Jurnal Hemorhoid
Jurnal Hemorhoid
Jurnal Hemorhoid
Syeda Rifaat Qamar Naqvi, Syeda Saima Qamar Naqvi*, Muhammad Misbah Rashid,
Irfan Ali Sheikh, Muhammad Ali, Abu ul Ala Nafees
Department of Surgery, Combined Military Hospital, Rawalpindi, *Yusra Medical College, Rawalpindi-Pakistan
Background: A range of surgical options from banding to open haemorrhoidectomy are available
for the treatment of haemorrhoids. Haemorrhoidal artery ligation operation (HALO) with or
without Doppler guidance is a newer option with claims of having better efficacy. We aimed to
study the efficacy of HALO without Doppler guidance in terms of presence of postoperative
complications including pain, bleeding, prolapse and overall patient satisfaction. Methods: This
interventional study was conducted in the Department of Surgery Combined Military Hospital
Rawalpindi, from 1st September 2013 to 31st July 2015. Consenting patients with second degree
haemorrhoids not responding to banding or sclera-therapy and those with third and fourth degree
haemorrhoids were included in the study. They were followed up at 1 week, 6 weeks and then at 6
months. All of them were questioned regarding pain, bleeding, prolapse and overall satisfaction
with the procedure. Results: A total of 97 patients (n=97) were included in the study. At 1 week
follow up after HALO, mean pain score was 1.76, at 6 weeks it was 0.4 and at 6 months none of
the patients had any pain. Postoperative bleeding was seen in 1 patient at 1 week (1.03%). None of
the patients had bleeding at 6 weeks (0%), and 2 patients reported mild occasional bleeding at 6
months’ post op (2.06%). Four of our patients had persistent prolapse post-operatively (4.12%)
which persisted throughout follow up. Ninety-four (96.91%) patients were overall satisfied with
the procedure, whereas 3 patients (3.09%) were not satisfied. Conclusion: Haemorrhoidal artery
ligation operation without Doppler guidance is an effective method to treat haemorrhoids in terms
of post-operative pain, bleeding and patient satisfaction.
Keywords: HALO; Haemorrhoids; Doppler probe.
Citation: Naqvi SRQ, Naqvi SSQ, Rashid MM, Sheikh IA, Ali M, Nafees AA. Haemorrhoidal artery ligation operation
without Doppler guidance. J Ayub Med Coll Abbottabad 2018;30(4 Suppl 1):664–7.
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J Ayub Med Coll Abbottabad 2018;30(4 Suppl 1)
were included through non probability consecutive At 1 week follow up mean pain score for all grades of
sampling. In all these patients, investigations required to haemorrhoids was 1.76, at 6 weeks it was 0.4 and at 6
rule out other diseases were carried out as indicated. months none of the patients had any pain. Mean pain
Patients who had other pathologies in addition to score for second degree haemorrhoids alone was 1.52 at
haemorrhoids like fissure, polyps, proctitis or cancer etc 1 week and there was no pain at 6 weeks and 6 month
were excluded from the study. All surgeries were follow up. For third degree haemorrhoids it was 1.57 at
performed by a single surgeon. 1 week and again no pain at 6 weeks and 6 month
A total of 97 patients (n=97) consented out of follow up. Whereas for fourth degree haemorrhoids it
them 71 were females and 26 were males. All these was 2.19 at 1 week follow up, 1.2 at 6 weeks and nil at 6
patients were subjected to HALO without doppler months follow up. Postoperative bleeding was seen in
guidance under spinal or general anaesthesia. A one patient with fourth degree haemorrhoids at 1 week.
specially designed proctoscope with a window on one This makes 1.03% of all the patients operated and
side was used during this procedure. Vicryl 2-0 was 2.44% of the fourth degree haemorrhoids operated.
used in all cases and a figure of eight suture was applied None of the patients had any bleeding at 6 weeks (0%).
at the base of each haemorrhoid followed by a running Two patients (2.06%) reported mild occasional bleeding
plicating suture to deal with the prolapsing component at 6 months’ post-operative. One of them was the same
of the haemorrhoid. All these patients were followed up patient with fourth degree haemorrhoids who had
at 1 week, 6 weeks and then at 6 months. A brief bleeding at 1 week and second patient also had fourth
questionnaire was filled for each of these patients. degree haemorrhoids initially. So the percentage of
Patients not reporting on follow up appointments were fourth degree haemorrhoids alone that developed
questioned on the telephone. Each patient was bleeding per rectum at 6 months was 4.88%.
questioned about post-operative pain on a 10-point Four of our patients had persistent prolapse
visual analogue scale (VAS). Bleeding and prolapse post-operatively (4.12%), and all these had fourth
were recorded as being present or absent. And finally all degree haemorrhoids initially. This prolapse persisted
patients were asked if they were overall satisfied with throughout follow up appointments. Thus 9.75% of the
this surgery or not. Data analysis was performed using fourth degree haemorrhoids had persistent prolapse after
SPSS version 16. Mean and standard deviation were HALO.
calculated for continuous variables. Categorical Ninety-four (96.91%) patients were overall
variables were presented in frequencies and percentages. satisfied with the procedure. Out of the three patients
(3.09%) reporting un-satisfaction, one was the patient
RESULTS who had persistent mild bleeding. The other two
A total of 97 patients (n=97) were included in the study. patients were unsatisfied due to the prolapse. All these
Out of them 71 (73.2%) were females and 26 (26.8%) three unsatisfied patients had fourth degree
were males. Twelve of them had second degree haemorrhoids. So the overall satisfaction for both
(12.37%), 44 had third degree (45.36%) and 41 had second and third degree haemorrhoids was 100 %
fourth degree haemorrhoids (42.27%). Ages ranged whereas it was 92.68% for fourth degree haemorrhoids.
from 25 to 64 years (Mean- 43 years, SD±3). This data was analysed on SPSS version 16.
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