects on aquatic life
The pH of the surrounding or medium is very important for metabolic processes of
aquatic organisms. The eggs or sperms of fish, frogs and other aquatic organisms
are very sensitive to pH change. Acid rain kills their gametes affecting the life
cycles and productivity. Death or their inability to increase in numbers affects
aquatic food chains in acidic water bodies, causing severe ecosystem imbalances.
Acidic lake waters may kill bacteria/microbes/planktons and the acidic lakes
become unproductive and life less. Such acidic and lifeless ponds/lakes adversely
affect fisheries and livelihood.
(ii) Effect on terrestrial life
Acid rain damage cuticle of plant leaves resulting etiolation of foliage. This in turn
reduces photosynthesis. Reduced photosynthesis accompanied by leaf fall reduces
plant and crop productivity.
Acidic medium promotes leaching of heavy metals such as aluminum, lead and
mercury. Such metals when percolate into ground water affect soil microflora/
micro fauna. The soil becomes lifeless. Absorption of these toxic metal ions by
plants and microorganisms affect their metabolism.

(iii) Effects on forests

Acid rains damage forests and kill vegetation and causes severe damage to the landscape.
(iv) Effect on buildings and monuments
Many old, historic, ancient buildings and works of art/textile etc. are adversely affected by
acid rain. Limestone and marble are destroyed by acid rain. Smoke and soot cover such
objects. They slowly dissolve/flake away the surfaces because of acid fumes in the air. Many
buildings/monuments such as Taj Mahal in Agra have suffered from acid rain.

14.6.2 Strategies to cope with acid rain

Any procedure that shall reduce, minimize, or halt emission of sulphur and nitrogen
oxides into the atmosphere shall control acid rain. Use of low sulphur fuel or natural
gas or washed coal (chemical washing of pulverized coal) in thermal plants can
reduce incidences of acid rain.

Nuclear energy offers an alternative to many of environmental and social problems.
But, it also introduces serious problems of its own. Though environment friendly,
it is not yet economically affordable. Nuclear plants pose potential danger of
accidents that may release hazardous radioactive materials into the environment.
The problems are two fold: (i) nuclear disasters and fall out and (ii) safe disposal of
nuclear waste generated by nuclear plants.
Some of the major nuclear disasters are given in table: 14.4
Table 14.4: List of some major nuclear disasters
Year Nuclear power plants
December,1952 Chalk River, Toranto, Canada

October,1957 Windscale Plutonium Production Centre, U.K.

April 26, 1986 Chernobyl Nuclear Reactor, Kiew, Chernobyl, USSR

November, Monju, Japan

14.7.1 Impact of muclear disasters on the environment
The detrimental effects of nuclear leakage could be quick or slow.
The quick devastating and immediate effects of nuclear radiations are well
known as witnessed following Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan during world
war II. Therefore, military use of nuclear energy is always fraught with
unimaginable consequences.
The slow nuclear radiations can also emanate from a variety of sources viz:
nuclear reactors, laboratories, hospitals, and direct exposures to radiation for
diagnostic purposes (eg X-rays)
Such low dose radiations could have substantial impact on life forms and
ecosystems. It is now established that continued small dose exposure to nuclear
radiation is very harmful. It can cause: childhood leukemia, miscarriage;
underweight babies; infant deaths; increased susceptibility to AIDS and other
immune disorders and increased criminilalities.
Underground bomb testing releases radiations in very small doses of radicals that
enter water in the soil. This radioactive water is taken by plants through roots. The
radioactivity enters food chain when such plants are eaten by animals and humans.
Such radioactivity has been detected even in the milk.

Oil pollution refers to layers of oil on water bodies. Oil spills are most glaring of
all oceanic pollution. Every marine transport vessel poses a potential danger of oil

14.8.1 Causes of oil spill

The most common cause of oil spill is leakage during marine transport. It includes
both small scale (most often) and large scale (accidental) leakages. Oil spill could
occur during off shore oil production. There is a continuous oil slicks concentrated
along the supply lines used by oil tankers. Motor boats may release oil into the seas.
On an average a ton of oil is discharged into the seas for every 1000 tons of oil
transported by sea.

14.8.2 Impact of oil spill on marine life

Within hours of oil spill, the fishes, shellfish, plankton die due to suffocation and metabolic
disorders. Within a day of oil spill birds and sea mammals die. Death of these organisms
severely damages marine ecosystems. Oil spills also either poison or suffocate algal blooms.
This in turn makes water body deficient in oxygen. Water deficient in oxygen in turn, is
responsible for the deaths of enormous number of fish/marine life.

14.8.3 Impact of oil spills on terrestrial life

Bays, estuaries, shores, reefs, beaches particularly near large coastal cities or at the
mouth of rivers are relatively more susceptible to the hazards of oil spills. A number
of coastal activities, especially recreational such as bathing, boating, angling,
diving, rafting are affected. As a result tourism and hotel business in the coastal
areas suffers seriously.

Any substance that is present in the environment or released into the environment
causing substantial damage to public health and welfare of the environment is called
hazardous substance.

Any substance that could have serious irreversible health effects from a single
exposure is called very hazardous substance. Any hazardous substance could
exhibit any one or more of the following characteristics:

• toxicity
• ignibility
• corrosivity
• reactivity (explosive)
Thus, any waste that contains hazardous or very hazardous substance is called hazardous
Hazardous wastes can originate from various sources such as: house-hold, local areas,
urban, industry, agriculture, construction activity, hospitals and laboratories, power plants
and other sources.

Problems related to dumping of hazardous waste

The hazardous waste per se or when disposed off release a number of environmentally
unfriendly substance(s). some of them are given in table 14.5.

Table 14.5: Hazardous wastes, its disposal and effect

Source Disposed/used as Polluting agent Effect

Industrial Incineration of Toxic fumes e.g. Chlorine Chlorine could cause acid
waste waste polyvinylchlorine rain

Incomplete Dioxins/organo chlorides Carcinogenic


Release into water Chlorophenol, fluorine compounds, Cause environmental

bodies aldehydes, SO2, CO pollution

Plastic Polythene, poly propylene, polyesters etc Toxic, ecological pollution

on burning release gases

Nuclear waste Hospitals Slow/sustained in medical/agriculture Health hazard, carcinogenic,

Laboratories use mutation

Agricultural Forms of Nitrogen Manure/Dung rich in NO3/NO2–2 Accumulate in vegetables,

waste wastes cause methanoglobenemia

Nitrosamines/ NO3-/NO 2- Carcinogenic contribute to

acid rain

N2O Green house effect

NH3+ (from livestock breeding) Affect aquatic life; stimulate

fungal growth; epiphytes;
cause weathering of forests

Phosphates Eutrophicastion of aquatic


Phyto sanitary Insecticides/pesticides/fungicides/herbi Enter soil as run off,

product cides polluter water table affect
aquatic life, carcinogenic,
renal failure

Methane Ruminating cattle, fermentation of Powerful green house effect

organic matter

• All of us are inheritors of common global environment.
• All of us are responsible for its growing deterioration. If the deterioration exceeds a limit,
it shall be a dangerous place to live in.
• Pollution, ozone-hole, greenhouse effect, desertification, loss of biodiversity, oil spills,
nuclear disasters, hazardous waste management, are some of the global environmental
problems that need immediate collective attention.
• Increased human activity, urbanisation, industrialisation are led to rapid deterioration of
the environment. This has severely affected the life supporting system.
• A green house is a glass chamber in which plants are grown to provide them warmth by
trapping solar radiations and heat. Infrared rays pass through glass and the heat generated
there from, cannot escape out of the glass chamber.
• Increased fuel efficiency in vehicles; development/implementation of solar
energy/nonfossil fule alternatives; halting further deforestation; support and undertake
tree planting (afforestation); reduce air-pollution are the strategies for coping with green
house effect.
• Flora and fauna of a region constitute biodiversity. It is considered as natural wealth of
the nature.
• Biodiversity can be classified into three types i.e. species biodiversity, genetic
biodiversity and ecosystem biodiversity.
• Loss of habitat, pollution, and overuse, introduction of foreign species and contribution
of other environmental degradation factors are the reasons of biodiversity loss.
• Desertification is diminution or destruction of the biological potential of the land which
ultimately leads to desert. Over cultivation, overgrazing, deforestation and salting sue to
irrigation are principal causes for desertification.
• Acid precipitation affects both aquatic and terrestrial life. It also damages buildings and
• We all need to cooperate at individual, domestic, local. National and international level
to maintain our environment clean and sustainable.

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