OmniClass 23 2006-03-28
OmniClass 23 2006-03-28
OmniClass 23 2006-03-28
Table 23 - Products
Table of Contents
Table of Contents ................................................................................................... i
Definition .............................................................................................................. i
Discussion ............................................................................................................. i
Examples ............................................................................................................. ii
Table Uses............................................................................................................ ii
Table Users........................................................................................................... ii
Legacy Documents................................................................................................. ii
23-10 00 00 Site Products .................................................................................. 1
23-15 00 00 Utility and Transportation Construction Products .................................. 2
23-20 00 00 General Purpose Construction Accessories and Surfacing Products.......... 6
23-25 00 00 Structural and Space Division Products............................................. 12
23-30 00 00 Openings, Passages, Protection ....................................................... 15
23-35 00 00 Covering, Cladding, and Finishes ..................................................... 21
23-40 00 00 Equipment and Furnishings............................................................. 27
23-45 00 00 Sanitary, Laundry, and Cleaning Equipment ...................................... 36
23-50 00 00 Conveying Systems & Material Handling ........................................... 37
23-55 00 00 Manufactured Structures ................................................................ 40
23-60 00 00 General Purpose: Services .............................................................. 41
23-65 00 00 Supply and Distribution of Liquids and Gases..................................... 43
23-70 00 00 Waste Management ....................................................................... 44
23-75 00 00 Climate Control (HVAC).................................................................. 47
23-80 00 00 Electric Power and Lighting ............................................................. 51
23-85 00 00 Information and Communication...................................................... 54
Products are components or assemblies of components for permanent incorporation into construction
Products are the basic building blocks used for construction. A product may be a single manufactured
item, a manufactured assembly of many parts, or a manufactured operational stand-alone system.
This table provides a basis for identifying singular products categorized by number and name in a
unique location. Table 22 – Work Results on the other hand, provides multiple classifications for any
given product, depending upon its application. For example, a panel of glass can be used in a window,
as cabinet shelving, or in an interior sidelight to a door opening.
Basic materials are also considered to be products when they are used in their original form as a
component to achieve a construction work result. An example is sand used as a subbase cushion for
brick paving. Sand is also a constituent material of other products such as items made from precast
concrete. Therefore, some base materials like sand may occur in this table as well as in Table 41 -
Materials. The focus of Table 41 - Materials is to classify the basic composition and physical properties
of materials without regard to its composition or use.
Concrete, Common Brick, Door, Metal Window, Junction Boxes, Pipe Culverts, Cast-Iron Boiler,
Curtain Walls, Textured Paints, Vinyl-Coated Fabric Wall Covering, Demountable Partitions, Pre-
Engineered Manufactured Structures
Table Uses
Classifying construction products by their appearance and unique functional information, storing and
retrieving product information.
Table Users
Product information providers, product manufacturers and their literature representing product
information, product suppliers, product distributors, cost estimators, constructors, facility managers,
software developers and vendors.
Software vendors will use this table to assist in developing software tools and applications (such as BIM
functional modules) to electronically connect products to their associated properties, element
descriptions, work result specifications, costing tables, and time schedules.
Legacy Documents
• Uniclass Table L, Products
• Electronic Product Information Co-Operation (EPIC)
• CSI/CSC MasterFormat
• ISO 12006-2 Table 4.13 - Construction Products (by function).
23-15 10 00 Pavements
23-15 10 11 Roadways and Runways
23-15 10 11 11 Complete Roadway and Runways
23-15 10 11 11 11 Portable Roadways
23-15 10 11 11 14 Helicopter Landing Pads
23-15 10 11 14 Roadway and Runway Surfacing
23-15 10 11 14 11 Antiskid Texturing
23-15 10 11 14 14 Paving Blocks, Slabs
23-15 10 11 14 14 11 Unit Pavers
23-15 10 11 14 14 11 11 Asphalt Block Pavers
23-15 10 11 14 14 11 14 Brick Pavers
23-15 10 11 14 14 11 17 Interlocking Precast Concrete Pavers
23-15 10 11 14 14 11 21 Precast Concrete Pavers
23-15 10 11 14 14 11 24 Pressed Pavers
23-15 10 11 14 14 11 27 Stone Pavers
23-15 10 11 14 17 Continuous Surface Paving's
23-15 10 11 17 Roadway and Runway Drainage
23-15 10 11 17 11 Culverts
23-15 10 11 17 11 11 Pipe Culverts
23-15 10 11 17 11 11 11 Metal Pipe – Arch Culverts
23-15 10 11 17 11 14 Concrete Culverts
23-15 10 11 17 11 14 11 Concrete Arch Buried Bridge
23-15 10 11 17 11 14 14 Concrete Arch Culverts
23-20 15 00 Mixtures
23-20 15 11 Concrete
23-20 15 11 11 Cementitious Concrete
23-20 15 11 14 Resinous Concrete
23-20 20 00 Profiles
23-20 20 11 Rigid Profiles
23-20 20 11 11 Ferrous Metal Rigid Profiles
23-20 20 11 14 Non-Ferrous Metal Rigid Profiles
23-20 20 11 17 Wood Rigid Profiles
23-20 20 11 17 11 Lumber Rigid Profiles
23-20 20 11 17 11 11 Hardwood Rigid Profiles
23-20 20 11 17 11 14 Softwood Rigid Profiles
23-20 20 11 17 11 17 Laminated Rigid Profiles
23-20 20 11 17 14 Heavy Timber Rigid Profiles
23-20 20 11 21 Plastic Rigid Profiles
23-20 20 11 24 Composite Rigid Profiles
23-20 20 14 Flexible Profiles
23-20 20 14 11 Plastic Flexible Profiles
23-20 20 14 14 Rubber Flexible Profiles
23-20 20 14 14 11 Natural Rubber Flexible Profiles
23-20 20 14 14 14 Butyl Flexible Profiles
23-20 20 14 14 17 Neoprene Flexible Profiles
23-20 20 14 14 21 Silicone Flexible Profiles
23-20 20 14 14 24 Polysulfide Flexible Profiles
23-20 20 17 Lath
23-20 20 17 11 Gypsum Lath
23-20 20 17 14 Lead-Lined Lath
23-20 20 17 17 Metal Lath
23-20 20 17 21 Veneer Plaster Base Lath
23-20 20 17 24 Wood Lath
23-30 20 00 Windows
23-30 20 11 Window Components
23-30 20 11 11 Window Sections
23-30 20 11 14 Window Linings and Boards
23-30 20 11 17 Window Vents
23-30 20 14 Windows by Material
23-30 20 14 11 Metal Windows
23-30 20 14 14 Wood Windows
23-30 20 14 17 Plastic Windows
23-30 20 14 21 Composite Windows
23-30 20 17 Windows by Method of Opening
23-30 20 17 11 Fixed Windows
23-30 20 17 14 Sliding Windows
23-30 20 17 14 11 Vertical Sliding Windows
23-30 20 17 14 14 Horizontal Sliding Windows
23-30 20 17 17 Hung Windows
23-30 20 17 17 11 Single-Hung Windows
23-30 20 17 17 14 Double-Hung Windows
23-30 20 17 17 17 Triple-Hung Windows
23-30 20 17 21 Swinging Windows
23-30 20 17 21 11 Awning Windows
23-30 20 17 21 14 Casement Windows
23-30 20 17 21 17 Projected Windows
23-30 20 17 21 21 Vertical Pivoted Windows
23-30 20 17 21 24 Jalousie Windows
23-30 20 17 21 27 Jal-Awning Windows
23-30 20 21 Other Windows
23-30 20 21 11 Projecting Windows
23-30 20 21 11 11 Bay Windows
23-30 20 21 11 11 11 Angled Bay Windows
23-30 20 21 11 11 14 Box Bay Windows
23-30 20 21 11 14 Bow Windows
23-30 20 21 11 17 Garden Windows
23-30 20 21 14 Roof Windows
23-30 20 21 17 Pavement Lights
23-30 20 21 17 11 Glass Masonry Units
23-30 20 24 Special Purpose Windows
23-30 20 24 11 Detention Windows
23-30 20 24 14 Pass Windows
23-30 20 24 17 Controlled Environment Windows
23-30 20 24 17 11 Sound Control Windows
23-30 20 24 17 14 Radiation Protection Windows
23-30 20 24 17 14 11 Electromagnetic Shielding Windows
23-30 20 24 17 14 14 RF Shielding Windows
23-30 20 24 17 14 17 BO Shielding Windows
23-30 20 24 17 14 21 Radio Frequency Protection Windows
23-30 20 24 17 14 24 X-Ray Protection Windows
23-30 20 24 17 14 27 Nuclear Radiation Protection Windows
23-30 20 24 17 14 31 High Energy Magnetic Pulse Protection Windows
23-30 20 24 21 Security Windows
23-30 50 00 Glazing
23-30 50 11 Glass Glazing
23-30 50 11 11 Bent Glass
23-30 50 11 14 Chemically-Strengthened Glass
23-30 50 11 17 Coated Glass
23-30 50 11 21 Composite Glass
23-30 50 11 24 Decorative Glass
23-30 50 11 27 Fire-Rated Glass
23-30 50 11 31 Float Glass
23-30 50 11 34 Heat-Strengthened Glass
23-30 50 11 37 Impact Resistant Glass
23-30 50 11 41 Insulating Glass
23-30 50 11 44 Laminated Glass
23-30 50 11 47 Low-Emissivity Glass
23-30 50 11 51 Mirrored Glass
23-30 50 11 54 Rolled Glass
23-30 50 11 57 Spandrel Glass
23-30 50 11 61 Tempered Glass
23-30 50 11 64 Wired Glass
23-30 50 14 Plastic Glazing
23-30 50 14 11 Ballistics-Resistant Plastic Glazing
23-30 50 14 14 Decorative Plastic Glazing
23-30 50 14 17 Insulating Plastic Glazing
23-30 50 14 21 Translucent Plastic Glazing
23-30 50 14 24 Transparent Plastic Glazing
23-30 50 14 27 Mirrored Plastic Glazing
23-30 50 17 Glazing by Special Function
23-30 50 17 11 Security Glazing
23-30 50 17 14 Ballistics-Resistant Glass Glazing
23-30 50 17 17 Pressure-Resistant Glazing
23-30 50 17 21 Hurricane-Resistant Glazing
23-30 50 17 24 Radiation-Resistant Glazing
23-30 50 17 27 Transparent Mirrored Glazing
23-30 50 17 31 Cable Suspended Glazing
23-30 50 21 Glazing Components
23-30 50 21 11 Glazing Frames
23-30 50 21 14 Glazing Sections
23-30 50 21 17 Mechanical Glazing Fasteners
23-30 50 24 Glazing Accessories
23-30 50 24 11 Glazing Beads
23-30 50 24 14 Condensation Channels
23-30 50 24 17 Glazing Sealants and Tapes
23-30 50 24 21 Glazing Gaskets
23-30 50 24 24 Glazing Leading Material
23-30 50 27 Protective Films by Performance
23-30 50 27 11 Solar Control Films
23-30 50 27 14 Safety Films
23-30 50 27 17 Security Films
23-30 50 31 Glazing Sections, Blocks
23-30 50 31 11 U Sections
23-30 50 31 14 Glass Masonry Units
23-40 35 00 Casework
23-40 35 11 Casework Components
23-40 35 11 11 Cabinets
23-40 35 11 14 Hardware
23-40 35 11 17 Work Surfaces (Includes: Counters)
23-50 50 00 Turntables
23-50 50 11 Restaurant Turntables
23-50 50 14 Stage Turntables
23-50 50 17 Exhibit and Display Turntables
23-50 50 21 Vehicular Turntable
23-50 85 00 Scaffolding
23-50 85 11 Suspended Scaffolding
23-50 85 11 11 Beam Suspended Scaffolding
23-50 85 11 14 Carriage Suspended Scaffolding
23-50 85 11 17 Hook Suspended Scaffolding
23-50 85 14 Rope Climbers
23-50 85 14 11 Manual Rope Climbers
23-50 85 14 14 Powered Rope Climbers
23-50 85 17 Telescoping Platforms
23-50 85 17 11 Electric and Battery Telescoping Platforms
23-80 70 00 Lighting
23-80 70 11 Luminaries for Internal Lighting
23-80 70 11 11 General Luminaries, Non Directional
23-80 70 11 14 General Luminaries, Directional
23-80 70 11 14 11 Downlights
23-80 70 11 14 14 Uplights
23-80 70 11 14 17 Direct/Indirect
23-80 70 11 14 21 Spots and Tracklight Specialties
23-80 70 11 17 Specialized Lighting by Location or Use
23-80 70 11 21 Emergency Lighting
23-80 70 11 24 Fiber Optic Lighting
23-80 70 14 Luminaries for External Lighting
23-80 70 14 11 Amenity Lighting
23-80 70 14 11 11 Lighting Bollards
23-80 70 14 11 14 Post-Top Lighting
23-80 70 14 11 17 Wall or Ceiling Mounted External Lighting
23-80 70 14 11 21 Buried Uplights
23-80 70 14 14 Exterior Floodlights
23-80 70 14 17 Exterior Spotlights
23-80 70 14 21 Street and Roadway Lighting
23-80 70 14 24 Aircraft Paving Lighting
23-80 70 14 27 Security Lighting
23-80 70 17 Communication Lighting Specialties
23-80 70 17 11 Emergency Signs
23-80 70 17 14 Illuminated Signs/Boards
23-80 70 17 17 Publicity Lighting (Includes: Neon)
23-80 70 17 21 Lasers
23-80 70 21 Lamps
23-80 70 21 11 Halogen Lamps
23-80 70 21 14 Incandescent Lamps (Includes: Halogen-Incandescent Lamps)
23-80 70 21 17 Discharge Lamps
23-80 70 21 17 11 Fluorescent Lamps
23-80 70 21 17 14 Compact Fluorescent Lamps
23-80 70 21 17 17 Sodium Vapor Lamps
23-80 70 21 17 21 High Pressure Discharge Lamps
End of Table 23