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Automotive Body in White Fastening

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Automotive Body In White Fastening Version 5 Release 10 Page 1

Automotive Body In White Fastening

Site Map

Using this Guide

Where to Find More Information

Getting Started

Customizing the BiW Fastening Application Standard File

Adding a New Process Type

Defining the Symbols

Entering the Workbench

Defining the BiW Parameters

Basic Tasks

Creating a Joint
Creating a Joint Body
Creating Joint Elements

Creating a Welding SpotPoint

Creating an Adhesive SpotPoint
Creating a Sealant SpotPoint
Creating a Clinching SpotPoint

Creating a BiW SpotPoint


Workbench Description

Menu Bar
Automotive BiW Fasteners Toolbar
Automotive Body In White Fastening Version 5 Release 10 Page 2

Welding Toolbar
Adhesive Toolbar
Sealant Toolbar
Mechanical BiW Fasteners Toolbar

Unspec Toolbar

Customizing for Automotive BiW Fastenings

General Settings


Automotive Body In White Fastening Version 5 Release 10 Page 3

The Version 5 Automotive Body in White Fastening application is a new product
dedicated to the design of Automotive Body In White Fasteners. It supports welding
technologies and mechanical clinching, along with Adhesives, Sealers, and Mastics.
For each of these general fastening technologies, specific Fastening process codes
along with their matching relevant parameters can be set-up in an Application
Parameters Start-Up file. This file can be fully customized by the customer, according
to company or industry specific standards requirements. Its feature-based approach
offers both a highly structured and intuitive design environment.
Fasteners can be gathered so that to connect specific contact zones of the parts to
join. This first release of the product enables the user to create, edit and delete spot
like fasteners.
In addition to placing the fasteners, reports can be issued from the application in order
to list: data can be exported (respectively imported) to a neutral ASCII text format,
providing opening with customer legacy systems.
Automotive Body in White Fastening can be used in cooperation with other products
such as Assembly Design and Generative Shape Design.

Using this Guide

Where to Find More Information
Automotive Body In White Fastening Version 5 Release 10 Page 4

Using this Guide

This guide is intended for both Engineering and Manufacturing people.
The user should be familiar with basic Version 5 concepts such as document windows,
standard and view toolbars.
Automotive Body In White Fastening Version 5 Release 10 Page 5

Where to Find More Information

Prior to reading this book, we recommend that you read the Infrastructure User Guide.
The Part Design, the Assembly Design and the Generative Shape Design
documentations may prove useful.
Automotive Body In White Fastening Version 5 Release 10 Page 6

Getting Started
The following tutorial aims at giving you a feel of what you can do with Automotive
Body in White Fastening. It provides a step-by-step scenario showing you how to use
key capabilities.
The main tasks proposed in the chapter are:
Customizing the BiW Fastening Application Standard File
Adding a New Process Type
Defining the Symbols
Entering the Workbench
Setting up a CATIA Reference Product with BiW Fastening Parameters
Automotive Body In White Fastening Version 5 Release 10 Page 7

Customizing the BiW Fastening

Standard File
The Automotive BiW Fastening Application natively supports the most common
BiW joining process categories: Welding, Adhesive, Sealant, and BiW
Mechanical. An additional “Unspecified” Process Category is supplied in order
to classify specific technologies that do not belong to the application natively
supported process categories.
For each general process category, specific fastening process codes along with
their matching relevant parameters can be set-up in the Application Parameters
Start-Up standard file named GBF_STD.
Here are the steps to customize the standard file:
Locating the CATIA BiW Fastening Application Standard file in the CATIA
run-time environment
Customizing the BiW Fastening Application Standard GBF_STD.xls file
What can be modified?
Saving the GBF_STD excel file and keeping its name

Locating the CATIA BiW Fastening Application Standard

file in the CATIA run-time environment
The “GBF_STD” Standard file is located according to the reffiles/GbfStandards
path from CATIA run time view root directory (intel_a for NT, aix_a for IBM UNIX,
irix_a for SGI UNIX, solaris_a for SUN Unix, hpux_a for HP UNIX) . Two
extensions are provided for this file:
.xls for NT Operating System run time usage
.txt for UNIX operating system run time usage
For example, you will find in the directory: MyCompanyRootRuntimeview
/intel_a/ reffiles/GbfStandards , the following files:
GBF_STD.xls which is the master file that can be edited with the Excel
Windows Editor
GBF_STD.txt which must be generated from the master GBF_STD.xls
file using the Save as *.txt command in Excel
Automotive Body In White Fastening Version 5 Release 10 Page 8

Customizing the BiW Fastening Application Standard

GBF_STD.xls file
The GBF_STD.xls standard file can be customized by the company data
administrator, according to his company or industry specific standards
This file features two columns:
the first column identifies the parameter name
the second column specifies the list of possible values of the identified
parameter : value1, <value2>, value3. (brackets <>, specify the default
value: i.e. value2 is the default value of the previous list)
The rows are divided into six chapters delimited by excel row cells and filled in
different colors.
The first chapter (light green fill-in) specifies the list of CATIA application
parameters supported whatever the fastener process category can be.
This chapter is itself subdivided into three sections:
A: CATIA V5 BiW Fastening Application parameters
B: CATIA V5 BiW Joint and Joint Body Parameters
C: CATIA V5 BiW Fastener parameters
1. Life Cycle parameters
2. Fastener type parameters
3. Fastener Parameters
The five additional chapters enable to set-up the list of the fasteners
parameters respectively for each specific process type and for each
supported process category:
Welding (yellow fill-in)
Adhesive (cyan fill-in)
Sealant (magenta fill-in)
BiW Mechanical (green fill-in)
Unspecified (white fill-in)

These chapters are themselves subdivided into sections C-1, C-2, C-3.
What can be modified?
1. You can modify the pre-defined values of each BiW Fastening general
parameter identified in the sections C-2, C-3 of Chapter 1.
Automotive Body In White Fastening Version 5 Release 10 Page 9

Modifying the list of values (column 2) for each row parameter of Chapter 1, you
can customize:
the applicable process categories (PCATS parameter) value list: WLD
(Welding), ADH (Adhesive) , SEA (Sealant) , BWM (BiW Mechanical), U
(Unspecified Process Category).
For example, you can narrow this list to: WLD, BWM if you plan to use
only Welding and BiW mechanical fastening technologies.
the assigned color for each process category (WLD_Color parameter,
ADH_Color parameter, etc.)
the list of possible process categories for each spot point fastener
(SpotPoint_PCA parameter): this list must be set up as a subset of the
PCATS parameter values.
For example, you can narrow the list to WLD if you plan to use only Spot
Welding technologies.
the lists of possible process types values for each process category, that
the list of Welding process types (WLD_PTYPS parameter):
For example, you can add to the WLD_PTYPS list of values your
own MyWLDType code value such as:
the list of Adhesive process types (ADH_PTYPS parameter),
the list of possible values of each CATIA BiW Fastener attribute:
robustness ( ROB parameter): A, B, C,D,U
regulation (REG parameter): A,B,C,D,U
finish (FIN parameter ): A,B,C,D,U
material (MAT parameter): MAT1, MAT2, etc.

For each fastener attribute, you can choose your own set of code
For example, you can choose to customize:
the list of values of the robustness attributes to: A, B, C, D,
E, U
the list of values of the regulation attributes to : A,B
Automotive Body In White Fastening Version 5 Release 10 Page 10

. Each attribute value (A, B, etc) is the coded value of the attribute as it will
be stored in the Data Model.
b. You can provide a end user translation for each parameter coded value in
the CATIA NLS resource file CATBfmAttributesNLS.txt . In this file, each
parameter coded value is identified by a key built by concatenating the
name of the parameter and the coded value, separated by the “_” string
separator. The translation of the parameter is provided by setting the
parameter value key to its translation text.
For example the line: ROB_A = “Critical” provides the end-user with the
“Critical” translation of the coded value A of the Robustness parameter
c. The CATBfmAttributesNLS.txt file is located in your runtime environment in
You must not remove any parameter belonging to the Chapter 1 rows.

2. You can modify the list of pre-defined process type specific fastener
parameters belonging to chapters 2 to 6 rows, either by:
modifying the list of values for each row containing the pre-defined
specific fastener process type parameters, or
removing the pre-defined specific fastener process type parameters you
are not interested in, or
adding your company specific fastener process type parameters
consistently with the list of process type values set up in Chapter 1

For example; for the Welding process category, you can set:
the list of specific process types code values for a Welding spot point
fastener (SpotPoint_WLD_PTY parameter): <21>;14;141;52;UNSW
In this list, the code value <21> matches the ISO code for Resistance
Welding, and 52 is the Laser welding code.
for each of the previously defined spot point welding process type code
values, for example, for Resistance Welding (code value = 21):
the list of the applicable standard attributes (SpotPoint_21_APAT
parameter): you can specify the list of attributes you consider as
relevant for this process type. The attributes strings must be
chosen among the CATIA list: ROB; REG; FIN;GFL;IFL;MID
the applicability or the non applicability of an add-on material
(SpotPoint_21_AMAT parameter)
the assignment of a graphics symbol (SpotPoint_21_SYM
Please refert to the Symbols table for the available list of symbols.
Automotive Body In White Fastening Version 5 Release 10 Page 11

the list of possible string code values of each parameter

(SpotPoint_21_ROB, SpotPoint_21_REG,etc) of a resistance welding
spot point.

Saving the GBF_STD excel file and keeping its name

The data administrator saves this excel file by keeping its original name
(GBF_STD.xls file for WINDOWS or GBF_STD.txt (Tab delimiter) for
UNIX) and extension (.xls), as the name will be recognized by the
On Unix, the GBF_STD.txt file must be generated from the master
GBF_STD.xls file or by using the Save as *.txt command in Excel.

Here is an example of how to add a new process type named “MyWldType” for a
Welding SpotPoint.
Automotive Body In White Fastening Version 5 Release 10 Page 12

Adding a New Process Type

This task shows how to add a new process type named “MyWldType” for a Welding SpotPoint.

1. Add MyWLDType value in the list of the Welding Process Type possible values of the WLD_PTYPS parameter in the Section C-2,
Chapter 1 (light-green fill-in).
// Set-Up Welding Process Types ISO Norm reference Codes
WLD_PTYPS <21>;14;141;52;UNSW;MyWLDType

2. Add MyWLDType value in the list of the Welding Process Type possible values for a Welding SpotPoint of the SpotPoint_WLD_PTY
parameter in the section C-2, Chapter 2 (Welding Section, yellow fill-in)
//Set-Up Welding Process Types for Each applicable CATIA V5 BiW
Fastener Shape Type ISO Norm reference Codes
SpotPoint_WLD_PTY <21>;14;141;52;UNSW;MyWLDType
3. Define which Fastener parameters are applicable to this SpotPoint and their values in the Section C-3, Chapter 2 (Welding Fastener
Parameters Section, yellow fill-in).
Automotive Body In White Fastening Version 5 Release 10 Page 13

Please refer to the Symbols table to know the symbol corresponding to the 101 value.

4. In addition, you have the possibility to translate the coded value MyWLDType. You can provide this translation by modifying the
CATBfmAttributesNLS.CATNls files located in resources/msgcatalog/
Here is an example using English.
In the appropriate file, add PTY_MyWLDType key like this:

// Process Type Attribute Code Values

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
PTY_14 = "TIG (14)";
PTY_141 = "TIG (141)";
PTY_21 = "Resistance (21)";
PTY_52 = "Laser (52)";
PTY_MyWLDType = “My Process Type Name”;
PTY_UNSW = "Unspecified Welding";

5. Check the modifications in CATIA V5: import this standard and create a Welding SpotPoint, with the added process Type
Automotive Body In White Fastening Version 5 Release 10 Page 14

Defining the Symbols

The following table lists all the symbols used in the Automotive Body In White
Fastening workbench.

Symbol Value
Automotive Body In White Fastening Version 5 Release 10 Page 15

Entering the Workbench

The first task will show you how to enter the Automotive BiW Fastening workbench.

The only pre-requisite for this task is to have a current CATIA V5 session running.

1. Choose Automotive BiW Fastening from the Start -> Shape menu, or click the Automotive
BiW Fastening icon from the Welcome to CATIA V5 dialog box.
The Automotive BiW Fastening workbench is displayed and ready to use.

The workbench looks like this:

Automotive Body In White Fastening Version 5 Release 10 Page 16

If you wish to use the whole screen space for the geometry, remove the specification tree clicking
off the View -> Specifications Visible menu item or pressing F3.
Automotive Body In White Fastening Version 5 Release 10 Page 17

Setting up a CATIA Reference

with BiW Fastening Parameters
This task shows you how to set up the Generative BiW Fasteners Parameters in
a reference product.
This step is mandatory before starting working in the application.

1. Click the Automotive BiW Fastening Parameters icon.

The Automotive BiW Fastening

Application Parameters dialog box
is displayed.

3. Click OK to validate the parameters and close the dialog box.

The feature is added in the specification tree.

You can click the Import button to import the default standard file.

The application standard file

appears in the BiW Fasteners
Set-Up Standard window.
Automotive Body In White Fastening Version 5 Release 10 Page 18

Basic Tasks
Creating a Joint
Creating a Joint Body
Creating Joint Elements
Automotive Body In White Fastening Version 5 Release 10 Page 19

Creating a Joint
This task enables to create a joint, that is a set of two or more parts, then edit it.

Open the Join1.CATProduct document.

There are several ways to create a joint:

select the components then click the BiW Joint icon.
click BiW Joint icon and select the components (this is the example
for our scenario).
1. Click the BiW Joint icon.

The BiW Joint Definition dialog box

is displayed.
2. Give a new name for the
Assembly Joint, "New Joint.1"
for example.
3. Select First part as the first
component to join.
4. Select Second part as the
second component to join.
The list displays the name of these
components as well as their part
number. The Part Version field
shows possible revision numbers.

5. Click OK to confirm.
The Forecast Elements Count field allows you to define a number of
fasteners this joint is supposed to contain for further verifications.
Automotive Body In White Fastening Version 5 Release 10 Page 20

The Create Joint Body after OK button is automatically selected. Deselect

it to only create the joint.
"New Joint.1" appears as en entity below the Assembly node in the specification
tree. The name of the parts it comprises is indicated in brackets.

You can only have one joint for a same set of components.

To edit the joint

6. Double-click "New Joint.1_BiW" in the specification tree. The BiW Joint
dialog box displays.
7. Select First part then click the Replace button.
8. Select any of the other components as the replacing part, then click OK.
To remove a part from the list, simply select the desired part then click the
Remove button.
Automotive Body In White Fastening Version 5 Release 10 Page 21

Creating a Joint Body

This task shows how to create a joint body, that is a container for joint elements.

Open the JointBody1.CATProduct.

There are several ways to created joint bodies:

select the publications, and click the Joint Body icon . If no joint was
created previously, it is automatically created; it links the corresponding
components. The joint body links the selected publications.
select the components, and click the Joint Body icon . If no joint was
created previously, it is automatically created; it links the corresponding
a joint is already created: select it in the specification tree, and click the Joint
Body icon .
a joint is already created. Click the Joint Body icon and select the joint in
the specification tree.
during the creation of a joint, if the Create Joint Body after OK button is
selected, when you click OK, the BiW Joint Body Definition dialog box
automatically displays (this is the example for our scenario).
1. Click OK in the BiW Joint definition dialog box.

The Joint Body Definition dialog box opens.

2. Give a new
name for the
Joint Body,
"New Joint
Body.1" for
Automotive Body In White Fastening Version 5 Release 10 Page 22

The List of joined Contact Zones display the Zone ID.

4. Define whether the zone is the Support zone
5. Define whether the zone is a Hem.

The material and the thickness can be defined using the Thin Parts
Attribute command in the Generative Shape Design workbench.
Please refer to the Applying a Thickness chapter in the Generative
Shape Design documentation.
6. Select a zone in the list and replace it by selecting a published zone, either in
the 3D geometry or in the Replace combo list.
7. Define the stacking and the thickness count depending on the number of
joined zones.
Automotive Body In White Fastening Version 5 Release 10 Page 23

You can click the

down arrow to
display the
stacking toolbar
and choose the
you are
able to
modify the
count using
on the
number of
The Forecast Elements Count field allows you to define a number of
fasteners this joint body is supposed to contain for further verifications.

4. Click OK to create the joint body.

"New Joint Body.1" appears below "New Joint.1_BiW" (created in the previous task)
in the specification tree.
Automotive Body In White Fastening Version 5 Release 10 Page 24

Creating Joint Elements

Creating a Welding SpotPoint
Creating an Adhesive SpotPoint
Creating a Sealant SpotPoint
Creating a Clinching SpotPoint
Creating a BiW SpotPoint
Displaying the Spot Points Parameters
Editing the Spot Points Properties
Automotive Body In White Fastening Version 5 Release 10 Page 25

Creating a Welding SpotPoint

This task shows how to create a Body in White Welding SpotPoint.

There are several ways to create a spot point:

a joint and a jointbody are already created: click the desired icon and select the
joint body in the selection tree.
a joint and a jointbody are already created: select the joint body in the selection
tree and click the desired icon (here is the example used for our scenario).
no joint body is created. Select the components or the publications, and click the
desired icon: a joint and a joint body are created if needed.
Open the Welding SpotPoint1.CATProduct document.

Make sure the Keep link with selected object button is checked in Tools -> Options ->
Infrastructure -> Part Infrastructure -> General.

1. Select the joint

body in the
2. Click the BiW
SpotPoint icon

The BiW
Automotive Body In White Fastening Version 5 Release 10 Page 26

3. Specify
whether you
wish to use the
standard or
If a standard
has been
imported, a
spot point is
created using
this standard.
If not, you are
able to define
your own
values for
each attribute.

4. Select the
process type.

5. Define the
parameters of
the spot point:
Finish: you
have the
possibility to
define the
by clicking
6. Specify the shape of the spot point (here we chose a 3D point) as well as its
Automotive Body In White Fastening Version 5 Release 10 Page 27

7. Select the
location of the
point, here we
selected On
8. Select the
surface in the
3D geometry.
9. For further
you can click
More>> to
define the
point, the
direction and
the distance to
the reference
point. For
define a
distance of
20mm from the

10. Click OK to
create the spot

The spot point (identified as Joint Element.xxx) is added to the specification tree, under
the Joint Body node.
Automotive Body In White Fastening Version 5 Release 10 Page 28

Creating an Adhesive SpotPoint

This task shows how to create a Body in White Adhesive SpotPoint.

There are several ways to create a spot point:

a joint and a jointbody are already created: click the desired icon and select the
joint body in the selection tree.
a joint and a jointbody are already created: select the joint body in the selection
tree and click the desired icon (here is the example used for our scenario).
no joint body is created. Select the components or the publications, and click the
desired icon: a joint and a joint body are created.
Open the Adhesive SpotPoint1.CATProduct document.
Make sure the Keep link with selected object button is checked in Tools -> Options ->
Infrastructure -> Part Infrastructure -> General.

1. Select the joint

body in the
2. Click the BiW
Adhesive Point
icon .

The BiW
Automotive Body In White Fastening Version 5 Release 10 Page 29

3. Specify
whether you
wish to use the
standard or
If a standard
has been
imported, a
spot point is
created using
this standard.
If not, you are
able to define
your own
values for
each attribute.
4. Select the
process type.
5. Define the
parameters of
the spot point:
Finish: you
have the
possibility to
by clicking
6. Specify the Material type as defined in the standard.
7. Specify the shape of the spot point (here we chose the Hemisphere (Towards
Material) type) as well as its diameter.
Automotive Body In White Fastening Version 5 Release 10 Page 30

8. Select the
location of the
point, here we
chose the On
Point location.
9. For further
you can click
More>> to
define the
reference point
either by
selecting a
GSD point in
the geometry
or by defining
its coordinates.

10. Click OK to
create the spot

The spot point (identified as Joint Element.xxx) is added to the specification tree, under
the Joint Body node.
Automotive Body In White Fastening Version 5 Release 10 Page 31

Creating a Sealant SpotPoint

This task shows how to create a Body in White Sealant SpotPoint.

There are several ways to create a spot point:

a joint and a jointbody are already created: click the desired icon and select the the joint
body in the selection tree.
a joint and a jointbody are already created: select the joint body in the selection tree
and click the desired icon (here is the example used for our scenario).
no joint body is created. Select the components or the publications, and click the
desired icon: a joint and a joint body are created.
Open the Sealant SpotPoint1.CATProduct document.

Make sure the Keep link with selected object button is checked in Tools -> Options ->
Infrastructure -> Part Infrastructure -> General.

1. Select the joint

body in the
2. Click the BiW
Sealant Point
icon .

The BiW
Automotive Body In White Fastening Version 5 Release 10 Page 32

3. Specify
whether you
wish to use the
standard or
If a standard
has been
imported, a
spot point is
created using
this standard.
If not, you are
able to define
your own
values for
each attribute.

4. Select the
process type.
5. Define the
design of the
spot point:
Finish: you
have the
possibility to
by clicking
6. Specify the Material type as defined in the standard.
7. Specify the shape of the spot point (here we chose the Hemisphere (Opposite to
Material) type) as well as its diameter.
8. Select the
location of the
point, here we
chose the
Along Curve
9. For further
you can click
More>> to
select the
curve, the
reference point
Automotive Body In White Fastening Version 5 Release 10 Page 33

(extremity or
middle of the
curve), and the
distance to the
point. For
define a
distance of
30mm from the

10. Click OK to
create the spot

The spot point (identified as Joint Element.xxx) is added to the specification tree, under the
Joint Body node.
Automotive Body In White Fastening Version 5 Release 10 Page 34

Creating a Clinching SpotPoint

This task shows how to create a Body in White Clinching SpotPoint.

There are several ways to create a spot point:

a joint and a jointbody are already created: click the desired icon and select the joint body in
the selection tree.
a joint and a jointbody are already created: select the joint body in the selection tree and
click the desired icon (here is the example used for our scenario).
no joint body is created. Select the components or the publications, and click the desired
icon: a joint and a joint body are created.
Open the Clinching SpotPoint1.CATProduct document.

Make sure the Keep link with selected object button is checked in Tools -> Options ->
Infrastructure -> Part Infrastructure -> General.

1. Select the joint

body in the
2. Click the BiW
Clinching Point
icon .

The BiW
Automotive Body In White Fastening Version 5 Release 10 Page 35

3. Specify
whether you
wish to use the
standard or
If a standard
has been
imported, a
spot point is
created using
this standard.
If not, you are
able to define
your own
values for
each attribute.
4. Select the
process type.
5. Define the
design of the
spot point:
Finish: you
have the
possibility to
by clicking
6. Specify the shape of the point (here we chose a 3D Point) as well as its diameter.

7. Select the
location of the
point, here we
chose the
From Curve
On Support
8. For further
you can click
More>> to
select the
curve, the
offset, the
reference point
(extremity or
middle of the
Automotive Body In White Fastening Version 5 Release 10 Page 36

curve), and the

distance to the
point. For
define 15mm
as the offset,
select the
extremity as
the reference
point and
choose a
distance of
30mm from the

9. Click OK to
create the spot

The spot point (identified as Joint Element.xxx) is added to the specification tree, under the Joint
Body node.
Automotive Body In White Fastening Version 5 Release 10 Page 37

Creating a BiW SpotPoint

This task shows how to create a Body in White SpotPoint.

There are several ways to create a spot point:

a joint and a jointbody are already created: click the desired icon and
select the joint body in the selection tree.
a joint and a jointbody are already created: select the joint body in the
selection tree and click the desired icon (here is the example used for our
no joint body is created. Select the components or the publications, and
click the desired icon: a joint and a joint body are created.
Open the SpotPoint1.CATProduct document.

Make sure the Keep link with selected object button is checked in Tools ->
Options -> Infrastructure -> Part Infrastructure -> General.
1. Select the joint body in
the specification tree.
2. Click the BiW
SpotPoint icon .

The BiW
Definition panel
Automotive Body In White Fastening Version 5 Release 10 Page 38

3. Specify whether you wish to use the existing standard or not.

If a standard has been imported, a spot point is created using this
standard. If not, you are able to define your own values for each attribute.
4. Select the process category:
BiW Mechanical

5. Select the process type depending on the process category you chose.
Automotive Body In White Fastening Version 5 Release 10 Page 39

6. Define the design of

the spot point:
Finish: you have the
possibility to define
parameters by
clicking More>>
7. Specify the shape of the point (3D point or hemisphere) as well as its

8. Select the location of

the point, here we
chose the Unspecified
9. For further
information, you can
click the More>>
button to define the
points coordinates.
10. Click OK to create the spotpoint.
The spotpoint (identified as Joint Element.xxx) is added to the specification tree,
under the Assembly Joint Body node.
Automotive Body In White Fastening Version 5 Release 10 Page 40

This task shows how to export fastening data in a neutral format file (.txt for example).

A .CATProduct document must be loaded.

1. Click the
The directory for the neutral file is the one defined in Customizing General Settings.
You can modify the path by clicking the Browse icon. The Select neutral file dialog box
displays letting you choose the file.
2. Click OK.
The progress bar shows you the remaining exported percentage.
3. Open the file as per the path indicated. The format is tab separaed text, allowing
to open it in a spreadsheet application.
The structure of the document is the following:
list of linked parts (belonging to a joint)
list of features (joint, jointbody, etc.)
The dialog box enables you to customize the neutral file through several options:

Include additional information: projection results for example

Include comments: corresponds to the glossary at the beginning of the neutral file
Real numbers precision: corresponds to the number of decimal digits
Unit: either millimeter or inch
Scientific notation: power of 10
The BiW Fasteners specifications are exported, except for their links to the 3D
geometry. For example, if the location method is Point on Surface, this specification will
not show in the neutral file; only the coordinates of the point will be displayed.
On a NT workstation, you cannot export a file if it is already open.
Automotive Body In White Fastening Version 5 Release 10 Page 41

This task shows how to report data into a html file.

A .CATProduct document must be loaded.

1. Select the objects for which you wish to generate a report. The object(s) and the
parent of higher level are selected.
You can select them either in the specification tree or in the 3D geometry.
You can modify the selection once in the command.

2. Click the BiW

reporting icon


The directory for the report file is the one defined in Customizing General Settings.
You can modify the path by clicking the Browse icon. The Select report file dialog box
displays letting you choose the file.
3. Click OK.
The progress bar shows you the remaining exported percentage.

The file opens. It displays:

the date
the product name
the unit
a summary (number of features), the sorted process type and process
the list of joints (joints, joint bodies, and joint components)
the list of welds used for each process

The dialog box enables you to customize the report through several options:
Automotive Body In White Fastening Version 5 Release 10 Page 42

Sort by process: fasteners are grouped by process category andtype. If a standard

has been imported, the process types are ordered accordingly.
Long report: projection results are added for each fastener
Browse once exported: the file opens in your current html browser once you click
Translate coded values: attribute values belonging to a predefined list of codes are
translated according to the NLS set-up. For instance if the value of the joint
element's finish attribute is "B", using this option will display the translation "Class
B" in the report.
Real numbers precision: corresponds to the number of decimal digits.
Unit: either millimeter or inch
Scientific notation: power of 10
You can generate a report for several products: select either the products at their root or
objects inside these products. Multi-instantiated features are reported only once, with
coordinates taken from their reference product.
When you have just created a feature, the latter is taken into account when clicking the
BiW reporting icon. Expand the specification tree to ensure you selected the correct
Automotive Body In White Fastening Version 5 Release 10 Page 43

This task shows how to import data from a neutral file.

A neutral file must exist.

1. Click the
BiW data
import icon


The directory for the neutral file is the one defined in Customizing General Settings and
is the same as the export directory.
2. Click OK.
The progress bar shows you the remaining imported percentage.
All BiW Fasteners have an "Unspecified" location method after they have been
imported. They are located only by their coordinates but the links to the 3D geometry
are not kept.
See Exporting.
Automotive Body In White Fastening Version 5 Release 10 Page 44

Workbench Description
This section contains the description of the icons, menus and Historical Graph that are
specific to the Automotive Body In White Fastening workbench, which is shown below.
You can click the hotspots on this image to see the related documentation.

Menu Bar
Automotive BiW Fasteners Toolbar
Welding Toolbar
Adhesive Toolbar
Sealant Toolbar
Mechanical BiW Fasteners Toolbar
Unspec Toolbar
Automotive Body In White Fastening Version 5 Release 10 Page 45

Menu Bar
This section presents the tools and commands which are available in the FreeStyle
Shaper, Optimizer and Profiler workbenches.
Many other operations are documented in the Infrastructure User's Guide.
Start File Edit View Insert Tools Windows Help

The File menu lets you perform file creation, opening saving, printing operations

The Edit menu lets you manipulate selected objects. Refer to the Infrastructure User's
Guide and Part Design User's Guide.

The View menu lets you view document contents Refer to the Infrastructure User's

The Insert menu lets you insert Automotive BiW Fastenings elements.
For... See...
New Component
New Product Product Structure User's
New CDM Component Guide
New Part
Existing Component...
Creating a Part Template
Document Template
in the Product Knowledge
Template User's Guide
Defining the BiW
BiW Joint Creating a Joint
Automotive Body In White Fastening Version 5 Release 10 Page 46

BiW JointBody Creating a Joint Body

BiW Welding Creating a Welding
SpotPoint SpotPoint
BiW Adhesive Creating an Adhesive
SpotPoint SpotPoint
Creating a Sealant
BiW Sealant SpotPoint
BiW SpotPoint Creating a BiW SpotPoint
BiW Clinching Creating a Clinching
SpotPoint SpotPoint

The Tools menu lets you perform image capture and album management, set user
preferences and manage macros. Refer to the Infrastructure User's Guide.

It also allows you to define visualization options, viewpoints, and manage the compass
specifically for the
For See...
Visualization Filters... Infrastructure User's Guide
Automotive Body In White Fastening Version 5 Release 10 Page 47


Import Importing

Export Exporting

Report Reporting

The Window menu lets you arrange document windows in relation one to the other.
Refer to the Infrastructure User's Guide.

The Help menu lets you get help on the currently active command, and the product in
general. Refer to the Infrastructure User's Guide.
Automotive Body In White Fastening Version 5 Release 10 Page 48

Automotive BiW Fasteners Toolbar

The Automotive BiW Fasteners Toolbar contains the following tools:

See Defining the BiW Parameters

See Importing
See Exporting
See Reporting
See Creating a Joint
See Creating a Joint Body
Automotive Body In White Fastening Version 5 Release 10 Page 49

Welding Toolbar
The Welding Toolbar contains the following tools:

See Creating a BiW Welding SpotPoint

Automotive Body In White Fastening Version 5 Release 10 Page 50

Adhesive Toolbar
The Adhesive Toolbar contains the following tools:

See Creating a BiW Adhesive SpotPoint

Automotive Body In White Fastening Version 5 Release 10 Page 51

Sealant Toolbar
The Sealant Toolbar contains the following tools:

See Creating a BiW Sealant SpotPoint

Automotive Body In White Fastening Version 5 Release 10 Page 52

Mechanical BiW Fasteners Toolbar

The Mechanical Toolbar contains the following tools:

See Creating a BiW Clinching SpotPoint

Automotive Body In White Fastening Version 5 Release 10 Page 53

Unspec Toolbar
The Unspec Toolbar contains the following tools:

See Creating a BiW SpotPoint

Automotive Body In White Fastening Version 5 Release 10 Page 54

Customizing For Automotive Body In

White Fastening
This section describes how to customize different settings specific to the Automotive
Body In White Fastening workbench. The settings described here deal with permanent
setting customization.
BiW Fastening Application General Settings
BiW Fastening Application Display User Settings
Automotive Body In White Fastening Version 5 Release 10 Page 55

BiW Fastening Application General

This task explains how to customize Automotive BiW settings.

1. Select the Tools -> Options command.

The Options dialog box is displayed.
2. Click the Shape category, then the Automotive BiW Fastenings

Default paths are displayed. You can change them by clicking the Browse icon

The Default Fasteners Parameters Set-Up Standard File is the file used
when importing the Standard using the Automotive BiW Parameters
The Export default directory is the directory where the export file is stored.
The Report default directory is the directory where the report file is stored.
3. Click OK to confirm setting these options.
Automotive Body In White Fastening Version 5 Release 10 Page 56

BiW Fastening Application Display

User Settings
This task shows you how to control the display of the features in the
geometry area.

1. Select the Tools -> Options command.

The Options dialog box is displayed.

2. Click the Shape category, then the Automotive BiW Fastening


3. Click the Unset All button to uncheck all the options; similarly click the
Set All button to check all options.
Automotive Body In White Fastening Version 5 Release 10 Page 57

4. Click the Show buttons to visualize the different options.


3D Text

(here is an
Laser type)

Automotive Body In White Fastening Version 5 Release 10 Page 58




5. Click OK to confirm setting these options.

You can define the thickness and the material orientation for a GSD
feature using the Thin Parts Attribute command in the Generative
Shape Design workbench.
Refer to the Applying a Thickness chapter in the Generative Shape
Design documentation.
The same options can be accessed using the spot points properties
via the contextual menu.
Refer to the Editing the Spot Points Properties chapter.
Automotive Body In White Fastening Version 5 Release 10 Page 59


adhesive spot point

clinching spot point
joint body
spot point
adhesive spot point
clinching spot point
joint body
sealant spot point
spot point
welding spot point
Automotive Body In White Fastening Version 5 Release 10 Page 60



joint body



sealant spot point
spot point
Automotive Body In White Fastening Version 5 Release 10 Page 61


welding spot point

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