Jurnal Hemorhoid

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J Ayub Med Coll Abbottabad 2018;30(4 Suppl 1)

Syeda Rifaat Qamar Naqvi, Syeda Saima Qamar Naqvi*, Muhammad Misbah Rashid,
Irfan Ali Sheikh, Muhammad Ali, Abu ul Ala Nafees
Department of Surgery, Combined Military Hospital, Rawalpindi, *Yusra Medical College, Rawalpindi-Pakistan

Background: A range of surgical options from banding to open haemorrhoidectomy are available
for the treatment of haemorrhoids. Haemorrhoidal artery ligation operation (HALO) with or
without Doppler guidance is a newer option with claims of having better efficacy. We aimed to
study the efficacy of HALO without Doppler guidance in terms of presence of postoperative
complications including pain, bleeding, prolapse and overall patient satisfaction. Methods: This
interventional study was conducted in the Department of Surgery Combined Military Hospital
Rawalpindi, from 1st September 2013 to 31st July 2015. Consenting patients with second degree
haemorrhoids not responding to banding or sclera-therapy and those with third and fourth degree
haemorrhoids were included in the study. They were followed up at 1 week, 6 weeks and then at 6
months. All of them were questioned regarding pain, bleeding, prolapse and overall satisfaction
with the procedure. Results: A total of 97 patients (n=97) were included in the study. At 1 week
follow up after HALO, mean pain score was 1.76, at 6 weeks it was 0.4 and at 6 months none of
the patients had any pain. Postoperative bleeding was seen in 1 patient at 1 week (1.03%). None of
the patients had bleeding at 6 weeks (0%), and 2 patients reported mild occasional bleeding at 6
months’ post op (2.06%). Four of our patients had persistent prolapse post-operatively (4.12%)
which persisted throughout follow up. Ninety-four (96.91%) patients were overall satisfied with
the procedure, whereas 3 patients (3.09%) were not satisfied. Conclusion: Haemorrhoidal artery
ligation operation without Doppler guidance is an effective method to treat haemorrhoids in terms
of post-operative pain, bleeding and patient satisfaction.
Keywords: HALO; Haemorrhoids; Doppler probe.
Citation: Naqvi SRQ, Naqvi SSQ, Rashid MM, Sheikh IA, Ali M, Nafees AA. Haemorrhoidal artery ligation operation
without Doppler guidance. J Ayub Med Coll Abbottabad 2018;30(4 Suppl 1):664–7.

INTRODUCTION The efficacy of this procedure with the use of doppler

probe and without its use is comparable in the clinical
Haemorrhoids are one of the very common conditions
trials referred to in NICE guidelines.6–8
treated in surgical departments all over the world.1–3
‘The main limiting factor for greater
Surgery is usually offered to third and fourth degree
acceptance of this procedure is related to higher cost of
haemorrhoids and also to those second degree
the doppler equipment10. Since most clinical trials
haemorrhoids which do not respond to less invasive
showed comparable results with and without use of
methods like banding or sclerotherapy.1 Although
doppler probe and in fact some showed better results
haemorrhoidectomy deals efficiently with
without doppler probe, National Health Services (NHS)
haemorrhoids, having low recurrence rates but is
in United Kingdom (UK) adopted this procedure
associated with significant post-operative pain and
without doppler guidance in many of its centres since
complications like bleeding and stenosis etc.2,3
2006.6–8 In Pakistan also, the cost of this procedure with
Haemorrhoidal artery ligation operation
doppler probe would be very high for the patients. We
(HALO) under Doppler guidance was introduced by
therefore studied the efficacy of HALO without doppler
Moranaga et al in 1995.4 This was found to be
associated with minimal complications and very little
post op pain/ discomfort.4,5 Since then a number of MATERIAL AND METHODS
clinical trials have been conducted and some studies are
This interventional study was carried out at surgical
still underway to determine its efficacy and to see if the
department of Combined Military Hospital (CMH)
same procedure can be carried out without Doppler
Rawalpindi after approval from Hospital Ethical
guidance.6–8 According to ‘National Institute for Health
Committee, from 1st September 2013 to 31st July 2015,
and Care Excellence’ (NICE) recommendations,
i.e., for twenty-three months. All patients with second
‘Haemorrhoidal artery ligation is an efficacious
degree haemorrhoids not responding to banding or
alternative to conventional haemorrhoidectomy or
sclerotherapy and those with third and fourth degree
stapled haemorrhoidopexy in the short and medium
haemorrhoids were offered this procedure. The patients
term, and that there are no major safety concerns’.9

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J Ayub Med Coll Abbottabad 2018;30(4 Suppl 1)

were included through non probability consecutive At 1 week follow up mean pain score for all grades of
sampling. In all these patients, investigations required to haemorrhoids was 1.76, at 6 weeks it was 0.4 and at 6
rule out other diseases were carried out as indicated. months none of the patients had any pain. Mean pain
Patients who had other pathologies in addition to score for second degree haemorrhoids alone was 1.52 at
haemorrhoids like fissure, polyps, proctitis or cancer etc 1 week and there was no pain at 6 weeks and 6 month
were excluded from the study. All surgeries were follow up. For third degree haemorrhoids it was 1.57 at
performed by a single surgeon. 1 week and again no pain at 6 weeks and 6 month
A total of 97 patients (n=97) consented out of follow up. Whereas for fourth degree haemorrhoids it
them 71 were females and 26 were males. All these was 2.19 at 1 week follow up, 1.2 at 6 weeks and nil at 6
patients were subjected to HALO without doppler months follow up. Postoperative bleeding was seen in
guidance under spinal or general anaesthesia. A one patient with fourth degree haemorrhoids at 1 week.
specially designed proctoscope with a window on one This makes 1.03% of all the patients operated and
side was used during this procedure. Vicryl 2-0 was 2.44% of the fourth degree haemorrhoids operated.
used in all cases and a figure of eight suture was applied None of the patients had any bleeding at 6 weeks (0%).
at the base of each haemorrhoid followed by a running Two patients (2.06%) reported mild occasional bleeding
plicating suture to deal with the prolapsing component at 6 months’ post-operative. One of them was the same
of the haemorrhoid. All these patients were followed up patient with fourth degree haemorrhoids who had
at 1 week, 6 weeks and then at 6 months. A brief bleeding at 1 week and second patient also had fourth
questionnaire was filled for each of these patients. degree haemorrhoids initially. So the percentage of
Patients not reporting on follow up appointments were fourth degree haemorrhoids alone that developed
questioned on the telephone. Each patient was bleeding per rectum at 6 months was 4.88%.
questioned about post-operative pain on a 10-point Four of our patients had persistent prolapse
visual analogue scale (VAS). Bleeding and prolapse post-operatively (4.12%), and all these had fourth
were recorded as being present or absent. And finally all degree haemorrhoids initially. This prolapse persisted
patients were asked if they were overall satisfied with throughout follow up appointments. Thus 9.75% of the
this surgery or not. Data analysis was performed using fourth degree haemorrhoids had persistent prolapse after
SPSS version 16. Mean and standard deviation were HALO.
calculated for continuous variables. Categorical Ninety-four (96.91%) patients were overall
variables were presented in frequencies and percentages. satisfied with the procedure. Out of the three patients
(3.09%) reporting un-satisfaction, one was the patient
RESULTS who had persistent mild bleeding. The other two
A total of 97 patients (n=97) were included in the study. patients were unsatisfied due to the prolapse. All these
Out of them 71 (73.2%) were females and 26 (26.8%) three unsatisfied patients had fourth degree
were males. Twelve of them had second degree haemorrhoids. So the overall satisfaction for both
(12.37%), 44 had third degree (45.36%) and 41 had second and third degree haemorrhoids was 100 %
fourth degree haemorrhoids (42.27%). Ages ranged whereas it was 92.68% for fourth degree haemorrhoids.
from 25 to 64 years (Mean- 43 years, SD±3). This data was analysed on SPSS version 16.

Table-1: Age and gender distribution of various grades of haemorrhoids

Grades of haemorrhoids Number of cases Mean age Female to male ratio
Second degree 12 (12.37%) 37 (SD+8) 2.54:1
Third degree 44 (45.36%) 44 (SD+11) 3.33:1
Fourth degree 41 (42.27%) 48 (SD+9) 2.32:1
Total 97 43 (SD+3) 2.73:1

Table-2: Complications/ Results after HALO

Grades of haemorrhoids Follow up visit Mean pain score Bleeding Prolapse Patient satisfaction
1 week 1.52 (SD+0.2) 0% 0%
Second degree 6 weeks 0 0% 0% 100%
6 months 0 0% 0%
1 week 1.57 (SD+0.28) 0% 0%
Third degree 6 weeks 0 0% 0% 100%
6 months 0 0% 0%
1 week 2.19 (SD+0.62) 2.44% 9.75%
Fourth degree 6 weeks 1.2 (SD+0.1) 0% 9.75% 92.68%
6 months 0 4.88% 9.75%
1 week 1.76 (SD+0.32) 1.03% 4.12%
Total 6 weeks 0.4 (SD+0.09) 0% 4.12% 96.91%
6 months 0 2.06% 4.12%

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DISCUSSION week (1.03%) and in 2 patients, both with fourth

degree haemorrhoids at 6 month follow up (2.06%).
Third and fourth degree haemorrhoids along with
In other studies, Pucher et al found 5 %16, whereas
some second degree haemorrhoids which do not
Yamoul et al found 3%18 incidence of bleeding on
respond to less invasive methods like sclerotherapy
defecation after HALO, which is slightly more than
or banding, are conventionally treated by
our results. Other studies have also found the same
haemorrhoidectomy1. This operation is associated
relationship of post-operative bleeding to the grade of
with significant post-operative pain and
complications like bleeding, infection, anal stenosis,
Four of our patients had post-operative
incontinence etc.2,3 A study conducted in Pakistan by
prolapse (4.12%), and all had fourth degree
Majeed et al indicates high incidence of these
haemorrhoids initially. Thus 9.75% of fourth degree
complications. In this study bleeding was seen in
haemorrhoids had persistent prolapse after HALO.
4.94% cases, infection in 8.24% and significant
This is lower than another study conducted by
stenosis in 0.55% cases.11 Other studies conducted
Walefa P et al. They found 25% patients with
internationally show even higher incidences of these
postoperative prolapse after HALO.19
and other complications.12
Overall patient satisfaction in our study was
Haemorrhoidal Artery Ligation Operation
96.91%. Although all patients with second and third
also called HALO is a fast emerging method to deal
degree haemorrhoids were satisfied but patients who
with haemorrhoids world over.13–15 National Institute
had fourth degree haemorrhoids had a satisfaction of
of Health and Care Excellence (NICE) in UK also
92.68%. A study in which HALO was performed
included this procedure in its guidelines in 2010.16
without doppler compared patient satisfaction in
The guidelines indicate that this procedure is an
different haemorrhoid grades and found 81.1%
efficient alternative to conventional and stapled
patient satisfaction with no significant difference
haemorrhoidectomy without any major safety
between haemorrhoidal grades.6 Another study
concerns.9 The clinical trials referred to in NICE
conducted by Nash et al, which compared doppler
guidelines include this procedure with as well as
guided HALO with non-doppler guided HALO,
without Doppler probe with comparable results.6–8
found patient satisfaction to be the same in both
Our study involves HALO without Doppler
guidance. We had a total of 97 (n=97) patients with a
Our results show much less complication
mean age of 43 years and a female preponderance of
rates and much better patient satisfaction as
(2.73:1). Out of the total patients operated, 12.37%
compared to conventional haemorrhoidectomy.2–4 We
had second degree 45.36% had third degree and
therefore recommend that in the surgical treatment of
42.27% had fourth degree haemorrhoids. This is
haemorrhoids, HALO should replace
comparable to patient populations with haemorrhoids
in other similar studies.5,6,17
Our study which was conducted without
At 1 week follow up in our study, mean pain
Doppler probe shows comparable and in some
score for all grades of haemorrhoids was 1.76, at 6
instances better results than those studies in which
weeks it was 0.4 and at 6 months none of the patients
HALO was performed with Doppler guidance. These
had any pain. Mean pain score for second degree
results are comparable to other studies in which
haemorrhoids alone was 1.52 at 1 week and there was
HALO was performed without Doppler probe.6–8
no pain at 6 weeks and 6 month follow up. For third
Schuurman et al compared doppler guided HALO
degree haemorrhoids it was 1.57 at 1 week and again
with non-doppler guided HALO and found that
no pain at 6 weeks and 6 month follow up. Whereas
improvement of symptoms was not significantly
for fourth degree haemorrhoids it was 2.19 at 1 week
different in the 2 groups except for prolapse which
follow up, 1.2 at 6 weeks and nil at 6 months follow
improved more in HALO without doppler probe.
up. This is slightly better than results of other similar
They also found more complications in doppler
studies for example mean pain score at 1-week post
guided HALO compared to non-doppler guided
op after HALO without doppler studied by Shahbaz
group.6,19 We therefore recommend HALO without
M et al was found to be 4.817. Gupta et al found pain
Doppler guidance for the treatment of second, third
score to be significantly higher in doppler guide
and fourth degree haemorrhoids.
versus non doppler guided HALO (4.4 versus 2.2).7
Also the pain score in our study is significantly better CONCLUSION
than that seen after conventional
Haemorrhoidal artery ligation operation (HALO)
without doppler guidance is an effective method to
Bleeding after HALO in our study was seen
treat haemorrhoids in terms of post-operative pain,
in one patient with fourth degree haemorrhoids at 1
bleeding and overall patient satisfaction.

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J Ayub Med Coll Abbottabad 2018;30(4 Suppl 1)

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Submitted: 25 June, 2016 Revised: 22 February, 2018 Accepted: 25 February, 2018

Address for Correspondence:
Dr. Syeda Rifaat Qamar Naqvi, Department of Surgery, Combined Military Hospital, Rawalpindi-Pakistan
Cell: +92 321 521 4263
Email: [email protected]

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