Acad Manual 3

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ACAD Command Concepts, References, Aliases, and System Variables 47

Modify Command 2

ARRAY Creates multiple copies of objects Modify

(AR) in a pattern Array

Rectangular Polar

FILLET (F) Rounds and fillets the edges of Modify

objects Fillet

CHAMFE Bevels the edges of objects Modify

R (CHA) Chamfer

BREAK Breaks the selected object between Modify

(BR) two points Break
Break at point
ACAD Command Concepts, References, Aliases, and System Variables 48

EXTEND Extends an object to meet another Modify

(EX) object Extend

LENGTHE Changes the length of objects Modify

N Lengthen

STRETCH Moves or stretches objects Modify

(S) Stretch

ROTATE Moves objects about a base point Modify

(RO) Rotate

SCALE Enlarges or reduces selected Modify

(SC) objects Scale
ACAD Command Concepts, References, Aliases, and System Variables 49

Plate 5

Create the drawing shown of the sleeve block according to the settings given in the following table.
Settings Value
1. Units Decimal with two decimal places
2. Limits LLC: 0,0 ; URC: 17,11
3. Grid 0.50
4. Snap 0.25
Hidden Magenta Hidden
Object Blue Continuous
Center Green Center
Text Red Continuous
Hints The object lines for the sleeve block can be drawn by using the LINE, POLYGON, and
CIRCLE commands, and the text objects can be drawn with the TEXT command. The
arcs can be created using the FILLET command. Do not dimension this drawing.
Use two circles and lines as the bass of the slot. Then use the TRIM command to
remove the inner halves of the circles, leaving the outer arcs that, with the two lines,
comprise the slot.
Other arcs (0.5 and 0.125 radii) can be created by using the FILLET command with the
correctly specified radius.
You will probably have the object snap to the “intersections” of the apexes of the
hexagon in the top view and draw lines perpendicular to the base of the front view in
order to locate them correctly. Then use the TRIM command to remove the unwanted
portions of the lines.
ACAD Command Concepts, References, Aliases, and System Variables 50

Plate 6
System Settings
Use the current default settings for the limits of this drawing, (0,0) for the lower left corner
and (12,9) for the upper right corner. Use the GRID command and change the grid
spacing from 1,0000 to 0.2500 units. The grid will be used only as a guide for
constructing the object. Do not turn the SNAP or ORTHO commands on.

Name Color Linetype
Object White Continuous
Center Yellow Center

Suggested Commands
Draw the basic shape of the object using the LINE and CIRCLE commands. Lay out a
centerline circle, draw one square shape, and use ARRAY to create a multiple copy of
the square in a circular pattern.
Whenever possible, substitute the appropriate command alias in place of the full Auto
CAD command. For example, use “Co” for the COPY command, “L” for the LINE
command, and so on.
ACAD Command Concepts, References, Aliases, and System Variables 51

Plate 7

System Settings
Use the current default settings for the limits of this drawing, (0,0) for the lower left corner
and (14,12) for the upper right corner. Use the GRID command and change the grid
spacing from 1,0000 to 0.2500 units. The grid will be used only as a guide for
constructing the object. Turn the SNAP or ORTHO commands on.

Name Color Linetype
Object Blue Continuous
Construction Red Continuous

Suggested Commands
Draw the basic shape of the object using the LINE, POLYGON, XLINE and RECTANGLE
commands. Use OFFSET and COPY command to create the remaining pattern. Use
TRIM command to eliminate the excess lines.

Do not dimension the drawing.

ACAD Command Concepts, References, Aliases, and System Variables 52

Plate 8
System Settings
Use the current default settings for the limits of this drawing, (0,0) for the lower left corner
and (12,9) for the upper right corner. Use the GRID command and change the grid
spacing from 1,0000 to 0.2500 units. The grid will be used only as a guide for
constructing the object. Turn the SNAP or ORTHO commands on.

Name Color Linetype
Object Blue Continuous
Construction Red Continuous
Center Green Center

Suggested Commands
Draw the basic shape of the object using the LINE, PLINE, POLYGON, XLINE , CIRCLE
and RECTANGLE commands. Use OFFSET and COPY command to create the
remaining pattern. Use TRIM command to eliminate the excess lines.

Do not dimension the drawing.

ACAD Command Concepts, References, Aliases, and System Variables 53

Plate 9
System Settings
Use the current default settings for the limits of this drawing, (0,0) for the lower left corner
and (21,16) for the upper right corner. Use UNITS command to change the number of
decimal past the zero from four to two. Keep the remaining default unit values. Use the
GRID command and change the grid spacing to 0.25 units. The grid will be used only as
a guide for constructing the object.

Name Color Linetype
Object Blue Continuous
Center Red Center

Suggested Commands
Begin constructing this object by first laying out four points which will be used as the
centers for circles. Use CIRCLE TTR command to construct the tangent arcs to the
circles already drawn. Use the TRIM command to clean up and partially delete circles to
obtain the outline of the drawing.. Then add a 2.00 diameter holes.

Do not dimension the drawing.

ACAD Command Concepts, References, Aliases, and System Variables 54

Plate 10
System Settings
Use the current default settings for the limits of this drawing, (0,0) for the lower left corner
and (21,16) for the upper right corner. Use UNITS command to change the number of
decimal past the zero from four to two. Keep the remaining default unit values. Use the
GRID command and change the grid spacing to 0.25 units. The grid will be used only as
a guide for constructing the object.

Name Color Linetype
Object Blue Continuous
Center Green Center

Suggested Commands
The object consists of a combination of circles and arcs along with the tangent lines and
arcs. Use the POINT command to identify and lay out the centers of the circles for
construction purposes. Use the ARC command to construct a series of arc for the left
side of the object. The TRIM command will be used to trim circles, lines and arcs to form
the basic shape. Also Use the CIRCLE TTR command for the tangent arcs to existing

Do not dimension the drawing.

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