Lesson Plan Murder Hunt

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Lesson Plan: A lesson idea for establishing group work ground rules - Murder Hunt

(adapted from The Teacher’s Toolkit Paul Ginnis ISBN 18998 3676-4)
Year Lesson Objective
9 Speaking and listening
8. review the contributions they have made to recent discussions, recognising their strengths
and identifying areas for development;

Starter Introduction Development Plenary

 Move the class into  Explain to the class that a  Go through the answers very  Using OHT or flipchart,
their established murder has been committed and quickly – explain to the class that groups feedback top three
groups. it is their responsibility to solve the object of the exercise is to productive behaviours.
 Using white boards, in the mystery. review productive group These whole group rules
pairs within the group,  The answers to these 6 behaviour. should be written large and
Lesson 1 brainstorm ideas for questions have to be found  Ask students to reflect on the posted on the classroom wall
what the desired within the next fifteen minutes. experience and examine their so they can be referred to in
behaviours for group (See OHT 1) behaviours – as individuals subsequent lessons. They
work would be.  Explain the rules as outlined on record their own and other could also be used as a
 Use ‘show me’ OHT and refer students back to students’ helpful and unhelpful basis for individual target
strategies to collate the desired behaviours for group behaviours using the frame setting.
responses on OHT, work as outlined in the starter. (group resource 2). The rule for  (The group behaviour
flipchart or class  Explain to them that they will be this is: name behaviours, don’t checklist can be used as a
whiteboard asked to outline what behaviours name names! ‘top up’ review device during
they noted during this exercise in  Students pool ideas within their subsequent lessons in the
the plenary – this is why they are groups and work out their top 5 un
doing the exercise helpful behaviours. It is
 During the exercise the teacher important that this discussion
acts as timekeeper and should focus on what should be
observes/records examples of done from this point onwards not
positive group behaviour. The on the past – what should we
teacher must not intervene - have done? It is also crucial that
unless violence is about to be no-one feels criticised – it is
committed! A time reminder important to secure everyone’s
should be given half way commitment to a few general
through. changes

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