444 Handmade in India A Geographic Encyclopedia of Ind

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[PDF] Handmade In India: A Geographic

Encyclopedia Of India Handicrafts

Aditi Ranjan, M. P. Ranjan - pdf download free book

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From The subtitle could not be more accurate as to the contents and scope of this gorgeously
illustrated, large-format book. Geographic sums up the vast, thorough sweep through all regions of
India in the editors’ endeavor to isolate and identify the wide range of Indian handicrafts, in an
ancient country where handicrafts have been honored for many centuries, and encyclopedic aptly
describes the orderliness of the text, which is arranged state by state across the whole of India. This
meticulous marshaling of data, with a text buoyed by very colorful maps and photographs, is a
marvelous lesson in Indian culture and geography. The entire presentation is underscored by how
closely and magnificently Indian handicrafts reflect both national and regional society as well as
individual talent and creativity. The intrigued reader will learn about basic topics such as design
influences, materials, craft processes, and tools and will be handed specific information on such
types of crafts as wood inlay, silver jewelry, leather footwear, and terra-cotta. For large, inclusive
crafts collections. --Brad Hooper

"…no better guide exists in revealing the astonishing diversity of Indian craftwork." — The Christian
Science Monitor, December 10, 2009

"…takes on the monumental task of examining the eye-popping variety of handcrafts made across
India's vast landscape…" — The Wall Street Journal, December 12, 2009

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Title: Handmade in India: A Geographic Encyclopedia of India Handicrafts

Author: Aditi Ranjan, M. P. Ranjan
Released: 2009-10-20
Pages: 579
ISBN: 0789210479
ISBN13: 978-0789210470
ASIN: 0789210479
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