Zeus Botnet Defined Samuel Egiefameh Advisor: Dr. Willie Thompson II
Zeus Botnet Defined Samuel Egiefameh Advisor: Dr. Willie Thompson II
Zeus Botnet Defined Samuel Egiefameh Advisor: Dr. Willie Thompson II
Samuel Egiefameh
2. Introduction ……………………………………………… 4
3. Tools ...………………………………………………...….. 8
4. Methodology………………………………..……………..… 9
7. References ………………………………………. 19
Over the last decade, spontaneous cyber-attacks have increasingly become a greater
threat. Jim Webb, former democratic candidate for president, when asked the question,
“What is the greatest threat to our national security today?” replied with a definitive,
“Cyber warfare.” Each year cybercrime costs the global economy up to $575 billion with
the U.S. taking a huge chunk of $100 billion. Billions of dollars are lost to cybercrime
each year and the reputations of reputable companies have been destroyed as an outcome
of it. The threat of whether a small business, large corporation, or even an ordinary
person in the comfort of their home having their personal information compromised, even
as far as identity theft, is almost as ordinary as a person breathing. Well, that may be a bit
extreme, but the fact of the matter is that if something is not done soon about the millions
of threats which are sent out each day, we will live in a world in which absolutely nothing
is safe. If something is not done about cybercrime now, one could only hope what our
A flexible network monitoring system is needed to see what is happening in real time
and store that information for later use. The purpose of this research project is to be the
mind of the hacker by carrying out the same attacks they do to their victims and to
possibly reverse engineer their tactics by finding some loopholes to see how we can
better protect our systems against cyber threats today. I will be performing a key logger
attack. My end goal is to be able to penetrate the Morgan State University email website
to steal both username and password and sending it back to the command and control. To
accomplish this task, I will need to generate my own attack using a very sophisticated
piece of malware called “Zeus botnet” to test the vulnerability of computer systems and
use cyber software to capture how these attacks are happening in the background real
time. The data will then be collected and analyzed to determine how to stop these
malware attacks from getting to its ultimate goal which is the physical layer of the OSI
Robert Mueller, an FBI director, once said, “there are two types of companies: those
that have been hacked, and those that will be.” Now this quote is a concern for both
companies and individuals. The days in which a group of men with guns and knives burst
into a bank to rob the bank tellers at gunpoint are long over. Men have become wiser,
smarter, and sharper, and can steal your money secretly on the web. Cyber war is the new
battlefield of today. Everything that has an on and off switch will soon be connected to
the internet of things. Hackers have discovered that most of the cash they’re after is not
stored in steel vaults, but on the web. Market research firm Gartner says the global
spending on IT is set to increase 8.2 percent from the year 2014. That is a total of $77
billion dollars. The cyber market is expected to grow to $170 billion by the year 2020.
Let’s face it, people are frightened because they see the effect of what cyber warfare has
accomplished and even more fearful of the potential it can do in the future.
the job industry today. First, let me say in doing this project I was completely oblivious to
the cyber terms and cyber security as a whole in general. I sparked interest because of the
growing increase of cyber related attacks. I love technology. Technology is what drives
our country today. It is possible in the near future there will be no more paper – everything
will be digital. Yet, for all this technology to be enjoyed freely without fear or remorse,
our data must be protected. I believe the growing number of cyber-attacks is in direct
proportion to the growing technology in out day and age. Cyber security is predicted to be
the fastest growing homeland security market as North America. I’m motivated to get
behind the mind of the hacker in hope to understand how attacks are carried out and to
Zeus also known as Zbot is one of the most notorious and widely spread information
stealing Trojans on the market today. It’s a toolkit used to create information stealing
Zeus uses a botnet to create and distribute bots to its victims. A botnet (also known as
a zombie army) is a number of internet computers that, although their owners are unaware
of it, have been set up to forward transmissions (including spam or viruses) to other
computers on the Internet. The bots created by this kit will infect your computer and once
infected, it will run silently in the background harvesting information and sending it back
to the command and control center. A bot is simply a short word for a robot. It is a robot
who simply follows commands from the botmaster to tell it what he needs to do. In the
figure above, you see the botmaster at the center and the little bots that surround him. The
botmaster sends commands remotely to his bots across the globe to do whatever he
pleases. That is how Zeus operates. The kit is doesn’t require much of a technical
background to use. Once obtained, creating the malware is fairly simple. As a result, you
have many self-proclaimed or self-made hackers using this package to create and
distribute their own malware to victims. That is why Zeus today is so widely spread,
because anyone can use it and it don’t need to be the best programmer to send out a
legitimate attack. This kit ranges between $700-$3000 dollars but older versions can be
keyboard will be recorded and logged. This of course is extremely dangerous because
hackers use it with malicious intent to retrieve bank login information, credit card
numbers, usernames, passwords, and any other private information. The Trojan is also
able to do web injects by injecting more HTML code into a legitimate web pages to fool
the user by giving additional sensitive information not usually required by the website.
Zeus can also perform various web fakes. A web fake redirects your browser to a
compromised website or a fake version of the website to once again trick the user. Zeus
can perform a plethora of different functions, but for this project I will be penetrating the
MSU email website to steal login information and send it back to the command and
The malware is usually distributed to its victims through drive-by downloads and
various phishing schemes or by simply clicking on an infected website. The Trojan was
first discovered in July 2007 when it was used to steal information from the United States
Amazon, Bank of America, ABC, NASA, Oracle, Businessweek, and many others. Over
2,000 companies and organizations have been infected since Zeus was first discovered
and in 2012, Kaspersky Labs found five new variants infecting blackberry and Android
phones. In 2010, the original author sold the source code to his major competitor,
SpyEye, who is now enhancing the software. There is currently a $3 million dollar
bounty on the original creator of the Zeus Trojan, but selling the source code and making
it public in which now anyone can use the botnet makes it much harder to crack down the
original creator. From the year 2007-2011, Zeus was the absolute most notorious Trojan
on the market and still today Zeus has not taken a backseat to anyone but still continues
§ 3: TOOLS
1. Zeus Toolkit
3. Test bed
6. Wireshark
7. Aegis Crypter
After obtaining the Zeus toolkit my next step was to create a virtual network. A virtual
network is a computer network that consists of virtual network links. It does not consist
testing and hacking. For instance, whenever you need to do something in the computer
world for you to understand what is taking place, it is needed to sit down with the
physical equipment and play with it. It’s just as if you were building a windows server
network, you will need a lab for penetration testing and hacking. In the past, if you
wanted to hack another computer for testing you would need the actual physical hard
computer and they will need to be connected on a network, otherwise the attack will not
work. In today’s modern world as technology has advanced, all you will need is just one
powerful system called a test bed, put some type of virtualization software on that
needed between the virtual machines so that malware won’t affect another system which
wasn’t connected. To do this, I bridged the connections within Virtual Box. Bridging the
networks gives the two virtual machines the same DHCP and DNS with different MAC
addresses. To ensure they were connected, I sent out a simple ping between the two
Figure 1
Figure 2
Getting a reply from each of the IP addresses shows that both networks are bridged and
are now ready for testing. However, in a bridged connection, the network is connected to
the LAN, the outside world. An internal network is the exact opposite of a bridged
network. In an internal network, the virtual machines can communicate with each other;
yet, they are completely isolated from the outside world. An internal network is the ideal
situation for this project; however, for me to be able to penetrate the Morgan State
University website, it was needed that I bridged the connections. This makes it more
dangerous; however, the malware cannot infect another computer unless bridged under
the same DHCP and DNS. Let me be clear, the bridged network, though connected to the
outside world is not bridged to the outside world but rather bridged internally between the
two virtual boxes. So although it can connect to the internet it cannot do damage to those
The Zeus command and control is one of the most important aspects for the hacker to
carry out a successful attack. The server component of the Zeus kit is a collection of php
scripts that allow the owner to monitor the status of their bots, issue commands to them
and retrieve the information that they have collected. Without this, this server the toolkit
is in essence useless. The malware can still infect its victims and retrieve confidential
information, yet, the bot will have no place to send this information to without the
command and control. The command and control is not provided with the Zeus toolkit so
you must go through other means to be able to set one up. For this project, I used
software called XAMPP. XAMPP is a free and open source cross-platform web server
solution stack package developed by Apache Friends, consisting mainly of the Apache
HTTP Server, Maria DB database, and interpreters for scripts written in the PHP and Perl
programming languages.
with the Zeus toolkit. The bot package provides a set of PHP scripts that will set up the
required database tables and other user-specific data, based on the configuration file used
to generate the bot. For this to work, you need to copy everything in the “server[php]”
folder from the Zeus files to the htdocs folder in the XAMPP web host. This step is vital
for the success of the command and control. Next, I needed to create a database for my
command and control to have the necessary requirements. I encountered many issues
along this process, some difficult some not so difficult, but this one gave me the most
trouble. For some reason, whenever I would try to execute the initial script provide by the
botnet for my command and control it would fail to read MYSQL as root. After much
research, the problem was resolved by creating a simple php script for the file to now
execute. You can see the results of this in the picture below:
Figure 3
The command and control is now complete and can be used for control of the bots I will
The last stage of the process before infecting my victim virtual machine was to now build
the bot executable. The bot executable is the actual exe file that will be used on my
victim. There are three things needed to build this bot executable: A builder,
configuration file, and web injects. Each hacker will use the builder to create the
encrypted configuration file and the bot executable that is specific to their victim.
However, before you build your bot executable, you must configure the configuration file
which is needed before you can do anything useful. The configuration file contains the
address to which all the stolen information will be sent including the URL which the file
will be located.
The figure below displays a screenshot of a portion of the configuration file commands
to various hosts. The encryption_key is the password used by the bot owner for removing
the bot from the any infected CPU as his will. The url_server is the command and control
which I highlighted in red to my computer by changing the IP address and placing the
current location for my web injection file. Now that my file configuration file is set, I can
now build the bot by simply clicking the build button as you see in the figure 5.
By clicking the bot executable, the builder will then convert the text file into the binary
format expected by the executable, compress and then encrypt it. Now this is what makes
Zeus all the more powerful. As mentioned earlier, this botnet has the ability to hide itself
within a computer without the detection of antivirus programs. To see exactly how this
works, I decided to test the executable before infecting my virtual machine to see how
many antivirus programs will detect Zeus in the system. I was able to find a website
called VirusTotal in which this can be done. VirusTotal is a website, originally developed
by Hispasec, that provides free checking of files and websites for viruses. It uses 55
different antivirus products and 61 online scan engines to check for viruses that the user's
own antivirus solution may have missed, or to verify against any false positives. So after
creating my executable, I uploaded the piece of malware to the website and a total of
The results show that the majority of the antivirus programs will detect Zeus
within their systems. However, we must be reminded that the version of Zeus(version I obtained is the standard version which was coded by the original creator of
Zeus. Antiviruses have updated since that time but there are many newer versions of Zeus
on the underground market today which can do virtually go undetected. In spite of this,
the hackers will still find various means to hide the malware on the backgroung systems
regardless of what version they have. This is done using crypters. A cryper is a free
software used to encrypt malware, keyloggers, or any RAT tool for they are not found
and deleted by antiviruses. In essence, what this software does is allow users to encrypt
work by splitting source code of application and then search for certain string within
source code. If antivirus detects any certain malicious strings, it either stops scan or
deletes the file as virus from system. Crypter simply assigns hidden values to each
individual code within source code. Thus, the source code becomes hidden. Hence, our
sent crypted trojan and virus bypass antivirus detection and our purpose of hacking them
is fulfilled without any AV hindrance. Not only does this crypter hide source code, it will
unpack the encryption once the program is executed." There are also FUD crypters which
stands for fully undetectable. These crypters encrypt the malware so well that they are
completely undetecble by any antivirus programs which makes it all the more dangerous
when your computer gets infected because it will not identify the program as harmful. So
if you obtain a free version online, it will encrypt the anti viruses yet some antivirus
programs will still deem it harmful. FUD crypters can only be found on hacking forums
but it may only remain "FUD" one or two days after its release.
To reiterate, for my project I decided to test this and I was able to obtain a free
crypter online. I decided to use the same piece of malware I uploaded earlier unto
VirusTotal to encrpyt is using the crypter and then test it on the website again. After the
much more. this gives a clear understanding on some of the tactics hackers will use to
In my methodology section, I explained in detail the process of how to setup the
command and control, create the bot, test the malware, etc. Now it's time to infect my
virual machine and retrive the username and password from the Morgan State University
website. To give a quick recap on what I've already mentioned above, because the
connections are bridged my malware cannot infect another other system other than the
systems which are beidged to the virtual machines. I could use various phishing schemes
command and control interface in which I can monitor and view the bots. In figure 9, you
see the command and control statistics page which enables you to view and manage your
bots. The summary page provides the global status of all the bots you used to infect your
victims. OS lists the versions of windows and service pack edition of the compromised
victims. After I infected my virtual machine, you can see that my total bots changed from
machine, I proceeded to the email website of Morgan State university and entered a false
username and password. Regardless if the password works or not, the botnet still logs
each and every login information you have attempted on targeted websites. The results
are as follows: My attack was successful. I was able to infect my virtual machine and
send all the information back to the command and control of my attack virtual machine.
Unfortunately Zeus can only record logs fromInternet Explorer and some older versions
Network security in today is a growing concern in our society. However, when the right
controls are set in stone, we can better defend our systems. This project, I was able to
demonstrate the power of Zeus. I was able to display that once your computer is infected,
you are now my slave and I can control and do as I wish. Zeus has frightened many
across the world today; however, the power of Zeus can be defeated. Zeus is not
undefeatable and many are making the necessary steps to avoid being infected. There are
some practical ways to defend your systems against Zeus. First, you must ensure that you
keep an updated web browser. Internet Explorer is the most susceptible to Zeus attacks.
In fact, I could only retrieve logs from Internet Explorer. Zeus was unable to retrieve logs
from Firefox and Google Chrome. However, there are newer versions of Zeus which are
now able to retrieve logs from the more updated browsers like Google Chrome, so it is
best to use caution and to keep your browser updated regularly. Next, you must make
sure you have antivirus software installed. Although Zeus has the power to hide itself
from many antiviruses, there are still some on the market that deem Zeus as harmful.
Keep an updated antivirus installed on your systems for better protection. Lastly, if you
own your own website, it is best to switch up the view on the website often. For example,
if the login information is located on the right hand side of the webpage, every now and
then you can switch it to the left, or up top, or down below. The reason for this is because
the HTML injection techniques that Zeus implements is only wired to an exact webpage.
This means that Zeus does not adapt or change to the desired settings on your webpage.
For the hacker to now inject code into a newly designed webpage, he would now have to
write a completely different code to cater to the way your website looks. Changing the
display of your webpage helps fight off Zeus HTML injection techniques. In conclusion,
the cyber world today has many issues and we can win this battle but it will take one step
at a time. We must work smarter to be a step ahead of how these crackers operate.
[1]N.C & E.C. Nicolas Falliere and Eric Chien, Y2009ear Published. [Online].
Available: http://
zeus_king_of_bots.pdf. [Accessed: 04- Dec- 2015].