Episode 5.1

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Episode 1

My Learning Episode Overview

This Episode introduces assessment FOR learning, assessment AS
learning and assessment OF learning.
Prepositions for, as and of mean a lot. They make a big difference in
assessment. Assessment FOR learning, assessment AS learning and
assessment OF learning have different purposes. You learned them in your
subjects on Assessment. In this Episode, you will observe how they are
applied in the teaching-learning process.

My Intended Learning Outcome

At the end of this Episode, I must be able to:
 distinguish among the 3 forms of assessment and
 draw concrete examples of these forms of assessment.

My Performance Criteria
I will be rated along the following:

a) quality of my observations and documentation,

b) completeness and depth of my analysis,
c) depth and clarity of my classroom observation-based reflections,
d) completeness, organization, clarity of my portfolio and
e) time of submission of my portfolio.

My Learning Essentials

The preposition “for” in assessment FOR learning implies that assessment is

done to improve and ensure learning. This is referred to as formative
assessment, assessment that is given while the teacher is in the process of
student formation (learning). It ensures that learning is going on while teacher
is in the process of teaching.

Teacher does not lose anything if as he/ she teaches he/she checks for
understanding now and then, This is to ensure that before he/she proceeds
further or comes near the end of the chapter, unit or course or grading
period, the students understood the lesson.

It will be tragic and a waste of time if teacher just proceeds with his/her
teaching presuming that students understood the lesson only to discover at the
end of the unit or grading period that students after all did not understand
the lesson. So much time has already been wasted.

Besides, lack of understanding of the lesson must have been compounded

because the “ABCs” of the lesson weren’t mastered and teacher already
proceeded to “XYZ”. Too late to discover that at the end of a unit or a
grading period the students did not learn what was expected of them.

Formative assessment also includes the pre-test and the post-test that a
teacher gives to ensure learning.

Why the pre-test? It is to find out where the students are or determine
their entry knowledge or skills so teacher knows how to adjust instruction.

Why the post-test? It is to find out if the intended learning outcome has
been attained after the teaching-learning process. If not all students have
attained it, then teacher has to apply an intervention or remediation. Why do
these have to take place? To ensure learning, thus the term Assessment FOR

In Assessment FOR Learning, teachers use assessment results to

inform of adjust their teaching.
Assessment OF Learning is usually given at the end of a unit, grading period or
term like a semester. It is meant to assess learning for grading purposes,
thus the term Assessment OF Learning.

Assessment AS learning is associated with self-assessment. As the term

implies, assessment by itself is already a form of learning for the students.

As students assess their own work (e.g. a paragraph) and/or with their peers
with the use of scoring rubrics, they learn on their own what a good paragraph

is. At the same time, they are engaged in self-assessment, they learn about
themselves as learners (e.g. paragraph writers) and become aware of how they
learn. In short, in assessment AS learning, students set their targets,
actively monitor and evaluate their own learning in relation to their set target.
As a consequence, they become self-directed or independent

AS Learning

FOR Assessment
Learning OF Learning


My Learning Map

My Learning Activities
I will observe two classes, record my observations with the use of an Observation Sheet.


Indicators of Assessment FOR, OF and AS Learning

Resource Teachers:Mrs. Merlita Acquiatan Teacher’s Signature: ______________

School:Colegio de Santa Cataline de Alejandria Grade & Section:Grade 10- Mediogore
Subject Area:Science Date&Time: January 17,2019 10:45-11:45

Assessment FOR Learning Assessment AS Learning Assessment OF Learning

Write observed teacher Write observed teacher and Write observed teacher
activities that manifest student activities that manifest activities that manifest
assessment For learning. assessment AS learning. (Self- assessment OF learning.
(Assessment while teacher assessment) (Assessment at the end of
teaches. Conduct of pre-test teaching).
and post-test are included). o Ma’am Acquaitan let a group
of student do an experiment.
o Ma’am Acquaitan asked a She assisted them by giving o There no assessment
student to give a recap them procedures. OF learning observe
about their previous lesson o She let her do the labelling of during the class
which is about gases the materials needed, do the
weighing and letting also
some other students
participate double check the
o After the experiment, she
provided questions to the
students for their own
understanding about the

My Analysis
1. Did you observe assessment practices for the three forms of assessment? Explain
your answer.
Yes assessment are being observed in the class however not all. The only
assessment observed are Assessment FOR Learning and Assessment AS Learning.

2. Are the results of the assessment OF learning affected by the

observation/implemented of assessment FOR learning? Explain your answer.
There is no Assessment OF Learning shown during the observation of the
class however it there is I think it will not affect the implementation of Assessment
FOR Learning. All assessment must be in line to the learning objective of the
lesson therefore the three assessment would just come up with same result.

3. Based on your observations, to what extent is Assessment AS Learning (self-

assessment) practiced compared to Assessment FOR (formative) and OF Learning

Compared to assessment OF learning and assessment FOR learning,

assessment AS learning is used for task and activity that allow learner to assess
their own self. Self and group assessment allows students to know and reflect their
own weakness and strengths.

4. Which phrase refers to assessment FOR learning? Assessment OF learning?

Assessment AS learning??
DepEd Order No. 8, s. 2015 states: “Assessment is a process that is used to
keep track of learners’ progress in relation to learning standards…, to promote self-
reflection and personal accountability among students about their own learning and
to provide bases for the profiling of student performance on the learning
competencies and standards of the curriculum.”

My Reflections
Write your reflections on the following:

1. As a student, did you like assessment? Do students like assessment? Why or

why not?

As a student I like to be assessed. I like to know what would be the result of

the work and know where I am in the class standing. Teachers do assess students to
see whether they learn or not. Through assessment, they can guide students who
weren’t able to grasp the lesson. Oftentimes, student don’t want to be assess.
Mostly, they feel pressured when they are being assessed.

2. What can you do to eliminate students’ fear of assessment? Can frequent

formative assessment (Formative assessment) reduce if not eliminate fear of

Yes, variety of how we are going to demonstrate the assessment could help.
Interactive assessment could be effective to students for they like when they are
being involved and they could share opinions.

3. Do you like the idea and practice of self-assessment (assessment AS learning)?

Why or why not?

Personal assessment is helpful for students for they can maintain or have the
idea of what they have to and want to learn. They can know better about
themselves in terms of their weaknesses and strengths.

Integrating Theory and Practice

1. Teacher Emma gave a True-False pretest on social justice. Based on the pretest results, she taught her class
social justice by correcting whatever wrong concepts the students have and affirmed and expounded on their correct
answers, Teacher Emma gave the class a post test. Among the forms of assessment explained, which one/s did
Teacher Emma do?

A. Assessment OF Learning C. Assessment FOR Learning

B. Assessment AS Learning D. Assessment FOR and AS Learning

2. The class was taught how to conduct an action researchand was required an end-of-the-term written research
report. The class was taught how to do the research report and was shown an Analytic Scoring Rubric as guide in the
making of their research report. They were all motivated to pass an excellent research report and as a group checked
now and then if they were true to the qualities of an excellent research report as seen in the scoring rubric. What form
of assessment is described?

A. Assessment OF Learning C. Assessment FOR Learning

B. Assessment AS Learning D. Assessment FOR and AS Learning

3. Teacher Julie sees to it that she checks for understanding as she teaches to ensure that every student can follow
the lesson. With what form/s of assessment is Teacher Julie occupied with?

A. Assessment OF Learning C. Assessment FOR Learning

B. Assessment AS Learning D. Assessment FOR and AS Learning

4. Teacher Grace is done with the Unit 1. She wants to know how well her students could demonstrate the
knowledge and skills targeted at the beginning if the Unit. Into what form of assessment is Teacher Grace?

A. Assessment OF Learning C. Assessment FOR Learning

B. Assessment AS Learning D. Assessment FOR and AS Learning

5. Which assessment is/are used to determine grade of students?

I. Formative AssessmentII. Summative AssessmentIII. Assessment of learning

A. II and III C. I and II

B. I and III D. I only

6. Which assessment leads students to become self-directed and independent learners?

A. Formative Assessment C. Assessment AS Learning

B. Summative Assessment D. Assessment FOR Learning

7. Complete this Analogy.

Formative assessment: Assessment for learning
Summative assessment: ___________________

A. Assessment of learning C. Assessment as learning

B. Assessment with learning D. Assessment in learning

My Learning Portfolio

1. Distinguished assessment FOR, OF and AS learning by way of a graphic


Assessment OF Learning
 By teacher
 Determine the strategy use in assessment
 Provide effective feedback
 What students do
 How to do

Assessment AS
of  By student
 To determine what they
Assessment do to learn
 To give feedback to
Assessment FOR
themselves and peer
learning  To reflect on what they
 Determine the level of learn
achievements of the
pupils given in the short
period of time
 Give support to the

2. Research on:
 3 innovative formative assessment activities and techniques to ass to the usual
teacher questioning and observation techniques
 2 innovative summative assessment tools that measure higher-order thinking skills

Innovative Formative Assessment

1. Analyzing Students Work

A great deal of information can be learned from students’ homework, test and
quizzes. This is especially so if the student are required to explain their thinking. When
teacher take the time to analyze student work, they gain knowledge about it.

 A student’s current knowledge, attitude, and skills about subject matter.

 Strengths, weaknesses, and learning styles
 Need for further or special assistance

This approach lets teacher modify their instruction to be more effective in the future.

2. Three way Summaries

The idea here is to use different modes of thinking and attention detail. Students
can work in groups or individuals. In response to a question or topic inquiry, they write
three different summaries.

 10-15 words long

 30-50 words long
 75-100 words long

3. Creative extensive Projects

Students can create a large scope of projects to demonstrate comprehension.

Quick projects help them apply the higher order levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy. There
don’t have to be big and complicated. They can take a day, a half-day, or even an hour.
Here are some ideas for quick projects:

 Create a poster or collage illustrating the subject matter

 Record a rehearsed skit or podcast discussing the topics covered
 Build a diorama about the subject and create a narrative behind it
 Let students design their own flashcards to test each other with
 Keynote presentations made by students on the topic

Field Study 5, Episode 1–Assessment FOR Learning, Assessment AS Learning and

Assessment OF Learning: How Are They Practiced?

Focused on:
o Distinguishing among 3 forms of assessment and
o Drawing concrete examples of these forms of assessment

Name of FS Student: Racquel T. Alcoriza Date Submitted: Jan. 22, 2019

Year& Section: BSED II Course:BSED

Learning Exemplary Superior Satisfactory Needs

Episodes 4 3 2 Improvement

All tasks were All or nearly all Nearly all tasks Fewer than
Learning done with tasks were done were done with half of tasks
Activities outstanding with high quality. acceptable were done; or
quality; work quality. most
exceeds objectives
expectations were met but

Analysis of All questions were Analysis questions Analysis questions Analysis

the Learning answered were answered were not questions
Episode completely; in completely. answered were not
depth answers; Clear connection completely. answered.
thoroughly with theories. Vaguely related to Grammar
grounded on Grammar and the theories. and spelling
theories. spelling are Grammar and unsatisfactory
Exemplary superior. spelling .
grammar and acceptable

Reflections/ Reflection Reflection Reflection Ref lection

insights statements are statements are statements are statements
clear, but not clear, but not shallow; are unclear
clearly; supported clearly supported supported by and shallow
by experiences by experiences experiences from and are not
from the learning from the learning the learning supported by
episodes episodes episodes experiences
from the

Portfolio is Portfolio is Portfolio is Analysis

complete, clear, complete, clear, incomplete; questions
well-organized well-organized; supporting were not
and all most supporting documentations answered
Learning supporting; documentations are are organized but
Portfolio documentations available and logical are lacking Grammar and
are located in and clearly marked spelling
sections clearly locations unsatisfactory

Submission Submitted before Submitted on the Submitted a day Submitted

of Learning the deadline deadline after the deadline two days or
Episodes more after
the deadline

Over-all Score (Based on


Score 20 19-18 17 16 15 14 13-12 11 10 9-8 7-Below

Grade 1.0 1.25 1.5 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 2.75 3.00 3.5 5.00

99 96 93 90 87 84 81 78 75 72 71-Below

______________________________ __________________________
Signature of FS Teacher Date

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