PCweek3 2015
PCweek3 2015
PCweek3 2015
Lecture by K. A. Malik
• Baryons: The Constituents of atoms i.e massive and non-relativistic. Note: non-
standard definition of baryons, but usual in Cosmology
• Neutrinos: Weakly interacting particles, very light but not massless. Usually rel-
Dark Stuff
• Dark Energy: recent addition to the energy balance of the universe. Maybe cos-
mological constant, or maybe something even stranger (e.g. a scalar field)
Note: dark we mean non-interacting with radiation, means interaction is through grav-
ity. Also note, very embarrassingly, dark stuff forms ∼ 95% of the energy density today.
We frequently use comoving coordinates, xi (where the index i runs from 1 to 3), which
are carried along with the expansion of the universe. These are related to physical
coordinates ri by
ri = a(t)xi
where a(t) is the scale factor of the universe, time dependant only (spatial homogeneity
and isotropy). It is often convenient to define a(t0 ) = 1, so that today physical and
comoving coordinates coincide, and a < 1 in the past. Comoving coordinates move with
the expansion, and hence ẋi = 0.
Get Hubble’s law from r = ax
v i = Hri + vpec
v = Hdx
= cdt
Observed reduction in frequency is
ω(t + dt) − ω(t) = −ω(t)
| {z } |{z} c
ωobs ωem
dω da
∝ −
ω a
ω ∝ a
ri = axi
Deriving the equations that govern the evolution of the universe
Newtonian derivation
It was found in the 1920’s that the governing equations for the evolution of the uni-
verse can also be derived using Newtonian gravity.
Alexander Friedmann (1888-1925). Assume that the universe is homogeneous and isotropic.
We can imagine the universe, and cut out a sphere of radius r with a test particle of
mass m. The sphere will have a mass density, ρ. Newton tells us m only feels the mass
inside of the spherical shell. Spherical region is centred at any point relative to which
we want to calculate the force (due to homogeneity). Mass inside the shell
4π 3
M= r ρ
Mm 4π
F =G 2
= G mrρ
r 3
4πG 2
V =− mr ρ
Test particle has kinetic energy
T = mṙ2
Total energy of the system
U = T +V
1 2 4πG 2
= mṙ − mr ρ
2 3
Note: the total energy U is a constant of integration of the equations of motion (can be
different for different particles). Introduce comoving coordinates r = ax
ṙ = ȧx + |{z}
dE + P dV = T dS
Putting things together and assuming no heat exchange (adiabatic expansion) dS = 0
ȧ P
ρ̇ + 3 ρ+ 2 =0
a c
Energy conservation in an expanding universe.
Hence we need to specify gµν and Tµν . Homogeneity and isotropy limit our freedom
to choose gµν and Tµν .
2 ȧ 8πG kc2
H = = ρ− 2 Friedmann
a 3 a
ȧ P
ρ̇ + 3 ρ+ 2 =0 Energy Conservation
a c
to close system: need equation of state
ds2 = dx2 + dy 2
We can introduce the metric tensor gµν . The metric can be written as a matrix (in this
case gmn , where n = 1, 2 and m = 1, 2 as we are working in 2 dimensions)
g g
gmn = 11 12
g21 g22
We can extend to 3D (extend coordinate range), and then further to 4D (where we in-
clude time)
2 2 2 2 2 2
ds = −c dt + a (t) + r dΩ(2)
1 − kr2
For flat space k = 0 this reduces to
FRW is the most general spatially homogeneous and isotropic metric. H therefore has
constant spatial curvature.
Tµν = (ρ + P ) uµ uν + P gµν
uµ = (1 0 0 0)
T00 :
T00 = (ρ + P ) + (−1) P = ρ
Tij :
Dµ Gµν = 0
where Dµ (or ∇µ ) is known as the covariant derivative and is used in tensor calculus.
By virtue of the Bianchi Identity:
Dµ (Gµν − 8πGTµν ) = 0
Dµ Tµν = 0
The Acceleration Equation
Usually ρ > 0 and P > 0. This implies ä < 0. So we have a de-accelerated expansion.
Geometric Units
Instead of using m, we now use a new length unit n.l.u, such that 1 n.l.u = 3.108 m
Then, from special relativity, recall that space and time are equivalent, get