August 10, 2019 Shabbat Card
August 10, 2019 Shabbat Card
August 10, 2019 Shabbat Card
August 10, 2019 • 9 Av, 5779
Rabbi Aaron L. Starr
Rabbi Yonatan Dahlen
Hazzan David Propis, D.M.
Assistant Cantor Leonard S. Gutman
Cantor Emeritus Chaim Najman, D.M.
Are you marking a special occasion, or Do you want to join our group of
want to celebrate? Every Contributor helps Shabbat Lunch Patrons with a
defray Shabbat Lunch costs. To become tax-deductible 501(c)(3) donation?
a Contributor to Shabbat Lunch, Please contact Janice Stoneman
Kiddush or Bimah Flowers, please for details at 248.770.3454.
contact Beverly Frank at bevmakfrank@ (It’s easier than you think). or 248.646.8594.
Youth Experiences on Shabbat
Ruach Activities Me & My Preschooler Kehillah Kids
• Tikvah Chapel • Room 5 • Tikvah Chapel
• 10:00 AM • 10:45 AM • 10:45 AM
• Children ages 3-7 • Children ages 2-4 • Children ages 4-7
A lively Shabbat Joyful adult and child Spirited singing, active
babysitting experience for class with music, snacks, games, and an interactive,
children whose parents Shabbat-oriented games kid-friendly Shabbat
wish to attend services. and small group activities. service.
Youth and Family Lunch: Tikvah Chapel and William Saulson Pavillion, weather permitting.
Daily Minyan Times, August 10-August 16, 2019
Morning Evening
Sunday Tisha B’Av 8:30 AM 5:00 PM
Monday 7:30 AM 5:30 PM
Tuesday 7:30 AM 5:30 PM
Wednesday 7:30 AM 5:30 PM
Thursday 7:30 AM 5:30 PM
Friday Tu B’Av 7:30 AM 5:45 PM
Candle Lighting 8:14 PM
Shabbat Lunch and Learn: Young Families: Thrilling Thursdays
An Honest Israel Conversation August 15, 22 & 29, 2019
Saturdays, 10:00 - 11:30 AM
August 10, 17 & 24, 2019 Our drop-in playgroup for children ages 0-5
12:30 PM Following Kiddush and their favorite adults. Lindsay Mall and
In 2019, the Israel conversation unites our clergy welcome you for play, games,
and divides the Jewish people. Join Rabbi stories, songs, kosher snacks and more!
Aaron Starr for Jewish Particularism and Plan to be with us all through the warm
the Many Faces of Zionism, Rabbi Yonatan sunny days as our Super Summer Series
Dahlen for Jewish Universalism and the continues this coming Thursday with
Many Faces of Suffering, and Rabbi Aaron Popsicles on the Playground!
Starr for The Future of American Jews’
Relationship to Israel. Weather permitting, we will play outside so
come with your playclothes, outdoor gear,
sunscreen, and get ready for fun!
Shaarey Zedek Shabbat
Donations are gratefully accepted to
Fridays continue the fun!
August 16, 23 & 30, 2019
6:00 PM
Barnyard Bash Family Shabbat
The CSZ clergy welcomes you for Minchah and Religious School Open House
and uplifting Friday night Shabbat services.
Join us on the William Saulson Pavilion, Friday, August 23, 2019
(weather permitting), or in the chapel. 5:00 PM Open House
5:45 PM Family Shabbat Experience
Mumford High School Shabbat Meet in the lobby of the Berman Center for
Jewish Education to tour our classrooms,
Saturday, August 17, 2019 learn about our dynamic Religious School
9:00 AM program, meet teachers and madrichim (teen
Calling all 1949-1969 graduates of leaders), and make a craft. Stay afterward
Mumford High School: Spread the word for a child-friendly musical Shabbat service
among your classmates and join CSZ for with the CSZ clergy, followed by a dairy
Shabbat morning services and a special buffet dinner, pony rides, petting zoo,
congregational Kiddush, as we honor you! outdoor games and Ask the Rabbi!
If you wish to have your name printed Our Open House and Family Shabbat
on a special insert in the Shabbat Card, service are FREE. Cost for Shabbat Dinner,
please contact Sarah Klein at sarah.klein@ Pony Rides and other entertainment: $18 per or 248.357.5544. person ages 13 and older; children ages
Event chairs: Karol and Mel Chinitz. 0-12 are free. RSVP to www.shaareyzedek.
org or 248.357.5544.
Library Minyan
Saturday, August 24, 2019 Religious School Registration
10:00 AM Registration is open for the 2019-2020
Join Rabbi Dahlen in the Berman center school year! To pick up your registration
library (or courtyard, weather permitting). packet, arrange a tour of our school, or for
Everyone is welcome as we learn, sing additional information, contact Ari Reis at
and pray in an intimate and judgement-free [email protected] or 248.357.5544.
A Day in the D
Smell, O Israel! The Significance of Sunday, August 18, 2019
Aroma in Jewish Tradition 10:30 AM
with Rabbi Rob Dobrusin Detroit Institute of Arts, Detroit
Thursday, August 15, 2019 Meet in the John R Loggia at the DIA for
7:00 PM a gallery tour of Humble and Human:
Our Rabbis saw memory, inspired by smell, Impressionist Era Treasures, then see
to be a factor in Torah stories, including memorabilia from Hank Greenberg, Ty Cobb
creation, the flood, Abraham’s journeys, and Babe Ruth in Play Ball! Transforming the
and Isaac’s blessing of his children. We will Game, 1876-2019. Free admission for tri-
study texts that are focused on aroma, and county residents. Costs: self-parking and food
deepen our appreciation for this neglected on your own. Optional: We will continute as
sense and its connection with memory. a group to the Hazon Jewish Food Festival in
the Eastern Market at 12:30 p.m.
The Binding of Isaac in the Bible and
No charge, but RSVPs are requested to
Contemporary Israeli Poetry
Sarah at [email protected] or
with Nira Lev
Thursday, August 22 & 29, 2019
7:00 PM
A 2-part class on the Akeida (the Binding of Men’s Night Out
Isaac), one of the most provacative stories
Wednesday August 28, 2019
in the Bible. There are many interpretations
6:30 PM
and many midrashim and piyyutim based on
Steve Lelli’s Inn on the Green, Farmington Hills
it. The Biblical story presents the Akeida as a
model of absolute faith and trust in God. CSZ Men’s club invites all community men
for dinner, camaraderie and some Talmud,
Join us each Berman Night for sips, sweets
featuring Assistant Cantor Leonard Gutman.
and schmoozing before the learning begins.
Cost: Men’s Club members $50 each,
Open to the community at no charge - enter
non-members $55 each. RSVP to www.
through the doors of the Berman Center for or 248.357.5544.
Jewish Education.
One in a Minyan
Putting God Second: How to Save
Each day, CSZ’s Minyan connects you to a
Religion From Itself
meaningful and beautiful Jewish experience
Thursday, August 22, 2019 that extends through the generations.
6:00 PM
Everyone is invited to join us for this fulfilling
Read the book, then join Rabbi Starr for a mitzvah each weekday morning (followed
rousing discussion! Author Donniel Hartman by an optional Minyan breakfast), or in the
tackles one of modern life’s most vexing early evening. Enrich your soul and connect
questions: Why are the great monotheistic with fellow congregants, some of whom
faiths - Judaism, Christianity and Islam may be in need of help to say kaddish for a
- chronically unable to fulfill their own loved one.
self-professed goal of creating individuals
Check your calendar, go to www.
infused with moral sensitivity and societies and click the link to let us
governed by the highest ethical standards?
know you’re coming.
Andrew Segal
Leon Cogan
Pauline Fine
Debra Feldman
Moris Huppert
Board of Trustees
Wendy Arnold David Moses
Firooz Banooni Susan Oleinick
Karen Couf Cohen Kim Levin (Sisterhood)
Nicole Eisenberg Sara Rothenberg
Barbra Giles Michael Rowe
Barbara Heller David Salama
Leah Hurvitz Alice Silbergleit
Steven Hurvitz Michael Tobin (Men’s Club)
Paul Ingber Mitchell Wagner
Betsy Kellman Brooke Weingarden
Harold Kusnetz (Seniors) Ira Zaltz
Morry Levin Emma Zerkel
Jodi Michaelson Neil Zechman
Shabbat Gabbaim
Judie Blumeno Sheldon Larky
Rick Cohen Michael Rowe
Bill Glogower Mark Weisberg
Richard Jacobs Neil Zechman
Together, all participate in celebrating our history, enriching our community and
planning our future.
Since the 19th century, members of our congregation have proudly played leading
roles in Michigan, the nation and throughout the world Jewry. For more than
150 years Congregation Shaarey Zedek has been a house of prayer, a house
of learning and a community gathering place, transmitting Conservative Jewish
teaching, dor l’dor, from generation to generation.
Synagogue Office
27375 Bell Road
Southfield, MI 48034-2079
Fax 248.357.0227