The Largest Fortress in The World: Kharrazi in Engineering - 2 Years Ago (Edited)
The Largest Fortress in The World: Kharrazi in Engineering - 2 Years Ago (Edited)
The Largest Fortress in The World: Kharrazi in Engineering - 2 Years Ago (Edited)
Greetings, how are you steemit friends? Wish you good health always. I am
today again adding an ancient building of evidence to the great engineers of
the time, in the present writing I will be heading to an exotic island but still
in Indonesia, Sulawesi Island.
An ancient building that became the pride of the local community and still
maintained its authenticity is the Buton palace fortress, this discussion is
interesting because this fort has some uniqueness
The construction of this fort began in the 16th century by Sultan Buton III, at
first the fort was only a pile of stones arranged in such a way around the
complex as a barrier between the palace with the village community, then
during the reign of Sultan Buton IV fortress was used as a permanent stone.
The numbered gate of 12 has its own meaning for the people of Buton, 12
representing holes in the human body.
The most interesting thing at this writing is, the use of seaweed, rocks, and
limestone as an adhesive element of cement replacement stone as we do
In addition to the castle fortress, gates and cannons there are still some
banguanan contained in the area of the castle one of them is the Great
Mosque Palace.
This mosque has its own myth that is, behind the pulpit of the preacher when
in a state of prostration we can see the door of the cave called "center of the
earth" by the local community. According to the first citizens from the cave
was heard the call to prayer on Friday that made the imperial government to
establish a mosque in the place.
At this early stage I tried to make the conclusion that the Fort of Buton
Palace is a very strong fortress of its time with the use of the hill as the
location of the fortress construction is very profitable in terms of surveillance
outside the fort.
Utilization of seaweed as the main material to replace cement is very
interesting because in addition to environmentally friendly as well as
materials that can be updated.
Myths that developed in the local community until now still can not be
proven in science so that myth is still believed to be true.
Due to the lack of reference I found about the fortress it seems like I have to
dig myself the facts to Bau-bau City about which fort engineers and etc.
about the fortress in the city of Bau-bau