Steps or Procedure of Micro Teaching

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STEPS OR PROCEDURE OF MICRO 5. Discussion and conclusion/Feedback: 9.

TEACHING: Once the teaching session comes to an After the end of every session, this cycle
1. Skill definition: end it is followed by a concluding session. is repeated. The repetition is continued until the
The pupil teacher or the supervisor Concluding session consist of feedback by the required skill is mastered. This process is
defines a certain skill. The skills of micro supervisor. repeated while attaining all the required skills.
teaching are defined regarding the teaching During this session, the audio or video
behaviors in order to procure knowledge of recording may also be displayed in order to give
required skills, which they have to focus on. an opportunity to evaluate oneself. Moreover, it
2. Demonstration: also boosts the confidence level of the trainee. It
is the best way to reinforce the trainee to work
Demonstration is the second step in the
better the next time.
process. Experts demonstrate the specific skill
by themselves or with the help of audio\video 6. Re-planning:
tape recordings to the teacher trainee. This gives Mastering a skill is an ongoing process.
an idea to the teachers to work accordingly. Thus, once the cycle of micro teaching revolves,
3. Lesson planning: the process is repeated. This repetition involves
re-planning of the lesson plan. The aim of this
This step is the first action by the student
re-planning is to master the skill mentioned
teacher. The trainee teacher plans a short lesson
through which he/she could practice the skill.
This microteaching lesson plan is done with the 7. Re-teaching:
help of his supervisor. On completion of the re-planning of the
4. Conducting lesson/Teaching: lesson, it is again taught to another group of
students from the same class. The time duration
Once the planning is done, according to
is kept as same as the previous class. This
the targeted skill the pupil-teacher teaches the
method contributes in practicing the skill
planned lesson to the group of students. These
lessons are observed by supervisor and pupil
teachers. 8. Re-discussion/Re-feedback:
Further, they are video-taped, audio- At the end of re-teaching session, the
taped, or televised through a CCTV camera. discussion and conclusion step is repeated.
These tapes are later used for self-evaluation as These discussion and suggestions encourages
well. the performance of the trainee. Thus, the
process of feedback is procured to enhance the
performance further more.

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