M1 Garand Manual
M1 Garand Manual
M1 Garand Manual
Veteran and Civilian Service Organizations,
Law Enforcement, and
National Cemeteries
2 March 2017 – Change 3
Prepared by
Armament Research, Development and Engineering Center (ARDEC)
Picatinny Arsenal, NJ 07806-5000
This guide is intended to support the safe operation and maintenance of the M1 Garand Service Rifle and .30 Caliber M1909 Blank
Ammunition being used by Veteran and Civilian Service Organizations, Law Enforcement, and National Cemetery Personnel
approved to receive both M1 Garand Rifles and .30 Caliber Blank Ammunition from the U.S. Government. It is not intended as a
guide for the general public. While the Armament Research, Development and Engineering Center strives to make the information
contained in this guide as accurate as possible, the Armament Research, Development and Engineering Center makes no claims,
promises, or guarantees about the accuracy, completeness, or adequacy of the contents of this guide, and expressly disclaims any
liability for errors and omissions pertaining to its contents. No warranty of any kind, implied, expressed, or statutory is given with
respect to the contents of this guide or any links to internet resources contained herein. References in this guide to any specific
commercial product, process, or service, or the use of any trade, firm, or corporation name is for information purposes only and does
not constitute endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the Armament Research, Development and Engineering Center or the
United States Government.
4.0 Stoppage, Immediate Action, Malfunctions, and Ammunition Malfunction Reporting ............................................................ 34
4.1 Immediate Action ........................................................................................................................................................................... 34
4.2 Malfunctions ................................................................................................................................................................................... 34
4.3 Ammunition Malfunction Reporting .............................................................................................................................................. 37
M1 Garand Operation and Maintenance Guide - 3
5.0 Maintenance ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 37
5.1 Cleaning Materials, Lubricants, Equipment, and Parts .................................................................................................................. 37
5.1.1 Cleaning Solutions ................................................................................................................................................................... 37
5.1.2 Lubricants ................................................................................................................................................................................ 37
5.1.3 Equipment ................................................................................................................................................................................ 38
5.2 Cleaning the Rifle ........................................................................................................................................................................... 38
5.2.1 Chamber ................................................................................................................................................................................... 38
5.2.2 Bore .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 39
5.2.3 Gas Cylinder Lock Screw Assembly ....................................................................................................................................... 39
5.2.4 Piston Operating Rod ............................................................................................................................................................... 39
5.2.5 Gas Cylinder ............................................................................................................................................................................ 39
5.2.6 Face of the Bolt ........................................................................................................................................................................ 39
5.2.7 Rifle Stock ............................................................................................................................................................................... 39
5.2.8 All Other Parts ......................................................................................................................................................................... 40
5.3 Routine Maintenance ...................................................................................................................................................................... 40
5.3.1 Daily Inspection ....................................................................................................................................................................... 40
5.4 Blank Firing Adapter/Barrel Inspection Criteria ............................................................................................................................ 40
5.4.1 BFA Inspection ........................................................................................................................................................................ 40
5.4.2 Barrel Thread Inspection .......................................................................................................................................................... 44
This document should be used as a guide by these nonmilitary For comments, suggestions, or questions concerning this
organizations for the maintenance, operation, and general guide contact the U.S. Army Armament Research,
information relating to the M1 Garand Rifle. As with any Development and Engineering Center (ARDEC):
firearm, if any operation of the M1 Garand Rifle seems
Telephone: 973-724-3056
questionable or out of the ordinary, bring the weapon to a
Fax: 973-724-4633
competent professional for servicing.
E-mail: usarmy.pica.ardec.list.publication-change-
The Corporation for the Promotion of Rifle Practice and [email protected]
Firearms Safety, Inc. (CPRPFS):
Website: http://www.m1garandtraining.com
The Corporation for the Promotion of Rifle Practice and
Firearms Safety, Inc. (Civilian Marksmanship Program (CMP)) Mailing Address:
is the organization designated by the U.S. Government with U.S. Army ARDEC
providing weapon support, including parts replacement Attn: RDAR-EIL-LA
information, and weapon maintenance training to law Picatinny Arsenal, NJ 07806-5000
enforcement, civilian and veteran service organizations, and
Figure 36. Rear lug in groove on receiver Figure 37. Tang clearing notch in bridge of receiver
17) Grasp the follower rod, making sure that its hump is
down toward the barrel (fig 51). Compress the
operating rod spring and engage the forks of the
follower rod with the front studs of the follower arm
(fig 52). You may have to raise the follower assembly
to do this.
Figure 53. Assembly of stock group Figure 54. Insertion of trigger group
8) Cocking. Cocking occurs when the hammer is forced A malfunction is a failure of either the weapon or ammunition
into the proper position for firing the next round. This to function as intended.
happens as the bolt moves to the rear. The rear end of
the bolt forces the hammer back and rides over it. The Normally, the user will instinctively apply immediate action
hammer is caught by the sear if the trigger is still held which in most instances will overcome or correct the stoppage
to the rear, and is caught by the trigger lugs if trigger even when caused by a hangfire or misfire. Misfires are caused
pressure has been released (fig 65). by one of three factors: the user, the weapon (due to excessive
dirt, residue, etc.), or faulty ammunition. When misfires are
caused by faulty ammunition, the lot number should be
reported to JMC. The alpha-numeric lot numbers are printed
on the ammunition can.
5.2.1 Chamber
Remove the patch holder from the cleaning rod and insert two
patches about halfway through the slot. Dip the patches in bore
cleaner, then wring or squeeze the excess fluid from the
patches. Screw the cleaning rod together (without the patch
holder) and insert it all the way into the bore. Flare the patches
out, then insert the patch holder with the wet patches into the
Figure 68. Lubrication chamber. Push the threaded end into the chamber until it
touches the cleaning rod. Hold it there with one hand and screw
5.1.3 Equipment the cleaning rod and the patch holder together. Pull the patches
to the chamber, at the same time turning the rod clockwise. Cleaning Equipment Turn the rod several times, wiping the chamber thoroughly.
After the chamber has been thoroughly cleaned, use the
Small arms .30 cal bore cleaning brush
chamber brush in the following manner:
1) Screw a section of the cleaning rod into a threaded hole
Chamber cleaning brush of the driver ratchet.
Cleaning rod (commercially available) 2) Place the brush into chamber of the barrel.
Shop rags or lint-free towels 3) Allow the rifle bolt to slowly close against the end of
the driver ratchet. Blank Firing Adapter
4) Using the rod section as a handle, rotate the driver both
The optimal vent hole size for a BFA is 0.172 inches. Blank clockwise and counterclockwise to loosen and clean
firing adapters can be purchased pre-drilled to this size from residue from the chamber.
commercial retailers. This BFA will typically result in the best 5) Insert a dry patch in the patch holder and insert into the
performance of a M1 Rifle in good operating condition. The chamber to remove any excess bore cleaner.
BFA should be cleaned along with the rest of the weapon. Use
a) Place the patch in the patch holder and insert it into Clean the gas cylinder with bore cleaner and patches.
the chamber. Once complete, the bore cleaner must be removed with dry,
clean patches or a clean cloth.
b) Insert the cleaning rod (without the patch holder)
into the bore and screw it onto the patch holder. 5.2.6 Face of the Bolt
c) Pull the cleaning rod through the bore. Repeat this
procedure using as many patches as required until Clean the face of the bolt with a patch and bore cleaner, paying
the patches come through the bore clean. particular attention to its inside edges. Remove the bore
cleaner with dry patches and oil the part lightly.
4) Remove the excess bore cleaner in the following
manner: 5.2.7 Rifle Stock
a) Place a dry patch in the patch holder and insert it Use a dry, lint free towel to remove all dirt, sand, or foreign
into the chamber. material from the surface of the stock. Apply a commercially
b) Insert the cleaning rod (without the patch holder) available linseed oil to the surface of the stock (wood only) and
into the bore and screw it onto the patch holder. allow to stand for two hours to be absorbed. After two hours,
wipe off any excess oil and polish with a clean dry cloth. Be
c) Pull the cleaning rod through the bore. Repeat this
careful not to allow linseed oil to get into crevices of
procedure using as many patches as required until
mechanism as it will form a residue as it dries.
the patches come through the bore clean.
NOTE: If there is a question concerning the serviceability of an
M1 Garand stock, CMP should be contacted for disposition
recommendations. They can be contacted at: Civilian
When conducting an inspection with a pin gauge,
Pin A: Class Z 0.177 plus pin (0.177” - the inspection should be conducted at surface level
0.0000”/+0.0001”) over a clean flat soft surface (such as a table covered
with a rubber mat) so that if the gauge is dropped, it
is dropped from a minimal height and that it lands
on a surface that will prevent damage to the gauge.
Pin Gauges should be stored in a clean dry place to
Figure 70: Pin A
prevent corrosion. If the gauge shows signs of
corrosion or damage, the gauge should not be used
Pin B: Class Z 0.177 minus pin (0.177” -
for the inspection and should be replaced.
Pin A Pin B Pin C
- - Not
Cannot Be Cannot Be
Inserted Serviceable
Inserted Inserted
Cannot Be Cannot Be Cannot Be Not
Inserted Inserted Inserted Serviceable
THAT COLLECT ON OILY AMMUNITION ARE TOLL FREE: 877-233-2515 or Commercial 309-782-4608
DO NOT FIRE THE M3 GRENADE CARTRIDGE 4) Quantity ordered is limited to 2 boxes or 2,480 rounds.
Ammunition is packed 1,240 rounds in 2 metal
ammunition containers over-packed inside a wooden
7.2 Ordering Ammunition box.
1) Only authorized organizations that have been issued 5) No payments are required. Ammunition and Clips
weapons through the Ceremonial Rifle Program are provided free of charge to authorized
managed by the U.S. Army Tank-Automotive and organizations (Shipping and Handling fees are not
Armaments Command (TACOM) located in Warren, required).
MI, are authorized to order and receive blank
ammunition or ammunition clips. 6) Organizations will be notified by letter of the
approximate shipment date of the ammunition/clip
2) The request to order .30 Caliber blank ammunition and order. Allow 6-8 weeks for delivery after Rock Island
clips can be sent either by letter, e-mail, fax, or phone receives and processes your order.
call –NOTE: A new form needs to be requested each
time an organization needs to order blank ammunition 7) All ammunition is shipped via Federal Express
or clips. For authorized civilian and veterans (FEDEX) from the Lake City Army Ammunition Plant,
organizations, forms (as well as the ammunition Independence, MO. Normal FEDEX delivery will be
shipment itself) are sent to the appropriate officer’s Monday through Friday between 9:00AM and 5:00PM.
/individual’s residential address and not the A signature will be required upon receipt.
organization. For Law Enforcement and Public Safety
related organizations, the forms (and ammunition
shipments) are sent to the organization.
3) The request for issue of ammunition should be directed
7.3 Authorized Ammunition