First Quarter Assessment in Agriculture

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Name:_______________________________ Grade & Section:___________________________

Teacher: _____________________________ Date :____________________Score:__________

Directions: Read the questions carefully. Choose the correct answer and shade it on your answer sheet.
1. Which tool is used in cutting grasses?
A. Shovel
B. Bolo
C. Crowbar
D. Pick mattock
2. Which tool does not belong to the group?
A. Crowbar
B. Mattock
C. Shovel
D. Pruning shear
3. Proper care and maintenance of farm tools are necessary in order to:
A. Prolong the serviceability of tools
B. Be available for use
C. Save time and effort
D. All of the above
4. Farm tools, implements and equipment are very imporant in pre-horticultural operations because they:
A. Make work easier
B. Make work faster
C. Save time and effort
D. All of the above
5. What work hazard is NOT possible in the repair of the roof of a nursery shed?
A. Exposed to hazardous liquid
B. Face exposed to extreme heat
C. Prone to fall
D. Bodies exposed to sharp or rough surfaces
6. What preventive action can a student apply when he/she is exposed to dust? He/she will wear
A. Eye and respiratory protection
B. Hearing protection
C. Safety footwear
D. Hard cap
7. The environmental impact of improperly disposed waste and agricultural chemicals are the following
A. Air pollution
B. Water contamination
C. Dirty and ugly surroundings
D. Friendly and healthy surroundings
8. What equipment in horticultural operations is used to draw water from a source?
A. Water pump C. Water pail
B. Sprinkler D. Sprayer
9. Why do we need to conduct pre – operative check up of tools, implements and equipment before use?
A. To check if the tools are serviceable
B. To determine the functionality of tools and implements
C. To repair defective tools
D. All of the above
10. What preventive structure shall we provide if the area of our horticultural farm is prone to run off?
A. Fire hydrant
B. Wind breaks
C. Drainage canal
D. Water sealant
11. Why is it necessary to apply oil to the metal parts of tools and implements when they will be stored for a
long time?
A. To prevent them from rusting
B. To retain its shiny look
C. To clean the tools
D. All of the above
12. What facility shall we conduct if the problem is on stray animals?
A. Nursery
B. Vicinity fence
C. Storage barn
D. Farm shop
13. What do you call the hand tool that is used for digging smaller size of hole?
A. Bolo
B. Crowbar
C. Grub hoe
D. Pruning shear
14. A tool with one end of its blade flattened and thhe other is pointed at the right angle to its handle is
A. Shovel
B. Bolo
C. Crowbar
D. Pick mattock
15. This tool resembles the appearance of spoon and is used for transferring soil
A. Crowbar
B. Mattock
C. Shovel
D. Pruning shear
16. What implement is used in tilling the land being pulled by a working animal?
A. Harrow
B. Native plow
C. Disc plow
D. Disc harrow
17. An implement mounted to a tractor used to pulverize the newly plowed soil
A. Trailer
B. Disc harrow
C. Native plow D. Disc plow
18. A small cart used to transport things, usually in the form of an open container with a single wheel in front and
two handles at the back
A. Hand tractor
B. Tractor
C. Basket
D. Wheel barrow
19. Which of the following is NOT a factor in selecting the site of vegetable production?
A. Climatic requirement
B. Topography of the land
C. Thorough land preparation
D. Availability of water supply
20. What topography or terrain of the land is best suited for vegetable production?
A. Water logged
B. Level or plain
C. Slightly sloping
D. Hilly or mountainous
21. Which of the following is not a factor governing climate?
A. Water
B. Sunlight
C. Temperature
D. Prescence of clouds
22. Which of the following is NOT true about the relationship of climate to plant production?
A. Crops and crop production affected
B. Topography and area of the land affected
C. Respiration, assimilation, photosynthesis and other physiological processes in plants are affected
D. Variation in plant and animal life are directly and indirectly affected
23. The soil is made up of different sizes of particles of sand, silt and clay. The relative amount of these soil
component is:
A. Soil profile
B. Soil texture
C. Soil formation
D. Soil composition
24. The arrangement of soil particles from surface soil to the hard parent sock is:
A. Soil profile
B. Soil texture
C. Soil formation D. Soil composition
25. The following are characteristics of good soil for growing vegetable crops EXCEPT
A. It contains plenty of minerals
B. It has high water holding capacity
C. It contains large amount of clay making the soil compact
D. It has good aeration which allows the free movement of air for respiration and development of roots
26. Which is NOT true about soil testing?
A. It determines how fertilizers are applied
B. Soil testing determines the pH of the soil
C. Soil testing determines the type and amount of nutrients present in the soil
D. Result of soil testing is the basis of making fertilizer recommendations
27. Which of the following factors is not necessary in the analysis of soil samples?
A. Cropping history
B. Accessibility to water supply
C. Past lime and fertilizer treatments
D. Slope, degree of errosion, soil texture and color
28. The following are characteristics of thoroughly prepared land EXCEPT
A. The land has big clods
B. The land are free from stubbles
C. The land is free from growing weeds
29. The stirring of the soil for the purpose of facilitating the growth of plants
A. Tilling
B. Digging
C. Cultivating
D. Plowing and harrowing
30. Which of the following is NOT an objective of thorough land preparation?
A. Make possible proper utilization of nutrients by the plants
B. Improve aeration enabling the roots to develop and branch out rapidly
C. Stimulate microorganisms to act on plant residues and animal wastes to be used by the plants
D. Lessen the water holding capacity of the soil
31. When is the best time to prepare the land? It is when the soil is
A. Too dry to avoid puddling
B. Too wet so that tilling would be easy
C. Not too wet as to cause puddling nor too dry as to make pulverization of the soil difficult
D. All of the above
32. The fertilized and ripened ovule refer to
A. Flower
B. Fruit
C. Plant
D. Seed
33. The primary function of a seed
A. For food
B. For commercial purposes
C. For reproduction
D. All of the above
34. What is the % of germination of 100 seeds tested if there are 91 seeds germinated?
A. 85% C. 91%
B. 88% D. 100%
35. If you secure seeds to plant, see to it that
A. The seeds are attractive
B. The variety is adopted to locality
C. The quality of products is given consideration
D. B and C
36. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of food seeds?
A. Clean, free from mixture and damage
B. Free from seed borne diseases and insects
C. Immature seeds
D. True to type and viable
37. The operation involved in determining whether or not seeds are viable, freem from diseases and injuries their
combination refers to
A. Seed germination
B. Seed testing
C. Seed treatment
D. Seed selection
38. Which of the following components of the growing media is best suited for vegetable production?
A. Equal parts of garden soil, sieved sand, compost and sawdust or rice hull
B. Equal parts of coco coir, garden soil,rice hull and animal mature
C. Equal parts of animal manure, compost, sieved sand and coco coir
D. All of the above
39. A method of soil sterilization which is NOT environmentally friendly is
A. Biofumigation
B. Chemical treatment
C. Heat treatment
D. Solarization
40. Which one is NOT true about pricking?
A. Pricking is the tranfer of young seedlings to another seed box, seed bed or individual plastic bags
B. Seedlings to be pricked are taken from thinly populated seed box or seed bed
C. A dibble is used to seperate and ease out the seedlings in order not to damage delicate roots
D. Pricking is practiced when the two true leaves have already developed
41. The practice of exposing gradually the seedlings to sunlight to acclimatize them refers to
A. Hardening off
B. Pricking out
C. Rouging
D. Thinning
42. The process of pulling out disease infected or damage seedlings is
A. Hardening off
B. Pricking out
C. Rouging D. Thinning
43. The following are methods of seed testing EXCEPT:
A. Actually germinating the seeds
B. Breaking the seeds coat
C. Using better storage facilities
D. Floating in water
44. Why do some seeds fail to germinate?
A. The seeds are in their dormant stage
B. The seed coat is thick and hard
C. The seeds are immature and have dead embryo
D. All of the above
45. Whick of the following is NOT a speacial treatment for some seeds in order to germinate?
A. Heating
B. Winnowing
C. Cracking the seed coat
D. Using better storage facilities
46. It refers to an essential establishment of a garden where plants are propagated and nursed preparatory to
A. Garden shed
B. Nursery
C. Orchard
D. Seed bed
47. The placing of propagating materials either seeds or vegetative parts of a plant in the soil and covering them
with subsequent amount refers to :
A. Laying out
B. Planting
C. Pricking
D. Transplanting
48. Which of the following are NOT directly planted?
A. Cabbage seeds
B. Bean seeds
C. Mongo seeds
D. Squash seeds
49. What part of the plant is NOT directly planted?
A. Bulbs the seeds
B. Cuttings
C. Roots and tubers
D. None of these
50. Which of the following is NOT a consideration in selecting cuttings
A. Cuttings should come from sturdy plant
B. Cutting should be uniform in size and weak
C. Cuttings should be free from diseases and insect pest
D. Cuttings should come from productive plants planted in a productive soil
51. Time of planting depends on the following factors EXCEPT
A. Soil and weather condition
B. The time the produce is desired
C. The kind of crop to be planted
D. Size of seeds and other propagating materials
52. Which of the following is NOT considered in determining the depth of planting?
A. The shape of seeds
B. The kind of soil
C. The size of the seeds
D. The amount of moisture in the soil
53. If the farmer uses an equipment like driller to plant his field, the method of planting he used is
A. By machine
B. Drill method
C. Sowing seed by hand
D. Broadcasting method
54. A vegetable grower has to consider the following factors in order to determine the rate of planting. Which one
is NOT?
A. Condition of the soil
B. Methods of planting
C. Viability of the seeds
D. Possible ravage of insects
55. Which of thw following is NOT true about the rate of planting?
A. More seeds are planted when seeds have low viability
B. More seeds are planted when the soil and weather condition are not favorable
C. More seeds should be planted when seeds produce delicate and weak seedling
D. Less seeds should be planted when there are possible ravage of insects in the area
56. We say that the soil is fertile if:
A. It contains most of the essential elements needed for plant growth
B. It can produce maximum yield of crops
C. It is black
D. It is porous
57. It refers to the necessary materials which a plant can build new tissues and at the same time carry on its
normal function.
A. Lime
B. Inoculants
C. Plant food
D. Pesticide
58. Any organic and inorganic material that supports the growth and development is
A. Biofertilizer
B. Commercial fertilizer
C. Fertilizer
D. Organic fertilizer
59. Which of the following does not belong to the group?
A. Calcium
B. Nitrogen
C. Phosporus
D. Potassium
60. Which one id the primary function of nitrogen?
A. Aids in seed formation
B. Forms and transfers starch
C. Hastens maturity
D. Gives dark green color to plants

“Many are expecting to reap but neglecting to sow the seed.”

Prepared by:
Subject Teacher

Checked by:


Department Head/ Academic Group Head


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