Hydrogenation of Ethyl Acetate To Ethanol Over Bimetallic Cu-Zn/Sio Catalysts Prepared by Means of Coprecipitation
Hydrogenation of Ethyl Acetate To Ethanol Over Bimetallic Cu-Zn/Sio Catalysts Prepared by Means of Coprecipitation
Hydrogenation of Ethyl Acetate To Ethanol Over Bimetallic Cu-Zn/Sio Catalysts Prepared by Means of Coprecipitation
The State Key Laboratory of Chemical Engineering, East China University of Science and Technology, Shanghai 200237, China
E-mail: [email protected]
Received September 9, 2013, Accepted October 15, 2013
A series of bimetallic Cu-Zn/SiO2 catalysts were prepared via thermal decomposition of the as-synthesized
CuZn(OH)4(H2SiO3)2·nH2O hydroxides precursors. This highly dispersed Cu-solid base catalyst is extremely
effective for hydrogenation of ethyl acetate to ethanol. The reduction and oxidation features of the precursors
prepared by coprecipitation method and catalysts were extensively investigated by TGA, XRD, TPR and N2-
adsorption techniques. Catalytic activity by ethyl acetate hydrogenation of reaction temperatures between 120
and 300 oC, different catalyst calcination and reduction temperatures, different Cu/Zn loadings have been
examined extensively. The relation between the performance for hydrogenation of ethyl acetate and the
structure of the Cu-solid base catalysts with Zn loading were discussed. The detected conversion of ethyl
acetate reached 81.6% with a 93.8% selectivity of ethanol. This investigation of the Cu-Zn/SiO2 catalyst
provides a recently proposed pathway for ethyl acetate hydrogenation reaction to produce ethanol over Cu-
solid base catalysts.
Key Words : Cu-Zn/SiO2, Hydrogenation, Ethyl acetate, Ethanol
on the study of catalysts for ethyl acetate hydrogenation to a constant pressure. The isotherms could be used to calculate
alcohol [Eq. (2)]. In literatures studied on hydrogenation of the specific surface area (S), micro pore volume (Vmic), total
aliphatic esters, the conversion of ethyl acetate was 40% pore volume (Vt), average micro pore size (Lmic).
while ethanol selectivity was 80%.26,27 X-ray Diffraction: X-ray diffraction (XRD) technique
was used to characterize the crystal structure. The experiments
CH3COOC2H5+2H2 2C2H5OH (2)
were performed using a Siemens D500 diffractometer, using
In our work, we studied the selective hydrogenation of EA Cu K radiation (40 kV, 100 mA) and equipped with a
to ethanol on Cu-Zn/SiO2 Catalysts using continuous fixed- graphite monochromator with a reflected beam. The powder
bed reactor in mild reaction conditions. Catalysts with differ- diffraction patterns were recorded in the 2 range from 10°
ent Cu/Zn Molar ratios supported on silica were synthesized to 80°. An X-ray chamber-reactor was used for the high-
and tested for reaction system. These catalysts were charac- temperature registration of the spectra. Preceding the experi-
terized by N2-adsorption, X-ray diffraction (XRD), thermo- ments, 100mg catalysts of different calcination temperatures
gravimetric (TG), temperature-programmed reduction with were prepared.
H2 (H2-TPR). Over the most-active catalyst, a systematic Temperature-Programmed Reduction: Temperature pro-
study of the hydrogenation reaction, including the influence grammed reduction (TPR) of H2 was carried out on Auto
of reduction temperature and reaction temperature, was Chem 2910 (Micromeritics) instrument to study the reduci-
carried out. Moreover, the effects of catalysts calcination bility of Cu-Zn/SiO2 catalysts. In a typical experiment, 0.05
temperature have been investigated. The main aim of this g of calcined catalyst was exposed to a reducing gas
article is to determine the Cu-Zn/SiO2 Catalysts activity on consisting of 5.0 vol % H2 in argon with a temperature ramp
ethyl acetate hydrogenation. From these results, an expla- from ambient temperature to 900 oC at a heating rate of
nation was formulated for the catalysts structure and the role 10 oC/min.
Zn on affecting the activity of Cu-Zn/SiO2 catalysts. Thermo-gravimetric Analysis: Thermo-gravimetric (TG)
curves were obtained using a TA Instruments thermal analy-
Experimental zer. The samples were subjected to increased temperature,
up to 700 oC, at a rate of 10 oC/min, while the nitrogen flow
Catalyst Preparation. Hydrogenation components Cu- rate was held constant at 100 mL/min.
Zn/SiO2 (Cu/Zn molar ratio = 3:1, 2:1, 1:1, 1:2, 1:3) were Catalytic Test: The reaction was performed in a fixed-bed
prepared by a new coprecipitation method. In a round reactor (Figure 1) operated in the down flow mode at a
bottom flask with distilled water, Na2SiO3·9H2O dissolved pressure of 2 MPa. The reaction temperature was measured
with stirring. To an aqueous solution containing appropriates with a thermocouple that was in contact with the catalyst
amount of Cu(NO3)2·5H2O, Zn(NO3)2·4H2O (all chemicals bed. The organic-feed consisted of EA (100%) and was fed
were purchased from Sinopharm Chemical Reagent Co., into the reactor using a micro-syringe pump. For each experi-
Ltd.) added and dissolved at room temperature. The copper- ment, 1.35 g of unreduced catalyst (20-40 mesh) was loaded
zinc nitrate solution was added dropwise to the vigorously into the flow reactor. The catalyst was reduced in situ at
stirred solution of sodium silicate over a period of 1 h. atmospheric pressure with H2 (flow rate of 30 cm3/min) in
During the precipitation of the stirrer speed increased different temperature for 2 h. The products were analyzed
continuously. using an Agilent 6890N gas chromatograph (flame ionization
After completion of the precipitation, the suspension was detector, HP-5 column, 30 m × 5 mm × 0.25 m) and con-
stirred for five minutes, filtered and washed three times with firmed by gas chromatography-mass spectroscopy (GC-MS).
350 mL of distilled water. The drying of the filter cake is
carried out under atmospheric pressure at a temperature of
20 oC for 12 h. The filter cake was prepared via the kneading
method. All the catalysts were carried out under atmospheric
pressure at a temperature of 120 oC for 12 h. These materials
are indicated in the following as CuxZnySix+y (x=4, y=0; x=3,
y=1; x=2, y=1; x=2, y=2; x=1, y=2; x=1, y=3) while the
Subscripts represent different Cu/Zn/Si molar ratios. Different
calcination temperatures for the same time (5 h) in air were
applied to the catalysts, in order to determine the influence
of different calcination temperatures in EA hydrogenation.
Before hydrogenation£¨the catalysts were reduced under
pressure at 1 MPa of different temperatures.
Characterization of Catalyst. Figure 1. Fixed-bed Reaction System. 1-H2; 2-N2; 3-Reducing
Valve; 4-Valve; 5-Mass Flow Meter; 6-Triple Valve; 7-Pressure
N2-adsorption: Nitrogen isotherms were measured at
Gauge; 8-Reactor; 9-Heater; 10-Thermocouple; 11-Temperature
196 oC with an ASAP 2020 (Micromeritrics). Before experi- Controller; 12-Condenser; 13-Gas-Liquid Seperator; 14-Back
ment, the samples were heated at 120 oC and outgassed Pressure Valve; 15-Gas Washing Bottle; 16- Microsyringe Pump;
overnight at this temperature under a vacuum of 105 Torrto 17-Raw Materials.
Ethyl Acetate Hydrogenation over Coprecipitation Prepared Cu-Zn/SiO2 Bull. Korean Chem. Soc. 2014, Vol. 35, No. 1 143
Figure 5. X-ray diffraction (XRD) pattern of reduced Cu4Zn0Si4, Figure 6. Temperature-programmed reduction (TPR) profiles of
Cu3Zn1Si4, Cu2Zn1Si3, Cu2Zn2Si4, Cu1Zn2Si3 and Cu1Zn3Si4 calcined Cu4Zn0Si4 and Cu2Zn2Si4 (calcined in air at 200 oC for 5
(calcined in air at 200 oC for 5 h). The catalysts were reduced h) catalysts.
under pressure at 1 MPa of 300 oC.
ture in Cu4Zn0Si4 and Cu2Zn2Si4 remained after calcination
reduced. The XRD Peaks at 2 = 50.44°, and 74.10° for Cu and no separated ZnO could be detected. XRD results
species were more visible when calcination temperature was (Figures 4 and 5) show the presence of only metallic copper
increasing, which clearly shows that the crystal size of Cu after the reduction of catalysts at 300 oC and it well conform
increased with the increasing calcination temperatures.32 to the TPR results. In this suggestion, homogenously dis-
The crystallite size was calculated using Scherrer's equation: persed copper could be prepared via the reduced catalysts.
D = 0.9 /( cos ), where A is the x-ray wavelength (0.154 Effect of Cu/Zn Molar Ratio on the Catalyst. Cu-Zn/
nm) and is the line broadening. The diameters of Cu SiO2 catalysts with different compositions of Cu, Zn molar
crystals of reduced Cu2Zn2Si4 in temperature of 200 oC, ratios were tested in the hydrogenation of EA. As shown in
300 oC and 600 oC were calculated as 20 nm, 26 nm and 32 Figure 7, Cu/Si catalysts, Cu4Zn0Si4, represented the much
nm. In Figure 5, XRD patterns of catalysts with different Cu/ lower conversions of 41.0%, respectively, while Cu-Zn/SiO2
Zn molar ratios were showed. These characteristic diffrac- catalysts showing conversions higher than 70%. This implies
tion lines of cubic Cu crystals became prominent when that the presence of ZnO in Cu based catalysts affects the
without Zn additives, demonstrating that the Cu particles activity of surface Cu, known as a catalytically active site for
were small and well-dispersed at the loading of Zn. With the EA hydrogenation.19,27 It was additionally observed that the
increasing loading of Zn, the crystallite size of Cu changed. extents of rise in EA conversion depended on the Cu/Zn
The diameters of Cu crystals of reduced Cu4Zn0Si4, molar ratio. This finding was evidenced by the result that the
Cu3Zn1Si4, Cu2Zn1Si3, Cu2Zn2Si4, Cu1Zn2Si3 and Cu1Zn3Si4 catalysts with Cu/Zn molar ratio of 1:1 showed the extent of
at 200 oC were 31 nm, 30 nm, 22 nm, 20 nm, 24 nm and 27
nm. When Cu/Zn ratio was 1:1, the Cu particles were
smallest. The results indicate that Cu species would be better
stabilized and dispersed when Cu/Zn ratio was 1:1 in the
silica support. Cu in Cu2Zn2Si4 catalyst that became repre-
sentative crystal structure could be ascribed to partially loss
of structure water in the gallery of catalysts during calci-
nation, as shown in TGA.
H2-TPR. Figure 6 shows the H2-TPR profiles of calcined
Cu4Zn0Si4 and Cu2Zn2Si4. Only one broader peak from 150
to 250 oC was detected in Cu2Zn2Si4. This hydrogen con-
sumption could be designated to the reduction of Cu2+ ions
existed on outside surface of lamellar and in lamellar
structure of Cu2Zn2Si4.15 The reduction temperature is higher
than that of Cu4Zn0Si4 that prepared without Zn, which
indicated that Cu species in Cu2Zn2Si4 catalyst pre-treated
with Zn loadings is more stable. The reduction of 0.25- Figure 7. Hydrogenation of EA over Cu-Zn/SiO2 catalysts of
different Cu/Zn molar ratios; Conditions: catalysts calcination
CuZnAl catalyst with long tail (within 300 and 900 oC) is temperature = 300 oC, reduction temperature = 300 oC, reaction
characteristic for the ZnO species on the solid surface.33 The temperature = 250 oC, WHSV (weight hourly space velocity) = 2 h1
XRD result in Figure 3 confirmed that characteristic struc- EA, H2 flow = 60 mL/min.
Ethyl Acetate Hydrogenation over Coprecipitation Prepared Cu-Zn/SiO2 Bull. Korean Chem. Soc. 2014, Vol. 35, No. 1 145
rise in EA conversion. From the XRD result (Figure 5), may relate to chemical equilibrium since adsorption is also
catalyst with Cu/Zn ratio =1:1 has the smallest Cu particles, an exothermic phenomenon. It is clear that ethyl acetate is
so Cu species would be better stabilized and dispersed when the thermodynamically favored product at low temperatures
Cu/Zn ratio was 1:1 in the silica support. Therefore, it is and that higher temperatures favor the ethanol, the reaction
obvious that the Cu/Zn ratio plays a crucial role in the temperature is typically higher than 200 oC. However, reac-
activity of Cu-Zn/SiO2 catalyst in the EA hydrogenation tion temperature higher then 300 oC may be further connect-
reaction, even though surface Cu is the active site. ed in series side effects, reducing the ethanol selectivity. It is
Effects of Reaction Temperature on the Cu2Zn2Si4 apparent from the results that the desired product selectivity
Cata=lyst. Reactions were carried out at 150-300 oC (Figure can be obtained by controlling the change of temperature.
8). Temperature was critical in obtaining the desired ethanol Effects of Calcination Temperature on the Cu2Zn2Si4
selectivity. The conversion of EA increased from 1.2% to Catalyst. Different calcination temperatures ranging from
79.0% upon increasing the reaction temperature from 150 oC 120 oC to 600 oC (catalyst dried in air at 120 oC for 12 h,
to 250 oC and decreased to 71.2% when reaction temper- others calcined for 5 h) were tested on Cu2Zn2Si4. Under the
ature reached 300 oC. The hydrogenation of ethyl acetate34 different calcination temperatures, the EA hydrogenation
was complicated by the subsequent formation of acetalde- activities were collected, as shown in Figure 9. It revealed
hyde. The reaction was found to be in equilibrium under the that the optimal calcination temperature of the Cu2Zn2Si4
given reaction [Eq. (3)], catalyst was 200 oC. As the calcination temperature increased
from 200 oC to 600 oC, the EA conversion was gradually
C2H5OH CH3CHO+H2 (3)
which had been discovered over silica-supported copper at
temperatures near 570 K. however, it is reported that27 under
conditions that the reaction temperature is lower than 670
C, ethanol was the dominant product with some acetalde-
hyde and small amounts of CH4 and CO being produced at
high conversion.35,36
EA hydrogenation is an exothermic reaction (H = 28.5
kJ/mol). According to Le Chatelier's principle, every system
in stable chemical equilibrium submitted to the influence of
an exterior force which tends to cause variation either in its
temperature, in its totality or only in some of its parts, can
undergo only those interior modifications change of temper-
ature of a sign contrary to that resulting from the exterior
force, which indicating that with the reaction temperature
rose, thermodynamic equilibrium constant decreases which
is benefit to reverse process, and it is not conducive to the Figure 9. Hydrogenation of EA over Cu2Zn2Si4, showing the
generation of ethanol which was were well conformed to effect of catalysts calcination temperature; reduction temperature =
300 oC, reaction temperature = 250 oC, H2 = 60 mL/min, WHSV =
experiment result. Meanwhile, lower amounts of adsorbed
2 h1.
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