Kentucky Department of Education: in Accordance With KRS 159.140 and 702 KAR 7:125

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DSS July 2010

Kentucky Department of Education

Student Dropout Questionnaire

In accordance with KRS 159.140 and 702 KAR 7:125 District:

Student Name: Withdrawal date: ___/___/___

Grade Level:
Age: 16 17 18 or over

What is the primary reason the student is withdrawing from school? (check one)

Course selection Employment Expulsion

Student/teacher conflict Marriage Family Problems
Failing classes Pregnancy
Boredom Illness

Was the student in an alternative setting prior to withdrawal from school? Yes No
If no, was an alternative setting available? Yes No

Had the student received individual counseling prior to this meeting? Yes No

Was the student involved in school sponsored extracurricular activities? Yes No

Does the student have an educational disability requiring an IEP? Yes No

Has the student received any remediation services in the past three (3) years? Yes No

What is the average number of days the student was absent over the past three (3) years? _____

Has the student ever been suspended? Yes No If yes, how many times? _____

Has the student ever been expelled? Yes No If yes, how many times? _____

Is the student eligible for the free/reduced lunch program? Yes No

Does the student plan to earn a GED? Yes No

Optional: What is the highest level of education completed by either parent/guardian? (check one)
Elementary Middle School High School College Graduate School

Student Signature: Date:

Parent/Guardian Signature: Date:

(if student under 18 years of age)

Guidance Counselor Signature: Date:

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DSS July 2010

KRS 159.010(4) COMPLIANCE:

Three (3) month follow-up:

Method of contact:

Letter (Level I) Phone call (Level II) Home visit (Level III)

Contact Successful Contact Unsuccessful

Employment status:

Employed full–time Employed part-time Unemployed Unknown

Education status:

Working on GED
Earned GED
Enrolled in another school

Did the student return to school following this contact? Yes No

Final contact (prior to start of next school year):

Not applicable: Student returned to school ___/___/___

Method of contact:

Letter (Level I) Phone call (Level II) Home visit (Level III)

Employment status:

Employed full–time Employed part-time Unemployed Unknown

Education status:

Working on GED
Earned GED
Enrolled in another school

Reading level from the three (3) most recent norm referenced assessments:

Student Score: __________ __________ __________

Student Grade: __________ __________ __________
Student Age: __________ __________ __________

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