Us 2018 Payroll Operations Survey
Us 2018 Payroll Operations Survey
Us 2018 Payroll Operations Survey
Summary of results
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The 2018 Payroll Operations Survey |
Summary of results
Executive summary
Explore the results of the
2018 Payroll Operations Survey
This year’s survey focused on questions associated with payroll in the following areas:
The survey targeted experienced professionals in a wide range We’ve also taken a broader view into the systems and service
of industries who lead or are directly involved with the payroll delivery models within each of the global regions: North
function through in-house processing, outsourcing, or a shared America (NA); Asia Pacific (APAC); Europe, Middle East, and
services function at their respective organizations. Explore the Africa (EMEA); and Latin America (LA), providing insights
results of the 2018 Payroll Operations Survey. The companies into the similarities and differences among them. One of the
ranged in size from fewer than 10,000 active employees key themes from a global perspective is that many global
to approximately 200,000 active employees. This year we organizations don’t have complete visibility into their global
expanded the number of companies to include a wider range payroll operations but are looking to gain better understanding
of organization sizes. Where logical, we’ve broken down the of holistic operations.
responses by groupings (smaller to larger organizations) to
make the data relevant for different company populations.
ES 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
The 2018 Payroll Operations Survey |
Summary of results
Executive summary
We hope you find the results of
this year’s survey useful. If you
Some of the key findings and trends identified from the survey responses include: have any questions regarding
the survey or specific payroll
operations or tax challenges,
please don’t hesitate to reach out
to the payroll and employment
tax specialists listed at the end
Beth Shanton
of organizations are evaluating are already using some aspect are planning to implement Managing Director
currently use a cloud- moving payroll of process automation for process automation for Human Capital HR Transformation
based payroll solution to the cloud payroll processing payroll processing Deloitte Consulting LLP
+1 404 631 2336
[email protected]
Grace Melton
Global Employer Services
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The 2018 Payroll Operations Survey |
Summary of results
Survey highlights
1. Company demographics 4. Payroll outsourcing 6. Compliance and taxation
•• In more than half of the organizations surveyed, •• The North America region, followed by EMEA •• 35 percent of respondents indicate the accuracy
payroll reports to finance with the exception region, outpaces other global regions in terms of of withholding calculations for regular or
of organizations having 50,000–99,000 scope of payroll services outsourced supplemental pay is their greatest challenge
employees, where payroll tends to report to HR
•• In the US, 69 percent of respondents are satisfied •• 40 percent of respondents use travel and
or shared services
or highly satisfied with their current outsourced expense data to track US domestic business
payroll service arrangement travelers, but 36 percent do not track or
are not sure how or if they track their
•• The top three areas of focus for payroll vendor
2. Global payroll services are compliance controls, process a nd
US domestic travelers
technology integration, a
nd payroll accuracy •• The top three payroll challenges related to
•• Globally, 56 percent of respondents do not have a globally mobile employees are determination of
shared services center that includes payroll, while 44 tax withholding obligations, reporting of taxable
percent do have one compensation to local payroll, and year-end
•• 16 percent of respondents are managing their processing procedures
payroll processing regionally, while the majority of •• More than 50 percent of respondents outsource
the other respondents are not global organizations 5. Technology local payroll processing a
nd tax reporting to help
and pay employees from one central country mitigate the risks associated with global m
payroll processing
•• 39 percent of respondents are currently using
cloud-based technologies for payroll functions,
3. Payroll operations while 21 percent are considering moving to the
cloud in the n
ear future 7. Q
uality and c
• 89 percent of respondents have online payroll
•• Only 6 percent of respondents are using RPA improvement
self-service functionality
technology to support payroll functions, while
• 83 percent of respondents offer employees 79 percent are either unsure if they will use RPA •• 63 percent of respondents report having
the ability to view pay statements online or are not in favor of using RPA. governance policies covering the payroll function
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The 2018 Payroll Operations Survey |
Summary of results
Section 1
Company demographics
This year’s survey captures responses from a wide variety of
organizations spanning seven different industries, ranging in
employee size from a few hundred to several hundred thousand.
This section sets the foundation for the types of organizations that
participated and how they are structured and staffed.
10% 8% 3%
Life sciences and Technology, media, and Public sector
health care telecommunications
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The 2018 Payroll Operations Survey |
Summary of results
Over 100K 2%
50K–99.9K 2%
Question 2:
How many active 20K–49.9K 8%
employees are on
your payroll? 1K–19.9K 36%
The majority of respondents
belong to small-sized
Under 1K 52%
organizations (under 1,000
active employees).
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60%
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The 2018 Payroll Operations Survey |
Summary of results
Similar to the 2014 survey responses, the vast majority of respondents have payroll reporting to HR or finance;
however, there has been a continuing trend of payroll reporting to shared services.
2% 2% 4%
Question 4: 14%
Where does the payroll Shared services
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
Section 2
Global payroll
Nearly half of the survey respondents (49 percent) either
currently have a global payroll strategy or plan to develop one.
Ten percent of the respondents operate in all four of the global
regions. The consumer and industrial products industry remains
the most regionally diverse with a presence in three or more of
the global regions.
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The 2018 Payroll Operations Survey |
Summary of results
NA 2
Question 6:
How many countries LA 5
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
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The 2018 Payroll Operations Survey |
Summary of results
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The 2018 Payroll Operations Survey |
Summary of results
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The 2018 Payroll Operations Survey |
Summary of results
Nearly half of the respondents (49 percent) either currently The remaining (51 percent) have
have a global payroll strategy or plan to develop one. no plans or are not sure.
Question 9:
Does your organization
have plans to develop a
global payroll strategy?
41% 8% 36% 15%
Future plans for a global payroll strategy (responses from global organizations)
Of the 41 percent that plan to develop a global payroll strategy, The remaining 44 percent have plans to
56 percent are in the process of implementing one. implement one based on the following timeline:
56% 29% 9% 6%
Yes Yes
(it is already in progress) (but timing is undefined or not known)
(within 12 months)
(within 3 years)
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The 2018 Payroll Operations Survey |
Summary of results
Section 3
Payroll operations
89% 37%
of respondents offer online of respondents evaluate
payroll self-service with a whether to process off-cycle
11% process off-cycle payment
of respondents that do not offer corrections based on a defined
online payroll self-service have policy or practice
fewer than 1,000 employees
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The 2018 Payroll Operations Survey |
Summary of results
View online pay statements 83% employees the
ability to view (and
View annual tax documents 74% print) online pay
Question 10: statements and
Which payroll employee annual payroll
Update home address 62%
tax documents
self-service transactions
Update personal and
(i.e., W-2 forms in
do you offer online? emergency contact information
the US) continue
to be the most
Time reporting 55% prevalent
Request time off
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The 2018 Payroll Operations Survey |
Summary of results
0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
No online payroll self-service provided Update banking details (direct deposit) Update employee payroll tax information
Provided one or other form of online payroll self-service Elect and/or update voluntary deductions View online pay statements
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The 2018 Payroll Operations Survey |
Summary of results
Question 11:
More than a third (37 percent) of Of the 23 percent of respondents that process payroll
In the majority of cases, respondents prefer to evaluate whether corrections based on policy/practice, 42 percent run an
how do you determine to process payroll corrections in their off-cycle correction if the issue resulted in a difference to the
whether to process organization on a case-by-case basis. employee that exceeds a defined flat-dollar amount.
About a quarter (24 percent) process of amount or
the corrections in the next on-cycle. percentage
Case-by-case basis are Next on-cycle are payment Policy or practice are payment As required by law are
payment corrections that the corrections that the payroll corrections that the payroll payment corrections that the
payroll department plans to department plans to process department plans to process payroll department plans to
process after the issues are with the next normally based on the company’s process only if it is required
reviewed. No specific guidelines scheduled payroll. No off-cycle standard policy or practice for by law. An example would be
as to the amount or a particular payrolls are processed for processing off-cycle payrolls. a termination in the state/
company policy are followed. payment corrections. province that requires final
Instead, the issues are reviewed payment to an employee to be
and then a decision is made to paid by a certain time.
process an off-cycle correction.
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The 2018 Payroll Operations Survey |
Summary of results
Section 4
Payroll outsourcing
Regardless of an organization’s payroll operating model, nearly all
organizations outsource some portion of their payroll function to
help manage costs, risks and exposure, skilled staffing concerns,
and highly administrative/paper-driven tasks. Full business process
outsourcing (BPO) for payroll is more commonly seen in the United
States and Europe, Middle East, and Africa region and to a lesser
degree Asia Pacific and Latin America regions.
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The 2018 Payroll Operations Survey |
Summary of results
US only 17%
Question 12:
Which regions do you EMEA 13%
outsource the full
payroll function— APAC 10%
LA 5%
4% 2% Public sector
9% (state and local government, higher education)
the consumer and industrial (accounting, advisory, consulting, legal)
50% 49%
46% 46% 46%
42% 41%
40% 37% 37%
36% 37%
34% 35% 34%
34% 33%
32% 31%
16% 15%
9% 9% 9% 10%
10% 7% 8% 8% 8%
6% 6% 7%
6% 5% 5%
4% 3% 4% 4% 3%
2% 3%
0% 0%
Time and Payroll Year-end Year-end Payroll tax Garnishment/ Check Check Gross to net
attendance self-service employee tax employee tax preparation tax levy distribution printing calculation
form distribution form printing and filing and/ administration
(e.g., W-2, T4) (e.g., W-2, T4) or lodgements
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The 2018 Payroll Operations Survey |
Summary of results
Payroll services outsourced to an external vendor (in the United States vs. in North America) Organizations with more than
46% 36% 18% US only 50,000 employees are more likely to
Time and attendance 9% 64% 18% 9% NA selectively use outsourced services
50% 50% Outside NA largely due to their economies of
scale and justification for in-house
50% 31% 19% US only
Payroll self-service 43% 36% 14% 7% NA processing. In addition, complex
50% 21% 29% Outside NA business and legal/regulatory
requirements may further hinder
37% 38% 25% US only
Year-end employee tax the ability to create a viable case
21% 48% 22% 9% NA
form distribution (e.g., W-2, T4) for outsourcing; however, many of
35% 29% 29% 7% Outside NA
the largest organizations still use
51% 31% 18% US only outsourcing for the areas that pose
Year-end employee tax
23% 51% 16% 10% NA
form printing (e.g., W-2, T4) the highest risk or require specialized
40% 26% 50%27% 7% Outside NA knowledge and training.
49% 34% 17% US only
Payroll tax preparation and
filing and/or lodgements
21% 54% 18% 7% NA Outside North America, organizations
35% 41% 24% Outside NA with fewer than 20,000 employees
53% 27% 20% US only are more likely to outsource portions
Garnishment/tax levy
15% 65% 12% 18% NA of the payroll function.
26% 47% 50% 27% Outside NA
Level of satisfaction with your outsourced payroll service arrangement (by company size)
North America only
How many years has the current outsourcing services contract been in place?
Question 14:
29% Up
to three years
Indicate how many years
North 41%
Outside Four to seven years
on average your current 46% America North 50%
outsourcing services only America More than seven years
Compared to the 2014 survey results, there has been little change in the outsourcing services contract
durations in North America; however, the outsourcing relationships outside North America have continued to
mature as shown by the increase in seven-year contracts from 14 percent to 29 percent and decrease in
contracts that are fewer than three years from 60 percent to 50 percent.
to three years
North Outside Four to seven years
47% America 26% North
only America More than seven years
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The 2018 Payroll Operations Survey |
Summary of results
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The 2018 Payroll Operations Survey |
Summary of results
Section 5
The survey responses confirm that payroll departments are
shifting their systems toward cloud-based solutions, also known
as software as a service (SaaS). Three years ago, only 14 percent
of companies had migrated to processing payroll in the cloud,
while by 2018 that number has increased to 39 percent; however,
this increase is primarily in North America. Despite the increase
in cloud-based solutions, enterprise resource planning (ERP)
systems continue to be prevalent in North America, especially in
organizations with more than 20,000 employees.
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The 2018 Payroll Operations Survey |
Summary of results
Question 16:
9% 13% 9% 8%
What service delivery
24% 24%
arrangement applies 32% 14%
18% 18%
North America has a higher In-house Hosted Outsourced to one vendor Outsourced to multiple vendors Aggregator
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The 2018 Payroll Operations Survey |
Summary of results
Platforms used by companies in North America with more than 20K employees
ADP 41%
Question 17:
What is the payroll 27%
SAP SuccessFactors
technology used in North
America for companies Sage 23%
that have more than
20K employees? PeopleSoft HCM 18%
Workday 14%
Oracle Cloud 5%
ES 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
The 2018 Payroll Operations Survey |
Summary of results
Platforms used by companies in North America with fewer than 20K employees
ADP 33%
Question 18:
What is the payroll Other vendor solution 16%
PeopleSoft HCM 7%
SAP SuccessFactors 6%
Not sure 6%
Organizations in North America
with fewer than 20,000 Ceridian 4%
employees tend to be a better
fit with outsource providers’ Sage 4%
standardization expectations and
Intuit QuickBooks 3%
have a wider range of solutions
reported by respondents. Oracle EBS 2%
NGA 1%
JD Edwards 1%
Oracle Cloud 1%
ES 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
The 2018 Payroll Operations Survey |
Summary of results
40% 34%
30% 26% 26% 10% Satisfied
with current solution
Of the 17 percent that
Not cost-effective
14% indicate they are not 13%
10% planning to transition Unfamiliar
with SaaS
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The 2018 Payroll Operations Survey |
Summary of results
Organizations considering the use of robotic process automation (RPA) to support payroll
Question 20:
Is your organization
considering the use
of robotic process
automation (RPA) to Sixteen percent are planning to use The payroll function is in the early
support payroll RPA in the short or near term. This is an stages of implementing RPA, with
operations? increasing trend that looks to continue. 5 percent using it as part of their
payroll operations today.
Robotic process automation (RPA)
is a way to automate repetitive, 3%
rules-based processes. These 2% 1%
transactional processes are
typically located within a shared Not sure No Yes, but timing Yes, within the Yes, within the We are already We are already
services center or another is undefined next 12 months next 3 years using RPA using RPA
or not known technology for technology for
part of the back office.
payroll, but payroll and plan
Seventy-nine percent of the no plans to to enhance,
Software, commonly referred to as a “robot
respondents indicate that they enhance, upgrade, or
or bot,” is used to capture and interpret
are not familiar with RPA, or RPA is upgrade, or expand its use
existing applications to enable transaction
expand its use
processing, data manipulation, and not part of their current strategy.
communication across multiple systems.
Multiple robots can be seen as a virtual
workforce—a back-office processing
center with human resources overseeing As RPA technology matures and becomes more well-known in the marketplace, the trend
the process automation rather than
performing the manual transactions. indicates that more organizations will adopt some form of this processing capability.
ES 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
The 2018 Payroll Operations Survey |
Summary of results
Section 6
Compliance and taxation
Increasingly mobile employee populations continue to
create tax challenges for employers. Tracking employee work
locations and determining where and when a tax liability arises
represent significant impediments to tax compliance. While
many respondents indicated either an increased awareness of
the tax requirements or the implementation of more robust
compliance programs, more than half indicated that they
currently seek to outsource processing of these withholding
and reporting obligations.
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The 2018 Payroll Operations Survey |
Summary of results
10% 8%
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The 2018 Payroll Operations Survey |
Summary of results
There is both a greater level of awareness and
Not applicable—we do not
have US business travelers increased compliance on the part of employers
Question 22: focused on tax obligations associated with short-
29% Reporting in jurisdictions
What is your level term business travelers. Compared to three years
Partial awareness for select ago, more employers are reporting nonresident
of state income tax populations/jurisdictions
16% business travelers in other jurisdictions, and fewer
withholding compliance Exploring exposure and
employers are simply exploring exposure and the
compliance requirements
awareness for US reporting requirements.
Issues identified,
domestic short-term determining next steps
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The 2018 Payroll Operations Survey |
Summary of results
Cross-country charging
of payroll costs
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The 2018 Payroll Operations Survey |
Summary of results
Automated tracking of
compensation and taxable income
Established reporting
mechanism to track key 5%
aspects of the program
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The 2018 Payroll Operations Survey |
Summary of results
Section 7
Quality and continuous
Despite payroll being a mature function within most organizations,
it continues to present challenges and opportunities for improving
service delivery. More often, organizations are relying on formally
established governance models and analytics to manage the
processes and results produced by the payroll function.
ES 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
The 2018 Payroll Operations Survey |
Summary of results
Payroll cutoffs,
timing, and deadlines
Customers are internal individuals and/
13% Yes, vendors only
or departments who rely on payroll’s
Question 27: No SLAs with customers or vendors services (e.g., employees, managers,
Are Service Level Yes, both customers and vendors HR, finance).
Agreements (SLAs) 42% Not sure
established with the 21% Vendors are external individuals and/
Yes, customers only or companies that Payroll interacts to
payroll department’s provide its services (e.g., outsourced
customers and third- service providers, technology
party vendors? hosting/providers).
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The 2018 Payroll Operations Survey |
Summary of results
Timelines in submission
of statutory returns 17%
Percentange of accurate
statutory returns
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The 2018 Payroll Operations Survey |
Summary of results
Manual processes 5%
Other challenges 4%
The most common challenges
that payroll teams experience are Outdated or limited systems 3%
associated with the receipt of inputs Tax reporting and filing 3%
to processing payroll, often from
Lack of policies, procedures, and/or controls 2%
outside sources and exceeding the
defined cutoffs and deadlines. Company growth in employees, countries, and/or states/jurisdictions 2%
Respondents report issues with
Multiple, inconsistent, and/or decentralized systems 2%
the accuracy and timeliness of the
information provided, employees Ad hoc or urgent requests 2%
and managers not completing and 2%
Payroll budget and expenses
approving time cards, and difficulties
loading data into the payroll Stabilizing processes and systems 2%
Employee relations 1%
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