Ready Reckoner For Bracket and Column Splices
Ready Reckoner For Bracket and Column Splices
Ready Reckoner For Bracket and Column Splices
The design is done according to IS: 800 (2007) Ref [1]. complex stress conditions in the joint than concentrically
For the ease in design calculations MATLAB program has loaded joints where the welds are generally subjected to
been written. shear in only one direction. Design methods that account
for load eccentricity on welded joints have been developed
General eccentric connections i.e.., beam supported over a for both in-plane and out-of-plane eccentricity. A larger
bracket connected to a column is considered. Welded experimental program was later conducted by Ref [2]
joints are often subjected to loads which are eccentric, so Beaulieu and Picard and included a total of 24 fillet
for the present study weld connections of different weld welded plate connections loaded eccentrically out-of-
sizes are considered. Bracket connections are of two kinds plane. The main variables investigated in this study
depending upon the plane of transfer of the forces. For first included the weld size, the load eccentricity and the
type of bracket connection the twisting moments are in the bearing width. All specimens were fabricated from ASTM
plane of the weld and is subjected to direct shear and A36 steel, and the welds were made with AWS E70XX
torsion. The centre of gravity of weld lies in the plane of electrodes. Weld failure, plate rupture and plate buckling
the line of action of the applied load in this connection. were the various failure modes observed in the
The other type of bracket connection has the moment in experimental program.
the plane perpendicular to the weld. The centre of gravity
of weld lies in the plane perpendicular to the plane of Splices are connections between two structural elements
action of the applied load. In this study both types are within their length, to form a single and longer element.
considered. Design strength of the weld is calculated by Splices between parts of columns are necessary to keep
varying the breadth, depth and eccentricity of the weld for individual column lengths within manageable dimensions
various weld sizes. or to provide an opportunity to change the section serial
size. Ref [4] AnaM.GirãoCoelho had studied the following
If the length of the column is more than the length of the parameters for splices (i) splice location and rotational
column section available, a number of pieces are jointed stiffness, (ii) change in the column section serial size and
to furnish the full length of the column. A joint when (iii) column end-restraints stiffness coefficients. Simple
provided in the length of a member is called a splice. relationships are developed for use as a basic stiffness
Splices are designed as short columns. design criterion for column splices.
For axial compressive loads splice plates are provided in Ref [3] J. Lindner had studied old and new solutions for
only flanges. For axial compressive including shear and contact splices in columns. If a contact splice is placed
moment splice plates are provided on flanges and web. In inside the length of a column these initial additional
the present study both the conditions are considered. imperfections will have an influence on the buckling
In many joint configurations used in practice, in-plane or behaviour and thus the load carrying capacity of the
out-of-plane eccentricity is unavoidable, creating more column. Report on theoretical investigations on the
P.G Student, [email protected]
2 P.G Student, [email protected]
3 Associate Professor, [email protected]
Vanapalli Naveen Kumar, et al.
member behaviour and on the design of a splice and its The following are the models considered for splice design.
fastenings is given. Also full scale tests on different types The first model has been designed for only axial
of splices are referred to. The test results are compared to
ultimate load calculations and respective design methods
are proposed. Especially for contact splices in columns
arranged directly one on top of the other the stability
behaviour for a splice at mid span is examined and leads
to a special buckling curve.
The following are the models considered for the present
study. Design strengths of the weld for various
configurations have been evaluated for different weld
sizes. Ultimate tensile strength of weld has been taken as
410mPa i.e.., the yield strength of steel is 250MPa. The
depth (d), breadth (b) and eccentricity (e1) of bracket plate
for bracket connection type I had varied from 200mm to
400mm at an interval of 50mm, 100mm to 200mm at an
interval of 25mm and 40mm to 240mm at an interval of
40mm respectively.
calculation of splice plates. The ultimate and yield varied from 100mm to 200mm with an interval of 25mm.
strength of steel are considered as 410 MPa and 250 MPa. Eccentricity is varied from 40mm to 240mm at an interval
The details have been found out for different grades of of 40mm. Load carrying capacities of the weld is found for
bolts. The results presented in the paper for 5.6 grade of different weld sizes for different depth, breadth and
all diameter bolts. eccentricity of plate. The following charts provided are for
weld size of 8mm.
In the bracket connection type II i.e.., Out of plane bending
depth and eccentricity of weld are varied. Depth of weld
is varied from 200mm to 400mm at an interval of 50mm.
Eccentricity is varied from 40mm to 240mm at an interval
of 40mm. Load carrying capacities of the weld is found for
respective values of different weld sizes. The present chart
provided is for 8mm weld size.
Column splices: For axial compressive loads including
shear and moment (i.e.., splices are provided for both
flanges and web) splice design and its connection details
to the member using bolting are calculated for the ultimate
load and moment carrying capaity of the specified section
and shear is claculated by dividing the ultimate moment
capactiy of the section by average height of
column(considered as 3mts). For axial compressive loads
(i.e.., splices are provided only for flanges) splices design
and its connection details to the member using bolting is
calculated for the load carrying capaity of the specified
section for different lengths.All dimensions are in mm.
where ‘D’ is diameter of bolt and ‘G’ is grade of bolt. The
strength of bolt is taken as minimum of shear and bearing
strength of bolt . It is advisable to provide splice plates on
web also in case of only axial loads. It is observed that
Fig-4 Column splice provided for both flange and web changing grade of bolt is better in most of the cases than
changing diameter of bolts for reducing the length of
splice in case of long joints The number of bolts provided
in the table are on each side of the splice (joint) out of the
RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS: total joint. Length of splice provided is the total length
Eccentric connections: In the bracket connection type I required for joint. The no of bolts required should be
i.e.., In-plane bending, depth, breadth and eccentricity of rounded off to 4 bolts in a row when provided from the
weld are varied. Depth of weld is varied from 200mm to table.
400mm at an interval of 50mm. Width of lap of bracket is
Fig-5 Design chart of in-plane bracket for depth of weld D=200mm for s=8mm
Vanapalli Naveen Kumar, et al.
Fig-6 Design chart of in-plane bracket for depth of weld D=250mm for s=8mm
Table-2 Splicing Design for Axial and B.M of ISHB Sections for D=12mm, G=5.6
Flange splice design Web splice design
@Kg/m Thickness Breadth Length No. Of Thickness Breadth Length No. Of
(mm) (mm) (mm) Bolts (mm) (mm) (mm) Bolts
[email protected] 10 150 380 18 6 110 80 2
[email protected] 10 150 380 20 6 110 80 2
[email protected] 11 150 380 20 6 110 80 2
[email protected] 11 200 500 28 6 160 80 2
[email protected] 12 200 500 28 6 160 80 2
[email protected] 12 225 560 32 6 180 80 2
[email protected] 13 225 620 34 6 180 80 2
[email protected] 13 250 680 40 6 210 200 3
[email protected] 14 250 680 40 6 210 200 3
[email protected] 15 250 740 44 6 250 200 3
[email protected] 15 250 800 46 6 250 200 3
[email protected] 17 250 860 50 6 300 140 4
[email protected] 17 250 860 52 6 300 140 4
[email protected] 19 250 920 56 6 340 200 5
[email protected] 19 250 980 58 6 340 200 5
[email protected] 21 250 1040 62 6 390 200 6
[email protected] 21 250 1040 64 6 390 200 6
Table-3 Splice Design for only Axial of ISHB for D=12, G=5.6
Table-4 Splicing Design for Axial and B.M of ISHB Sections for D=16mm, G=5.6
Conclusion: Since less amount of work has been [4]. Ana M. Girao Coelho,, Journal of
contributed in this area an attempt has been made to obtain Constructional Steel Research 66 (2010)
1261_1277, “Stability design criteria for steel
design aids for bracket connections and splice design
column splices.”
according to IS: 800 for Indian standard sections. Design
aids had been prepared by varying different parameters for
different weld sizes. The Design strength of connection
had reduced with increase in eccentricity.