4 - Seed Fund Guidelines

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Community Foundation for Greater Manchester

Seed Fund
Guidelines and Notes
Delivered in partnership with:
The Oglesby Charitable Trust,
Bruntwood Estates & The Hogben Family

For maximum grants up to £1,000

If you need advice or support to complete your application form, please
contact one of our Grants team who will be happy to discuss your project or

Please note that this fund prioritises newly established groups who have not
accessed funding before or for individuals who want to make an idea happen
that will benefit their community.

Telephone: 0161 214 0940 Fax: 0161 214 0941

Email: [email protected]

The Community Foundation for Greater Manchester

5th Floor, Speakers House
39 Deansgate
M3 2BA

Charity Registration Number: 1017504

We are pleased to bring you news of Community Directplus from The Co-operative Bank which offers community
and voluntary groups free banking with no strings attached - which means there are no charges for cheques,
standing orders, direct debits or cash deposits/withdrawals.
Please see the enclosed leaflet or call 0800 783 4741 quoting reference 32711
Please read this information carefully before completing
the application form.

What fund are you applying to?

The Community Foundation’s Seed Fund is a partnership between the Community
Foundation, The Oglesby Charitable Trust, Bruntwood Estates and the Hogben
Family Trust.

Our Priorities
The Seed Fund’s current funding priority is to encourage and support grass-root
community activity. This means small, community-based and locally controlled,
newly and emerging groups that have been in existence for less than one year.
These groups need to be able to manage themselves, encourage active participation
from volunteers, have minimal cash reserves and limited access to funding support.
The fund can also support individuals who have an idea to help others in the
The Seed Fund DOES NOT support larger, more sophisticated organisations that
have a track record of attracting funding, particularly when such groups have a
turnover of more than £5,000 a year.
There are other funding opportunities available from local Councils for Voluntary
Services who can provide advice. Further details on your local CVS can be found on
our website: www.communityfoundation.co.uk.

Who can apply?

This application pack can be used by community groups, projects and individuals
aiming to improve circumstances for people in communities within Greater
Manchester. Applicants applying to this fund must operate in at least one of the

How much can you apply for?

The maximum grant request that will be considered is £1,000.
What we CAN and CANNOT fund

Prority is given to projects that:

• Are run by local volunteers who wish to improve the circumstances of individuals
and communities in economically/socially excluded and/or deprived areas of Greater
• Have been in existence for less than 12 months and who are working towards formalising
the group/organisation.
• Do not have access to a professional fundraiser and experience difficulty in
attracting funding from other sources.
• Encourage involvement of local residents in improving, designing, identifying and
implementing community activities.
• Promote voluntary participation and social inclusion as well as community
involvement and self-help.
• Meet and demonstrate an emerging or immediate need and serve to build the
community’s awareness.
• Do not duplicate an existing provision or service. (If the project resembles an
existing provision, you will be expected to explain why your services are needed in
addition to existing provision or clarify how they are different).

Who and what cannot be funded?

• Organisations that have been in existence for more than 12 months with an income
over £5,000 per annum.
• Organisations that have less than three people involved in the management of the
• Organisations and projects outside the Greater Manchester area.
• Organisations trading for profit or intending to redistribute grant awards.
• Major capital requests, i.e. building and construction work.
• Requests that will replace or enhance statutory provision.
• Academic or medical research & equipment.
• Overseas travel.
• Purchase of Vehicles
• Primary purpose of request is to promote religious or political beliefs.
• Retrospective Grants (i.e. Projects/activities that have already taken place or have
already been paid for).
• Sponsorship or fundraising events unless profits are to be put back into the
• Contributions to larger/major appeals.
• Holidays, trips and social outings. (Except in cases of specific disablement or
proven benefit to a community or group of people)
• Local branches of national charities unless locally managed, financially
autonomous and not in receipt of financial support from the national body.
• More than one application at any one time from the same organisation

How to complete the Application Form

Please complete all sections of the application form, even if you are enclosing
supporting or corresponding information, as this speeds up the assessment process.
If your application is incomplete this will delay the processing of your application and
may be returned to you.

Contact Details
Please give all your contact details accurately as we aim to keep our records as
complete as possible. We often try and communicate via the telephone or e-mail to
ensure the swift progress of your request. Having the ability to contact you via
different means can help us to process your application more effectively. If there are
certain times in the day when it would be best to contact you, please indicate these.

About your organisation (if applicable)

In this section you will help us understand the structure and purpose of your
organisation. You can tell us what you actually do and who is involved. You may
wish to enclose leaflets and other information that illustrate your activities, but
please keep these to a minimum.

About the project/activity

Please describe the project or idea you are proposing and what exactly you are
planning to do once the grant has been received. It is also important to show how
the need for the project or activity has been identified within the respective
community, that members of that community have been involved in the process and
that they will be involved in delivering the project or activity.

Beneficiaries and Timescale

We would like to know how many people are going to benefit from your project and
what age range your proposed project/activity will cover. It is also important to
indicate when the project/activity will start.

Cost of the project/activity

In this section you are asked to provide a clear idea of how much money you need
for your project/activity. Please give as thorough a breakdown of costs as possible
using the table provided on page ten of the application form.

Finances of your organisation (If applicable)

We ask you to provide a brief summary of your income and expenditure within the
application form. As a new organisation established for less than twelve months, you
will need to provide copies of your organisation’s three most recent consecutive
bank statements.
If you have no banking arrangements in place, we will ask you to find another
organisation that is willing to accept the grant into their account for you. You will
need to ask this group to sign and complete the relevant statement on the
application form.


Referee Details
We can only process your request once the required information has been received.
This includes your referee completing and signing your application to confirm that
they have read the application. Please read the notes within the application form
relating to Referee Details. Should you need further advice on who can act as your
referee, please contact our Grants team on 0161 214 0940.

Quality Standards for Funding (N/A for individuals)

The Quality Standard for Funding is a unique initiative, introduced by the Community
Foundation, which recognises good practice in grant management and reporting by
voluntary and community groups. The Quality Standard will recognise groups who
have managed a grant effectively and provided timely and high quality information
about how they have used the money.
The benefits of the scheme are that the group will be identified as an effective grant
recipient to other funders and will ensure the group has systems in place to handle
funds and deliver and measure a project.

All voluntary and community groups applying for funding from CFGM will have the
chance to opt in to be assessed for the Quality Standard once they have received a
grant from us. The application form and your grant award letter contain an opt-in
box for you to tick if you wish to be considered for Quality Standard.
What Happens Next?
1. Return your completed application form to the Community Foundation. Please
remember to include any supplementary information requested.
2. Your application will be checked to make sure your request fits the funding criteria.
3. We will contact you to confirm receipt of your application & advise if further
information is required, or we will confirm the date that your application will be
submitted to a panel.
4. Following receipt of all information requested and subsequent assessment by
CFGM Staff, your application will be passed on to an independent panel for
consideration. The panel will decide if your request can be funded.
5. The Community Foundation Trustees must then approve any decisions taken at
panel before we can contact you.
6. We will then advise you on the panel’s decision in writing and issue a grant-cheque.

The following items are included in this application pack:

• Grant Application Guidelines (see above)
• A Grant Funding Application Form (This includes a checklist of information
that you will have to provide)

Please send your completed application pack to:

The Community Foundation for Greater Manchester
5th Floor, Speakers House
39 Deansgate
M3 2BA

Guidelines Version 10/2011

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