Als A&E Reviewer: Science - Elementary: Heart Lungs Abdominal Cavity Respiration
Als A&E Reviewer: Science - Elementary: Heart Lungs Abdominal Cavity Respiration
Als A&E Reviewer: Science - Elementary: Heart Lungs Abdominal Cavity Respiration
1. The system in the human body responsible for the continuation of the human race.
A. circulatory B. respiratory C. reproductive D. integumentary
7. It is made up of the lungs and the airways which facilitate the exchange of gases with the
environment and within the body.
A. circulatory system B. sensory system C. respiratory system D. urinary system
8. The ________ separates the thoracic cavity, containing the heart and lungs, from
the abdominal cavity and performs an important function in respiration: as
it contracts, the volume of the thoracic cavity increases and air is drawn into the
A. stomach B. diaphragm C. liver D. small intestine
9. This system enables the body to extract energy from the food we eat.
A. endocrine B. urinary C. nutritive D. digestive
For Item 10 – 12, see the drawing below and answer the question
12. A hormone produced by the pancreas necessary for the absorption of glucose in the body
is called ________.
A. bile B. enzyme C. insulin D. ptyalin
18. A characteristic that helps an organism survive in its natural environment is called
A. natural selection B. adaptation C. protection D. habitat
19. Any color, shape or pattern that lets an organism blend into its environment is known as a
__________ .
A. camouflage B. artistry C. coloring D. mimicry
20. An adaptation in which an organism gets protection from predators by looking like a
dangerous animal is called __________.
A. protective resemblance B. protective coloring C. hibernating D. mimicry
21. Alugbati and banana are examples of ___________ plants because their stems are soft,
usually smooth, and greenish in color.
A. woody B. herbaceous C. shrub D. aerial
24. These are plants that grow upright, but stay close to the ground and do not grow tall.
A. shrubs B. vines C. trees C. flowering
25. The following are the bases for the classification of plants except ________.
A. habitat B. have lowers and seeds or not C. type of stem D. means of production
26. They are egg-laying mammals. Examples are the platypus and echidna.
A. marsupials B. monotremes C. placentals D. birds
27. _________ are mammals whose young are born in a relatively undeveloped state. After
being born, the young (called ‘joeys’) crawl into a special pouch in the mother’s body. Here
they undergo further development, and have access to their mother’s milk. Examples include
the opossums, kangaroos, wallabies, bilbies, and bandicoots.
A. placentals B. monotremes C. marsupials D. primates
28. They give birth to live young. While in the womb, the developing fetus receives
nourishment from an organ called a placenta. They include the tiger, blue whale, vampire bat,
and man. These mammals are called _______________.
A. placentals B. marsupials C. monotremes D. reptiles
29. Wikipedia mentioned the five climates of the Philippines as tropical rainforest, tropical
savanna, tropical monsoon, humid subtropical, and _________.
A. volcanic B. oceanic C. temperate D. rainy
30. Based on the distribution of rainfall, the climates of the Philippines are classified into 4
types. Type IV is characterized as_______.
A. Two pronounced seasons: dry from November to April and wet during the rest of the year.
B. No dry season with a pronounced rainfall from November to January.
C. Seasons are not very pronounced, relatively dry from November to April, and wet during
the rest of the year.
D. Rainfall is more or less evenly distributed throughout the year.
32. The ______is the center of the nervous system and the seat of human intelligence.
A. medulla oblongata B. brain C. spinal cord D. cerebellum
I. Cerebellum
II. Cerebrum
III. Medulla oblongata
IV. Cerebral cortex
33. It transmits signals between the spinal cord and the brain. It also controls autonomic or
involuntary functions such as heartbeat and breathing.
34. Cognitive processes such as thinking, memorizing and decision making occur in this
outer gray part of the cerebrum.
35. It is sometimes referred to as the “little brain” and it controls muscle coordination and
38. The following conditions are associated with the circulatory system except _____.
A. hypertension B. myocardial infarction C. varicose veins D. paraplegia
39. It is caused by the blockage of arteries. A person experiencing it feels a sudden chest
pain, usually radiating to the left shoulder and arm, and even to the back, accompanied by
sweating and difficulty in breathing.
A. high blood pressure B. heart attack C. anemia D. rheumatic heart disease
For item 40 – 42, study the diagram below from and answer the questions.
40. What do you call the sun and water in the food chain or ecosystem?
A. autotrophs B. biotic components C. abiotic components D. decomposers
41. What is the immediate effect if the snake is absent in the food chain?
A. The grass will die.
B. The frog will temporarily increase its number.
C. The hawk will eventually die.
D. The decomposer will have nothing to eat.
For item 43 – 44, refer the diagram below and answer the questions.
44. What is the immediate effect if carbon dioxide is removed from the cycle?
A. The plant will die first.
B. The human will die first.
C. Plants and animals will die at the same time.
D. The earth will die.
45. Barangay Walang Ilaw is having an increase in birth rate over the years. What will
happen if this will continue?
A. increase demand for fresh water and food
B. malnutrition and starvation
C. deterioration of living conditions
D. all of the above
46. It is a disease caused by the bite of the female Anopheles mosquito infected with
Plasmodium parasites.
A. dengue B. malaria C. typhoid fever D. influenza
49. The people of Barangay Lulubog-Lilitaw lives beside a river where it serves as their
communal garbage and sewage facility. What would happen to the river in the coming years?
A. The river will bring water-borne diseases.
B. The river will become polluted over time.
C. The river will dried out.
D. All of the above.