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274 S O U T H E A S T I C E L A N D 275


Southeast Iceland

30 miles
50 km


To Egilsstaðir


Ló svik
Ló Lónsöræfi


Iceland’s southeast is a kingdom made for trolls and ice giants, rather than creatures of

warm flesh and blood. Mighty Vatnajökull, the largest icecap outside the poles, dominates Jö


the region. Even casual visitors travelling along the Ring Rd will be awestruck by its huge


rivers of frozen ice pouring down steep-sided valleys towards the sea. The glacial lagoon





Jökulsárlón, at the feet of the icecap, is a photographer’s paradise – wind and water sculpt



its chilly-blue icebergs into fantastical shapes.


Jöklasel Hut Skálafell



r s Þórbergssetur


On the southern side of the Ring Rd a terrible desert of dark glacial sand unrolls. The

damage is caused by the volcanoes Grímsvötn and Öræfi, trapped beneath Vatnajökull. When



ve i

HI Hostel
they blow, huge areas of the icecap melt, sending powerful rock-filled rivers smashing onto

the coast. The most recent jökulhlaup (glacial flood) was just 11 years ago.



ὈὈ Fagurhólsmýri
Further inland is the epicentre of Iceland’s worst eruption. In the late 18th century the -

ull kur

jök mer



Lakagígar fissure erupted in a 30km-long sheet of flame and ash, blotting out the sun and ða

Skaftafell Öræfajökull


causing famine across the northern hemisphere. Today such apocalyptic fire and darkness


seem far away; the fragile lava craters are covered in soft green moss and the only sound ull


is the wind. With desolation all around, it’s not surprising the Skaftafell National Park is a




National Park
See Skaftafell
popular spot. This sheltered enclave between the glaciers and the dead grey sands throbs

Map (p286)

with life and colour.


Although part of the interior, we’ve included Fjallabak Nature Reserve and Landman-


nalaugar in this section. An area with mesmerising landscape and superb hiking, this ‘back jök
road’ between the southeast and southwest shouldn’t be missed. ll
a Sk
Ey psá

Hvoll HI



„ Admire the ever-changing ice sculptures at

Jökulsárlón (p291), a bewitching glacial lagoon

Foss á Siðu




„ Bathe in steaming thermal pools at Landman-

ὄὄ tá


nalaugar (p277), or rise to the challenge of



the Landmannalaugar to Þórsmörk Trek r
ut e

(p280) – one of the world’s great walks

La Laki




á Gjátindur
Vatnajökull isa
„ Visit Iceland’s favourite national park, Skaftafell




(p285), an area of green and lovely life amid the Jökulsárlón sa




vast dead sandar (sand deltas)




Landmannalaugar Ol

Hrafntinnusker E

„ Stride up Laki (p284) for views of three gla-



Map (p278) Vík

ciers…and unbelievable volcanic devastation



Nature Reserve

See Landmannalaugar
–Þórsmörk Trek
„ Feel like a mountaineer on an easy but exhila-

See Fjallabak

Map (p276)


rating glacier walk (p289); make it real by scal-

ing Iceland’s highest peak, Hvannadalshnúkur

(p289); or roar across Vatnajökull icecap

To Hella

(p294) on a snowmobile.
276 FJ A L L A B A K N AT U R E R E S E R V E • • F j a l l a b a k R o u t e FJ A L L A B A K N AT U R E R E S E R V E • • L a n d m a n n a l a u g a r 277

past the Kirkjufell marshes and enters Jökulda- able under any conditions. Note that hire-car self-published map (Ikr700) of walks in the
FJALLABAK NATURE lur, then travels along a riverbed for 10km
before climbing to the Hörðubreið lookout
companies prohibit taking 2WD vehicles on
any of these routes, so if something should go
immediate Landmannalaugar area.
There’s no petrol at Landmannalaugar.
RESERVE and descending to Eldgjá.
For the next 40km the road is fairly good,
wrong your insurance would be void.
Since much of the Fjallabak Route is along
The nearest petrol pumps are 40km north
at Hrauneyjar (close to the beginning of the
FJALLABAK ROUTE but there are a couple of river fords, so con- rivers (or rather, in rivers!), it’s not ideally F208), and 90km southeast at Kirkjubæjark-
In summer the Fjallabak Route (F208) makes ventional vehicles going to Eldgjá from the suited to mountain bikes either. Lots of people laustur, but to be on the safe side you should
a spectacular alternative to the coast road east may have difficulties during high water. do attempt it, but it’s not casual cycling by put in enough fuel to get you all the way back
between Hella, in southwest Iceland, and At Búland the route joins Rte 208 and emerges any stretch. to Hella.

Kirkjubærjarklaustur. Its name translates as at the Ring Rd southwest of Kirkjubæjark-
‘Behind the Mountains’, and that’s exactly laustur. Getting There & Away Hot Springs
where it goes. A non-4WD vehicle wouldn’t have a hope If you don’t have a 4WD vehicle, between Just 200m from the Landmannalaugar hut,
First, head north from Hella on Rte 26. The of completing the through route. In summer, mid-June and early September there’s a sched- both hot and cold water flow out from be-
F208 begins near the Sigölduvirkjun power if the rivers are low, a conventional vehicle can uled Austurleið-Kynnisferðir (%562 1011; www neath Laugahraun and combine in a natural
plant on the Tungnaá river and passes through reach Landmannalaugar from the west (F208 bus. It runs daily between Reykjavík pool to form the most ideal hot bath imagin-

the scenic Fjallabak Nature Reserve to Land- only) and possibly Eldgjá from the east, but and Skaftafell (via Selfoss, Hella, Landman- able. Unfortunately, since 2003 there have
mannalaugar. From there, it continues east the route between the two would be impass- nalaugar, Eldgjá, and Kirkjubæjarklaustur), been itchy parasites (spread by ducklings)
departing at 8.30am from either end. The in the pool; they seem to be clearing up, but
5 km
3 miles
11-hour journey costs Ikr8600 each way – if you’re worried, find out what the current
unquestionably worth it. situation is before bathing.
Stóra-Melfell F208
The bus stops for two hours at lovely

(620m) Landmannalaugar, but that’s not really long

h o
enough to explore. Most travellers make a Laugahraun, the convoluted lava field behind

Tungna proper break here, continuing the journey Landmannalaugar hut, offers vast scope for
Hrafnabjargavatn Litla-
ur to Skaftafell at a later date. The stretch from exploration. Across it, the slopes of Iceland’s

ng tn Reykjavík to Landmannalaugar (5½ hours) most colourful mountain, rainbow-streaked

ju r

costs Ikr4800 each way. Brennisteinsalda, are punctuated by steaming


g Eskhihlíðarvatn

vents and sulphur deposits. Climb to the sum-

Herbjarnar- D r
Löðmundur r tik

LANDMANNALAUGAR mit for a good view across the rugged and


Sauðaleysuvatn Hellisfjsll (1074m) S Multicoloured mountains, soothing hot variegated landscape (7km round trip from
au s




sl Löðmundarvatn (Bláhylur) springs, rambling lava flows and clear blue Landmannalaugar).
Dó m a

He lakes make Landmannalaugar unique. It’s a From Brennisteinsalda it’s another 90 min-




Domadals- favourite with Icelanders and visitors alike…as utes along the Þórsmörk route to the impres-


La n Langasáta vatn
sh r

dm (792m) long as the weather cooperates! If you’re think- sive Stórihver geothermal field.


ing of popping up there for a few hours, you’ll The blue lake Frostastaðavatn lies behind


ið Fitjafell Norðurnámur

Frostastaðavatn (786m) kick yourself for not allowing several days. the rhyolite ridge immediately north of the

ls Austurbjalla-

f it Stútur
Landmannalaugar (600m above sea level) Landmannalaugar hut. Walk over the ridge
Höfðavatn Su ðu rn ámu r Tun
Lítli- includes the largest geothermal field in Iceland and you’ll be rewarded with far-ranging
Kýlingur Stóri-
Námskvisl Kýlingur outside the Grímsvötn caldera in Vatnajökull. views as well as close-ups of the interesting
fell Jökuldalur Its weird peaks are made of rhyolite – a mineral- rock formations and moss-covered lava flows


hraun i r
K filled lava that cooled unusually slowly, flanking the lake. If you walk at least one way

Brennisteinsalda F208
No lgil


l ir (880m)

causing those amazing colours. on the road and spend some time exploring


Dalamót Bláhnúkur


s tu (943m)
Although Landmannalaugar gets quite around the lake, the return trip takes two to


vatn chilly, the weather is generally more stable three hours.

r) Barm


a than in coastal areas, and when it does rain it’s A fine day hike from Landmannalaugar
ey more of a wind-driven horizontal mist than a is to the ironically named Ljótipollur (Ugly
r- R

u Stórihver
Aus t
Hattur drenching downpour. Puddle), an incredible red crater filled with
u ng u r
bright-blue water. Oddly enough, although
s á rt
Íshellir Information it was formed by a volcanic explosion its lake
The Landmannalaugar hut wardens can help is rich in trout. That intense fiery red comes
(1164m) Jö with specific questions, including directions from iron-ore deposits. You can see all kinds
Jö ultu
ku ng
and advice on hiking routes. There are also of scenery on the way to the Puddle, from
lg Kaldaklofsjökull Torfajökull
il ur two green buses, which hold a tiny information tephra desert and lava flow to marsh and
To Álftavatn (15km);
Þórsmörk (63km)
centre and shop (h11.30am-8pm late Jun–Aug) selling braided glacial valley. To get there you can
coffee, buns and plasters! It also sells a good climb over the 786m-high peak Norðurnámur

278 FJ A L L A B A K N AT U R E R E S E R V E • • L a n d m a n n a l a u g a r – Þ ó r s m ö r k T re k Book accommodation online at S O U T H E R N VAT N A J Ö K U L L • • K i r k j u b æ j a r k l a u s t u r 279

5 km
3 miles
(well worthwhile) or just traverse its western In the green and fertile Hánípufit area, 8km
Sauðaleysuvatn Löðmundarvatn base to emerge on the Ljótipollur road (10km south of the Eldgjá turn-off, the river Skaftá
To Reykjavík

Lifrafjallavatn Ljótipollur to 12km return trip, depending on the route). widens into an entanglement of cascades and
A number of routes ascend to the crater rim, waterfalls measuring 500m across in places.
Frostastaðavatn but the most interesting is probably the foot- It’s unusual and quite beautiful.
path that climbs its southernmost slope. If you At Lambaskarðshólar, west of the F208
See Enlargement To Eldgjá (21km); walk all the way around the crater rim, it’s an road near Syðrifærá, 5km south of the Eldgjá
klaustur (81km) 18km hike that takes the better part of a day. turn-off, there are three mountain huts at
Kirkjufell Another good day walk from Landman- Hólaskjól (%487 4840, 894 9977; sb Ikr2000) with hot

Brennisteinsalda F208
(840m) (943m) nalaugar is around the peak Tjörvafell and showers and a camp site. It’s a great place to
the crater lake Hnausapollur (also known as hole up for a couple of days.

Ice Caves
Hut Sleeping
Because the whole Fjallabak area is a protected

Jökultungur nature reserve, wild camping is not allowed.
(1278m) Torfajökull Ferðafélag Íslands’ Landmannalaugar hut
Kaldaklofsfjöll (%Jul-Sep 854 1192; sb Ikr2200) accommodates 78 Vatnajökull is earth’s largest icecap outside the
people on a first come, first served basis, and poles. It’s three times the size of Luxembourg
Strutslaug it books up quickly with tour groups and club (8300 sq km), reaches a thickness of almost
Álftaskarð Huts thálskví sl
Hot Springs
members. Otherwise there’s a camp site (sites per 1km, and, if you could find a pair of scales
Bra t

Álftavatn person Ikr800) with toilet and shower facilities. big enough, you’d find it weighed an awesome

Hvanngil Hut & ísl
Camp Site fsk
For information about other mountain 3000 billion tonnes! This mighty mass of ice
a kl
Stóra Grænafell Bl áf j
Kal d F210 Mælifellssanður huts on the Landmannalaugar–Þórsmörk holds Iceland’s highest and lowest points – the
(850m) í sl
Blessárjökull route, see the boxed text, p280. 2119m mountain Hvannadalshnúkur, and a
ri -
nameless trough underneath the icecap, 300m

Ems t ruá
below sea level.
East of Landmannalaugar the F208 leaves Fjal- Huge glaciers, pleated with crevasses, flow


Markarfljótsgljúfur Emstrur labak Reserve and skirts the river Tungnaá as it down from the centre of Vatnajökull. The
flows past the Norðurnámshraun lava field. best known is probably Skaftafellsjökull, a
ó ms After dropping into Jökuldalur the road relatively small glacier that ends within 1.5km


deteriorates into a valley route along a riverbed of the camp site at Skaftafell National Park.
r ka

Ma Entujökull
F261 Ljósá ura
Hot Springs
and effectively becomes a 10km-long ford in- Another famous beauty is Breiðamerkur-

terspersed with jaunts across the odd sandbar jökull, which crumbles into icebergs at the


Hut & Camp Site or late snowfield. When it climbs out of the breathtaking Jökulsárlón lagoon.

Laugahraun valley it ascends the tuff mountain Herðubreið, The drive from Kirkjubæjarklaustur to Höfn
Þórsmörk Landmannalaugar (Lava Field)
ku to Þórsmörk Track from where there are superb views across the is truly mind-blowing. Rte 1 takes you across
Krossá Kr
oss lowlands to the south. vast deltas of grey glacial sand, past lost-looking
Básar Hut Go árj
ll Brennisteinsalda Grænag il Just west of the Herðubreið lookout, a rough farms, around the toes of craggy mountains,
d (840m)
4WD road heads 25km northeast to the blue and by glacier tongues and ice-filled lagoons.

Eyjafjallajökull Bláhnúkur
lake Langisjór. On the far side of the lake lie The only thing you won’t pass is a town.
(943m) the astonishing green mountains of Fögrufjöll

Steam Vents
Stóra -Brands

Goðalandsjökull To Þórsmörk & Fumaroles

(1090m), and beyond them is the black-sand KIRKJUBÆJARKLAUSTUR
Hut Fimmvörðuháls 0 1 km outwash plain of the glacial river Skaftá. pop 140
0 0.5 miles
Many a foreign tongue has been tied in knots
ELDGJÁ by trying to say Kirkjubæjarklaustur. It might
Eldgjá (Fire Gorge) is a volcanic rift stretching help if you break it into bits: Kirkju (church),
á Háabunga
óg (1450m) 40km from Mýrdalsjökull to the peak Gjátin- bæjar (farm) and klaustur (convent). Other-
dur. At its northeastern end Eldgjá is 200m wise, do as the locals do and call it ‘Klaustur’
deep and 600m across, with odd, reddish walls (pronounced more or less like ‘cloister’).
that recall the fire after which it’s named. Al- Klaustur is tiny, even by Icelandic stand-
Skógafoss though it’s not as outwardly spectacular as you ards – a few houses and farms scattered on
Skógar may expect, Eldgjá is quite intriguing and the a backdrop of brilliant green. It’s a major
name alone conjures up images of a malevo- crossroads to several dramatic spots in the
lently mysterious and powerful place. interior – Fjallabak, Landmannalaugar and
280 S O U T H E R N VAT N A J Ö K U L L • • K i r k j u b æ j a r k l a u s t u r S O U T H E R N VAT N A J Ö K U L L • • K i r k j u b æ j a r k l a u s t u r 281

500 m
0.3 miles
Laki. Klaustur is also the only real service making it the largest recorded lava flow from
town between Vík and Höfn: there’s a petrol a single eruption.
A B C D station and a good café.
1 To Hörgsland (8km); Skaftá
To Kleifar Camp Site (1km); 203 Foss á Siðu (11km);
Dverghamrar (11km);
Restaurant Geirland (4km)
Skaftafell (69km);
Höfn (200km)
Bank..........................................(see 2)
Health Centre..............................1 A2
History There’s a tourist desk inside the Skaftárskáli
1 Post Office...................................2 B2 According to the Landnámabók, this tranquil petrol station. Further down the road is a
Tourist Desk...............................(see 9)
Sjónarhóll 8 village between the cliffs and the river Skaftá small block of buildings containing the bank,
eg Kirkjubæjarstofa Exhibition...........3 A2 was first settled by Irish monks (papar) before the post office and the supermarket.
Klau Kirkjugólf......................................4 B1 the Vikings arrived. Originally, it was known
Landbrot Pseudocraters................5 C2
as Kirkjubær; the ‘klaustur’ bit was added in Sights & Activities

10 Steingrímsson Memorial Chapel...6 B2
2 204
1186 when a convent of Benedictine nuns was Kirkjugólf’s regular basalt columns, smoothed

graveyard Hótel Klaustur..............................7 A2 founded (near the modern-day church). down and cemented with moss, were once
Kirkjubæ II Camp Site...................8 B1
During the devastating Laki eruptions of mistaken for an old church floor rather than

7 EATING the late 18th century, this area suffered greatly a work of nature, and it’s easy to see why.

To Efri-Vík

Hótel Klaustur............................(see 7)
2 (5km)
and, west of Kirkjubæjarklaustur, you can The 80-sq-metre honeycomb lies in a field

Systrafoss Kjarval Supermarket...................(see 2)


1 Petrol Station Café........................9 B1

Systra Kaffi.................................10 B2
see ruins of farms abandoned or destroyed about 400m northwest of the petrol station
3 To Hunkubakkar (6km);
Fjarðrárgljúfur (8km); Hæðargarðsvatn by the lava stream. The lava field, Eldhraun, (a path leads to it from by the information
To Systrastapi Skaft
á Holtsborg Nature
Reserve (10km);
Skaftárskáli Petrol Station...........(see 9) averages 12m thick. It contains over 12 cu board, or drive down Rte 203, where there’s
(200m) Vík (71km) Mjóavatn
km of lava and covers an area of 565 sq km, another gate).

LANDMANNALAUGAR TO ÞÓRSMÖRK TREK Emstrur (N 63°45.980’, W 19°22.450’; per person Ikr2000) Two huts holding 40 people; has kitchen and shower,

The trek from Landmannalaugar to Þórsmörk – known as the Laugarvegurinn (Hot Spring Rd) – and warden June to August.
seems destined to be recognised one day as one of the great walks of the world. The best map Þórsmörk (Skagfjörðsskáli; %mid-May–mid-Sep 854 1191, 893 1191; N 63°40.960’, W 19°30.890’; per person
of the route is Landmælingar Íslands’ Þórsmörk–Landmannalaugar 1:100,000 (Ikr980). In addition, Ikr2000) Holds 75 people; has kitchen, shower and shop, and warden mid-May to mid-September.
there’s a good booklet called The Laugavegur Hiking Trail by Leifur Þorsteinsson (Ikr1500), which
describes sights and side trips.
In high season the trek can be completed in three or four days by anyone in reasonable
physical condition. Many people do it independently, but Útivist and Ferðafélag Íslands both Day 1: Landmannalaugar to Hrafntinnusker (12km, four to five hours)
offer organised trips (see p333). Stórihver This sinister round hole, in an active geothermal zone, roars with riotously boiling water.
The track is usually passable for casual trekkers from mid-July through to mid-September. Hrafntinnusker Fields of black obsidian glint in the sunlight.
Early in the season (early to mid-July) you may need an ice axe for assistance on the steeper
slopes. It positively bustles in July and August, so consider walking it in early September, when Day 2: Hrafntinnusker to Álftavatn (12km, four to five hours)
you should have crisp weather and possibly a glimpse of the Northern Lights from near-empty Ice caves (side trip) Set aside up to a day to visit the ice caves 1.5km west of Hrafntinnusker hut
huts. At that time in the year, however, some snow bridges across ravines may have collapsed, (but beware – falling ice is a real danger).
necessitating detours. Háskerðingur (side trip) Across the northern spur of the Kaldaklofsfjöll icecap, the view from
At any time of year the Landmannalaugar to Þórsmörk trek is not to be undertaken lightly. this 1278m summit is indescribable.
It requires river crossings, all-weather gear, sturdy boots, and sufficient food and water. Most Álftavatn As you drop into the valley there are glorious views of Tindfjallajökull, Eyjafjallajökull
trekkers walk from north to south to take advantage of the net altitude loss and the facilities and Mýrdalsjökull as well as many volcanic formations.
at Þórsmörk. You can also continue along the Þórsmörk to Skógar track (see p137) and make Torfahlaup (side trip) A 5km hike to where the mighty Markarfijót is constricted and forced
a five- or six-day trip of it. through a 15m-wide canyon. Looming above is the velvety peak of Stóra Grænafell.

Mountain Huts
Several huts along the route are owned and maintained by Ferðafélag Íslands (%568 2533; www
Day 3: Álftavatn to Emstrur (16km, six to seven hours)
Hvanngil Take a well-earned rest in this pleasant green oasis. All have camp sites (per person Ikr800). Book and pay for hut space well in advance; otherwise
bring a tent and camp near the huts. The following huts are listed from north to south: Markarfljótsgljúfor (side trip) About 2km southwest of the Emstrur huts, this gaping green
canyon will take your breath away.
Landmannalaugar (%Jul-Sep 854 1192; N 63°59.600’, W 19°03.660’; per person Ikr2200) Holds 78 people;
Fording ice-cold streams Well, maybe not so much a highlight; more a memorable experience.
has kitchen, shower, and warden July to September.
Hrafntinnusker (Höskuldsskáli; N 63°56.014’, W 19°10.109’; per person Ikr2000) Holds 36 people; has kitchen,
and warden July and August. Day 4: Emstrur to Þórsmörk (15km, six to seven hours)
Álftavatn (N 63°51.470’, W 19°13.640’; per person Ikr2000) Two huts holding 52 people; have kitchen and shower, Ljósá The view from a footbridge down to the ‘River of Light’, as it squeezes through a 2m-wide
and warden June to August. Used as an alternative to the less welcoming Hrafntinnusker hut. fissure, is mesmerising.
Hvanngil (N 64°50.026’, W 19°12.507’; per person Ikr2000) Two huts on alternative path, 5km south of Álftavatn. Þórsmörk After barren mountains, it’s a delight to walk among the twisting birch trees of this
Holds 70 people; has kitchen and shower. grassy green woodland.
282 S O U T H E R N VAT N A J Ö K U L L • • K i r k j u b æ j a r k l a u s t u r Book accommodation online at S O U T H E R N VAT N A J Ö K U L L • • A r o u n d K i r k j u b æ j a r k l a u s t u r 283

Tours Kirkjubæjarklaustur at 12.40pm (Ikr3300), of Klaustur along Rtes 1 and 206, has simple
HELLFIRE & BRIMSTONE Based at Hörgsland (see opposite), the Jeppa- continuing on to Reykjavík. parquet-floored rooms in the main building
The 18th-century eruptions of the volcano ferðir Ehf (%487 6655;; Hörgsland 1) The Fjallabak bus between Reykjavík and and cottages to rent in the grounds. Other
Laki brought death and devastation to company does tailor-made Jeep tours to sur- Skaftafell passes at around 6.30pm eastbound facilities include a restaurant and horse hire.
much of southeastern Iceland, especially rounding areas, including Lakagígar. Contact and at 9am westbound daily from 20 June to 2 Between October and May you’ll have to book
nearby Kirkjubæjarklaustur. On 20 July 1783 it for prices. September. The entire route costs Ikr8100. in advance.
a particularly fast-moving river of molten Restaurant Geirland (%487 4677; geirland@centrum
lava threatened to engulf the town. Sleeping & Eating AROUND KIRKJUBÆJARKLAUSTUR .is; Geirland; mains Ikr1500-2700; h7-11pm Jun-Aug) This
The pastor Jón Steingrímsson, convinced Kirkjubæ II camp site (%/fax 487 4612; sites per person Fjarðrárgljúfur new restaurant is part of the farmhouse ac-
it was due to the wickedness of his flock, Ikr600; hJun-Sep) This neat green site with shel- This peculiar and darkly picturesque canyon, commodation at Geirland, about 4km along
gathered the terrified parishioners into the tering hedges is right in town. It has pretty carved out by the river Fjarðrá, is a humbling Rte 203. Mains make use of fresh local pro-
church. There he delivered a passionate good facilities, including a kitchen, hot show- two million years old. A walking track follows duce – sea trout, lamb steak – plus there’s
hellfire and brimstone sermon while the ers (Ikr150 per five minutes) and a laundry its southern edge for a couple of kilometres, always a veggie course.
appropriate special effects steamed and (Ikr750 minimum). and there are plenty of places to gaze down
smoked outside. By the time the oratory Kleifar camp site (%487 4675; sites per person Ikr500) into its rocky, writhing depths. The canyon LAKAGÍGAR
ended, the flow had stopped at a rock There’s a second, more simple, camp site 1.5km is 3.5km north of the Ring Rd; you can walk It’s almost impossible to comprehend the
promontory – now called Eldmessutangi along Rte 203 (signposted towards Geirland). there across lava fields or drive along the Laki immensity of the Laki eruptions, one of the
(Fire Sermon Point) – just short of the town. Hótel Klaustur (%487 4900;; Klaus- road (Rte 206; you’ll reach the canyon before most catastrophic volcanic events in human
The grateful residents credited their good turvegur 6; s/d from Ikr13,000/16,200) One of the Ice- it becomes an F road). history.
reverend with some particularly effective landair chain, the 57-room Klaustur looks like Around the nearby Holt farm is the small In the spring of 1783 a vast set of fissures
string-pulling on their behalf. a Soviet-bloc hotel but contains a three-star Holtsborg Nature Reserve. This is the only place opened, forming around 135 craters that took
interior with the usual businesslike rooms and in Iceland where wild roses grow naturally. it in turns to fountain molten rock up to 1km

a spa/sauna. The restaurant (mains Ikr1900 to into the air. These Skaftáreldar lasted for eight
Religious connections are particularly Ikr3900) has an à la carte menu with typical Foss á Siðu & Dverghamrar months, spewing out more than 30 billion
strong in this area. The prominent rock pillar Icelandic mains and some unusual starters – Foss á Siðu, 11km east of Kirkjubæjarklaustur, tonnes of lava, which covered an area of 500
Systrastapi (Sisters’ Pillar), near the line of cliffs snails, anyone? is an attractive waterfall that normally tum- sq km in a layer up to 19km thick. Fifty farms
west of town, marks the spot where two nuns oSystra Kaffi (%487 4848; Klausturvegur bles down from the cliffs. During especially in the region were wiped out.
were reputedly executed and buried for sleep- 13; light meals Ikr850-1500, mains Ikr1800-3000; h11am- strong sea winds, however, it actually goes Far more devastating were the hundreds of
ing with the devil and such other no-nos. 11.30pm daily mid-May–Aug, 6-10pm daily Sep, weekends straight up! Opposite the falls is the outcrop millions of tonnes of ash and sulphuric acid
At the western end of the village a lovely only Apr & Oct, closed Nov–mid-May) The most atmos- Dverghamrar, which contains some classic that poured from the fissures. The sun was
double-raced waterfall, Systrafoss, tumbles pheric place for a meal is this characterful basalt columns. blotted out, the grass died off, and around two-
down the cliffs via the Bæjargil ravine. The little café-bar. It has a varied menu, which thirds of Iceland’s livestock died from starva-
lake Systravatn, a short and pleasant saunter offers everything from sandwiches and burg- Sleeping & Eating tion and poisoning. Some 9000 people – a fifth
up the cliffs above the falls, was once a bathing ers to big tilting bowls of salad, local trout There’s quite a bit of farmhouse accom- of the country – were killed and the remainder
place for nuns. and smoked-lamb mains using produce from modation in the area immediately around faced the Moðuharðindi (Haze Famine) that
Steingrímsson Memorial Chapel, the triangular, nearby farms. Kirkjubæjarklaustur. followed.
distinctly atypical wood-and-stone chapel on For freshly made fast-food snacks, there’s oHörgsland (%487 6655; www.horgsland The damage wasn’t limited to purely to
Klausturvegur, was consecrated in 1974. It the Skaftárskáli petrol station café (%487 4628). .is; sb Ikr2300, made-up beds Ikr3000, cottages from Ikr6900) Iceland, either. All across the northern hem-
commemorates Jón Steingrímsson’s Eldmessa Self-caterers have the Kjarval supermarket (%487 This place, a readers’ favourite on the Ring isphere clouds of ash in the atmosphere
(Fire Sermon), which ‘saved’ the town from 4616; Klausturvegur; h9am-8pm daily Jun-Aug, shorter hr Rd about 8km northeast of Kirkjubæjark- blocked out the sun. Temperatures dropped
lava on 20 July 1783 (see the boxed text, Sep-May). laustur, is like a minivillage of very spacious and acid rain fell from the sky, causing dev-
above). and comfortable self-contained cottages. The astating crop failures in Japan, Alaska and
Ongoing archaeological digs have un- Getting There & Away two-bedroom timber cabins sleep at least six Europe (possibly even helping to spark the
earthed 14th- and 15th-century convent The Reykjavík–Höfn bus service runs daily and have kitchen, lounge and veranda. There French Revolution).
houses (at the northeast corner of the old from 1 June to 15 September, and on Tues- are a couple of outdoor hot pots here, as well The whole Lakagígar area was included
churchyard). If you want to know more, visit day, Thursday, Friday and Saturday the rest as a shop, a café and a petrol station, and you within the new 2004 boundaries of Skaftafell
the small Kirkjubæjarstofa exhibition (%487 4645; of the year. can arrange fishing permits. National Park. Wardens will occasionally pop
Klausturvegur 2; h9-11am & 2-6pm Tue-Fri, 2-6pm Sat & Summer buses depart from either end Efri-Vík (%487 4694;; sites per person out of the wilderness with brochure-maps of
Sun Jun-Aug). of the route at 8.30am (winter buses set off Ikr700, sb Ikr2900, s/d Ikr5900/8900) A good choice is the area for sale. You should stick to paths in
South of the Ring Rd is a vast pseudocrater from Reykjavík/Höfn later in the day), and this farm, 5km south of Kirkjubæjarklaustur this ecologically sensitive region, and camp-
field known as Landbrot. They were formed stop at Hótel Klaustur or the petrol station on Rte 204. As well as beds in comfortable ing is forbidden. If you want a proper topo-
during the Laki eruptions of 1783, when lava in Kirkjubæjarklaustur. Eastbound from Rey- cottages, it has a nine-hole golf course, boat graphical map, the Landmælingar Íslands’
poured over marshland and fast-evaporat- kjavík, the bus passes Kirkjubæjarklaustur at rental, a sauna, a hot tub and lake fishing. 1:50,000 map DMA 1913 II Lakagígar shows
ing steam exploded through to make these 1.30pm (Ikr4400), continuing to Skaftafell and Hunkubakkar (%487 4681; [email protected]; s/d the area, as does the Atlas Maps 1:100,000
barrowlike mounds. Jökulsárlón. Westbound from Höfn, it passes from Ikr5900/7900; n) This farmhouse, 7km west Langisjó map.
284 S O U T H E R N VAT N A J Ö K U L L • • T h e S a n d a r Book accommodation online at Book accommodation online at S O U T H E R N VAT N A J Ö K U L L • • S k a f t a fe l l N a t i o n a l Pa r k 285

Getting There & Away the Settlement Era Skeiðarársandur has swal- To get there you’ll have to join the
A JEEP TOUR ON VATNAJÖKULL If you want to drive, Rte F206 (just west of lowed a considerable amount of farmland and Núpsstaðarskógar tour (see below), as it’s im-
Visitor: If there’s a volcanic eruption while Kirkjubæjarklaustur) is generally passable it continues to grow. The area was relatively possible to cross the Núpsá and Súlaá rivers on
we’re on the glacier, will we get our money from July to early September. It’s a long 50km well populated (for Iceland, anyway), but in foot (the Icelandic Mountain Guides have spe-
back? to the Lakagígar crater row. The road is un- 1362 the volcano Öræfi beneath Öræfajökull cial equipment, including a big 4x4!). The topo
Jeep Driver: No, we’ll charge you double! suitable for 2WD cars, as there are several riv- erupted and the subsequent jökulhlaup laid sheet to use is Lómagnúpur 1:100,000 (1986).
ers to ford. Even low-clearance 4WD vehicles waste the entire district.
may not be enough in the spring thaw or after The section of Rte 1 that passes across Tours
Laki rain, when the rivers tend to run deep. Skeiðarársandur was the last bit of the national In July and August, the Icelandic Mountain Guides
Although Laki (818m) is extinct, it has loaned From 1 July to 31 August you can get to the highway to be constructed – as recently as 1974 (%587 9999; run a guided
its name to the still-volatile, 25km-long Laka- Lakagígar area on the worthwhile Austurleið- (until then, Höfnites had to drive to Reykjavík four-day (60km) hike through Núpsstaðar-
gígar crater row, which stretches southwest- Kynnisferðir bus (%562 1011; The via Akureyri!). Long gravel dykes have been skógar, over to Grænalón lagoon, across
ward from its base. Laki can be climbed in 10-hour tour (with a jumpy CD guide!) al- strategically positioned to channel flood wa- the glacier Skeiðarárjökull and then into
about 40 minutes from the parking area, and lows around three hours’ walking in the crater ters away from this highly susceptible artery. Morsárdalur in Skaftafell National Park.
we highly recommend it. There are boundless area. It departs daily, at 8am from Skaftafell They did little good, however, when in late The trip costs Ikr48,900 with food, camping
360-degree views from the top, of the active (Ikr7300) and at 9am from Kirkjubæjarklaus- 1996 three Ring Rd bridges were washed away gear, glacier equipment and transport from
fissure, vast lava fields and glinting ice-white tur (Ikr5300). If you’re staying at the camp like matchsticks by the massive jökulhlaup re- Skaftafell included. There’s a supplement to
glaciers in the distance. site or one of the farmhouses, ring in advance leased by the Grímsvötn (or Gjálp) eruption pay if the walking group has fewer than five
for a pick-up. (see the boxed text, p287). There’s a memorial people – phone to check numbers.
Lakagígar Crater Row of twisted bridge girders and an information
The Lakagígar crater row is fascinating to THE SANDAR board along the Ring Rd just west of Skaftafell Sleeping
explore. The entire area is riddled with black Another area of devastation are the sandar, National Park. Hvoll HI Hostel (%487 4785;

sand dunes and lava tubes, many of which soul-destroyingly flat and empty regions The sands are a major breeding area for great darskogur; dm Ikr1800, s/d Ikr2800/4600; hMar-Oct) Ice-
contain tiny stalactites. Down at Laki’s feet, sprawling along Iceland’s southeastern coast. skuas (see the boxed text, p291) – particularly land’s third-largest hostel is on the edge of
marked walking paths lead you in and out of High in the mountains, glaciers scrape up appropriate birds for such a harsh and desolate Skeiðarársandur (3km south off the Ring Rd
the two nearest craters, including an interest- silt, sand and gravel that is then carried by region. via a gravel road) and feels very remote despite
ing lava tunnel – bring a torch. Another cave, glacial rivers or (more dramatically) by gla- its size. It’s very much like the Reykjavík hostel
two hours’ walk south of the Laki parking cial bursts down to the coast and dumped in Núpsstaður & Núpsstaðarskógar in its clean new design and busy atmosphere;
area, shelters a mysterious lake. huge desertlike plains. The sandar here are so Bizarrely eroded cliffs and pinnacles tower facilities include several kitchens, a TV room,
Nowadays the lava field belies the apoca- impressively huge and awful that the Icelandic over the old turf-roofed farm and church at laundry, bookshelves full of Mickey Spillane,
lypse that spawned it just over 220 years ago. word is used internationally to describe this Núpsstaður. The farm buildings date back as and a payphone. It makes an excellent base for
Its black, twisted lava formations are now topographic phenomenon. far as the early 19th century, and the church, exploring Skaftafell, Núpsstaðarskógar and
overgrown with soft green moss. Skeiðarársandur is the most visible and dra- which is dedicated to St Nicholas, was men- the surrounding sandar.
matic, stretching some 40km between icecap tioned as early as 1200. It was renovated in
Fagrifoss & Hell’s Back Door and coast from Núpsstaður to Öræfi. Here 1957 by Einar Jónsson and is one of the last SKAFTAFELL NATIONAL PARK
Fagrifoss (Beautiful Falls) is certainly not a you’ll encounter a flat expanse of grey-black turf churches in Iceland. Europe’s largest national park encompasses a
misnomer: this must be one of Iceland’s most sands, fierce scouring winds (a cyclist’s night- Inland is Núpsstaðarskógar, a beautiful breathtaking collection of peaks and glaciers.
bewitching waterfalls, with rivulets of water mare) and fast-flowing grey-brown glacial woodland area on the slopes of the mountain It’s the country’s favourite wilderness: 160,000
pouring over a massive black rock. You’ll come rivers. Eystrafjall. Since it’s no longer possible to visitors per year come to marvel at thundering
to the turnoff on the way to Laki, about 22km cross the Núpsá river by raft, this area is best waterfalls, twisted birch woods, the tangled
along the F206. Meðallandssandur explored on a tour run by the Icelandic Moun- web of rivers threading across the sandar,
Not far from Fagrifoss is a very deep hole in This region spreads across the Meðalland dis- tain Guides (see right). and brilliant blue-white Vatnajökull with its
a small slump crater, about 200m east of the trict south of Eldhraun and east of the river lurching tongues of ice.
Laki road. It doesn’t seem to have a particular Kúðafljót. The sandy desert is so flat and Grænalón Skaftafell deserves its reputation, and few
name, but locals will jokingly tell you it’s the featureless that a number of ships have run From the southern end of Núpsstaðarskógar a Icelanders – even those who usually shun the
back door to hell (Hekla is the front). The aground on its coast, apparently unaware they good two-day hike will take you over the ridges great outdoors – can resist it. On long sum-
hidden entrance is just 35cm across, so it’s were nearing land. Shipwrecked sailors have and valleys west of immense Skeiðarárjökull mer weekends all of Reykjavík (including the
unlikely you’ll find it without a guide. died in quicksand while trying to get ashore. to Grænalón. This ice-dammed lake has the city’s raucous all-night parties) may seem to
There are now several small lighthouses along ability to drain like a bathtub. The ‘plug’ is the descend. It can be lots of fun but may prove
Sleeping the coast. western edge of Skeiðarárjökull and, when the disappointing if you’ve come to commune
Camping is forbidden within the Laki reserve; water pressure builds to breaking point, the with nature rather than stereo systems. How-
despite its death-dealing fissures, the area is Skeiðarársandur glacier is lifted and the lake lets go. It has been ever, if you’re prepared to get out on the more
ecologically very delicate. The nearest camp Skeiðarársandur, the largest sandar in the known to release up to 2.7 million cubic me- remote trails and take advantage of the fabu-
site, with toilet and fresh water, is at Blágil, world, covers a 1000-sq-km area and was tres of water at 5000 cubic metres per second lous hiking on the heath and beyond, you’ll
about 11km from Laki. formed by the mighty Skeiðarárjökull. Since in a single burst. leave the crowds far behind.
286 S O U T H E R N VAT N A J Ö K U L L • • S k a f t a fe l l N a t i o n a l Pa r k S O U T H E R N VAT N A J Ö K U L L • • S k a f t a fe l l N a t i o n a l Pa r k 287

SKAFTAFELL NATIONAL site. Shifting glacial sands slowly buried the Grímsvötn accessible areas, such as upper Morsárdalur
0 1 mile
2 km fields and forced the farm to a more suitable The volcano Grímsvötn, mumbling away and Kjós, requires more time, motivation and

site, on the heath 100m above the sandar. The underneath the Vatnajökull ice, has been effort.
district came to be known as Hérað Milli San- known to blow its top and release apocalyp- Wild camping is not allowed in the park.
dur (Land Between the Sands), but after all the tic jökulhlaups. Some of its creations include Compulsory camping permits (Ikr600) for
farms were annihilated by the 1362 eruptions the Ásbyrgi canyon (see p244), gouged out Kjós are available from the information cen-
the district became the ‘land under the sands’ by a cataclysmic flood over just a few days. In tre. Also inquire about river crossings along
Miðfell and was renamed Öræfi (Wasteland). Once the 1934 another Grímsvötn eruption released a your intended route.
vegetation returned, however, the Skaftafell jökulhlaup of 40,000 cu metres per second,

farm was rebuilt in its former location. which swelled the river Skeiðará to 9km in SVARTIFOSS
The modern park was founded in 1967 width and laid waste large areas of farmland. Star of a hundred postcards, Svartifoss is a
by the Icelandic government and the World Its next epic tantrum in 1996 poured 45,000 cu gloomy waterfall flanked by black basalt col-
Wildlife Fund (now the WWF), and was origi- metres of water and icebergs the size of houses umns. It’s reached by an easy track leading
nally 500 sq km. It has been enlarged twice (in down onto the south coast, cutting off the Ring up from the camp site (about 1½ hours for
June 1984 and in October 2004), and now also Rd – see the boxed text, below. the return trip). However, due to immense


includes over half of Vatnajökull and the Laki Grímsvötn erupted again in December pressure in this area of the park, rangers are


craters (see p283) to the west. Further expan- 1998, and most recently in November 2004, encouraging visitors to explore elsewhere. If

sion plans are under way – eventually, the when a five-day eruption threw steam and you do go to Svartifoss, it’s worth continuing

Skaftafell and Jökulsárgljúfur (p242) national ash 12km into the atmosphere, disrupting west up the short track to Sjónarsker, where


parks will join to form one 15,000-sq-km air traffic. There was no jökulhlaup on either there’s a view disc and an unforgettable view





megapark – 40% of the entire country. occasion. across Skeiðarársandur.



p Nyrðrihnaukur


iL (706m) Information Hiking SKAFTAFELLSJÖKULL


ell The helpful visitor centre (%478 1627;; Skaftafell is ideal for day hikes and also offers Another popular and less sensitive trail is the

S Fremrihnaukur
(610m) h8am-9pm Jun-Aug, 10am-3pm May & Sep) has an in- longer treks through its wilderness regions. easy one-hour return walk to Skaftafellsjökull.
formation desk with free brochures and maps Most of Skaftafell’s visitors keep to the popu- The (wheelchair-accessible) sealed track be-
for sale, good informative displays on the Öræfi lar routes on Skaftafellsheiði. Hiking in other gins at the visitor centre and leads to the glacier

area, and a cool film about the 1996 Grímsvötn


jökulhlaup, shown in peak season only.

Skerhóll All flora, fauna and natural features of the JÖKULHLAUP!
park are protected, open fires are prohibited,

You might think that a volcano buried under thousands of tonnes of ice would somehow be
i Lo

and rubbish must be carried out. In the busy less troublesome than the normal kind. You’d be wrong. In late 1996 the devastating Grímsvötn

area around Skaftafellsheiði, stick to the tracks eruption – Iceland’s fourth largest of the 20th century, after Katla in 1918, Hekla in 1947 and

to avoiding damaging delicate plant life. Surtsey in 1963 – shook southeast Iceland and caused an awesome jökulhlaup across Skeiðarár-

Don’t get too close to glaciers or climb sandur. The events leading up to it are a sobering reminder of the power of Iceland’s volatile
on them without the proper equipment and fire-and-ice combination.
Skaftafellsjökull training – the average ice block calving off On the morning of 29 September 1996 a magnitude 5.0 earthquake shook the Vatnajökull
Sel ull
Skaftafellsjökull would crush anyone within icecap. Magma from a new volcano, in the Grímsvötn region beneath Vatnajökull, had made its
lls a few metres of the face. way through the earth’s crust and into the ice, causing the eruption of a 4km-long subsurface
Bölti aft Sk
t oS
k aft
afe Landmælingar Íslands (%430 9000; fissure known as Gjálp. The following day the eruption burst through the surface, ejecting a
Pa lls
Skaftafell Visitor á publishes a thematic map of Skaftafell Na- column of steam that rose 10km into the sky and inspiring impressive aerial photography that
Centre & Café
Camp Site tional Park showing the nonglacial area of was televised worldwide.
the park at 1:25,000 and the Öræfi district at Scientists became concerned as the subglacial lake in the Grímsvötn caldera began to fill with
1:100,000 (2002). It’s available at the visitor water from ice melted by the eruption. Initial predictions on 3 October were that the ice would
To Airfield Rd
centre (Ikr790) and in bookshops and tourist lift and the lake would give way within 48 hours and spill out across Skeiðarársandur, threatening
offices elsewhere in Iceland. You can also use the Ring Rd and its bridges, which serve as vital links between eastern and western Iceland. In
the Öræfajökull 1:100,000 (1986) topo sheet. the hope of diverting floodwaters away from the bridges, massive dyke-building projects were
There’s very little accommodation close to organised on Skeiðarársandur.
the park, so you’ll need either a tent or a firm Sel On 5 November, over a month after the eruption started, the ice did lift and the Grímsvötn
hotel booking plus private transport if you This traditional turf-roofed farmhouse (admission reservoir drained in a massive jökulhlaup, releasing up to 3000 billion cubic litres of water within a
want to explore the park properly. free), built in Burstir style in 1912, is worth a few hours. The floodwaters – dragging along icebergs the size of three-storey buildings – destroyed
glance. There’s not much inside, but it’s al- the 375m-long Gígjukvísl Bridge and the 900m-long Skeiðará Bridge, both on the Skeiðarársandur.
History ways open and the hill just above offers a good See video footage of the eruption and enormous multitonne blocks of ice being hurled across
The historical Skaftafell was a large farm at photo opportunity of the farmhouse and the Skeiðarársandur at the Skaftafell visitor centre.
the foot of the hills west of the present camp grey sandar stretching out to the coast.
288 S O U T H E R N VAT N A J Ö K U L L • • S k a f t a fe l l N a t i o n a l Pa r k Book accommodation online at Book accommodation online at S O U T H E R N VAT N A J Ö K U L L • • S k a f t a fe l l t o H ö f n 289

face, where you can witness the bumps and Tours at 2.35pm eastbound (Ikr5400) and 11.10am It’s utterly liberating to strap
groans of the ice – although the glacier is The Icelandic Mountain Guides (%587 9999, 894 2959; westbound (Ikr2300). The rest of the year the on crampons and suddenly be able to stride
pretty grey and gritty here. The glacier has is the country’s mountain- Reykjavík–Höfn bus runs on Tuesday, Thurs- up a glacier, and there’s so much to see on
been receding in recent years and over the past rescue squad, so you can feel pretty safe on the day, Friday and Sunday, departing at 12.30pm the ice. Waterfalls, ice caves, glacial mice and
50 years has lost nearly 1km of its length. excellent organised hikes. In summer it has a from Reykjavík and at noon from Höfn. different-coloured ash from ancient explosions
base in the Skaftafell camp site where you can From 20 June to 2 September there’s an- are just some of the glacier’s slightly hallucina-
SKAFTAFELLSHEIÐI LOOP book places in person. other bus from Reykjavik to Skaftafell via tory joys. The ‘Blue Ice Experience’ (Ikr3900
On a fine day, the five- to six-hour walk The mountain guides lead a range of walks, the scenic inland route through Landman- per person), at 10am and 2pm, is a 2½-hour
around Skaftafellsheiði is a hiker’s dream. It including glacier walks and ice-climbing (op- nalaugar and Eldgjá, departing daily from walk for beginners, but it just doesn’t last long
begins by climbing from the camp site past posite and p139); guided hikes up Iceland’s Reykjavík at 8.30am and arriving at Skaftafell enough! We’d recommend the longer five-
Svartifoss and Sjónarsker, continuing across highest peak (opposite); and longer backpack at 7.30pm (Ikr8100). Westbound it departs hour ‘Glacier Adventure’ (Ikr6300 per person),
the moor to 610m-high Fremrihnaukur. From hikes including the challenging four-day from Skaftafell at 8am. at 9am. There’s also a three-hour ice-climbing
there it follows the edge of the plateau to the route from Núpsstaðarskógar to Skaftafell expedition using ice walls on the glacier
next rise, Nyrðrihnaukur (706m), which affords (p285), and the epic nine-day trek from Laki SKAFTAFELL TO HÖFN (Ikr5900 per person), at 4pm. The only equip-
a superb view of Morsárdalur, Morsárjökull to Skaftafell (Ikr99,000). See the website for Glittering glaciers and brooding mountains ment you need to bring is hiking boots.
and the iceberg-choked lagoon at its base. more suggestions. line the 130km stretch between Skaftafell and Local company Öræfaferðir (%894 0894; www
At this point the track turns southeast to an If all this walking sounds like an effort, Höfn. In clear weather the unfolding landscape, based at the farm Hofsnes, offers
outlook point on the cliff above Skaftafell- there are sightseeing flights (%478 2406; www.jorvik makes it difficult to keep your eyes on the road. similar tours at similar prices Monday to Sat-
sjökull (Gláma). .is) from the tiny airfield just outside the na- The premier tourist stop is the iceberg-filled urday year-round.
For the best view of Skaftafellsjökull, tional park over Vatnajökull, Grímsvötn, the lagoon Jökulsárlón. Other attractions include
Morsárdalur and the Skeiðarársandur, it’s Lakagígar crater row or the glaciers. Prices exhilarating glacier walks, Jeep and snowmo- SLEEPING & EATING
worth scaling the summit of Kristínartindar start at Ikr9000 for 30 minutes. bile tours on the Vatnajökull icecap, puffin Hótel Skaftafell (%478 1945;;

(1126m). The easiest way follows a well- spotting at Ingólfshöfði and horse riding. Freysnes; s/d May-Aug Ikr11,000/14,600, rest of yr Ikr9000/
marked route up the prominent valley south- Sleeping & Eating 11,100; hclosed Dec & Jan) This is the closest hotel
east of the Nyrðrihnaukur lookout. Visitor-centre camp site (%478 1627; sites per person Freysnes, Svínafell & Svínafellsjökull to Skaftafell National Park, 5km east at Frey-
Ikr600) Since Skaftafell is a national park, most The farm Svínafell, 8km southeast of Skaftafell, snes. Its 63 rooms (all with bathroom and
MORSÁRDALUR & BÆJARSTAÐARSKÓGUR people bring a tent to this large, gravelly camp was the home of Flosi Þórðarson, the charac- TV) are functional rather than luxurious, but
The seven-hour hike from the camp site to the site (with laundry facilities). It gets very busy ter who burned Njál and his family to death in staff are helpful, and even the rooms in the
glacial lake in Morsárdalur is fairly ordinary and loud in summer. The only other place Njál’s Saga. It was also the site where Flosi and prefabricated buildings at the back have great
but enjoyable. There’s a footbridge across the you’re allowed to camp is at the Kjós camp Njál’s family were finally reconciled, thus end- glacial views. There’s a good restaurant (mains
lake outlet, and from there you can continue site (Ikr600 per person) – buy a permit from ing one of the bloodiest feuds in Icelandic his- Ikr2000 to Ikr3000) serving ‘Sean Connery
to Kjós. Alternatively, cross the Morsá on the the visitor centre before you set off. tory (see p136). There’s not much to this tiny salad’, fresh char, puffin, lamb and lobster,
footbridge near the point where the Kamb- Bölti (%478 1626; fax 478 2426; Skaftafellsheiði; sb/d settlement now, but you can go swimming at and a recommended rhubarb and cardamom
gil ravine comes down from Skaftafellsheiði Ikr2200/7500; hMay-Sep) This farm, on the hill Flosalaug (%478 1765; h5-9pm), a complex with mousse. A pleasant walking trail leads to
and make your way across the gravel riverbed above the western end of the Skaftafell camp a shallow round pool, hot pots, showers and Svínafellsjökull from behind the building.
to the birch woods at Bæjarstaðarskógur. The site, is in a superb location with dizzying views a camp site. Flosi (%894 1765; [email protected]; sites per person
trees here reach a whopping (for Iceland) out over the sandur. There’s sleeping-bag ac- In the 17th century, the glacier Svínafell- Ikr700, sb May-Sep Ikr2500, Oct-Apr Ikr2000) At the swim-
12m, and 80°C springs flow into the tiny but commodation on bunk beds in six-person sjökull nearly engulfed the farm, but it has ming pool at Svínafell, this place has a camp
heavenly Heitulækir to the west in Vestragil. huts; tiny kitchen areas include a kettle and since retreated. On the northern side of the site and six basic cabins, each with four bunks,
The return walk to Bæjarstaðarskógur takes two electric rings. Book ahead in summer. glacier (towards Skaftafell), a dirt road leads and a simple amenities block. If you have your
about six hours; add on an extra hour to visit Breakfast is a rather pricey Ikr1000. 2km to a car park, from where it’s a short own vehicle it’s an alternative to the camp site
Heitulækir. The nearest hotel, Hótel Skaftafell, is at Frey- walk to the snout. at Skaftafell.
snes (see opposite), 5km east of the national The petrol station opposite Hótel Skaftafell
OTHER HIKES park entrance, and there’s farmhouse accom- ICE CLIMBING & GLACIER WALKS has a shop selling hot dogs.
Other possibilities include the long day trip modation (sleeping-bag space and cabins) at From mid-May to mid-September you can
beyond Bæjarstaðarskógur into the rugged the Hof and Lítla-Hof farms, 23km away. enjoy daily walks up Svínafellsjökull with Öræfajökull & Hvannadalshnúkur
Skaftafellsfjöll. A recommended destination Food in the park is limited. The café at the the Icelandic Mountain Guides (%587 9999; www Iceland’s highest mountain, Hvannadalshnúkur
is the 965m-high summit of the Jökulfell ridge, visitor centre has a woeful coffee machine, (2119m), pokes out from the icecap Öræ-
which affords a commanding view of the vast sandwiches and a tiny selection of groceries. fajökull, an offshoot of Vatnajökull. This lofty
expanses of Skeiðarárjökull. Even better is ON ROADKILL peak is actually the northwestern edge of an
a three-day excursion into the Kjós region. Getting There & Away (…as an arctic tern splatters against the immense 5km-wide crater – the biggest active
When you reach Kjós, a very difficult hike From 1 June to 15 September, daily buses run windscreen…) ‘We don’t stop for birds in volcano in Europe after Mt Etna. It erupted in
leads to the base of Þumall (Thumb), then by Austurleið-Kynnisferðir (%562 1011; www.austur Iceland. Sheeps, yes! Birds, no!’ 1362, firing out the largest amount of tephra
west along the glacier edge, around the valley go between Reykjavík and Höfn, leaving Höfn bus driver in Iceland’s recorded history: nearby glaciers
rim and south down to your starting point. at each end at 8.30am and passing Skaftafell are liberally spattered with bits of compressed
290 S O U T H E R N VAT N A J Ö K U L L • • S k a f t a fe l l t o H ö f n Book accommodation online at S O U T H E R N VAT N A J Ö K U L L • • S k a f t a fe l l t o H ö f n 291

yellow ash from the explosion. The region was is another farm, Lítla-Hof (%478 1670), with
utterly devastated – hence its name, Öræfi similarly priced rooms. HOW TO AVOID BEING SKUA-ED
(Wasteland). The nearest shop and snack bar is at the One shouldn’t anthropomorphise, but great skuas (Stercorarius skua in Latin, skúmur in Icelandic)
The best access for climbing Hvannadalsh- lonely Esso petrol station at Fagurhólsmýri, are evil. These dirty-brown birds with white-patched wings even look the part: they’re large, meaty
núkur is from Sandfellsheiði, above the aban- 5km east along the Ring Rd. bully boys with cruel curved beaks and beady black eyes that you can’t outstare. You’ll often find
doned farm Sandfell, about 12km southeast them harassing gulls into disgorging their dinner, killing and eating puffins and other little birds,
of Skaftafell. Climbers should be well versed Ingólfshöfði or swooping down on YOU if you get too close to their nests. They tend to build these among
in glacier travel, and, although most guided The 76m-high Ingólfshöfði promontory rises grassy tufts, mainly in the great sandur regions on Iceland’s southern coast.
expeditions manage the trip in a very long and from the flatlands like a strange dream. In Thankfully (unlike feather-brained arctic terns), skuas will stop plaguing you if you run away
taxing day (see below), independent climbers spring and summer, this beautiful, isolated na- from the area they’re trying to defend. You can also avoid aerial strikes by wearing a hat or car-
should carry enough supplies and gear for ture reserve is overrun with nesting puffins, skuas rying a stick above your head. Occasionally ravens or groups of smaller birds will get together
several days. and other sea birds, and you’ll often see seals to mob a skua and drive it off: these aerial battles are interesting to watch.
and whales offshore. It’s also of great historical
TOURS importance – it was here that Ingólfur Arnar-
Local companies Öræfaferðir (%894 0894; www son, Iceland’s first settler, stayed the winter on rings, and a powerful glacial wind frequently idly, and the lagoon is consequently growing and the Icelandic Mountain Guides his original foray to the country in AD 871. The surges down from the ice above. at a rate of knots.
(%587 9999; run guided 10- reserve is open to visitors, but the 9km drive The 742m-high Breiðamerkurfjall was once Jökulsárlón is a natural film set. It starred
to 15-hour ascents of Hvannadalshnúkur. The across the shallow tidal lagoon isn’t something a nunatak enclosed by Breiðamerkurjökull briefly in Lara Croft: Tomb Raider (2001),
trip costs Ikr14,900 per person (minimum of you should attempt, even in a 4WD. and Fjallsjökull, but the glaciers have since pretending to be Siberia – the amphibious
two people), including transport and use of Luckily, you can get here by hay wagon! retreated and freed it. tourist-carrying boats were even painted grey
equipment. If you’re looking for a challenge, Farmer Sigurður Bjarnason gets out his trusty At the foot of the peak is the glacial lagoon and used as Russian ships. You might also
this is one of the best deals in Iceland. tractor between May and August and runs Breiðárlón, where icebergs calve from Fjall- have seen it in the James Bond film Die An-

Transport is provided up to the snow line, tours (adult/under 12yr Ikr2000/free; hnoon Mon-Sat May- sjökull before sailing out to sea. Although it’s other Day (2002), for which the lagoon was
where you transfer to snowshoes for the ascent Aug, 9am, noon & 3pm Mon-Sat Jul) to the reserve. The not as dramatic as Jökulsárlón, in some ways specially frozen and six Aston Martins were
to the 1820m-high crater rim. After walking half-hour ride across the sands is followed by it’s more satisfying, thanks to the lack of peo- destroyed on the ice!
across the crater, you make the final sum- an interesting two-hour guided walk round ple. It’s set back from the Ring Rd and not
mit ascent with crampons and ice axe. You the headland, with the emphasis on bird- immediately obvious, plus the (very rough) BOAT TRIPS
need to bring warm clothing and your own watching. You can book through Öræfaferðir dirt road is extremely off-putting. It’s pos- Between late May and early September you can
food and water. Trips run on request between (%894 0894;, or simply turn up sible to get there in a car (but don’t blame us take a 35-minute trip on the lagoon in brilliant
June and August. Book in advance, and allow outside the farm at Hofsnes (signposted, just if you get stuck), or else it’s a 25-minute walk amphibious boats (%478 2222; [email protected]; per
yourself extra days in case the weather causes off the Ring Rd) 10 minutes before the tour’s from Rte 1. person Ikr2200), which trundle along the shore like
a cancellation. due to start. buses before driving into the water. Guides
Jökulsárlón hop on board to tell you interesting factoids
Hof & Bær Breiðamerkursandur A host of spectacular, luminous-blue icebergs about the lagoon, and you get to taste 1000-
At Hof farm is a picturesque wood-and-peat The easternmost of the large sandar, drift through Jökulsárlón lagoon, right beside year-old ice. Trips set off around every half-
church, built on the foundations of a previous Breiðamerkursandur is one of the main the Ring Rd between Höfn and Skaftafell. Even hour between 10am and 5pm daily.
14th-century building, and a Viking temple dedi- breeding grounds for Iceland’s great skuas when you’re expecting this surreal scene, it’s But if you’re short of time or money, don’t
cated to Þór. It was reconstructed in 1883 and (see the boxed text, opposite). Thanks to ris- still a mighty surprise – just count how many think that you’re missing out. You can get
now sits pleasantly in a thicket of birch and ash ing numbers of these ground-nesting birds, shocked drivers slam on the brakes and skid just as close to those cool-blue masterpieces
with flowers growing on the grassy roof. there’s also a growing population of arctic across the road, and make sure you don’t do by walking along the shore, and you can taste
About 6km further east, Bær is a farm that foxes. Historically, Breiðamerkursandur also the same thing yourself. It’s worth spending a ancient ice by hauling it out of the water.
was buried by ash in the 1362 Öræfi eruption. figures in Njál’s Saga, which ends with Kári couple of hours here, admiring the wondrous
The walls are surprisingly intact, but visitors Sölmundarson arriving in this idyllic spot to ice sculptures, looking for seals or taking a trip SLEEPING & EATING
are asked not to trample all over them since ‘live happily ever after’ – which has to be some in an amphibious boat. The Jökulsárlón café (%478 2122; www.jokulsarlon
the ruins are both protected and part of an kind of miracle in a saga. The icebergs calve from Breiðamerkurjökull, .is; h9am-7pm Jun–mid-Aug, 10am-5pm late May & early
ongoing archaeological excavation. The sandar is backed by a sweeping pano- an offshoot of Vatnajökull, crashing down into Sep) beside the lagoon is a good pit stop for
At the Hof farm, and beautifully situated rama of glacier-capped mountains, some of the water and drifting inexorably towards the information and some of southeast Iceland’s
beneath the Öræfajökull glacier, the Frost & which are fronted by deep lagoons. Kvíárjökull sea. They can spend up to five years floating best seafood soup.
Fire Guesthouse (%478 1669;; s/d glacier snakes down to the Kvíár river and is in the 17-sq-km, 600m-deep lagoon, melting, If you have a camper van with toilet, it’s OK
Ikr7800/11,400, d with bathroom Ikr12,500; hJun–early Sep) easily accessible from the Ring Rd. Leave your refreezing and occasionally toppling over with to stay in the car park. Otherwise camping by
has a variety of rooms in the main farmhouses car in the small car park just off Rte 1 (you a mighty splash, startling the birds. the lagoon isn’t really condoned (particularly
and chalets. The majority have shared bath- can’t drive any further) and follow the walk- Although it looks as though it’s been here not on the eastern side, where there are lots
rooms. Prices include breakfast, and there’s a ing path into the valley. It’s quite an uncanny since the last ice age, the lagoon is only about of nesting birds). The nearest accommodation
brand-new sauna and hot pot. This is a good place: boulders line the huge western moraine 75 years old. Until 1932 Breiðamerkurjökull is at Gerði (%478 1905, 846 0641; [email protected];
base for glacier tours to Öræfajökull. Nearby like sentinels, the mossy grass is full of fairy reached the Ring Rd; it’s now retreating rap- sites per person Ikr700, sb Ikr1500-3500, s/tr/q with bathroom
292 S O U T H E R N VAT N A J Ö K U L L • • H ö f n Book accommodation online at S O U T H E R N VAT N A J Ö K U L L • • H ö f n 293

7000/12,500/13,500, d without bathroom Ikr7600, up to 20% p294), this is the obvious place to stay the HÖFN 0
400 m
0.2 miles Hospital..................................................................1 A2
off rest of yr), about 13km east along the Ring night before or after a tour onto the Vatna- Landsbanki Íslands..................................................2 A3
Rd. This sprawling farm has a very peaceful jökull icecap. The hostel itself, by the Ring A B Library....................................................................3 A3
To Airport (4km);
guesthouse with great views, and cooking and Rd 50km west of Höfn, is a simple, purpose- Gistihúsið Árnanes (6km); Police......................................................................4 A3
Dalabra Stafafell (25km); Post Office.............................................................5 A3
lounge facilities; meals can be preordered in built house in the shadow of some imposing ut Skaftafell (134km);
Egilsstaðir (247km) Sparisjóðurinn......................................................... 6 A3
summer. There’s also space to pitch a tent. mountains.


1 Reykjavík (459km); Tourist Office.......................................................(see 9)

Smyrlabjörg (%478 1074; [email protected]; s/d/tr

Suðursveit & Mýrar Ikr7500/13,100/18,000, up to 30% off out of season; hclosed Silfurb
raut 7 Byggðasafnið Gamlabúð..........................................7 B1
Between Jökulsárlón and Höfn the Ring Rd late Dec; w) This friendly country hotel has 45 Golf Course............................................................8 A1
passes several small farms, backed by moun- simply furnished rooms, all with satellite TV

Jöklasýning Glacier Exhibition................................. 9 A3

tains and yet more glaciers. and attached bathroom. There’s a restaurant Pakkhúsið.............................................................10 B3
Vestu 14 Swimming Pool.................................................... 11 A3
serving an Icelandic buffet for dinner in sum- rbrau
SIGHTS & ACTIVITIES mer, and a bar. It’s a great place if you’re after


The brand-new museum Þórbergssetur (%867 mod-cons but still want geese in the yard, Gistiheimilið Ásgarður.......................................... 12 A4

2 Gistiheimilið Hvammur......................................... 13 A3
2900; Hali í Suðursveit; admission Ikr600; h9am-9pm Jun– mountain views, and utter peace and quiet. Höfn Camp Site....................................................14 B2
15 Skarðsfjörður
early Sep, to 5pm rest of yr) pays tribute to the most Skálafell (%478 1041; [email protected]; sb Ikr2900, Hótel Höfn...........................................................15 A2
famous son of this sparsely populated region – d Ikr10,700-14,600) At the foot of the Skálafell gla-

Nýibær HI Hostel..................................................16 B3


writer Þórbergur Þórðarson (1888–1974), who cier, this friendly working farm has a couple



was born at Hali in Suðursveit. The exhibition of rooms in the quaint family farmhouse and


11-11 Supermarket.............................................. 17 A3
contains full-sized models of the farmhouse three two-bedroom cabins. There are no cook-

Kaffi Hornið..........................................................18 A3
where he grew up and his study in Reykjavík, ing facilities, but breakfast and dinner are 18
r Krónan Supermarket.............................................19 A2
ve Ósinn.................................................................(see 15)
illustrated by quotes from his work. Þórbergur available. The owners offer guided walking 4 6 jar
3 g ey
yn Víkinn...................................................................20 B3

was a real maverick (with interests spanning trips to Skálafellsjökull. Litlabrú


3 ð
yoga, Esperanto, astronomy, archaeology and Flatey (%478 1036; [email protected]; sb Ikr2800, ar

17 lb 20 TRANSPORT


S Bus Terminal.........................................................21 B2
geology), and his first book Bréf til Láru (Let- s/d without bathroom Ikr7400/10,600, with bathroom


ter to Laura) caused huge controversy because Ikr10,700/14,600) With a pair of glacier tongues
Haf 16

of its radical socialist content. It’s a shame backing up to the property, Flatey has a great 2 narb
Krosseyjarvegur Sights & Activities
11 ð
that more of it hasn’t been translated into location and a variety of rooms in the family 13 rsló
The Jöklasýning Glacier Exhibition (www.joklasyning

English – you’ll just have to make do with farmhouse or in a separate guesthouse with 12 .is; adult/under 16yr Ikr600/free; h9am-9pm daily Jun-Aug,
the perspicacious, humorous snippets from lounge and kitchen facilities. Hornafjörður 1-6pm daily May & Sep, 1-4pm Mon-Fri Oct-Apr) explains
the accompanying museum guide. Brunhóll (%478 1029; [email protected]; s/d without Harbour
the history and geology of Vatnajökull and
As for glaciers, if you want to get up onto bathroom Ikr8600/11,520, with bathroom Ikr10,700/14,600; southeastern Iceland in great detail. For a

Vatnajökull, the daddy of them all, for a snow- 4
hApr-Oct; w) A gorgeous farm property 30km break from all the reading, there are a couple

mobile, skiing or Jeep tour (see the boxed text, from Höfn on the southern side of the Ring of films – an excellent 10-minute video of

p294), then this area is where you branch verti- Rd, Brunhóll has a cosy guesthouse and a the 1996 Grímsvötn eruption, plus clips
cally off into the mountains. Rte F985, which bright, glassed-in dining room where break- Ósland Seamen's
from James Bond movies made in the region.
leads up to the Jöklasel hut, is about 35km east fast is served. Monument There’s also a small collection of exhibits relat-
of Jökulsárlón. ing to glacier exploration, some altogether-
Staying on the Ring Rd, you’ll cross the HÖFN most other travellers stop to use the town’s too-strange glacial mice, a baffling plastic ‘ice
lovely Mýrar, a region of wetlands surrounding pop 1660 many services, so it pays to book accommo- cave’, and a good natural-history room. You
the deltas of Hornafjarðarfljót and Kolgrímaá, Although it’s no bigger than many European dation in summer. Höfn makes a very handy can check that the glacier’s still there from the
home to lots of water birds. villages, the southeast’s main town feels like base for trips to the glacier. viewing platform on the roof.
The prominent and colourful mountain a sprawling metropolis after driving through The regional folk museum Byggðasafnið
Ketillaugarfjall rises 670m above the Hornaf- the wastelands on either side. Its setting is Information Gamlabúð (%478 1833; Hafnarbraut; adult/under 16yr
jarðarfljót delta near Bjarnarnes. Its name stunning; on a clear day wander down to the The tourist office (%478 2665;; Hafnarbraut Ikr300/free; h1-9pm Jul, to 6pm Jun, Aug & early Sep),
derives from a legend about a woman named waterside, find a quiet bench and just gaze at 30; h9am-9pm Jun-Aug, 1-6pm May & Sep, 1-4pm Mon-Fri near the camp site, is housed in an 1864 trade
Ketillaug, who carried a pot of gold into the Vatnajökull and its brotherhood of glaciers. Oct-Apr) is also the ticket desk for the glacier warehouse that was moved to Höfn from Pa-
mountain and never returned. A brilliantly ‘Höfn’ simply means ‘harbour’, and is pro- exhibition (see right). Internet access at the paós, further east. It has agricultural displays
coloured alluvial fan at its base is visible from nounced like an unexpected hiccup (if you’re library (%470 8050; Litlabrú; h9am-5pm Mon-Thu, 11am- as well as small natural-history and marine-
the road. not prone to hiccups, just say ‘hup’ while in- 5pm Fri), in the community centre opposite the life exhibits.
haling). It’s an apt name – this modern town supermarket, costs Ikr200 per hour. Pakkhúsið (%478 1540; Krosseyjarvegur; h1-6pm
SLEEPING & EATING still relies heavily on fishing and fish process- Landsbanki Íslands and Sparisjóðurinn, Jun–early Sep), near the harbour, is really more
Vagnstaðir HI Hostel (%478 1048; glacierjeeps@simnet ing, and it’s famous for its lobster and prawns both on Hafnarbraut, handle foreign exchange. of a handicraft shop than a museum, but
.is; sites per person Ikr650, sb dm Ikr1800; hMay-Sep) (there’s even an annual lobster festival). Bus The latter has an ATM, and you’ll also find an there’s a maritime display in the basement
As the home of the Glacier Jeeps outfit (see travellers will have to stay overnight here, and ATM in the 11-11 supermarket. of the building, with old fishing boats, tools
294 S O U T H E R N VAT N A J Ö K U L L • • H ö f n Book accommodation online at S O U T H E R N VAT N A J Ö K U L L • • H ö f n 295

Festivals & Events On the Ring Rd 6km west of Höfn, this rural
RIDING ON THE VATNAJÖKULL ICECAP Every year in early July Höfn’s annual Hu- place is an excellent choice for its cottages
Although the Vatnajökull icecap and its attendant glaciers look spectacular from the Ring Rd, marhátíð (Lobster Festival) honours this and guesthouse rooms (some with balconies).
most travellers will be seized by a wild desire to get even closer. crunchy crustacean, which is a renowned local Prices include breakfast. The sleeping-bag ac-
However, access to Vatnajökull is limited to commercial tours…unless you happen to be set catch. There’s usually a fun fair, flea markets, commodation is disappointing, though – with
up for a serious polar-style expedition. The icecap is extremely dangerous: the whole thing is dancing, music, ice-sculpture competitions, mountain views all around, it seems a shame
riven with deep crevasses, which are made invisible by coverings of fresh snow, and there are lots of alcohol and even a few lobsters. to be underground! There’s an agreeable din-
often sudden, violent blizzards. But don’t be disheartened! It’s a mind-blowing experience just ing room–art gallery, with set meat and fish
to get near the thing, and you can travel way up into the whiteness on organised snowmobile Sleeping courses (from Ikr1800); it opens summer-
and Jeep tours. Höfn camp site (%478 1606; [email protected]; Hafnar- only if there are enough diners – be sure to
The easiest route up to Vatnajökull is the F985 Jeep track (about 40km east of Jökulsárlón, braut 52; sites per person Ikr700, sb Ikr2000, 6-person cabins book ahead.
55km west of Höfn) to the broad glacial spur Skálafellsjökull. The 16km-long road is practically Ikr6500; hmid-May–mid-Sep) Lots of travellers stay
vertical in places, with iced-over sections in winter. Please don’t even think of attempting it in a at the hilly camp site on the main road into Eating & Drinking
2WD car – you’ll end up with a huge rescue bill. town. There are also 16 good-value log cabins Kaffi Hornið (%478 2600; Hafnarbraut 42; h11am-
At the top, 840m above sea-level, is the Jöklasel hut (%478 1703), with a café that must have here, with two double and two single beds, and 10pm Mon-Thu, to 1am Fri, noon-1am Sat, noon-10pm
the most epic views in Iceland. On a clear day you can see 10km across the icecap to towering kitchens (but limited cooking equipment). Sun; light meals Ikr790-1900, mains Ikr1700-3900) This
snowcapped peaks and south towards the ocean – it’s like being on top of the world. Nýibær HI Hostel (%478 1736; [email protected]; log-cabin affair is a relaxed, unpretentious
From here, one of the most popular tour options is the one-hour Skidoo ride (per person Ikr8000). Hafnarbraut 8; sb dm Ikr2200, sb tw Ikr5200) At the har- bar-restaurant, decorated with old black-and-
You’re kitted out with overalls, boots and gloves, then play follow-the-leader along a fixed trail. bour end of town, Höfn’s best budget option white photos of the town. The food comes in
It’s great fun, and, although it only gives you the briefest introduction to glacier travel, an hour is a medium-sized place that’s usually bustling stomach-stretching portions; as well as burg-
of noisy bouncing about with the stink of petrol in your nostrils is probably enough for most with travellers in summer (it’s open all year). ers, pasta, fish and lamb mains, and a serve-
people! If even this sounds like too much, you can take a more sedate super-Jeep ride up onto It’s in an old but cosy house with a kitchen, yourself salad bar, there are a couple of veggie

the ice. It’s also possible to do longer trips to Breiðamerkurjökull, Grímsvötn, Kverkfjöll, Öræfajökull and a dining room that doubles as the com- options and a Höfn speciality – garlic-toasted
and Snæfell, as well as cross-country skiing tours (Ikr16,900 per person). mon area (where many a glacier tour and lobster (Ikr4000).
If you don’t have your own 4WD transport, from June to August two glacier companies can long-distance hike has been dissected!). There Ósinn (%478 1240;; Vikurbraut; mains
drive you up to the Jöklasel hut: are also laundry facilities. Ikr690-3900; h9am-10pm) The family restaurant
Glacier Jeeps (%478 1000; At 9.30am and 2pm daily this company collects people in a Gistiheimilið Hvammur (%478 1503; hvammur3@ on the ground floor of Hótel Höfn has a good
super-Jeep from the little parking area at the start of the F985. You’re then driven up to Jöklasel, where you can go; Ránarslóð 2; sb Ikr2500, s/d Ikr6500/8900; i) choice of snacky meals (burgers, pizzas etc),
on a Skidoo ride (Ikr9800) or Jeep tour (Ikr8800) on Vatnajökull – prices include transport from the F985. Run by the same couple that runs the hostel, and some of the tastiest fish, meat and pasta
Vatnajökull Travel (%894 1616; This friendly outfit does more extensive glacier ‘pack- Hvammur is the pick of the guesthouses for mains in town…it’s just a shame about the
ages’. It’ll pick you up from Höfn (9.40am), or from the F985 parking area (10.30am), take you up to Jöklasel, where its 30 simple rooms, all with washbasins and service. If you can put up with bad-tempered
you can do the Skidoo or Jeep thing, and then drive you to Jökulsárlón for a lagoon boat trip. Prices vary according to satellite TV. Some overlook the boat-filled staff, go for local fish dishes including Höfn’s
what you select; for example, there’s a pick-up from the F985 parking area plus Skidoo ride (Ikr9800); pick-up from harbour. There’s also a dining area, a guest famous lobster – which you can have here as an
Höfn with Skidoo ride and lagoon boat trip (Ikr14,800); or you can even fly from Reykjavík to indulge in Skidoo and kitchen and internet access. á la carte dish or on a pizza! There’s a second,
boat trips (Ikr37,200). Gistiheimilið Ásgarður (%478 1365; asgardur@ smarter dining room on the top floor, with; Ránarslóð 3; s/d/tr Ikr8300/10,200/12,300, up to great glacier views.
Coming from Höfn or Skaftafell, scheduled buses can drop you at the F985 parking area to link 40% off rest of yr) Harbourside Ásgarður is more Víkinn (%478 2300; Víkurbraut) This pizza place
up with tours. In summer, there’s also a daily bus from Höfn leaving at 9am that goes up to like a hotel than a guesthouse. All rooms have and pub lacks character, but it’s a popular
Jöklasel and back, then on to Jökulsárlón, then straight back to Höfn. bathroom and a small TV, and some have drinking hole and nightclub, open to 3am on
glacier views. They’re a bit boxy, but the guest- Friday and Saturday nights.
house is in a good location and the people are The 11-11 (%478 1205; Hafnarbraut; h9am-11pm)
and photographs. It’s worth a look, not least The swimming pool (%478 1157; Hafnarbraut 11; adult/ very friendly. Breakfast costs Ikr950. supermarket and bakery is in the Miðbær
because it’s free. child Ikr300/135; h7am-8.30pm Mon-Fri, 9am-6pm Sat & Sun Hótel Höfn (%478 1240;; Vikurbraut; shopping centre near the library, while Krónan
Höfn is blessed with the most amazing summer, 7-9am & 4-8pm Mon-Fri, 9am-3pm Sat & Sun winter) s/d from Ikr12,750/17,500; i) Höfn’s business-class (%478 1204; Vesturbraut; h11am-7pm) is close to
glacier views. There are a couple of short wa- has an outdoor heated pool and hot pots. hotel is often busy with tour groups in sum- the camp site.
terside paths where you can amble and gape – Höfn has a nine-hole golf course at the end of mer. All rooms have bathrooms and TVs, and
one up by Hótel Höfn, and another round Dalabraut at the northern end of town. breakfast is included. The rooms are a bit frayed Getting There & Away
the marshes and lagoons at the end of the Between May and late September you can around the edges – even the deluxe ones aren’t AIR
promontory Ósland (about 1km beyond the go horse riding from Gistihúsið Árnanes (see particularly flash – but perhaps you won’t no- Höfn’s airport is about 4km northwest of
harbour – head for the seamen’s monument on opposite), 6km west of Höfn. tice the décor if you get one with glacier views. town. Flugfélag Íslands (Air Iceland; %570 3030; www
the rise). The latter path is great for watching There are a couple of decent restaurants, and flies year-round between Reykjavík
sea birds, though if you walk to it during nest- Tours discounts are available out of season. and Höfn (which appears on the website as
ing season you will be attacked in Hitchcock A visit to this region wouldn’t be complete Gistihúsið Árnanes (%478 1550;; ‘Hornafjörður’). Flights run every day ex-
style by zillions of arctic terns on the causeway without making a pilgrimage to Vatnajökull – Jun–mid-Sep sb Ikr3000, s/d without bathroom Ikr9200/11,400, cept Tuesday and Saturday, and cost around
road. see the boxed text, above. with bathroom Ikr11,800/14,700, up to 30% off rest of yr) Ikr7000 one way.
296 L Ó N S Ö R Æ F I • • H i k i n g L Ó N S Ö R Æ F I • • T o u r s 297

BUS The Stafafell hostel can provide informa- LÓNSÖRÆFI 0

8 km
4 miles
Buses arrive and depart at the camp site, which tion and directions for these and other hikes

is a 10-minute walk from the town centre. A and routes. Geldingafell Hut

daily Reykjavík–Höfn bus runs from 1 June Goðheimar To Eyjabakkajökull Hut;

Snæfellsskáli Hut
to 15 September, leaving from either end at Reyðarártindur VATNAJÖKULL
(1570m) Geldingafell
8.30am and arriving at 5pm. At other times This four-hour walk begins 7km east of Sta- 1
of year the bus runs on Tuesday, Thursday, fafell. From the road, it ascends the eastern

Friday and Sunday only, departing at 12.30pm side of the Reyðará valley and circumnavigates

from Reykjavík and noon from Höfn. the peak Reyðarártindur, returning to the Ring

From June to August a bus runs from Höfn Rd via the valley Össurárdalur, 11km east of

Lam b
(at 9am) up to the Jöklasel hut, on the edge Stafafell. Across the Ring Rd near the start of Kollumúlavatn Egilssel Hut Háás
of the Vatnajökull icecap. It stays up there this walk is a view disc that names some of the

a t ung na jö k u

for 2½ hours (giving you time to go snow- visible natural features.




mobiling) before heading off to Jökulsárlón,


where it stays for one hour, before returning Hvannagil 2 (1180m) Hut


to Höfn. This is perhaps the best of the day hikes, a Footbridge Múlaskáli

Múlatindar Tungutindar
(1085m) Hut

Höfn–Egilsstaðir buses run daily from 1 well-marked four- or five-hour walk from ida


To Ring Road (10km);

June to 31 August (Monday, Wednesday and Stafafell to Hvannagil, at the end of the road Álftafjörður (12km);

Flugustaðatindar Starmýri I (18km)
Friday only in late May and early September). on the eastern bank of the Jökulsá í Lóni.

Buses leave from Höfn at 8.30am, calling at Head up this dramatic rhyolite valley and,



Stafafell, Djúpivogur and Berunes. Buses re- after less than 1km, you’ll see a sheep track




turn from Egilsstaðir at 2pm. climbing the ridge on your right. At the top




of this ridge you’ll have a view down Seldalur.

a gil


Keep to the left side of this valley until you 3 Jðkulgilstindar


Eskifell (1313m) Fl

pass the side valley, Raftagil, which descends us

back to the Jökulsá í Lóni. You can pick your da
If you’re in Iceland to escape the rat race way down Raftagil or follow the ridge above

and get in touch with your inner hermit, the the eastern side of Seldalur.

Lax í Lóni

nature reserve Lónsöræfi should be on your



list. This protected area, east of Höfn, con- Tröllakrókur Dalsfjall

tains some spectacularly colourful rhyolite This trip begins at the Illikambur parking area ur
af jörð
H orn Vötn Lake
mountains, as well as the Stafafellsfjöll peaks (about 20km north of Stafafell), accessible rdalu

Laxá Raftagil

and the friendly, hospitable farm and hostel along 4WD Rte F980. From there, it’s five or 4 Þórisdalur


Stafafell to the south. There are countless hik- six hours to Egilssel hut at Tröllakrókur, an

ing opportunities, from day walks to the long- area of bizarre wind-eroded pinnacles. Above, Stafafell

To Höfn
distance route taking you north to Snæfell. you can see the tongue of Öxárfellsjökull, the (10km)
HI Hostel To Ring Road

Jökulsá í Lóni

It’s possible to camp at sites in the reserve, eastern extreme of the Vatnajökull icecap. Alm


sid alu


and there are mountain huts along the Lón- Allow two days for the return trip. a Reyðarártindur ns





söræfi–Snæfell hike, which begins (or ends) i

at the Illikambur parking area. The only road Jökulgilstindar Skarðsfjörður Krossaland Hraunkot
in the reserve is the rough 4WD track that This two-day trip climbs up to the 1313m- Papafjörður
Lón Víkurfjall
ends at Illikambur. There’s nowhere to eat or high icecap Jökulgilstindar. Begin by walking 5 To Djúpivogur (49km);
Lónsfjörður Egilsstaðir (240km)
buy food here, so bring supplies from Höfn from Stafafell up the 4WD track along the Vígur Fjö
Vesturhorn rur
or Djúpivogur. eastern bank of Jökulsá í Lóni, then continue (575m)
up the valley through the Austurskógar woods
HIKING toward Hnappadalur. You can either continue Austurhorn

There are many easy day hikes in the hills up to the headwaters of Hnappadalur or climb
and valleys north of Stafafell, as well as longer steeply to Jökulgilstindar from a short way between June and August. You can phone hikers who want to make their way to Il-
hikes towards the southeast of Vatnajökull. up the valley. The top has a glacier, and hik- him directly on the mobile number, or book likambur, where several of the walks that are
Some of these walks require substantial river ers should be experienced with glacier travel through Stafafell hostel (%478 1717; www.eldhorn outlined above begin, can also cadge a lift
crossings, so use extreme caution, especially in before venturing onto the ice. .is/stafafell). with this tour (Ikr2500/5000 per person one
warm or wet weather. For hiking in Lónsöræfi, Visitors can join the day tour (Ikr5000 per way/return). Transfers over the Skyndidalsá
the best maps are the Hornafjörður 1:100,000 TOURS person), departing at 9am, which includes river crossing cost Ikr1000 one way. Fishing
(1986), Hamarsfjörður 1:100,000 (1987) and Lónsöræfaferðir (%864 4215) is a man with a approximately three hours at Illikambur and permits and horse-riding tours can also be
Snæfell 1:100,000 (1988) topo sheets. mountain bus, who runs tours into Lónsöræfi a 45-minute walk to the Múlaskáli hut. Any arranged.
© Lonely Planet Publications
298 L Ó N S Ö R Æ F I • • S t a f a fe l l 299

STAFAFELL the delta of Jökulsá í Lóni, where an enormous

In the absolute middle of the middle of no- colony of swans nest in spring and autumn.
where, Stafafell is a lonely farm-hostel, lost As with other peaks in the region, the
under the mountains. It makes a great hik- batholithic Austurhorn, at the eastern end of
ing base for exploring Lónsöræfi; you can ar- Lón, was formed as an igneous intrusion
range tours and hikers’ transport here, and the beneath the surface and was then thrust up
farmer and hostel-keeper, Bergsveinn, knows and revealed through erosion of the overly-
everything there is to know about the area. ing material. This is the best access for strolls
Stafafell functioned as a remote parsonage on the Fjörur sand spit enclosing the eastern
until 1920, and the present church contains portion of Lón.
some lovely artefacts, including an original At the western end of Lón the commanding
altarpiece. 575m-high peak Vesturhorn and its companion
Stafafell HI Hostel (%478 1717; Brunnhorn form a cape between Skarðsfjörður
/stafafell; sb Ikr2000, s/d from Ikr4500/6545) is one of the and Papafjörður. Ruins of the fishing settle-
friendliest hostels in Iceland, thanks to the ment Syðri-Fjórður, which was abandoned in
efforts of Bergsveinn, your good-humoured 1899, are still visible, and just south of it are
host. The hostel is full of light pine fittings the more intriguing ruins of Papatóttir.
and bright sunshine, and has a peaceful feel.
There’s also a camp site (per person Ikr600) and cot- GETTING THERE & AWAY
tages for hire with kitchen, lounge and TV. Buses between Höfn and Egilsstaðir pass Sta-
In summer breakfast is available for Ikr800, fafell. To board the bus, flag it down at the gate
and dinner can be arranged with notice, but or ask one of the managers to book ahead.

it’s best to bring your own food (the nearest From Stafafell the Ring Rd starts to head
shop is 25km away in Höfn). north, leaving behind glacier country and
following the convoluted coast of the East-
LÓN fjords. The stretch from Hvalnes peninsula
The name Lón (Lagoon; pronounced ‘lone’) to Djúpivogur hugs the coastline and passes
fairly sums up the nature of this shallow bay beneath some frightening rock and shale
enclosed by two long spits between the Aus- mountain faces that appear on the verge
turhorn and Vesturhorn. To the northwest is of a landslide!

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