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11 Plus Maths Revision Sheet: Topic Question Your Answer Practice Question

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11 Plus Maths Revision Sheet

Before you take an exam, you should revise. This means looking back at the things you have learnt at
school to make sure you haven’t forgotten them! Here are some of the things that you should know.
The list doesn’t include EVERYTHING you need to know for your 11 plus, but we’ve tried to include
all the things that it’s easy to forget!

Look at the topic question in the left hand box. See if you can write an answer in the middle box. If
not, check the answer pages. Some of the sections will have a practice question to try.

Topic Question Your Answer Practice Question

What is a factor? List all the factors of 30

What is a multiple? List the first 6 multiples of 4

What is a prime number? List the first 10 prime numbers

What is a square number? 2² = ______

3² = ______
4² = ______
Can you remember how to do Try the practice question to 475 x 13 =
long multiplication? find out!

Can you remember how to Try the practice question to 4956 ÷ 13 =

divide with long numbers? find out!

Can you solve proportion Try the practice question to To make 12 cupcakes I need
problems? find out! 150g of flour. How much flour
do I need to make 18

Do you know how to multiply 4.32 x 10 = ________

and divide decimal numbers by
10, 100 and 1000? 534.6 ÷ 100 = ________
How do you add and subtract
fractions? 4 3
− 10

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What must always line up 3.84 + 12.3 =
when you add and subtract

How do you find the Find 30% of 70

percentage of a number?

How do you change between 2 1/3 =

mixed numbers and improper
(top heavy) fractions? /5 =
Do you remember how to Try the practice question to Simplify: 2A + 3B + 4A – B
collect algebraic terms (ones find out!
with letters!) together?
When a number is written next
to a letter (e.g. 2A), what does
it mean?
Can you solve equations to Try the practice question to Find the value of A:
find out what the letter find out!
means? 1. A + 7 = 12

2. 2A – 4 = 10

Fill in the table with the 1cm = ______ mm

correct numbers 1m = ______ cm
1km = ______ m
1 litre = ______ ml
1kg = ______ g
Can you remember how the 24
hour clock works?

How many minutes are there

in 1 hour?

Do you know how to read What number is this scale

scales? pointing to?

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What is the mean? How do Find the mean of:
you work it out? 2, 4, 5, 6, 8

Can you understand a pie Try the practice question to

chart? find out!

6 children said they prefer

maths. How many children
were asked in total?

How do you work out the area Find the area:

of a square or rectangle? _________ x _________

How do you work out the area Find the area:

of a triangle?

How do you work out the Find the volume:

volume of a cube or cuboid? ________ x ________ x

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How do you find the perimeter Find the perimeter:
of a shape?

How do you plot a set of


Plot ( 2 , 3 ) and ( -4 , 1 )

What do the angles in a Find the size of angle X

triangle add up to? __________°

What do the angles in a Find the size of angle X

quadrilateral add up to? __________°

What do the angles on a Find the size of angle X

straight line add up to? __________°

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Topic Question Your Answer Practice Question
What is a factor? Factors are numbers that your List all the factors of 30
number can be divided by
1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 10, 15, 30
What is a multiple? Multiples are numbers that List the first 6 multiples of 4
can be divided by the number
you are given 4, 8, 12, 16
What is a prime number? A prime number can only be List the first 10 prime numbers
divided by 1 and itself
2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29
What is a square number? A square number is the result 2² = 2 x 2 = 4
when you multiply a number 3² = 3 x 3 = 9
by itself 4² = 4 x 4 = 16
Can you remember how to do Try the practice question to 4 7 5
long multiplication? find out! x 1 3
1 4 2 5 (3 x 475)
4 7 5 0 (10 x 475)
6 1 7 5
Can you remember how to Try the practice question to 3 8 1 rem. 3
divide with long numbers? find out! 13|4 9 5 6
3 9
1 0 5
1 0 4
1 6
1 3
Can you solve proportion Try the practice question to To make 12 cupcakes I need
problems? find out! 150g of flour. How much flour
do I need to make 18

12 cupcakes = 150 grams

6 cupcakes = 75 grams

12 + 6 = 18, so 150 + 75 = 225g

Do you know how to multiply When multiplying by 10, the 4.32 x 10 = 43.2
and divide decimal numbers by decimal point moves 1 place
10, 100 and 1000? to the right. X100 = 2 places 534.6 ÷ 100 = 5.346
right. X1000 = 3 places right.

When dividing by 10, the

decimal point moves 1 place
to the left. ÷100 = 2 places
left. ÷1000 = 3 places left.

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How do you add and subtract Remember that the bottom
fractions? numbers MUST be the same. 4 3 𝟖 𝟑 𝟓 𝟏
− = − = =
You only add and subtract the 5 10 𝟏𝟎 𝟏𝟎 𝟏𝟎 𝟐
numerators (top numbers).
What must always line up The decimal points must line 3.84 + 12.3 =
when you add and subtract up. If you end up with spaces,
decimals? fill them with a 0 3.84
+ 12.30

How do you find the Start by finding 10% - do this Find 30% of 70
percentage of a number? by dividing the number by 10.
10% of 70 = 70 ÷ 10 = 7
If 10% = 7, 30% = 7 x 3 = 21
How do you change between To change from a mixed 2 1/3 = 2x3=6
mixed numbers and improper number, multiply the whole 6+1=7
(top heavy) fractions? number by the denominator Answer = 7/3
and add that to the
numerator of the fraction. /5 = 17 ÷ 5 = 3 rem.2
To change from an improper Answer = 3 2/5
fraction, divide the numerator
by the denominator.
Do you remember how to Try the practice question to Simplify: 2A + 3B + 4A – B
collect algebraic terms (ones find out!
with letters!) together? 2A + 4A = 6A
3B – B = 2B
So, our answer is 6A + 2B
When a number is written next 2A means 2 multiplied by A
to a letter (e.g. 2A), what does
it mean?
Can you solve equations to Try the practice question to Find the value of A:
find out what the letter find out!
means? 1. A + 7 = 12
A = 12 – 7

2. 2A – 4 = 10
2A = 10 + 4
2A = 14
Fill in the table with the 1cm = 10 mm
correct numbers 1m = 100 cm
1km = 1000 m
1 litre = 1000 ml
1kg = 1000 g

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Can you remember how the 24 00 00 06 00 12 00 18 00
hour clock works? 01 00 07 00 13 00 19 00
02 00 08 00 14 00 20 00
03 00 09 00 15 00 21 00
04 00 10 00 16 00 22 00
05 00 11 00 17 00 23 00
How many minutes are there 60 minutes (not 100!!)
in 1 hour?

Do you know how to read Look carefully at the scale to What number is this scale
scales? work out what each of the pointing to?
lines represents.

To get from 3kg to 4kg, the

scale has gone up in 4
sections, so each section must
be 250g.
This means the scale is
pointing to 3750g or 3.75kg

What is the mean? How do Mean is the same as average. Find the mean of:
you work it out? To find the mean/average, 2, 4, 5, 6, 8
add all the numbers together.
Then, divide that by the 2 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 8 = 25
amount of numbers. 25 ÷ 5 = 5
Can you understand a pie Try the practice question to
chart? find out!

6 children said they prefer

maths. How many children
were asked in total?

Maths makes up a quarter of

the pie chart. So, if 6 children
make up a quarter of the
total, there must be 24
children altogether.

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How do you work out the area Find the area:
of a square or rectangle? length x width

Area = 12cm x 5cm = 60cm²

How do you work out the area Find the area:

of a triangle? ½ x base x height

Area = ½ x 12cm x 5cm

= ½ x 60 = 30cm²

How do you work out the Find the volume:

volume of a cube or cuboid? length x width x height

Volume = 8cm x 5cm x 2cm

= 80cm³

How do you find the perimeter The perimeter is the total Find the perimeter:
of a shape? distance around the edge of
the shape

Don’t forget the missing sides!

Perimeter = 7cm + 6cm + 2cm
+ 4cm + 3cm + 4cm + 2cm +
6cm = 34cm

How do you plot a set of Remember the phrase:

Along the corridor, then up
the stairs!

Plot ( 2 , 3 ) and ( -4 , 1 )

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What do the angles in a 180° Find the size of angle X
triangle add up to?

X = 180 – 54 – 38 = 88°

What do the angles in a 360° Find the size of angle X

quadrilateral add up to?

X = 360 – 100 – 62 – 54 = 144°

What do the angles on a 180° Find the size of angle X

straight line add up to?

X = 180 – 138 = 42°

If you’d like a bit more practice, our 11 Plus & SATs Maths Revision Pack covers all of these topics
and a few more.

If you just need a little bit more revision in a certain section, we have colour coded the boxes on the
answer sheet:

Blue section = 11 Plus & SATs Topic Pack – Number

Green section = 11 Plus & SATs Topic Pack – Fractions, Decimals and Percentages

Yellow section = 11 Plus & SATs Topic Pack – Algebra

Orange section = 11 Plus & SATs Topic Pack – Measures

Pink section = 11 Plus & SATs Topic Pack – Statistics

Purple section = 11 Plus & SATs Topic Pack – Shape

Grey section = 11 Plus & SATs Topic Pack – Positions and Angles

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