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International Journal of Scientific Research and Innovative Technology Vol. 2 No.

1; January 2015

A Survey on Jamming in VANET


Sharaf Malebary
PhD student Department of Computer Science and Engineering University of South Carolina – USA

Dr. Wenyuan Xu
Assistant Professor Department of Computer Science and Engineering University of South Carolina

University of South Carolina, Columbia, South Carolina, USA 29208

International Journal of Scientific Research and Innovative Technology Vol. 2 No. 1; January 2015

Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks (VANET) has attracted today’s research efforts. Despite the attention that
VANET research got, current solutions to achieve secure VANET still undergoing to protect the network
from adversary and attacks. The need for a reliable VANET networks is strongly tied to the security and
privacy features. This paper provides a detailed study on wireless networks and focuses on undergoing
research solutions to secure VANET. In particular, this paper provides intensive information regarding
jamming problems in wireless network and shows the seriousness of this type of attack. Moreover, a
various types of security problems and challenges of VANET been analyzed and discussed; we also
surveyed different set of solutions that research has proposed to help securing wireless networks.

Keywords (TCM), Brake Control Module (BCM), is

VANET, Jamming, Security, systems referred at as car’s computer [6] [14].
While deploying ECU in cars increases
1. Introduction the quality and safety of driving, it only helps
Traffic fatalities have been increasing all drivers to identify car’s internal malfunction.
over the world. The National Highway Traffic That’s because ECU can only provide
Safety Administration (NHTSA) statistics information regarding different cars parts. ECU
shows that in 2012, there were over 30 cannot report external hazards that are important
thousand fatal crashes in which, passengers, to take into counts; road hazards, weather
drivers and even pedestrians were affected. The changes, and accidents on roads are only some
number is still increasing due to continually examples of external factors that affect drivers’
issuing driving licenses and more vehicles safety.
being purchased. In 1994, there was over 190 The new era targets making cars more
thousand vehicles registered and 175 thousand intelligent to enhance drivers’ safety by
licensed drivers. These numbers jumped in protecting drivers against internal and external
2012 to more than 265 thousand registered hazards. This can be achieved by equipping cars
vehicles and 211 thousand licensed drivers [15]. with early warning capabilities against any type
These numbers have showed a direct relation of hazards that drivers may encounter.
with the number of fatalities. As a result, the Implementing intelligent transportation system
need to have safer roads started to arise to (ITS) was the first step to achieve this goal. ITS,
reduce money and lives losses. which is a national program, intended to use
Integrating cars with computers was the modern computers and communications to make
first step toward reducing fatalities. Equipping driving safer, smarter, faster and more
vehicles with computers to monitor and control convenient. To achieve these goals, ITS
car’s components helps drivers to identify provides automatic toll collection, traveler
problems in their cars, e.g., engine failures and information system, intelligent commercial
improve safety by providing an early warning of vehicles and intelligent traffic control systems
cars malfunction. Computers in cars first [2]. The main goal of ITS program is to equip
appeared by Chevrolet in 1975. Soon after that, every car with communication capabilities, so
many cars’ manufacturers started adopting the that cars can communicate with each other’s, i.e.
technology and integrating new systems to vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V), and with different
vehicles. Doing so, allowed many systems to be communication centers spread down the roads –
standardized such as Electronic Control Unit called Road Side Units (RSU)– the latter
(ECU). ECU consists of different modules that communication is called vehicle-to-
control different electrical systems or infrastructure (V2I). The combination of V2V
subsystems in motor vehicles: engine control and V2I communications forms VANET
module (ECM), Transmission Control Module (Vehicular Ad-Hoc Network).

International Journal of Scientific Research and Innovative Technology Vol. 2 No. 1; January 2015

VANET promises a safer environment security requirements that have been validated
for everyone who shares the road, by alerting [7]. Although, authentication and non-
pedestrians, vehicles and motorcyclists to avoid repudiation are important, availability is the
fatality. The alerts are generated by collecting foundation for all different type of networks and
data from nodes in VANET and provide has to be assured. One of easy-to-launch yet,
warning messages to nodes that are in affected hard-to-cope threats is jamming attack.
areas or routing toward it. Additionally VANET Jamming attacks can affect VANET
increases comfort by allowing automatic toll availability, because a jammer can block
collection, traffic congestion detection, warning messages e.g. accident warning, road
emergency dispatch services, and electronic hazard, emergency vehicle etc. The
inspection of moving trucks through data consequences of not receiving these messages
transmissions with roadside inspection facilities can result in failing to slow down, rerouting or
[11]. VANET proved how useful these warning stopping the vehicle, which can jeopardize
messages to avoid crashes, safe lives and drivers’ and passengers’ safety. It is difficult to
enhance driving experiences. detect jamming reliably and the impact can be
The Research and Innovative devastating. Hence, Jamming is an open
Technology Administration (RITA) has problem. This paper surveys the security issues
acknowledged the need to utilize technology for that VANET may encounter in particular
safety purposes. Hence it allocated 75 MHz in Jamming attack. At the same time, it surveys
the 5.9 GHz frequency band licensed for current and different solutions for jamming
Dedicated Short-Range Communication attack in other type of networks and show the
(DSRC) [1]. The U.S. Department of specialty of coping jammers in VANET. The
Transportation commitment to DSRC highlights paper is organized as follow, section 2 provides
two critical points: (1) safety is the highest background information. Security challenges
priority and is the central focus for the and goals will be discussed in section 3. Section
connected vehicle technologies. (2) The analysis 4 will survey available solutions for jamming
illustrates that DSRC is the only available problem. Future work and improvements will be
technology in the near-term that offers the discussed in section 5. Finally a conclusion will
latency, accuracy, and reliability needed for be given in section 6.
active safety [2]. Thus many organizations and
manufacturers started advocating VANET by 2. Background
investing on perfecting it.
In spite of the ongoing research efforts In this section we provide background
from, academic and industry, many security on VANET and discuss the importance and
issues remain to be resolved. Since VANET is need of VANET. The reality of VANET will be
expected to provide safety for drivers, it is discussed as well and real examples will be
essential to secure it against abuse, and ensure given to prove that VANET is becoming a
the Quality of Service (QoS) in the presence of reality.
security breaches. However, security and QoS
are two requirements that are related but in 2.1 VANET Infrastructure & Standards.
conflict. When security increases QoS drops and VANET, a type of ad hoc networks, is a
vice versa. Hence, VANET needs to strike a self-organized and infrastructure-less network.
balance between the two goals (security and In this type of networks, mobile devices are
QoS) to make it real. connected together wirelessly [10]. Each mobile
Despite the different types of attacks device (called a node) acts as both data terminal
that may be carried out, we can categorize their and router. Nodes in the network use the
importance in terms of: Authentication, wireless medium to communicate with
Availability and non-repudiation, which are the neighboring ones within range. These nodes can
International Journal of Scientific Research and Innovative Technology Vol. 2 No. 1; January 2015

be vehicles or roadside units (RSUs) in the service channels to use the service. The
VANET. ultimate target for all channels is to enable
The discovery of VANET appeared after drivers to receive information about their
the wireless data networks proliferation due to surrounding environment. Besides safety related
the recent adoption of the various 802.11. messages, service channels can announce places
Wireless LANs are widely deployed and the of interest (e.g. restaurants in the area or gas
cost for wireless equipment is dropping. 802.11 stations) in the driver’s locations to enhance
adapters or access points (AP) can be purchased comfort [13].
for next to nothing. As a result of the high
acceptance of the 802.11 standards, academic 2.2 VANET becoming reality
and commercial sectors focused on finding other The discovery of VANET has drawn
applicable wireless technologies. Hence, Mobile much interest all over the world. In Japan, many
ad-hoc network (MANET) is one area that has ITS projects have been established in 2000 to
received considerable attention which led to bring VANET to reality. A standard for V2I
VANET development. MANET and VANET communication was published in 2001 and
are very similar at the network level yet the denoted as DSRC (which was adopted by FCC
details differ. They key difference is that nodes in 2004) [22]. Based on the success of the
in MANET move randomly while in VANET, DSRC system and on infrared-based V2I
vehicles tend to move in an organized fashion. communications, various ITS projects are
The advantage of using ad hoc networks is to currently joining forces to enhance V2I and
allow the deployment in areas where it is V2V communication under Japan’s national ITS
impossible to install the needed infrastructure. It safety 2010 initiative [18].
would be unrealistic and costly to install 802.11 In Europe, six companies and three
access points to cover all the roads in The universities have joined efforts to develop
United States for instance. Another advantage of FleetNet project (2000-2003) [20]. The main
ad hoc networks is how easily and quickly they objective of FleetNet was to develop and
can be deployed without administration demonstrate a platform for inter-vehicle
involvement. communication (IVC). The key design
The Federal Communications requirements for FleetNet are the capability to
Commission (FCC) acknowledged the distribute relevant data (e.g. road and weather
importance of VANET. Hence, it allocated 75 conditions) where needed, and to satisfy drivers'
megahertz of spectrum in the range 5.850 to and passengers' needs for location-dependent
5.925 GHz to be used for V2V and V2I information and services [17].
communications. The 5.9 GHz spectrum was In addition, Network on Wheels (NoW)
named Dedicated Short Range Communication [16] is a German research project carried out by
(DSRC) and its goal is to enable technologies major car manufacturers, suppliers, research
that support safety applications and institutes and universities. The project NoW is
communication between vehicle-based devices the successor of the previous pioneering
and infrastructure to reduce collisions [24]. research project FleetNet which ended in 2003
DSRC consists of seven 10MHz channels in [20]. NoW is supported by the German
which, six channels are used for services and government aiming to develop a vehicular
one channel for control [12]. The control communication system for V2V and V2I based
channel is used to, for example, broadcast safety on ad hoc principles and wireless LAN
messages to alert drivers of potentially technology. The project started on 2004 to
hazardous road conditions. Also, the control enhance road safety and develop infotainment
channel is used to announce the services that are applications [21].
available. If a vehicle finds a service of interest Many governments and institutes started
on the control channel, it then switches to one of adopting and researching VANET using these
International Journal of Scientific Research and Innovative Technology Vol. 2 No. 1; January 2015

projects as a foundation to build on the top of. given to prove the potential fatality when
The goal of these projects is to create or modify attacks are launched by adversaries.
network algorithms to be used in a vehicular
environment securely. Nowadays, VANET is no 3.1 Availability: Availability requires all
longer a project in labs or academic research. services that the network offers to be available
Car manufacturers (e.g. BMW, Opel, Honda, when needed by legitimate users. One harmful
Renault, Volvo etc.) have signed Memorandum attack is DoS.
of Understanding on Deployment (MoU) in
2012 to expand the deployment of VANET 3.2 Confidentiality: Confidentiality offers
applications [19]. Many real-life experiments protection for nodes against unauthorized ones
and demos are currently implemented and to avoid messages delay attack. A famous attack
deployed using different VANET systems in that targets confidentiality is Eavesdropping.
vehicles. Automatic toll collection, traveler
information system, and intelligent traffic 3.3 Authentication and Identification: This
control systems are already deployed and used requirement ensures that users and messages in
on a daily basis in different parts of the world. the network are legitimate. Impersonation and
Many security projects have been started Sybil attacks are very well known to target and
academically; however, efforts in making harm this requirement.
security projects in the real world are yet to be
established. After reviewing the security
Since VANET is becoming a reality, the requirements that VANET should satisfy when
security of the network is an important key to deployed, we conclude that security is very
insure the feasibility and reliability of services. important in VANET. Moreover, securing all
Hence, VANET security is an important aspect communication and assuring attack-free
to be assured when using the network. Security environment is not an easy job due to the high
projects in the real world are needed to evaluate mobility and the topology of the network.
the risk of adversaries. The next section will Hence, Research is still on going to secure more
discuss the security issues that VANET lack as areas of VANET communications.
well as the current progress and effort to resolve
them. 4. Jamming problem.
3. VANET requirements and Security Jamming attack deliberately transmits of
challenges radio signals to disrupt communications by
decreasing the signal-to-noise ratio. The term
So far, VANET security has not gotten jamming is used to distinguish it from
enough attention even though it is very crucial. unintentional jamming which called
The criticality lays on the contents of VANET’s interference. Our focus is to study Jamming
packets which contains significant life attacks that launched to disrupt communications
information. So it is important to assure reliable intentionally. To do so, we need to understand
delivery of packets in the network without the different jamming strategies of jammers.
alteration. To do so, security challenges need to Jamming attack can be classified into
be addressed and considered when designing four different classes based on its behavior;
VANET architecture [7]. Constant, Deceptive, Random and Reactive
VANET must satisfy the security jamming. 1) Constant jamming transmits
requirements before deployment. In this section, random generated data on the channel without
we present the security requirements that must checking the state of the channel (Idle or not). 2)
be considered. Some attack scenarios will be The Deceptive jammer injects a stream of
random data constantly without keeping gap
International Journal of Scientific Research and Innovative Technology Vol. 2 No. 1; January 2015

between successive packets transmission. 3) including DOS attack. The DoS attack was
Random jamming fluctuates between jamming then introduced and its severity was
and sleeping mode to conserve energy. 4) presented. Authors categorized DOS attacks
Reactive jamming jams only when it senses into three categories: 1) Basic Level
activity on the channel otherwise it stays idle (overwhelm node resources). 2) Extended
[43]. While all jamming attacks can harm the level (jamming the channel). And 3)
network performance equally, the main Distributed Denial of Services (DDOS). A
difference is the detection difficulty. proposed solution was given based on
relying on utilizing the On-Board-Unit
4.1 VANET (OBU) that each vehicle is equipped with.
OBU is supposed to make a decision as to
Jamming is a serious threat to VANET prevent a DOS attacks using one of the
security. Jammers constantly send repeated proposed techniques (switching channels,
signals (in affected area) to interfere with the technology or use frequency hopping) to
communication between nodes in the network. avoid DOS attack [41].
The victim feels that the state of the channel is • Detection of radio interference in VANET
still busy. Therefore, it cannot send or receive [42]: Authors proposed a new model of
packets in the jammed area. detection based on the correlation
When jamming is enabled, the sender coefficient (CC). CC is a statistic measure of
may successfully send packets; the receiver relation between two random variables and
cannot receive all the packets sent by the sender. its value between (-1 and1). A node
Hence, its packet delivery ratio (PDR) is low. calculates and compares two values: the
These packets can be carrying important error probability (EP) and the correlation
information (life threatening) such as, road coefficient (CC). If the CC is greater than
conditions, weather, accidents, etc. and failure the EP then the network is considered
to receive or disseminate these packets can lead jammed. The relation between EP and CC
to fatalities. was measured using NS-2 to evaluate the
Challenges: Due to the high mobility of model and SUMO was used to generate the
VANET and the rapid change of its topology, vehicular mobility patterns.
defending VANET against jammers has been a • A New Anti-Jamming Strategy for
hard problem. That because jammers don’t have VANET [44]: Authors have studied the
to comply with any protocols and their mobility security issues that VANET can encounter.
is not limited. A jammer can be standing on feet In particular they focused on jamming-style
or driving randomly down the roads. Moreover, DoS attacks. The paper measured the
adversaries have full control of when to start effeteness of defense mechanism against
jamming and when to go into a sleep mode to jamming and proposed a new direction to
hide its existence. All these reasons have made utilize RSU to make VANET defense more
jamming problem a challenge to solve and feasible. Authors defined a scheme called
detect. (Hideaway strategy) which uses the PSR
(packet send ratio) to determine if a network
Related Work is jammed and consequently all nodes
should go into silent mode. The paper didn’t
• Denial of Service (DOS) Attack and Its discuss detection and presumed it is out of
Possible Solutions in VANET [41]: the paper scope.
Authors explained the need to obtain • Security Challenges, Issues and Their
network availability all the time in order to Solutions for VANET [7]: R. Raw et al
assure security. Then they described studied the security requirements and
different possible attacks in VANET
International Journal of Scientific Research and Innovative Technology Vol. 2 No. 1; January 2015

challenges to implement the security • Mitigating the effect of jamming signals

measure in VANET. Different attacks and in wireless ad hoc and sensor networks
their solution were discussed. Upon studying [46]: authors proposed to use MPT (multi-
the security requirements, authors concluded packet transmission) and MPR (multi-packet
that confidentiality is not required in reception) to mitigate the effect of DoS
VANET. The conclusion was based on the jamming signal. The paper main
assumption that packets on VANET do not contribution was that MPR and MPT can be
contain any confidential data. The paper used to significantly to mitigate: 1)The
provided a tabular to measure different probability of success reduction to jamming
attacks, technology, security requirements, signals. 2)The effect of jamming signals on
and solutions used for defense. throughput reduction. 3)The maximum
• Jamming Attack: Behavioral Modelling throughput at all jamming signals rate.
and Analysis [43]: the paper studied Authors only showed theoretical work and
jamming attack intensively. It classified claimed that the hardware and software to
jamming attack into active and reactive apply the proposed scheme can be
jamming. Authors evaluated the impact of implemented with moderate complexity due
different type of jammers using NS2 to the electronics advancement.
simulation. The data was analyzed to show • VANET Routing on CITY Roads Using
that reactive jamming is more difficult to Real-Time Vehicular Traffic Information
detect than other attacks because of the [9]: in this paper authors proposed a new
intelligent behavior. The paper contribution routing protocol called RBVT (road-based
suggested to use the behavioral modeling using vehicular traffic) to use for better
and analysis tools to understand jamming routing vehicles in VANET. The protocol is
attacks behaviors to develop an efficient supposed to outperform existing routing
defense strategy. protocols in city-based VANET. The
• A Secure Routing Protocol for Vehicular proposed RBVT uses real-time vehicle
Ad Hoc Network to Provide ITS Services traffic information to create road-based
[45]: the paper proposed a new hybrid paths. The paper proposed 2 sub protocols
routing protocol to secure VANET. The called RBVT-R and RBVT-P to work as
protocol is called Position Based Secure reactive or proactive protocols. The RBVT
Routing Protocol (PBSRP) which is a hybrid assumes that each vehicle is equipped with
of MFR (Most Forward within Radius) and GPS, digital maps and navigation system. In
B-MFR (Border node based) routing RBVT-R the protocol goes through 2
protocols. The proposed PBSRP consists of phases, route discovery and route reply
3 phases. 1) Initialization, 2) Optimal node while RBVT-P algorithm has 4 phases,
selection, and 3) Secure data delivery phase. discover the topology, and disseminate it,
Authors also integrated a security module by computing route, and route maintenance.
using RSU to RSU key agreement protocol The proposed protocol performs 40% better
to provide data confidentiality and defend than AODV and 30% increase compared
against active and passive attacks. The with GSR in terms of average delivery ratio
proposed scheme shows better performance and average delay. The paper uses the
than MFR and B-MFR routing protocols in flooding technique between nodes which
terms of PDR and end-to-end delay. Authors can cause network overhead. Moreover, the
suggested that the scheme will help many paper didn’t consider any security issues that
real time applications and it makes the VANET can face.
system robust.

International Journal of Scientific Research and Innovative Technology Vol. 2 No. 1; January 2015

• ‘NoW – Network on Wheels’: Project summarize system development, integration

Objectives, Technology and Achievements effort, and outline the sustainability of the
[21]: The paper gives detailed information project results). For detailed information
on a project called Network on Wheels regarding Now please refer to [21].
which is a German research project. The • A Comparative Study of Various Routing
project came as a collaborative work Protocols in VANET [4]: Authors
between major car manufacturers, suppliers, discussed the advantages, disadvantages and
research institutes and universities. NoW has applications of different routing protocols
developed a system which unifies safety and for VANET. The paper classified routing
infotainment. The main contribution of the protocol into 1) Topology Based. 2) Position
project is to develop a CAR-2-X Based. 3) Cluster Based. 4) Broadcast and 5)
communication where X can be another car Geo Cast routing protocols. Authors
or infrastructure. The goal of the project is provided a comparison table at the end of
to provide (i) safety, (ii) networking, (iii) the paper to show the differences between
radio, and (iv) security and privacy. The routing protocols. The following table was
Positio Cluster Geo
Protocol Proactive Reactive Bounde Broadcast
n Based Based Cast
Wireless Wireless Carry Wireless Wireless ss
Prior Heuristi
Multi hop Multi hop & Multi hop Multi hop Multi
Forwarding c
Forwardi Forwardi Forwar Forwardin Forwardin hop
Method method
ng ng d g g Forwa
Digital Map
No No No No Yes No No
Infrastructure No No No No Yes No No
Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes
Traffic Flow
Multi Carry Multi
Recovery Hop Carry & & Hop Carry & Carry & Floodi
Strategy Forwardi Forward Forwar Forwar Forward Forward ng
ng d ding
Scenario Urban Urban Urban Sparse Urban Highway
paper provides technical contributions taken from the paper for illustration
(architecture designs, protocol development, purposes.
Table shows Comparison of Various based on the PDR and its diminution. PDR
Protocols [4] value which consisting of PDR value and the
rate PDR reduction is used to decide whether
• Solution of Detecting Jamming Attacks in a network is jammed as soon as the change of
Vehicle Ad Hoc NETworks [47]: authors PDR surpasses a threshold. Then warning
have studied jamming affect on VANET and messages will be issued with high priority.
proposed a new algorithm to detect jamming The basic concept is when a vehicle enters a
attack. The proposed detection method is jammed area the parameter Down_PDR is
International Journal of Scientific Research and Innovative Technology Vol. 2 No. 1; January 2015

considered to detect that it is jammed. That’s Related Work:

because when a vehicle is jammed its PDR is
high but the rate of PDR decrease is great. • Performance analysis of error control
Hence, the vehicle considered jammed and codes for wireless sensor networks [30]: the
(state_jam) will be true. This will lead to paper focuses on the performance analysis of
broadcast a warning message contains various error control codes in terms of bit-
information of its state, direction, jammed error-rate (BER) performance and power
time and jammed position. The paper consumption. The authors implement
provides a new scheme to detect jamming different error control codes using Very High
attack in VANET however; it only considers Speed Hardware Description Language
one type of jamming. In real world, jammers (VHDL) on Field-programmable Gate Arrays
can use different strategies to block all (FPGA) and application-specific integrated
communication and have more capabilities circuit (ASIC). In addition, the energy
which were not considered in the paper. consumption for different error control codes
is also measured. BER is the performance
Even though, much research has been metric, evaluated by transmitting randomly
conducted to defend VANET against jamming generated data through a Gaussian channel.
attack, there is not a perfect solution that can be They found that binary-BCH
used effectively to solve jamming problem in (Bose,Chaudhuri and Hoquenghem) codes
Vehicular Ad Hoc Network. Hence, jamming with ASIC implementation are best suitable
problem in VANET is still an open research and for wireless sensor networks. In the presence
much research are still undergoing. of jamming attacks, the channel condition
becomes worse, and error control codes can
4.2 Wireless Sensor network. help reduce BER.
• On adjusting power to defend wireless
A wireless sensor network (WSN) is a networks from jamming [31]: the paper
wireless network consisting of spatially proposed a possible solution to cope with
distributed autonomous devices using sensors to radio jamming. The idea is based on adapting
monitor physical or environmental conditions. A the transmission power of nodes with respect
WSN system incorporates a gateway that to the power of the jamming radio. Authors
provides wireless connectivity back to the wired found that the effect of jamming upon source-
world and distributed nodes. The selection of the receiver communications is not isotropic. The
wireless protocol depends on the application effect of jamming is studied by improving the
requirements. transmission power on a testbed with Mica2
Challenges: The limited resources motes. The author also show the complex
associated with the low cost of sensor hardware jamming effect by applying the non-isotropic
are what made defending jamming a challenge in model of jamming to a multi-hop wireless
WSN [24]. Another reason is the different attacks networks. She also suggested to have a feed-
strategies (whether based on their mobility or back based power control protocol to compete
behavior) that adversaries can exploit [25], [26], with jamming interference.
• Optimal jamming attacks and network
defense policies in wireless sensor networks
[32]: Authors formulates the jamming issue as
an optimization problem. By solving the
optimization problem at the network and
jammers, the probability to transmit the radio
signals can be controlled to achieve the

International Journal of Scientific Research and Innovative Technology Vol. 2 No. 1; January 2015

optimal jamming and defense effectiveness. Authors described a mapping protocol for
Authors suggested that the network should nodes that surround a jammer. As a result,
compute channel access probability to this service allows network applications to
minimize the jamming detection time. This reason about the region as an entity instead of
work studied the interaction between jammer broken links and congested nodes. Evaluation
and the nodes in the networks. results show that regions can be mapped in 1–
• Compromise-resilient anti-jamming for 5 seconds. Authors found that the protocol is
wireless sensor networks [34]: this paper robust to failure rates as high as 25 percent in
focused in studying insider jammers. An case of moderate connected network.
attacker can gain cryptographic information • WisperNet: Anti-Jamming for Wireless
through compromised nodes and then launch Sensor Networks [63]: the paper proposed a
jamming attacks. The paper then proposes a new protocol called WisperNet (time-
compromise-resilient anti-jamming scheme to synchronized protocol). The new protocol
deal with the problem. According to the consists of two components: 1)WisperNet-
scheme, the physical channel used by a sensor Time, with the goal to reduce the censorship
network is determined by the group key ratio of a statistical jammer to that of a
shared by the sensor nodes. The solution of random jammer. 2)WisperNet-Space in which
this paper is to determine the channels by the network routes are adapted constantly to
group key shared by all nodes. When insider avoid jammed areas and select paths with max
jamming happens, the network will issue a PDR. The evaluation of the protocol shows
new group key for nodes that are not that WisperNet reduces the efficiency of
compromised to protect the network from the jammers even a random one. The proposed
insider jamming. protocol has been implemented on FireFly
• Channel surfing and spatial retreats: (which is a time synchronized real time sensor
defenses against wireless denial of service network platform) for evaluation purposes.
[35] and Defending wireless sensor Some limitations have been observed after
networks from radio interference through experiments. One of the main observation is
channel adaptation [36]: the two papers that WisperNet-Spatial routing scheme is
introduced four common types of jammers: incapable of scaling well in large networks
constant, random, reactive and deceptive. (more than 500 nodes) under moderate to
Authors studied those different types of heavy attacks. That’s because the message
jammers and proposed a technique called from the gateway may not get through.
channel surfing which is developed to cope
with the jamming interference. The channel Since wireless sensor network have been
surfing technique proposes that sensor nodes drawing much attention, research has contributed
should change the communication channel in solving jamming problems in WSN. Little
when they detect jamming attacks. Two research left to enhance current protocols to
channel surfing methods are explored. One is assure a better PDR. A tradeoff between PDR and
coordinated channel switching, in which the security has been acknowledged when securing
entire sensor network changes the radio WSN against different attacks.
channel. The other is spectral multiplexing, in
which the nodes in the jammed area change
the radio channel and the nodes on the 4.3 Wi-Fi
boundary act as relays.
• JAM: a jammed-area Mapping service for Challenges: freedom to mobile and strong
sensor networks [37]: a jammed area connectivity has made WiFi a very popular
detecting and mapping service is developed. technology that made Hotels, Restaurant and
public locations adopting it. However, few issues
International Journal of Scientific Research and Innovative Technology Vol. 2 No. 1; January 2015

have been discovered with more WiFi being network. However they found that using PDR
deployed around. WiFi connectivity links tend to was not sufficient to determine if the poor
be strong but as nodes started to distant links link is due jamming or nodes mobility. Based
remains and quality drops. Another issue with on their findings, authors proposed two
WiFi is repeated authentication may be required detection protocols that employ consistency
as nodes switch from an access point to another. checking. One scheme uses signal strength
Moreover, WiFi can suffer from the presence of measurements as a reactive consistency check
adversaries just like in any other type of network. for poor PDR while the other one utilize
Jamming, DoS, Impersonation, and location information to serve as the
eavesdropping are different types of attacks that consistency check. Experiments were
can be carried easily in a WiFi network by a deployed using MICA2 Mote platform and
moderate skilled adversary. results were giving to prove the feasibility of
the proposed scheme.
Related Work • Modeling, Evaluation and Detection of
Jamming Attacks in Time-Critical
• Carving Secure Wi-Fi Zones with Wireless Applications [50]: the paper aim at
Defensive Jamming [48]: the paper focuses modeling and detecting jamming attacks
on turning jamming from being a problem to against time-critical wireless networks with
utilizing it to create a secure Wi-Fi zone. applications to smart grid. Authors introduced
Authors referred to the technique as defensive message invalidation ratio as a new metric to
jamming. The concept is to use jamming quantify the performance of time-critical
signals to protect Wi-Fi zone from any applications. The proposed modeling
information leakage inside the boundaries. approach was inspired by the comparison
Authors assumed that an insider can try to between the behavior of jammer and a
leak information using cellular network and gambler who intends to win a game. They
thus it needs to be monitored by the network found that by comparing gambling-based
administrator. Experiments details were modeling and real-time experiments, there
giving where defensive jammers location was exists a phase transition phenomenon for
adjusted as well as its power to reach the successful time-critical message delivery
optimal scenario. under a variety of jamming attacks. That is, as
• The Feasibility of Launching and Detecting the probability that a packet is jammed
Jamming Attacks in Wireless Networks increases from 0 to 1, the message
[49]: in this paper, Xu et al. have studied the invalidation ratio increases dramatically to 1.
problem of launching jamming attack on Based on analytical and experimental results,
wireless networks and its criticality. Based on Jamming Attack Detection based on
the results of the study they proposed four Estimation (JADE) scheme was designed to
different jamming attack models that can be achieve robust jamming detection, and
launched easily to interfere with the operation implement JADE in a wireless network for
of wireless networks. The paper provides power substations in the smart grid.
evaluation of the different jamming attack Experiments and results showed that applying
models in term of their effectiveness and JADE achieved efficient and robust jamming
ability to block communication. Authors also detection for power networks.
concluded that signal strength and carrier • SecureArray: Improving WiFi Security
sensing time are not enough to detect jammers with Fine-Grained Physical-Layer
presence effectively. They also conducted Information [64]: the paper proposed a new
experiments where PDR was used to system called SecureArray to work alongside
differentiate between congested and jammed existing wireless security protocols to

International Journal of Scientific Research and Innovative Technology Vol. 2 No. 1; January 2015

enhance defense aginst active attacks. • Denial of Service Attacks Implementation

SecureArray utilize multi-antenna access and Detection Approach for MANET [65]:
points to profile the directions at which Authors provided implementation and
incoming signals arrive. The new system uses analysis of two types of DoS attacks known
angle-of-arrival information to construct as explicit packet dropping attack (EPDA)
sensitive signatures to identify each client and implicit packet dropping attack (IPDA).
uniquely. The basic idea behic SecureArray is Then they presented the effects of both of
that when a suspicious transmission occurs, these attacks which were measured during
the client and AP initiate angle-of-arrival communication through a reactive MANET
signature-based challenge-response protocol routing called Ad-hoc on-demand distance
to confirm and mitigate threat. Authors have vector routing protocol (AODV). In EPDA,
implemented the system and evaluated results the adversary first gains access over the newly
in static and mobile environments. Results establish route between a source destination
showed that in a typical environmental office, pair during the route discovery process. Then
the proposed system was able to mitigate drop all the packets that go through it. While
100% of WiFi spoofing attack attempts with in IPDA the attacker does not know when to
only .6% error rate. Some limitations to the attack and which data flow it is going to
system were introduced e.g. the performance attack. Authors proposed Data Packet Routing
of SecureArray degrades with fewer numbers Information (DPRI) tables to defend against
of antennas on AP and in mobile EPDA, IPDA attacks. These tables need to be
environment. modified to suit what type of attacks is
intended to defend against.
• Detection of Jamming Attacks in Wireless
4.4 MANET Ad Hoc Networks using Error Distribution
[62]: the paper focuses in detecting jamming
Related Work attacks in MANET. Authors proposed a new
detection method using measurement of error
• Jamming Attacks Impact on the distribution. The new detection scheme is
Performance of Mobile Ad-Hoc Network based on the measure of correlation among
and Improvement Using MANET Routing the error and the correct reception times in
Protocols [59]: the paper introduced the order to detect the presence of jamming
effect of jamming attacks in MANET and attack. The correlation is defined as a measure
presented the improvement that can be of the association between two random
resulted from using routing protocols in term variables. Authors applied this technique to
of performance. The effect of the presence of resolve a detection problem of a specific case
jammers was studied by increasing delay, of jamming attack which is reactive jammers.
packet delivery ratio, and decreasing
throughput of the network. The paper used 5. Future work
four different protocols to measure the
performance improvement (DSR, OLSR, From what we have studied we see that jamming
TORA, and GRP). Authors concluded that attack in VANET is an open problem. The affect
using OLSR protocol showed more successful of potential jamming attack is unbearable. At the
in increasing throughput and decreasing data same time, due to the network topology and the
dropped in the network however, caused rapid change in network behavior, jamming
larger delay. solution is a hard problem to solve. Our plan is to
study jamming attack intensively and propose a
new detection, localization, and defense schemes.

International Journal of Scientific Research and Innovative Technology Vol. 2 No. 1; January 2015

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