SEX CHANGE - Physically Impossible, Psychosocially Unhelpful, and Philosophically Misguided
SEX CHANGE - Physically Impossible, Psychosocially Unhelpful, and Philosophically Misguided
SEX CHANGE - Physically Impossible, Psychosocially Unhelpful, and Philosophically Misguided
As Princeton philosopher
Robert P. George put it,
“Changing sexes is a
metaphysical impossibility
because it is a biological
-Public Discourse: Ryan T. Anderson. “Sex Change: Physically
Impossible, Psychosocially Unhelpful, and Philosophically
Lawrence S. Mayer,
M.B., M.S., Ph.D.
“Scientifically speaking,
transgender men are not
biological men and transgender
women are not biological women.
The claims to the contrary are
not supported by a scintilla of
scientific evidence.”
-Public Discourse: Ryan T. Anderson. “Sex Change: Physically
Impossible, Psychosocially Unhelpful, and Philosophically
Paul McHugh , M.D
“Transgendered men do
not become women, nor do
transgendered women become
men. All (including Bruce
Jenner) become feminized
men or masculinized women,
counterfeits or impersonators
of the sex with which they
'identify.' In that lies their
problematic future.”
-Public Discourse: Ryan T. Anderson. “Sex Change: Physically Impossible, Psychosocially
Unhelpful, and Philosophically Misguided”
Paul McHugh , M.D
“When “the tumult and
shouting dies,” it proves not easy
nor wise to live in a counterfeit
sexual garb. The most thorough
follow-up of sex-reassigned people
—extending over thirty years and
conducted in Sweden, where the
culture is strongly supportive of the
transgendered—documents their
lifelong mental unrest. ”
-Public Discourse: Ryan T. Anderson. “Sex Change: Physically Impossible, Psychosocially
Unhelpful, and Philosophically Misguided”
Paul McHugh , M.D
CH 324.2
“Remorse for sin sometimes
undermines the constitution and
unbalances the mind. There are
erroneous doctrines also, as that
of an eternally burning hell and the
endless torment of the wicked, that,
by giving exaggerated and distorted
views of the character of God, have
produced the same result upon
sensitive minds.”
CH 324.2
“Infidels have made the most of
these unfortunate cases, attributing
insanity to religion, but this is a
gross libel, and one which they will
not be pleased to meet by and by.
The religion of Christ, so far from
being the cause of insanity, is one of
its most effectual remedies; for it is a
potent soother of the nerves.”
CH 324.2
“To deal with men and women whose mind as well as bodies are
diseased is a nice work. Great wisdom is needed by the physicians at
the Institute in order to cure the body through the mind. But few
realize the power that the mind has over the body. ”
“A great deal of the sickness which afflicts humanity has its
origin in the mind and can only be cured by
restoring the mind to health. ”
“Many of the diseases from which men suffer are the result of mental
depression. Grief, anxiety, discontent, remorse, guilt, distrust, all tend
to break down the life forces and to invite decay and death. ”
The Ministry of Healing chap 18 Mind Cure Page 242
Importance of Psychosomatic Medicine.
— “In order to reach this class of
patients, the physician must have
discernment, patience, kindness, and
love, A sore, sick heart, a discouraged
mind, needs mild treatment, and it is
through tender sympathy that this class
of minds can be healed.”—Testimonies
for the Church 3:184.
Importance of Psychosomatic Medicine.
— “ The physicians should first gain their
confidence, and then point them to the
all-healing Physician. If their minds can
be directed to the Burden Bearer, and
they can have faith that He will have an
interest in them, the cure of their
diseased bodies and minds will be
sure.”—Testimonies for the Church 3:184.
“The work of the Christian
physician does not end with
healing the maladies of the
body; his efforts should extend
to the diseases of the mind, to
the saving of the soul.”
- Counsels on Health ,page 323.3
“It may not be his duty, unless
asked, to present any theoretical
points of truth; but he may
point his patients to Christ.The
lessons of the divine Teacher
are ever appropriate.”
- Counsels on Health ,page 323.3
“He should call the attention
of the repining to the ever-
fresh tokens of the love and
care of God, to His wisdom
and goodness as manifested
in His created works.”
- Counsels on Health ,page 323.3
“The mind can then be led
through nature up to nature's
God, and centered on the
heaven which He has
prepared for those
that love Him.”
- Counsels on Health ,page 323.3
PRAYER & Healing
"The physician should know how to
pray. In many cases he must increase
suffering in order to save life; and
whether the patient is a Christian or
not, he feels greater security if he
knows that his physician fears God.
Prayer will give the sick an abiding
confidence; and many times if their
cases are borne to the Great Physician
in humble trust, it will do more for them
than all the drugs that can be
-Counsels On Health, page 324.1
"The physician needs more than
human wisdom and power that he
may know how to minister to the many
perplexing cases of disease of the
mind and heart with which he is called
to deal. If he is ignorant of the power
of divine grace, he cannot help the
afflicted one, but will aggravate the
difficulty; but if he has a firm hold
upon God, he will be able to help
the diseased, distracted mind.”
-Counsels On Health, page 325.1
"He will be able to
point his patients to
Christ and teach them
to carry all their cares
and perplexities to the
great Burden Bearer.”
{MH 51.1
“..His depression and
discouragement left Him.
…A heavenly peace rested
upon His bloodstained face._
He had borne that which no
human being could ever bear;
for He had tasted the sufferings
of death for every man.”
DA 694.1
The Saviour came to our world to bring to every tried, tempted soul strength to
overcome even as He overcame. I know the power of temptation; I know the
dangers that are in the way; but I know, too, that strength sufficient for every
time of need is provided for those who are struggling against temptation.
{Messages to Young People 81.1}
“Jesus was sinless and
had no dread of the
consequences of sin.
With this exception His
condition was as yours.
You have not a difficulty that
did not press with equal
weight upon Him, not a
sorrow that His heart has
not experienced.”
{20MR 72.2}
“Jesus once stood in age
just where you now stand.
Your circumstances, your
cogitations at this period of
your life, Jesus has had. He
cannot overlook you at this
critical period. He sees your
dangers. He is acquainted
with your temptations.He
invites you to follow His
example.” 20MR 72.3
Part 21