Studies On The Processing and Preservation of Dragon Fruit (Hylocereus Undatus) Jelly
Studies On The Processing and Preservation of Dragon Fruit (Hylocereus Undatus) Jelly
Studies On The Processing and Preservation of Dragon Fruit (Hylocereus Undatus) Jelly
Department of Food Engineering and Tea Technology, Shahjalal University of Science and
Technology, Sylhet, Bangladesh
The aim of the study was to analyze the proximate composition of Dragon fruit (Hylocereus undatus)
and to develop dragon fruit jelly to assess its prospect in marketability. The proximate analysis showed
moisture 87.90±0.03%, ash 87.90±0.03%, reducing sugar 4.50±0.04%, non-reducing sugar
3.50±0.01%, total sugar 8.00±0.01%, total soluble solid 11±0.13%, pH 4.20±0.02%, acidity
0.45±0.01% and vitamin-C 9.90±0.04%. Then the dragon fruit jelly was prepared with standard
formulation (0.05%, 0.1% and 1.5% of pectin) was analyzed for its nutritional composition with
standard method. The three samples contained more or less similar nutritional compositions. The
products were stored at ambient temperature (27 0C to 34 0C) for a period of 6 months and quality
parameters were assessed. During storage the changes in color, flavor, odor, TSS and pH was
observed. No special change of ingredients was found during first 4 months of storage and a little
change of pH was observed after 4th months. A taste panel consisting of 10 panelists adjudged the
acceptability of the samples. The consumer preferences were measured by statistical analysis. Among
the samples jelly containing 1.5% pectin secured the highest score for color, flavor, turbidity and
overall acceptability.
industries are in developing stage in Bangladesh 2.1. Extraction of dragon fruit juice
and consumption of processed fruit products is
The fully ripe healthy and fresh dragon fruit was
gradually becoming popular. A number of
washed thoroughly with potable water and the
locally processed fruit products are now
skin was removed by a knife. The seeds were
available in the market. If quality products from
removed and then dragon fruit was blended by a
dragon fruit are developed, it might be welcomed
blending machine. The juice thus obtained was
by the consumers who have affinity for dragon
preserved by freezing.
fruit round the year. Dragon fruit is rich in
nutritive value. The dragon fruit pulp contains
2.2. Chemical analysis of dragon fruit juice
82.5-83% moisture, 0.16-0.23% protein, 0.21-
0.61% fat, 0.7-0.9% fiber, 6.3-8.8 mg calcium, The method described in AOAC (2004) for
30.2-36.1 mg phosphorous, 0.5-061 mg iron, 8-9 determining moisture was used for moisture
mg vitamin C (Taiwan Food Industry estimations in dragon fruit products where the
Development and Research Authorities, 2005). temperature was maintained at 100-105oC for 24
So the scope of utilizing dragon fruit remains hours. Temperature of drying was reduced
bright in Bangladesh. Dragon fruit contains 0.20- because fruit sugars are mainly fructose which
1.04 % (Kanjana et al., 2006) pectin, so its jam might be decomposed to a great extent when
and jelly usually call for added pectin. Pectin heated to 100 0C and may give an unrealistic
contents are known as pectic polysaccharide value of moisture content. The acidity was
which helps gellification in proper concentration determined by titration using standard sodium
of pH and sugar. Different concentrations of hydroxide solution and expressed as anhydrous
added pectin bring variability in organoleptic and citric acid and pH was measured by a pH meter.
physico-chemical properties of jam and jelly. The ascorbic acid content in the products was
Development of varieties of products like jam, estimated by titrimetic method as summarized by
jelly and squash utilizing local produces is Rangana (2003) using 2-6, dichlorophenol
critically important for expanding the country’s endophenol dye and sugar by Lane and Eynon
developing food industries. Conversely, product (1923) method. AOAC method (2004) was used
diversification or preservation methods are not to determine ash and crude fat content of the
undertaken too much for this fruit in Bangladesh. sample. Total soluble solids (TSS) were
Therefore the present study was carried out to determined by the method described by Rangana
achieve the following objectives: (i) To analyze (2003).
the proximate composition of Dragon Fruits and
to develop jelly and (ii) To assess the nutritional 2.3. Formulation of dragon fruit product jelly
quality, sensory attributes and storage stability of
The Jelly prepared from Dragon fruit with
the prepared jelly at ambient temperature of
different formulation was coded as: Jelly A, B,
C. The formulation of different dragon fruit Jelly
products was shown in Table 1.
2. Materials and Methods
2.4. Processing of dragon fruit jelly
The experiment was conducted in the laboratory
of “Department of Food Engineering and Tea Four hundred fifty gram filtered dragon fruit
Technology”, Shahjalal University of Science juice, 550 g sugar, 5 g citric acid was used to
and Technology, 2011-2012. The Dragon fruit make 1 kg dragon fruit jelly. In addition 5, 10
(Hylocereus undatus) was collected from the and 15g of pectin (High Methoxy pectin:
local market. The major ingredients for the DE>50) were added in three different
preparation of products were sugar, citric acid, formulations. Pectin was mixed with equal
pectin and other chemicals were used from the amount sugar in a stainless steel pot. The
laboratory store. remaining sugar was mixed with dragon fruit
Processing and preservation of dragon fruit 31
Ingredients A B C
Dragon fruit juice (g) 450 450 450
Sugar (g) 550 550 550
Pectin (%) 0.5 1.0 1.5
Citric acid (g) 5 5 5
KMS (ppm) 300 300 300
juice and heated until the TSS become nearer to 3. Results and Discussion
55o brix. Then sugar mixed pectin was added and
continued the heating until TSS becomes nearer The results of various experiments conducted
to 58o brix. The citric acid was added and during the study period are summarized below:
continued the heating. When TSS of the jelly
becomes 67o brix, then the KMS was added and 3.1. Composition of dragon fruit juice
then poured in a sterilized glass bottle and
parafinning the cap. The composition of fresh dragon fruit juice such
as moisture, TSS, reducing sugar, non-reducing
2.5. Storage studies sugar, total sugar, and ash, pH, acidity and
Processed Dragon fruit jellies were stored at vitamin C contents recorded in Table 2. The
ambient temperature (27 0C to 34 0C) for a results obtained are in good agreement with
period of 6 months and quality parameters like those of ICBF (1992) and Morton (1987). The
the changes in TSS, pH, color, flavor and result of vitamin C content 10.90 mg/100g
turbidity were observed. The analyses of the supported by Teddy (2008) who reported 9
parameters were done according to standard mg/100 gm, beside this pH (4.20) and acidity
analytical methods summarized by AOAC (0.45) also closely related.
(2003) and Rangana (2003).
3.2. Chemical composition of dragon fruit jelly
2.6. Sensory analysis of dragon fruit jelly
Vitamin-C content in dragon fruit was found to
Dragon fruit jellies were analyzed for sensory be very low compared to other citrus fruits. It
characteristics. Sensory quality characteristics was further reduced in jellies prepared from
were evaluated by a panel of 10 semi-trained dragon fruit juice because most of the vitamin-C
members using a 9-point Hedonic scale. The present in the pulp was destroyed during long
Dragon fruit jellies were evaluated for their heating at high temperature. The compositions of
color, flavor, turbidity, and overall acceptability. dragon fruit jelly were analyzed for moisture
content, vitamin-C, acidity, TSS, pH and sugar.
2.7. Statistical analysis There were three jelly products (A, B, C) each
The experimental data were statistically analyzed differing in pectin content 0.5%, 1.0%, and 1.5%
by Randomized Complete Block Design respectively. The nutritional composition of
(RCBD) using MSTAT statistical software dragon fruit jellies were more or less similar that
(Version 5.4.1) in a microcomputer. The mean the values found by Glicksman (1983). The
values adjusted by Duncan’s Multiple Range result for each of the sample, the mean result and
Test (DMRT) (Duncan, 1951). the SD values are shown in Table 3.
32 Islam et al. /The Agriculturists 10(2): 29-35 (2012)
TSS 11.0±0.03
pH 4.20±0.02
Percentage (%)
A (0.5%) B (1.0%) C (1.5%)
The values are mean ± S.D of three independent determinations. The means with different superscripts in a row
differ significantly (p≤ 0.05).
Processing and preservation of dragon fruit 33
2.3. Storage studies of dragon fruit jelly The analysis indicated that there were significant
During storage the changes in color, flavor, differences in color, those samples at p≤ 0.05.
texture, TSS and pH was observed on a one With the increasing level of pectin the texture
month interval. All parameters of the product quality of the dragon fruit jelly increased. The
were acceptable up to 4th month of storage, the flavor of the dragon fruit jelly sample A and C
quality of the products was deteriorated like as are similar where as the jelly containing 0.5%
off flavor produced and pH decreased for all the pectin is significantly differed from jelly
products. It reveals that the shelf life of these prepared from 1% pectin statistically. In the
products is not more than 4 months (Table 4). turbidity content the jelly prepared from 1.5%
pectin secured the highest score and significantly
3.4. Sensory evaluation of the dragon fruit jelly differ from others where the jelly samples A and
The samples of dragon fruit jelly were subjected B are not significantly differed. This is due to the
to sensory evaluation. Ten judges evaluated the low pectin content in fresh dragon fruit pulp
color, flavor, texture and overall acceptability of (Morton, 1987). In case of overall preference
the three samples. The mean scores for color, among the samples, analysis showed that there
flavor, texture and overall acceptability of was significant (p<0.05) difference and all the 3
different samples are presented in Table 5. samples were not equally acceptable.
Period of Observation
Sample TSS
storage pH Remarks
Code Color Flavor Turbidity %
A Pink Fresh Opaque 66 4.20 Good
1 B Pink Fresh Opaque 67 4.20 Good
C Pink Fresh Opaque 67 4.20 Good
A Pink Fresh Opaque 66 4.20 Good
2 B Pink Fresh Opaque 67 4.20 Good
C Pink Fresh Opaque 67 4.10 Good
A Pink Fresh Opaque 66 4.10 Good
3 B Pink Fresh Opaque 66 4.10 Good
C Pink Fresh Opaque 66 4.00 Good
A Pink Fresh Opaque 66 4.00 Good
4 B Pink Fresh Opaque 67 4.00 Good
C Pink Fresh Opaque 67 4.00 Good
A Pink Off flavor Opaque 66 3.95 Good
5 B Pink Fresh Opaque 66 3.90 Good
C Light Pink Fresh Opaque 66 3.90 Good
A Pink Off flavor Opaque 66 3.85 Good
6 B Light Pink Off flavor Opaque 66 3.80 Good
C Light Pink Fresh Opaque 66 3.80 Good
34 Islam et al. /The Agriculturists 10(2): 29-35 (2012)
4. Conclusions References
In Bangladesh dragon fruit is relatively new. Abdul Azis Ariffin, Jamilah Bakar, Chin Ping
Now it is being cultivated in Bangladesh. The Tan, Russly Abdul Rahman, Roselina
study indicates that a good quality value added Karim, and Chia Chun Loi. 2008.
product could be produced from dragon fruit. As Essential fatty acids of pitaya (dragon
the fruit has some special religious, medicinal, fruit) seed oil. Food Chemistry, 114 (2):
social and nutritive value, it is assumed that it 561–564.
could fetch a good monetary value from the
AOAC. 2003. Official Methods of Analysis.
consumers. Therefore, the present study is a sign
Association of Official Analytical
of bright prospect of processing of dragon fruit
Chemists, Washington DC, USA.
products. Further investigation is necessary to
study the economic aspects of the products AOAC. 2004. Official Methods of Analysis.
before recommending for commercial Association of Official Analytical
production. Chemists, Washington DC, USA.
Duncan, D.B. 1951. A significant test for
5. Acknowledgement
differences between ranked treatments in
an analysis of variance. Virginia Journal
The authors gratefully acknowledge the
Department of Food Engineering and Tea of Science, 2(9): 171-189.
Technology, Shahjalal University of Science and Glicksman, M. 1983. GumTechnology in the
Technology, Sylhet, Bangladesh for providing Food Industry. New York, Academic
the facilities to carry out this research. Press, 214-225 pp.
Processing and preservation of dragon fruit 35