Sarang Ini 2019
Sarang Ini 2019
Sarang Ini 2019
SDO eyes construction
of new office building
Division crafts citizen’s charter
to streamline frontline services 15 Beyond
Sarangani schools receive
15 donated classrooms
Stiftung Solarenergie PH
lights up homes of learners a Reader
Dynamic Learning Program
supports ALIVE
we’re online!
The Sarangan Teachers
12 Elevating the Quality of Education
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more stories online. SBM: Empowering Schools,
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editorial staff
ASSISTANT SDS Diosdado F. Ablanido, CPA
CID CHIEF Donna S. Panes SGOD CHIEF Ma. Shirley M. Cardinal
WRITERS Romeo L. Martin | Lodgin L. Leaño | Ariel Lalisan | Kristine Joy L. Quiño | Gian Carlo C. Licanda
Annie Rose R. Gheorghiu | Rosemarie C. Nacion | Myries Alido-Bungag | Melvin Ynion | Laudy Grace C. Baguio
CONTRIBUTORS Jonathan Agreda | Rochelle Morido | John Jerson Constantino | Pops EA | Ralph Alaba
Edward Ryan F. Gulam | Jessa-Anne D. Niod | Patrick Neil C. Eresma | Erwin F. Deguiñon
Celebrating our Solidarity
s we begin this joyous foundation anniversary of DepEd Sarangani, I am reminded of an
opportunity I had to share a podium with a friend. One of the many misconceptions that he
debunked in our conversation was the idea that teachers have it easy because they get the
summer off.
“Many educators who can—or must—take a summer break now find their summer getting shorter,
as more and more of them nobly offer their time in summer camps and classes teaching children how to
read”, he said.
This, my friends, is why our anniversary is worth celebrating for – an idea that this August 2019
Edition of Sarang-ini want to schowcase.
One of the most interesting things about our Division is its broad diversity of its brain power ably
personified by no less than our SDS himself, Crispin Soliven Jr who in his leadership enable Sarangani to
conquer feats (which will be covered and elucidated at the succeeding section of this issue).
At one end of our office, we have our generous school heads, district heads, supervisors and other
administrators who served as frontlines of DepEd’s programs and projects.
On the other side of our organization, we have our teachers in the far flung areas whose dedication
enabled us to achieve our targets in reading. I want to zero in to their efforts and wide range of creative
pursuits in order to deliver quality education to our less privileged learners.
And in between is a vibrant mix of intellectual and skillful prowess of our support staff and
community partners who made our educational stride more formidable.
This edition of Sarang-ini will also offer you an invaluable trove of experiences that lead you to
the insight that the journey of people, minds and ideas for quality education is helmed across political,
geographical and cultural boundaries; and that these boundaries will be conquered by a magnanimous
heart for learning and for the future of children.
My congratulations to everyone!
Clouds the
transformation and stories of dreams
coming true.
n Sarangani, 129 out of the 319 schools have learner He was the first teacher to be assigned in the sitio, of bringing the materials from Barangay Upper Suyan to
populations who belong to the indigenous people where people, at first, feared his presence. He was there Sitio Alna.
groups in the province. Most of these schools are to establish what is now known as Akbual IP School. “We carried all the materials on our shoulders going
located in geographically isolated and disadvantaged He would not forget the time he spent in the hands of up here,” he said.
areas. As such, these schools are among the priorities of armed men who took him further in the mountains to be “It was easy to convince everyone to help because if
the Department of Education. questioned. we will not help, we will not be able to build this school
Despite the difficulty of getting to these areas the “I was once taken by a group of armed men into a here,” he added.
Division of Sarangani continue to reach out to these place far from here. We kept walking for hours even in Cababa Yang, PTA president of Akbual IP School
communities in order to bring transformation through the middle of the night. They wanted to know what my had the same experience, and he expressed his gratitude
the delivery of basic education services. purpose was,” he recalled. that because of the establishment of the school in Akbual
Newly-hired teacher Jenelyn E. Sanate never He was released when he was able to prove that he the children in his community can learn better and now
imagined that she would be able to reach Sitio Alna, was just there to teach kids as a teacher hired by DepEd. have chances at a better life.
Barangay Upper Suyan in the municipality of Malapatan, Today, it has been five years since that incident and he still The sacrifices of the teachers assigned in last miles
where she was assigned as the only female teacher. has the desire to continue serving the sitio in spite of all are not in vain. The many years of trekking on muddy
“Going this place is very difficult. It takes us six the dangers he has faced. mountain trails, crossing raging rivers, and facing various
hours of trekking along steep slopes, which is made even “Now, the people are very happy because of this threats to their lives have resulted in the realization of the
more difficult when it rains,” she said. school. They are very supportive of all the programs of the dreams of the people in the community.
The roads to Sarangani’s last mile schools may school,” Romano said. “What this place really needed was a school. Without
already be perilous to teachers who accepted the challenge While it seems almost impossible to construct this school here we would not be able to send all our
to dedicate their time and talents to teach in these far- concrete classrooms in schools like Alna IP School, and children to school because of the distance,” Lito Paginan,
flung communities. Sometimes, even their lives are put at Akbual IP School, the community has proven, as they have one of the parents at Alna IP School said.
stake when they are caught in armed conflicts. always had, that when they unite to achieve a common “We donated this piece of land here where the school
Ronald T. Romano has been caught in cross-fires goal, nothing is impossible. stands because we believe that this school will help in the
while teaching at Akbual, also in Upper Suyan, Malapatan. Another parent, Aga Mante, recalled the difficulty improvement of our community,” he added.
Grade five learner, Peres Saluntay, lives at Sitio
Siman, a two-hour walk from Alna IP School. He said he
leaves their home at five o’clock in the morning to arrive at
school by 7 o’clock.
Chamy Tanod, also a grade five learner at Akbual IP
School, walks for three hours to go to school daily.
These kids are just a few of those who make sacrifices
just to go to school. Sometimes, many of them go to school
without eating. Their bags are recycled packaging of
Golden Bihon and contains only a few sheets of paper and
an a worn-out pencil.
These challenges do not bother the kids. In class,
when their teacher tell them stories from the Flalok big
books, their eyes are filled with wonder. In their classes
they are never shy to show that they can already read and
In a conversation, Peres said that he continues to go
to school despite the hardships because he has a dream.
“I want to become a teacher someday,” he said.
The schools at Alna and Akbual are just a few of
the many schools in Sarangani that share the same story.
Many of us in the flatlands do not know about those
schools and the struggles the people living and working
in these places go through. These schools may be hidden
beyond the clouds but DepEd Sarangani goes the extra
mile to bring the sunshine of quality education to these
last mile schools.
Alternate Division Reading Coordinator
a Reader
eading is the foundation to all learning. It is because of this fact that the Division of Sarangani makes reading its top priority.
Based on the result of the PHIL-IRI Pretest conducted last SY 2018-2019, there were 6,100 non-readers and 34, 283 frustration readers
identified from Grades 3 to 8 while 4, 250 Grade 1 and 2 pupils were found out to have difficulties in Oral Reading Passage, Reading
Comprehension and Dictation as a result of the EGRA Test.
The data of the pre-reading assessments post a big challenge to the division of Sarangani in its quest of delivering quality education for all
and thus, mandated all schools to implement and intensify different reading interventions.
To monitor and evaluate the school-based implementation of reading interventions, the division of Sarangani initiated the Adopt-a-District
Program with the help of the Education Program Supervisors and Coordinators to provide appropriate and immediate technical assistance to
the schools with their existing problems in reading.
To address the reading problems in the Division,the CID Chief and the Division Reading Coordinator formulated the Division Reading
Enhancement and Advocacy for Maximum Understanding and Performance (DREAM-UP). Under which are several activities implemented
schools such as the 30-minute Daily Reading Intervention, School-Based Tutorial, and Summer Big Brother.
The individual efforts of every school with the support of stakeholders in elevating the reading status of Sarangan learners have made a
remarkable decrease in the number of non-readers from 6,100 pupils to 2,320 based on the result of post-reading assessment.
However, the division is still challenged by the fact that non-readers are still evident in some schools and, thus, it shall expand its efforts in
assuring that ‘No child will be left behind’.
Kayupo Elementary School
implemented the ICT-Based learning
facility project which provided every
classroom with television set and printer
to support effective reading instruction.
The school was also able to create
individualized reading portfolio to track
the learner’s reading progress.
he goal of instructional supervision is the improvement of instruction. It refers to the
continuous and cooperative process undertaken by school leaders and classroom teachers,
where technical assistance and guidance are explored and ideas are shared to help teachers
improve learning situation and quality of learning in the schools.
The Division of Sarangani is on the right track for underscoring the importance of instructional
supervision in its 10-point agenda.
eachers play a significant part in the lives of children, especially during their formative years. They are integral in
molding students to become responsible citizens of the country. They are at our side when we needed guidance,
they discipline us when we go astray, they give moral support and encourage us to do more, and to learn more.
They teach us not to give up when we are about to surrender.
There is no proper word to fully describe our caring and dedicated teachers, and there is no career more fulfilling
than teaching. No wonder we have the best teachers in the world. The Sarangan teachers have become so good in their
career that some of our educators are now recognized and rewarded in their fields.
We have interviewed some of the Sarangan teachers who were recently promoted and are recognized in their
excellent servitude to the school community.
These teachers are only a few of the thousand heroes of the Sarangan learners. They are just a few of the many
teachers who develop new learning techniques and strategies, and innovates learning materials to make sure that the
Sarangan learners will be develop in each aspect of their lives. Indeed, the Sarangan teachers reflects back to the society
the heroism and excellence, and they shine forth from within
SBM: Empowering Schools, By LAUDY GRACE E. BAGUIO, T1, Malalag Cogon National High School
chool-Based Management (SBM) is a means to decentralize decision-making to individual schools in order to give them more authority
to promptly respond to their specific needs. As such, the Division of Sarangani has exerted efforts to empower schools by encouraging
them to apply for SBM accreditation which is composed of four dimensions and three levels with descriptions of “Developing” for Level 1,
“Maturing” for Level 2, and “Advanced” for Level 3.
With all the efforts exerted, out of 319 schools in the division, 34 are on Level 3; 69 on Level 2 and 216 on Level 1. For further breakdown, of
the 198 elementary schools, 16 are on Level 3; 46 on Level 2 and 136 on Level 1. For secondary (34), 18 are on Level 2 while 16 are already on
Level 3. Among the 87 integrated schools, 80 are on Level 1; five (5) are on Level 2 and two (2) are on Level 3.
With the recent accreditation last March 2019, the following Level 3 schools have stood out in their best practices under the different
principles of SBM.
The above-mentioned schools are but a few of the 34 Level 3 schools which have shown that SBM translates to good results. Each school
has shown their best practices but one thing is clear- the level of engagement of the teachers and other stakeholders in different schools will
always prove to be a major factor in the accomplishment of the organization’s goals. With School-Based Management, internal and external
stakeholders are indeed empowered to make innovations to make education truly relevant to all.
The Department of Education- The design of Marina Bay Sands- at the back of the current office, northeast
Sarangani Division bats for the inspired building based on the ISO of Alabel National Science High School.
construction of a new four-storey standard is already presented by the The four-storey building is planned
building for the different offices of the Division Engr. Kathrine Faith Asturias to have an urban garden which is the first
division heads and personnel with to the national office and officials of in the province, to be set at the roofdeck
estimated cost of 100 million in which Sarangani Division. The said building will of the new SDO building to allow passage
41 million pesos will be allocated by use materials similar to the eco-friendly of clean air. It will also be the center for
DepEd Central Office while the remaining high rise buildings in Singapore. conference as teachers, school heads
amount will be allocated by the House of The proposed building covers 1994 or students would be having sleeping
Representatives Office through Hon. Ruel sq. meters ground floor area and its quarters that could cater 60 heads.
D. Pacquiao, Congressman of Sarangani second to fourth floors will cover 1,889 This promising project will take off by
Province. sq.meters. This building will be erected 2020.
In compliance with the provisions of Republic presentation with other functional division like
Act 11032 or the Anti-Red Tape (ARTA) of 2007, OSDS, CID and SGOD; Finalization for information
which aims to combat corrupt behavior and to technology for lay-outing; and Presenting of the
improve frontline public services to the customers citizens’ charter for dissemination.
to name; school heads, teachers, external Irma May G. Dinasas, AO V, said that the goal
stakeholders, the Department of Education- of this in the offices of Sarangani Division is to have
Sarangani Division stretched efforts to upgrade its consolidation of processes and to follow what is
service delivery by improving its citizen’s charter. mandated in ARTA.
The citizen’s charter is an official document “Sana in crafting of this citizens’ charter we
that communicates the information on social can serve the customers better para ma-track agad
services provided by government agencies. kanilang mga papeles at mapadali ang pag-claim
In DepEd Sarangani, the creation of citizens’ ng kanilang mga benefits and actually the head
charter is included in the Ten-Point Agenda under of offices in the Division are already required to
the leadership of SDS Crispin A. Soliven, Jr., CESE, post the said processes even in the offices of the
which actually has existed during the time of SDS heads in the different districts and schools,” Ma’am
Isagani S. Dela Cruz but rekindled by the former in Dinasas reiterated the purpose of implementing this
preparation for ISO implementation in the Division. citizen’s charter. BETTER GOVERNANCE. SGOD Chief Ma.
This include the following processes to The speedy delivery of public goals and
Shirley M. Cardinal underlines the importance
wit: Consolidation from field of ADAS/AO in the elimination of graft are the solutions offered by
field; Streamlining of unit ward and field AO’s; creating the citizens’ charter, thus empowering the of the Citizen’s Charter in ensuring the
Presentation of citizens’ charter to field for validating customers of the government services. efficiency of the services of the SDO during the
if the concerns are addressed; Consolidation and evaluation on January 16.
Keeping the SDO Responsive and Up-to-Date
By MELVIN YNION, T1, Talus National High School
I t is no secret that the key to an organization’s success is its synergy. With the complexities involved in keeping in
tune with the organization’s mission, and to make sure that the division is keeping its efficacy in all operations,
SDS Crispin A. Soliven Jr. included in his 10-point agenda the strengthening of the Division Executive Committee
he DEXECOM is consists Schools reiterated. These are activities and policies which meetings are a proof that Sarangani Division
Division Superintendent (SDS), Assistant have been promptly monitored by assigned division develops strategic framework, right guidelines
Schools Division Superintendent, (ASDS), personnel. and adheres to the standards on program/project
Curriculum Implementation Division (CID The highlights of the most recent DEXECOM development, management, monitoring and
Chief), School Governance and Operations Meeting held last June 10 included the reminder evaluation. Thus, the DEXECOM will continue to
Division (SGOD) Chief and all section heads. for all employees to be careful of their posts and develop and install measures and systems to ensure
They formulate, implement, and coordinate comments in social media and the inclusion the continuous and sustained implementation
policies, plans, programs and projects throughout of values formation in SLAC Sessions. The of programs and projects which have been/
the division. Understandably, they supervise all redeployment of excess teachers to schools which can be integrated in the structure. It won’t stop
elementary and secondary administrators, including has shortage of teachers was also discussed and is providing support and will continue mobilization
Alternative learning System (ALS), both public actually now being implemented. The DEXECOM of resources to the different units to ensure
and private; and provide for the establishment and also planned a simulation of the School Monitoring, efficient planning, application and optimum use of
maintenance of a complete, adequate and integrative Evaluation and Plan Adjustment (SMEPA) resources to program and project operations and
system relevant to the goals of DepED. so that the essential processes might be taken implementation.
The DEXECOM holds their meeting once a into consideration and
month and also make time for special meetings administrators may develop
when there is a need. The success of Oplan Balik deeper understanding on
Eskwela for this school year is largely credited to the importance of SMEPA
the DEXECOM’s lead in monitoring all planning in enhancing efficiency and
and activities related to the opening of classes. The effectiveness of governance
DEXECOM also tackled in their May meeting of basic education delivery.
the strict implementation of “NO COLLECTION The DEXECOM also talked
POLICY”. Department Order 13, Series of 2016- about the “NO Assignment
Implementing Guidelines on the Direct Release and Order, No Appointment”
Use of Maintenance and other Operating Expenses for newly-hired teachers
(MOOE) Allocations of Schools, Including Other and preparations for
Funds Managed by the Schools and D.O. 47 S. International Organization
2016 – The Omnibus Policy on Kindergarten for Standardization (ISO)
Education and Republic Act No. 10157 also known accreditation.
as The Kindergarten Education Act were also The DEXECOM
SHARING THE LIGHT. Technicians of Stiftung ix schools of the Division of Sarangani have received free classrooms from
Solarenergie Philippines install solar panels in Friends of Hope, Inc. and its partners in Vita Coco and PhilSeven Foundation, Inc.
the roofs of a Lebe IS in Maasim 2 District.
The partners have donated a total of 15 recently. Three Vita Coco executives flew in
classrooms to the following schools: Tambuan from the US and Singapore to personally turn-
STIFTUNG SOLARENERGIE PH Dani Elementary School (2 classrooms); Happy over the classrooms in Happy Valley to school
Valley Elementary School (2 classroom); officials.
LIGHTS HOMES OF IP LEARNERS Glan Padidu Central Elementary School (6 PhilSeven Foundation, Inc. officials led the
classrooms); Calonkambing Elementary turnover of the classrooms in Calonkambing
By ROMEO MARTIN, SEPS, Social School (2 classrooms); Fye Falel IP School (1 ES. Assistant Schools Division Superintendent
Mobilization & Networking classroom); and Daliao Elementary School (2 Diosdado F. Ablanido, CPA, received the
classrooms). donations for DepEd.
he reading performance of US-based Vita Coco supported Friends of Friends of Hope, Inc., a partner of DepEd-
Hope in building the classrooms in Tambuan Sarangani since 2017, was founded in 2012 as
learners of in two schools
Dani ES and Green Valley ES. For its part, a non-profit organization dedicated to creating
in indigenous cultural PhilSeven Foundation, Inc. supported the and investing in opportunities for all Filipinos
communities (ICCs) in the Schools construction in Happy Valley ES. to prosper. A pioneer in the social business
Division of Sarangani is expected The donated school building in Daliao ES space, their flagship program builds much-
to improve as a result of the SHINE had its ground-breaking ceremony during the needed public school classrooms across the
Division kick-off of the 2019 Brigada Eskwela Philippines using 100% of their profits from
Project of Stiftung Solarenergie (StS) on May 20, 2019 by representatives of Friends “Hope in a Bottle” (HIB), a purified bottled
Philippines and its partners of Hope, Inc. in Mindanao together with the water produced by their sister company,
SHINE Project intends to light the Barangay Council of Daliao, Maasim, as well GenerationHOPE. They have built hundreds of
homes of off-grid communities using the as Schools Division Superintendent Crispin A. classrooms to date. Today, their investment
power of the sun.The project was launched Soliven, Jr., CESE and division officials. priorities span a range of issues including
recently in the communities of Laginan The classrooms in Tambuan Dani ES were education; entrepreneurship and innovation;
Integrated School of East Malungon turned-over in October last year, the rest just and agricultural productivity and profitability.
District and Green Valley Integrated
School of Kiamba 1 District
In partnership with Philips
Philippines, StS has installed solar energy
lighting systems in around 100 homes of
school children of Green Valley IS. Similar
lighting systems were also installed in 75
homes of Laginan IS children in December
2018 with the support of Coffee Bean and
Tea Leaf.
StS ExecutiveDirector Bambi Reyes
has thought thatgiven enough resources
and opportunity, the foundation would
be keen to light the homes of all school
children in these schools. Her foundation
has earlier provided solar power systems
to 25 off-grid schools across the Division.
Stiftung Solarenergie Philippines and
DepEd-Sarangani have been partners in
providing solar energy to off-grid schools
since 2016. StS aim to empower rural
and marginalized villages throughout the
HOPE IS RISING. SDS Jun Soliven led the official ground-breaking rites of the Friends of Hope,
country through access to sustainable
Inc.-donated 2 classroom school building in Daliao Elementary School during the Division Kick-
solar energy solutions.
Off ceremonies of the 2019 Brigda Eskwela on May 20, 2019.
n DepEd-Sarangani’s continuous quest towards the improvement of education, relevant
innovative technologies and pedagogies for schools are implemented in partnership with the
different stakeholders. One of the initiatives that were implemented is the Dynamic Learning
Program (DLP) that promotes independent learning among the pupils and students to
improve their academic performance. This program greatly improved the Arabic Language
and Islamic Values Education (ALIVE) of Sarangani that answers to the challenges
encountered by the program.
Dynamic Learning Program (DLP) is centered on activity based multidomain
learning that requires students to work independently, to discover and understand the
lesson on their own by reading the concept notes and by doing the exercises before
thelesson is discussed and explained. The idea is that, students learn more by doing
rather than by merely listening.
Ma’am Bedaria T. Hassan, ALIVE Coordinator and Education Program
Specialist II, said that the bottleneck that was being experienced by DepEd
Sarangani is the shortage of qualified ALIVE teachers. But the Dynamic Learning
Program made it possible to cater all the Muslim learners. Through using the
parallel scheme of DLP, teachers were able to hold multi-grade classes. They can
discuss and lecture on a certain grade level, while the other grade level will work on
their Learning Activity Sheets (LAS).
“The Learning Activity Sheets (LAS) enables the learners to work independently
even without expert ALIVE teachers because they are now capable of answering these
sheets even without the teacher’s instruction,” she added.
Aside from the lack of ALIVE teachers, the DLP system has also resolved the problems
on the lack of classrooms, and it also demands lesser time of teaching. Thus, giving ALIVE
teachers the opportunity to develop the Muslim learners in every way possible across several
grade levels.
n adherence to the program standards of the SPJ HAVEN. Regional
Special Program in Journalism, six (6) SPJ- Education Program
implementing schools of Sarangani Division Supervisor Gerardo O.
were approved by the region as a result of Magno inspected Lun
the Regional School Readiness Assessment Padidu CES, one of the
conducted last May 22. schools in Sarangani that
An ocular inspection led by Regional intended to offer SPJ.
Education Program Supervisor Gerardo O. The said school is now one
Magno was conducted to the six (6) SPJ- of the six additional SPJ
implementing schools namely Daan Suyan schools in the Division,
making Sarangani one
Integrated School, Lun Padidu Central
with the most number of
Elementary School, Glan Integrated SPED
SPJ -implementing schools
Center, Kiamba Central SPED Center, Malalag
in Region XII.
Central SPED Center and Malungon Central
SPED Center.
The schools were able to satisfy the adopt special programs and it is only this Lodgin Leaño, school paper adviser of Glan
requirements needed for the implementation year that the endorsement for application of CISC, said.
of the special program as they presented the these schools were officially recognized and Presently, Sarangani Division has already
achievements and background of the schools approved by the region. nine (9) recognized SPJ schools, three (3)
together with their school administration, SPJ The schools also presented the impact of secondary schools namely Lun Padidu
pupils, parents, teachers and stakeholders. journalism in developing both oral and written National High School, Kiamba National High
REPS Magno appreciated the support of communication skills of the learners as well School and Alegria National High School
the stakeholders with their participation during as in nurturing responsible journalism both in and six (6) elementary schools, making
the regional assessment and emphasized their print and non-print media. this division with the most number of SPJ-
vital role in sustaining the implementation of “SPJ caters the needs of the children implementing schools in Region XII.
the program. who have talents and skills in writing and Sarangani Division encourages schools
The six (6) elementary schools already help them understand in exercising their to adopt special program to support their
implemented the program last school year freedom of expression with responsibility and learner’s potentials and talents to specialized
in response to the call of the division to accountability even in the elementary level,” field.
o support and raise awareness on the attendance. the program.
nutrition among the underprivileged In its second year of implementation, the Intensifying linkages to partners, Sagud
pupils, Malungon Central Elementary school has observed the positive impact of Kabataan Program was able to gain support
School SPED Center implements its school- the Sagud Kabataan Program in improving from private sponsors who donated sets of
based feeding program Sagud Kabataan not only the nutritional status of the pupils school supplies and clothing.
Program. but also their regular attendance as well as Ms. Baculio emphasized that with
The initiative started as a campaign led reading proficiency. persistent efforts and compassion of the
by Ms. Mary Ann L. Baculio, Teacher-I, and The school links with stakeholders to program coordinator, parents and school
was adopted by the school community with its intensify and sustain the program and to administration as well as strong partnership
aim to help identify indigent pupils who need increase the number of its recipients. among sponsors and stakeholders, Sagud
improvement in health, nutritional behavior Presently, a total of twenty-five (25) pupils Kabataan Program will be sustained and thus,
and values and to increase their classroom were identified from various grade level under help more pupils in their nutrition.
“It is not the things we get but the hearts we touch that will determine our success in life.”
Mac Anderson
Mac Anderson is right. Leadership is not about the person himself but leadership is about others- all the
people surrounding the leader. Without people, leadership is a one-size-fits-all skill.
When I am asked to think of a person who inspires me to do my best every day, a wide variety of different
people come to my mind. Sometimes flickers like that of a television show or movie flash into my mind leading
me to a historical figure, an icon and workmates whose personalities I greatly admire.
In a workplace as mammoth organization, as wide and dynamic as the Department of Education, it’s easy
to point out people who are motivating, but there is really that one person that stood out, simple yet so moving
that he could move an army of sheep. He is that one person who possesses the qualities I am looking for a
person in command. A Leader who touches Sarangans’ heart.
Courageous. A person who does not hide from challenging or scary situations; speaks up for what is right
even if there is opposition. He stood and support his people’s view. I experienced this when I defended the SEF
budget in the programs and projects where I am in charged. His courage is so contagious that it also gave me
strength to brave a panel of personnel.
Responsible. The topmost quality that defines a good leader is being responsible. Great leaders recognize
that when it comes to their job or workplace, they need to take personal responsibility for failure.
Inspiring . When our team are sinking in workload or drowning in spirit, he is that person who starts
finding ways to inspire our team. It is automatic from his end realizing that his job is to keep spirits up, and that
it begins with an appreciation for the hard work that we have put in. Start off by giving words of encouragement
once in a while.”Keep up the good work, keep going” are samples of his text messages .
Self-regulating . He is that one person who can control his emotions and sticks to decisions. A well-
rounded person who is disciplined. He’s become a paragon of this attribute even in just a simple rule of proper
wearing of uniform. He also encourages us to do quality assurance of every work we do.
Positive. He is that person who wants to keep our team motivated towards the continued success of the
division, and keep the energy levels up. Whether that means providing snacks, coffee, relationship advice, or
even just an occasional beer in the office. The one who remembers that everyone on his team is a person. He
keeps the office mood a fine balance between productivity and enjoyment.
Innovative. As a good leader is somebody the team could lean on to for answers or solutions. He
encourages everyone to think outside the box when any issues arise.
Natural. He is that one person who shows nothing but his simple natural self. He is that “What you see is
what you get” guy. From the tone of my words and the line of my stories, I guess you know who I am referring
to. A person who captivated me with his innate goodness and top of the line leadership, our superintendent
Crispin A. Soliven, Jr. How I wish his inspiring aura and personality will radiate to everyone in Sarangani or
wherever his career would bring him.