Lesson Plan in Personal Development Aug 30
Lesson Plan in Personal Development Aug 30
Lesson Plan in Personal Development Aug 30
At the end of the 1.5 hours lesson, the students are expected to learn the:
A. the external factors influencing career choices
B. make a career plan based on his/her personal goal, and external factors influencing
career choices
C. discuss the external factors influencing career choices that may help in career decision
A. Topic: Work Attitudes and Leadership
B. References:
1. Man, Values and Work Ethics
C. Material: Board notes
A. Preparation
1. Prayer/Devotion
2. Attendance Check
3. Preliminary questions:
a. What are Intimate relationships?
b. What are the theories of love?
B. Presentation
1. The Definition of Work
a. Glenn (1965) defined work as the effort of mind or body, partially or wholly applied
to the production of goods and utilities.
b. It is any human activity wherein man consciously, seriously, freely and
responsibility, makes use of his strengths and abilities in such a way that he
transforms and an object to give it greater value so that it would be better seve his
needs and those of others.
c. It is man’s right and duty just as to exemplify his capabilties.
d. Pope John Paul II said it is a good thing for humanity because through work, man
not only transforms nature and adapts it his own needs, but he also achieves
fulfillment as a human being.
e. The utilization of physiological and mental processes to achieve a goal or
accomplish a task.
2. Classification of Work
a. Mental work- refers to those types of activities in which remembering, thinking,
reasoning, judging and others, are utilized. This has reference to our intellect like
teaching, accounting, bookkeeping and the like.
b. Physical work-refers to those activities where speed, coordination and intensity of
muscular responses are the concern of the individuals. This has reference to our
heavy labor being a janitor, construction worker, and the like.
c. Blue-collared or manual workers; and white-collared or intellectual workers.
3. Elements of Work
is the man’s faculty which actually determines his choice and enables him to make and act
on the decision.
refers to the goal or an intended purpose, which defines the scope and direction of efforts.
refers to the obligatory duty in which a person is confined by reason of his status, role,
occupation, or assigned task.
Main elements of Conduct:
refers to the person’s responsibility to abstract the essence of objects and to reflect on them,
to analyze and generalize, to be creative and be able to think critically.
4. Work Attitudes
a. Attitude is a manifestation of how one communicates his or her moods to others.
b. Positive attitudes are manifested in the form of desirable traits that attract sympathy,
admiration or emulation from others.
c. Negative attitudes are those that others generally shun or dislike.
5. Fundamental types of Attitudes
a. Utilitarian
b. Ego-defensive
c. Value-expressive
d. Knowledge functions