OERC Conditions of Supply Code (May 2004)
OERC Conditions of Supply Code (May 2004)
OERC Conditions of Supply Code (May 2004)
CODE, 2004
1. (1) These Regulations may be called the "Orissa Electricity Regulatory
Commission Distribution (Conditions of Supply) Code, 2004".
(2) These shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official
(3) They extend to whole of the State of Orissa.
(4) These shall apply to all persons engaged in the business of distribution
of electricity as a distribution licensee and the consumers of electricity in
the State of Orissa.
(5) The Orissa General Clause Act, 1937 shall apply to the interpretation of
these Regulations.
2. (1) In these Regulations, unless the context otherwise requires :
(a) “Act" means the Electricity Act, 2003 (Act 36 of 2003) and
“State Act” means The Orissa Electricity Reform Act, 1995 (Orissa Act 2
of 1995);
(b) "agreement" with its grammatical variations and cognate expressions
means an agreement entered into by the licensee and the consumer in
(o) "designated authority of the licensee" means an authority who has been
notified as such by the licensee in the manner approved by the
Commission to exercise powers under specific provisions of this Code;
(p) “earthed” or “connected with earth” means connected with the general
mass of earth as per I. E. Rules, 1956 as to ensure at all times an
immediate discharge of energy without danger;
(q) “energy” means electrical energy-
(i) Generated, transmitted or supplied for any purpose, or
(ii) Used for any purpose except the transmission of a message.
(r) "energy charge" refers to a charge on the consumer for his actual
consumption of electricity;
(s) "engineer" means engineer, by whatever name he may be designated,
who is employed by the licensee and who is in charge of the local area
having direct jurisdiction over the area of supply or any part thereof in
which the premises to be served are located and who is notified as such for
the purposes of these Regulations by the licensee in the manner laid down
by the Commission and includes any other engineer duly authorised by him
to exercise any power, jurisdiction or authority under these Regulations;
(t) "extra high tension consumer" means a consumer who obtains supply
from the licensee at Extra High Voltage;
(u) "high tension consumer" means a consumer who obtains supply from the
licensee at High Voltage;
(v) “the Indian Electricity Rules, 1956” means electricity rules made under the
Electricity Rules, 1956 referred under Section 185 (2)(c) as amended or
replaced or substituted from time to time under Section 53 of the Act;
(w) “Initial period of agreement” means the period of two years starting from
the date of commencement of supply in respect of Domestic and General
Purpose category of consumers and five years in respect of other category
of consumers. The initial period of agreement shall continue till the end of
the month, on which the end date of the two years period expires;
(hh) “standard agreement form" means the form of agreement laid under
Regulation 15;
(ii) "transmission system" means the system consisting of extra high voltage
electric lines, having design voltage of 66 KV and higher owned or
operated by a transmission licensee authorised to transmit electricity for
the purposes of the transportation of electricity from one power station to a
sub-station or to another power station or between sub-stations or to or
from any external interconnection including 33/11 KV bays/equipment up to
the interconnection with the distribution system, any plant and apparatus
and meters owned or used in connection with the transmission of
electricity, but shall not include any part of a distribution system;
(jj) "volt" means a unit of electro-motive force and is the electric pressure
which, when steadily applied to a conductor, the resistance of which is one
ohm, will produce a current of the one ampere and the unit may be
indicated by the abbreviation V and one thousand such units may be
indicated by the abbreviation KV;
(kk) "voltage" means the difference of electric potential measured in volts
between any two conductors or between any part of either conductor and
the earth as measured by a suitable voltmeter and is said to be;
(i) "low voltage" where the voltage does not exceed 250 volts under
normal conditions subject, however, to the percentage variation
stated in the Indian Electricity Rules, 1956 or in Rules/Regulations
specified under the Act;
(ii) "medium voltage" where the voltage exceeds 250 volts and does
not exceed 650 volts under normal conditions subject, however, to
the percentage variation stated in the Indian Electricity Rules, 1956
or in Rules/Regulations specified under the Act;
(iii) "high voltage" where the voltage exceeds 650 volts and does not
exceed 33,000 volts under normal conditions subject, however, to
the percentage variation stated in the Indian Electricity Rules, 1956
or in Rules/Regulations specified under the Act;
(iv) "extra high voltage" where the voltage exceeds 33,000 volts under
normal conditions subject, however, to the percentage variation
stated in the Indian Electricity Rules, 1956 or in Rules / Regulations
specified under the Act;
(ll) "year" means year commencing on first of April.
(2) The words or expressions occurring in these Regulations but not defined herein
above shall bear the same meaning as in the Act.
4. (1) The application after filling in shall be signed by the owner or the lawful
occupier with the consent of the owner of the premises for which supply is
required and shall be submitted at the local office of the engineer along with a
non-refundable fee not exceeding the amount as fixed below together with a
sketch map of the premises and documentary evidence of his ownership or
occupation of the premises in question. Any assistance or information required
for filling up the application may be obtained by the applicant from the local office
of the engineer.
Explanation : Any consumer who has been granted connection under this
provision shall be deemed to be an occupier for the purposes of the licensee
notwithstanding that his occupation is found by any court, tribunal or other
authority to be not bonafide or lawful.
6. All applications for supply of power shall be filed at least thirty days before the
expected date of supply, where distribution mains have been laid and power
supply commenced. In case of high tension service or service requiring extension
of the licensee’s distribution mains, the prospective consumer shall submit his
application not less than ninety days in advance provided that for contracting
loads at HT or EHT in excess of 5 MW up to 10 MW, application shall be made
one year in advance and for contracting loads in excess of 10 MW two years in
7. An applicant, who is not the owner of the premises occupied by him, shall
execute an indemnity bond, indemnifying the licensee against any damages
payable on account of any dispute arising out of supply of power to the premises.
8. When the applicant’s premises have no frontage on a street and the service line
from the licensee’s mains has to go over or under the adjoining premises of any
other person (whether or not the adjoining premises is owned jointly by the
applicant and such other person) the applicant shall obtain at his own expense
necessary way-leave, licence, sanction, permission or other right or interest from
the adjoining owner or co-owner. The licensee shall not supply power until such
way-leave, licence, sanction or other right or interest is obtained and produced.
Any extra expenditure incurred in placing the service line in accordance with the
terms of way leave, licence sanction or other right or interest obtained from the
owner or co-owner shall be borne by the applicant. No way-leave, licence
sanction or other right or interest once granted shall be cancelled or withdrawn,
without giving six months notice by registered post to the engineer and the
concerned consumer and a provision to this effect should be incorporated in the
terms of the way leave, licence, sanction, or other right or interest arranged by
the consumer and submitted to the licensee. The consumer may however
arrange for alternative route, if any, to retain the supply of power. In all such
cases the consumer shall bear the cost of diversion and other incidental
expenses as may be estimated by the engineer. It shall not be incumbent on the
licensee to ascertain the validity or adequacy of the way-leave, licence, sanction,
or other right or interest obtained by the applicant.
Notwithstanding anything stated above, any way leave (including way leave
granted for supply to others) would be surrendered or alternate route would be
accepted only if in the opinion of the licensee it is technically feasible. The
decision of the licensee in this regard would be final.
10. If the applicant in respect of an earlier agreement executed in his name or in the
name of his spouse, parents or in the name of a firm or company with which he
was associated either as a partner, director or managing director, is in arrears of
electricity dues or other dues for the same premises payable to the licensee, the
application for supply shall not be allowed by the engineer until the arrears are
paid in full.
11. (i) Within three days of receipt of the application for LT supply, three clear
days notice shall be sent by the licensee to the applicant or to the licensed
contractor acting on his behalf for the applicant or his representative to be
present for the purpose of inspection of the premises and fixation of the
point of entry of supply mains and the position of mains, cut-outs or circuit
breakers and meters. The licensee will in no case fix meters and main cut-
outs nor will allow the same to remain in any position which entails entry of
the licensee’s employees into private or religious quarters.
(ii) The licensee shall respond to the application for supply at HT within
twenty-one days stating whether the connection is feasible or not. If
feasible, the licensee shall intimate voltage at which supply will be given
and point of commencement of supply.
(iii) The licensee shall forward the application for supply at EHT to the
transmission licensee within three days of its receipt for its further
processing in terms of provisions in the Grid Code. The licensee shall
obtain the final reply regarding feasibility from the Transmission Licensee
and communicate the same to the applicant within one-month receipt of
12. (1) (a) After the point of entry of the supply mains and the position of mains, cut-outs or
circuit breakers and meters have been settled as provided for in Regulation-11
above, the licensee shall supply to the applicant within a period of one week an
estimate of the cost of carrying out the work along with security deposit required.
The licensee also shall forward the form of licensed contractors’ completion and
test report to the applicant. Before the work of laying the service line is taken up,
the applicant shall pay in full the cost of laying the service line as per estimate
prepared by the engineer.
(b) If supply is requested at HT or at EHT, the licensee shall intimate the applicant
the estimated charges and time required for providing new connection within
sixty working days of notifying feasibility of supply as provided in Regulation-11
above. The licensee also shall forward the form of licensed contractors’
completion and test report to the applicant. Before the work of laying the service
line is taken up, the applicant shall pay in full the cost of laying the service line as
per estimate prepared by the engineer.
(c) After the deposit has been duly made, orders for taking up the work shall be
issued within a period of three days from the date of deposit. The amount
deposited by the applicant shall be subsequently adjusted, if necessary, on
compilation of the figures of the actual cost of the service lines. The balance
amount, if any, shall be refunded to the consumer by way of adjustment in the
first electricity bill. The applicant shall pay any expenditure incurred in excess of
the amount deposited by the applicant within fifteen days of demand.
(d) A final bill shall be sent to the consumer after giving service connection, within
one month, indicating therein the actual expenses incurred together with a
demand or refund notice, if any.
(2) Service lines for temporary connections shall be laid by the licensee where
possible and the estimated cost for laying and removing such service lines
together with estimated energy charge shall be paid by the applicant in advance
on demand by the licensee.
(3) Where any difference or dispute arises as to the cost or fixing of the position of
service lines, the matter shall be referred to the Electrical Inspector for decision.
13. (1) The supply of power shall be made, if it is available in the system, technically
feasible and remunerative as per the norms fixed at Appendix I. by the
Commission and the applicant enters into an agreement in the standard form
under Regulation 15 accepting the terms relating to tariff and other conditions of
supply of the licensee.
(2) In case the scheme of supply is not remunerative, as above, the applicant shall
be required to bear the portion of charges to make the scheme remunerative.
(3) No additional power shall be supplied by licensee unless all arrear charges for
the existing power supply have either been paid in full or paid in accordance with
(4) Every Distribution Licensee shall, on receipt of an application from the owner or
occupier of any premises give supply of electricity to the premises within the time
stipulated in sub-clause (5), subject to the payment of fees, charges and security
and the due fulfillment of other conditions to be satisfied by such owner or
occupier of the premises.
(5) Subject to Regulation 8, the Distribution Licensee shall give supply of electricity
to the premises pursuant to the application under sub-clause (4) above:
(c) In the case of application for new connection, where extension of supply
requires erection and commissioning of new 33/11 KV sub-station, the
Distribution Licensee shall within 15 days of receipt of application, submit
Provided further that, where such substation is covered in the investment plan
approved by the Commission, the Distribution Licensee shall complete the
erection of such substation within the time period stated in such investment plan.
Provided that wherever the substation or the line has been covered in the
investment plan approved by the Commission the distribution licensee should not
collect any charge from the intending consumers even though it may not be
remunerative, in case the line or substation proposed in the investment plan
would not have been there.
(6) The Distribution Licensee shall not be responsible for the delay, if any, in
extending the supply, if the same is on account of problems relating to statutory
clearances, right of way, acquisition of land, or the delay in consumer’s obligation
to obtain approval of Chief Electrical Inspector for his High Tension or Extra High
Tension installation, or for any delay in compliance with requirements by the
applicant or delay or for any other similar reasons beyond the reasonable control
of the Distribution Licensee.
(7) Subject to the above it shall be the responsibility of the Distribution Licensee to
have necessary commercial arrangements with the respective Transmission
Licensee(s) to ensure that the required supply at Extra High Tension (EHT), i.e.
above 33 KV, is made available within the time frame in consultation with
Transmission Licensee.
(8) In cases where the village or hamlet or area is not electrified earlier, the
Distribution Licensee shall give supply of electricity to premises in such village or
hamlet or area as per the programme of electrification of habitations covered in
the investment plan approved by the Commission and subject to availability of
fund for giving such supply and right of the way. The supply shall be extended
within the time frame stated in such investment plan
Wherever the consumers request for shifting the service connection to the new
premises or for deviation for the existing lines at their cost the following time
schedule shall be observed for completing these works after getting the
expenses as laid down in this Code.
The time schedule given above includes the time required for preparation of
estimates, collection of deposits, etc.
The accounts should be settled within three months from the date of completion
of shifting work by recovery of excess expenditure or refunding the balance
(a) Subject to the Regulation 8, the transfer of service connection shall be effected
within 15 days from the date of receipt of complete application.
(b) The service connection from the name of a person to the name of another
consumer shall not be transferred unless the arrear charges pending against the
previous occupier are cleared.
Provided that this shall not be applicable when the ownership of the premises is
transferred under the provisions of the State Financial Corporation Act.
Within fifteen days from the date of receipt of application from the consumer, the
Licensee shall effect change of tariff.
Consequences of default
14. (1) The Distribution Licensee who fails to comply with the time frame for supply of
electricity stipulated in Regulation 13(5) above shall be liable to pay penalty as may
be decided by the adjudicating officer of the Commission in accordance with
Section 143 read with sub-section (3) of Section 43 of the Act.
(2) The liability to pay penalty under this Regulation for default if any, shall not absolve
the Distribution Licensee from the liability to pay compensation to the affected
person as per the regulation notified under sub-section (2) of Section 57 of the Act.
15. Every person whose application for initial supply or subsequent additional supply of
power has been processed by the licensee who avails the supply at three phase, shall
before taking such supply execute an agreement in the standard format as per Form
No.3 of this Code and will deposit security amount as per Regulation 19(2) of this Code.
In the case of non-remunerative schemes, portion of charges as indicated in Regulation
13 (2) will also have to be deposited. Such agreement shall not be required for Domestic
and General Purpose consumers and their applications for power supply in the form as
per in Form No.1, if accepted, shall constitute the agreement between the licensee and
the consumer. The duplicate copy of the application in Form no.1 shall be handed over
to the applicant with endorsement of acceptance for his reference and record.
Termination of Agreement
16. (1) If power supply to any consumer remains disconnected for a period of two
months for non-payment of charges or dues or non-compliance of any direction
issued under this Code, and no effective steps are taken by the consumer for
removing the cause of disconnection and for restoration of power supply, the
agreement of the licensee with the consumer for power supply shall be deemed
to have been terminated on expiry of the said period of two months, without
notice, provided the initial period of agreement is over.
(2) On termination of the agreement, the licensee shall be entitled to remove the
service line and other installation for supply of power from the premises of the
consumer. After permanent disconnection, if the consumer wishes to revive the
connection, then it would be treated as a fresh application for connection and
would be entertained only after all outstanding dues have been cleared.
(3) Consumer may terminate the agreement after giving at least two months notice
to the licensee only after completion of initial period of agreement.
Provided that the notice shall be accompanied with a copy of payment of last bill.
17. Whenever restriction on power supply is imposed and power purchased from other
States or agencies is supplied to the consumer on special request, a supplementary
agreement shall be executed which shall remain in force for the period of such restriction.
18 The licensee shall maintain a record of disconnection and reconnection. The licensee
shall intimate in writing the date of disconnection to the consumer within seven days of
disconnection and obtain acknowledgement of the consumer or his authorised
Security Deposit
19. (1) Any person entering into an agreement with the licensee for supply of power shall
deposit such amount to cover charges (i.e. demand/fixed charges and energy
charges as applicable) for supply of three months where by-monthly bill is in vogue
and two month charges in the case of monthly billing cycle, for the relevant
consumer category. In case of phased contract demand, the security deposit will
be accordingly phased. Enhanced security deposit shall be payable thirty days
prior to each scheduled enhanced demand. Provisions to this effect shall be
incorporated in the agreement.
(2) The initial security deposit (demand charges plus energy charges) shall be
calculated based on the load factor as under:
■ Two months consumption charges as Security Deposit (In Rupees) = ■2 {(Contract Demand in K W)
X (24 Hrs) X (30days) X (Load Factor) X (Energy Charge in Rs per unit) + *(Contract Demand in
KVA) X (80%) X (Demand Charge in Rs. per KVA)}
1 Domestic 10%
(3) If any person requiring supply under LT or HT is prepared to take the supply
through a pre-payment meter, the distribution licensee shall not be entitled to
collect the security deposit from such person.
Provided that in the case of existing consumers (LT or HT) who opt for the supply
through pre-payment meter, the Licensee shall refund the amount of the security
deposit of such consumer lying with the Licensee by adjustment of the then
outstanding dues to the Licensee or any amount becoming due to the Licensee
immediately thereafter.
(4) The security deposit shall be paid in cash or by bank draft. It may also be paid by
cheque or by credit card, where specifically allowed by the licensee.
(5) The licensee may require any consumer to give him reasonable security as shall
be approved by the Commission for the payment to him of all monies which may
become due to him where any electric line or electrical plant or electric meter is to
be provided for supplying electricity to such consumer, in respect of the provision of
such line or plant or meter.
Review and payment of Additional Security Deposit for the electricity supplied:-
20. (1) General Review
Subject to the restrictions of the periods of three months or two months as specified in
Regulation 19(1), the adequacy of the amount of security deposit calculated in respect of
consumers shall be reviewed by the Licensee generally once in every year (preferably
after revision of tariff for the respective year) based on the average consumption for the
period representing 12 (twelve) months from April to March of the previous year.
(a) Based on review as per sub-clause (1) above, demand for shortfall or refund of
excess shall be made by the Licensee. Provided, however, that if the security
deposit payable by the consumer is short by or in excess of not more than 10%
of the existing security deposit, no demand for shortfall will be made for payment
of Additional Security Deposit and the consumer shall not be entitled to demand
the refund of the Excess.
(c) Where the consumer is required to pay Additional Security Deposit, the Licensee
shall issue to the Consumer a 30 days' advance notice stating the amount
payable with supporting calculations.
(a) The consumers shall pay the additional security deposit within thirty days from
the date of service of the demand notice issued by the Licensee.
(b) If there is any delay in payment, the consumer shall pay surcharge thereon at the
rate of 15% per annum or at such rate as may be fixed by the Commission from
time to time, without prejudice to the Licensee’s right to disconnect supply of
electricity, as per this Regulation.
(4) Disconnection for non-payment of Security Deposit for the electricity supplied
If the consumer does not make payment of initial security deposit, the licensee can refuse
to release supply. In the case where additional security deposit is demanded by the
licensee in terms of this Regulation 20(2) above, and the consumer does not make
payment, the supply to the consumer shall be liable for disconnection as laid down under
Regulation 100.
(1) The Licensee shall pay interest on security deposit of the consumer, at the bank
rate notified by Reserve Bank of India provided that the Commission may direct a
higher rate of interest from time to time by notification in official Gazette.
(2) The interest accruing to the credit of the consumer shall be adjusted annually in
the amounts outstanding from the consumer to the licensee as on 1st May of
every year and the amounts becoming due from the consumer to the licensee
immediately thereafter.
(3) The licensee shall duly show the amounts becoming due to consumer towards
interest on the security deposit in the bills raised on the consumer.
(4) The Licensee shall pay interest at twice the rate specified under sub-clause (1)
above for the delay in making the adjustments for interest on security deposit.
The security deposit shall be returned to the consumer only after the termination of the
agreement and after adjustment of outstanding dues, if any, within a period of one month
from the date of termination. In case of non-refund of such security deposit during the
aforesaid period, it shall carry interest at the rate of 15 % per annum from the effective
date of termination of the agreement (without prejudice to other rights and remedies of the
consumer) payable to the consumer. Before termination of the agreement, the licensee is
entitled to adjust the whole or part of the security deposit towards arrears payable by the
(1) Upon compliance of all conditions including technical feasibility and viability, the
licensee shall lay service line, from the nearest distribution mains up to a
convenient point on the boundary of the applicant’s property to which power is
proposed to be supplied.
Provided that in case of temporary supply, the licensee’s estimated cost of laying
the line at the time of connection and removing of service line at the time of
disconnection shall be borne by the applicant.
(2) The main cutouts or fuses shall be inserted and sealed by the licensee free of
cost to the consumer and acknowledgement thereon shall be obtained from the
24 In case of a HT or EHT feeder directly taken to the consumer’s premises for his exclusive
use from the licensee’s sub-station or from the transmission licensee, the metering
arrangement shall be done at the consumer’s premises or, at the licensee’s sub-station
25 When the metering arrangements are installed in the consumer’s premises, the position
of the service cutouts or circuit breakers and meters shall be so fixed as to permit easy
access to the employees of the licensee at any time.
26. Where the shifting of the service line within the same premises is undertaken on the
request of the consumer, the entire charge on account of shifting including the cost of
additional materials if any shall be borne by the consumer and shall be payable within
fifteen days of licensee’s demand. In other cases, where shifting is necessary in public
interest or for convenience of the licensee, the consumer shall extend full co-operation
but shall not be required to pay any charges.
27. The entire service line, notwithstanding that whole or portion thereof has been paid for by
the consumer, shall be the property of the licensee and shall be maintained by the
licensee who shall always have the right to use it for the supply of energy to any other
person unless the line has been provided for the exclusive use of the consumer through
any arrangement agreed to in writing.
Point of Supply
28. Unless otherwise agreed to, the supply shall be at a single point at the out-going
terminals of the licensee, i.e.,
(a) Cut-outs or circuit breakers in the case of low tension consumers, and
(b) Control switch gear or circuit breaker or high tension fuses that may be installed in the
licensee’s or consumer’s premises as mutually agreed in the case of high tension or extra
high tension consumers subject to provisions of this Code.
29. (1) For the protection of the consumer and the public it is necessary that the wiring on the
consumer’s premises should conform to the Indian Electricity Rules, 1956 and the rules
of the insurance company with which the building may have been insured and will be
carried out by a licensed contractor. The material used for wiring shall comply with the
standards laid down in that behalf by the Bureau of Indian Standards. As soon as the
applicant’s licensed contractor completes the wiring and other electrical installation in the
premises, the applicant shall submit to the licensee, the contractor’s completion and test
(2) As required by Rule 45 of the Indian Electricity Rules, 1956, no electrical installation
work including addition, alteration, repairs and adjustments to existing installations,
except such replacement of lamps, fans, fuses, switches, low voltage domestic appliance
and fittings as in no way alter the capacity and the character of the installation, shall be
carried out within the premises of any consumer or owner for the purpose of supply of
energy to such consumer or owner, except by a contractor licensed by the appropriate
authority in this behalf and under the direct supervision of a person holding a certificate of
competency issued or recognised by the appropriate authority. Any person committing a
breach of Rule 45 of the Indian Electricity Rules, 1956 shall render himself liable to
punishment under Rule 139 of the said Rules.
30. All transformers, switch-gear and other electrical equipment belonging to the consumer
and connected to the mains of the licensee shall be maintained to the reasonable
satisfaction of the licensee and shall comply in all respect with IE Rules and shall confirm
to the BIS.
31. Low tension consumers shall in all cases and at their cost provide a safety device in the
form of linked quick break main switch and a main fuse on each phase other than the
earthed neutral at the point of commencement of supply. The switch shall be fixed as
near as possible to the meter board or meter box.
32. In the case of high tension or extra high-tension consumer, suitable protective devices
approved by the licensee shall be used so as to afford full protection to the licensee’s
apparatus placed on the consumer’s premises. In case a high tension or extra high-
tension consumer is directly connected to a Transmission Licensee’s sub-station, the
Distribution Licensee shall obtain the concurrence of the Transmission Licensee before
giving approval as above. A high tension consumer or extra high tension consumer
requiring a supply of 1000 KVA and above shall install at his cost suitable circuit breakers
of approved make with sufficient rupturing capacity as decided by the licensee on the
incoming side of his load fitted with automatic protective devices, so adjusted that the
circuit breakers supplied by the consumer operate before terminal circuit breaker or the
isolating apparatus of the licensee is activated. A high tension consumer requiring supply
below 1000 KVA shall provide on the high tension incoming side of his load a gang
operated triple pole isolating switch of approved make with high tension fuses of fast
blowing characteristics or circuit breaker of adequate rupturing capacity which should be
so adjusted that they blow off or operate before the protective devices in the licensee’s
terminal circuit breaker or isolating apparatus operate. The consumer will allow the
licensee for connection and provide a terminal in the circuit breaker for connection for
automatic meter/remote meter unit system whenever requires.
33. High tension consumers shall install step-down transformers having vector group with
winding connected in delta on high voltage side and star on low voltage side with neutral
terminal brought outside and suitably earthed.
34. Supply to the consumer may be cut off if the wiring, apparatus, equipment or installation
is found to be defective at any time or if the consumer uses any apparatus or appliance
or uses the energy in such manner as to endanger the service lines, equipment, electric
supply mains and other works of the licensee or interferes with the efficient supply of
energy to other consumers. In case of leakage in consumer’s premises, provision of Rule
49 of Indian Electricity Rules, 1956 shall apply.
A. C. Motor Installation
35. (1) No A. C. motor shall be connected to the low or medium voltage system of the
licensee unless the motor and the installation thereof has suitable device to limit starting
current as detailed in Regulation 36 below.
(2) Power supply shall not be given to any applicant at low or medium voltage and for
utilising in induction motors of capacity of three HP and above or welding transformers of
capacity one KVA and above, unless shunt capacitors of appropriate rating are installed
by the consumer across the terminals of such motor(s) or welding transformers to
achieve average monthly power factor as specified in this Code.
36. (1) Motors of low or medium voltage shall be provided with control gear so as to prevent
satisfactorily the maximum current demand from the consumer’s installation exceeding
the limits given in the following schedule at any time under all possible conditions.
Single phase Up to and including 1 BHP Six times full load current.
Three phase Above 1 BHP and up to and including 10 BHP Three times full load current.
Three phase Above 10 BHP and up to and including 15 Twice full load current.
Failure to comply with these regulations will render the consumer liable to disconnection
from the supply on account of interference with the supply to other consumers. Starting
current limit may be relaxed by the licensee depending on the location and condition of
(2) Motor circuits shall be controlled by a triple pole linked switch protected by a no-volt
release and T.P. fuses (or overload releases). It is important that the release should be
maintained in thorough working order. Wiring for motors shall be run with all three-phase
wires bunched in a single metallic conduit, which shall be efficiently earthed throughout
and connected to the frame of the motor from which two separate earth wires shall be
run. The minimum size of the earth wire permitted is No.14 S.W.G. All motors shall
comply in every respect with the Indian Electricity Rules, 1956. Motors above one BHP
shall be wound for three-phase, 400 volts between phases.
37. The licensee may ask the applicant to provide accommodation to install the licensee’s
equipment and apparatus, which may be considered necessary by the engineer for
effecting power supply to the applicant. After the applicant has provided such
accommodation for fixing the equipment and apparatus, the said installation shall
continue on his premises with full control vested in the licensee. The installation shall
remain in the premises for a reasonable period not exceeding six months even after the
termination of the agreement without payment of any compensation to the owner of the
premises to enable the engineer to ensure the supply of power to existing consumers
receiving supply through the said installation.
38. After compliance with the provision of Regulation-19 by the applicant and within three
days of receipt of the completion report and the test report of the licensed contractor, the
engineer will give three clear days notice to the applicant of the time and the date when
his representative proposes to inspect and test the installation. It shall then be the duty of
the applicant to arrange his licensed contractor or other representative to be present
during the inspection to give the engineer or his representative any relevant information
required by him concerning the installation. On due compliance by the applicant, the
engineer shall complete the inspection of applicant’s installation within a period of ten
days from the date of receipt of the test report of the licensed contractor.
39. No charge shall be levied for the first test by the engineer, but for subsequent tests, if
required, charge shall be payable as may be fixed by the licensee.
40. (1) Before taking the insulation tests of installation, wiring must be complete in every
respect. All fittings such as lamps, fans, cookers, motors, etc. must be connected up,
fuses inserted and all switches placed in the ‘ON’ position before the tests are carried
out. Temporary wires or fittings or dead ends, shall not be included in the installation and
no part of the work shall be left incomplete. The insulation resistance of the entire
installation to earth shall be tested from the load side of the licensee’s terminals.
(2) The licensee shall not connect the installation on the applicant’s premises with its
works unless it is reasonably satisfied that the installation shall not at the time of making
connection cause leakage exceeding one five thousandth part of the maximum current
supplied to the applicant’s premises. Any defects if noticed by licensee’s engineer shall
be intimated within seven days from the date of inspection to the applicant.
(3) The insulation resistance shall be measured by applying between earth and the
whole system of conductors or any section thereof with all fuses in place and all switches
closed and except in case of earthed concentric wiring all lamps in position or both poles
of the installation otherwise electrically connected together, a D.C. Voltage of not less
than twice the working voltage provided that it does not exceed 500 Volts for medium
voltage circuit. When the supply is derived from three wire (AC or DC) or a poly-phase
system, the neutral pole of which is connected to earth either directly or through added
resistance the working voltage shall be deemed to be that which is maintained between
the outer or phase conductor and the neutral. The insulation resistance in megohms of an
installation shall not measure less than 50 divided by the number of points on the circuit
provided that the whole installation need not be required to have an insulation resistance
greater than one megohm. Heating and power appliances and electric lines may if
desired be disconnected from the circuit during the tests but in that event the insulation
resistance between the case or frame work and all live parts of each appliance shall not
be less than that stated in the relevant ISS or when there is no such mention, shall not be
less than half a megohm.
(4) The insulation resistance shall also be measured between all conductors
connected to one pole phase conductor and all the conductors connected to the middle
wire or to the neutral or to the other pole or phase conductor of the supply. Such a test
shall be made after removing all metallic connections between the two poles of the
installation and in these circumstances, insulation resistance between the two terminals
of the installation shall not be less than that specified in Regulation 40(3) above.
41. (1) Manufacturer’s test certificates in respect of all HT or EHT apparatus shall be
produced if required.
(2) In addition, the licensee may test the HT or EHT installation, as the case may be,
by applying standard test voltage in accordance with the Indian Electricity Rules, 1956
and Bureau of Indian Standards or International Electro-technical Commission.
(3) Testing of a High Tension or EHT installation shall however be taken up by the
engineer only after the HT or EHT consumer obtains certificates of inspection of the
installation from the Electrical Inspector.
42. Before any wiring or apparatus of the applicants, including transformers, switch gear, etc.
are connected to the licensee’s distribution system, the same shall be subject to the
inspection and approval of the engineer and no connection shall be made without such
approval. In addition, all EHT or HT installation shall have to be approved by the
Electrical Inspector or any officer authorised by him in this behalf as required under Rule
63 of The Indian Electricity Rules 1956.
43. (1) Power supply shall commence when the engineer is satisfied that-
(c) installation complies with the provisions of the Indian Electricity Rules,1956.
(2) The engineer shall notify the applicant in writing of any defect noticed by him within
seven days of inspection. In such a case the engineer may allow commencement of
supply only after the defects in the installation are rectified to his satisfaction. If the
applicant receives no intimation within seven days of inspection, the installation will
be deemed to have been approved. In case the consumer challenges the defects
pointed out by the licensee, the licensee shall refer the matter to the Electrical
Inspector within seven days, whose decision shall be final and binding.
Commencement of Supply
44. Within seven days of approval of the applicant’s installation, the engineer shall
commence supply of power to the applicant under intimation to him. If the applicant fails
to avail power within the period of ninety days from such intimation, he shall be liable to
pay the demand charges and minimum monthly charges as applicable. The designated
authority of the licensee may, in special circumstances, extend the above period of ninety
45. (1) All equipment such as metering equipment and tamper proof boxes etc. for the
purpose of metering, except the meter shall be included in the service connection estimate
and the cost thereof realised from the applicant. The applicant shall have the option of
supplying an appropriate meter to the specification of the licensee and approved by the
(2) In case the applicant requires the licensee to provide the meter, the licensee shall do
so on such terms and conditions as decided by the licensee with the approval of the
(3) Notwithstanding the fact that the meter, metering equipment and other apparatus as
indicated above are supplied by the applicant, or paid for by the applicant, the same shall
remain under the control of the licensee so long as the agreement is in force.
Safety of Installation
46. Without prejudice to any other action available under the law and under this Code, supply
may be disconnected, if it constitutes an immediate danger to the safety of the installation
or personnel.
47. The consumer shall compensate the licensee for any damage caused to the mains,
apparatus or instruments or any other property of the licensee in the consumer’s
premises, occasioned by any act, omission, lapses or negligence on the part of the
consumer or his servants, agents or employees and if supply of power has been
disrupted or disconnected on account of such damage, the supply may not be restored
until the damage is assessed and the cost of restoration is deposited by the consumer.
The engineer’s decision in regard to the damage caused and the compensation payable
assessed on the basis of current market rate and the cost of restoration as assessed
shall be final and binding subject to the result of the appeal, if any. The consumer may
represent to the designated authority of the licensee in regard to the determination of
damage and cost fixed by the engineer. No damage shall be claimed and no demand for
payment of cost shall be raised without giving seven clear days notice to the consumer
and reasonable opportunity to him to make representation, if any.
48. The licensee shall, in consultation with the consumer, be entitled to lay necessary
overhead and underground mains and install substations, equipment, transformers, etc.
in accordance with the Indian Electricity Rules, 1956 on the private property of the
consumer, required for the purpose of supply of power to him. The consumer shall not be
entitled to interfere with or alter any such installation of the licensee in his premises at
any time for any reasons whatsoever. Upon request by the consumer, the engineer may
effect any alteration, if feasible, at the cost of the consumer.
49. The licensee in turn shall maintain its installation in good order. The conductors and
poles shall be maintained in such order as not to cause any electrical or mechanical
accidents or damage to consumer’s property and public property or endanger human life.
Prompt action shall be taken by the licensee to repair or replace the damaged parts
immediately on getting intimation of damage or danger to life.
Fuse Failure
50. If at any time, the licensee’s service fuse or HT fuse fails, intimation thereof may be sent to
the nearest fuse call centre or section office having jurisdiction over the area for rectifying the
defects or replacing the fuse. None other than the authorised employees of the licensee may
replace the fuse in the licensee’s cut-outs and H.V switchgears.
51. With a view to check un-authorised use of electricity, and unauthorised addition and
alteration of equipment, theft and mis-appropriation of energy, diversion of power, by-
passing of meter for consumption of electricity and for carrying out general inspection and
testing, the engineer or his staff authorised by him shall be entitled to enter the premises of
a consumer after informing the consumer or occupier. If he refuses to allow access or
obstructs the engineer or his staff from entering into his premises, the engineer shall, without
prejudice to other modes of action available under law, disconnect the supply of power of
the premises in accordance with Section 163 of the Act.
52. During the checking and verification of the electrical installation in the premises of the
consumer, including the supply line and meter, a complete inventory shall be prepared of all
connected equipment, apparatus, machinery, forming integral part of the installation in the
premises of the consumer. The consumer or his representative shall be requested to sign
the inventory or inspection report. If the consumer or his representative refuses to sign the
inventory or the inspection report an endorsement to that effect shall be made by the
engineer on the body of the report. A copy of the said report shall be affixed at the
consumer’s premises. In such cases, the consumer shall be deemed to have been served
with a copy of the report. Within one month of service of the report as aforesaid, the
consumer shall be entitled to complain against the correctness of the inventory or the result
of the inspection to the designated authority of the licensee, who shall enquire into the
matter of the complaint and decide on the correctness or otherwise of the report.
53. Additions or alterations to the consumer’s approved installation shall be made only by a
licensed electrical contractor. In case such addition or alteration results in increase of the
connected or contract load of the consumer, prior approval of the licensee shall be taken
and the procedures laid down in Regulations 72, 73 and 74 shall be followed. Approval of
Electrical Inspector shall also be taken wherever applicable.
54. (1) Initial power supply shall not be given without a correct meter.
(2) All the consumers shall be required to provide appropriate and suitable site for
placement of meter, related equipment, appropriate metering device, load-limiter or
other apparatus to the satisfaction of the licensee.
(3) In the case of all new high-tension supplies, HT metering units shall be provided and
installed. In case where LT metering unit is provided at L.T. side, all L.T. metering units
shall be converted to H.T. metering units. For existing L.T. metering units connected on
the L.T. side of the consumer’s transformers, the reading of such metering units, shall
be added with the average losses in the transformers calculated as bellow:
(a) Energy loss in transformer in units per month = (730 X rating of the
transformer in KVA) /100,
(b) Demand loss in transformer in KVA = One percent of the rating of the
transformer in KVA.
55. The licensee is authorised to review the status of the meters already installed in the
context of upgraded technology becoming available.
56. (1) The licensee shall supply the meter (unless the consumer elects to supply the same),
cut-out/ MCB / CB / load limiter to consumers at the time of providing new service
connection or at any other time as required.
Alternatively, consumer may choose to pay the full cost of the meter provided by the
licensee. No meter rent shall be chargeable in such cases.
(3) Meters will be installed at the point of supply or at a suitable place as the engineer may
decide. The same shall be fixed preferably in the basement or ground floor in multi-
storied buildings where it will be easily accessible for reading and inspection at any
time. The consumer shall run his wiring from such point of supply and shall be
responsible for the safety of the meter or metering equipment on his premises from
theft, damage or interference.
(4) In case of a feeder directly taken to the consumer’s premises for his exclusive use from
the licensee’s sub-station or from the transmission licensee, the metering arrangement
shall be done at the consumer’s premises or, at the licensee’s sub-station itself. When
the metering arrangements are installed in the consumer’s premises, the position of the
service cut-outs or circuit breakers and meters shall be so fixed as to permit easy
access to the employees of the licensee at any time. All EHT & HT consumers shall
provide independent entry to the meter or metering cubicle. All efforts should be made
to ensure un-obstructed access to the meter by a representative of the licensee.
(5) An applicant requiring high voltage or extra high voltage supply must provide and
maintain at his expense a locked and weather-proof enclosure of a design approved by
the licensee for the purpose of housing the licensee’s metering equipment. Similar
enclosure may be used by the applicant for his own metering equipment.
(6) The metering box shall normally be mounted at such a height that meter reading
counter/ display window is at eye level.
(7) Whenever new meter / metering equipment is installed (as a replacement or for a new
connection), the meters and associated equipment shall be properly sealed by the
engineer and consumer’s acknowledgement obtained. The seals, nameplates,
distinguishing numbers or marks affixed on the said equipment or apparatus shall not
be interfered with, broken, removed or erased by the consumer. The meter, metering
equipment, etc. shall on no account be handled or removed by any one except under
the authority of the engineer or his authorised representative. The engineer or his
authorised representative can do so in the presence of the consumer or his
representative. An acknowledgement shall be taken from the consumer or his
representative when seal is broken.
57. The consumer may, after giving notice to the engineer, get a check meter installed at his
own expense in his incoming line by the side of the licensee’s meter. In case of difference
in readings between the licensee’s meter and consumer’s check meter, the readings of
the licensee’s meter shall be taken to be conclusive. The consumer may demand the
licensee’s meter to be tested by the Electrical Inspector whose decision shall be final and
binding on the consumer and the licensee. The consumer shall be required to pay a fee
for such testing. If the meter is found incorrect after testing, the fee paid by the consumer
shall be refunded by the licensee by way of adjustment in the next bill. If the meter is
found correct after testing, the fee paid by the consumer shall be forfeited by the
Provided that even if the meter is supplied either by licensee or by consumer, if the
Engineer suspects about the accuracy of the meter, the Engineer may by giving 24 hour
notice to the consumer install a check meter either by side of the original meter within the
premises of the consumer or at such other places as may be decided by the Engineer to
test the accuracy of the meter and in that case the reading records in the check meter
can be treated as of the original meter for the purpose of ascertaining the consumption
made by the consumer, which is conclusive.
58. (1) The meter and associated equipment shall be inspected by the engineer prior to their
commissioning in the service. If the engineer has reason to believe that the meter is
incorrect, he may at any time remove the existing meter supplied by the licensee for
the purpose of testing in accordance with existing Rules, Regulations and provisions
of the Act. The consumer shall not be entitled to object to such removal. For the
period, the meter is not refixed again after testing, the billing shall be done taking into
consideration the average 3 (Three) months energy bill after reinstallation of the
(2) In case the consumer has supplied the meter, if the meters become defective in
service or found to be missing, the consumer shall, on such defects or loss being
noticed by him or notified to him by the engineer, remove the defects or, as the case
may be, replace the meter within a period not exceeding thirty working days. The
engineer within seven working days of noticing the defect or loss shall advise the
consumer for necessary test, repair or replacement of the meter. Should the consumer
desire to get the meter tested or rectified in the licensee’s testing laboratory, he may
do so by depositing the fees fixed by the licensee and the licensee shall get it tested
within a period of fifteen working days from the date of deposit. Failure to rectify or
replace the meter within the above period shall result in disconnection after seven
clear days notice to the consumer. For the period the meter is not refixed again after
testing, the billing shall be taking into consideration the average 3 (Three) months
energy bill after reinstallation of the meter.
(3) Where the meter has been supplied by the licensee and the meter becomes defective
in service, the engineer shall remove the meter and test the same as provided in
Regulation 58(1).
(a) If after testing, the meter is found defective not due to tampering or deliberate
damage, the defective meter shall be replaced by another tested meter without
any charge to the consumer within thirty working days from the date of removal
of meter from consumer’s premises.
(b) If the meter is found to be missing, or after inspection or testing if the meter is
found to have been tampered with or damaged, the engineer may call upon the
consumer to deposit the cost of replacement within seven working days. The
licensee shall install a tested meter within fifteen working days of deposit by the
59. (1) Should the consumer dispute the accuracy of any meter which is not his own
property, he may, upon giving notice and paying the required fee, have the same tested
by the engineer within a period of one month from the date of deposit of such fee.
(2) Due notice to the consumer shall be served by the licensee to be present during the
test. The Licensee shall have the option to carry out and conclude the test in absence of
the consumer after expiry of the notice period. The billing for the period the meter
remains defective or unavailable from the date of reporting to the date of its installation
after repair or replacement shall be revised in accordance with Regulations 97 and 98.
(3)If the meter is found to be incorrect after testing, fees paid by the consumer shall be
returned by way of adjustment in the next electricity bill of the consumer.
(5) In the event of any difference or dispute on the accuracy of any meter, the same
shall be decided on an application by either party to the Electrical Inspector.
(6) On receipt of complaints of meters running slow, running fast, creeping beyond
limits, not working of defective, a tested standard meter can be fixed in series with the
existing meter by the licensee. The connecting terminals/meter boxes of both the
existing and tested standard meter shall be sealed jointly by Licensee’s representative
and the consumer. Meter reading of both the meters shall be taken jointly after some
hours of operation. The accuracy of existing meter can be known by comparing readings
of both the meters for the same period. If the existing meter is found to be defective, it
can be removed to laboratory for repair and the tested meter already available in the
consumer’s premises can be fixed in place of the existing meter.
60. Reading of meters shall be taken by qualified persons authorised by the licensee at
intervals of one month or a period not exceeding two months in respect of LT Domestic
and General Purpose consumers or as may be notified by the licensee. The meter
readers shall have access to the consumer’s premises at all reasonable times for the
purpose of meter readings. In respect of Domestic and General Purpose consumers,
meters should be read only during daylight hours. The Licensee may use hand held
61. (1) It shall be the responsibility of the consumer to get his connection disconnected if he
vacates the premises, as otherwise he shall continue to remain liable for all charges.
(2) Notice and request for disconnection is to be given by the consumer at least 7 (seven)
days before the proposed date of vacation. The licensee shall arrange to take a special
reading of the meter after intimating the consumer.
(3) If the licensee fails to disconnect the supply even after seven days notice, no claim
shall lye on the consumer either for consumption of energy or safety of the licensee’s
equipment in consumer’s premise.
Testing of Meters
62. (1) It shall be the responsibility of the licensee to satisfy himself regarding the accuracy of
the meter before it is installed and may test them for this purpose.
(2) The licensee shall also conduct periodical inspection/testing of the meters as per the
following schedule or earlier:
(3) CT and PT shall also be tested along with meters. Records of these test results shall
be maintained in accordance with Rule 57 of Indian Electricity Rules, 1956 or in
accordance with regulations framed under Section 73 of the Act.
(4) If required, the licensee may remove the existing meter for the purpose of testing as
provided under Regulation 58 of the Code. The representatives of the licensee must,
however, produce an authenticated notice to this effect and sign the document,
mentioning his full name and designation, as a receipt, before removing the meter. The
consumer shall not object to such removal.
63. The licensee shall keep the record of all meter tests.
64. Contract demand for loads of 110 KVA and above shall be as stipulated in the agreement
and may be different from the connected load. Contract demand for a connected load
below 110 KVA shall be the same as the connected load. How ever in case of installation
with static meter/meter with provision of recording demand, the recorded demand rounded
to nearest 0.5 Kw shall be considered as the contract demand requiring no verification.
65. (1) The manufacturer’s rating of each item shall be considered to determine the connected
load at the premises.
(3)In case of non-availability of rated capacity of any item, the load shown below shall be
considered for Domestic and General Purpose category of consumers.
Television … 125 W
Mixie / grinder … 500 W
Electric Iron … 450 W
Fridge (Single door) … 1/8 HP (100 W)
Fridge (Double door) … 1/6 HP (125W)
Cooler … 170 W
Heater (for cooking) … 1000/1500 W
(according to physical availability)
Heater (for water heating) … 1000/1500 W
Microwave oven … 600/900 W
Washing machine … 340 W
Kitchen Exhaust Chimney … 45 W
Aqua guard filter m/c … 30 W
Air conditioner (1 Ton) … 1500W
Air conditioner (1.5Ton) … 2000W
Geyser … 2000 W
Geyser (Instant) … 3000W
Pump Set … 375 W
Personal Computer with monitor … 120 W
Printer …. 100 W
Each light point as … 60 W unless otherwise declared by the
consumer, which will be final.
66. (1) Every application for reduction of contract demand shall be made to the
designated authority of the licensee.
67. Contract demand above 20 KW shall not be allowed to be reduced more than once within
a period of thirty-six months from the date of initial supply or from the date of last
reduction. Contract demand of 20 KW and below shall not be allowed to be reduced more
than once within a period of twelve months from the date of initial supply or from the date
of last reduction. The designated authority of the licensee may for reasons to be
recorded, allow such reduction more than once within the aforesaid period of thirty-six
months or twelve months as applicable.
(1) such processing fees as may be notified by the licensee for the particular
category of consumer,
(2) test report from the licensed contractor where alteration of installation is involved,
70. Decision on a consumer’s application for reduction of contract demand shall be taken by
the designated authority within ninety days of receipt of complete application. No
application shall be rejected without recording reasons. The order on the application shall
be communicated to the consumer by registered post.
71. When reduction of contract demand is permitted by the designated authority of the
licensee, the effective date of such reduction shall be reckoned from the first day of the
month following the month in which the application, complete in all respects, was
received by the engineer.
72. Every application for enhancement of contract demand shall be made to the designated
authority of the licensee and accompanied by -
(1) such processing fee as notified by the licensee for the particular category of
(2) test report from the licensed contractor where alteration of installation is involved, and
73. An application for the enhancement of the contract demand may be rejected if -
(1) the additional power cannot be supplied at the existing voltage of supply of the
license and the consumer is not willing to avail the power at higher voltage at which
licensee is able to supply in accordance with Regulation 76 of this Code, or
(2) the consumer is not agreeable to bear that part of the estimated cost of necessary
additions or alterations in the system as is required to make it remunerative
according to the norms fixed by the licensee with the approval of the Commission, or
System of Supply
(a) Low Voltage - single phase, 230 V, between phases and neutral.
(b) Medium Voltage - Three phase or Two phase 400 Volts between phases.
(d) EHT supply - Three phase at 132KV, 220KV or 400KV or two phases at
132 KV/220 KV for existing Railway Traction.
76. The voltage of supply shall be determined by the engineer depending on the contract
demand of the consumer. The supply voltage for the contract demands shall normally be
as follows.
(1) (a) For contract demand not exceeding 5 KW or 5.55 KVA, excepting in the case
of irrigation pumps and agricultural services, supply shall be at single phase, two
wires and 230 volts,
(b) For irrigation pumping and agricultural service load of 3 BHP and below,
supply shall be at single phase, two wire and 230 volts, between phase and
neutral, or 3 phase, 3 or 4 wire and 400 volts between phases,
(c) For load above 5 KW or 5.55 KVA up to and including 70 KVA, supply shall
be at 2 phase, 3 wires or 3 phases, 3 or 4 wires at 400 volts between phases.
(2) For contract demand above 70 KVA but below 555 KVA, supply shall be at 3
phase, 3 wires at 11000 volts. For contract demand of 555 KVA and above but
below 1110 KVA, supply may be given at 3 phase, 3 wires at 11000 volts or
33000 volts depending on the convenience of the licensee;
(3) For contract demand of 1110 KVA and above but below 5000 KVA, supply shall
be at 3 phase, 3 wires at 33000 volts;
(4) For contract demand of 5000 KVA and above, supply shall be at 3 phase, 3
wires EHT;
Provided that licensee, at its discretion, may also supply at any other voltage depending
on system availability or condition.
Power Factor
77. The consumer shall so arrange his installation that the average power factor of his load
during any billing period is not less than 90%. Power factor penalty shall be levied if there
is a breach of the aforesaid requirement and supply of power may be disconnected if
the power factor falls below 60%;
Provided that there shall be no disconnection without giving the consumer seven clear
days notice in writing to show cause to the engineer why the supply of power should not
be disconnected. If, after considering the reply to the show cause notice, the engineer
decides to disconnect, he shall communicate his order to the consumer and disconnect
supply after seven days of such communication.
Balance of Load
78. A consumer taking two or three phase supply shall balance his load in such a way that the
difference in loading of each phase does not exceed 5% of average loading between the
79. The consumer shall arrange plant, machinery and apparatus of his generating station
including any extension of or addition to the same to operate in an isolated mode from
the licensee’s system. Parallel operation is permissible only with the consent of the
licensee. In cases where such consent has been given, the consumer shall so arrange
his installation that the licensee or the engineer does not become liable for any damage
caused to the consumer’s plants, machinery and apparatus on account of such parallel
operation, or any adverse consequences arising therefrom.
Classification of Consumer
80. Licensee may classify or reclassify the consumer into various categories from time to
time as may be approved by the Commission and fix different tariffs and conditions of
supply for different class of consumers. The present classification is as follows: -
(1) Domestic
This category relates to supply of power to residential premises for Domestic purposes
only which may include connected load for non-Domestic purposes like offices,
consultation chambers and other misc. loads upto 20% of the total connected load.
This category shall include consumers under Kutir Jyoti Programme and shall include
supply to occupants of flats in multi-storied buildings or residential colonies receiving
power at single point for Domestic purposes which may include connected load for
non-Domestic purposes like offices, consultation chambers and other misc. loads upto
20% of the total connected lead in case the non-Domestic load exceeds 20% of the
total connected load, they shall be treated as General Purpose consumers.
Common facilities like water supply, common area lighting, lift etc, in residential
housing colonies/complexes and apartments, being utilised mostly for residential
purpose shall be covered under this category after the completion by the developer
and occupied by residents.
This shall not cover residential colonies attached to industrial establishment where
power supply is drawn through the meter of the industrial establishment.
This category relates to supply of power to premises, which are used for office,
business, general purpose or other purposes not covered under any other category
where the non-Domestic load exceeds 20% of the total connected load.
(10)Large Industries
This category relates to supply of power to industries with a contract demand of 110
KVA and above but below 25000 KVA, where power is substantially utilised as
motive force for industrial production.
(11)Heavy Industries
This category relates to supply of power to industries with a contract demand of
25000 KVA and above where power is substantially utilised as a motive force.
operate as mini steel plants with contract demand of 4444 KVA and above where
power is ordinarily utilised in induction or arc furnaces.
(14)Temporary supply
This category relates to supply of power to meet temporary needs on special
occasions including marriage or other ceremonial functions, fairs, festivals, religious
functions or seasonal business or for construction of residential houses, complexes,
commercial complexes, industrial premises provided that such power supply does not
exceed a period of six months.
81. The licensee may, having regard to the nature of supply and purpose for which supply is
required, fix special tariff and conditions of supply for the consumers not covered by the
classification enumerated in this Code. For such purpose licensee may enter into special
agreements with the approval of the Commission with suitable modifications in the
Standard Agreement Form. The tariff in such cases shall be separately approved by the
Reclassification of Consumer
82. If it is found that a consumer has been classified in a particular category erroneously or
the purpose of supply as mentioned in the agreement has changed or the consumption of
power has exceeded the limit of that category or any order of reduction or enhancement
of contract demand has been obtained, the engineer may reclassify him under
appropriate category after issuing notice to him to execute a fresh agreement on the
basis of the altered classification or modified contract demand. If the consumer does not
take steps within the time indicated in the notice to execute the fresh agreement, the
engineer may, after issuing a clear seven days show cause notice and after considering
his explanation, if any, may disconnect the supply of power.
83. Tariffs and charges for supply of electricity shall be determined by the licensee with the
approval of the Commission under the Act. Such tariff, tariffs or charges shall take effect
only after seven days from the date of publication in at least two daily newspapers having
circulation in the area of supply. The charges may include: -
84. Every consumer, during continuance of agreement under Regulation 15, shall be liable
to pay minimum monthly charges even if no electricity is consumed for any reason
whatsoever or supply has been disconnected due to default of the consumer.
Demand Charges
85 (1) Monthly demand charges shall be payable by the consumer on the basis of maximum
demand and contract demand as determined in the tariff notification. In case maximum
demand meter is not provided or the meter has become defective, the monthly demand
charges shall be payable on the basis of contract demand as determined in the tariff
(2) Such monthly demand charges shall be payable during the continuance of the
agreement under Regulation 15 even if no electricity is consumed for any reason
whatsoever or supply has been disconnected due to default of the consumer.
(3) During statutory power-cuts and power restrictions imposed by the licensee, if the
restriction on demand is imposed for a period exceeding sixty hours in a month, the
monthly demand charges shall be prorated in accordance with the period and quantum of
demand restrictions imposed. In all other cases the consumer shall be liable to pay the
full demand charges.
Energy Charges
86. Energy charges as decided in the licensee’s tariff shall be payable by the consumer on
the basis of actual consumption of the energy.
Other Charges including Meter Rent (Subject to Regulation of the Authority under the
provisions of Sections 55(1), 73(e) and 177(2)(c) of the Act).
87. No meter rent shall be chargeable in case where consumer has supplied the meter or the
consumer has paid the full cost of the meter provided by the licensee or during the period
the meter supplied by the licensee remains defective. Bills shall be prepared for each
category on the basis of the information provided in the prevailing tariff order.
The licensee may levy other charges including customer charges, connection charges,
re-connection charges, delayed payment surcharge, fuel surcharge, power purchase
surcharge, and power factor penalty as approved by the Commission from time to time.
Statutory Levies
88. Statutory levies such as electricity duty shall be payable by the consumer on demand.
Payment of Bills
89. (1) It would be the duty of the engineer or his authorised agent to ensure that the bills
are despatched within ten days from the end of billing cycle and records of such
despatch are duly maintained. The licence shall send the bills to the consumers either
by post or by courier or through the messenger well before the due date to avoid any
inconvenience to the consumer not covered under spot billing.
Contents of the Energy Bill
(2) The bill for metered connections may have the following details:
(a) Service Connection Number
(b) Period of Bill
(c) Name and address of the consumer
(d) Bill number
(e) Pole Number from which connection is served
(f) Name, address and telephone number of the distribution centre
(g) Date of issue of bill
(h) Tariff category
(i) Tariff, rate of electricity duty applicable
(j) Contracted/ Connected load/ demand
(k) Single phase or three phase connection
(l) Identification details of the meter
(m) Reading date - past and present
(n) Meter reading - past and present
(o) Units assessed
(p) Basis of bill
(q) Meter rental
The following information may also need to be provided to the consumer printed on
the bills: -
(c) Designation and address of the authority with whom grievance pertaining to bills,
meter, meter reading etc. can be lodged
(d) Any other message that the Licensee may like to give e.g. requesting the
consumer to indicate their phone number, if available, on the portion of the bill
retained by the licensee on receipt of payment. This information can be used for
better communication with consumers.
(e) The bill may contain additional information, if any, as desired by the licensee.
90. The charges payable by a consumer for supply of electrical power and other sums
payable to the licensee shall be billed on prorata monthly basis indicating the period for
which charges have been levied. When supply to a new consumer is commenced or an
agreement is terminated on a day other than the first day of a month, demand charges
and other charges as applicable under tariff notification shall be levied prorata for the
number of days during the month for which supply shall have been given or agreement
shall have been in force.
Disputed/Erroneous Bills
91. In the event, of any dispute in the billed amount, the consumer may lodge a complaint
before the designated officer/agency as determined by the Licensee and pay the average
of last 6 months consumption or the billed amount whichever is less within due date
pending settlement of the dispute. The licensee shall resolve the dispute or communicate
its decision with reasons to the consumer within a maximum period of one month as per
Regulation 92.
92. (i) If the licensee finds the bill to be erroneous, a revised bill shall be furnished to the
consumer indicating a revised due date. Excess amount paid by the consumer shall be
refunded by way of adjustment in the subsequent bill. Such excess amount shall be
refunded together with interest at the rate of 1 (one) % per month from the date of payment
of excess amount.
(ii) If the licensee finds the bill to be correct, the consumer shall be intimated accordingly
and notified to pay the balance, if any, within fifteen days with interest at the rate of 1 % per
month from the due date. If the engineer does not resolve the dispute within two months
stipulated in Regulation 91, the consumer will not be liable to pay the interest on the
balance amount. However, if the dispute is not resolved due to negligence or non-
cooperation of the consumer, the consumer will be liable to pay interest.
93. (1) (a) The licensee shall ensure adequate publicity of the addresses / locations and
working hours of the collection centres including those of banks where
consumers can make payments. The licensee shall also endeavor to provide a
choice of maximum alternative modes of payment to the consumers like payment
through cash, local cheque, bank draft, banker’s cheque, Electronic Clearing
System (ECS), etc after proper cost-benefit analysis. EHT/HT/General Purpose
consumers will inform their respective banker to pay electricity bill directly to
Licensees on presentation of bill. Consumers will authorise bankers to debit their
account on payment of bill
(b) The collection centers should have the facility of receiving payment from
consumers/representatives of consumers who wish to make payments on behalf
of a number of consumers. Separate counters should be provided for this
purpose so that the waiting time for other consumers is not increased.
Due Date of Payment
(2) The Licensee shall intimate the consumer of the due date for payment of his bills.
The due date of payment for all consumers shall be fifteen days from the bill date This
will normally be the due date for all billing cycles for that consumer If due date of payment
mentioned in the bill is a public holiday, the succeeding working day shall be treated as
the due date.
Receipt of Payment-
(3) Every consumer shall be issued a receipt in token of having received the payment.
The entry regarding payment shall also be made in passbooks issued to LT consumers.
Advance Payment
(4)The consumer may also be allowed to make advance payment of future bills, which
shall be adjusted in the succeeding months. Utility will also consider suitable rebate in
case of advance payment. The entry in passbooks in such cases will be made whenever
the consumer comes or sends the passbook for updation. The details of payment made
in advance shall also be entered into the passbook given to the L.T. consumers. The
licensee shall prepare and submit a scheme for approval of the Commission for
consumers with high value bills, where such consumers shall be eligible to make
payment of part of their average monthly bill in advance and shall be eligible for the
additional rebate as decided by the Commission.
Bounced Cheque
(6) In the event of non-realisation of cheque, the licensee shall have the right to increase
the security deposit from the consumer and shall also have the right to take steps such
as levying dishonored cheque charges or initiating other actions as per Law besides
insisting on future payment by demand draft or by cash. The line may be disconnected
forthwith without any notice if due date is passed.
Provisional Billing
(8) The amount thus billed shall be adjusted against the bill raised on the basis of actual
meter reading during subsequent billing cycle. Such provisional billing shall not continue
for more than one meter reading cycle at a stretch. If the meter remains inaccessible
even for the next cycle, the consumer will be served with a 24-hour notice under section
163 (3) of the Act, to open his premises for reading of the meter at a fixed time and date.
If the meter is not accessible at the time fixed in the notice, the supply may be
disconnected after serving a 24-hour notice under section 163 (3) of the Act.
Transformer Loss
(9) In the case of High Tension supply, if HT metering set can not be readily provided and
installed, LT metering set shall be provided and connected on the LT side of the
consumer’s transformers. To the reading of such metering set, will be added the average
losses in the transformers calculated as follows:
(a) Energy loss in transformer in units per month = (730 X rating of the transformer in
KVA) /100,
(b) Demand loss in transformer in KVA = One percent of the rating of the
transformer in KVA.
Pass Book/ Meter reading Card-
(10) The Licensee should provide a passbook or a meter-reading card to all Low-Tension
(LT) consumers to facilitate the keeping of record of consumption by the consumer.
Non-Receipt of Bill-
(11) If for any reason the consumer does not receive the bill for the billing cycle within two
weeks of the end of the billing cycle, it would be the obligation of the consumer to
approach the engineer and collect a duplicate bill.
(12) Payment of the billed amount in time shall entitle categories of consumers, as laid
down in the tariff order under PART VII of the Act of the, to a rebate on such amount for
the current billing period. Every bill shall indicate the amount payable by the relevant
category of consumer if payment is made within the due date and the amount payable if
the payment is made beyond the due date. The categories of consumers who are entitled
to a rebate and the rate or rates of such rebate shall be determined by the licensee from
time to time as part of the tariff as approved by the Commission
Delayed Payment Surcharge
(13) Category of consumers to whom delayed payment surcharge is applicable as per
tariff order shall be liable to pay such delayed payment surcharge at the rate of two per
cent per month or part thereof on arrears amount for default in payment by due date.
There shall be no surcharge over surcharge.
Recovery of Arrear
94. (1) The amount paid by the consumer shall be first adjusted towards electricity duty provided
that in case of part payment by the consumer, the proportionate share of the duty from
the total collection shall be adjusted first. Out of the balance, adjustments shall be made
in the following order of priority:
(a) Current electricity charges,
(b) Current miscellaneous charges,
(c) Arrear electricity charges,
(d) Arrear miscellaneous charges,
(e) Delayed payment surcharge.
(2) The Licensee shall not be eligible to recover any sum due from any consumer after the
period of two years from the date when such sum became first due unless such sum has
been shown continuously as recoverable as arrears of charges for electricity supplied
and the licensee shall not cut off the supply of the electricity, as per provisions laid down
under Section. 56(2) of the Act.
Installment Facilities
95. Payment of bills by installments may be granted by the licensee to the senior citizens and
disabled in the Domestic category on request and on production of proof. In respect of
others, the facility may be granted at the discretion of the designated authority of
licensee. Grant of installments shall not affect the liability of the consumer to pay delayed
payment surcharge till full clearance of the arrears. Consumers availing installment
facilities shall not be eligible to avail rebate. The licensee may authorise the designate
the authority to grant installment facilities.
Recovery of Arrears
96. In addition to other modes of recovery available under the law, engineer shall be entitled to
take recourse to proceedings under the Orissa Public Demand Recovery Act, 1962 (Act I of
1963) for realisation of the licensee’s dues if such dues are treated as public demand.
97. For the period the meter remained defective or was lost, the billing shall be done on the
basis of average meter reading for the consecutive three billing periods succeeding the
billing period in which the defect or loss was noticed. It shall be presumed that use of
electricity through defective meter was continuing for a period of three months immediately
preceding the date of inspection in case of Domestic and Agricultural consumers and for a
period of six months immediately preceding the date of inspection for all other categories of
consumers, unless the onus is rebutted by the person, occupier or possessor of such
premises or place.
98 If the readings of meter working in association with Current Transformer (CT) and Potential
Transformer (PT) and other auxiliary equipment, if any, are found to be incorrect on
account of wrong connection or disconnection of such CTs, PTs and other equipment or on
account of omissions or commissions in regard to multiplying factor, erroneous adoption of
CT ratio, PT ratio, the billing in such cases shall be done as laid down in Regulation 97.
99. (1) If for any reason whatsoever, the meter installed in the consumer’s premises is not
accessible and meter reading can not be taken, the bills shall be raised provisionally on
the basis of consumption last recorded subject to subsequent revision on the basis of
actual meter reading. The meter should be installed at an accessible place.
(2) If the engineer apprehends that the consumer is deliberately avoiding the inspection
of meter and meter reading, he may give seven clear days notice by Registered Post to
the consumer to remain present in the premises on the date and time mentioned in the
notice. If the consumer defaults, the engineer may take steps for disconnection of supply
after giving twenty-four hours notice to the consumer.
Disconnection of Service
100. (1) Where a consumer fails to pay any consumption charge for electricity or any
other sum due and payable by him to a licensee, by the due date mentioned in the bill,
the licensee may, after giving not less than fifteen (15) clear days' notice in writing to
such person and without prejudice to his rights to recover such charge or other sum, cut
off supply of electricity and for that purpose disconnect any electric supply line or other
works being the property of such licensee or the generating company through which
electricity is supplied, transmitted, distributed or wheeled. The licensee may not
commence the supply until such charge or other sum, together with any expenses
incurred by him in cutting off and reconnecting the supply, are paid.
(2) Notwithstanding anything contained herein above, no sum due from any
consumer, under this section shall be recoverable after a period of two years from the
date when such sum became first due unless such sum has been shown continuously as
recoverable as arrears of charges for electricity supplied and the licensee shall not cut off
the supply of the electricity for non payment of such sum which has become non-
(3) In case of continued default in payment of electricity charges and any sum due to
licensee by any consumer for a period of more than two months, the licensee shall be
entitled to terminate the agreement executed by the consumer as per the terms and
conditions of supply of the licensee as approved by the Commission and may remove the
electric line or works connected with the provision of supply to the consumer.
(4) The licensee shall not cut off supply if the consumer deposits under protest:
(a) The amount equal to the sum claimed from him, or
(b) Electricity charges due from him calculated on the basis of average charge for
electricity supplied to him during the preceding six months whichever is less
pending disposal of the dispute. The licensee shall accept such payment from
the consumer.
Provided however if the electric line or works providing supply to the consumer is
removed by reason of the disconnection the licensee shall restore the supply after
undertaking the works or providing the electric line with in the time stated for providing
any new connection and the consumer shall also pay for such reconnection as if he has
been provided a new connection.
Service of notice
102. Any order/notice to the consumer by the licensee including the notice under section 56 of
the Act, shall be deemed to be duly served by the licensee if it is:
(1) Sent by registered post, under certificate of posting, by courier, or other similar
means, or delivered by hand to the person residing at the address notified to the
licensee by the consumer and an acknowledgement taken from any person in the
premises, or
(2) Affixed at a conspicuous part of such premises in case there is no person, to whom
the same can with reasonable diligence, be delivered.
103. No consumer shall assign the agreement or transfer or part with the benefits under the
agreement in favour of any other person without the express consent or approval of the
engineer in respect of Domestic and General Purpose consumers and the designated
authority of the licensee in respect of other categories of consumers. In case of death of
a consumer who is an individual, his legal heir or successor in interest or legatee may be
given recognition as a consumer in place of the deceased.
104. Any connection which has been unauthorisedly transferred or parted with shall be liable
for disconnection of supply after a seven days notice calling for his explanation and
considering the explanation submitted, if any, by him. This may be in addition to any
other action the licensee is authorised to take under law and this Code.
105 No consumer shall sell or transfer or divert power to any person or premises unless the
agreement so provides.
106 No consumer shall make use of power in excess of the approved contract demand or use
power for a purpose other than the one for which agreement has been executed or shall
dishonestly abstract power from the licensee’s system.
107. The licensee or the consumer shall not be liable for any claim for loss, damage or
compensation whatsoever arising out of failure of supply when such failure is due either
directly or indirectly to war, mutiny, civil commotion, riot, strike, lockout, fire, flood,
tempest, lightning, earthquake or other force, accident or cause beyond his control.
108. In the event of restriction / regulation (planned load shedding) on power supply ordered
by the Commission under Section 23 of the Act, the licensee shall be under no obligation
to supply energy contracted for.
109. (1) The consumer shall curtail or stagger or altogether stop using electricity when so
directed by the engineer or the designated authority of licensee if the power supply
position or any other emergency in the licensee’s system of supply warrants such a
(2) The licensee will be entitled for the purpose of maintenance of its supply system to
temporarily discontinue supply of power to any area for such period as may be
reasonably necessary subject to such advance notice as may be feasible.
110. At any time during the continuance of the agreement between the licensee and the
consumer, the plant or premises of the consumer is destroyed or damaged due to force
majeure conditions referred to in Regulations 107 and 108 resulting in break-down or
rendering the plant or the premises wholly or substantially unfit for occupation or use, the
consumer may on giving seven days notice in writing to the engineer of such break-down
or unfitness take a reduced supply of power as may be necessary and feasible. In such a
contingency, he shall not be liable to pay the charges in accordance with the agreement,
but he shall pay minimum monthly charges, demand charges where such charges are
payable on the basis of the maximum demand recorded in the demand meter and energy
charges on the basis of actual energy consumed. The aforesaid period of reduced supply
shall not count towards the initial period as stated in the agreement and the period of the
agreement shall be extended for a further period equal to the period of reduced supply.
111. Subject to the provisions of the Act and these Regulations, the Commission may, from
time to time, issue orders and practice directions in regard to implementation of these
Regulations and procedure to be followed on various matters which the Commission has
been empowered by these Regulations to lay down.
112. If any difficulty arises in giving effect to any of the provisions of these Regulations, the
matter may be referred to the Commission who after consulting the parties affected may
pass any general or special order, not inconsistent with the provisions of the Act, which
appears to it to be necessary or expedient, for the purpose of removing the difficulty.
Saving of the Power of the Licensee relating to its Business of Supplying Electricity
113. It is open to any licensee to frame and adopt such provisions, consistent with the
provisions of the Act, and other enactment for the time being in force, and the terms and
conditions of the licence relating to supply of electricity, at variance with the provisions of
this Code with the aim of providing a more consumer-friendly service;
Provided that the provisions so framed and adopted shall have effect subject to prior
approval of the Commission in writing.
114. (1) The OERC Distribution (Conditions of Supply) Code, 1998 is here by repealed.
(2) Section 5 of the Orissa General Clause Act, 1937 shall apply to such repeal in
the same manner and to the same extent as it applies to any enactment.
(Indicate the local area of the jurisdiction of the engineer of the licensee)
1. I/We hereby request you to supply Electrical energy to the premises hereinafter
described. I/We am/are the owner/lawful occupier of the premises at ... in which supply of
electrical energy is now required.
2. I/We agree to take supply for TWO YEARS to utilise the energy for General Purpose/
Domestic purposes only. Thereafter Agreement shall so continue unless terminated by either of
the parties after giving one month's notice.
3. I/We agree to pay for the service connection and other dues including the security as
may be payable and shall also pay the charges, surcharges, electricity duty in accordance with
the OERC Distribution (Conditions of Supply) Code, 2004 provided that annual sum payable
individually by me/us under the proviso Section 45 of the Electricity Act, 2003 shall not be
deemed to be part of the minimum monthly charges or demand charges, if any, payable under
Regulations 84 and 85 of the OERC Distribution (Conditions of Supply) Code, 2004
4. I/We have obtained and perused a copy of OERC Distribution (Conditions of Supply)
Code, 2004 and understood its contents and hereby undertake to observe and comply with the
terms and conditions stipulated therein to the extent they are applicable to me/us.
5. I/We further require you to supply me/us with the necessary meter/meters on hire in
terms of Section 55 of the Electricity Act, 2003. I/We agree to give you such security [as per
Section 47(1) (b)of the Electricity Act, 2003] as may be required for the price of the meter/meters,
whenever called upon to do so. (Strike out if meter to be supplied by the consumer).
Owned by:
Tenanted/occupied by:
Landlord/owner Tendered
{Refer to Regulation 8 of the OERC Electricity Distribution (Conditions of Supply) Code, 2004}
Note :
(b) The wattage against item (7) above may be estimated as following :
(i) In case of non-availability of rated capacity of any item, the load shown below
shall be considered for Domestic and General Purpose category of consumers.
Item Load per item (Watts) NO. of item Load
1. 2 3 4=2X3
Tube light … 40W
Incandescent lamp … 60W
( See Regulation 3)
(For Industrial Category)
Dear Sir,
Total H.P. of all Motors : Total No. of Motors :
Item No. Capacity Voltage Protection Voltage Winding Protector
K.V.A. Winding
Total :
Yours faithfully.
THIS AGREEMENT made on the .............. day of ...................................... two Thousand and
............................ between ................................................................... (Name of the Licensee)
(hereinafter called "the Licensee" which expression, unless repugnant to the subject or context,
shall include its successors and assigns) of the ONE PART And The name of the consumer and
the address in detail should be mentioned. In the case of Registered partnership firm, besides the
name and address of the firm the name and address of the Managing Partner or the Partner
executing the agreement on its behalf should be mentioned. In the case of a Company
incorporated under the provisions of the Companies Act, 1956, the address of the registered
office of the Company and the name of the Managing Director or Principal Officer of the Company
duly authorised to executive the agreement should be stated.
(Thereinafter called "THE CONSUMER" which expression, unless repugnant to the subject or
context, shall include his heirs, successors and assigns) of the OTHER PART.
WHEREAS the consumer has requested the licensee to supply electrical energy to the premises
of the consumer situated at ........................ in the district of ................................. for the purpose
of ..................................................... and the licensee has agreed to supply the same on terms
and conditions stipulated hereunder.
NOW THESE PRESENTS WITNESS that in consideration of the payment to be made by the
consumer as herein after contained, it is hereby MUTUALLY AGREED BY AND BETWEEN THE
PARTIES HERETO as follows:
1. Duration of Agreement : This agreement shall commence from the date of its execution and
shall continue to be in force until the expiry of FIVE years from the date of supply, and thereafter
shall so continue until the same is determined by either party giving to the other, two calendar
month’s notice, in writing, of its intention to terminate the Agreement.
Provided that after the initial period of agreement if power supply remains disconnected for a
period of two months for non-payment of tariff or non-compliance of the directions issued under
the OERC Distribution (Conditions of Supply) Code, 2004 and no effective steps are taken by the
consumer for removing the cause of disconnection and for restoration of power supply, the
agreement of the licensee with the consumer for power supply shall be deemed to have been
terminated on expiry of the 2 months period from the date of disconnection without further notice.
2. Condition of Supply : The consumer has obtained and perused a copy of the OERC
Distribution (Conditions of Supply) Code, 2004 understood its contents and undertakes to
observe and abide by all the terms and conditions stipulated therein to the extent they are
applicable to him. The said Code as modified from time to time, to the extent they are applicable
shall be deemed to form part of this Agreement.
3. Quantum of Supply : Subject to the provisions hereinafter contained and during the
continuance of this Agreement, the licensee, represented by the ‘engineer’, shall supply the
consumer and the consumer shall take from the licensee, a supply up to but not exceeding a
contract demand of .........KVA/........KW. The consumer may utilise power up to ......... KVA/......
KW.out of the aforesaid contract demand in his residential colony for use by himself or his
4. Type of Supply : The aforesaid supply shall be from a three phase 50 Hz alternating current
system at a normal pressure of ......... Volts. The quantum of supply shall be measured by a
suitable metering equipment of ......... Volts.
5. Security Deposit : The consumer, pursuant to the OERC Distribution (Conditions of Supply)
Code, 2004 has made Security Deposit of Rs................. in favour of the engineer. The consumer
undertakes to make any additional security deposit, as and when called upon by the engineer.
6. Charges to be paid by the Consumer : The consumer shall pay to the engineer, for power
demanded and electrical energy supplied under this agreement ‘minimum monthly charges’,
‘demand charges’, ‘energy charges’ and ‘other charges’ in accordance with the provisions of
OERC Distribution (Conditions of Supply) Code, ,2004 and as notified in the Tariff Notifications
from time to time;
Provided that annual sum payable by any individual consumer under the proviso to Section 45 of
the Electricity Act, 2003, shall not be deemed to be part of the minimum monthly charges or
demand charges, if any, payable by the consumer or the particular class of consumers under
Regulation 84 and 85 of the OERC Distribution (Conditions of Supply) Code, 2004 Provided
further that the consumer shall pay electricity duty or such other levy, tax or duty as may be
prescribed under any other law in addition to the charges, fuel surcharge and transformer loss
payable under the OERC Distribution (Conditions of Supply) Code, 2004.
7. The tariff and conditions of supply mentioned in this Agreement shall be subject to any revision
that may be made by the licensee from time to time.
8. Stamp Duty : The consumer agrees to bear the cost of the stamp duty and all costs99
incidental to the execution of this Agreement in full.
In WITNESSES WHEREOF the parties hereto have put their hands and seals this the .............
day of .........................20…….
................................ (licensee)
1. 1.
2. 2.
The Licensee is under obligation to supply power to the consumer, if it is available in the
system, technically feasible and remunerative. Regulation 13 of OERC Distribution (Condition of
Supply) Code, 2004 requires that Distribution Licensees will look into the technical feasibility and
commercial viability as per the norms. In case the scheme of supply is not remunerative as
above, the applicant shall be required to bear the portion of charges to make the scheme
1. General
2. Remunerative Scheme
The licensee shall undertake such schemes at its cost when the scheme is found to be
commercially viable if it is remunerative as per the norms approved by the Commission
Any work that does not satisfy the above norms will be taken up by the licensee provided
the consumer bears the differential amounts of capital cost which satisfies the viability norm.
3. Cost-Benefit Analysis
The licensee should take a period of 12 months (one year) for calculating annual net
revenue at the end of first year to calculate the commercial viability norm.
Cost data compiled by DISTCOs shall be submitted to the Commission for approval from
time to time. Pending submission of Cost Data to the Commission for approval, Capital cost shall
be estimated as per the cost data approved by the Commission from year to year (financial year
When a consumer is asked to undertake the capital work, the estimated cost shall be
calculated on the aforesaid basis. The licensee is entitled to get 6% of the total estimated capital
expenditure towards inspection fees for checking and ensuring that the capital works has been
done as per the standards pertaining to safety and security. The licensee should ensure
inspection of works by the Electrical Inspector.
The material cost shall be inflated by the percentage as mentioned below for the
incidental expenses incurred from procurement of materials to erection and installation of the
capital works.
i) Cost Basis
Cost of power purchase as per the J As per the prevailing tariff order
approved BST [on the quantum of approved by the Commission
proposed sale to the consumer/
(100-loss percentage)]
Repair and Maintenance Expenses K - do -
Depreciation L - do -
Total annual expenditure M - do -
Return N - do -
Total annual expenditure + return X (M+N)
In the current tariff order R&M expenses, depreciation and RoI (Rate of return) has been
approved at 5.4%, 7.86% and 16% respectively.
ii) Benefit
The licensee shall calculate the average estimated earning per year from additional sale
that will accrue due to new connections. The revenue to be earned can be from following
This condition gets satisfied when the gross operative surplus (Y-M) is equal to or more
than the return on investment calculated at the approved rate of return then the licensee has to
make the investment of the total capital cost.
8. When the gross operating surplus turns out to be negative then the scheme shall be
treated as non-remunerative.
9. Assessment of consumption
The average annual load factor for a category of consumer as approved in the prevailing
tariff order for the particular distribution licensee shall be considered for assessing the
consumption for any new consumer/s.
11. Revenue
The licensee shall adopt current tariff for the purpose of calculation for revenue including
miscellaneous revenue, if any, from sale of power.
ii) As an example as per the present tariff and cost estimate, one span of LT line
can be remunerative when there are two prospective consumers in Domestic
category with 2 KW connected load each. Power supply to consumers with CD
less than 2 KW in Domestic category should be given from the existing L.T.
network without further calculation of remunerative norms. Similarly, one span of
LT line is found General Purpose category is willing to avail power supply with a
connected load of 1 KW.
iii) In case the consumer is prepared to invest in capital works that are remunerative
for licensee in giving power supply to new connections at HT, all such consumers
may be asked to invest the full estimated cost which will be adjusted against
monthly energy bill subsequently not exceeding 24 months from the date of
availing power supply.
iv) If any capital subsidy is available for the proposed power supply for any category
of consumer by the Government or any corporate body, the same should be
treated as “consumer contribution” for that scheme.
v) Government of Orissa shall provide capital subsidy to the licensee for the entire
capital expenditure for new R.E. works.