Al Anon Today PDF
Al Anon Today PDF
Al Anon Today PDF
Finding a
way forward
with Al-Anon
Letter from
the Editor
We hope you will like the first edition of
your downloadable e-magazine, now
available on the Al-Anon Members’ Website.
Please let us know what you think of it.
We would welcome your contributions and
ideas by mail, email or personally, as it will be
produced quarterly with the four seasons.
Don’t wait till next week to get in touch – God grant me
Very best wishes to you all,
Your Editorial Committee
to accept
the things
Please submit your contributions by email to
[email protected] I cannot
or by post to The Editor at the address below
You may choose how you sign your article, but please note that your
full name and contact details are required with your submission.
Your anonymity will be fully respected.
In Al-Anon, members do not give direction or advice to other members.
Instead, they share their personal experiences and stories, and invite other
members to “take what they like and leave the rest”—that is, to determine
for themselves what lesson they could apply to their own lives.
just for today everything is okay and those
things aren’t happening. I’ll deal with them
all when they occur. Why do Members Continue
_________________________________ Andrea to Attend Al-Anon or Alateen?
Dear Al-Anon members, Andrea is an Al-Anon Personal growth and well-being is an
member who lives in the UK and would be
on-going process. Al-Anon continually
happy to correspond with members who are
unable to get to meetings. If you would like offers members fresh opportunities to
to write to her about your situation, please learn about themselves and the effects
address the letter to: of someone else’s drinking. Members
Andrea, c/o The General Service Office, report that they gain new insights and
57B Great Suffolk Street, London SE1 0BB. use our programme to ”stay on track,” and
We will remove your contact details to preserve
remain positive about life.
both your anonymity and Andrea’s and will
pass your letter to her for reply.
Area 6 Mini Convention by the afternoon speakers who were all men!
9th November 2013 - Report I had a really interesting chat with an AA
member at her first Al-Anon Convention and
This was an excellent Al-Anon day which lived she wished that AA meetings could be given
up to my expectations that the atmosphere plenty of notice of these events - she was
would be relaxed as always in the company of learning so much. That could be a PI oppor-
other Al-Anon members. It was held in com- tunity for Al-Anon. I heard so much wisdom
fortable surroundings in the Christ Church in the shares from the audience, there were a
Centre in Henley-on-Thames with Al-Anon few fairly new members who seemed to gain
and AA shares in the morning and afternoon. inspiration from the general sharing and it felt
Delicious soup and rolls were served at lunch as if people could have gone on speaking all
time, and endless tea, coffee and biscuits. afternoon.
There were some very good raffle prizes do-
nated by generous members. Sadly the day had to end, but I would urge
any member who has not attended one of
I heard some lovely shares – one from an these days to get to the next one they can.
Al-Anon/AA couple which always seems to Anyone who thinks their home Group is
me to be a win/win situation in so many ways. helping them will get an even greater feeling
I was humbled by a share from a young of support from the experience, strength and
member who had only been in the pro- hope that will be in abundance.
gramme for a few months, and encouraged
Nicky T - Oxford Monday
Sharing my Experience -
Strength and Hope
4pm - walking into Queen’s Hospital, Romford, Essex and at last seeing a large banner ‘Al-Anon
Family Groups’ looking at me beside the Alcoholics Anonymous banner. It feels good, it feels
satisfying, comforting, loving, reaching an achievement by East London and Essex district and
our mini Convention Team. I just stood there and let those feelings go over me, of comfort,
support and belonging — I could have cried!
I came to visit my husband who has been here since last Friday morning as an inpatient. He
collapsed at home, I had to call an ambulance. Tests showed kidney failure, complete dehy-
dration, chest infection, pneumonia, urine infection, kidney infection. “Was this brought on by
alcohol?” I asked.
Since 1988 I attended Al-Anon family groups, working this loving program. Al-Anon principles
have seen me through years of ups and downs… alcoholism things. The Slogans and sayings
have helped and supported me and our two adult children at times of great emotional diffi-
culties. We are learning to make decisions to put the program into action, especially ‘One Day
at a Time’ and ‘Let Go and Let God’. I’m putting my husband into the God Box at this moment,
whatever the outcome of this, and myself in God’s hands.
One Day at a Time, and This Too Shall Pass.
Ever grateful Al-Anon member- Irmgard
To “let go” does not mean to stop caring, it means I can’t do it for someone else.
To “let go” is not to cut myself off, it’s the realisation I can’t control another.
To “let go” is not to enable, but to allow learning from natural consequences.
To “let go” is to admit powerlessness, which means the outcome is not in my hands.
To “let go” is not to try to change or blame another, it’s to make the most of myself.
To “let go” is not to care for, but to care about.
To “let go” is not to fix, but to be supportive.
To “let go” is not to judge, but to allow another to be a human being.
To “let go” is not to be in the middle arranging all the outcomes, but to allow others to
affect their own destinies.
To “let go” is not to be protective, it’s to permit another to face reality.
To “let go” is not to deny, but to accept.
To “let go” is not to nag, scold or argue, but instead to search out my own shortcomings
and correct them.
To “let go” is not to adjust everything to my desires but to take each day as it comes, and
cherish myself in it.
To “let go” is not to regret the past, but to grow and live for the future.
To “let go” is to fear less and love more.
Author unknown
I Came to Al-Anon Family Groups at the Suggestion
of my Ex-Boyfriend, a Recovering Alcoholic.
next few months. He helped me find a way to break my
unhealthy patterns, remain friends with my ex-boyfriend, Co-operating
with AA
and be free to move on with my life. I felt as if I was being
carried by a Power greater than myself, and I wasn’t devas-
tated as I feared I would be.
Today, my ex-boyfriend and I are still very close. Without Our Sixth Tradition
me pushing, interfering, enabling, and controlling, he Our Family Groups ought never endorse,
finance or lend our name to any outside
is able to work his own programme better, take care of enterprise, lest problems of money, property and
himself, and live his own life. We managed to keep what prestige divert us from our primary spiritual aim.
was good between us and let go of the bad. For that I will Although a separate entity, we should always
co-operate with Alcoholics Anonymous.
be forever grateful.
The best compliment I get is when my ex tells me how The fellowships of Al-Anon,
proud he is of me for how I work the programme. I have which includes Alateen for its
been in Al-Anon 16 months now. I attend four meetings
younger members, and AA have
a week, diligently work the Steps, read the literature daily,
a unique relationship. They were
work with my Sponsor, and keep in touch with Al-Anon
members. I also sponsor and often speak at other meet- closely allied in their origins and
ings and try to give back what Al-Anon has given me: a are naturally drawn together by
new chance on relationships. their family ties.
For the first time in my life I am in a relationship that is very Yet the Twelve Traditions
healthy. As a result of working the Steps, I was also able to emphasize that each works more
put the past behind me, forgive, and let go of old resent- effectively if it remains separate.
ments. Now my relationships with my family members are Tradition Six specifically states
the best they have ever been.
________________________________________ Tami P. New York that Al-Anon is a separate entity.
Reprinted with permission of The Forum, Al-Anon Family Group Hdqts., Inc., Virginia Beach, VA. Therefore, in keeping with this
Tradition, there can be no
combining, joining, or uniting
Life Continues to Bring Up which would result in the loss of
Problems identity of either fellowship.
Separateness rules out affilia-
“I am a long term member of my group, and feel it is tion or merging, but it does not
important that I continue to work my programme as exclude co-operation with AA
diligently as ever. or acting together for mutual
I still need all Twelve Steps and have
no wish to become ‘A Mrs Al-Anon’. Al-Anon acknowledges with grati-
tude the spiritual contribution of
Life continues to bring up problems so I am continuing
AA and there can continue to be
to remember that even though I am not living with active
alcoholism in my family, I must work the Twelfth Step as co-operation between Al-Anon and
hard as ever. Thank you to my Al-Anon group, which gives AA even while there are many
me so much to be thankful for, and so much help.” Al-Anon members who have no
Anon contact with AA or AA members.
Al-Anon is a Spiritual Programme, –Not Religious
Reprinted with permission of The Forum, Al-Anon Family Group Hdqts., Inc., Virginia Beach, VA.
M y mother died of alcoholism when
I was a child. For many years
I didn’t know what caused her death, I Have Learned to
until my father explained it to me when
I was an adult. Understand my
Mother’s Alcoholism
much better through working the
Al-Anon programme. Through its fel-
lowship I have regained much more
confidence and trust in relationships.
Although I no longer live in an active
alcoholic environment, I continue to at-
tend the Al-Anon meetings every week,
because the common sense, kindness
and love within the programme help
me to continue to keep my life in balance.
Geraldine, Oxford.
HOW LONG DOES IT TAKE? ... Public Information
When I read that it took 150 years to realise I wrote to the Prime Minister with my pas-
that the antidote to scurvy was citrus fruit I sionate plea for doctors to be trained in the
wondered what hope there was for Al-Anon. specialism as they are generally ill-equipped
I have relentlessly continued to be passionate to work effectively and constructively with
about Public Information for the Community people who suffer from addiction and their
Resource which was my saving grace when families, friends, or colleagues and some-
directed to attend through an enlightened times create a dual addiction with prescribed
psychiatrist many years ago. drugs, tending to enable and perpetuate the
progression of the illness.
It has been a remarkable experi-
ence where I have met and walked The reply stated that it was now being
alongside troubled people who incorporated in medical school training: I
was cheered. I saw the programme of the
have blossomed and become
Scottish Parliament valuing and appreciat-
beautiful in their recoveries
ing what Al-Anon offers and does: I was
and through this I have been given under- touched. I saw a film entitled Anonymous
standing, compassion and love as well as People which the USA has made to reduce
enlightenment and enrichment for an incred- the stigma, shame and embarrassment and
ible quality of life in the transformation. I will brave people shared their struggles: I was
ever be grateful to Al-Anon. moved. It is awaiting public release.
Update on Public Information which I feel A newcomer to a meeting stated that she
needs to be celebrated - for in the past it ap- had found Al-Anon Family Groups through
pears to have fallen on deaf ears or met with the NHS website - so a miracle occurs.
a blank wall. In 2013 headway was made: A
I sense that denial is the biggest stumbling
large Tesco agreed to put up a poster in the
block as well as lack of education. But I keep
middle of their community board. The local
going on, going on…will you join me?
surgery displayed posters and leaflets, during
Alcohol Awareness week, 2 years running. Anon.
Al-Anon is Truly a
Worldwide Fellowship
“As a ‘Yank’ I have lived in (not visited) London
for 3-4 months every year for the last 15 years.
My London home Group is the London
Bridge Meeting and it is both the same and
different from my Florida home Group. For
me it is one of the wonderful mysteries of our
programme. The dynamics of each meeting
reflect the age, life-style and needs of differ-
ent people with common problems and the work on my growth.
common goal of Serenity. These ideas, points of view, approaches to
We all are examining our own lives, personal recovery were shared by members
seeking Spiritual Growth for ourselves. whose life circumstances, age, life styles and
time in our programme all differ from mine in
I would not want to have the Florida meeting very significant ways. I am able to benefit and
dynamics in London any more than I want grow myself precisely because they bring a
the London dynamic to be in Florida. That different programme view from mine.
said, some of the most important sharings
that have impacted my life today came from Our World Wide Fellowship benefits me pre-
sharings I heard in various London meetings. cisely because we are all different but the same!
They have changed the way I see myself and Thank you Al-Anon.”
GEORGE C. Florida & London.
Publicity and PI Posters and other helpful tools may be
downloaded from the Members’ Website
The Three Legacies of Al-Anon
Al-Anon and Alateen are based on the Twelve Steps, Twelve Traditions, and Twelve Concepts
of Service adapted from Alcoholics Anonymous (AA). The Twelve Steps (see page 16), are a
foundation for personal recovery; the Twelve Traditions help Al-Anon and Alateen Groups
sustain unity and harmony; and the Twelve Concepts are guides for showing how Twelfth
Step work can be done to spread Al-Anon’s message worldwide.
Statement of Purpose
Al-Anon’s Suggested Preamble to The Twelve Steps
The Al-Anon Family Groups are a fellowship of relatives and friends of alcoholics who share their
experience, strength and hope, in order to solve their common problems.
We believe alcoholism is a family illness, and that changed attitudes can aid recovery.
Al-Anon is not allied with any sect, denomination, political entity, organization, or institution;
does not engage in any controversy, neither endorses nor opposes any cause. There are no dues
for membership. Al-Anon is self-supporting through its own voluntary contributions.