Conference Report 1961 S A

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Held in the Tabernacle

Salt Lake City, Utah

S&pt&mbsuv 29, 30, cmxL

OdbJbsJc 1, 1961

With Report of Discourses

Published by
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Salt Lake City, Utah
The One Hundred Thirty-first Semi-annual
Conference of the Church of Jesus Christ
of Latter-day Saints
The One Hundred Thirty-First Semi- were broadcast in the Assembly Hall on
Annual Conference of the Church of Temple Square, in Barratt Hall (60
Iesus Christ of Latter-day Saints was North Main Street), over a loud-
leld in the Tabernacle, Salt Lake City, speaking system and by television. In
Utah, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, addition, thousands listened to the
September 29, September 30, and Octo- services on the Tabernacle Grounds by
ber 1, 1961. means of amplifying equipment.
The general sessions of the Confer- The proceedings of the General Priest-
ence were held at 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 hood meeting were broadcast in the
p.m., Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, and Assembly Hall and Barratt Hall over
the General Priesthood meeting was public address systems, and by direct
held in the Tabernacle Saturday wire over a public address system to
evening, September 30, at 7:00 p.m. members of the Priesthood in other as-
The proceedings of the general ses- semblies throughout the United States
sions were broadcast and telecast over and in Canada.
Station KSL and KSL-TV at Salt Lake President David O. McKay presided,
City, Utah and by arrangement through and conducted the services at each of
KSL made avail-
the following stations the sessions of the Conference, includ-
able to their listening or viewing audi- ing the General Priesthood meeting.
ences one or more of the six general A full report of the Tabernacle Choir
sessions: and Organ Broadcast is also included
In Utah: KSVC at Richfield, KSUB in this record. (See pages 126 to 127.)
at Cedar City, KVEL at Vernal, KDXU Elder Joseph Anderson was Clerk of
at St. George, KVNU at Logan, KUTA the Conference.
at Blanding.
In Arizona: KDJI at Holbrook, KPHO
General Authorities of the Church
and KPHO-TV at Phoenix, KCLS at
Flagstaff, KGUN-TV at Tucson.
In California: KSRO at Santa Rosa,
KEEN and KNTV at San Jose, KVON The David O. Mc-
First Presidency:
at Napa, KFMB-TV at San Diego, Kay, \ Henry D. Moyle, Hugh B.
KOVR-TV at Sacramento-Stockton, Brown 2 .

KERO-TV at Bakersfield, KTTV at Los The Quorum of the Twelve Apostles:

Angeles, KGO-TV at San Francisco, Joseph Fielding Smith, Harold B. Lee,
KJEO-TV at Fresno, KVIP-TV at Spencer W. Kimball, Ezra Taft Benson,
Redding. Mark E. Petersen, Delbert L. Stapley,
In Colorado: KREX at Grand Junc- Marion G. Romney, LeGrand Richards,
tion, KLZ and KBTV at Denver. Richard L. Evans, George Q. Morris,
In Idaho: KID and KID-TV at Idaho Howard W. Hunter, Gordon B.
Falls, KRXK at Rexburg, KPST at Hinckley 3 .

Preston, KBRV at Soda Springs, KBOI- Patriarch to the Church: Eldred G.

TV at Boise, KLIX-TV at Twin Falls. Smith.
In Minnesota: KRSI at Minneapolis. Assistants to the Twelve Apostles:
In Montana: KXLF-TV at Butte, Alma Sonne, EIRay L. Christiansen,
KOOK-TV at Billings. John Longden, Sterling W. Sill, Henry
In Nevada: KSHO-TV at Las Vegas. D. Taylor, William J. Critchlow, Jr.,
In New Mexico: KRSN at Los Alamos. Alvin R. Dyer, Nathan Eldon Tanner,
In Oregon: KKID at Pendleton, KOTI Franklin Dewey Richards, Theodore
at Klamath Falls. Moyle Burton, Thorpe B. Isaacson4 ,

In Washington: KOMO-TV at Seattle, Boyd K. Packer5 .

KNDO-TV at Yakima. The Council of the Seventy:

All general sessions of the Conference Levi Edgar Young, Antoine R. Ivins,
Seymour Dilworth Young, Milton R. selors, Presidents of Temples, Patriarchs,
Hunter, 6 Marion Duff Hanks, 7
, . High Priests, Seventies, Elders.
Presiding Bishopric: John H. Vanden- Auxiliary Officers, General, Stake and
berg, Robert L. Simpson, Victor L. Ward, from all parts of the Church.
Brown. 8
President J. Reuben Clark, Jr. was absent upon
advice of his physician.
2 Elder Hugh B. Brown of the Quorum of the Twelve
Apostles was sustained as a Counselor in the First
General Officers and Other Presidency.
Authorities Present 3 Elder Gordon B. Hinckley, an Assistant to the
Twelve Apostles, was sustained as an Apostle and
a member of the Quorum of the Twelve, filling the
vacancy caused by the appointment of Elder Hugh
Church Historian and Recorder: Jo- B. Brown as a Counselor in the First Presidency.
seph Fielding Smith, and assistants, 4 Elder Thorpe B. Isaacson was sustained as an As-

A. William Lund and Preston Nibley. sistant to the Twelve Apostles.

6 EIder Boyd K. Packer was sustained as an Assistant
Members of the General Welfare to the Twelve Apostles.
Committee, Church Welfare Program. 6 Elder Bruce R. McConkie was absent, presiding
over the Southern Australian Mission.
Members of the Church Board of 7 Elder A. Theodore Tuttle was absent, supervising
Education and Chancellor Church missions in South America.
8 Bishop Joseph L. Wirthlin and his Counselors,
Board of Education, Directors and Asso- Thorpe B. Isaacson and Carl W. Buehner, were
ciate Directors of Institutes, and Semin- relased and John H. Vandenberg was sustained as
Presiding Bishop, with Robert L. Simpson and
ary Instructors. Victor L. Brown as First and Second Counselors
Presidents of Stakes and their Coun- respectively.
The first session of the One Hundred unable to enter this historic Tabernacle
Thirty-First Semi-Annual Conference of we annonce that these services and all
the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day general sessions of the Conference will
Saints convened in the great Taber- be broadcast in the Assembly Hall and
nacle in Salt Lake City Friday morning, Barratt Hall by television. Extensive
September 29, at 10:00 a.m. President coverage of the General Sessions of this
David O. McKay presided and con- Conference by radio and television, and
ducted the meeting. the closed circuit broadcast of the Priest-
The music for this session was fur- hood Meeting Saturday evening, will
nishedby the Relief Society Singing make this Semi-Annual General Con-
Mothers Chorus from the Central Utah ference one of the most widely dissem-
and Mt. Timpanogos regions. Sister inated in Church history. The number
Florence Jepperson Madsen conducted of radio stations carrying the Conference
the singing; Elder Alexander Schreiner proceedings to the Intermountain Area
was at the organ console. and the Pacific Coast will total 22.
In opening the Conference President A total of 21 television stations will
McKay made the following introductory broadcast all or part of the Conference.
remarks: These are in Utah, Idaho, Montana,
California, Arizona, Colorado, Nevada,
Washington, and Oregon. The names
President David O. McKay: of these stations have already been an-
nounced to the television and radio
This is the opening session of the audiences. We
thank the owners and
One Hundred Thirty-First Semi-Annual managers of these stations for their
Conference of the Church of Jesus Christ willing and able cooperation in regard
of Latter-day Saints. We
are convened to this Conference. I am sure the public
in the historic Salt Lake Tabernacle. unite with us in recognizing the great
Yesterday and Wednesday this house favor they are bestowing upon us. It
was filled with the sisters of the Relief is possible, according to a survey that
Society. We wish to congratulate and has been made, that well over a million
commend the Relief Society Presidency people will hear and see the proceedings
and members of the General Board for of this Conference by radio and tele-
the outstanding service they are render- vision.
ing the women of the Church and the Leaders and members of the Church
world, and for the excellent program have assembled in this great Taber-
they have given to them during this nacle from far and near, from the
Conference. islands of the sea, from the newly
We just telephoned the doctor and he organized stakes in Europe, Australia,
reports President Clark is better than and New Zealand, and from all parts
he was yesterday but unable to attend of the North American Continent. To
this session of the Conference. all, to the overflow gatherings in the
Other General Authorities of the Assembly Hall and in Barratt Hall, and
Church who are absent are Elder Bruce to the vast radio and television audience,
R. McConkie of the First Council of in behalf of the First Presidency, the
Seventy, who is presiding over the South Council of the Twelve, and other Gen-
Australian Mission; and Elder A. Theo- eral Authorities, I bid you a cordial
dore Turtle of the First Council of and hearty welcome.
Seventy, in South America supervising Any important messages that come to
the missions in that country with newly us for persons attending the sessions of
established headquarters at Montevideo. this Conference will be announced at
The other Authorities are present. the conclusion of the meetings over
Brother Joseph Anderson is Clerk of the public address system on Temple
the Conference. Square.
For the convenience of those who are We are favored this morning in hav-

Friday, September 29 First Day

ing with us the Relief Society Singing the thirteenth for division of the Andes
Mothers from Central Utah and Mt. Mission."
Timpanogos Welfare Regions. They From President Grant S. Thorn of
will furnish the music for the sessions the North British Mission, Manchester,
of the Conference today. We
are grate- England: "The missionaries and Saints
ful and happy to have these mothers of the North British Mission send their
present this morning. Just their pres- love and best wishes. We are greatly
ence is a benediction to us and a bless- blessed as the work moves forward and
ing. They were with the Relief Society we do appreciate your inspired direction."
at their Conference Wednesday and From Elder Tuttle, himself, South
Thursday. American Mission: "The missionaries
The beautiful flowers, the antheriums,
and Saints of South America send their
greetings to all at this Conference time.
the brightly colored Hawaiian flowers
which you see arranged on the rostrum The Lord is blessing us in our labours
and pulpit, were sent by airplane from and prospering his work. Our prayers
members of the Oahu Stake. These and faith are with you and the other
flowers express their love and affection
General Authorities. We know you will
experience a great Conference."
to all of us. We thank them and ex- From Senator Frank E. Moss, from
press appreciation for their thought-
Berlin, Germany: "Greetings and felici-
tations from beleaguered Berlin at
have cablegrams from presidents Conference time. President and Sister
and others. I think you would like to
Fetzer and all of our missionaries are
hear from them.
well and in good spirits; work in Berlin
First I should like to recognize some growing; thrilling to be here. Phyllis
of our visitors, not officials in the and I regret absence from Conference.
Church, but they show their interest You have our love and prayers."
and willingness to cooperate with us I mentioned Congressman David S.
whenever possible. We have present King. He is with the nation's space
this morning Senator Wallace F. Ben- chief, James E. Webb, touring Utah
nett, United States Senator; David S. Missile plants Friday.
King is engaged with an official from A cablegram from President and
Washington and is absent from this Sister A. Gideon Omer of the Swedish
session but will be with us later; Dr. Mission: "We send greetings from the
Ernest L. Wilkinson, president of the missionaries and the Saints of the
Brigham Young University; Dr. A. Ray Swedish Mission. All well."
Olpin, president of the University of We are happy to welcome our stake
Utah; President G. Homer Durham of presidencies, bishoprics, high council-
Arizona State University; President men, and temple presidents from all
John L. Clarke of Ricks College they — over the world. All are here with their
have over 1 100 registered there this year; wives, and also General Auxiliary
Dr. William P. Miller, president of officers.
Weber College; Dr. Wilburn N. Ball, We shall begin this session by the
Superintendent of Public Instruction Relief Society Singing Mothers from
we welcome him; Superintendent M. the Central Utah and Mt. Timpanogos
Lynn Bennion of the Salt Lake City Welfare Regions singing: "Lord, God of
Schools; Dr. A. Sherman Christenson, Our Fathers." Sister Florence Jepperson
Associate Judge of the Federal Court; Madsen is conducting, and Elder Alex-
Lamont Toronto, Secretary of State. ander Schreiner is at the organ.
There are others, I am sure, that we The invocation will be offered by

have not mentioned President Daryl Elder Wilford W. Kirton, Jr., president
Chase of the Utah State University, and of the University Stake.
members of the State School Board.
Here are some telegrams you will be The Singing Mothers Chorus sang as
interested in. One from President J. an opening number, "Lord, God Of Our
Vernon Sharp at Lima, Peru: "Best Fathers."
wishes for a successful conference. President Wilford W. Kirton, Jr.,
President Delbert Palmer and family of the University Stake offered the
are here and President Tuttle arrives on invocation.


President David O. McKay: Sister Florence J. Madsen, composer,

and it will now be conducted by Sister
The invocation offered by Wil-
was Madsen.
ford W.Kirton, Jr., president of the
University Stake. The Relief Society Singing by the Relief Society Singing
Singing Mothers will now sing: "If Ye Mothers, "If Ye Love Me, Keep My Com-
Love Me, Keep My Commandments," mandments."


Clouds hung over the eastern horizon them in a safety net while communist
this morning. When I met my asso- police [Vopos] looked on without
ciates, I noticed that some of them were shooting.
carrying their topcoats, but I am pleased "West Berlin police reported that an-
to see the sun shining at the opening other family in a border house was
of this great conference. There are preparing to leap into the firemen's nets
many in the world who see hanging when the lights in their apartment
over the international horizon threaten- suddenly went out."
ing clouds also. There are storms The local press tells us that "when
ahead the lights flashed on again, West Ber-
I am prompted by the outlook to take liners saw the apartment was full of
as a text for the few words that I shall Vopos [policemen]. There was no sign
say this morning, an encouraging of the would-be escapees." (Deseret
thought from the Thirty-first Psalm: News-Salt Lake Telegram, September
"Be of good courage, and he shall 23, 1961.)
strengthen your heart, all ye that hope A
West Berlin official said the largest
in the Lord." (Psalm 31:24.) number of refugees ever reported in
Sixty or seventy years ago, when a single day was 3,793 persons who fled
United States history was an essential to Berlin on May 28, 1953. It is re-
course in elementary public school ported that new arrivals in 1961 (this
teaching, many a boy was thrilled by year) have increased the number of
Patrick Henry's dramatic declaration: refugees who have fled East Germany
"Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to during the month of August to nearly
be purchased at the price of chains and 20,000. More than 150,000 seeking free-
slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I dom from the domination of com-
know not what course others may take; munism have crossed the border so far
but as for me, give me liberty or give this year— 150,000! (See Ibid., August
me death!" Patrick Henry was then 12, 1961.)
a delegate to the Second Revolutionary In contrast to the barbaric state-rule
Convention held at Richmond, Virginia. of the communist, from which these
March 23, 1775. people are fleeing by the hundreds of
The Creator, who gave man life, thousands, I call your attention this
planted in his heart the seed of liberty. morning to the freedom-loving spirit of
Free agency, as life, is a gift from God. America. On Bedloe's Island in New
"Do you wish to be free? Then above York harbor stands the Statue of
all things, love God, love your neigh- —
Liberty a gift of the French people to
bor, love one another, love the common the American people. Israel Zangwill,
weal; then you will have true liberty." in The Melting Pot, gives the words
(Savonarola.) spoken by David, the Russian emigrant
Last Saturday, September 23, 1961, Jew, as follows:
fearing they might be deprived of this "All my life America was waiting,
inalienable right, two women "one
— —
beckoning, shining the place where
fifty-seven and the other sixty-three, God would wipe away tears from off all
leaped from an East Berlin apartment faces. To think that the same great
building, fronting on a West Berlin torch of Liberty which threw its light
street. West Berlin firemen caught across all the seas and lands into my
" —a —

Friday, September 29 First Day
little in Russia is shining also
garret Rev. 12:7.) It is not only significant
for all those other weeping millions of but also seemingly contradictory, for
Europe, shining wherever men hunger we think of heaven as a celestial abode
and are oppressed, shining over the of bliss, an impossible condition where
starving villages of Italy, Ireland, over war and contention could exist. The
the swarming, starving cities of Poland, passage is significant inasmuch as it sets
and Galicia, over the ruined farms of forth the fact there is freedom of choice
Romania, over the shambles of Russia. and of action in the spirit world. This
When I look at our Statue of Liberty, I contention in heaven arose over the
just seem to hear the voice of America desire of Satan ". .to destroy the

crying: 'Come unto me, all ye who are agency of man, which I the Lord, had
weary and heavy laden, and I will give given him, .
." (Moses 4:3.)

you rest.' Freedom of thought, freedom of

In the September 1961, issue of High- speech, freedom of action within bound-
ways to Happiness, a little pamphlet aries that do not infringe upon the
many of you receive, I was pleased with liberty of others are man's inherent
the timely comment that, and I quote: right, granted him by his Creator
"America is a land of but one people, divine gifts "essential to human dignity
gathered from many nations. Some and human happiness."
came for love of money, and some "Therefore, cheer up your hearts,"
came for love of freedom. Whatever the admonished an ancient prophet in the
lure that brought them here, each gave Book of Mormon, "and remember that
his gift. Irish lad and Scotch, English- ye are free to act for yourselves —." . .

man and Dutch, Italian, Greek, and (2 Nephi 10:23.)

French, Spaniard, Slav, Teuton, Norse "This love of liberty which God
all have come bearing gifts, and have planted in us," said Abraham Lincoln,
laid them on the altar of America. "constitutes the bulwark of our liberty
"All brought music, and their instru- and independence. It is not our frown-
ments for the making of music. ing battlements, our bristling seacoasts,
"All brought their poetry, winged our army, and our navy. Our defense
tales of man's many passions; ballads of is in the spirit which prizes liberty as

heroes and tunes of the sea; lilting the heritage of all men, in all lands,
scraps caught from sky and field, or everywhere. Destroy this spirit, and we
mighty dramas thattell of primal strug- have planted the seeds of despotism at
gles of the profoundestmeaning. our very doors."
"Then, each brought some homely Brethren, the opposite of freedom is
things, some touch of the familiar —
bondage, servility, restraint conditions
home —
field or forest, kitchen or dress that inhibit mentality, stifle the spirit,
favorite tree or fruit, an accustomed and crush manhood. To coerce, to
flower a style in cookery, or in costumes compel, to bring into servitude is Satan's
— each brought some homelike familiar plan for the human family.
thing. Throughout the history of the world
"Hatred of old-time neighbors, na- man has contended even to death to
tional prejudices and ambitions, tra- free himself from bondage and usurpa-
ditional fears, set standards of living, tion, or to retain thefreedom he already
graceless intolerance, class rights, and possessed. This is particularly true in

the demand of class these were barred regard to the right to worship. At-
at the gates. tempts to control the consciences of men
"At the altar of America, we have have always resulted in conflict. To
sworn ourselves to a simple loyalty. We decide one's own relationship to the
have bound ourselves to sacrifice and Creator and to his creations is the
struggle, to plan and to work for this natural and inalienable right of all.
one land. We have given that we Equally fundamental and important
may gain; we have surrendered that we to man's happiness and progress is the
may have victory!" right of personal security, the right of
There is a significant reference in the personal liberty, and the right of pri-
Apocalypse to "a war in heaven." (See vate property. The right of personal
security consistsin the enjoyment of proportions stated by the Constitution,
life, limbs, body, health, and reputa- and established by the original com-
tion. Life, being the immediate gift of pact, prostitute those powers to the
God, is a right inherent by nature in purposes of oppression; to subvert, in-
every individual. Likewise, man has stead of preserving the lives, liberties,
a natural inherent right to his limbs. and properties of the people, they are
His personal liberty consists in the right no longer to be deemed magistrates
of changing one's situation or habitation vested with a sacred character, but be-
according to will. The right of property come public enemies and ought to be
consists in the free use, enjoyment, and resisted."(Adams, Works, I, p. 193.)
disposal of all acquisitions, without con- My brethren and sisters, the ultimate
trol or diminution save by the laws of purpose of Christianity in the world is
the land. The right of private property to develop an honorable, upright indi-
is sacred and inviolable. If any part of vidual in an ideal society known as the
these inalienable individual possessions kingdom God.
should be required by the State, they two thousand years have
should be given only with the consent passed, and the world is still a long
of the people. way from the realization of either
When King John of England, whom achievement. Indeed, today Christianity
Dickens calls "a coward and detestable itself, and its handmaiden, Democracy,
villain," deprived his subjects of their are on trial before the world tribunal.
liberties and ruthlessly burned and de- Conditions in this war-torn world seem
stroyed their property, the people rose to bear witness that men are forever
up against him, brought him to Runny- learning, but never coming to a knowl-
mede, and compelled him on Monday, edge of the truth.
June 15, 1215, to affix his signature to Though true Christianity as expressed
the Great Charter of England by which, in the divine law, ". . love the Lord

among other things, he pledged him- thy God with all thy heart, and with
self "to maintain the Church in its all thy soul, and with all thy mind . . .

rights, to imprison no man without and thy neighbour as thyself," (Matt.

a fair trial, and to sell, delay, or deny 22:37, 39) has never yet been accepted
justice to none." and practised by the nations of the
Five hundred and fifty years later, the world, yet the Spirit of the Christ has,
American colonies imbued with the like leaven in the lump, been influenc-
spiritthat produced the Magna Charta, ing society toward the realization of
declared: freedom, justice, and better harmony in
"As the happiness of the people is human relations.
the sole end of government, so the con- In the world today, however, the spirit
sent of the people is the only foundation of paganism has again asserted itself
of it, in reason, morality, and the and seems to be all but triumphant in
natural fitness of things. And therefore its effort to overthrow the few Christian
every act of government, every exercise ideals that civilized peoples have
of sovereignty against or without the absorbed.
consent of the people is injustice, usurpa- "If Western civilization emerges from
tion, and tyranny. It is a maxim that in existing situations safely, it will be
every government there must exist some- only through a deeper appreciation and —
where a supreme, sovereign, absolute —
note this through a deeper apprecia-
and uncontrollable power; and it never tion of the social ethics of Jesus than it
was, or can be delegated to one man or has yet shown. And our danger is in-
few; the great Creator having never creased rather than diminished by the
given to men a right to vest others with fancied security in which our masses
authority over them unlimited either in live."
duration or degree. Merely an appreciation of the social
"When kings, ministers, governors, or ethics of Jesus, however, is not sufficient.
legislators, therefore, instead of exercis- Men's hearts must be changed. Instead
ing the powers intrusted with them of selfishness, men must be willing to
according to the principles, forms, and dedicate their ability, their possessions—
Friday, September 29 First Day
if necessary, their lives, their fortunes, glamour and boasted glory.
lost its false
and their sacred honor for the allevia- Such an attitude at least keeps alive our
tion of the ills of mankind. Hate must hope for the dawning of that day when
be supplanted by sympathy and for- men ". shall beat their swords into
. .

bearance. plowshares, and their spears into prun-

Force and compulsion
never will ing hooks: nation shall not lift up
establish the idealThis can
society. sword against nation, neither shall they
come only by a transformation within learn war any more." (Isaiah 2:4.)
the individual soul —
a life brought into How utterly foolish men are to quar-
harmony with the divine will. We must rel, fight, and cause misery, destruction,

be "born again." and death when the gifts of a Divine

Though nearly 2,000 years have passed and Loving Father are all around us
since Jesus taught the gospel of brother- for the asking —
are already in our pos-
hood, it seems as difficult for men today session if we would but recognize them.
as in Christ's day to believe that peace Christ's invitation is still extended to
and truth can come only by conforming all peoples:
our lives to the law of love. Men still "Come unto me, all ye that labour
find the greatest difficulty in accepting and are heavy laden, and I will give
this central core of Christ's teachings. you rest.
Manifestly, there has not been much "Take my yoke upon you, and learn
cessation of man's inhumanity to man of me; for I am meek and lowly in
through the centuries. Notwithstand- heart: and ye shall find rest unto your
ing this, I believe that right and truth souls.
will eventually triumph. "For my yoke is easy, and my burden
Today, as we
hovering over the
see is light." (Matt. 11:28-30.)
nations of the earth the ever-darkening I am speaking to
as sure as that I am
clouds of nuclear war, we are prone to you that the peace and happiness of
think that righteousness among men is mankind lie in the acceptance of Jesus
waning. In our own beloved country, Christ as the Redeemer of the world,
"a land choice above all other lands," our Savior. As Peter declared over
we are grieved and shocked when the 1900 years ago, so I testify to the world
Supreme Court renders a decision ruling today, that there is "none other name
that it is unconstitutional for the Federal under heaven given among men,
Government of any State to require a whereby we must be saved." (Acts 4:12.)
"belief in the existence of God" as a The principles of the restored gospel
qualification for public office; also, we as revealed to the Prophet Joseph Smith,
experience apprehension when we know are the surest, safest guide to mortal
that enemies to our republican form of man. Christ is the light to humanity,
government are becoming more blatant; In that light man sees his way clearly.
when we see political demagogues seem- When it is rejected, the soul of man
ingly more successful, drunkenness and stumbles in darkness. No person, no
immorality flauntingly defiant seeing — group, no nation can achieve true suc-
these conditions we wonder whether cess without following him who said:
mankind is growing better or worse. In "I am the light of the world: he that
private life, disappointments, adversity, followeth me shall not walk in darkness,
sickness, and sorrow make us discour- but shall have the light of life." (John
aged and sometimes despondent. 8:12.)
Still I am confident that truth will It is a sad thing when individuals and
yet prevail,and in that confidence, say nations extinguish that light when —
again with the Psalmist: "Be of good Christ and his gospel are supplanted by
courage, and he shall strengthen your the law of the iungle and the strength
heart, all ye that hope in the Lord." of the sword. The chief tragedy in the
(Psalm 31:24.) world at the present time is its disbelief
We may take courage in what I be- in God's goodness, and its lack of faith
lieve is a fact, that in the hearts of more in the teachings and doctrines of the
millions of honest men and women than gospel.
ever before war is abhorrent. War has To all who believe in a Living, Per-

sonal God and his divine truth, life happiness within our grasp if we could
can be so delightful and beautiful. or would but reach for it.
As a matter of fact, it is glorious just The Lord has given us life, and with
to be alive. Joy, even ecstasy, can be it free agency; and eternal life is his
experienced in the consciousness of greatest gift to man.
existence. There is supreme satisfaction To the Church in all the world the
in sensing one's individual entity and message of the First Presidency, the
in realizing that that entity is part of Council of the Twelve, and the other
God's great creative plan. There are General Authorities is: Be true and loyal
none so poor, none so rich, sick, or to the restored gospel of Jesus Christ.
maimed who may not be conscious of "Be of good courage, and he shall
this relationship. strengthen your heart, all ye that hope
I know
that for not a few of us the in the Lord." (Psalm 31:24.)
true joy of living is overcast by trials, God help us so to be true, I pray in
failures, worries, and perplexities inci- the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
dent to making a living and attempting
to achieve success. Tear-bedimmed eyes
President David O. McKay:
are often blind to the beauties that sur- Elder EIRay L. Christiansen, Assistant
round us. Life sometimes seems a to the Twelve, will now speak to us.
parched and barren desert, when, as a He will be followed by Elder Marion
matter of fact, there is comfort, even D. Hanks.


Assistant to the Council of the Twelve Apostles

With you, my brothers and sisters, I to all men. ... If there is anything
have been deeply moved by the message virtuous, lovely, or of good report or
of President McKay this morning —so praiseworthy, we seek after these
timely, so fitting, so true! He is, indeed, things." (Thirteenth Article of Faith.)
the prophet of God in this day. To this The principles enunciated in that
I testify! I know also that God lives, Article of Faith are designed to help us
that Jesus is the Christ, and that through to become more refined, more reliable,
the restoration of the gospel he has more peaceable, more Christlike.
given a divine plan for living which One of the virtues mentioned is
will help all of us who adhere to it benevolence, which is the disposition
to avoid the pitfalls and the sorrows to do good, to be kind, to be charitable
that will surely come if we depart to others. Among the beautiful princi-
therefrom. If ever there were a day in ples taught the multitude by Jesus upon
the world when the gospel of Jesus the mountain was this: "Therefore
Christ is needed, it is today! It is all things whatsoever ye would that
needed to give us fortitude and direction. men should do to you, do ye even so
The gospel is more than something to them: . ." (Matt. 7:12.) This is often

just to talk about, however. It is a referred to as the Golden Rule. It is

design for living, for successful living, another version of the second great
for happy living. It calls for deeds, commandment, "Thou shalt love thy
action, and proper conduct on the part neighbour as thyself." (Mark 12:31.)
of each and all of us. Its principles are Laws, rules, regulations are designed
not limited to the payment of tithing, to give society a more safe and a more
the Word of Wisdom, keeping holy the orderly way of living. But it is under-

Sabbath day they are part of the gos- standable that even though we have
pel, of course, and are very important, innumerable laws, both civil and eccle-
but the gospel embraces all truth and siastical, to direct us, laws cannot be
the application of all virtues. "We be- made to cover each specific act or each
lieve in being honest, true, chaste, transaction that we make. For this
benevolent, virtuous, and in doing good reason we must develop a conscience
Friday, September 29 First Day
attuned to the will of the Lord. We price I have set, so why should I require
must develop a feeling of obligation to my neighbor to pay more?"
do what is right. We must countenance True religion is the activated love of
no subterfuge, no evasiveness. When God and of neighbor. It is based on good
correct laws are not written to guide us, deeds, not good intentions, not merely
we must conduct ourselves by correct good words.
principles, by high standards of personal The Article of Faith that I have re-
ethics. ferred to states: "We believe in being
To illustrate: An opportunist, know- true," which means that we are true
ing that he was protected by the letter to a trust, we can be relied upon, we
of the law, was led to exploit and take are upright in our dealings.
advantage of a widow who was not Some years ago I arranged with a fine
versed in the law and by clever maneu- man to purchase a building lot in Logan.
vering caused her to lose her property It was a choice lot in a choice place, the

and her savings while technically he only lot left in the area. The price was
was within the law. He was led to do agreed upon, and I offered some earnest
this unjust deed because he was not money, so-called, to bind the agreement
sensitive to correct principles
until the deed was prepared, but the
or the
desire to do good. Rather he was moti-
owner said, "In my dealings, I never
require down payments. You can pay
vated by a desire for personal gain even
at the expense of another.
me when the deed is ready." During
the time he was preparing the papers,
In the Bible we read: "Thou shalt not
he received two or three other offers
defraud thy neighbour, neither rob
at a price considerably higher. He could
him: ." (Lev. 19:13.)
. .
have sold at a higher price, but he did
In contrast to this selfish exploitation, not. "That is what we agreed upon,"
consider the report that was given in he said. His word was as good as his
the Relief Society conference held earlier bond.
this week. With the desire to do Dr. James E. Talmage has reminded

good 224,000 hours were spent in com- us in his writings, "Religion without
passionate service; 775,000 hours spent morality, professions of godliness with-
by these sisters in welfare service, doing out charity, Church membership without
good unto their neighbors. adequate responsibility as to honorable
True greatness and integrity are individual conduct in daily life, are but
found together in men. Great minds as sounding brass and tinkling cymbals,
are motivated by self-sacrifice, not by noise without music, the words [of a
self-seeking. Strong men have the moral prayer] without the spirit of prayer."
courage to choose the right above eco- One does not truly love the Lord
nomic advantage, even though it may unless he lives according to the moral
be within the letter of the law for them principles that he has given us. "...
to do otherwise. whatsoever ye would that men should
". .whatsoever ye would that men
do to you, do ye even so to them."
should do to you, do ye even so to (Idem.) That is a grand principle, so
them." (Matt. 7:12.) simple, so just.

Now, to what degree is this principle Now, if I wish to help make this a
being applied in your life and in mine? better world, I should begin by im-
Do we take all that we can get for a proving myself. As someone said, "Oh,
commodity or for a service, or do we Lord, reform the world, beginning with
accept a reasonable and fair return? me." If this principle were practised in
When I was a youth, I was greatly —
our homes love, respect, unselfishness
impressed by the honor and fairness of would abound. If this principle were
a man in the community who offered practised in our communities —robberies,
for sale his hay at a certain price a ton. assaults, and even many traffic acci-
When others told him that because of dents would be avoided. If this prin-
scarcity he could obtain a higher price ciple were practised by mankind
for the hay, he replied, "I know, I generally, the dangers threatening us
know. But if I were buying the hay I would vanish; wickedness would ulti-
would not want to pay more than the mately cease, waste of public funds


would be eliminated; strikes would be to the measure which he has measured

unnecessary; peace would prevail. to his fellow man." (D&C 1:10.)
Even though revolutionary changes "Therefore all things whatsoever ye
are taking place all over the world,
would that men should do to you, do
even in our own land, we must remem- ye even so to them." (Matt. 7:12.)
ber that God has not changed. Virtue, In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
honesty, trust, a desire to do good, a
desire to be helpful are still basic and
indispensable principles of the gospel of President David O. McKay:
Jesus Christ.
In the first section of the Doctrine Elder EIRay L. Christiansen, Asso-
and Covenants, we are told that ". . . ciate to the Twelve, has just addressed
the Lord shall come to recompense us. Brother Marion D. Hanks of the
unto every man according to his work, First Council of the Seventy will be our
and measure to every man according next speaker.


Of the First Council of the Seventy

Brother Christiansen's quotation makes Charles Malik, the former president of

me think of another attributed to an the United Nations General Assembly,
ancient, who said, "Lord, make me a great diplomat and man, a time ago
good, but not yet." That which we made this statement: "We —
all of us
would hope the Lord might do for us need a mighty spiritual revival. The
we had best begin to do for ourselves, ideal of a settled, successful, selfish life
with prayer and seeking his blessings, is wholly inadequate. One craves to
now, while there is time. see great themes sought and discussed,
It was a glorious experience this morn- great causes espoused. One burns for
ing to look into your faces and shake the reintroduction into life of the pur-
hands with many of you and nod at suit of greatness. Everywhere I go I
others. I sat recalling the many places find people sitting on the edge of their
where I have been blessed to see you seats, waiting to be shown the way.

and thought that I have seldom been "There are infinite possibilities, both
willing to comfort myself that I have material and moral, to vindicate free-
contributed greatly to you, but that I dom against unfreedom, joy of living
have always come away thanking the against tyranny, man against all that is
Lord for what you have contributed to subhuman and inhuman, truth against
me. In the years of my association with darkness and falsehood, and God against
you through the stakes and missions and the devil and his works. The time is
in the institutions of the Church, I have here not for pessimism and despair, but
yet to be imposed upon by one filthy for a vast advance on many fronts."
word or unworthy idea or evil story. I I believe that these words are true.
have had association under other cir- They reflect the experience I have
cumstances, and I thank God for the had. They have been stated in his own
fellowship of the members of the way by President McKay this morning,
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day and I sat thinking of what the Lord has
Saints and for the fellowship of people said to bulwark and sustain and lay the
of good will outside that Church who foundation for optimism and faith in
share common objectives and who have this time of apprehension and uncer-
loyalty and devotion in their own way tainty and discontent and fear.
to their own faiths and persuasions.
There was a little band of struggling
But it is to this group this morning people in Harmony, Pennsylvania, in
that I would hope to address a thought 1829. There was not yet a Church;
or two which seem to me at this there was not yet a published Book of
moment to be of extreme significance. Mormon. There was a man with a
Friday, September 29 First Day
story, and the Spirit of God moved faith and assurance: "Yea, though I
upon them and bore witness that he walk through the valley of the shadow
was telling the truth, and so they rallied of death, I will fear no evil: for thou
to him and gave him their allegiance art with me; ." (Psalm 23:4.)
. .

and asked him what they must now do. Through all the dealings of God with
The answers he gave them were the man there have been trials and troubles
answers which made possible for them and afflictions and impositions and ap-
the greatest gift of God to man hap- — prehensions, and there have been the
piness here, quiet conscience, truth, and repeated assurances of God to man that
eternal opportunities for creative expres- he should be of courage and not fear.
sion ultimately in the kingdom of God There is one other citation in the
with our Heavenly Father. Doctrine and Covenants which I would
To this struggling little band, beset note, and one from the Book of Mor-
and sore tried, and I am sure some of mon. The section known as thirty-
them seriously concerned, came these eight has in it some of the great
words: literature of the restoration, in my esti-
"Fear not to do good, my sons, for mation, and among the statements of
whatsoever ye sow, that shall ye also faith and assurance God gave is this
reap; therefore, if ye sow good ye shall magnificent, simple and wonderful one:
also reap good for your reward. ". . . if ye are prepared ye shall not

"Therefore, fear not, little flock; do fear." (D&C 38:30.)

good; let earth and hell combine against Alma, teaching the people out of his
you, for if ye are built upon my rock, own experience, and some of it had been
they cannot prevail." (D&C 6:33-34.) less than admirable in his youth, an-
In 1831 there was a Church and a swered in a most marvelous way what
published Book of Mormon, an organ- the preparation is that we must have if
ization with officers, but the little we are to stand without fear. In the fifth
Church was in its formative period. chapter of the book of Alma are these
There was imposition. There was wonderful words, and they are written
already serious mobbing. There was dis- (spoken in their time) to those who
belief and great antagonism. had once experienced a change of heart.
In that day to his people, through the Alma's question to them is ". if you . .

Prophet, the Lord said: have experienced a change of heart, and

"Wherefore, be of good cheer, and do if you have felt to sing the song of re-
not fear, for I the Lord am with you, deeming love, I would ask, can you feel
and will stand by you; and ye shall so now?" And then these questions:
bear record of me, even Jesus Christ, "Have ye walked, keeping yourselves
that I am the Son of the living God, blameless before God? Could ye say,
that I was, that I am, and that I am to if ye were called to die at this time,
come." (Ibid., 68:6.) within yourselves, that ye have been
Through all the books of recorded sufficiently humble?" (I skip a word or
revelations of God to man, one may two for the sake of emphasis and time.)
read again and again the marvelous "Behold, are ye stripped of pride? I
message of fearlessness, of faith, of cour- say unto you, if ye are not ye are not
age, of testimony, of a sound, strong prepared to meet God. Behold ye must
mind. The words of Paul to Timothy, prepare quickly; for the kingdom of
his son in the gospel, give strength and heaven is soon at hand, and such an one
courage and ought to lay foundations hath not eternal life.
for us to stand up where we are and "Behold, I say, is there one among
bear our own witness of faith and not you who is not stripped of envy? I say
of fear. Said Paul to Timothy, as well unto you that such an one is not
you know, "For God has not given us prepared; . . .

the spirit of fear, but of power, and ". is there one among you that
. .

of love, and of a sound mind." (2 doth make a mock of his brother, or

Tim. 1:7.) that heapeth upon him persecutions?
Out of the ancient record words well "Wo unto such an one, for he is not
known, again, to all of you, words of prepared, . .
.*' (Alma 5:26-31.)

The Lord has given us in his great this morning of some counsel Alma
goodness and graciousness a foundation gave his son, Shiblon. Some of the great
of firmness upon which we may stand instructions of the Book of Mormon are
if we will, without fear, but with faith, given by fathers to their own sons,
based on preparation, a preparation a magnificent example, and some of the
which he, through his prophets, has greatest testimonies borne.Hear these
clearly spelled out. If you have had a words Alma to Shiblon:
testimony of the gospel, if you have felt "Do
not pray as the Zoramites do,
in your heart this great stirring, mov- for ye have seen that they pray to be
ing, satisfying love of God, do you have heard of men, and to be praised for
it now? Are you obedient? Do you their wisdom.
keep the commandments of God? "Do not say: O God, I thank thee
He talked of humility and of faithful- that we are better than our brethren;
ness. He talked of weeding out of our but rather say: O
Lord, forgive my un-
lives pride and envy, persecutions and worthiness, and remember my brethren
mockery. I offer these simple sugges- —
in mercy yea, acknowledge your un-
tions —over-simplified and only in worthiness before God at all times."

headline as to what we may do to have (Alma 38:13-14.)
faith and weed out fear. We
may learn If we are to have faith and turn away
the gospel. We
may obey the injunction fear, we must learn and live, and I
of God to search diligently, to seek, to would add, share and serve the gospel
knock, to ask, to invest ourselves in an of Jesus Christ. You are all very familiar
honest effort to know what we are talk- with the impressive account in the story
ing about. of Lehi's vision of the great satisfaction
I heard someone say (and I cannot that came to Lehi as he tasted the fruit
personally vouch for the accuracy of —
of the tree that tree which represented
this, but I think probably it is so) that the love of God. Let me read you what
those who read the Book of Mormon followed his expression of satisfaction
out loud to put that book on the records as he tasted the love of God.
which are for sale completed the task in "And it came to pass that I did go
something like thirty-five hours or less. forth and partake of the fruit thereof;
Yet there are Latter-day Saints who live and I beheld that it was most sweet,
and die and never read the book. above all that I ever before tasted. Yea,
In addition to learning, we must live and I beheld that the fruit thereof was
as the Lord has commanded us. There white, to exceed all the whiteness that
are so many marvelous directions and I had ever seen.

injunctions and suggestions and com- "And as I partook of the fruit thereof
mandments from God, but let me repeat it filled my soul with exceeding great
only a few words, very familiar to all joy; wherefore, I began to be desirous
of you, because they seem to me to that my family should partake of it
constitute the heart of the spirit of faith also; . .
." (1 Nephi 8:11-12.)
which we can have if we will. The Lord I conceive this to be the simplest and
said that if we exercise power and author- most understandable of human emo-
ityand leadership in the Church it must tions. That which is beautiful and good
be done on the basis of ". persuasion,. . and satisfying to the soul is infinitely
by long-suffering, by gentleness and more so when shared with those we love.
meekness, and by love unfeigned; I believe this is the foundation of the
"By kindness, and pure knowl- missionary work of the Church, of the
edge, . . . Primary program and the genealogical
"Reproving betimes with sharpness, program and the serviceman's program,
when moved upon by the Holy Ghost; and every other effort made by the
and then showing forth afterwards an Church to lift and inspire and
increase of love toward him whom we strengthen the individual child of God.
have reproved, lest he esteem us to be If we will learn for ourselves through
his enemy." (D&C 121:41-43.) investment, through effort, through
The word charity is used, and the search, if we will live and share and
word virtue. I thought at an early hour serve God—the gospel, his good word,
Friday, September 29 First Day
his glad tidings —then we have no need touch, that we may radiate, exude a
to fear, not him who can kill the body, and not of fear, that we
spirit of faith
not any man, or any foe. have need We will make preparation and then stand
to do all that we can. have We humbly before God, of good cheer and
need to make the kind of preparation without fear. In the name of Jesus
God asks of us, and we have
so done,
if Christ. Amen.
then we can stand with a spirit of
power, of strength, of a sound mind, President David O. McKay:
and bear testimony of Jesus. can be We
of good cheer and fear not. can We He to whom we have just listened is
have that fearlessness characteristic of Elder Marion D. Hanks of the First
God's children in all the ages who have Council of Seventy.
had such a change of heart the change — Sister Florence Jepperson Madsen will
of which our President has spoken now lead the chorus and congregation in
today. The prophets of old spoke of it, singing, "High On The Mountain Top."
and of it I testify, thanking God that so After the singing Bishop Joseph L.
far as I am able to know own heart my Wirthlin of the Presiding Bishopric
and my own mind, I may say to you will address us.
that I am not afraid of Mr. Khrushchev
or what he can do. I am afraid of the The congregation joined with the
influence of the one whom
the scriptures Singing Mothers Chorus in singing the
occasionally call Beelzebub. I have a hymn, "High On The Mountain Top."
respect for him and what he can do if
we permit him. I do not want my feet President David O. McKay:
on the side of the line where he is in
charge. Bishop Joseph L. Wirthlin of the
I pray that God will bless me and Presiding Bishopric will now speak
you and through us all whom we may to us.


President McKay, my beloved brethren our Heavenly Father. Joseph Smith was
and sisters, I am more than grateful a Prophet, and those who have followed
for the privilege of expressing to you him are also prophets, every one of
my heartfelt appreciation. As I meet them. President McKay is a prophet,
the members of the Church in the a seer, and a revelator, brethren and
various stakes, I am meeting with my sisters.That is my testimony to you
brethren and sisters, for we are brethren this morning.
and think of our Older Brother
sisters. I I think of the marvelous revelation
Jesus Christ the Son of God. It is a given by the Lord to the Prophet Joseph
wonderful thing to know that we are in the eighty-eighth section of the
all brethren and sisters and, above all, Doctrine and Covenants. I suggest that
that we are the sons and daughters you read it in your homes with your
of our Heavenly Father, and also that sons and daughters. It is called the Olive
Jesus Christ is our Older Brother. Leaf, and it states that the light of
I want to bear testimony to you that truth is the light of Christ. If the whole
I know that Joseph Smith was a Prophet. world could accept Jesus Christ as the
There is no question about that in my Son of God, there is no question but
mind. I am so grateful that in my own that many of the problems which now
soul I can bear that testimony without exist could be solved, and out of it we
any hesitation whatsoever. would have peace and good will. In
It was necessary for the world to have the final analysis, the Church of Jesus
a prophet that the gospel of the Lord Christ of Latter-day Saints has the
Jesus Christ in its fulness might be responsibility of teaching to the world
available to the sons and daughters of that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.

At some future time, the missionaries have the opportunity to teach them the
and representatives of the Church of gospel.
Jesus Christ are going to have the The Lord said in the eighty-eighth
opportunity to preach the gospel to the section of the Doctrine and Covenants
Russian people. Just how it shall happen to search for the truth through study
or what will bring it about, I cannot and prayer. I am sure that every con-
tell you. But in the main, the Russian vert of the Church accepts the gospel of
people are a good people. When
the the Lord Jesus Christ through study and
Lord makes it possible for missionaries prayer. Prayer is most important to con-
to go into that area and preach the verts.
gospel, literally millions of them will In the Doctrine and Covenants, the
accept it, and that same feeling of the Lord said to us:
light of truth, the light of Christ, will "Cease to be idle; cease to be unclean;
come to them. cease to find fault one with another;
It does not only mean to the people cease to sleep longer than is needful;
in Russia, but it also means to the retire to thy bed early, that ye may not
people in China where there are literally be weary; arise early, that your bodies
millions and millions of the Lord's sons and your minds may be invigorated.
and daughters who do not know that "And above all things, clothe your-
Jesus Christ existed. But in the way of selves with the bond of charity, as with
the Lord, the missionaries somehow are a mantle, which is the bond of perfect-
going to preach the gospel to the people ness and peace." (D&C 88:124-125.)
in China. I have thought
of this wonderful state-
What I say about China is equally ment many times in that marvelous
true with reference to India. I recall "Cease to be idle." The
an experience which I had this past membership of the Church of Jesus
summer with an individual from India Christ of Latter-day Saints, brethren and
who had spent some time at Brig- do not have time to be idle. It
is wonderful that in this great organiza-
ham Young University. He came to our
offices, and I had the privilege of meet- tion every man and every woman and
ing him. indicated to me that he
He every child, regardless of age, has some-
had read the Book of Mormon. I asked thing to do. That is the great fundamen-
tal difference between the Church of
him the question, "Do you believe the
Book of Mormon is true, that it is the Jesus Christ and the churches of the
real history of America?" He said, "Yes, world. "Cease to be idle."
I accept it." I said, "Then, if you We
must set the proper example to
accept the Book of Mormon, you, no the people of America. We
cannot afford
doubt, have given some consideration to have idle people. Every American
to Christ and Joseph Smith." He said, ought to have something to do. This
"I have done that. Joseph Smith is a will protect him against the power of
prophet." I made clear to him that we the evil one, Satan.
had another prophet with the same I think of certain organizations which

authority, with the same rights to divine give individuals the right to work only
guidance as existed in the days of Joseph for a short time. Some of them advocate
Smith, namely, President McKay. He only four or five days a week. That is
said, "I hope the time will come when
contrary to the mind and will of our
Heavenly Father. The Lord set us a
you will send your missionaries into
proper example when he said, "Six days
India. I am satisfied that our people
shalt thou labour, and do all thy work:
are now waiting for something different, ." (Ex. 20:9.) And what is the
.. seventh
something else, something they do not day to be? The seventh day is the day
have." President McKay, I am sure that when we worship the Lord, when we
some day the missionaries will go into meet our assignments in connection with
India and preach the gospel to the the Church and, above all, have the
millions and millions of individuals opportunity of attending Sacrament
who do not know very much about meeting, the most important meeting of
Christ and never will know until we the whole week. It is my prayer that the
Friday, September 29 First Day
attendance at our Sacrament meeting twelve o'clock. After twelve o'clock is
will be one hundred percent. I hope that when the power of the evil one over-
in America we will not have the ex- takes youth and others. We
should see
perience that I had in Germany in to it that they retire to their beds early
1914 while preaching the gospel to that when they get up in the morning
the German people. I passed a great they are not weary. That means much
cathedral each weekend. One morning to youth, particularly those who are
I went inside. It was beautiful, and I attending school, for out of the strength
also noticed that there were four people they have mentally and physically, they
in the attitude of prayer. The next week are able to meet the assignments that
something happened to Germany. What may be given to them by their instruc-
was it? Germany was at war with tors. The promise is given, ". . arise .

France, England, and Russia. Again I early, that your bodies and your minds
went back and found the cathedral was may be invigorated."
filled to capacity with as many people Prayer is also mentioned when the
outside as there were inside. They had head of the family, who does or does
all gone there for one purpose only: to not hold the Melchizedek Priesthood,
pray to the Lord that their husbands and can call his wife, his sons and his
their sons and those who were on the daughters in the morning hours to ask
front fighting for Germany might be the Lord for divine guidance in what-
protected. ever their assignments might be. Then
I hope that in America we are not as the night hours come on, they can
going to be forced to pray because of talk to that same Lord and extend grati-
difficultiesand possibilities of war, but tude and thanks for the many blessings
we are going to be a prayerful people they enjoy. "Pray always, that ye might
and recognize that God lives and that not faint, until I come. Behold, and lo,
Jesus Christ is his Son. I will come quickly, and receive you
In this marvelous revelation I have unto myself. Amen." (Ibid., 88:126.)
just read to you, the Lord not only said,
Let us read the eighty-eighth section
"Cease to be idle," but he also said,
of the Doctrine and Covenants. It is a
"cease to be unclean; ..." I hope and
pray with all my heart that America
marvelous revelation. We
need it breth-
will be a clean nation.
ren and sisters. We
have problems, and
we will continue to have them, and
The Lord also said, ". cease to find . .
the Lord has always given us informa-
fault one with another, ." In every . .
tion and divine guidance to solve them
Latter-day Saint home care should be
through these instructions.
taken when a father criticizes a son or a
I pray the Lord to bless you all in
son is critical of a father or when
a mother is critical of her daughter or a
your endeavors to guide and direct you
that we may enjoy the divine guidance
daughter is critical of her mother; it
of our Heavenly Father, which I pray
brings into the home the power of the
will be the blessing of each and every
evil one, and the Spirit of the Lord will
not dwell there. Faultfinding should one of us, in the name of Jesus Christ.
be eliminated in the family relationship. Amen.
Again it". cease to sleep
. .

longer than needful; retire to thy

is President David O. McKay:
bed early, that ye may not be weary,
. .
." Much could be said about this. Bishop Wirthlin of the
Joseph L.
Youth must have its recreation, we will Presiding Bishopric has just spoken to
all admit, but the right kind of recrea- us.
tion is going to be that which is under The Relief Society Singing Mothers
the direction of the priesthood. We have will now favor us with, "Come Unto
these wonderful buildings, these recrea- Him," conducted by Sister Florence
tion halls, where the right kind of rec- Jepperson Madsen. The benediction
reation is available, and where these will be offered by Elder Clifton A.
events will start at such a time that Rooker, president of the San Joaquin
youth may return home by at least Stake, after which this Conference will

be adjourned until two o'clock this Alexander Schreiner has been at the
afternoon. organ.
I repeat to you again that the music
of this session has been furnished by The Singing Mothers Chorus sang the
the Relief Society Singing Mothers from anthem, "Come Unto Him."
Central Utah and Mt. Timpanogos Elder Clifton A. Rooker, president
Welfare Regions, under the direction of of the San Joaquin Stake, offered the
Sister Madsen, and you will be happy
closing prayer.
to know that these Singing Mothers will
be with us again this afternoon. Elder Conference adjourned until 2:00 p.m.

Conference reconvened Friday after- from the Central Utah and Mt.
noon, September 29, at 2:00 p.m., with Timpanogos Welfare Regions. Sister
President David O. McKay presiding Florence Jepperson Madsen is conduct-
and conducting the services. ing, and Elder Frank W. Asper is at
As was the case in the morning ses- the organ.
sion, the choral music was furnished by We shall begin these services by the
the Relief Society Singing Mothers Relief Society Singing Mothers render-
Chorus from the Central Utah and Mt. ing "Glory to God." The invocation
Timpanogos regions, with Sister Flor- will be offered by Elder Henry A. Matis,
ence Jepperson Madsen conducting. president of the Roy Stake.
Frank W. Asper was at the organ
President McKay made the following The Relief Society Singing Mothers
introductory remarks: Chorus sang the number, "Glory To
God," following which the opening
President David O. McKay: prayer was offered by Elder Henry
A. Matis, president of the Roy Stake.
Members of the Church are con-
vened in the Tabernacle on Temple President David O. McKay:
Square in Salt Lake City in the second
session of the One Hundred Thirty-First The invocation was offered by Presi-
Semi-Annual Conference of the Church dent Henry A. Matis of the Roy Stake.
of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. In The Relief Society Singing Mothers will
addition to telegrams read in this morn- now favor us with, "Lord, Hear Our
ing's session, we have just received the Prayer," conducted by Sister Florence
following cable from President Levi B. Jepperson Madsen.
Thorup of the Danish Mission. "Mis- Following this song, President Joseph
sionaries and Saints in Demark send Fielding Smith will speak to us, Presi-
greetings and wishes for a wonderful
dent of the Council of the Twelve. He
Conference." will be followed by Elder Delbert L.
This session of the Conference will be Stapley of the Council of the Twelve.
broadcast, as the one this morning, as
a public service over television and radio
stations throughout the West. The The Singing Mother's Chorus then
names of these stations have already Hear Our Prayer."
sang, "Lord,
been announced to the television and
radio audiences. These services are President David O. McKay:
also being broadcast in the Assembly
Hall and in Barratt Hall by television. Elder Joseph Fielding Smith, Presi-
Again we are favored by the presence dent of the Quorum of the Twelve, will
of the Relief Society Singing Mothers now speak to us.
Friday, September 29 First Day
Of the Council of the Twelve Apostles

I consider this a great honor and a privi- We have been trying this year to get
lege to stand before this vast body, every man holding the priesthood, and
mostly of men holding the priesthood, our sisters too, to read the Book of
to bear testimony unto them of faith. my Mormon during —
the year 1961 no
I seek the guidance of the Spirit of the matter how many times they may have
Lord in what I have to say. read it before. It seems to me that any
During the past week or two I have member of this Church would never
received a number of letters from dif- be satisfied until he or she had read the
ferent parts of the United States written Book of Mormon time and time again,
by people, some of whom at least are a and thoroughly considered it so that he
little concerned because they have been or she could bear witness that it is in
approached by enemies of the Church very deed a record with the inspiration
and enemies of the Book of Mormon, of the Almighty upon it, and that its
who had made the statement that there history is true.
have been one or two or more thousand I can testify of that, for I know the
changes in the Book of Mormon since Book of Mormon is true just as well as
the edition was published.
first Well, I know am standing
I here in this
of course, there is no truth in that building facing you.
statement. So much for that. I want to address
It is true that when the Book of Mor- myself to the men holding the priest-
mon was printed the printer was a man hood, particularly, and to their wives
who was unfriendly. The publication and to all other members of the Church.
of the book was done under adverse No member of this Church can stand
circumstances, and there were a few approved in the presence of God who
errors, mostly typographical —
conditions has not seriously and carefully read the
that arise in most any book that is Book of Mormon, and I think I could

being published but there was not one add to that also, as far as our brethren
thing in the Book of Mormon or in the are concerned, the Doctrine and
second edition or any other edition since Covenants.
that in any way contradicts the first We have besides the Book of Mor-
edition, and such changes as were made, mon and Doctrine and Covenants, an-
were made by the Prophet Joseph Smith other record which is priceless, as these
because under those adverse conditions records are, that every member of this
the Book of Mormon was published. Church ought to have read, and which
But there was no change of doctrine. I fear many have not read. I have
Now, these sons of Belial who circu- reference to the Pearl of Great Price.
late these reports evidently know better. It seems to me that a member of this
I will not use the word that is in my Church would not be able to rest in
mind. I started to read the Book of peace and comfort and have a clear
Mormon before I was old enough to be conscience without having knowledge
a deacon, and I have been reading it by study and by faith of the standard
ever since, and I know that it is true. works of the Church. These records
Every member of the Church ought to are priceless. The world mocks at
know that it is true, and we ought to them, but through their teachings we
be prepared with an answer to all of are permitted to come nearer unto
these critics who condemn it. They God, get a better understanding of our
are laying themselves open to punish- Heavenly Father and his Son Jesus
ment when they come to the judgment, Christ, become closer acquainted with
and the Lord has said that such char- them and to know more in regard to
acters would arise. Moroni wrote about the wonderful plan of salvation which
them, and the Lord answered him in they have given unto us and unto the
regard to the critics that "fools mock, world if it will receive the plan that
but they shall mourn." (Ether 12:26.) will exalt us in the kingdom of God to

become his sons and his daughters,

ceiving the fulness of that kingdom.
re- —
come in his glory yea, even all things
which should come upon the face of
In closing this record, Moroni wrote the earth, even until the elements should
these words: "And I exhort you to re- melt with fervent heat, and the earth
member these things; for the time should be wrapt together as a scroll,
speedily cometh that ye shall know that and the heavens and the earth should
I lie not, for ye shall see me at the bar pass away; ..." (3 Nephi 26:3.)
of God; and the Lord God will say unto All of that was written and given to
you: Did I not declare my
words unto the Nephites. Wedo not have that
you, which were written by this man, —
record, and the Lord said this which is
like as one crying from the dead, yea, concerning us particularly and Mor-—
even as one speaking out of the dust? mon wrote it:
"I declare these things unto the fulfill- "And these things have I written,
ing of the prophecies. And behold, they which are a lesser part of the things
shall proceed forth out of the mouth of which he taught the people; and I have
the everlasting God; and his word shall written them to the intent that they
hiss forth from generation to generation. may be brought again unto this people,
"And God shall show unto you, that from the Gentiles, according to the
that which I have written is true. words which Jesus hath spoken.
"And again I would exhort you that "And when they shall have received
ye would come unto Christ, and lay this, which is expedient that they should
hold upon every good gift, and touch have first, to try their faith, and if it

not the evil gift, nor the unclean thing." shall so be that they shall believe these
(Moroni 10:27-30.) things then shall the greater things be
That is the counsel of Moroni as he made manifest unto them.
closed his record, not only to the mem- "And if it so be that they will not
bers of the Church, but to every soul believe these things, then shall the
unto whom this record comes. I want greater things be withheld from them,
to bear testimony to you, my good unto their condemnation." (Ibid., 26:8-
brethren here, and our sisters and to 10.)
the members of the Church who listen I say that when the brother of Jared
in and to everyone else, that I know that went on the mount, the Lord revealed
the Book of Mormon is true; that Joseph the history of this earth to him from
Smith received it from the hand of the beginning to the end thereof, but
God through an angel that was sent we do not have it. But when the
to reveal it, the same angel who, while Nephites became righteous, after the
living in this world, finished the record visit of the Son of God, the Lord re-
and sealed it up to come forth in this vealed that record to them, and then
Dispensation of the Fulness of Times. when they began to fall away, he took
I would like to call your attention to the record away again and hid it up.
one thing in the Book of Mormon. The Here is what the Lord says about it.
Lord has promised us greater knowledge, "And after Christ truly had showed
greater understanding than we find in himself unto his people, he commanded
the Book of Mormon, when we are pre- that they should be made manifest."
pared to receive it. When the brother (That is, the full record.)
of Jared went upon the mount to have "And now, after that, they have all
the Lord touch stones to give them light dwindled in unbelief; and there is none
to light their way across the great ocean, save it be the Lamanites, and they have
the Lord revealed to him the history rejected the gospel of Christ; therefore
of this world from the beginning of it I am commanded that I should hide
to the end. We
do not have it. them up again in the earth." (Ether
I am going to read one or two pas- 4:2-3.)
sages of scripture from the Book of For the sake of time I will skip a little
Mormon in relation to that matter. and say that the Lord has promised
"And he" (that is, Christ) "did ex- that we can have that hidden record
pound all things, even from the be- when we are prepared to receive it. I
ginning until the time that he should will read it.
Friday, September 29 First Day
"For the Lord said unto me: They shall Brethren, teach the men who hold the
not go forth unto the Gentiles until the priesthood in their quorums. Teach the
day that they shall repent of their members of the Church in their meet-
iniquity, and become clean before the ings, and also when you visit them in
Lord. their homes as ward teachers. When-
"And in that daythat they shall exer- ever the opportunity presents itself, teach
cise faith in me, saith the Lord, even them to read and study in faith and
as the brother of Jared did, that they prayer the revelations the Lord has given
may become sanctified in me, then will us that we may not be deceived and
I manifest unto them the things which led astray by false teachers.
the brother of Jared saw, even to the We have false teachers among us.
unfolding unto them all my revelations, We have apostates among us who are
saith Jesus Christ, theSon of God, the endeavoring to tear down and destroy
Father of the heavens and of the earth, the kingdom of God, and they are dis-
and all things that in them are." turbing a great many members of the
(Ibid., 4:6-7.) Church. Why? Because they haven't
Now the Lord has placed us on pro- the faith nor the background in knowl-
bation as members of the Church. He edge to resist these false teachers and
has given us the Book of Mormon, which their false doctrines.
is the lesser part, to build up our faith Let me plead with the membership of
through our obedience to the counsels thisChurch for humility, for faith, for
which it contains, and when we our- more prayer, more study, more love in
selves, members of the Church, are their hearts for God their Eternal Father
willing to keep the commandments as and his Son Jesus Christ. Amen.
they have been given to us and show
our faith as the Nephites did for a short President David O. McKay:
period of time, then the Lord is ready
to bring forth the other record and give We have just heard from President
it to us, but we are not ready now to Joseph Fielding Smith of the Council
receive it. Why? Because we have not of the Twelve. Elder Delbert L. Stapley
lived up to the requirements in this pro- of the Council of the Twelve will now
bationary state in the reading of the speak to us. He will be followed by
record which had been given to us and Elder John Longden, Assistant to the
in following its counsels. Twelve.


Of the Council of the Twelve Apostles

My brothers and sisters, I trust the to you this admonition and warning:
talk I have prepared will not depart "Behold, verily, thus saith the Lord
from the excellent and very choice unto you: In consequence of evils and
theme introduced this morning by our designs which do and will exist in the
beloved President, David O. McKay. hearts of conspiring men in the last
I have thought much about the Lord's days, I have warned you, and forewarn
warning given in this last dispensation you, by giving unto you this word of
against the evils and designs of con- wisdom by revelation—" (D&C 89:4.)
spiring men in the last days. When The Word of Wisdom is a well se-
calling our attention to man's crafty lected and timely example chosen by
schemes and artful intrigues, the Lord the Lord for the Saints' understanding
did not confine the warning, as I under- of this warning against the evils and
stand it, to the forbidden items which designs of conspiring men.
are specifically mentioned in the reve- The Lord foresaw the evils of our
lationon the Word of Wisdom or which day and the designs of cunning and
have been interpreted as belonging to deceiving men who operate under the
this divine law of health. May I read influence of Satan and his satanic hosts.

Satan's power to deceive and to lead children of men and will stir them up
astray the children of men is unques- to anger against that which is good.
tioned. The scriptures are full of such "And
others," said the great American
examples. prophet, Nephi, "will he pacify, and
To be forewarned is to be forearmed. lull them away into carnal security,

We, the people of the Lord, cannot af- that they will say: All is well in Zion;
ford to be lulled into peaceful security yea, Zion prospereth, all is well —and
and complacency. The dangers of our thus the devil cheateth their souls, and
day are real and knocking constantly leadeth them away carefully down to
and unrelentingly at our doors. How hell." (2 Nephi 28:21.)
ably will we meet the challenge of these We cannot with safety say, "all is
evil influences and designs of wicked well in Zion." We
cannot afford to be-
men? The test of true Church mem- come complacent and indifferent to the
bership is here. Can we stand firm and wicked and deceptive designs of con-
true to the principles, ideals, and stand- spiring men. Lehi taught, "For it must
ards of the gospel, or will we be so needs be, that there is an opposition in
naive and unsuspecting as to fall into all things." (Ibid., 2:11.) That opposi-
the traps of evil so cunningly planned tion is present in force today. The
and promoted by designing and con- pressure of Satan's power is intensified
spiring men? Those of a religious na- as the time of the Savior's second coming
ture are so often classified naive and to earth draws near. We
have a fore-
innocently unsuspecting. The Savior boding example as recorded in the
knowing of this attribute counseled his Book of Mormon history of the Nephite
disciples, "Behold, I send you forth as people in the years just preceding the
sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye birth of Christ into the world. Samuel,
therefore wise as serpents, and harmless the Lamanite prophet, prophesied to the
as doves." And he added: ". beware
. .
Nephites of the approaching birth of
of men " (Matt. 10:16-17.) Jesus Christ, our Lord, in the land of
Jerusalem. They rejected his witness
Possessing, as we do, the endowment and testimony. They attempted to ex-
of the Holy Ghost, if worthy, we are en-
plain away the teachings of Samuel and
titled tothe gift of discernment to guide the unusual phenomena of nature so
and help us avoid the pitfalls of schem- much in evidence on this continent be-
ing and designing men to trap and
fore Christ's birth, which happenings
ensnare us into the meshes of worldly
were also prophesied of by their
lusts, influences, and pleasures.
prophets. They accused their spiritual
I warning concerning the
repeat, this leaders of keeping the people down to
evilsand designs of conspiring men, al- be servants to their words, also servants
though given in the revelation on the unto them. Thus ignorantly persuaded
Word of Wisdom, has a much broader they were unwilling to yield themselves
application than normally applied to its to the teachings and warnings of the
forbidden items, and, if rightly viewed, prophets.
encompasses every field of human en- To sum up these darkened and hard-
deavor. It is equally true that the use ened attitudes of the Nephites, I quote
of the things forbidden in the Word of one paragraph only from the Nephite
Wisdom also serve to break down the record:
accepted Christian virtues and moral "And many more things did the peo-
concepts of life which so often lead to ple imagine up in their hearts, which
other more serious transgressions and were foolish and vain; and they were
sins. To narrow the meaning of this much disturbed, for Satan did stir
warning would make us vulnerable to them up to do iniquity continually;
the wicked designs of conspiring men yea, he did go about spreading rumors
who are not interested in the salvation and contentions upon all the face of
of man but rather are interested in their the land, that he might harden the
own personal favor or gain. The Savior hearts of the people against that which
gave warning that in these last days was good and against that which should
Satan will rage in the hearts of the come." (Helaman 16:22.)
Friday, September 29 First Day
This account of wickedness and con- celebrities who are constantly in the
tentions among the Nephites prior to public eye.
the Lord's birth in the meridian of time So much low standard movie produc-
is duplicated in the wickedness, conten- tions which weaken the moral virtues,
tions,and deceptions of our day as we destroy character values, and encourage
approach the second coming of our vice and crime among youth.
Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Prophe- In the field of communications, news-
cies concerning these days are also papers and other periodicals reveal the
being fulfilled and Satan is stirring up vast expanse of man's designs and
the hearts of men to do iniquity con- schemes and frequently accept advertis-
tinually; and to thwart, if possible, ing which is false and misleading.
faith in the great event of Christ's sec- Recommending products, the quality
ond coming to earth, which I testify is and benefits of which are of question-
sure to come to pass. Satan is alert and able value.
active. We must be more alert and Newsstands with so much vile, filthy,
perceptive of the false and insincere and obscene, pornographic literature
schemes of his agents among us. which is a disgrace and a disease to
Here a partial list of areas where,
is intelligent minds.
in my judgment, the warning applies. Radio and television portray crime,
The listing is not complete and in sex, and the sensational. This worldly
no way reflects the order of their and carnal emphasis applies to the
seriousness: cinema productions as well.
In the field of politics the party is so The underworld of gambling and vice
often first, regardless of candidate are constantly and unrelentingly exploit-
qualifications or record or party plat- ing the innocent and unsuspecting.
form and legislative program. Liquor interests and gambling oper-
Decisions frequently based upon ators partially justify their existence
political expediency and not what is through the heavy taxes paid by them
best for the people. which they claim relieves tax burdens
Selfish ambitions of men in depart- from the people. They fail to mention
ments of government who also seek to that by the use of their products and
perpetuate themselves in office. gambling devices, the customer pays
Harassing investigations, many of the tax and receives no personal good
which are either publicity stunts or from the product or activity.
smoke screens to deceive the public Some speculative business operators,
from the underlying motives and also swindlers,with their schemes, stock
purposes. promotions, and finance plans of an un-
Pressure groups seeking preferential sound and promotional nature.
treatment at the expense of the people Promotions are not always truthful,
as reflected in increased tax burdens. also short of dependable facts and fail
in fulfillment of promised income and
The tremendous extravagance and
waste in government with much cover-
Organizations with deceptive aims
ing up of mistakes and errors.
and purposes which operate under the
Recreation and amusements in which cloak of humanitarian, social, or politi-
money is so often spent for that which cal guise to gain personal goals or pre-
is of no worth to the individual.
ferred group benefits.
The theater and cinema which so fre- The aims and purposes appearing on
quently portray and encourage the in- the surface do not constitute the real
decent, immoral, lustful, and worldly underlying motives of such sponsoring
imaginations and desires of mankind. groups. Examples may be found in
Glamorizing the movie star, the enter- socialistic and communistic front organ-
tainer, or the athlete and placing him izations.
or her upon a publicity pedestal when The labor movement in certain areas
his or her personal life may not measure is permitting management racketeers
up to the high ideals of moral and whose motives are sinister and damag-
ethical standards of behavior expected of ing to the working class, to business,

and government. The end of this

to of maladjustment in men and women
serious problem is still before us to be to a background of sex inadequacy,
reckoned with. suggests as treatment a transgression of
The narcotic racket which includes the moral code to correct the ill.
the promotion and use of harmful The vast production and sale of drugs,
drugs is a constant menace to this and which ordinarily are beneficial, yet
other countries. The number of drug a fine line must be drawn between the
addicts is increasing at an alarming designs of men in the stock market and
rate. In spite of legislation and con- the actual medical need of the drug.
trols by the Federal Food and Drug Act, Teachers in educational fields pro-
men evade the law, and the traffic in moting wrong ideas and theories, also
narcotics continues to expand and is an personal views which undermine the
ever-increasing curse to humanity. ethical, moral, and spiritual values
The disgraceful abortion racket draws which youth should freely receive in the
into its net young women pregnant classroom.
out of wedlock who wish to cover In the field of philosophy are found
up their sin. Married couples are also the deceptive sophistries of men. Also
guilty of this heinous sin. I refer you
the modern intellectual and free thinker
to the recent articles on this immoral, who attempts to modify, change, or im-
murderous racket recently featured in prove upon the glorious truths, princi-
The Saturday Evening Post of May 20 ples, and standards revealed of God to

and May 27 of this year. his chosen prophets who speak authori-
The sciences are not free from the tatively by his divine power and wisdom.
designs of conspiring men, although Then there are always the insincere
true science is fundamental to modern and unethical, as well as the deceiver
progress and living. The process of and anti-Christ to deal with.
discovery, which we call science, is These are but a few areas in the
neither good nor evil. It is neutral. affairs of mankind where the agents of
But the conditions which it imposes on evil prey upon the unsuspecting and
those who practice it are not neutral. innocent. It has ever been so in the
Scientists are human, and many channel history of man and today unfortunately,
their knowledge developing commercial the picture has not changed, but oper-
products to realize increased personal ates upon a much broader scale. Man's
wealth. It is the promoters of science desires and actions are not always
whose chief purpose contemplates finan- pleasing to God, and in this era of time
cial gain where evil and designing men it seems man's conspiring designs and

will be found. deceptions are destroying the ethics and

Although good ethics exist in the morals pleasing to an all- wise and loving
profession of law, nevertheless the pro- Father. Youth is systematically ex-
fession is not without the unscrupulous, ploited with great energy by the
cunning, and designing fellow members. unscrupulous and scheming agents of
In the practice of medicine and evil. Youth requires wise counsel, good
surgery, quacks and non-professional example, and understanding teachers
practitioners are found. to guide them.
Also the physician without knowledge In the Church, as elsewhere, we are
of the main purpose of life to bring at grips with the trying problems of
souls to earth will advise couples to evil. Therefore, we should be on guard
forego the bearing of children and even constantly and so live as to discern the
advise sterilization to the regret of both designs and intents of the wicked and
husband and wife when conditions not fall prey to their sinister schemes
change in their lives. and motives. The Lord has been most
Over-emphasizing surgery, and in kind and considerate by giving us this
some cases needless and even harmful knowledge and warning by revelation.
surgery. Will we heed the warning and not yield
Another example is the so-called to Satan's powers and stratagems to de-
"cancer cures." ceive and to destroy us? Our peace,
The psychiatrist who attributes cases our safety, our happiness is in listening
Friday, September 29 First Day

to and following the teachings and in- God bless us with wisdom and judg-
structions of the Lord's anointed. ment to do so, Ihumbly pray, in the
I pray, my brothers and sisters, that name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
we will have faith in the revelations and
abide by the commandments, warnings, President David O. McKay:
and admonitions which the Lord has
given for our guidance, blessing, and He to whom you have just listened is
exaltation, and with the eye of faith Elder Delbert L. Stapley of the Coun-
see through men's evil designs and with cil of the Twelve. Elder John Longden,
courage and wise purpose avoid them as Associate to the Twelve, will now speak
a plague. to us.


Assistant to the Council of the Twelve Apostles

In just five days it will have been ten of the Lord, declare on several occa-
years since I was called to become an sions, as he was making an appeal to
assistant to the Council of the Twelve. others who might not yet have accepted
This is the twentieth time that I have the full truths of the gospel of Jesus
appeared in the Tabernacle in this posi- Christ that they not give up the truths
tion, and I assure you it does not get that they had espoused but further in-
any easier. It has been a decade of joy vestigate and study and search for
and pleasure in visiting throughout the themselves, and they would find that
Church in the United States, Canada, which we proclaim is all truth, and that
Mexico, Central America, and the Is- they would receive a witness of this.
lands of the South Pacific Tahiti, — That is the appeal that I have felt
Tonga, Samoa, Cook Islands, Australia, has emanated from the sessions of this
and New Zealand. conference thus far. I know in every
I am so grateful for the rich privileges fiber of my being that this Church em-
and blessings which have been mine in bodies all truth. My, how the world
association with members of the needs this truth today in order to put
Church who are striving to effect in down error, in order to do away with
their lives the teachings of the gospel the things which Brother Stapley has
of Jesus Christ, members coming, I called to our attention.
presume, from all the churches that are It is truth to believe that God lives.
organized in the world. Some not It is truth to believe that Jesus is his
having claim to any church have been Divine Son, the Savior of the world. It
willing to listen to the missionaries is truth to believe that they, both of
and in so doing catch the spirit of the them, appeared to the boy, Joseph
great message which they have. Smith, in the Sacred Grove. It is truth
I think of the words of Brigham to believe that after he was proved and
Young, the leader of modern-day Israel. tested and tried he had the responsibility
What a leader he was in taking the of re-establishing the Church of Jesus
reins after the Prophet Joseph's martyr- Christ again in the earth. It is truth
dom! He made this declaration: "Truth to believe that all the powers of the
is our the gospel of salvation our
text, Holy Ghost and the priesthood have
subject, and the world our circuit." been restored.
This Church embodies all truth. Yes, I testify that truth is our text
Faithful members in this Church know in very deed. And I also testify that
that all truth emanates from God our we have the gospel of salvation, and not
Eternal Father. He is the fountain only salvation but also exaltation for all
source of truth. There is no half-truth our Heavenly Father's children who
or untruth in this Church. I remem- will accept these truths and live in
ber hearing President George Albert obedience to them. It is marvelous to
Smith, another mouthpiece and prophet see the gospel work in the lives of

individuals. About weeks ago to-

six under construction without any heat,
day, I had the opportunity of being on as you workmen know. Upon being
the Island of Tahiti, where I witnessed introduced to her I learned that she had
there a few days before, the construction come all the way from Auckland at her
of a little Fall or chapel with a thatched own expense. She had a week's holiday,
roof, where the members had been and she was willing to serve that time
willing to go out and cut down the in painting inside the Church because
coconut trees for the posts of that she also has a witness of the truth of
chapel and then tie the palms together the gospel of salvation and exaltation.
for the roof, and then braiding the palms Many all over the world are gaining
to make the sides so that if it stormed this witness that this is truth and that
they would have protection from the it offers something here in mortality
wind and the rain. Otherwise, the sides to live by and also that glorious hope
would be open. and promise of the Master that we shall
There was a sand floor. Benches had have the privilege of dwelling with him
been made at a cost of probably ten or —
and his father his literal Father and
the Father of our spirits eternally.
fifteen dollars, the total cost of the little
chapel about twenty to twenty-five dol- Yes, this is a gospel of salvation sal- —
lars. As is the case all over the Church, vation from the clutches of Satan,
those people were willing to put in their salvation from the powers of men, sal-
time and their effort, and in ten days vation which gives us strength to live
the chapel was constructed. I had the by here, and a goal to work toward.
privilege of dedicating that little build- Brigham Young stated that the world
ing, with 134 people assembled more — was our circuit. I have not had the
than it could hold. Some were on the privilegeof going around the world,
outside. The Spirit of the Lord was but half of it at least, and as I say, I
there. They were people willing to have met with hundreds of missionaries
learn about salvation and exaltation. who are willing to leave their homes
They were hungry for truth. and their loved ones, their families,
was my their personal pursuits, to go out and
Just a week ago tonight it

opportunity and privilege to dedicate serve. I am

so grateful for this privi-

the Pesega chapel in Upolu, West- lege tomingle with the youth, to feel
ern Samoa. The prime minister of and to give them en-
of their spirit,

Western Samoa was in attendance and couragement of what their possibilities

spoke at the services, commending our are if they will continue to follow truth.
people because he saw lives that had I bring many greetings to all friends
been changed into something worth- and loved ones from missionaries I
while as they put away the material have visited within the last six weeks in
things of life, put away the pitfalls and New Zealand, in Tahiti, and in Samoa.
the snares of the adversary, and were These missionaries are willing to
willing to cling to truth, having a vision teach the world that this is the gospel
which this Church offers to all the world of truth, the gospel of salvation and
of their possibilities and the develop- exaltation, for the world is our circuit,
ment of their potential. just as Brigham Young said, and it ap-
plies more than ever today.
About five weeks ago in New Zea-
land, in Christchurch, we went into a "And this gospel of the kingdom shall
lovely building that being con-
is be preached in all the world and . . .

structed, entirely different from the one then shall the end come." (Matt.
I have referred to at Faaoue in Tahiti. 24:14.)
That is a glorious spot. Here was This gospel of the kingdom is truly

a young woman many working but — going forth to all mankind. Some na-
one young woman all wrapped up, it tions today do not allow our mission-
seemed, with two or three sweaters be- aries to come in, but that is not the
cause Christchurch can be very cold fault of the prophet of the Lord, Presi-
in winter and early spring, and there dent David O. McKay, who has the
is nothing colder than a new building vision and the inspiration to guide and
Friday, September 29 First Day
direct this great missionary labor. All President David O. McKay:
who heard President McKay this morn-
ing in his stirring appeal for all to He to whom we have just listened is
accept and follow truth must be im- Elder John Longden, Assistant to the
pressed with the sincerity of his message. Twelve.
However, in many nations the gospel The Relief Society Singing Mothers
is being preached. and congregation will now join in sing-
ing, "We Thank Thee, O God, For a
So I pray that each one of us may be Prophet." Elder Eldred G. Smith will
missionaries in very deed, living and follow the singing.
teaching by that power of example and
then following the exhortations that The congregation and the Singing
have been given to us in these sessions Mothers Chorus joined in singing the
to read and study the scriptures and be hymn, "We Thank Thee, O God, For
so advised that we will be able to teach A Prophet."
others by the spirit that they may feel
it, receiving the same witness, or a like
President David O. McKay:
witness that we have. I bear you my
testimony that these things are true and Elder Eldred G. Smith, Patriarch to
pray for his blessings upon us in the the Church, will now address us. Elder
name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. Antoine R. Ivins will follow.


Patriarch to the Church

I appreciate the honor of this position, all things from the beginning to the
but as other speakers have said, it does end that enables him to give that un-
not become easier. I see so many in derstanding to his creatures by which
the audience who could do much better they are made partakers of eternal life.
than I, yet inasmuch as I am called to If it were not for the idea existing in
take this position, I pray the Lord's the minds of men that God has all
blessings will be with me. knowledge, it would be impossible for
We have heard considerable about them to exercise faith in him.
having faith in the gospel, living the Whom do you worship? Do you
teachings of the gospel. In the School worship a Living God or an unknown
of the Elders in Kirtland, Ohio, the God, as the Athenians did?
Prophet Joseph Smith stated that there On Mars' hill, Paul said to the
are certain fundamental principles nec- Athenians: ". Ye men of Athens, I
. .

essary for us to understand respecting perceive that in all things ye are too
Deity and our relation to him. In order superstitious.

that we may exercise faith in him for "For as I passed by, and beheld your
lifeand salvation, we must have correct devotions, I found an altar with this
ideas of his character, his perfection and inscription, To the Unknown God.
attributes. The Prophet listed such Whom therefore ye ignorantly worship,
attributes as knowledge, power, justice, him declare I unto you.
judgment, mercy, and truth. "God that made the world and all
things therein, seeing that he is Lord
These attributes are necessary to en-
of heaven and earth, dwelleth not in
able any rational being to exercise faith
in God, for without the idea of the
temples made with hands;
existence of these attributes in the Deity, "Neither is worshipped with men's
men could not exercise faith in him for hands, as though he needed any thing,
life and salvation. Without the knowl- seeing he giveth to all life, and breath,
edge of all things, God would not be and all things;
able to save any part of his creatures; "And hath made of one blood all

for it is by reason of the knowledge of nations of men for to dwell on all the

face of the earth, and hath determined earth, no, but from some previous earth
the times before appointed, and the in the long distant past.
bounds of their habitation; How do I know he is a resurrected
"That they should seek the Lord, if man? Ifhe ishave no hope in
not, I
haply they might feel after him, and the resurrection. Neither then is Christ
find him, though he be not far from resurrected, nor others. Then, too, are
every one of us: all the scriptures false which are replete
"For in him we live, and move, and with references to resurrected beings
have our being; as certain also of your who have appeared to man?
own poets have said, For we are also For example, as recorded in Matthew:
his offspring. "And the graves were opened; and many
"Forasmuch then as we are the off- bodies of the saints which slept arose,
spring of God, we ought not to think "And came out of the graves after his
that the Godhead is like unto gold, or resurrection, and went into the holy
silver, or stone, graven by art, and city, and appeared unto many." (Matt.

man's device." (Acts 17:22-29.) 27:52-53.)

Paul tells us here that we are the off-
As sure as Jesus Christ is resurrected,
spring of God. Later in his epistle to
so may I have a hope in a resurrection.
the Hebrews he tells us, "Furthermore
If men may be resurrected and God is
we have had fathers of our flesh which not, then man will have accomplished
corrected us, and we gave them rever-
what God has not and thus become
ence: shall we not much rather be in
greater than God. This we know is
subjection unto the Father of spirits,
impossible. Hence what men may ac-
and live?" (Heb. 12:9.) So we are the complish, God has accomplished ahead
spirit children of God.
of him.
In the Doctrine and Covenants, the
Then the fact that you are now a
Lord mortal on this earth is proof that God,
tells us:
too, at one time in the far distant past,
"The Father has a body of and
has gone through a life of mortality
bones as tangible as man's; the Son
ahead of you. Hence God is a resur-
also." (D&C 130:22.)
rected, glorified man.
Now John "God is a Spirit: and
says, Whom do you worship? I worship
they that worship him must worship the Living God, my Father in heaven,
him in spirit and in truth." (John 4:24.) the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob,
Man is also a spirit clothed with flesh the God of this world. I invite all
and bones, so, too, is God. Again the honest in heart everywhere to join with
Lord has said in modern revelation, the faithful Latter-day Saints in wor-
"For man is spirit. The elements are shipping our Father in heaven. I know
eternal, and spirit and element, in- that God lives and Jesus Christ is his
separably connected, receive a fulness Son, begotten of the Father in the
of joy."' (D&C 93:33.) Birth is the flesh. It is he who stands at the head
uniting of this spirit and elements of of this Church, with President David
physical bodies. Death is the separa- O. McKay as his prophet here today.
tion. The resurrection is the reuniting May God bless him and his associates
of the spirit and the physical body, in this great work and bless all you
which the Lord says, "inseparably con- good people who endeavor to keep the
nected, receive a fulness of joy." commandments of God, in the name of
So Moses recorded in Genesis: "So Jesus Christ. Amen.
God created man in his own image, in
the image of God created he him; male
President David O. McKay:
and female created he them." (Gen.
Elder Eldred G. Smith, Patriarch to
I ask —whom do you worship? Whom the Church, has just spoken to us. We
do I worship? I worship my God who shall now hear from Elder Antoine R.
ismy Father in heaven, the Father of Ivins of the First Council of Seventy.
my spirit, a resurrected, glorified, per- He will be followed by Elder Spencer
fected man, not resurrected from this W. Kimball.
Friday, September 29 First Day
Of the First Council of the Seventy

My brethren and sisters, it is only the mine, and perhaps I am wholly respon-
fact that I have discovered that there sible for it. At any rate I am happy
is a great spirit of love and sympathy in that it has not come to pass yet.
this gathering, that I have the confi- Now, I wonder if some of us have
dence to stand before you this after- the right attitude toward the promises
noon and bear my testimony, but it is that are made to us by patriarchs and
no easier than it was thirty years ago other people who bless us. I have had
in October when I first did it. blessings given me by the President of
Brother Longden, you need not bragl the Twelve and the President of the
Sixty times, my brethren and sisters, Church and other people, and I have
I have pledged to you my service —
an felt always that it was an indication of
honest service as far as it lay within my what the brother who gave me the
power, and I hope that God has blessed blessing felt might be realized if it
my efforts that somewhere along the pleased God and if I earned it. Maybe
line, someone may have been encour- I am not right, but that is the way I
aged and comforted, for that is our feel about it.
sole purpose. There is another point that this brings
I find myself following the Patriarch to my mind it is —
seventy-two years
to the Church as a speaker, and it re- since I was baptized and confirmed.
minds me
that when I was a teenager, In that baptism and confirmation there
about sixty-two years ago, I went to a is another promise made to me, and it
patriarch to have a blessing, and it is just as possible as the patriarchal
was a very fine blessing. Mind you, at blessing. It is based upon the same
that time I was living in Mexico with life of service, that if I will live true
the possibility that upon obtaining my to the implied covenants that there are
majority, I could become a Mexican in the waters of baptism and confirma-
citizen. Some of the promises in that tion, that I can eventually work way my
blessing would depend upon my remain- back into the presence of God, our
ing there and becoming a citizen. That Heavenly Father, and be exalted there.
I did not want to do. So when these I am thinking that some of us do not
promises have not been realized, I have remember that and do not worry too
never blamed the patriarch. I looked much about it.
upon that blessing, brethren and sisters, Then my problem is to learn how to
as a vision of what I might do if I would do it, brethren and
sisters, and learning
seek the blessings of the Lord, live true how todo it to make up my mind that
to the covenants that I had made, and I want to do it, and making up my mind
endeavor to realize those blessings. that I want to, that I start about doing it.
I think that all of the blessings that I have a relative by marriage who had
are promised to us throughout the a little difficulty with one of his habits
Church are dependent upon our efforts
to help them come to pass. I never

one time one that so many people
suffer with, and he said, "Antoine, the
have felt that a patriarchal blessing was day I made up my mind that I wanted
a prediction as to what must come to to quit it, I was through. From that
pass, but what might come to pass if time on, Antoine, I never had to struggle
we would help conditions so that those with it because I made up my mind
things could be realized. that I wanted to quit." That is one of
Many of those things I have tried to do, our major problems, brethren and
but I just did not want to be a Mexican sisters, to find the way back into the
citizen, and I did not want to be a Mexi- celestial glory in the kingdom of God
can statesman. So I am not holding and, finding it, make sure that we
Patriarch Stowell responsible for the follow it.
failure. has not been his fault,
It The way to find out what the gospel
brethren and sisters, perhaps it has been means and the privileges that it holds

for us is to study the scriptures. We factor in our determination to do these

have been told about that today, to study things, because some of the things we
the scriptures and to follow the program have to refrain from doing are pretty
of the Church, brothers and sisters, and natural for us, and if we do not have
there are a lot of us that are very something to guide us and to give us
sluggish in following the program of the incentive to bridle our passions (and
Church. If you do not believe it, fol- that is testimony) we are not so likely

low me around the next little while to do it as well as we might.

and see how many of our members of So testimony is what we seek in this,
the Melchizedek Priesthood are up to brethren and sisters.
date in reading the Book of Mormon. Then Brother Marion D. Hanks told
Brothers and sisters, we are just not us that we should live in these troublous
there, we are sluggish in doing the times without fear. And what is it that
things we know we ought to do and in makes one fearless? The testimony of
studying to find out what pleases God Jesus Christl
our Heavenly Father as to the way we Sister Ivins and I and the mission
should live. president one time held a meeting in
I believe that the best place where a little town north of Mexico City
the gospel of Jesus Christ is set out for where a few years before two young
us to follow is in the Book of Mormon. men had been arrested and had been
I have reread it this year, so I dare talk promised their lives if they would deny
to you, but where can you find in all of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Those two
our scriptures a more complete and boys stood up beside an adobe wall and
clearer and more concise statement of were killed by gunfire, doing it without
the way back into the kingdom of God fear because they knew the future which
than you find in the Book of Mormon. comes from testimony as well as any
Of course, we like to read the Bible, of us.
we like to read other works, and I am Brethren and sisters, that is our great
never quite satisfied until I join the problem. Can we get a testimony? We
Doctrine and Covenants under the same get it by prayer and study, but more
cover with the Book of Mormon, and especially after prayer and study, we
then we have joined the Pearl of Great get it by doing the things God tells us
Price to them, so we have the triple to do and making our lives conform to
combination. Brethren and sisters, I them. May he help us to do these
suggest that we do not stop when we things, I pray in the name of Jesus
read the Book of Mormon, but that we Christ, our Redeemer, adding my testi-
go right through from cover to cover of mony to the others. Amen.
that triple combination and try to re-
member what is in it and then make President David O. McKay:
up our minds we want to do it, for
that is the thing. Elder Antoine R. Ivins of the First
You cannot do brethren and
that, Council of Seventy has just spoken to us.
sisters, without gaining a testimony of We shall now hear from Elder Spencer
the gospel of Jesus Christ, and testimony W. Kimball of the Council of the
is necessary. It is absolutely the essential Twelve.


Of the Council of the Twelve Apostles

My beloved brothers and sisters, I hope ministers and their associates, editors,
that of the estimated million who may commanders of armies and navies and
have been listening this morning, there air forces, and all others in the world,
may have been many among them who particularlyour fellow men of the
might have been kings and their courts, Americas from Tierra del Fuego to Point
presidents and their cabinets, prime —
Barrow for the prophet of the Lord
Friday, September 29 Firs! Day
spoke in stirring tones of warning to all What is the illness? Its symptoms are
the people of this world. manifested in every corner of the globe.
Our world is in turmoil. It is aging They are found among men in high
toward senility. It is very ill. Long ago places, in hut and mansion. Its
it was born with brilliant prospects. It symptoms are carelessness, casualness,
was baptized by water, and its sins were covetousness, slothfulness, selfishness,
washed away. It was never baptized dishonesty, disobedience, immorality,
by fire, for that is still to come. It has uncleanness, unfaithfulness, ungodliness.
had shorter periods of good health, but Our national and international au-
longer ones of ailing. Most of the time thorities should know that men have
there have been pains and aches in some ".. been destroyed from generation to

parts of its anatomy, but now that it is generation according to their iniquities;
growing complications have set in,
old, and never hath any of them been de-
and all the ailments seem to be stroyed save it were foretold them by
everywhere. the prophets of the Lord." (2 Nephi
The world has been "cliniced," and 25:9.) And modern prophets are warn-
the complex diseases have been cata- ing frequently, constantly. People are
logued. The physicians have had destroyed by their own acts.
summit and temporary
consultations, "There is one principle," a modern
salve has been rubbed on afflicted parts, prophet said, "(that we should) under-
but it has only postponed the fatal day stand: —
that is of blessings and cursings.
and never cured it. It seems that while For instance, we read that war, pesti-
remedies have been applied, staph infec- lence, plagues, famine, etc., will be
tion has set in, and the patient's suffer- visited upon the inhabitants of the
ing intensified. His mind is wandering. earth, but if distress through the judg-
It cannot remember its previous illnesses ments of God comes upon this people,
nor the cure which was applied. The it will be because the majority have
political physicians through the ages turned away from the Lord."
have rejected suggested remedies as un- The world's living prophet has warned
professional since they came from lowly and pleaded that the people return to
prophets. Man being what he is with God, who has said again: "I, the Lord,
tendencies such as he has, results can am bound when ye do what I say; but
be prognosticated with some degree of when ye do not what I say, ye have no
accuracy. promise." (D&C 82:10.)
In an ancient situation somewhat This America is no ordinary country.
comparable to our own, there was a It is a choice land, "choice above all other
great destruction, and when the quiet lands." (1 Nephi 2:20.) It has a tragic
came, those who were spared were and bloody past, but a glorious and
wailing: peaceful future if its inhabitants really
". . . O
that we had repented before learn to serve their God. It was conse-
this great and terrible day, and then crated as a land of promise to the people
would our brethren have been spared of the Americas, to whom God gave
. . and our mothers and our fair
. these great promises:
daughters, and our children not . . .
"It will be a land of liberty to its
have been buried. ." (3 Nephi 8:24-
. .
people." (2 Nephi 1:7.)
25.) "They shall never be brought down
Today is another day, but history into captivity." (Idem.)
repeats itself. We read the headlines. "And there shall be none to molest
The great powers warn and threaten. them." (Ibid., 1:9.)
Bombs are detonated. Terror is sub- "It is a land of promise." (1 Nephi
stituted for reason. Defense stockpiles 2:20.)
increase. Nuclear races get swifter. The "It shall be free from all nations
radios whine. The newspapers carry under heaven."
glaring headlines, politicians wrangle, "There shall be no enemies come into
students and authorities harangue. this land."
Everybody expresses opinions, but few "It shall be free from bondage."
approach the real cause or the real cure. (Ether 2:12.)

"There shall be no kings upon the Church numerous of its people fail to
land." (2 Nephi 10:11.) attend their meetings, to tithe their in-
"I will fortify this land against all comes, to have their regular prayers,
other nations." (Ibid., 10:12.) to keep all the commandments. can We
"He that fighteth against Zion shall transform, but will we? It seems that
perish." (Ibid., 10:13.) we would rather tax ourselves into
But these promises, glorious though slavery than to pay our tithes; rather
they be, desirable as they are, can come build protections and walls than drop to
only ". . if they will but serve the God
. our knees with our families in solemn
of this land who is Jesus Christ. ." . . prayers night and morning.
(Ether 2:12.) There is only one way. It seems that rather than fast and
That infallible cure is simply righteous- pray, we prefer to gorge ourselves at the
ness, obedience, Godliness, honor, and banquet tables and drink cocktails. In-
integrity. There is no other cure. stead of disciplining ourselves, we yield
Mountains of arms and ammunitions to urges and carnal desires. Numerous
will not guarantee safety, for enemies billions we spend on liquor and tobacco.
can also build fortifications and missiles A Sabbath show or a game or a race
and bomb shelters. If we would but be- replaces solemn worship. Numerous
lieve the prophets! For they have warned mothers prefer the added luxuries of two
that if the "inhabitants of this land are incomes to the satisfactions of seeing
ever brought down into captivity and children grow up in the fear of God.
enslaved, it shall be because of iniquity; Men golf and boat and hunt and fish
for if iniquity shall abound cursed shall rather than to solemnize the Sabbath.
be the land." (See 2 Nephi 1:7.) Old man rationalization is with us. Be-
The prophet exclaims again with cause we are not vicious enough to be
fervor: "And now we behold the
. . . confined in penitentiaries, we rational-
decrees of God concerning this land, ize that we are pretty good people; that
that it is a land of promise; and what- we are not doing so badly. The masses
soever nation shall possess it shall serve of the people are much like those who
God, or they shall be swept off when the escaped destruction in the ancient days
fulness of his wrath shall come upon of this continent. The Lord said to
them. And the fulness of his wrath them:
cometh upon them when they are "O all ye that are spared because ye
ripened in iniquity." (Ether 2:9.) were more righteous than they [the
Othat men would listen! Why slain ones], will ye not now return unto
should there be spiritual blindness in me, and repent of your sins, and be
the day of brightest material vision? converted, that I may heal you?" (3
Why must men rely on fortifications Nephi 9:13.)
and armaments when the God of heaven The Great Wall of China with its
yearns to bless them? One stroke of 1,500 miles of unbreakable walls, with
his omnipotent hand could make power- its twenty-five feet high impregnable-
less all nations who oppose and save ness, with its innumerable watchman

a world even in its death throes. towers, was breached by the treachery
Jesus Christ our Lord is under no of men.
obligation to save this world. The peo- The Maginot Line in France, these
ple have ignored him, disbelieved him, forts thought to be so strong and im-
failed to follow him. They stand at his passable, were violated as though they
mercy which will be extended only if were not there. Strength is not in con-
they repent. But to what extent have crete and re-inforcing steel. Protection
we repented? Another prophet said, is not in walls nor mountains nor cliffs,

"We call evil good, and good evil." yet foolish men still lean on "the arm of
Men have rationalized themselves into flesh."
thinking that they are "not so bad." The walls of Babylon were too high
Are they fully ripe? Has the rot of age to be scaled, too thick to be broken, too
and flabbiness set in? Can they change? strong to be crumbled, but not too deep
They see evil in their enemies, but none to be undermined when the human
in themselves. Even in the true element failed. When the protectors
Friday, September 29 First Day
sleep and the leaders are incapacitated ten thousand to flight: . . . (See Leviti-
with banqueting and drunkenness and cus 26:4-6, 8.)
immorality, an invading enemy can turn But if you fail to serve me:
a river from its course and enter The land will be barren, (perhaps
through a river bed. radioactive or dry from drought.)
The precipitous walls on the high The trees will be without fruit and
hills of Jerusalem deflected for a time the fields without verdure.
the arrows and spears of enemies, the There will be rationing and a scarcity
catapults and firebrands. But even then of food and hunger sore.
wickedness did not lessen, men did No traffic will jam your desolate
not learn lessons. Hunger scaled the highways.
walls; thirst broke down the gates; im- Famine will stalk rudely through your
morality, cannibalism, idolatry, godless- doors and the ogre cannibalism will
ness stalked about till destruction came. rob you of your children and your re-
"Experience is a dear teacher but fools maining virtues.
will learn by no other." But we con- There will be pestilence uncontroll-
tinue on in our godlessness. While the able.
iron curtains rise and thicken, we eat, Your dead bodieswill be piled upon
drink, and make merry. While armies the materialistic things you sought so
are marshalled and march and drill hard to accumulate and save.
and officers teach men how to kill, we I will give no protection against
continue to drink and carouse as usual. enemies.
While bombs are detonated and tested, They that hate you shall reign over
and fallout settles on the already sick you.
world, we continue in idolatry and There will be faintness of heart "and
adultery. While corridors are threatened the sound of a shaken leaf' shall chase
and concessions are made, we live you into flight and you will fall when
riotously and divorce and marry in none pursueth.
cycles like the seasons. While leaders —
Your power your supremacy your —
quarrel, and editors write, and authori- —
pride in superiority will be broken.
ties analyze and prognosticate, we break Your heaven shall be as iron and your
the Sabbath as though no command earth as brass. Heaven will not hear
had ever been given. While enemies your pleadings nor earth bring forth
filter into our nation to subvert us and her harvest.
intimidate us and soften us, we continue Your strength will be spent in vain
with our destructive thinking: "It can't as you plow and plant and cultivate.
happen here." Your cities will be shambles, your
Will we ever turn wholly to God? churches in ruins.
Fear envelops the world which could Your enemies will be astonished at the
be at ease and peace. In God is protec- barrenness, sterility, desolation of the
tion, safety, peace. He has said, "I will land they had been told was so choice,
fight your battles." But his commitment so beautiful, so fruitful.
ison condition of our faithfulness. He Then shall the land enjoy her Sab-
promised to the children of Israel: baths under compulsion.
you rain in due season,"
"I will give And ye shall have no power to stand
before your enemies.
The land shall yield her increase and
trees their fruit.
And your people will be scattered
among the nations as slaves and bonds-
Granaries and barns will bulge in men.
seed time and harvest. You will pay tribute and bondage and
Ye shall eat your bread in abundance. fetters shall bind you. (See Ibid.,
Ye shall dwell in your land safely and 26:14-43.)
none shall make you afraid.
What a bleak prediction! Yet "These
Neither shall the sword go through are the statutes and judgments and
your land. laws, which the Lord made between
And you shall chase an hun-
five of him and the children of Israel in Mt.
dred, and an hundred of you shall put Sinai by the hand of Moses." (Ibid.,

26:46.) The Israelites heed

failed to ing go forward without regard to com-
the warning. They ignored the proph- mandments. Conventions, unnecessary
ets. They suffered the fulfillment of travel, family picnics, the Sabbath is
every dire prophecy. violated generally. A relatively few peo-
Do we twentieth century people have ple attend their church services, pay
reason to think that we can be immune their serve their fellow men.
from the same tragic consequences when Few up to the truth they know.
we ignore the same divine laws? The taverns are full, the beaches
With such innumerable blessings as crowded, the grandstands packed, man
are available to godly people of this servants, and maid servants hired to
land, how can any sane one continue in duty, the ski lifts busy, canyon picnic
his careless patterns of life? tables loaded. Scriptures are read little,
There is a cure for the earth's illness, and the holy day becomes a holiday.
an infallible one. "Six days shalt thou labour, .
." .

War clouds gather, fear heightens; (Ibid., 20:9. Italics added.) Yet ever-
tenseness increases, yet there need be increasing hours of leisure provide ever
no fear and worry and sleepless nights. increasing opportunities for Sabbath
Our God rules in the heavens. He breaking and commandment ignoring,
lives. He loves. He desires the happi- and strikes and lobbying go on to in-
ness and well being of all his children. crease damaging leisure and decrease
He has a prophet on the earth today work hours further.
who receives his revelations. He is "Thou shalt not commit adultery."
a prophet to all the world. He has on (Ibid.,20:14. Italics added.) Yet this
numerous occasions outlined the cure common sin and idolatry run hand in
for all international as well as local hand. Free love and indiscretions and
ills. The diagnosis is sure, and the deviations of every nature are common
remedy certain. Today's prophet stands in our day. Illigitimate births are said
in the same position between God and to reach as high as one in ten, yet
the people as did Isaiah, Samuel, and promiscuity far exceeds illegitimacy.
even Moses who gave to the world the This ugly deviation is found among
ten commandments. youth and married people. Divorce,
But a controlling majority of the ever on the increase, jumping from one
people of this world have relegated them divorce for thirty-six weddings in Civil
to the past. War days now has reached somewhere
"Thou shalt have no other gods be- near one to four. Flirtations, rational-
fore me." (Exodus 20:3. Italics added.) ized to be innocent ones, are the root
Yet today we worship the gods of wood of numerous of the divorces and other
and stone and metal. Not always are ills.

they in the form of a golden calf, but "Thou shalt not steal." (Ibid., 20:15.
equally real as objects of protection and Italics added.) Yet in high places and
worship. They are houses, lands, bank in low, in government office and in
accounts, leisure. They are boats, cars, business, in everyday life, men have
and luxuries. They are bombs and rationalized until consciences seem to
ships and armaments. We bow down have been seared in the matter of hon-
to the god of mammon, the god of esty. Yet here are bribery, fraud, deceit,
luxuries, the god of dissipation. theft, padding of expense accounts, tax
"Thoushalt not take the name of the evasion, installment buying beyond
Lord thy God in vain; ." (Ibid., 20:7.
. . ability to pay, and gambling running
Italics added.) Yet on the corner, in into the billions.
public places, on work projects, at ban- The outlook is bleak, but the impend-
quet tables, there come ringing into ing tragedy can be averted. But it can
our ears the sacred names of Deity be only through a great repentance and
without solemnity. transformation.
"Remember the sabbath day, to keep "What can I do?" asks the fearful
it holy." (Ibid.,20:8. Italics added.) one. I can transform my own life till
Yet work goes on, merchandise is sold, it is perfected and then influence others

athletic entertainments, fishing, hunt- when thus transformed. I am prepared

Friday, September 29 First Day
to live or die and need not fear. The "Come, listen to a prophet's voice" and
righteous were saved in Enoch's day, hear the word of God from our living
and the wicked were drowned in the prophet who sits with us here today. I
flood. Other rebellious people were de- know he is God's recognized prophet. I
stroyed in the convulsions of the earth beg of you to listen and act, in the name
in the meridian of time, and they who of Jesus Christ. Amen.
were more righteous were saved.
Concerning Jerusalem the Lord said: President David O. McKay:
"I will defend this city" (2 Kings 19:34.)
when the powerful, invincible Assyrian Now we shall hear the closing song
army camped at the gates. That night by the Relief Society Singing Mothers.
the Lord saved Jerusalem from Sennach- We shall listen to a song that is being
erib and his 185,000 troops who did sung by request. It is one of the songs
not live the night through to attack. sung by the International Women's
Three hundred soldiers and God and Chorus in Albert Hall, London, con-
Gideon routed the powerful army of ducted by Sister Florence Jepperson
the Midianites. The thirteen colonies Madsen. It is entitled, "The Snow."
gained a permanent victory over supe- I remember well how surprised sev-

rior forces, and America was born. The were who attended that
eral titled ladies
Lord and David slew Goliath, and Israel concert. Lady Bennett expressed her
won many battles when they were right- surprise and commendation as she lis-
eous. God will fight our battles if we tened to Sister Florence Jepperson Mad-
honor him and serve him with all our sen lead masterfully that great chorus
hearts, might, mind, and strength. on that occasion. Either two or three
This I know, for the Lord has so de- titled ladies came in to the president

clared it through the ages, and I know of our Relief Society and joined in that

he lives and is all powerful. commendation. I am sure, sisters, the

press and all their commendation is not
The cause is not lost. If race tracks
exceeded by the audience who listened
were closed on the Sabbath, if gambling
ceased, drinking eliminated, work and
to you this morning and this afternoon.
All we can say, Sister Madsen, is "thank
play confined to week days; if stores
you." That's a cold way, but all our
were closed and all people went to their
gratitude goes with that because of our
sanctuaries truly to worship even as best
love for mothers. In behalf of all who
they know; taverns never opened, and
have listened to you during the Relief
transgressors all repented, and broken
Society sessions and today, in behalf of
homes were mended, and children were
the General Authorities of the Church
trained in uprightness; if families all
and the audiences here and listening, I
knelt in prayer night and morning, if say "God bless you."
tithes were paid and integrity and wor-
Thegeneral sessions tomorrow will
ship reigned in the lives of men, the
be broadcast as a public service over
era of total peace would be ushered in.
televisionand radio stations throughout
Fear would vanish, and enemies would the West. There will be a Welfare Agri-
be subdued. cultural Meeting in the Assembly Hall
"I will fight your battles," says the Saturday morning —tomorrow morning
Lord God Omnipotent. He never fails
his promises.
— at 7:30. Stake presidencies, bishop-
rics, or their representatives, stake and
If are of the masses who are casual,
we ward farm managers and committees,
passive, irreligious, irreverent, unholy, and all others interested in agriculture,
immoral, ungodly, then we must "re- are invited to attend this meeting.
pent or suffer." Presidents of temples will attend the
Of course, a one-sided disarmament meeting tonight at 6 p.m.
could be madness if worldliness and For the benefit of those who are
materialism continued, but a serious listening in, the singing of this session
turn of the masses could forestall all has been furnished by the Relief So-
military conquests, all tragedies of con- ciety Singing Mothers from the Central
flict. God is all powerful. Utah and Mt. Timpanogos Welfare
I plead with men everywhere to Regions, under the direction of Sister

Florence Jepperson Madsen, with Frank

W. Asper at the organ.
Weshall now listen to, "The Snow,"
The Relief Society Singing Mothers
and the benediction will be offered by
sang, "The Snow."
President John Clyde Spencer of the Elder John Clyde Spencer, president
Garfield Stake. Following the bene- of the Garfield Stake, offered the closing
diction this conference will be ad- prayer.
journed until ten o'clock tomorrow Conference adjourned until 10:00 a.m.
morning. Saturday, September 30.

Saturday morning, September 30, 1961. of the Federal Court; representatives of
Conference reconvened at 10:00 a.m. the Chamber of Commerce, and others
in the Tabernacle. whom probably we have overlooked,
The University of Utah Mixed Chorus, but whom we recognize and bid wel-
under the direction of Ardean W. Watts, come in the audience.
furnished the music for this session of This session of the Conference will be
the Conference. Frank W. Asper was at broadcast as a public service over tele-
the organ. vision and radio stations throughout the
President David O. McKay, who pre- West. These services are also being
sided and conducted the services, made broadcast in the Assembly Hall and in
the following opening remarks: Barratt Hall by television. Those who
are standing in the doorways, if they
President David O. McKay: wish, may possibly find seats in these
other halls.
To this large audience in the Taber- The singing for this session will be
nacle and all who
are listening in by
furnished by the University of Utah
radio television we extend wel-
and Mixed Chorus; and this afternoon by the
come to this third session of the One University of Utah Institute of Religion,
Hundred Thirty-First Semi-Annual Con- the University Stake Chorus, and the
ference of the Church of Jesus Christ Bonneville Strings. We
extend a hearty
of Latter-day Saints. We have just
welcome to these young people. It is
received word that President Clark
a joy to have them present today.
about the same. There is no change in
These services will begin by the
University of Utah Mixed Chorus sing-
his condition. Other General Authori-
ing, "Let Their Celestial Concerts All
ties are present, excepting Elder A.
Theodore Tuttle, who is supervising the Unite," with Ardean W. Watts con-
ducting, and Frank W. Asper at the
missions in South America, and Elder
organ. The invocation will be offered
Bruce R. McConkie who is presiding
over the Southern Australian Mission.
by Elder Eugene C. Ludwig, president
of the Grant Stake.
We acknowledge the presence of, and
welcome our stake presidencies, high
councilmen, bishoprics, temple presi- The University of Utah Mixed Chorus
dencies, and General Auxiliaries of the sang asan opening number, "Let Their
Church. We
are pleased to note the Celestial Concerts All Unite."
attendance of the following also: The opening prayer was offered by
United States Senator Wallace F. Ben- President Eugene C. Ludwig of the
nett; Lamont Toronto, Secretary of Grant Stake.
State; Ernest L. Wilkinson, president of
the Brigham Young University; Dr. President David O. McKay:
Homer Durham, president of Arizona
State University; Dr. John L. Clarke, President Eugene C. Ludwig of the
president of Ricks College; Judge A. Grant Stake just offered the invocation.
Sherman Christenson, Associate Judge The University of Utah Mixed Chorus
Saturday, September 30 Second Day

will now favor us with, "O Brother NEW STAKES ORGANIZED

Man"; composer, Leroy J. Robertson,
conducted by Ardean W. Watts. Alaska Stake organized August 13,
1961 from the Alaskan-Canadian Mis-
Singing by the University of Utah
Mixed Chorus, "O Brother Man" (Le- Beaumont Stake organized September
Roy J. Robertson). 3, 1961 by division of Houston Stake.
Berlin Stake organized September 10,
1961 from the Berlin Mission.
President David O. McKay: Cleveland Stake organized September
20, 1961 from the Great Lakes Mission.
Elder Joseph Anderson, Clerk of the Garden Grove Stake organized June
Conference, will now read changes in 25, 1961 by division of Santa Ana Stake.
Church Officers, Temple, Mission, Greensboro Stake organized Septem-
Stake, Ward and Branch Organizations ber 13, 1961 from the Central Atlantic
since the April Conference, 1961. States Mission.
North Carolina Stake organized Au-
Elder Joseph Anderson, Clerk of the gust 27, 1961 from the Central Atlantic
Conference, then read statistical data: States Mission.
San Leandro Stake organized May 21,
CHANGES IN CHURCH OFFICERS 1961 by division of Hayward Stake.
Alaska Stake: Orson Paul Millett.
NEW MISSIONS ORGANIZED Bear Lake Stake: Wm. Kenneth
Matthews to succeed L. Burdette Pug-
Berlin Mission. mire.
Chilean Mission. Beaumont Stake: Alden Cardon Stout.
West European Mission. Benson Stake: Thulburn Russell Holt,
to succeed Clarence Neeley.
Canyon Rim Stake: John J. Nielsen,
Berlin Mission: Percy K. Fetzer. to succeed Verl F. Scott.
Cleveland Stake: E. Doyle Robison.
Central States Mission: George Carlos
East Idaho Falls Stake: Erwin Emil
Smith, Jr., to succeed Samuel R.
Wirkus to succeed Charles P. Brizzee.
Florida Stake: Henry V. Jenkins to
Chilean Mission: A. Delbert Palmer. succeed Alvin C. Chace.
Finnish Mission: Mark Anderson, to Garden Grove Stake: James Malan
succeed John David Warner. Hobbs.
French Mission: Rulon T. Hinckley, Glendale Stake: Robert Christian
to succeed Edgar B. Brossard. Seamons, to succeed Edwin S. Dibble.
North German Mission: Howard C. Greensboro Stake: Eugene Alexander
Maycock, to succeed Percy K. Fetzer. Gulledge.
Southwest Indian Mission: J. Edwin Hayward Stake: Francis Benjamin
Baird, to succeed Fred A. Turley. Winkel, to succeed Milton P. Ream.
Spanish American Mission: Melvin Klamath Stake: Ronald Earl Phair, to
Richard Brooks, to succeed Ralph E. succeed Carroll William Smith.
Brown. Manchester Stake: William Bates, to
succeed Robert G. Larsen.
WestEuropean Mission: Nathan North Carolina Stake: Cecil Everett
Eldon Tanner.
West Spanish American Mission: Orlando Stake: Farrell Archie Munns,
Grant Milton Burbidge, to succeed Le- to succeed W. Leonard Duggar.
land M. Perry. Provo Stake: Dean C. Christensen, to
Western Canadian Mission: Carroll succeed Aura C. Hatch.
William Smith, to succeed Parley An- San Leandro Stake: Milton Parker
drew Arave. Ream.

Sugar House Stake: Wilford Wayne Kannapolis, and Mt. Airy Wards,
Kimball, to succeed A. Hamer Reiser. formerly of the Central Atlantic States
Valley View Stake: Rex C. Reeve, to Mission.
succeed Lamont B. Gundersen. Hamilton Stake: Hamilton Second
Wilford Stake: Lee Hendricks Nelson, Ward, formed by division of Hamilton
to succeed Finn B. Paulsen. Ward.
Kanab Stake: Page Ward, formerly
Lethbridge Stake: MacLeod Ward,
Alaska Stake: Anchorage, Anchorage formerly Ft. MacLeod Branch.
Second, Anchorage Third, Fairbanks Midvale Stake: Midvale Fifth Ward,
Second, and Palmer Wards, formerly of formed by division of Midvale Third
the Alaskan-Canadian Mission. and Fourth Wards.
Atlanta Stake: Columbus Second Mt. Rubidoux Stake: Arlington Sec-
Ward, formerly South Columbus ond Ward, formed by division of
Branch. Arlington Ward.
Berlin Stake: Dahlem, Nord and Nebo Stake: Payson Sixth Ward,
Spandau Wards, formerly of the Berlin formed by division of Payson Second
Mission. and Third and West Wards.
Boise Stake: Boise Fifteenth Ward, North Box Elder Stake: Brigham
formed by division of Boise Ninth Fifteenth Ward, formed by division of
Ward. Brigham Third and Seventh Wards.
Bountiful North Stake: Bountiful North Carolina Stake: Albertson,
Twenty-Second Ward, formed by divi- Goldsboro, Harkers Island, Howards
sion of Bountiful Twelfth Ward. Chapel, Kinston, Mt. Zion, New Bern
Bountiful South Stake: Bountiful and Wilmington Wards, formerly of
Twentieth Ward, formed by division of the Central Atlantic States Mission.
Bountiful Fourth and Seventh Wards. North Seattle Stake: University Ward,
Chicago Stake: West Suburban Sec- formed from various wards; Mountlake
ond Ward, formed by division of West Ward, formed by division of Alderwood
Suburban Ward. Ward.
Cleveland Stake: Cleveland East, Ak- Oahu Stake: Laie Third Ward,
ron, Lorain, Kent-Ravenna, Tri-City, formed by division of Laie and Laie
and Canton Wards, formerly of the Second Wards.
Great Lakes Mission. Orlando Stake: Cocoa Ward, formerly
Cottonwood Stake: South Cottonwood Cocoa Branch; Sanford Ward, formerly
SixthWard, formed by division of South Sanford Branch.
Cottonwood Ward. Phoenix North Stake: Phoenix Twen-
Davis Stake: Kaysville Seventh Ward, tieth Ward, formed by division of
formed by division of Kaysville First Phoenix Sixteenth Ward.
Ward. Puget Sound Stake: Olympia Second
East Provo Stake: Provo Twenty-Sec- Ward, formed by division of Olympia
ond Ward, formed by division of Provo Ward.
Fifteenth and Bonneville Wards. Redding Stake: Mt. Shasta Ward,
East Sharon Stake: Oak Hills Third formerly Mt. Shasta Branch; Corning
Ward, formed by division of Oak Hills Ward, formerly Corning Branch; Red-
Second Ward; Oak Hills Fourth Ward, ding Second Ward, formed by division
formed by division of Oak Hills First of Redding and Central Valley Wards.
Edmonton Stake: Red Deer Ward, Reno Stake: Lovelock Ward, formerly
Lovelock Branch; Sparks Ward formed
formerly Red Deer Branch.
by division of Sparks West and Sparks
Glendale Stake: Glendale Third
East Wards.
Ward, formed by division of Glendale
East and West Wards. Richland Stake: Kennewick Second
Granger North Stake: Redwood Third Ward, formed by division of Kennewick
Ward, formed by division of Redwood Ward; Basin City Ward, formerly North
Ward. Franklin Branch.
Greensboro Stake: Burlington, Cas- St. Louis Stake: St. Louis Third Ward,
well, Charlotte, Colfax, Greensboro, formed by division of St. Louis First and

Saturday, September 30 Second Day

Second Wards; Rolla Ward, formerly Second and Third, Fairbanks, Fairbanks
Rolla Branch. Second, and Palmer Wards, formerly of
San Antonio Stake: San Antonio the Alaskan-Canadian Mission.
Third Ward, formerly Lackland Branch. Beaumont Stake: Beaumont, Silsbee,
San Francisco Stake: Daly City Ward, and Williamson Wards; Buna, Lake
formed by division of Balboa and Bal- Charles, Orange, Port Arthur, and
boa Second Wards; Polynesian Ward, Woodville Branches, formerly of Hous-
formerly Polynesian Branch. ton Stake.
San Joaquin Stake: Modesto Third Butte Stake: Philipsburg Branch,
Ward, formed by division of Modesto formerly of Missoula Stake.
Ward. East Idaho Falls Stake: Coltman,
San Jose Stake: San Jose Sixth Ward, Ucon, and Ucon Second Wards, form-
formed by division of San Jose Fourth erly of North Idaho Falls Stake.
Ward. Greensboro Stake: Burlington, Cas-
San Luis Obispo Stake: Santa Maria well, Charlotte, Colfax, Greensboro,
Second Ward, formed by division of Kannapolis, and Mt. Airy Wards; Ashe-
Santa Maria Ward. boro, Lexington, and Rockingham
Sandy Stake: Sandy Tenth Ward, Branches, formerly of the Central At-
formed by division of Sandy Fifth Ward. lantic States Mission.
Seattle Stake: Seattle Eleventh Ward, Idaho Falls Stake: Idaho Falls
formed by division of Seattle Second Twenty-Fourth Ward, formerly of East
Ward. Idaho Falls Stake.
Sevier Stake: Richfield Seventh Ward, Leeds Stake: Bradford Ward, former-
formed by division of Richfield Fifth ly of Manchester Stake.
Ward. North Carolina Stake: Albertson,
South Blackfoot Stake: Blackfoot Goldsboro, Harkers Island, Howards
Ninth Ward, formed by division of Chapel, Kinston, Mt. Zion, New Bern,
Blackfoot Sixth Ward. and Wilmington Wards; Greenville,
Taber Stake: Taber Third Ward, Jacksonville, and Waccamaw River
formed by division of Taber First Ward. Branches, formerly of the Central At-
Tucson Stake: Tucson Sixth Ward, lantic States Mission.
formed by division of Tucson Second San Leandro Stake: Castro Valley,
Ward; Tucson Seventh Ward, formed Castro Valley Second, Oakland Second,
by division of Tucson Fourth Ward. San Leandro, San Leandro Second, San
Tulsa Stake: Tulsa Third Ward, Lorenzo, and San Lorenzo Second
formed by division of Tulsa Second Wards, formerly of Hayward Stake.
Ward. Santa Rosa Stake: Cloverdale, Fort
University Stake: University Ninth Bragg, Lakeport, Ukiah, and Willits
Ward. Branches, formerly of the Northern
Utah State University Stake: Univer- California Mission.
sity Tenth Ward, formed from various
South Carolina Stake: Aiken and
Camden Branches, formerly of the
Valley View Stake: Valley View
Southern States Mission.
Seventh Ward, formed by divsion of
the six Valley View Wards; Valley View
Eighth Ward, formed by division of the WARD AND BRANCH NAME
six Valley View Wards.
Walnut Creek Stake: Antioch Ward,
formed by division of Pittsburg Ward; Richland Stake: Basin City Ward,
Oakgrove Ward, formed by division of formerly North Franklin Branch.
Concord Second Ward.
West Boise Stake: Boise Sixteenth INDEPENDENT BRANCHES
Ward, formed by division of Boise ORGANIZED
Eighth and Eleventh Wards.
Alaska Stake: Chugiak and Eielson
TRANSFERRED Ashley Stake: Bennett Branch (Indian
Alaska Stake: Anchorage, Anchorage Berlin Stake: Charlottenburg, Tern-

pelhof, and Neukoeln Branches, form- WARDS AND INDEPENDENT

erly of the Berlin Mission. BRANCHES DISCONTINUED
Cleveland Stake: Sandusky, Geneva,
Alliance, and Wooster Branches, form- Hamilton Stake: Te Puke Branch,
erly of the Great Lakes Mission. membership transferred to Tauranga
El Paso Stake: Dell City Branch, Ward.
formed by division of El Paso Fourth Liberty Stake: North Eighth Ward,
and Carlsbad Wards. membership transferred to the Eighth
Flagstaff Stake: Ashfork Branch, Ward.
formed by division of Williams Branch. Murray Stake: Murray Fourth Ward,
Greensboro Stake: Asheboro, Lexing- membership transferred to Murray Sec-
ton, and Rockingham Branches, form-
ond Ward.
erly of the Central Atlantic States New Orleans Stake: Gulfport, Biloxi,
Mission. Columbia, Hattiesburg, Liberty, Bayou
Hamilton Stake: Cambridge Branch, La Croix, McNeill, Sand Hill, and
formed by division of Hamilton Ward; Pascagoula Wards and branches, now
branches in the Gulf State Mission.
Paeroa Branch, formed by division of
Thames Branch. San Diego East Stake: Spanish- Amer-
ican Branch, membership transferred to
Houston Stake: Woodville Branch,
various wards.
formed by division of Silsbee and Bay-
town Wards and Buna Branch of Tooele Stake: Tod Park Branch, mem-
Houston Stake, and Longview Ward of bership transferred to Stockton Ward.
Shreveport Stake. West Jordan Stake: Bingham Ward,
Kanab Stake: Kaibab Branch, formed membership transferred to Copperton
for the Lamanite people of this area. Ward.
Lost River Stake: Howe Branch,
formed by division of Arco Ward.
Nampa Stake: McDermitt Branch, Christian Jensen, former acting presi-
formed by division of Marsing Ward. dent of the Brigham Young University.
North Carolina Stake: Greenville, Alice Sheets Smoot, widow of the late
Jacksonville, and Waccamaw River Elder Reed Smoot of the Council of the
Branches, formerly of the Central At- Twelve Apostles and former United
lantic States Mission.
States Senator from Utah.
Santa Rosa Stake: Cloverdale, Fort
Bragg, Lakeport, Ukiah, and Willits President David O. McKay:
Branches, formerly of the Northern
California Mission. Before President Henry D. Moyle
South Carolina Stake: Aiken and presents the names of the General Au-
Camden Branches, formerly of the thorities and General Officers of the
Southern States Mission. Church, I wish to say a few words
South Los Angeles Stake: Indian and present some releases for your
Branch. consideration.
Tampa Stake: Lake Wales Branch, Last June it was evident to the
First Presidency of the Church, the
formed by division of Winter Haven
Ward. President and his two counselors, J.
Reuben Clark, Jr. and Henry D. Moyle,
Taylor Stake: Foremost Branch,
that it would be necessary to have some
formed by division of Wrentham
help in the First Presidency. According-
ly, the President recommended a mem-
Twin Falls Stake: Hollister Branch, ber of the Twelve, Hugh B. Brown, as
formed by division of Twin Falls Sec- an assistant in the First Presidency. This
ond Ward. was presented to the members of the
Uintah Stake: Gusher Branch (Indian Council of the Twelve who unanimously
Branch). approved of the appointment, and on
Uvada Stake: Enterprise Indian June 22, 1961 Brother Brown was set
Branch, formed by division of Enter- apart and ordained as an assistant
prise Second Ward. in the First Presidency. Today when
Saturday, September 30 Second Day

the names are presented, we ask your blessed by their inspirational efforts.
support of this action of the First Presi- Never before in the history of the
dency of the Church. Church has there been such a marked
Bishop Joseph L. Wirthlin was re- increase in attendance at Sacrament
cently appointed as Secretary-Treasurer Meetings and other important meetings
of the Deseret Title Holding Corpora- in stakes, wards, missions and branches
tion, and the Brethren feel that it would throughout the Church in all the world.
be well not to overburden him as Presid- That increased attendance is largely
ing Bishop, and recommend that he be due to the work of the Presiding Bishop-
appointed Secretary-Treasurer of this ric,and General Superintendency of the
Holding Corporation, and that he be re- Young Men's Mutual Improvement As-
leased as Presiding Bishop of the sociation among the young men, and the
Church; and with him his counselors, General Presidency of the Young Wom-
Thorpe B. Isaacson, and his second en's Mutual Improvement Association
counselor, Bishop Carl W. Buehner. among the young women of the Church.
It is also recommended that the Pres- With this release of the Presiding
idency of the Young Women's Associa- Bishopric and the General Presidency of
tion be reorganized; that Sister Bertha the Young Women's Mutual Improve-
S. Reeder, President, be honorably re- ment Association goes the assurance of

leased, with her counselors Sister Emily our gratitude to the Lord that you have
H. Bennett as first counselor, and Sister rendered to him and to his Church such
LaRue C. Longden as second counselor. concentrated effort and devotion. Please
I would just like to say a word about accept of our heartfelt gratitude for the
the release of these good, faithful service you have so ably and unselfishly
brethren and sisters. The accomplish- rendered. May the blessings of the Lord
ment of the three men as the Presidency and his divine protection be with you
of the Aaronic Priesthood of the Church always.
has been apparent to all who have had We recommend therefore, to the
occasion to note their diligence and Church, its representatives in Confer-
success with the young men under their ence assembled, the honorable release
immediate direction. Last Thursday, in of Joseph L. Wirthlin as Presiding
a meeting of all the General Authori- Bishop, Thorpe B. Isaacson as First
ties, when called upon to represent the Counselor, and Carl W. Buehner as
Presiding Bishopric, Bishop Carl W. Second Counselor. All in favor of this
Buehner gave a very enlightening and proposition manifest it by raising the
inspirational address regarding the de- right hand. Any who are opposed by
tails and comprehensive activities of this the same sign.
important department of the Church. We recommend the honorable release
Their work in taking care of statistical of Sister Bertha S. Reeder as General
and financialphases, and particularly President of the Young Women's Mu-
their remarkably successful efforts with tual Improvement Association, and Sis-
the members of the Senior Aaronic ter Emily H. Bennett as First Counselor,
Priesthood, will mark their era of serv- and Sister LaRue C. Longden as Second
ice with everlasting distinction, and re- Counselor. All in favor will please
dound to the blessing of thousands, manifest it.
with their release of these important po- President Henry D. Moyle will now
sitions, and with the commendation and present for your sustaining vote or other-
blessings of the General Authorities of wise the General Authorities and Offi-
the Church, and all who have been cers of the Church.


The First Presidency

David O. McKay, Prophet, Seer and Revelator, and President of The Church
of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
J.Reuben Clark, Jr., First Counselor in the First Presidency.
Henry D. Moyle, Second Counselor in the First Presidency.
Hugh B. Brown, Counselor in the First Presidency.

President of the Council of the Twelve Apostles

Joseph Fielding Smith

Quorum of the Twelve Apostles

Joseph Fielding Smith Marion G. Romney

Harold B. Lee LeGrand Richards
Spencer W. Kimball Richard L. Evans
Ezra Taft Benson George Q. Morris
Mark E. Petersen Howard W. Hunter
Delbert L. Stapley Gordon B. Hinckley
Patriarch to the Church
Eldred G. Smith

The Counselors in the First Presidency, the Twelve Apostles and the Patriarch
to theChurch as Prophets, Seers and Revelators.

Assistants to the Twelve

Alma Sonne Alvin R. Dyer
El Ray L. Christiansen Nathan Eldon Tanner
John Longden Franklin D. Richards
Sterling W. Sill Theodore M. Burton
Henry D. Taylor Thorpe B. Isaacson
William J. Critchlow, Jr. Boyd K. Packer
David O. McKay
as Trustee-in-Trust for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

The First Council of the Seventy

Levi Edgar Young Bruce R. McConkie
Antoine R. Ivins Marion D. Hanks
Seymour Dilworth Young Albert Theodore Tuttle
Milton R. Hunter

Presiding Bishopric

John H. Vandenberg, Presiding Bishop

Robert L. Simpson, First Counselor
Victor L. Brown, Second Counselor

Church Historian and Recorder

Joseph Fielding Smith, with A. William Lund and Preston Nibley as Assistants.


Relief Society

Belle Smith Spafford, President

Marianne Clark Sharp, First Counselor
Louise Wallace Madsen, Second Counselor
with all members of the Board as at present constituted.

Deseret Sunday School Union

George R. Hill, General Superintendent
David Lawrence McKay, First Assistant Superintendent
Lynn S. Richards, Second Assistant Superintendent
with all members of the Board as at present constituted.
Saturday, September 30 Second Day

Young Men's Mutual Improvement Association

Joseph T. Bentley, General Superintendent
George Carlos Smith, Jr., First Assistant Superintendent
Marvin J. Ashton, Second Assistant Superintendent
with all members of the Board as at present constituted.

Young Women's Mutual Improvement Association

Florence Smith Jacobsen, President
Margaret Romney Jackson, First Counselor
Dorothy Palmer Holt, Second Counselor

Primary Association

LaVern W. Parmley, President

Arta M. Hale, First Counselor
Leone W. Doxey, Second Counselor
with all members of the Board as at present constituted.

Church Board of Education

David O. McKay Mark E. Petersen
J.Reuben Clark, Jr. Delbert L. Stapley
Henry D. Moyle Marion G. Romney
Hugh B. Brown LeGrand Richards
Joseph Fielding Smith Richard L. Evans
Harold B. Lee George Q. Morris
Spencer W. Kimball Howard W. Hunter
Ezra Taft Benson Gordon B. Hinckley

Chancellor of the Church School System

Ernest L. Wilkinson

Church Finance Committee

Orval W. Adams
Harold H. Bennett
Wilford G. Edling
Glenn E. Nielson
Weston E. Hamilton

Senior Church Auditors

Harold L. Davis
Charles Schmidt



Harold B. Lee John Longden

Delbert L. Stapley Henry D. Taylor
Marion G. Romney Antoine R. Ivins
LeGrand Richards John H. Vandenberg
Howard W. Hunter Robert L. Simpson
Alma Sonne Victor L. Brown
El Ray L. Christiansen
and the General Presidency of Relief Society

Genera.. Church Welfare Committee

Marion G. Romney, Chairman
Henry D. Taylor, Managing Director
Paul C. Child Walter Stover
Mark B. Garff A. Lewis Elggren
William T. Lawrence Donald Ellsworth
Lorenzo H. Hatch Casper H. Parker
Walter Dansie Alfred B. Smith
LeRoy A. Wirthlin
Tabernacle Choir
Lester F. Hewlett, President
Richard P. Condie, Conductor
Jay E. Welch, Assistant Conductor
W. Jack Thomas, Tour Manager


Alexander Schreiner
Frank W. Asper
Roy M. Darley, Assistant

President Henry D. Moyle: orable release also, leaving the new

Presidency free to choose as many of
President McKay, the voting seems the Board as they wish, and any others.
to have been unanimous in the affir- It is recommended, therefore, that with
mative. the present release of the Presidency of
the Young Women's Board all members
President David O. McKay: of the Board be also honorably released.
All in favor will manifest it. Any op-
You will note that only the Presidency posed? That is why there was a hesi-
of the Young Women's Association was tancy in the presentation of the Young
presented to you for your sustaining Women's Board.
vote. It will be appropriate to accept the Thank you all for unanimous voting.
recommendation that with the honor- President Henry D. Moyle of the
able release of Sister Reeder and her FirstPresidency will be our first speaker
counselors all members of the Young this morning. He will be followed by
Women's Board have received an hon- Elder Mark E. Petersen.


Second Counselor in the First Presidency

I am sure, my brethren and sisters, that regardless of our calling, we are all en-
we all appreciate the opportunity to lift couraged, we are all dedicated, and we
our hand to sustain President David O. are all working in the service of the
McKay as President of the Church, and Master. I am sure that we do not per-
in so doing we have in our hearts a mit our closeness to the work, we do
feeling of deep gratitude for the privi- not permit the fact that we have such
lege that is thus afforded us as members ready access to our Father in heaven
of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- through prayer to take our membership
day Saints. in the Church lightly or to take our
It is glorious to be a member. It is callings in the Church lightly. areWe
glorious to have any office or calling in always conscious of his nearness to us
the Church, no matter how relatively and the blessings which we receive in
humble the title may sound. I am im- answer to our prayers.
pressed constantly with the fact that, I am sure it would be more pleasing

Saturday, September 30 Second Day

to our Father in heaven to have us edging the fact that the Lord has
resign our positions —
and that is not a touched the hearts of men all over the
practice which we commend in the world and has made them responsive
Church —
but nonetheless it seems pre- to the humble testimonies of the elders
ferable to neglecting our duties in the as they go forth in the performance of
least detail. It gives us an awesome their duties as missionaries of the
feeling to realize that we are dedicated Church of Jesus Christ in preaching the
to the work of the Lord, and having gospel throughout the world.
thus committed ourselves, it is not our
Our approach, our initial contact
privilege or our prerogative to violate
with our friends throughout the world,
his commandments, even the slightest
is the simplest approach we know how
of them. The Lord expects, and we to make. Our lessons and their presenta-
expect it of ourselves, each one of us,
tion are also direct and to the point.
to live out our lives here upon this
This simplicity of our approach and
earth in as complete conformity to the
presentation of the gospel belies the
laws of God as we are capable. No existence of any design or device or
means of rationalizing, no means of scheme or contrivance or intrigue of any
conjuring up excuses as to why we
kind by which unsuspecting investigators
should do this or should not do the
might be brought in as members of the
other, contrary to the will of our Heav-
Church without their really knowing
enly Father, has any place in our lives.
what they are doing or without their
I am grateful this morning that having exercised an absolute free agency
throughout the world the work of the
of which President McKay spoke so
Lord is progressing most satisfactorily,
beautifully yesterday.
indeed so satisfactorily that sometimes
we feel that we are hardly capable of Let us stop and think for a moment
keeping up with the progress of the what a young missionary has to ac-
Church. complish before he leads the convert
In the mission field the Lord has down into the waters of baptism. He
blessed us. just want to give you
must first teach him the Word of Wis-
two figures.In the first nine months dom, and that means teach him in
practically all cases to give up practices
of 1959 in the foreign or full-time mis-
sions of the Church, we had over 23,000 which have been lifelong and confirmed
what we call convert baptisms, and in and live virtually a new life and to have
the first eight months of 1961 we have the investigator commit himself to the
had over 54,000. Weare constantly keeping of this commandment of the
asked why it is that this great increase Lord from the time of his baptism until
in converts should come about at this the Lord calls him home.
particular time. We ask him to reform his life with
My first answer to that question would reference to Sunday observance. We
be that the faithfulness and the devo- —
teach him that Sunday the Sabbath
tion of the Saints, their efforts to live is a holy day. The Lord has prescribed
lives of righteousness, to dedicate their for hischildren what should and what
lives to the principles of truth and right, should not be done on the Sabbath day.
is of primary importance. We know And here again the convert is required
without any question of a doubt that to give up in many instances that weekly
the blessings which descend upon us as activity toward which he has always
a people are directly commensurate with —
looked previously a holiday, rather
our faithfulness, with our nearness to than a day of worship.
our Heavenly Father. As we keep the We teach him
the law of tithing as
channel of communication between us revealed in these latter days by the
and our Father in heaven open, we can Lord to his children, something he has
expect to be blessed more abundantly been unaccustomed to in the past, and
all the time. here again it is obligatory upon the
In the second place, we cannot be missionary to commit his candidate for
close to this missionary work without baptism to a strict observance of the
being conscious of and without acknowl- law of tithing, accounting to the Lord


for the rest of his life for a tenth of his ask you to sit down and stop and think
income, his increase. occasionally when you have this mis-
Converts are taught to live worthy to sionary work on your mind as to the
hold the priesthood of God. They are difference between the results wrought
taught from the beginning that after in the lives of converts to the Church
their baptism they will be introduced and converts to these great popular
into the priesthood. They will have the movements, no matter how fine, how
Aaronic Priesthood conferred upon them, elegant,how praiseworthy they may be.
and later the Higher or the Melchizedek You know,to me it is nothing short
Priesthood. In order to be worthy of of a miracle to have men and women,
this progress and advancement in the mature, much older than the mission-
Church, they must be as strict as pos- aries, submit themselves to these young
sible in keeping the laws and com- men to be baptized by them. That in-
mandments of God. volves a serious matter. The average
Then too, they are taught and told normal citizen, friend, would only do
and have impressed upon their minds that upon one foundation or one basis
the fact that when they are once mem- and that is that they have received in
bers of the Church, they then have an their hearts a testimony from God that
obligation to assist in promulgating the this young elder has the priesthood of
gospel to their friends and neighbors. God conferred upon him by those who
In short, to be prepared to answer each have that authority to preach the gospel
and every call of the priesthood made and administer in its ordinances. Other-
of them, just as these fine men and wise, what they do would be a mockery.
women who today have been called It is not to be presumed that 54,000
into service have willingly responded. people this year in all of the countries
Those who are being released and given of the world in which we have mis-
other positions accept the changes with sionaries would have permitted them-
the same kind of loyalty and devotion selves to go through this formality to
which they have previously extended to no good purpose. It takes some effort,
the work. it takes a great deal of humility. Unless
When you take into consideration they were convinced and converted to
these and many other unmentioned facts, the fact that there in this young mis-
you have to stop and ask yourself the sionary they had found the power of
question, "How can this nineteen-year- God vested to administer in the sacred
old boy of mine or of yours go out into ordinances of the gospel, they would
a strange world, many of them to a not do so.
strange country, where a strange lan- It has interested me because in more
guage is spoken, and find almost of a than one country this year the follow-
sudden that they are touching the lives ing question has been raised more or
of total strangers in a manner which is less officially. Can a nineteen-year-old
almost beyond comprehension and cer- boy be a minister of the gospel? Are
tainly beyond the power of man?" we justified as a government to confer
Take these great reformers, these great upon him the benefits that inhere in
evangelists, who are able to draw, the status of a minister of the gospel?
through their publicity and otherwise, And they say no. A nineteen-year-old
great bodies of men and women. What boy could not possibly be a minister
is their ultimate accomplishment? They of the gospel. He has not studied. He
do not seek to change a man's way of has not gone through school. He is
life. They are happy when they can not mature.
get the man or the woman to confess Now, what does that mean? He is not
that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the learned in the ways of man. If they
Living God, and when they have made stop, as these 54,000 converts have
that confession, that is it. No organiza- stopped, and reflected and prayed and
tions, no requirements, no obligations received an answer to their prayers,
of any kind These are learned men
I they would know that the Lord is cap-
men, I presume, as brilliant as any men able of conferring blessings upon his
in the world. They are mature, and I children here on the earth through a
— —

Saturday, September 30 Second Day

nineteen-year-old boy as well as through five, and the missionaries are now in
an older man, that one of the condi- the process of teaching the gospel to the
tions is not that he be steeped in the rest of them, and President Brossard
learning of man, but that he is in tune assures us that the twenty-five is just a
with the Spirit of our Heavenly Father. small beginning to what will come
I must not take too much time, but about out of this single instance.
I cannot sit down without giving you Then we have the story of a mission-
one or two examples of what is going ary who ran a red light, and by so doing
on in the world today to indicate this got the name and address of the traffic
thought of mine that we are converting officer and an invitation to visit him in
by the Spirit, and the only virtue in his home. The officer's penalty after
the plan which we have in use now the missionary got through with him
throughout the world is that it is the —
was what does the Good Book say?
simplest possible presentation of the "Go thy way and sin no more."
gospel that these great mission presidents We have the story of two missionaries
of ours have been able to work out in coming from Zollingen in Germany who
the mission field, the least likely to went to the mayor to give him a Book
affect the minds or the reason of men of Mormon, made friends with him, and
so simple, in fact, that it cannot have on a rainy day, seeing them from his
any effect upon men of the world unless limousine, the mayor called to them to
there is a higher power that touches come over and get in the car. He
their hearts and brings conversion to wanted to drive them to the City Coun-
their souls. cil and introduce them officially to that
I have become more and more con- august body.
vinced in my association with missionary And two missionaries in Hamburg,
work that most people are touched by Germany, went to the chief of police
the Spirit of the Lord upon the occa- to make themselvesknown and to tell
sion of the missionary's first contact. their story, and as a result he gave
Otherwise, they would not invite the them his card and said, "I want you
missionary back time after time to be elders to feel free to call upon me at
taught the principles of the gospel and any time in case you have any diffi-
to be brought closer and closer and culty, or there is any service we can
ultimately into the waters of baptism. render you, and I will have car my
Brother Brossard tells us the story of to you within five minutes."
twenty-five conversions in France. Cer- These were all nineteen-year-old boys,
tainly there was no scheme that brought and I could go on and tell you of many
these conversions about. There was an others. There was not anything those
army officer, a soldier, in Algeria, and boys could do or say of their own that
while he was there in the service of his would bring about such miraculous re-
country, his wife had a baby, and it sults, but the first contact was enough
died. It was not baptized in the church to open the door for future contacts.
of its parents, they believing in infant That is the way the work of the Lord
baptism, and therefore the church de- goes on. Isn't it wonderful to realize
nied to that family a church funeral that the prophecies of old are being
service for the child. I will not go into fulfilled? How true it is that a stone
the details, but we had a friend of has been cut out of a mountain without
Brother Brossard and the missionaries, hands and is rolling forth and will fill
(and I guess they are friends to all of the earth. Almost every prophecy we
us) who called the attention of this have in the Old and the New Testa-
distraught mother to the missionaries, ments concerning the latter days fits
and they went in at the request of the into our program and furnishes us the
family and held the services, and these exact, the proper answer to this inquiry
twenty- five baptisms came as a result as to the marvelous results accompany-
of it, all from a single group. I was ing the work of our missionaries. They
looking for this figure because I do not work by and through the Spirit, and let
want to go beyond the facts, but this me say this to you mothers and fathers,
group is much larger than the twenty- we love you, and we appreciate your

loyalty, and we
appreciate your sons' nor joint; and a hair of his head shall
and your daughters' service. Have no not fall to the ground unnoticed. And
concern about your sons and daughters they shall not go hungry, neither athirst.
in the mission field. It makes no dif-
"And whoso receiveth you, there I
ference who their mission president is.
will be also, for I will go before your
As long as they are in the line of their
face. will be on your right hand and
duty, encouraged by their parents so to
on your left, and my Spirit shall be in
be, they are in the hands of the Lord,
your hearts, and mine angels round
and he has promised to take care of
about you, to bear you up." (D&C
them and is bound by those promises.
84:80, 88.)
I can conceive of nothing more won-
derful in all the world than to have the God bless us all and bless the mis-
absolute assurance that the Spirit of sionaries. They are looking to us today
God is with your sons and daughters in for guidance and direction and encour-
the mission field to preserve them, to agement. Let us give it to them, I
protect them, to inspire them, to per- pray in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
form a service that no one upon this
earth can perform unless he has the President David O. McKay:
delegated power from God to do so.
"And any man that shall go and President Henry D. Moyle of the
preach this gospel of the kingdom, and First Presidency has just concluded
fail not to continue faithful in all speaking. We
shall now hear from El-
things, shall not be weary in mind, der Mark E. Petersen of the Council of
neither darkened, neither in body, limb, the Twelve.


Of the Council of the Twelve Apostles

It surely is a great inspiration to be here, own father nearly, and I loved him as
my brothers and sisters. I am grateful a father, and still do.
that I had the opportunity with you of And I welcome these other brethren,
raising my hand in sustaining the and these sisters, and I join with all of
officers presented here today. With all you in wishing the very best for these
my heart and soul I sustain the Presi- who have been released. I express sin-
dent of our Church, President David O. cere appreciation for the remarkable
McKay, as the prophet, seer, and work they have done.
revelator of the Lord. With all my soul In one of the recent editions of the
I love him and honor him and am very US News and World Report, the editors
grateful for his leadership. commented upon the trouble-making
I am thankful for these men who have propensities of Mr. Khrushchev. They
been sustained with him. Our hearts said that great as is the Berlin crisis, it
all go out to President Clark who is not will not be our last one. There will be
here; our faith and prayers likewise. I others, and still others after that, be-
am thankful for the great work that cause Mr. Khrushchev is determined to
President Moyle is doing. I am thank- cause turmoil wherever and whenever
ful that President Brown has been called he can. They branded him as a per-
to his position. sistent troublemaker, and said that he
I am very grateful indeed that Gordon seems to have no other purpose than
Hinckley has been called into the to cause unpleasantness, misery, and
twelve. I have known Gordon most of contention.
his life and a good part of mine. We The world is becoming more and
grew up together in the First Ward in more resentful of the constant trouble-
Liberty Stake. His father was our stake making of this man. International
president for much of the time. His quarreling and bitterness are indeed
father was as close to me as my affecting the nerves of all mankind.
Saturday, September 30 Second Day
Inhuman treatment, the urge to take struck me so hard that he knocked me
advantage of others, cruelty, lying, mis- down.
representation, deceit, and dishonor are "Ithas been like that in our home ever
sickening to the hearts of most people. since. We have not had a pleasant
Every honest person condemns the hour in months. My husband never
duplicity of Mr. Khrushchev. Everyone smiles anymore. When he comes home
resents his troublemaking, his un- from work a spirit of gloom and hatred
pleasantness, his inhumanity. It is so comes into the house with him. My
deliberate, so coldly calculated. It little boy, now nearly nine, is afraid of
seems clearly evident that an evil spirit his dad and runs into the bedroom
motivates this man. whenever his father comes home. My
But let us stop for a moment and little girl whimpers at his sight. I have
think about that spirit. It is evil enough reached the point where I feel I must
in Khrushchev, and we are very prompt choose between my husband and my
in condemning it in him, and yet, how peace of mind. The doctor says that if

do we regard that same spirit when it I with him my children and I will
appears in smaller circles and not upon all be nervous wrecks. What do you
the broad stage of international politics? think we should do?"
How do we regard unpleasantness, con- Then I received this from a young
tention, deceit, misrepresentation, cruel- woman seventeen years of age. "I have
ty, and dishonor in our communities decided to run away from home. I
here at home, for instance? Or among can't stand my father's cruelty any
our immediate friends? Or in our office longer. I have tried to get my mother
or shop? Or even in our family circle? to leave home with me, but she won't.
Are these evil tactics any less despic- She is superstitious about divorce and
able at home than on the world scene? would rather die than go through a
Are they any less evil if found in our- divorce court. Why
must we have such
selves than when exhibited by Mr. trouble in our home? I always thought
Khrushchev? Is quarreling among na- home was a place to enjoy."
tions any worse than quarreling among A
young woman came into my office
members of a family, except as to the one day, and she was the saddest-looking
number of people involved? Is it any girl I have ever seen. She and her
worse for Khrushchev personally to mother did not get along well. They
assail the President of the United States had entirely different ideas on nearly
than for a husband to be cruel to his every subject. She said her mother
wife or child? Could our President be tries to run her life for her, tries to
any more offended by Khrushchev's in- make all of her decisions, chooses her
sults than a wife who is insulted and friends, and even decides what clothes
humiliated by a thoughtless or vicious she should wear. This girl planned to
husband? leave home to escape the constant
Most of us hate Mr. Khrushchev's quarreling that goes on in that home.
wickedness, but do we excuse similar I did not hear the mother's side of the
traits of character when found in our- story, but I am sure she has one. It
selves? Let me read from a letter I takes two to make a quarrel.
received recently. When I think of the divorce prob-
"I am
writing to ask if there is some lems which are prevalent in so many
way you can help me. My husband homes, when I think of the conflict be-
and were married a little over ten
I tween parents and children, when I
years ago. For the first year we got hear inflammatory remarks from men
along all right, but when our first child and women who should know better,
came my husband began to change. I when I see the pugnacious attitude of
really believe he was jealous of the some who seem to enjoy being bullies
attention I gave to my little infant in their own homes, when I see how
child. He was very upset when the man's inhumanity to man makes so
baby cried, especially at night. Once many others mourn even close about us,
he even slapped the tiny baby's face. I I wonder if we really are a peace-loving
ran to take the baby from him, and he people.

I wonder how much we Americans most important lesson on this point.

really believe in the teachings of the Said he: ". . .there shall be no disputa-
Prince of Peace. I almost wonder if we tions among you, as there have hitherto
believe more in the troublemaking been;
philosophy of Khrushchev than we do ". . . he that hath the spirit of con-
in the peace philosophy of Christ. tention isnot of me, but is of the devil,
We are supposed to be a Christian who the father of contention, and he

nation. Then why don't we act as stirrethup the hearts of men to contend
Christians should? Why do so many with anger, one with another.
act more like Khrushchev than they do "Behold, this is not my doctrine, to
like Christ? If we profess to believe stir up the hearts of men with anger,
in the teachings of Jesus, why don't we one against another; but this is doc- my
obey them? Do we think professions trine, that such things should be done
are enough? Must we only pretend to away." (3 Nephi 11:28-30.)
be Christians? Let us think seriously about that
Are the works of Christianity no scripture: the spirit of contention is the
longer important? Do we really believe spirit of the devil,who is the father of
Jesus when he said, "Blessed are the contention! Can we suppose that any
peacemakers"? (Matt. 5:9.) If we do, of us can do the work of Christ if we
then why do we not do more to establish have the spirit of contention in our
peace in our own personal circles, in hearts or in our homes? Can we do the
our relationships with our wives and work of God by the spirit of the devil?
husbands and children? Why don't we We are engaged in the Lord's work.
plan for and promote courtesy, love, and Then we should be guided by the Spirit
kindness in our homes? Is family ten- of the Lord and not by some contrary
sion any more to be desired than world spirit. We
should not invite into our
tension? Must we have either or both? homes the spirit of Satan himself by
Is an evil dictator any worse in a engaging in family quarrels, contention,
nation than in a family, so far as the and arguments.
affected people are concerned? No one needs to be grouchy. No one
Is it a sign of strength to be quarrel- needs to be unpleasant. Everyone can
some and
unpleasant? Does might control his emotions if he wants to, just
make right in a nation or in a shop or as he can control his appetites.
in a family? Are any of us so blind People can be kind if they want to
that we think that one member of the be kind. They can be considerate if
family can always be right and nobody they want to be. They can be peace-
else? Can we be so deceived by our ful if they would but try. They can be
egotism that we suppose that like the thoughtful and considerate of others
king we can do no wrong, that we can if they but have the desire. Why even
be domineering and tyrannical in our Khrushchev can smile and polish apples
own little circle with impunity? when he wants to.
If you quarrel with your wife, have If we expect to do the work of Christ,
you thought that you might be moti- let us follow the Savior's teachings.
vated by the same spirit which moves He is the Prince of Peace. Then
Khrushchev when he quarrels with the should we not be peacemakers?
President of the United States? He is the Author of mercy. Then
If you are contentious in your family, should we not be merciful?
or quarrelsome with your neighbors, or He is the personification of love. Then
even with your brethren and sisters in should we not practise the principles of
the Church, have you thought that you love which he gave us?
might be motivated by the same spirit How can we forget the words of
which also moves Khrushchev? How Paul?
different from him are we if the same "Though I speak with the tongues of
evil spirit motivates us both? men and of angels, and have not charity,
When the Savior came among the I am become as sounding brass, or
Nephites after his resurrection in Pales- a tinkling cymbal.
tine, he taught these early Americans a "Charity never faileth: . . .
Saturday, September 30 Second Day

"And nowabideth faith, hope, char- after —

marriage ten years, twenty years
ity, these three; but the greatest of after —
marriage as he was during his
these is charity." (1 Cor. 13:1, 8, 13.) courting days?
And what is charity? It is the pure Should we not learn to love our
love of Christ. Has it any place in our neighbor as ourselves, and is not wife
lives? In our homes? In our family or husband our closest neighbor?
circles? Should not the spirit of prayer, the
Do we have love at home? If we are Spirit of God, pervade our homes instead
without it, are we truly practising our of the spirit of bitterness and strife?
religion? What qualifiesus as followers Ask yourself what spirit is in your
of Christ? The Lord gave the answer home, and ask yourself whose path you
to the Prophet Joseph Smith in these wish to follow. Will it be that of
words: Khrushchev, or of Christ?
"And faith, hope, charity and love, God give us the wisdom and the
. . . qualify him for the work." (D&C courage to be kind, I pray in Jesus'
4:5.) Then he added temperance, name. Amen.
patience, brotherly kindness, godliness,
humility. Is there any godliness in President David O. McKay:
a family quarrel? Or any kindness or
charity or mercy? Elder Mark E. Petersen of the Council
Eliminate unkindness from the homes of the Twelve has just addressed us.
of America and we will pretty well The University of Utah Mixed Chorus
eliminate divorce from this land. and Congregation will now sing, "Praise
In this day of trouble it ill becomes To The Man Who Communed With
any of us to pattern our lives and our Jehovah," directed by Ardean W. Watts.
habits after the arch troublemaker of After the singing, Elder Alvin R.
the world. He is contentious, he is Dyer will address us.
quarrelsome, he is bitter, he is cruel. Do
we want to be like him? The Congregation and the Chorus
not better to remember our own
Is it joined in singing the hymn, "Praise
religion and develop without ourselves To The Man Who Communed With
the spirit of love and kindness and Jehovah."
mercy? Isn't it better to have love at
home than a house full of bitterness, President David O. McKay:
quarreling, and broken hearts?
Isn't there room for courtesy and Elder Alvin R. Dyer, Assistant to the
consideration in our homes? Should Twelve, and president of the European
not a man be as courteous to his wife Mission, will now speak to us.


Assistant to the Council of the Twelve Apostles

I my
brethren and sisters, to be
feel, forth in my responsibility to a greater
at one with that which has been accom- degree.
plished here this day to honor those I have since the opening and
who have been released from their challenging remarks of President McKay
callings and to hail those who have that if a phrase could be given to set
received a new responsibility.
the theme of this conference, and I am
I feel grateful to the First Presidency not trying to set it, but to me it is some-
for the privilege of coming to this con- thing like this, that we should put on
ference. I need the strength, I need the the whole armor of God and be prepared
association of the brethren, and I need for the important days that are ahead
to look into your faces and to see there of us. And if perchance we have not
the love of the gospel and the faith put on the whole armor, then we now
manifested, wbich enables me to go bave this challenge again from our

prophet that we place upon ourselves a new era has dawned upon our planet.
a renewed determination to fortify our- Means of travel, trade, association, and
selves with the powers and the callings intercommunication between countries,
that have come to us to go forth and even comparatively unknown, is before
accomplish the work which the Lord us. But while in almost every field of
has given us to do. science, every art is being developed
I am grateful for the faith and prayers while the mind is awakened to new
of the members, for the authority of the thought, yet religious knowledge in the
priesthood that has extended peace in world is at a standstill. The creed of the
the earth, at least to the extent that we fathers cast in the mold of other ages
now feel it, so that the great work which shows no progress to match the onward
the Lord has caused to be restored upon strides of man.
the earth can continue. I felt in the I am indebted to Brother Ezra Taft

organization of Berlin Stake that the Benson for an article which he sent to
power of the priesthood in a measure me, which typifies in measure the failure
could forestall and prevent the unjust of the powers of Christendom to attract
dominion that could prevent the work of their members to the churches in Eu-
God going forth in these ancient lands rope. In Denmark, for example, less
of Europe, and to be there and to feel than one-half of one percent of the
of this spirit and power was indeed a population retains any active church
great experience. connection. Sweden a little better.

The work continues to progress in In one Swedish parish, says Russell Kirk,
Europe to keep pace with the rest of the in a recent article in the The National
Church, and for this we are grateful. Review, a Swedish minister, after
Many thousands of wonderful people preaching for five years, found only his
are accepting the gospel in these ancient immediate friends and family attending
lands. Many very prominent men and regularly.
women are answering the call that has The Church of England, though by
come to them through the efforts of the law established, obtains the active par-
missionaries, and in the gospel net we ticipation of only five percent of the
are finding men of great influence and English population. The English dis-
importance as well as those of the senting churches are in a worse plight.
ordinary walks of life. Continuing this article, Russell Kirk has
As I looked into the face of a very this to say:
renowned architect from Munich just "What we are seeing rather is the
a few days ago, a man who has gained dropping away of most people into a
world recognition in papers that he has state of apathy and disbelief, though not
prepared in his profession, I said, "I even the fervent disbelief of the village
would ask you but one question," (he atheist. A vague feeling that Christianity
has been a member of the Church only does not profit a man in any material
a month,) "do you believe that God way, and a vaguer conviction that some-
actually talked to the Prophet Joseph how religion is unscientific, seem to be
Smith and that he introduced to him his the approximate causes of this phenome-
Son?" He said, "Yes, I believe that with na. Probably there is less religious belief
all my heart, and I believe more, and I and less influence of churches upon the
want to serve." civil-social order and upon the person
This is typical of the many thousands than in any other period in the history
who are accepting the gospel and who of Europe."
want to serve their Heavenly Father. I suppose in America we find this
We are living in a tremendous age, same condition. Yet as we declare it,
my brethren andsisters. It is a day of and as fully predicted by the prophets
great progress, of change, of rapid ad- of God, the Spirit of God has been
vance. The very structure of our civi- poured out upon all mankind. As proof
lization, social, political, commercial, of this I call your attention to the tre-
moral, and religious is greatly affected mendous strides that have been made in
by that which persists before our eyes the world since the restoration of the
this day. There can be no question that gospel.
Saturday, September 30 Second Day
I remember as a young man sending revelations which provide guidance and
to a renowned encyclopaedic organiza- direction, and this as revealed to Joseph
tion a request for information of
all Smith is for the specific purpose, as
advancements that had been made since referred to in the Doctrine and
the year 1820 in the fields of science, Covenants, ". that every man might
. .

and within a matter of several months, speak in the name of God the Lord,
I was flooded with information from even the Savior of the world;
them to indicate the tremendous manner "That faith also might increase in
in which the Spirit of God has rested the earth;
upon people since the day that Joseph "That mine everlasting covenant
Smith walked into the Sacred Grove. might be established;
How tremendously in keeping with "That the fulness of my gospel might
his will that such enlightment upon be proclaimed by the weak and the
man should come as the result of a simple unto the ends of the world, and
restoration of truth and the very pres- before kings and rulers."(D&C 1:20-23.)
ence of God, but that which man Obedient to the predictions of this
participates in today in a scientific way day and age and by all of the holy
is only the minute, is only a fragmentary prophets, it is not religious opinion
part of the light that has shone into which will cover the earth, nor knowl-
the darkness, that brings to man by edge from scientific advancement reach-
divine intervention the truths of the ing into the hearts of every good man
eternal law of salvation, which if ap- and woman, but it is faith, leading to
propriated can lead to eternal life in the testimony and spiritual conviction
the presence of God. of God that is needed, for God is truth
have always felt impressed by an
I and to know him is to know the truth.
article which appeared in one of our Never, I suppose, have there been so
Church publications some few years many brilliantly intellectual people
ago that told of a newspaper reporter upon the earth, judged by the known
who left New York to go to Nauvoo, facts of the sciences and of human
Illinois, in the year 1842, and after knowledge, and yet there is a tremendous
spending considerable time there and lack of direction among mankind. Re-
after meeting the Prophet Joseph Smith, cently, Eric Johnston made the state-
he returned to New York to have pub- ment that ninety percent of all the
lished in the New York Herald in that scientists who ever lived are living
year this article concerning Joseph today, and the total accumulation of
Smith. I quote: scientific knowledge is doubling every
"Joseph Smith is undoubtedly one of ten years, and yet there is a tremendous
the greatest characters of the age. In lack of direction in spiritual things
the present infidel, irreligious, ideological which undoubtedly is contributing to
age of the world, some such singular the failure of people to attend churches
prophet as Joseph Smith is required to and to be benefited by the teachings of
preserve the principles of faith and to their own faith.
plant some new germs of civilization Recently one of our inquiring think-
that will come to maturity in the years ers, a noted American mental health
that are ahead, while modern philoso- leader, Dr. Karl Menninger, made this
phy which believes in nothing but what statement:
you can touchoverspreading the
is "Most people today live without pur-
Atlantic States in America, Joseph Smith pose and without significance. They
is creating a spiritual system combined have no articulate philosophy. They do
also with morals and industry that will not live within any frame of reference."
change the destiny of the race." (George It is obvious that the lack of direction
Q. Cannon, Life of Joseph Smith, lies principally in the failure of people
p. 324.) to have a true understanding of God
Joseph Smith under the direction of and his purposes. To get this it must
God did establish this system; a system come from the expressed will of God
of divine truth made possible by divine through a prophet, yes, a prophet here
bestowal from holy messengers and by today upon the earth as the oracle of

God, and not from concepts of a musty and thisreason alone, he and his wife
and deceptive antiquity, nor from a so- and his two children were in West
called age of reason imposed upon us Berlin caring for this injury, as I shook
because of scientific exploration. his hand he said, "I would gladly give
Here, my brethren and sisters, is even the other hand, if that had been
reality. Honest and good men must necessary, to place my family and myself
come to know this, must adjust to it, here under the protective custody of this
welcome it, and meet it as a friend and part of Berlin."
know that it is God's will. And for I bear testimony, my brethren and
this reason these young men that Presi- sisters, to the power of the gospel of
dent Moyle spoke of, and others with Jesus Christ in the lives of people, that
them, go to the ends of the earth to it brings release to them, that it brings

proclaim this great message, that is for inward joy and peace, and I pray that
the restoring of a knowledge and under- the powers of righteousness will con-
standing of God and of the meaning and tinue in the earth that the great work
the purpose of life here upon the earth. that is occurring in these ancient lands
God has spoken to us. Let us listen of Europe and in lands all over the
to his oracles and have unveiled to us world, may continue, that righteous men
the realms of eternal life. and women by the thousands may listen
I cannot help saying a few words to the call of the gospel and come in
about the powers of unjust dominion. and be numbered among the children
I have appreciated the remarks of of our Heavenly Father, and I bear my
Brother Mark E. Petersen concerning testimony to you of the truth of this
this, but there is an evil force that is message in the name of Jesus Christ.
contemporary with the powers of right- Amen.
eousness that will bring release and joy
to the individual, and we see the power President David O. McKay:
of this unrighteous dominion as it is
now being brought to bear upon the He to whom we have just listened is
peoples of subjected countries. I have Elder Alvin R. Dyer, Assistant to the
witnessed it. I have looked into the Twelve, and at present president of the
faces of those who are being imposed European Mission.
with this force. The University of Utah Mixed Chorus
We had the experience in the organi- will now favor us with, "All People That
zation of the Berlin Stake of placing in On Earth Do Dwell," conducted by
the high council of that stake a man Ardean W. Watts. The benediction will
who only a few weeks before had been be offered by Voyle L. Munson, presi-
with his wife in East Berlin. Upon a dent of the Wayne Stake, after which
this Conference will be adjourned until
certain day he left East Berlin to go
to West Berlin to visit friends, leaving
two o'clock this afternoon.
his wife in their home. While he was
We thank the singers this morning.
visiting his friends, the barricade was
We welcome them as they join this af-
ternoon in the chorus and strings from
erected, and he was unable to return to
the University and the representatives,
his wife, and she unable to come to
too, of our Institute at the University.
him. Yet he accepted this calling and The Mixed Chorus wil be led by Ar-
responsibility and said he felt that in dean W. Watts, and Frank W. Asper is
the wisdom of God, things would be at the organ: "All People That On
righted. Earth Do Dwell."
But we see here the effects of the
unjust and unrighteous dominion upon
Singing by the University of Utah
the rights of the people.
Mixed Chorus, "All People That On
I shook hands with a brother from Earth Do Dwell."
East Berlin who had had an accident The closing prayer was offered by
in his work, that is, I shook his left Elder Voyle L. Monson, president of the
hand because he came to the Berlin Wayne Stake.
Stake conference with an amputation Conference adjourned until 2 o'clock
of his right hand, and for this reason p.m.
Conference reconvened Saturday after- Combined Choral Groups singing, "The
noon, September 30 at 2:00 p.m. Lord's Prayer." The invocation will be
President David O. McKay, who pre- offered by Elder H. Loren Allen, presi-
sided and conducted the services, an- dent of the Mesa Stake.
nounced that the choral music for this
session of the Conference would be Singing by the Chorus, "The Lord's
furnished by the University of Utah Prayer."
Institute of Religion, University Stake Elder H. Loren Allen, president of
Chorus and the Bonneville Strings, the Mesa Stake, offered the invocation.
David A. Shand Director.
President David O. McKay:
President David O. McKay:
The University of Utah Institute of
The following telegram was just re- Religion, University Stake Chorus, and
ceived: "The missionaries and members the Bonneville Strings will now favor us
of the East Central States Mission send
with, "Prayer Is The Soul's Sincere
greetings and love to you for a successful Desire." David Austin Shand is con-
Conference. President and Mrs. Frank ducting, Brother Alexander Schreiner is
H. Brown." at the organ. After the singing we
We wish to welcome Mr. James E. shall hear from Elder William J. Critch-
Webb, Director of the National Aero- low, Jr.
nautics and Space Administration,
Washington, D. C, who is attending
this Conference as the guest of Congress- Singing by the Chorus, with Bonne-
man David S. King. He is in Utah ville Strings and organ accompaniment,
inspecting missile plants in northern (Alexander Schreiner at the organ)
Utah. "Prayer Is The Soul's Sincere Desire."
You will be pleased that we are fav-
ored this afternoon by the singers of President David O. McKay:
the University of Utah Institute of
Religion, University Stake Chorus, and Our firstthis afternoon is
the Bonneville Strings, under the direc- Elder William J. Critchlow, Jr., Assist-
tion of Professor David Austin Shand, ant to the Twleve. He wil be followed
with Alexander Schreiner at the organ. by Elder Marion G. Romney of the
We shall begin these services by the Council of the Twelve.


Assistant to the Council of the Twelve Apostles

Forty-two hundred years ago or there- ever, should serve him, the true and
about, there arrived upon this Ameri- only God, or they should be swept off
can continent a company of people when the fulness of his wrath should
under the leadership of one Jared and come upon them." (Ether 2:8.)
his brother. They came out of the val- Sixteen hundred years later, our Lord
ley of Mesopotamia where the Tower of initiated and prospered another mi-
Babel was under construction. Our gration of people to this continent. They
Lord initiated and prospered them in fled from Jerusalem to escape a Baby-
their migration, and upon arrival, he lonian conquest. Upon arrival the Lord
"swore unto the brother of Jared, that counseled them through his Prophet
whoso should possess this land of prom- Lehi, their leader, as follows:
ise, from that time henceforth and for- ". .Inasmuch as ye shall keep my


commandments ye shall prosper in the was written to us. The title page of the
land; but inasmuch as ye will not keep abridgment, known as the Book of
my commandments ye shall be cut off Mormon, says it was "Written to. . .

from my presence." (2 Nephi 1:20.) the . . . —

Written by way of
Four hundred years later, these people commandment Written and sealed
. . .

of Lehi discovered a colony of people up, and hid up unto the Lord, that they
who had also fled from Jerusalem to es- might not be destroyed To come forth —
cape the Babylonians, about 600 BC. ... in due time by way of the Gentile."
Mulek, son of the Jewish King Zede- Incidentally, may I add, the title page is
kiah,was a royal member of this fleeing a part of the abridgment and not the
party.The people of Lehi and the newly composition of Joseph Smith. (DHC
discovered people of Mulek united and 1:71.)
dwelt together, and to them the Lord The great Prophet Moroni, son of
repeated his promise and warning. His Mormon, hid up the records, but be-
prophet, King Benjamin, uttered it from fore doing so he added a terse warning
a tower:
"... he [our Lord] has promised you
all his own and — he specifically directed
it to those into whose hands the records
that if ye would keep his command- would subsequently come. He called
ments ye should prosper in the land; and them Gentiles.
he never doth vary from that which he "And this cometh unto you, O ye
hath said; therefore, if ye keep his com- Gentiles, that ye may know the decrees
mandments he doth bless and prosper
you." (Mosiah 2:22.)

of God that ye may repent, and not
continue in your iniquities until the
These promises and warnings to the fulness come, that ye may not bring
people of Jared, Lehi, and Mulek were down the fulness of the wrath of God
directed to and for the benefit of the upon you as the inhabitants of the land
people who lived in the days of those have hitherto done." (Ether 2:11.)
prophets who gave them utterance; in Who are the gentiles of whom this
other words, they were for local con- prophet spoke? President Joseph Field-
sumption. They were also engraved on ing Smith said: ". are of the. . We
metal plates, which the prophets pre- Gentiles! By this I mean that the Latter-
served for the benefit of rising genera- day Saints have come to their blessings
tions. When our Lord's prophet, Mor- through the Gentile nations. President
mon, abridged those records about 324 Brigham Young . . said that Joseph .

AD, the great Jaredite nation, once Smith was a pure Ephraimite. This is
numerous, prosperous, and cultured, had true, yet Joseph came also of Gentile
become extinct. They failed to heed the lineage. So do most all members of the
warning and were "swept off when the Church." (The Way
to Perfection, p.
fulness of his wrath" came upon them 140.)
(Ether 2:9); they had "ripened in in- The prophecies which I have quoted
iquity." The great Nephite nation, at "written to the Lamanites .and also to . .

one time the more righteous of Lehi's Jew and Gentile" are repeated —in
descendants, had also "ripened in in- greater or lesser detail thirty-eight times
iquity" and had similarly become ex- in the Book of Mormon. Count them as
tinct. Our Lord again had kept his pro- you read it. One student did and came
mise: "They shall be swept off when the up with that total, thirty-eight. Surely,
fulness of his wrath shall come upon they constitute one of the great mess-
them." (Idem.) ages of that book.
In the destruction of these unright- Three times within the past year or
eous people, our Lord preserved the re- so, I visited in stakes where I found the
cords containing his promises and warn- memberships fasting and praying for
ings. He had them hid up, then 1,400 moisture. And three times before I
years later he had them brought forth left those stakes I saw their prayers
to warn the inhabitants of this land answered. I must tell you about one of
that they also must keep his command- those visits.
ments, lest they be "swept off when the I found the members fasting with
fulness of his wrath . .come upon
. special prayers —
Saturday noon until
them." Obviously, Mormon's abridgment —
Sunday noon for much needed storms.
Saturday, September 30 Second Day

Arising Sunday morning, after our to herald one stake's failings to another;
Saturday prayers, we were cheered by a each has itsown. Let each insert its own
beautiful light covering of snow. It percentages, they will differ only in de-
continued to snow throughout the gree. The failings are a common fault,
morning. When we recessed for lunch, Brigham Young had something to say
the lawns around the meeting place about percentages:
were brilliant; several inches of heavy ". while six-tenths or three-fourths
. .

wet snow blanketed them. Departing in of this people will keep the command-
the late afternoon, I said to the stake ments of God, the curse and judgments
president: "Our prayers are answered." of the Almighty will never come upon
"Yes," he replied, "but Elder Critch- them, though we will have the trials of
low, we need so much more!" various kinds, and the elements to con-
"How much more do you deserve?" tend with." (JD 10:335-6.)
I asked. My reply puzzled him —his We live in a wicked world like unto
silence invited me to explain: Babylon of old. Our latter-day prophets,
"At noon," I began, "when we re- like the prophets of old, have cried,
cessed the conference, nearly all of the "Come out, come out of Babylon."
congregation departed for their homes, To come out physically presents a prob-
where 1 suppose they broke their fast. lem, but spiritually it is possible, and
Many failed to return to the afternoon spiritually we must come out if we
session —because
of the storm. Well, it are to prosper in the land,
may have been because I was the after- We come out spiritually when we
noon speaker. Nevertheless, they should pay honestly our tithes and offerings,
have returned. I'm sure the storm didn't We come out spiritually when we at-

dampen their spirits it must have lifted tend to our priesthood duties and attend

them their prayers were answered." our priesthood, Sacrament, and stake
The stake president was disappointed conference meetings. These the members
with the attendance. think Heavenly
I of the Church have been commanded to
Father was, too, and I think he cut his attend.
blessing short —
at least the storm clouds Once in the dim, distant past, our
rolled on and away and a bright, hot Father's children turned from him. Has
afternoon sun quickly erased most of the it been so long that we have forgotten

evidence of his blessing. Maybe he gave how, at that time, he cleansed the earth
them all they deserved. "Only fifteen of wickedness with a flood? Has it been
percent of your stake membership re- so long that we have forgotten the
turned to the afternoon meeting," I warning: "And as it was in the days of
said, "and I have noted in your re- Noe, so shall it be also in the days of
ports that: the Son of man"? (Luke 17:26.) Have
"—only % of your members are we forgotten how God spared a city of
on the tithing records. righteous people, Enoch's people by
"—only % of your members at- translating them before the flood?
tend Sacrament meetings. In the great holocaust to come, the
" only
of your men attend earth will again be cleansed of wicked-
ness as ' l was in the days of Noah, and
priesthood meetings.
«_on ly %
of your boys attend God may spare again a righteous people,
their meetings. six-tenths or three-fourths of this
"_onl y of your girls attend people will keep the commandments
their meetings vjoq.
"—only your sisters attend
'....% of What are the commandments God
Relief Society meetings would have us keep? Three serve the
"_only %
of your boys and subject of my theme. He has instructed
girls are married in the temple.
"—only %
of your members re- 1- to attend stake conference.
ceive ward teaching visits. 2. to attend Sacrament meetings.
So much for blanks and percentages. 3. the priesthood bearers to attend
These are enough. For obvious reasons their priesthood meetings.
I left the percentages blank; no need to In the process of abridging the Neph-
herald our failings to the world; no need ite records, the great Prophet Mormon

paused to meditate on our Lord's min- them with death and with terror, and
istry of nearly 1,000 years over the early with famine and with all manner of
inhabitants of this continent, and he pestilence, they will not remember him."
expressed his reflections in an "edi- (Helaman 12:1-3.)
torial" which he inserted in his abridg- God loves us. He doesn't always love
ment. He wrote: the things we do.
"And thus we can behold how false, "As many as I love, I rebuke and
and also the unsteadiness of the hearts chasten: . .
." (Rev. 3:19.)
of the children of men; yea, we can see
that the Lord in his great infinite good- "Verily, thus saith the Lord unto you
ness doth bless and prosper those who whom I love, and whom
I love I also

put their trust in him. chasten that their sins may be forgiven,
for with chastisement I prepare a way
"Yea, and we may see at the very time ."
for their deliverance in all things.
when he doth prosper his people, yea, (D&C 95:1.)
. .

in the increase of their fields, their

flocks and their herds, and in gold, and Perhaps, the elements may be a
little kindlier next year if we remember
in silver, and in all manner of precious
things of every kind and art; sparing him.
their lives, and delivering them out of Perhaps we'll be a little more de-
the hands of their enemies; softening the serving next year if we remember him.
hearts of their enemies that they should I so hope. I so pray. I leave you my

not declare wars against them; yea, testimony: God lives and loves us. He
and in fine, doing all things for the answers prayers, in the name of Jesus
welfare and happiness of his people; Christ. Amen.
yea, then is the time that they do harden
their hearts, and do forget the Lord President David O. McKay:
their God, and do trample under their
feet the Holy One —
yea, and this be-
cause of their ease, and their exceedingly
He who has just spoken is Elder Wil-
liam J. Critchlow, Jr., Assistant to the
great prosperity. Twelve. Our next speaker will be Elder
"And thus we see that except the Lord Marion G. Romney of the Council of
doth chasten his people with many the Twelve. He will be followed by
afflictions, yea, except he doth visit Elder Thorpe B. Isaacson.


Of the Council of the Twelve Apostles

My brothers and sisters, I welcome op Wirthlin and I served together in a

wholeheartedly into the councils of the seventies quorum. We
loved him then.
Church the brethren who have been We loved him later when he became
called to service this day. With equal bishop of the ward in which we lived.
feeling, I express my appreciation for Our love increased when he became
the services of those who are retiring. president of Bonneville Stake. I apolo-
I would like to say a further word or gize for the bad time I gave him while
two Brother Buehner and Bishop
to I was a bishop, and he was president

Wirthlin. I first came to know Brother of the stake. We

loved him when he
Buehner in the early days of the welfare came into the Presiding Bishopric, and
program. He was then president of we still do. Joseph, we love you now
Granite Stake. He
rose immediately more than we ever did. The Lord loves
to meet the challenges of that program. you. May his peace be with you.
While some others were dragging their While President McKay was talking
feet, he did a tremendous work in it, yesterday, these lines, written by Wil-
and he has been carrying on ever since. liam Cowper, came to mind. In them
He knows how we love him. I have substituted "faithful" for
More than thirty-five years ago, Bish- "fearful":
Saturday, September 30 Second Day

"Ye 'faithful' Saints, fresh courage lull her babies to sleep. The words of
take; the songs she sang comforted me. Some
The clouds ye so much dread of them have been ringing in my mind
Are big with mercy and shall break through all the years of the intervening
In blessings on your head. —
half century these, for example, from

"His purposes will ripen fast, "Guide Us, O Thou Great Jehovah":
Unfolding every hour; "When the earth begins to tremble,
The bud may have a bitter taste, Bid our fearful thoughts be still;
But sweet will be the flower." When thy judgments spread destruc-

Since he spoke, I have been thinking Keep us safe on Zion's hill."

about the great challenge of peace and And these from Parley P. Pratt:
hope which the President gave us at
the close of his opening address. It is "Come, O thou King of kings!
my opinion that the Latter-day Saints, We've waited long for thee,
because of the knowledge they have With healing in thy wings
received in the revelations, are better To set thy people free;
prepared to meet the perplexities of our
times than any other people. know We "Come, make an end to sin

more about the difficulties which are And cleanse the earth by fire."

coming, and we have the key to their And from W. W. Phelps:

I suppose that most people have a "In faith we'll rely on the arm of
tendency to interpret their own exper- Jehovah
iences and world affairs in the light of To guide through these last days of
certain standards which have become trouble and gloom;
fixed in their thinking. The fact that And after the scourges and harvest are
the Lord Almighty will take care of his over,
people during these latter days of stress We'll rise with the just when the
and trial became fixed in my mind Savior doth come."
very early.
As a child I lived in a land torn As the years passed and I became ac-
by a devastating revolution. As the quainted a little with the scriptures, I
contending forces pursued each other learned that the brethren who had
back and forth through the country, I written these beautiful lines of hope
became greatly disturbed and agitated. and courage had learned from the reve-
Well do I remember when word came lations that the Lord would take care
that the rebels were marching on Chi- of his Saints through the calamities
huahua City from Ciudad Juarez to the which he foresaw and foretold. Nephi,
north and that the Federals were march- speaking of our days, said:
ing on the same city from Torreon on "For the time soon cometh that the
the south. My
distress turned to fright fulness of the wrath of God shall be
— —
in fact, to terror when they met at poured out upon all the children of
Casas Grandes, just ten miles away, and men; for he will not suffer that the
the shooting began. Some of our more wicked shall destroy the righteous.
adventuresome young men climbed to "Wherefore, he will preserve the
the top of the Montezuma Mountain righteous by his power, even if it so be
where, through field glasses, they could that the fulness of his wrath must come,
watch the fighting. and the righteous be preserved, even
Through those stirring and never- unto the destruction of their enemies by
forgotten childhood experiences it was fire. Wherefore, the righteous need not
difficult for me to understand this doc- fear; for thus saith the prophet, they
trine of peace in one's heart while there shall be saved, even if it so be as by
was war in the land. But even then, fire." (1 Nephi 22:16-17.)
my fears were tempered somewhat as I When the Lord gave by revelation
saw and listened to my sainted mother the preface to the Doctrine and Cove-


nants, he said that he was willing to another." (Ibid., 45:25-33; Italics

make the things he had revealed known added.)
unto all flesh; I -am convinced that if we have the
"For I am no respecter of persons, and peace in our hearts the brethren have
will that all men shall know that the been talking about, we must learn how
day speedily cometh; the hour is not to preserve it in our hearts in the midst
yet, but is nigh at hand, when peace of trouble and trial. I know that if we
shall be taken from the earth, and the lived the gospel, we would not have
devil shall have power over his own war. We
would have peace if enough
dominion. people lived the gospel, but for my single
"And also the Lord shall have power self I do not expect them to do so. I do
over his saints, and shall reign in their not expect enough people to repent to
midst, and shall come down in judgment spare the world from serious trouble,
upon Idumea, or the world." (D&C and I think the scriptures sustain this
1:34-36.) conclusion. But I return to the Savior's
Jesus himself previewed our times words. When he had made the above
and the days to follow. As he stood be- quoted statement to his disciples, he
fore his discipleson the Mount of Olives, saw that they were troubled, and he
they asked him concerning the destruc- said to them:
tion of Jerusalem and the signs of his ". Be not troubled, for, when all
. .

second coming. Replying, he told them these things shall come to pass, ye may
that this people (the generation among know that the promises which have been
whom he lived) shall be destroyed and made unto you shall be fulfilled ....
scattered among all nations ....
"And it shall come to pass that he
"But they shall be gathered again;
that feareth me shall be looking forth
but they shall remain until the times of
for the great day of the Lord to come,
the Gentiles be fulfilled.
even for the signs of the coming of the
"And in that day shall be heard of
Son of Man.
wars and rumors of wars, and the whole
earth shall be in commotion, and men's "And they shall see signs and wonders,
hearts shall fail them, . . .
for they shall be shown forth in heavens
"And the love of men shall wax cold, above, and in the earth beneath.
and iniquity shall abound. "And they shall behold blood, and
"And when the times of the Gentiles fire, and vapors of smoke.
is come in, a light shall break forth "And
before the day of the Lord shall
among them that sit in darkness, and come, the sun shall be darkened, and
it shall be the fulness of my gospel; the moon be turned into blood, and the
"But they receive it not; for they stars fall from heaven.
perceive not the light, and they turn "And the remnant shall be gathered
their hearts from me because of the unto this place [Jerusalem]
precepts of men.
"And then they shall look for me,
"And in that generation shall the
and, behold, I will come; and they shall
times of the Gentiles be fulfilled.
see me in the clouds of heaven, clothed
"And there shall be men standing in with power and great glory; with all
that generation, that shall not pass un-
the holy angels; and he that watches
til they shall see an overflowing scourge;
not for me shall be cut off ."
. . .

for a desolating sickness shall cover the

And here is the key.
"But my disciples shall stand in holy "And at that day, when I shall come
places, and shall not be moved; but in my glory, shall the parable be ful-
among the wicked, men shall lift up filled which I spake concerning the ten
their voices and curse God and die. virgins.
"And there shall be earthquakes also "For they that are wise and have
in divers places,and many desolations; received the truth, and have taken the
yet men will harden their hearts against Holy Spirit for their guide, and have
me, and they will take up the sword, one not been deceived . . . shall not be hewn
against another, and they will kill one down and cast into the fire, but shall
Saturday, September 30 Second Day

abide the day." (Ibid., 45:35, 39-44, the Church has had hands laid upon our
56-57.) heads, and we have been given, as far as
"They that are wise and have received ordinance can give it, the gift of the
the truth, and have taken the Holy Spirit Holy Ghost. But, as I remember, when
for their guide, and have not been de- I was confirmed, the Holy Ghost was
ceived." I think we are not safe be- not directed to come to me; I was di-
cause we say we intend to do what's rected to "Receive the Holy Ghost."
right. I think the people who are If I receive the Holy Ghost and follow
safe are those who have taken the Holy his guidance, I will be among those who
Spirit for their guide and have not been are protected and carried through these
deceived. These are they who shall troubled times. And so will you, and
not be hewn down and cast into the so will every other soul who lives under
fire, but shall abide the day. his direction.
"The earth shall be given unto Now, my brothers and sisters, we need
them for an inheritance." This earth to seek that Spirit. We need to realize
isn't going to be inherited by our ene- that it a real guide.
is The Lord has
mies. given us several tests by which we may
"The earth shall be given unto them know when we have that Spirit.
[who have 'taken the Holy Spirit for By revelation through the Prophet
their guide, and have not been de- Joseph, the Lord revealed to Oliver
ceived'] for an inheritance; and they Cowdery a very simple test. Oliver was
shall multiply and wax strong, and their complaining because the Lord had with-
children shall grow up without sin unto drawn from him the gift to translate
salvation. the Book of Mormon records. The Lord
"For the Lord shall be in their midst, said to him:
and his glory shall be upon them, and "Do not murmur, my son, for it is
he will be their king and their law- wisdom in me
that I have dealt with
giver." (Ibid., 45:58-59.) you after manner.
Now I think the Savior was talking "Behold, you have not understood;
about the Holy Ghost when he said, you have supposed that I would give
"those who have taken the Holy Spirit it unto you, when you took no thought

for their guide." (Idem.) The Holy save it was to ask me.
Ghost is the spirit of truth. To have "But, behold, I say unto you, that
the Holy Spirit with us as he speaks of it you must study it out in your mind; then
here, and as I have now said what I you must ask me if it be right, and if
think it means, is to be guided by reve- it is right I will cause that your bosom
lation from heaven. I know that such shall burn within you; therefore, you
guidance can be had. shall feel that it is right.
When the Prophet Joseph Smith "But be not right you shall have
if it
went to Washington — I was
believe it no such but you shall have a
in 1839 with Elias — Higbee, he had stupor of thought ." (D&C 9:6-9.)
. . .

conferences with many of the statesmen Now, I tell you that you can make
there —
and many of the politicians also. every decision in your life correctly if
He had conferences with the President you can learn to follow the guidance of
of the United States. In one of them the Holy Spirit. This you can do if
Mr. Van Buren asked: you will discipline yourself to yield your
". .wherein we differed in our reli-
own feelings to the promptings of the
gion from the other religions of the day. Spirit. Study your problems and prayer-

Brother Joseph said we differed in mode fully make a decision. Then take that
of baptism, and the gift of the Holy decision and say to him, in a simple,
Ghost by the laying on of hands. We honest supplication, "Father, I want to
considered that all other considerations make the right decision. I want to do
were contained in the gift of the Holy the right thing. This is what I think
Ghost. ." (History of the Church,
. . I should do; let me know if it is the
vol. IV, p. 42.) right course." Doing this, you can get
Now, we have the Holy Ghost. the burning in your bosom, if your de-
Every one of us who are members of cision is right. If you do not get the

burning, then change your decision and When my wife and I were married, we
submit a new one. When you learn to decided that I would make all the
walk by the Spirit, you never need to major decisions and she would make all
make a mistake. I know what it is to the minor decisions. I think that the
have this burning witness. I know also only major decision we've had to make
that there are other manifestations of was when to have evening family
guidance by the Spirit. prayer. We have had it just before
the evening meal.
I know, for example, what Enos was
talking about when he said, ". . the . But what I am talking about now
voice of the Lord came into my mind is secret prayer. I have always been

again, ." He did not say it came

. . thrilled with the statement of the Sav-
into his ear, but that it "came into my ior to his disciples that when they
mind again, saying: ." He had been . . prayed, they were not to
asking the Lord to bless his brethren, ". . . do as the hypocrites, for they
the Nephites, as everyone who gets the love to pray, standing in the synagogues
Spirit asks the Lord to bless his brethren
and in the corners of the streets, that
and his fellow men. ". the voice of . .
they may be seen of men. Verily I say
the Lord came into my mind again, unto you, they have their reward.

saying:" and what the voice said is
— "But thou, when thou prayest, enter
most important "I will visit thy breth- into thy closet and when thou hast shut
ren according to their diligence in keep- thy door, pray to thy Father who is in
ing my commandments." (See Enos 10.) secret; and thy Father, who seeth in
I must terminate these remarks. But I secret, shall reward thee openly." (3
know what that voice is like, be- Nephi 13:5-6.)
cause I have had come into my mind
Oh, that's the way to pray to reach
me names when I have had
stake presidents. There is
the Lord all —
alone, where you are
not fashioning prayers for the ears of
nothing mysterious about it to people any mortal person. In secret prayer
who learn to be guided by the Spirit. you can kneel down and in the sincerity
The voice of the Lord has come into my of your heart pour out your soul to God
mind, in sentences, in answer to prayer. alone.
Now I know, brothers and sisters, that The path from man to God is prayer.
we can be guided by the Spirit. I
Do as the Book of Mormon prophets
counsel you to seek more
diligently advise: "Pray unto the Father with all
through earnest prayer the guidance of the energy of heart." (Moroni 7:48.)
the Spirit. Learn to live your lives by The answer to such prayer is the
the guidance of the Spirit. guidance of the Holy Spirit. The
I think every Latter-day Saint ought key to happiness is to get the Spirit and
to go on his knees night and morning keep it. The right to get it we were given
in secret prayer. This is in addition to when we were confirmed members of
family prayer, which we should also thisChurch. Walk by it back into the
have night and morning. I grew up in a presence of God. So doing we will not
home where we had family prayers every need to be put to flight by our troubles.
night and morning. good time to A God bless you, in the name of Jesus
have the morning family prayer is just Christ. Amen.
before the morning meal. And a good
time for the evening prayer is just before
the evening meal. That is the way it
President David O. McKay:
was done in my father's home.
Elder Marion G. Romney of the
In my wife's father's home prayer Council of the Twelve has just con-
was had just before the morning meal cluded speaking. Bishop Thorpe B.
and just before the family went to bed. Isaacson will be our next speaker.
Saturday, September 30 Second Day


Assistant to the Council of the Twelve Apostles

President McKay, President Moyle, Pres- is the greatest relief I have had in fifteen
ident Brown, President Smith, my years." Then in about two minutes and
beloved brethren of the General Author- forty seconds, when the names of the
ities, brothers and sisters: I had prepared General Authorities were read, I nearly
a talk that I thought would be fitting on stood up to ask whether they were being
the subject of fasting, fast offerings, and read from the wrong sheet. When I
fast day, but I feel today that it would heard my name, it came as a bolt of
not be appropriate. I would therefore lightning to me. I did not know, nor
like to save this subject for another time. did I expect, nor did I desire such a
I think there are times which come in calling.
every man's life when he feels that he But talk about blessings! I haven't
is not quite up to the situation with the words to express the blessing it has
which he is confronted. This is one of been for me to be associated with these
those times for me. I am sure you can brethren; to visit in the wards and stakes
imagine and understand that I have of the Church. A few weeks ago I went
prayed diligently for the help of the to a stake where I had never been before.
Lord, and I would like to ask you if you I did not know those men, I had never
will help me. I think it was fifteen seen them. They were in far-off
years ago at the October conference, Florida. But after being with them for
when the death of that great man, only two days, we embraced each other
Bishop Marvin O. Ashton, left a vacancy as I left those choice men of that stake
in the Presiding Bishopric. At that presidency.
time I was called to the councils of the Can you imagine that kind of bless-
Church to serve as second counselor to ing in any other work in the world?
Presiding Bishop LeGrand Richards, I would not take anything for the won-
whom I regard as one of God's noble derful experiences I have had these last
servants. fifteen years, although at times, of
Then after some years, I was called course, the work was hard. I hope you
to serve ascounselor to another
first will always remember that none of these
choice man, Presiding Bishop Joseph L. brethren sought the positions they hold;
Wirthlin. In my humble opinion Bishop that every one of them is probably giv-
Wirthlin is one of the hardest workers ing more than his physical energy would
I have ever known. normally permit. I have said to my
If anything, probably he worked too boys, "If there is any work that has to
hard. I have heard him say many be left undone, it must not be the work
times, "No matter what the brethren ask of the Church."
me will do it."
to do, I I am so grateful to you brethren in
I would
also like to say that Bishop the wards and stakes who have made
Carl W.
Buehner has been a great us feel so good when we have come to
strength to both Bishop Wirthlin and you. I have witnessed the blessings of
to me in the Presiding Bishopric. the Lord, and I have seen men change.
Yesterday when President McKay I know what it is for men to change. I
called us to his office and told us of our plead with all the senior members of
release from the Presiding Bishopric, the Aaronic Priesthood whom I love very
he asked us how we felt. I am sure he deeply. I have seen many of them
detected that we felt all right about it, change, because when you once catch
because we did feel all right about it. the Spirit that Elder Marion G. Romney
This morning when you voted to give has been talking about, you are bound
us a vote of thanks as you released us, to change, and you will always change
I am sure that our hands went higher for the better. I know what the Spirit

than any others in the building. I con- of the Lord is, and I know what it is
fess, President McKay, that I leaned not to have it. With all my heart, I
over to Bishop Wirthlin and said, "That plead with you leaders to take good care

of the senior members of the Aaronic I then said, "Do you attend church?"
Priesthood and not let those fine men "No."
stay out there alone. They need and "Well, what do you do for your
deserve your help. They are good men. church?"
I am one of those who believe the Lord "Nothing." Then I thought when
loves them. If you have a wayward he said the church had done nothing
son, do you love him? Certainly you for him, it was probably because he
do. Well then, what makes you think had done nothing for the church.
the Lord does not love his sons who Oh, how different we are! What
might be a little wayward? would we be without the Church? I
plead with the senior
I members of think all of us here would say that
the Aaronic Priesthood to make them- everything we have and all that we
selves available for activity in the are that are worthwhile have come to us
Church. I know what it is to have the because of the blessings of the Church
Spirit of the Lord, and I know what it
to our parents, our grandparents, and
is to receive inspiration. Without them, our forebears. Life without the Church
we cannot function in this Church. would not be worth living.
I would like to thank many of
ask you not to find fault with your
leaders. We
are not perfect. do We those who have assisted me in my
assignments in the Presiding Bishopric.
not profess to be. But we are trying to
Brother Irvin Nelson takes care of these
live as close to the Lord as we know
grounds and lawns, which was one of
how. I think when you allow someone
to find fault with your bishop or your
my assignments. I have never worried
about them because he has always
stake president or one of the General
taken such pride in them. I would like
Authorities, you ought to raise your
to thank Brother Samuel Bateman who
voice against such practice because that
has been the head custodian of this
person will be hurting himself more
than he is hurting anyone else.
great building for so many years. He
has done a great work.
My son called this morning and said,
I would like to thank J. Frank Marble
"If you are do not
released today, I
and his staff of workers, my secretaries,
want you to have
feel bad, because we Darcey Wright of the Church Office
gone fifteen years without your close Building, our hospital administrators,
association. We
would like to have you
and our boards of trustees.
home a little bit." My daughter said,
I thank Lee A. Palmer, David G.
"It will seem good to have you home
once in a while." They were both quite Thomas, Henry G. Tempest, N. Keith
Carroll, and Ray L. White of our of-
happy this morning. But I am sure they
will be happy now, because I believe
fice. They have been wonderful in
the Lord will make it up to each of helping us in our many assignments.
them in some way. My wife has been Wepledge our wholehearted support
to the new Presiding Bishopric, Bishop
lonesome, of course, and she had looked
forward to my being home more. The John H. Vandenberg and his counselors.
loyalty of my wife and family has in- We know a little of the details with
spired me through the years. Their which they will be confronted. We
love has sustained me. pledge that we will help them with
every ounce of energy we have in pick-
There is nothing in the world like
ing up the loose ends and getting things
the gospel in the lives of men and
in order with as little delay as possible.
women. A short time ago I was riding
I bear my testimony and thank God
with a man who was not a member of
this Church. I asked him what his
my Father for life. I have recognized
that he was kind enough to spare my
faith was, and he said he didn't have
life when I had an illness recently. I
any particular faith. I said, "You do
want to do that every day as long as he
belong to a church?"
will let me live. I thank you, my
He said, "Yes." ren and sisters, for being so tolerant
"What does your church do for you?" with me. If I have offended any one
He said, "Nothing." of you in any way, (because sometimes
Saturday, September 30 Second Day

I am
quite blunt) I wouldn't want to Godbless you. May he watch over
hurt you, and I ask your forgiveness. us and give us the strength and the
I bear testimony to you that I love the faith to do as he would have us do, I
Lord. He has been so good to me humbly pray in the name of Jesus
that I owe him everything. I know Christ. Amen.
that God lives, that he hears my prayers
and your prayers. I couldn't get along
a day if I could not go to him. One President David O. McKay:
of the most peaceful experiences in my
life is when
follow Elder Romney's
I We have just listened to Bishop
admonition, when
I can find a spot Thorpe B. Isaacson, recently released as
alone. I endorse that to you. It will one of the Presiding Bishopric and sus-
give you strength, peace, comfort, in- tained this day as one of the Assistants
spiration, and greater faith. to the Twelve.
I bear testimony to you that I know The combined choral groups and
Joseph Smith was a prophet of God, as congregation will now sing, "Come, O
I know President David O. McKay is
Thou King of Kings," conducted by
a prophet of God. There isn't a day David Austin Shand. After the singing
that I do not pray for President McKay Elder LeGrand Richards will speak to
— a number of times, and for every one

of these General Authorities, with no

exception. I regard them as prophets The Combined Choral Groups and
of God and servants of the Lord. Would the congregation joined in singing the
you ever want to speak unkindly about hymn, "Come, O
Thou King of Kings."
a servant of the Lord? Not ever again,
if you
ever have.
May the Lord bless us that we may President David O. McKay:
be strong and that we may move for-
ward with the Church. The Church is Our next speaker is Elder LeGrand
growing fast, and if we want to keep Richards of the Council of Twelve. He
up we will have to do likewise. will be followed by Elder Sill.


Of the Council of the Twelve Apostles

I feela great honor and privilege, my

it thorities. I am sure they will do a great
brethren and sisters, to have an oppor- work.
tunity of attending this conference with
I am
very happy to know of the great
you. I love the Saints of Zion. I thank progress the Church is making in the
the Lord for my association with my missionary field. I am sure we were
brethren of the General Authorities.
all thrilled this morning in hearing the
think it would be appropriate today
I report given by President Moyle of the
if I should pay my tribute of love and great upsurge and increase in baptisms.
respect to Bishop Wirthlin and Bishop I think I have been a missionary nearly

Isaacson. As the Presiding Bishop of all my life. When I was just a little
the Church, I was privileged to select fellow, I remember attending a ward
counselors from all the priesthood of the meeting where two missionaries, return-
Church, and I selected them without ing from the Southern States, gave their
any duress or guidance, except the Spirit report. I do not know whether they
of the Lord, and they were wonderful said anything unusual or not, but if
counselors, and I love them and pray they did not, the Lord did something
the Lord always to be with and bless unusual for me, because when I left that
them. I love Brother Buehner, too, and meeting I felt that I could have walked
I welcome these new men who have to any mission field in the world, if I
been sustained today as General Au- had just had a call, and so I went home

and got down on my knees and asked unto you, let him be accursed." (Gala-
the Lord to help me to live worthy to tians 1:8.)
go on a mission when I was old enough "Now," I said, "let your conscience
to go. be your guide when you are teaching
Because of this desire, I used to carry things that you know are not in
my little New Testament around with harmony with the scriptures."
me often and memorize scripture. I There was an appeared
article that
have had a wonderful opportunity in some years a pamphlet that
ago in
missionary work. Brother Orson F. Whitney wrote, en-
As many of you know, I have had the titled, "The Strength of the Mormon
privilege of filling four missions and Position." This is a statement by a noted
presiding over two and touring many member of the Catholic Church, and I
of them, and I have tested this Church think it has something very important
and its teachings in every way that I in it that those of us interested in mis-
think it can be tested, and my testimony sionary work could well give a little
increases day by day, and I have never thought to, and I would like to read it
found that its teachings were wanting in to you. He said:
any way. "Many years ago a learned man,
The Lord has established his Church a member of the Roman Catholic
according to the promises of the prophets Church, came to Utah and spoke from
and according to the blueprint prepared the stand of the Salt Lake Tabernacle.
by him as contained in the Bible and in I became well-acquainted with him, and
the Book of Mormon and the Doctrine we conversed freely and frankly. A
and Covenants and the Pearl of Great great scholar, with perhaps a dozen
Price. languages at his tongue's end, he seemed
I could tell you some wonderful ex- to know all about theology, law, lit-
periences that I have had in meeting erature, science, and philosophy. One
people not of us; for instance, when I day he said to me: 'You Mormons are
was in Holland on my first mission in all ignoramuses. You don't even know
the city of Utrecht, they had a seminar the strength of your own position. It is
where they taught young men to prepare so strong that there is only one other
for the ministry, and they used to come tenable in the whole Christian world,
and attend our meetings, and then they and that is the position of the Catholic
would remain sometimes for hours at Church. The issue is between Cath-
a time to ask questions, and we found olicism and Mormonism. If we are
that they did not have the answers; for right, you are wrong; if you are right,
instance, one of them said to me, "You we are wrong; and that's all there is to
cannot prove that baptism should be by it. The Protestants haven't a leg to
immersion." I said, "Yes, I can." stand on. For, if we are wrong, they
"Well," he asked, "how?" are wrong with us, since they were
I said, "You have studied some Greek, a part of us and went out from us;
haven't you?" and he admitted that he while if we are right, they are apostates
had, and I said, "What does the word whom we cut off long ago. If we have
baptizo mean?" the apostolic succession from St. Peter,
as we claim, there was no need of
He said, "Immerse."
Joseph Smith and Mormonism; but if
I said, "Why don't you do it?"
we have not that succession, then such
Then he asked me this question. "Do a man as Joseph Smith was necessary,
you think the Lord will hold us account- and Mormonism's attitude is the only
able if we teach things that we know consistent one. It is either the perpetu-
are not in harmony with the Bible?" ation of the gospel from ancient times,
"Well," I said, "I would rather let or the restoration of the gospel in latter
the Apostle Paul answer that question," days.'" (A Marvelous Work and
and I quoted what Paul said: a Wonder, LeGrand Richards, pp. 3-4.)
"But though we, or an angel from Now, if every Christian in the world
heaven, preach any other gospel unto could accept that and then decide which
you than that which we have preached is right, we would just gather them in
Saturday, September 30 Second Day
by the millions if they were willing to it is a restoration of the gospel through
obey the commandments. Some of them the Prophet Joseph Smith. That is why
are not, as you know, after they become we are not Catholics, and we are not
converted. We
have thousands of peo- Protestants. We
believe in a restoration
ple converted to Mormonism who have of the gospel.
never had the courage yet to accept it, If the Bible is true, it cannot be a
but they believe that Joseph Smith was perpetuation of the gospel from the
a prophet of God. days of Jesus Christ. I will just read
This only in harmony with the
is you one or two references. Here is one
scriptures. You remember what Paul from Paul:
said: "One
Lord, one faith, one bap- "Now we beseech you, brethren, by
tism," (Eph. 4:5) in other words, one
the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ,
Lord, one Church, and one baptism. and by our gathering together unto him.
How could there be more than one "That ye be not soon shaken in mind,
Church that God our Eternal Father or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor
and his Son Jesus Christ could approve, by word, nor by letter as from us, as
because they must not conflict with that the day of Christ is at hand."
each other, for surely the Lord cannot (2 Thess. 2:1-2.)
be divided against himself? You know Now remember, this is long after
what Jesus said, that a house divided Jesus had gone to the Father and com-
against itself cannot stand. So there pleted his earthly mission.
can only be one Church of Jesus Christ "Let no man deceive you by any
in all the world. means: for that day shall not come,
That does not mean that all these except there come a falling away
Protestant churches have no good in first. . .
." (Ibid., 2:3.)
them, when they teach people to pray Now, that means no perpetuation,
and they teach them to try to live right. does it not, of the gospel, but a falling
You and I could go out and organize away which would require a restoration?
a Church. That is why we have hun- One more statement from Paul:
dreds of them, because they are "For the time will come when they
churches of men, just like civic organ- will not endure sound doctrine; but
izations and other institutions organized after their own lusts shall they heap to
by men to help people to do things themselves teachers, having itching ears;
that are worthwhile, but no man can "And they shall turn away their ears
organize a church with divine authority from the truth, and shall be turned unto
and power to bind on earth and it shall fables." (2 Tim. 4:3-4.)
be bound in heaven except they are Then there are many more in the
calledby God the Eternal Father and scriptures such as Amos, where he says:
ordained to his priesthood. That is "Behold, the
come, saith the
what Jesus meant when he said to the Lord God, that will send a famine in
Council of the Twelve: the land, not a famine of bread, nor
"Ye have not chosen me, but I have a thirst for water, but of hearing the
chosen you, and ordained you. . .
words of the Lord:
(John 15:16.) "And they shall wander from sea to
". and whatsoever thou shalt bind
. .
sea, and from the north even to the
on earth shall be bound in heaven. ." . .
east,they shall run to and fro to seek
(Matthew 16:19.) the word of the Lord, and shall not
Ordinances performed, no matter if find it." (Amos 8:11-12.)
there are thousands of churches, will not Jesus said, ". seek and ye shall
. .

be recognized in the heavens until God find" (Matt. 7:7), and why could they
has endowed that church with that not find Because there was a famine
divine power to bind on earth, and it in the land for hearing the word of
shall be bound in heaven. Of course, God, and when the word of God can-
the Lord will reward all people for all not be found anywhere, what does that
the good they do, but according to this imply? It implies the need of a resto-
statement, it is either the perpetuation ration, does it not?
of the gospel of Christ from his day or :
So we come to that point.

Peter the one that they claim to

is wonder what the world thinks angels
follow, and yet Peter, you remember, really are. When we them depicted
in talking to those who put to death the today, they have wings on them.
Christ, said: I would like to read you a few words
"Repent ye therefore, and be con- from Revelation 22:9. After John had
verted, that your sins may be blotted seen all the marvelous things that were
out,when the times of refreshing shall shown unto him by the angel, he fell
come from the presence of the Lord. down to worship at his feet, and the
"And he shall send Jesus Christ, angel said unto him:
which before was preached unto you: ". .See thou do it not: for I am thy

"Whom the heaven must receive until fellowservant, and of thy brethren the
the times of restitution of all things, prophets, and of them which keep the
which God hath spoken by the mouth sayings of this book: worship God."
of all his holy prophets since the world (Ibid., 22:9.)
began." (Acts 3:19-21.)
In other words, when
the "fellow-
According to the Apostle Peter, there
servants, and of thy brethren the
had to come a falling away in order
prophets" leave this earth, that does not
that there could be a restitution. That
mean that their work is completed, be-
is just as simple as ABC.
cause the Lord rules in the heavens
I should not think it would be hard
above, and he rules upon the earth
for any Christian to recognize the fact
beneath, and his servants are sent back
that the choice is between one of two
from time to time in order to work out
churches, and then if we turn to the
his program that his promises might be
scriptures to determine which of the
fulfilled. As Jesus said:
two it is, there should be no difficulty
"Verily I say unto you, This gen-
in reaching a correct decision.
eration shall not pass away, till all be
We come again to the statement of
John when he was banished upon the "Heaven and earth shall pass away:
Isle of Patmos. You remember the
but my words shall not pass away."
angel said:
(Luke 21:32-33.)
". . . Come up hither, and I will shew There are so many statements in the
thee things which must be hereafter."
Bible that prove that there should be
(Rev. 4:1.) And then he saw ". . . an-
a restoration of the everlasting gospel
other angel fly in the midst of heaven,
before the promised second coming of
having the everlasting gospel" (ibid.,
the Christ, that one could not possibly
14:6), that is the only gospel that can
believe in the Bible and believe in a
save men, ". . . to preach unto them that
perpetuation of the truth.
dwell on the earth, and to every nation
I want to leave with you one other
and kindred, and tongue, and people"
thought that has impressed me greatly.
(Idem) indicating that no one in the
It is reported that one of our national
world would be in possession of that
radio commentators made this state-
everlasting gospel.
ment. He said he was asked what mes-
If the gospel were to endure from sage could be broadcast to the world
the days of Christ, why should the which would be considered greater than
angel come? It seems incredible that any other message. He said, after giv-
we have no report or account of angels ing it consideration, he decided that to
visiting the earth any more, and yet be able to say to the world that a man
angels are nothing more than servants who had lived upon this earth and died
of the Lord. You remember how had returned again with a message from
Gabriel was sent to Zacharias to tell God would be the greatest message that
him about how his wife Elizabeth could be broadcast to the world. We
would have a son, and he would be are the only people in the world that
called John, and how the Angel Gabriel have such a message as that.
came to Mary to tell her about the We have even erected a great monu-
wonderful thing the Lord had planned ment in the state of New York to the
for her. We
do not read of any angels any honor of such a man, Moroni, who
more among any of the churches, and I came back with a message from God.

Saturday, September 30 Second Dau

Just think of all the messengers who "That by him, and through him, and
have come back in the "restitution of all of him, the worlds areand were created,
things" (Acts 3:21), as Peter promised and the inhabitants thereof are begotten
before Christ can come again. And who sons and daughters unto God." (D&C
were they? Angels. And who are 76:19-24.)
angels? Servants of the Lord, "fellow- I God for the testimony in my
servants like unto thyself," as the angel soul that I am his son and that Jesus is
said to John when he went to kneel my Elder Brother and that he is the
down to worship him. (See Rev. 22:9.) Creator of heaven and earth and that
In closing, I would like to read the he has revealed himself to the earth
testimony of the Prophet Joseph Smith in this day and that messengers have
and Sidney Rigdon, received in Hiram, returned with a message from God and
Ohio, on February 16, 1832, and I bear hence we have the greatest message
you my testimony that this is true: that could possibly be broadcast to this
"And while we meditated upon these world, and I bear you that witness in
things, the Lord touched the eyes of our the name of the Lord, Jesus Christ.
understandings and they were opened, Amen.
and the glory of the Lord shone round
"And we beheld the glory of the Son, President David O. McKay:
on the right hand of the Father, and
received of his fulness; He to whom you have just listened
"And saw the holy angels, and them is Elder LeGrand Richards of the Coun-
who are sanctified before his throne, cil of the Twelve. Elder Sterling W.
worshiping God, and the Lamb, who Sill,Assistant to the Twelve, will now
worship him forever and ever. speak to us. I am going to tell you
"And now, after the many testimonies something. Brother Sill approached me
which have been given of him, this is just before this meeting started and he
the testimony, last of all, which we give said he has one speech one minute long
of him: That he lives! and he has another fifteen minutes long.
"For we saw him, even on the right He said, "You tell me which you want."
hand of God; and we heard the voice I believe, Brother Sill, we will take the
bearing record that he is the Only Be- one minute.
gotten of the Father Elder Benson will follow him.


Assistant to the Council of the Twelve Apostles

My brothers and appreciate

sisters, I not mine." (D&C 38:27.) Then the
this semiannual privilege of having a greatest intelligence ofheaven gave the
part with you in the general conference most important success formula ever
of the Church. given, saying, "Follow me ." (Matt. . . .

Someone has said that the greatest 4:19.) And every human soul must
invention of all time took place at finally be judged by how well he
Platea, 2,500 years ago, when an obscure obeys that single command.
Greek perfected the process of marching May God help us I pray in Jesus'
men in step. When it was discovered name. Amen.
that a great group of individuals could
co-ordinate their efforts and focus them President David O. McKay:
effectively upon a single objective, that
day civilization began. I like a man who is true to his word!
The Master himself emphasized this Elder Ezra Taft Benson of the Council
important ability when he said to his of the Twelve will be our concluding
disciples, "... if ye are not one ye are speaker.
Of the Council of the Twelve Apostles

My brethren and sisters and friends, in be no kings. The Lord declared that he
keeping with the spirit of the keynote would protect the land and whosoever
address of our beloved President, I de- would try to establish kings either from
sire, if the Lord will bless me, to speak within or without would perish. (2 Ne-
to you about the American heritage of phi 10:8-14.)

freedom a plan of God. Sixth: Having declared America to be
I direct my remarks particularly to the a land of liberty,God undertook to raise
men of America and more especially to up a band of inspired and intelligent
those in the Church of Jesus Christ of leaders who could write a constitution of
Latter-day Saints, who hold the Holy liberty and establish the first free people
Priesthood of God. in modern times. The hand of God in
Every member of the priesthood should this undertaking is clearly indicated by
understand the divine plan designed by the Lord himself in a revelation to the
the Lord to raise up the first free people Prophet Joseph Smith in these words:
in modern times. Here is how scripture
says it was achieved: "... I established the Constitution of
First: Prophecy is abundant that God this land, by the hands of wise men
deliberately kept the American continent whom I raised up unto this very pur-
hidden until after the Holy Roman pose " (D8cC 101:80.)
Empire had been broken up and the
various nations had established them- Seventh: God declared that the United
selves as independent kingdoms. Keeping States Constitution was divinely inspired
America hidden until this time was no for the specific purpose of eliminating
accident. (2 Nephi 1:6, 8.) bondage and the violation of the rights
Second: At the proper time, God in- and protection which belongs to "all
spired Columbus to overcome almost in- flesh." (Ibid., 101:77-80.)
surmountable odds to discover America Eighth: God placed a mandate upon
and bring this rich new land to the his people to befriend and defend the
attention of the in Europe.
gentiles constitutional laws of the land and see
(1 Nephi 13:12; Admiral of the Ocean that the rights and privileges of all man-
Sea, by Dr. Samuel Eliot Morison, kind are protected. He verified the decla-
pp. 46-47.) ration of the founding fathers, that God
Third: God revealed to his ancient created all men free. He also warned
American prophets that shortly after the against those who would enact laws en-
discovery of America there would be croaching upon the sacred rights and
peoples in Europe who would desire to privileges of free men. He
urged the
escape the persecution and tyranny of election of honest and wise leaders and
the Old World and flee to America. said that evil men and laws were of
(1 Nephi 13:13-16.) Satan. (Ibid., 98:5-10.)
Fourth: God told his prophets that the Ninth: God predicted through his pro-
kingdoms in Europe would try to exer- phets that this great gentile nation,
cise dominion over the people who had raisedup on the American continent in
fled to America, but that in the wars for would become the richest
the last days,
independence the American settlers and most powerful nation on the face of
would win. (This is a remarkable the earth; even "above all other
prophecy in that 2,300 years before the nations." (See 1 Nephi 13:15, 30;
Revolutionary War was fought, God Ether 2:12.)
through his prophets predicted who Tenth: Concerning the United States,
would win it.) (Ibid., 13:16-19.) the Lord revealed to his prophets that its
Fifth: The prophets were told that in greatest threat would be a vast, world-
the latter days when the gentiles came wide "secret combination" which would
to America they would establish it as a not only threaten the United States but
land of liberty on which there would also seek to "overthrow the freedom of
Saturday, September 30 Second Day

all lands, nations, and countries." Where do we stand today? All over
(Ether 8:25.) the world the light of freedom is being
Eleventh: In connection with attack diminished. Across whole continents
on the United States, the Lord told the of the earth freedom is being totally
Prophet Joseph Smith there would be an obliterated.
attempt to overthrow the country by Never in recorded history has any
destroying the Constitution. Joseph movement spread its power so far and
Smith predicted that the time would so fast as has socialistic-communism
come when the Constitution would in the last three decades. The facts are
hang, as it were, by a thread, and at not pleasant to review. Communist
that time "this people will step forth leaders are jubilant with their success.
and save it from the threatened destruc- They are driving freedom back on almost
tion." (Journal History, Brigham every front.
Young's Speech, July 4, 1854.) It is time, therefore, that every Ameri-
It is my conviction that the elders of can, and especially every member of
Israel, widely spread over the nation, the priesthood, become informed about
will at that crucial time successfully the aims, tactics, and schemes of social-
rally the righteous of our country and istic-communism. This becomes partic-
provide the necessary balance of strength ularly important when it is realized that
to save the institutions of constitutional communism turning out to be the
government. earthly image of the plan which Satan
Twelfth: The Lord revealed to the presented in the pre-existence. The
Prophet Nephi that he established the whole program of socialistic-communism
gentiles on this land to be a free people is essentially a war against God and the

forever, that if they were a righteous na- —

plan of salvation the very plan which
tion and overcame the wickedness and we fought to uphold during "the war
secret abominations which would arise in heaven."
in their midst, they would inherit the Up to now some members of the
land forever. (1 Nephi 14:1-2.) Church have stood aloof, feeling that the
fight against socialistic-communism is
Thirteenth: But on the other hand, if
"controversial" and unrelated to the
the gentiles on this land reject the word
mission of the Church or the work of the
of God and conspire to overthrow liberty
Lord. But the President of the Church
and the Constitution, then their doom
in our day has made it clear that the
is fixed, and they ". shall be cut off
fight against atheistic communism is a
. .

from among my people who are of the

major challenge to the Church and every
covenant." (1 Nephi 14:6; 3 Nephi
D&C 84:114-115,
member in it.
21:11, 14, 21; 117.)
During the general conference of the
Fourteenth: The great destructive force Church in October 1959, President
which was to be turned loose on the David O. McKay, in discussing the
earth and which the prophets for centu- threat of communism, referred to W.
ries have been calling the "abomination Cleon Skousen's book, The Naked Com-
of desolation" is vividly described by munist, and said, "I admonish everybody
those who saw it in vision. Ours is the to read that excellent book.'' He then
first generation to realize how literally quoted the following from the flyleaf:
these prophecies can be fulfilled now "The conflict between communism and
that God, through science, has unlocked freedom is the problem of our time. It
the secret to thermonuclear reaction. overshadows all other problems."
In the light of these prophecies there The fight against godless communism
should be no doubt in the mind of any is a very real part of every man's duty
priesthood holder that the human family who holds the priesthood. It is the
is headed for trouble. There are rugged fight against slavery, immorality, athe-
days ahead. It is time for every man ism, terrorism, cruelty, barbarism, deceit,
who wishes to do his duty to get himself and the destruction of human life

prepared physically, spiritually, and

through a kind of tyranny unsurpassed
psychologically for the task which may by anything in human history. Here is
come at any time, as suddenly as the a struggle against the evil, satanical
whirlwind. priestcraft of Lucifer. Truly it can be

called, "a continuation of the war in Book of Mormon was addressed to the
heaven." gentile nations of the last days. He
In the war in heaven the devil ad- foresaw the rise of a great world-wide
vocated absolute eternal security at the secret combination among the gentiles
sacrifice of our freedom. Although there which "... seeketh to overthrow the
is nothing more desirable to a Latter-day freedom of all lands, nations, and coun-
Saint than eternal security in God's tries; . .
." (Ether 8:25. Italics added.)
presence, and although God knew, as He warned each gentile nation of the
did we, that some of us would not last days to purge gigantic
itself of this
achieve this security if we were allowed criminal conspiracy which would seek


our freedom yet the very God of heav-
has more mercy than us
to rule the world.
en, all, The prophets, in our day, have con-
stilldecreed no guaranteed security ex- tinually warned us of these internal
cept by a man's own freedom of choice —
threats in our midst that our greatest
and individual initiative. threat from socialistic-communism lies
Today the devil as a wolf in a sup- within our country. Brethren and sis-
posedly new suit of sheep's clothing is ters, we don't need a prophet we have —
enticing some men, both in and out of —
one we need a listening ear. And if
the Church, to parrot his line by advo- we do not listen and heed, then, as the
cating planned government guaranteed Doctrine and Covenants states, "...
security programs
at the expense of our the day cometh that they who will not
liberties. Latter-day Saints should be hear the voice of the Lord, neither the
reminded how and why they voted as voice of his servants, neither give heed
they did in heaven. If some have decided to the words of the prophets and apos-
to change their vote they should repent tles, shall be cut off from among the
— throw their support on the side of people." (D&C 1:14.)

freedom and cease promoting this sub- The have said that these
version. threats are us. among
The Prophet
When trappings of propa-
all of the Moroni, viewing our day, said, "Where-
ganda and pretense have been pulled fore the Lord commandeth you, when ye
aside, the exposed hard-core structure shall see these things come among you
of modern communism is amazingly that ye shall awake to a sense of your
similar to the ancient Book of Mormon awful situation." (Ether 8:24.)
record of secret societies such as the Unfortunately our nation has not
Gadiantons. In the ancient American treated the socialistic-communist con-
civilization there was no word which spiracy as "treasonable to our free insti-
struck greater terror to the hearts of the tutions," as the First Presidency pointed
people than the name of the Gadiantons. out in a signed 1936 statement. If we
It was a secret political party which continue to uphold communism by not
operated as a murder cult. Its object was making it treasonable, our land shall
to infiltrate legitimate government, plant be destroyed, for the Lord has said that
its officers in high places, and then "... whatsoever nation shall uphold
seize power and live off the spoils such secret combinations, to get power
appropriated from the people. (It would and gain, until they shall spread over
start out as a small group of "dissenters" the nation, behold they shall be de-
and by using secret oaths with the stroyed; . .
." (Ibid., 8:22.)
threat of death for defectors it would
gradually gain a choke hold on the
The Prophet Moroni described how
the secret combination would take over
political and economic life of whole
a country and then fight the work of
God, persecute the righteous, and murder
The object of the Gadiantons, like those who resisted. Moroni therefore
modern communists, was to destroy the proceeded to describe the workings of
existing government and set up a ruth- the ancient "secret combinations" so
less criminal dictatorship over the whole
that modern man could recognize this
land. great political conspiracy in the last
One of the most urgent, heart-stirring days: "Wherefore, O
ye Gentiles, it is
appeals made by Moroni as he closed the wisdom in God that these things should
Saturday, September 30 Second Day
be shown unto you, that thereby ye may pel Ideals, by David O. McKay, p. 306.
repent of your sins, and suffer not that Italics added.)
these murderous combinations shall get
above you, which are built up to get There are those who recommend that
power and gain and the work, yea, — the clash between communism and
even the work of destruction come upon freedom be avoided through disarma-
you, . . . ment agreements. Abolishing our
"Wherefore, the Lord commandeth military strength and adopting an
you,when ye shall see these things come unenforceable contract as a substitute
among you that ye shall awake to a to protect us would go down in history
sense of your awful situation, because as the greatest mistake free men could
of this secret combination which shall make in a time of peril.
be among you; . . .

"For it cometh to pass that whoso President McKay declared:

buildeth it up seeketh to overthrow the
freedom of all lands, nations and coun- "Force rules in the world today; con-
tries; and it bringeth to pass the destruc- sequently, our government must keep
tion of all people, for it is built up by armies abroad, build navies and air
the devil, who is the father of all squadrons, create atom bombs to pro-
lies; ." (Ibid., 8:23-25. Italics added.)
. .
tect itself from the threatened aggression
The Prophet Moroni seemed greatly of a nation which seems to listen to no
exercised lest in our day we might not other appeal than compulsion." (Ibid.,
be able to recognize the startling fact p. 304.)
that the same secret societies which
destroyed the Jaredites and decimated This parallels the historic statement
numerous kingdoms of both Nephites by George Washington when he vigor-
and Lamanites would be precisely the ously warned:
same form of criminal conspiracy which
would rise up among the gentile nations "There is a rank due the United States

in this day. among the nations that will be totally

strategems of the leaders of these lost by the reputation of weakness. If
societies are amazingly familiar to any- we would avoid insult we must be able
one who has studied the tactics of mod- to repel it, if we would secure the peace,
ern communist leaders. it must be known that we are at all

The Lord has declared that before the times ready for war."
second coming of Christ it will be
Some timid, vacillating political lead-
necessary to ". destroy the secret works
ers proclaim that communism is some-
. .

of darkness, ." in order to preserve

. .
thing we will have to learn to live
the land of Zion the Americas. (2 Ne- — with . whether it is Khrushchev, or
. .
phi 10:11-16.)
some other leader. The present commu-
The world-wide secret conspiracy
nist system, they declare, will continue
which has risen up in our day to fulfil
because there is no alternate system to
these prophecies is easily identified.
President McKay has left no room for
replace communism. The policy of
increasing power, of pushing their sys-
doubt as to what attitude Latter-day
Saints should take toward the modern tem outward and using the communist
"secret combinations" of conspiratorial party, they say, will go on.
communism. In a lengthy statement on Such a negative attitude writes off the
communism, he said: hundreds of millions behind the iron
curtain as a lost cause. Surely no coura-
". Latter-day Saints should have
. .
geous, liberty-loving citizen will treat
nothing to do with the secret combina- the communist secret combination as
tions and groups antagonistic to the
"something we will have to learn to
constitutional law of the land, which the
live with."
Lord 'suffered to be established,' and
which 'should be maintained for the There is a more courageous and
rights and protection of all flesh accord- sounder point of view. President McKay
ing to just and holy principles.' " (Gos- expressed it in these words:

"Men will be free. I have hoped for ism. Our economic system is called
twenty years that the Russian system 'capitalism' or 'private enterprise' and
would break up. There is no freedom is based on private property rights, the
under it, and sooner or later the people profit motive and competition.
will rise against it. They cannot oppose communism and socialism seek
those fundamentals of civilization and of to destroy our economic system and
God. They can't crush their people replace it with socialism; and their
always. Men will be free." (Church success, whether through evolution by
Section, Deseret News, November 6, socialism or through revolution by com-
1957, in an article entitled, "President munism or a combination, will destroy
McKay receives Senator Kennedy at not only our economic system, but our
Church Offices.") liberty,including the 'civil' aspects as
well. . . .

What is the official position of the ". . . The 'common ground' of socialism

Church on communism? In 1936 the and communism is a factor to which

First Presidency made an official decla- the American people should be alerted.
ration on communism which has never Without a clear understanding that
been abrogated. I quote the concluding communism is socialism, the total threat
paragraph: and menace of the cold war can never
be comprehended and fought to victory."
"We call upon all Church members
completely to eschew communism. The When socialism is understood, we will
safety of our divinely inspired consti- realize that many of the programs ad-
tutional government and the welfare vocated, and some of those already
of our Church imperatively demand adopted in the United States, fall clearly
that communism shall have no place within the category of socialism. What is
in America." socialism? It is simply governmental
ownership and management of the es-
We must ever keep in mind that sential means for the production and
collectivized socialism is part of the distribution of goods.
communist strategy. Communism is We must never
forget that nations
fundamentally socialism. We will never may sow the seeds of their own destruc-
win our fight against communism by tion while enjoying unprecedented pros-
making concessions to socialism. Com- perity.
munism and socialism, closely related, The socialistic-communist conspiracy
must be defeated on principle. The to weaken the United States involves
close relationship between socialism and attacks on many fronts. To weaken the
communism is clearly pointed out by American free-enterprise economy which
Senator Strom Thurmond of South Caro- outproduced both its enemies and allies
lina in a letter to the editor of the during World War II is a high priority
Washington Post, of August 6, 1961, in target of the communist leaders. Their
these words: press and other propaganda media are
therefore constantly selling the princi-
". ..Both socialism and communism ples of centralized or federal control of
derive from the teachings of Marx and farms, railroads, electric power, schools,
Engels. In fact, the movements were steel, maritime shipping, and many
one until the split over methods of other aspects of the economy but al- —
approach, which resulted after the Rus- ways in the name of public welfare.
sian revolution in 1905. . The aim . .
This carries out the strategy laid
and purpose of both was then and is
down by the communist masters. John
now world socialism, which communism
Strachey, a top official in the Labor
seeks to achieve through revolution and
Socialist party of Great Britain, in his
which socialists seek to achieve through
book entitled The Theory and Practice
of Socialism said:
"The industrial achievements of the
U. S. are the result of an economic "It is impossible to establish com-
system which is the antithesis of social- munism as the immediate successor
Saturday, September 30 Second Day

to capitalism. accordingly proposed

It is are incompatible with Mormonism, the
to establish socialism as something true gospel of Jesus Christ.
which we can put in the place of our What can priesthood holders do?
present decaying capitalism. Hence, There are many things we can do to
communists work for the establishment meet the challenge of the adversary in
of socialism as a necessary transition our day.
stage on the road to communism." First, we should become informed
about communism, about socialism, and
The paramount issue today is liberty
about Americanism. What better way
against creeping socialism. It is in this
can one become informed than by first
spirit that President McKay stated:
studying the inspired words of the
prophets and using that as a foundation
"Communism is antagonistic to the
against which to test all other material.
American way of life. Its avowed pur-
This is in keeping with the Prophet
pose is to destroy belief in God and
Joseph Smith's motto, "When the Lord
free enterprise. . The fostering of full
. .
commands, do it." (Ibid., Vol. 2, p. 170.)
economic freedom lies at the base of
our liberties. Only in perpetuating The Foundation for Economic Educa-
tion, Irvington-on-Hudson, New York,
economic freedom can our social, politi-
cal, and religious liberties be preserved."
on which President J. Reuben Clark, Jr.,
served as a board member, continues
(Excerpt from Inaugural address for
Dr. Henry A. Dixon, President of USU,
to supply sound freedom literature. We
delivered by President McKay at the
should know enough about American
free enterprise to be able to defend
USU fieldhouse, Logan, Utah, Mon- it.

day, March We should know what makes it possible

18, 1954.)
for six percent of humanity living —
Again President McKay warned, citing under our free —
economy to produce
the words of W. C. Mullendore, presi- about one-half of the earth's developed
dent of Southern California Edison wealth each year.
Company: We should know why paternalism,
collectivism, or unnecessary federal su-
"During the first half of the twentieth pervision will hold our standard of
century we have traveled far into the living down and reduce productivity
soul-destroying land of socialism and just as it has in every country where it
made strange alliances through which has been tried. We should also know
we have become involved in almost why the communist leaders consider
continuous hot and cold wars over the socialism the highroad to communism.
whole of the earth. In this retreat from Second, we should accept the com-
freedom the voices of protesting citizens mand of the Lord and treat socialistic
have been drowned by raucous shouts of communism as the tool of Satan. We
intolerance and abuse from those who should follow the counsel of the
led the retreat and their millions of President of the Church and resist the
gullible youth, who are marching mer- influence and policies of the socialist-
doom, carrying banners on
rily to their communist conspiracy wherever they are
which are emblazoned such intriguing
and misapplied labels as social justice,

found in the schools, in the churches,
in governments, in unions, in businesses,
equality, reform, patriotism, social wel- in agriculture.
fare." (Gospel Ideals, p. 273.)
Third, we should help those who have
It is significant thai 1 18 years ago this been deceived or who are misinformed
month the Prophet Joseph Smith, after to find the truth. Unless each person
attending lectures on socialism, made who knows the truth will "stand up and
this official entry in church history: "I speak up" it is difficult for the deceived
said I did not believe the doctrine." or confused citizen to find his way back.
(History of the Church, Vol. 6, p. 33.) Fourth, we should not make the mis-
No true Latter-day Saint and no true take of calling people "communist" just
American can be a socialist or a com- because they happen to be helping the
munist or support programs leading in communist cause. Thousands of patriotic
that direction. These evil philosophies Americans, including a few Latter-day

Saints, have helped the communists except to the obedient. To a modern

without realizing it. Others have know- prophet the Lord said:
ingly helped without joining the party. "Therefore, what I say unto one, I
The remedy is to avoid name-calling, say unto all: Watch, for the adversary
but point out clearly and persuasively spreadeth his dominions, and darkness
how they are helping the communists. reigneth;
Fifth, each priesthood holder should "And the anger of God kindleth
use his influence in the community to against the inhabitants of the earth;
resist the erosion processwhich is taking "... I give unto you directions how
place in our political and economic life. you may act before me, that it may
He should use the political party of his turn to you for your salvation.
choice to express his evaluation of im- "I, the Lord, am bound when ye
portant issues. He should see that his do what I say; but when ye do not
party is working to preserve freedom, what I say, ye have no promise."
not destroy it. He should join respon- (D&C 82:5-6, 9-10.)
sible local groups interested in promo- May God give us the wisdom to
ting freedom and free competitive recognize the threat to our freedom and
enterprise, in studying political issues, the strength to meet this danger cour-
appraising the voting records and pro- ageously.
posed programs, and writing to members Yes, perilous times are ahead, but if
of Congress, promoting good men in we do our duty in all things, God will
public office and scrutinizing local, give us inner peace and overrule all
state, and federal agencies to see that things for our good. God grant it may
the will of the people is being carried be so, I pray, in the name of Jesus
out. He should not wait for the Lord's Christ. Amen.
servants to give instruction for every
detail once they have announced the
direction in which the priesthood should President David O. McKay:
go. Each member should exercise prayer-
ful judgment and then act. Elder Ezra Taft Benson of the Coun-
Sixth, and most important of all, cil of the Twelve has just concluded
each member of the priesthood should speaking. The combined choral groups
set his own house in order. This should accompanied by the Bonneville Strings
include: will now sing the "Hosanna Anthem,"
1. Regular family prayer, remember- conducted by Brother David Austin
ing especially our government leaders. Shand. The benediction will be offered
2. Getting out of debt. by Elder Milton P. Ream, president of
3. Seeing that each member of the the San Leandro Stake, after which this
family understands the importance of Conference will be adjourned until
keeping the commandments. seven o'clock this evening when the
4. Seeing that the truth is shared General Priesthood Meeting of the
with members of the family, with neigh- Church will be held in the Salt Lake
bors, and with associates. Tabernacle.
5. Seeing that each member is per- Only those holding the Priesthood are
forming his duties in the priesthood, invited to be present. Persons not hold-
in the auxiliary organizations, in the ing the Priesthood will kindly refrain
temple, and in the civic life of the from attempting to enter the building.
community. This Priesthood session will not be
6. Seeing that every wage earner in broadcast publicly. However, in addi-
the homeis a full tithepayer and ful- tion to overflow meetings in the Assem-
filling other obligations in financial bly Hall and in Barratt Hall, the pro-
support of the kingdom. ceedings of this Priesthood Meeting will
7. Providing a one-year supply of be relayed by closed circuit to members
essentials. of the Priesthood assembled in 299 other
In doing these things a member of Church buildings from coast to coast
the Church is not only making himself and in Canada.
an opponent of the adversary, but a The general sessions tomorrow will
proponent of the Lord. be broadcast as a public service over
In the prophecies there is no promise television and radio stations throughout
Saturday, September 30 Second Day

the West. The Tabernacle Choir spiring sessions. We hope they will be
broadcast will be from 8:30 to 9:00 A.M. filled with satisfaction in their hearts
Those desiring to attend this broadcast for the sermons to which they have lis-
must be in their seats at 8:15 A.M. It is tened. Thank you, Brother Shand, and
requested that the audience remain boys and girls of the University of
quiet during the broadcast. Utah.
The singing for this session has been The "Hosanna Anthem" by the com-
bined choral groups and then the bene-
furnished, as heretofore announced, by
diction will be offered by President
University of Utah Institute of Religion,
the University Stake Chorus, and the
Milton P. Ream of San Leandro Stake.
Bonneville Strings, under the direction
of Elder David Austin Shand, with Elder The Hosanna Anthem was sung by
Alexander Schreiner at the organ. We the Combined Choral Groups, after
are glad to have these young men and which the closing prayer was offered by
young women with us this afternoon President Milton P. Ream of the San
and this morning, and we thank them Leandro Stake.
for their contribution to two most in- Conference adjourned until 7:00 p.m.


The General Priesthood Meeting of sang the hymn, "The Spirit of God
the Church convened in the Tabernacle Like A Fire Is Burning."
Saturday evening, September 30, 1961, President James E. Faust of the Cot-
at 7:00 p.m. tonwood Stake offered the opening
President David O. McKay was pres- prayer.
ent and presided.
The Tabernacle Choir Men's Chorus, President David O. McKay:
with Richard P. Condie, Director, fur-
nished the choral music for this meeting. The invocation, as already stated,
Elder Alexander Schreiner, Tabernacle was offered by Elder James E. Faust,
Organist, was at the organ console. president of the Cottonwood Stake. The
President David O. McKay made the Men's Chorus of the Tabernacle Choir
following introductory remarks: will now sing, "Praise the Lord, His
Glories Show," Elder Richard P. Condie
President David O. McKay: directing.

This the fifth session of the One

Hundred Thirty-First Semi-Annual Con- Selection by the Tabernacle Choir
ference of the Church. You will be in- Men's Chorus, "Praise the Lord, His
terested to know that these services are Glories Show."
being relayed by closed circuit to mem-
bers of the Priesthood gathered here in President David O. McKay:
the Tabernacle, in the Assembly Hall,
in Barratt Hall, and in 299 other build- You men in the 300 other assemblies
ings from coast to coast and in Canada. cannot see this glorious group of the
The singing will be furnished by the Priesthood here in the Tabernacle, but
Tabernacle Choir Men's Chorus, with we sincerely pray that you heard that
Richard P. Condie as director, and inspirational singing by this Tabernacle
Alexander Schreiner at the organ. Choir Men's Chorus. We pray that the
We shall begin these services by the spirit they have given us this night and
Men's Chorus singing, "The Spirit of the spirit that you have brought with
God Like a Fire Is Burning." After the you, my dear fellow laborers, will be
singing Elder James E. Faust, president felt throughout this land in all its ex-
of the Cottonwood Stake, will offer the tremity, wherever the Priesthood is
invocation. gathered tonight.
We unite in saying God bless you all,
The Tabernacle Choir Men's Chorus and particularly we pray that the mes-

sage given you

night by Elder this tonight so that all presidencies of stakes,
Harold B. Lee and Elder Richard L. bishoprics of wards, presidents of quo-
Evans regarding the correlating of our rums, and presidencies of the auxiliary
studies, Melchizedek, Aaronic, and organizations throughout the Church
auxiliary, may be understood and taken will glimpse its significance and its
to heart. It is one of the greatest under- magnitude.
takings that have yet been presented Our speaker will be Elder Harold
to the Priesthood. It has been under B. Lee of the Council of the Twelve,
consideration for many years and we and Chairman of the Melchizedek
hope and pray that it will be presented Priesthood Committee.


Of the Council of the Twelve Apostles

I have a tremendous feeling of in- church, first apostles, secondarily proph-

adequacy as I respond to the assignment ets, thirdly teachers, . then. helps
. . . .

of President McKay and seek for the (and) governments. ." (See 1 Cor.
. .

strength of the prayers of the priesthood 12:14-28.)

of the Church to the end that this few In the great, modern-day revelation
minutes might be informative and give on Church government, the Lord con-
you something of the plans which are cludes with this statement:
now to go forward on this most vital "Behold, this is the way that mine
subject. apostles, in ancient days, built up my
should like to introduce the thoughts
I church unto me.
which I shall express by reading a text "Therefore, let every man stand in
that to me has particular significance. his own and labor in his own
I quote from the words of the Apostle calling; and let not the head say unto
Paul, speaking of the different organiza- the feet it hath no need of the feet; for
tions of the Church within what he without the feet how shall the body be
called "the body of Christ," by which able to stand?
he meant the Church: "Also the body hath need of every
"For the body is not one member, but member, that all may be edified to-
many. gether, that the system may be kept
"If the foot shall say, Because I am not perfect." (D&C 84:108-110.)
the hand, I am not of the body; is it Obviously, as you think about those
therefore not of the body? scriptures, they were given to impress
"And if the ear shall say, Because I the need for the constant and continued
am not the eye, I am not of the body; consultations and correlations of the
is it therefore not of the body? . . . various subdivisions, the priesthood quo-
"But now hath God set the members rums and the auxiliaries and all other
every one of them in the body, as it hath units within the kingdom of God for at
pleased him. . . . least four reasons:
"But now are they many members, First, that each organization was to
yet but one body. have its specific function, and it was
"And the eye cannot say unto the not to usurp the field of the other,
hand, I have no need of thee: nor again which would be like the eye saying to
the head to the feet, I have no need the hand, "I have no need of thee."
of you. . . . Second, that each sub-division is of
". but God hath tempered the body
. . equal importance in the work of salva-
together, . . . tion, just as each part of the physical
"That there should be no schism in body is essential to a complete human
the body; but that the members should being.
have the same care one for another. . . . Third, that all may be edified or
"Now ye are the body of Christ, and educated together; and
members in particular. Fourth, that the system may be kept
"And God hath set some in the perfect, or in other words, that within
Saturday, September 30 Second Day

the framework of the Lord's plan of have studied the history of these surveys
organization for the salvation of his of the past, to illustrate why this is

children, the Church will perform as necessary. We found, for example, that
a perfectly organized human body, with some years ago a responsible head of
every member functioning as it was one of the organizations asked the ques-
intended. tion as to whether or not a committee of
Throughout the scriptures there runs the Council of the Twelve was not to be
a phrase, again and again repeated to limited to the sole function of passing
remind us of the whole purpose of the only on the doctrinal content of pro-
Lord's plan. As he told his prophet, posed manuals rather than to have any-
his purpose was ". to bring to pass the
. . thing to say on matters of policy in
immortality and eternal life of man," selecting the subject matter for the
(Moses 1 :39) or to be more specific and, manual.
putting it into the language of our Paraphrasing the words of Webster:
present leaders as they have counseled "We are to again see how far we have
us, "to plant and to make grow in every
departed from the true course, that we
member of the Church a testimony of may at least conjecture where we
Christ and of the gospel and of the now are."
divinity of the mission of Joseph Smith
and the Church and to bring the people This whole problem of correlation
to order their lives in accordance with grows and develops, if you will just stop
the laws and principles of the restored to think for a moment what the rapid
gospel and priesthood." expansion and growth of the Church
The repeated necessity for re-examina- entails. Within each year by conver-
sion or convert baptisms and natural
tion of the programs, the activities, and
increase, there are enough people being
the prescribed courses of study has been
apparent over the years to make certain added to the Church to make from
seventeen to twenty stakes each year.
that the original concepts relative to
Since I came to be a member of the
each organization were being adhered to,
Council of the Twelve, twenty years and
that each in its field was functioning up
six months ago, we have grown from 138
to its capacity, that one was not usurp-
ing the field of activity designed for the
stakes now to 335 or 336, whatever it be,
in just that twenty year period.
other, and that duplications and over-
lappings were reduced to a minimum. There is an increasing need for build-
I found an apt illustration which il- ings, but with that an impressed need
lustrates the importance of this periodical for using every economy possible to have
re-examination and re-appraisal. In nothing unnecessary in those buildings,
history there is found recorded the which economies can come about by
account of a famed debate known as the proper correlation. We
have increased
Webster-Hayne Debate in Congress in temple work, increased need for gene-
which Daniel Webster made this state- alogical work with increased numbers
ment that seems to apply to the point of temples. We
have an increase in
I want to make. Said Daniel Webster: welfare activities. We
have an increase
"Mr. President, when the mariner has
in tithes and offerings. And so we
might go on to determine the great ex-
been tossed about for many days in
pansion of the Church.
thick weather on an unknown sea, he
naturally avails himself of the first Within the memories of many of
pause in the storm, the earliest glance the present General Authorities, there
of the sun to take his latitude and ascer- have been surveys of this kind, or re-
tain how far the elements have driven examinations about twenty years apart.
him from his true course. Let us imi- One of the first comprehensive studies
tate this prudence and before we float was undertaken under the general chair-
on the waves of this debate refer to the manship of President David O. McKay,
point from which we departed, that we who was then the chairman of the
may at least be able to conjecture general priesthood committee of the
where we now are." Church, and this was about forty years
There are several illustrations as we ago. To me it is a significant thing that

thisproblem of proper correlation seems to the

building of efficiency in the
to have been in President McKay's auxiliaries themselves in the matter of
mind through all of this time and per- carrying out the purposes lying behind
haps as long as he has been one of the their creation and function.
General Authorities. That study, commenced early last
year, has continued on for this last year
In 1920, the first such study was
made, again in 1938, and after calling
and a half, going on now two years,
attention to the continued expansion of
under the direction of the educational
committee, which is a sub-committee of
the fields of activity and increasing
overlapping of the several Church the general priesthood committee, and
organizations, President McKay, who by
we were authorized to select and set to
this time was now a member of the
work a survey committee to go back over
all the history of each Church unit and
First Presidency, called attention to this,
to aid the educational committee in that
and I quote from a working copy that
he has left with us: "The necessity to study to determine the aims and ob-
jectives in the beginning of each organ-
provide a course of study and of activi-
ization and to review the expansions
ties that shall bring the young people
of missionary age to a substantial and
and changes which have taken place and
to study all previous recommendations
rounded knowledge of the principles of
the gospel all require that the work of
on the subject of correlation. May I say as
well, that the key to what now we have
the auxiliary organizations and of our
to propose and which I will explain
educational institutions should be co-
to you in a few minutes, and a guide
ordinated and as among the various
to the educational committee and the
organizations de-limited as well as uni-
research staff, was a communication
fied and standardized to avoid dupli-
from the First Presidency in one of
cation and overlapping and to provide
these studies some while back when
the training which is required by the
they called attention to the fact that
young people."
"the home was the basis of a righteous
In March of last year, 1960, the First life and that no other instrumentality
Presidency wrote to the general priest- can take its place nor fulfil its essen-
hood committee and called our attention tial functions and that the utmost the
to the need for better correlation be- auxiliaries can do is to aid the home
tween and among the courses of study in its problems, giving special aid and
put out by the general priesthood com- succor where such is necessary, that in
mittee and other responsible heads of aiding the home the auxiliaries may well
other committees of the General Author- consider thinking of home-life of the
ities for the instruction of the priesthood people as having three periods, the first,
of the Church and an urgent need of from birth to twelve years of age or the
correlation of studies among the auxil- childhood period; then the youth period
iaries of the Church, to avoid the from twelve years up to the early twen-
necessity for new courses of study every ties; and then adulthood, from the early

year, having the ultimate objective of twenties on to the end of life."

building up a knowledge of the gospel, With that as the key and the letter
a power to promulgate the same, a pro- given from the First Presidency as the
motion of the growth, faith, and blueprint, it is the feeling now of the
stronger testimony of the principles of First Presidency and the Council of the
the gospel among the members of the Twelve, after reviewing these studies,
Church, and expressed the view in that that there should be presently more co-
letter the general priesthood com-
to ordination and correlation between the
mittee that if the whole church cur- activities and programs of the various
riculum were viewed from the vantage priesthood quorums and auxiliary or-
point of what might be termed the ganizations and the educational system
total purpose of each and all these of the Church. They have decided, there-
organizations, it would bring about such fore, that there should be established an
a collation and limitation of subjects all-Church co-ordinating council and
and subject-matter elaborated in the three co-ordinating committees: one for
various auxiliary courses as would tend the children, one for the youth, and one
Saturday, September 30 Second Day

for adults. This council and the three age groups which d6 riot overlap, includ-
committees will correlate and co-or- ing courses of study, activities, and mate-
dinate the total instructional and activity rials for children to twelve years of age,
programs of all auxiliaries and priest- and then these functions will be carried
hood quorums which the brethren out under the co-ordinating council.
have now suggested should include The youth co-ordinating committee
missionary instructions and activities will be made up of a chairman, one of
for the entire Church. the twelve, a committee secretary, and
This council and committees will be the best-qualified people in the Church,
composed of representatives of the Gen- representing youth, mainly selected
eral Authorities, the executive heads of from the Presiding Bishopric, general
the auxiliary boards, and representatives boards of the YMMIA and YWMIA,
of various agencies and auxiliaries of Sunday School, and the general church
the Church. school system. The function of this com-
I will now indicate just what that mittee will be to plan, write, provide,
personnel will look like, as it now gets and co-ordinate curricula and activities
into action: The all-Church co-ordinat- for youth in age groups, using the
ing council will be composed of a chair- Aaronic Priesthood age groups as a guide,
man, who will be one of the Council including courses of study, activities,
of the twelve, and three General Au- and materials.
thorities, all of whom will be members And the adult committee will be com-
of the twelve: one representing the posed of a chairman, one of the twelve,
children, one representing youth, and a secretary, and the best-qualified
one representing the adults, and a secre- people in the Church representing adults
tary. The three General Authorities and should be selected from the Mel-
will be the chairmen of their re- chizedek Priesthood committee, the gen-
spective committees. There will be eral boards of Relief Society, MIA's,
a secretary and secretaries from each of Sunday School, church school system,
the co-ordinating committees, the Pre- etc., and it will be their function to plan

siding Bishop, a member of the and write and provide and co-ordinate
Melchizedek Priesthood committee, an the curriculum for adults.
executive of the Church educational sys- These heads of the various groups
tem, the president or superintendent of affected have been notified by the First
the following auxiliaries: Relief Society, Presidency of their appointment to this
Sunday School, YMMIA, YWMIA, and council, and they are now standing
the Primary Association. ready for the call to this important
The function of the all-Church co- service. The auxiliary organizations of
ordinating council is to formulate policy the Church in their present form will
which will govern the planning, the continue to implement the program on
writing, co-ordination, and implementa- the Church level, on the stake level,
tion of the entire Church curriculum. and on the ward level. The co-ordinat-
In addition to the organization of the ing committees will work under the
co-ordinating council, three co-ordinat- direction of the co-ordinating council
ing committees will be formed under and will work in line with policies
the direction and policies of that coun- formed by that council.
cil as I have said. The personnel of The auxiliary boards will carry out
the children's co-ordinating committee, the program which is formulated by
for example, will be made up of a chair- the co-ordinating committee. Now, you
man, one of the twelve; there will be a must bear in mind that the co-ordinat-
committee secretary, and the best- ing committees will be composed mainly
qualified people in the Church repre- of general board members who are al-
senting children, most of whom will be ready writing plans and programs for
selected from the general boards of the the Church. Such a program will make
Primary and the Sunday School. The it possible better to correlate and co-
function of this committee will be to ordinate the program of the Church
plan, provide, write, and co-ordinate and will prevent overlapping, thus mak-
curricula and activities for children in ing it possible to teach the gospel in

a more efficient and effective way in in order to meet a superior force

harmony with the instructions of the of the enemy in numbers, the forces of
First Presidency. our opposition to the forces of evil must
In the adoption of such a program, we be consolidated in order to give them
may possibly and hopefully look for- the most effective possible defense.
ward to the consolidation and simpli- We are in a program of defense. The
fication of church curricula, church Church of Jesus Christ was set upon
publications, church buildings, church day ".
this earth in this for a defense,
. .

meetings, and many other important and for a refuge from the storm, and
aspects of the Lord's work. from wrath when it should be poured
With that brief statement may I con- out without mixture upon the whole
clude with just this one thought. earth." (D&C 115:6.) This is a move,
Perhaps one of the most oft-asked which, as I say, has lain close to Presi-
questions, as we go about the Church, dent McKay's mind and now as the
is "How, with the Church growing to President of the Church he is instruct-
the size that it is, can we hope for the ing us to move forward, that we con-
present General Authorities to supervise solidate to make more efficient, and
and to keep in contact with the grow- more effective the work of the priest-
ing Church?" My answer has always hood, the auxiliaries, and the other
been, "I am sure that by the time we units in order that we may conserve
arrive at the place where we need more our time, our energy, and our efforts
revelations that the Lord will give that toward the prime purpose for which the
light and knowledge to the prophet Church itself has been organized. We
whom he has put upon the earth for must not forget what the Lord said, that
that purpose." he had given a parable to teach us a
Recently, President McKay, acting un- great lesson, and concluded the parable
der the inspiration of his calling, moved by saying, "I say unto you, be one; and
to enlarge the activities of the seventies, if ye are not one ye are not mine."

by ordaining some of the presidents of (Ibid., 38:27.)

seventies to the office of high priests, When I remembered that, I remem-
with the explanation that it would make bered a revelation that President John
them more serviceable and more effective Taylor received when the leaders were
in their work. I was in one of the wondering about the relationship of
Arizona stakes, and I had one of the the seventies to the high priests, and in
brethren ask, "Was it not true that a very pertinent, significant statement,
the Prophet Joseph had said that it was the Lord gave this revelation to Presi-
contrary to the order of heaven that a dent John Taylor:
high priest should be in that position?"
"What ye have written is my will
I merely said to him, "Had you ever
and is acceptable unto me and further-
thought that what might have been
more, thus saith the Lord unto the First
contrary to the order of heaven in the
Presidency and unto the Twelve, unto
early 1830's might not be contrary to
the Seventies and unto all my Holy
the order of heaven in 1960?"
Priesthood, let not your hearts be
Sometimes we forget that today, troubled, neither be ye concerned about
here and now, we have a prophet to the management and the organizations
whom the Lord is giving instruction for of my Church and Priesthood and the
our good. We
say, "We believe all accomplishment of my work. Fear not
that God has revealed, all that He does and observe my laws, and I will reveal
now reveal, and we believe that He will unto you from time to time, through
yet reveal many great and important the channels that I have appointed
things pertaining to the Kingdom of everything that shall be necessary for
God." (Ninth Article of Faith.) the future development and the rolling
Almost imperceptibly we see the hand forth of my Kingdom and for the build-
of the Lord moving to do things, and ing up and the establishment of my
this I construe to be a consolidation of Zion, for ye are my Priesthood and I am
the forces of the Lord under the direc- your God." (B. H. Roberts, Seventy's
tion of the prophet, just as in an army, Course in Theology, Vol. I, p. 10.)
Saturday, September 30 Second Day

To which also bear my humble

I humble testimony in the name of the
testimony, that the Lord is revealing to Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
President McKay just as certainly here
and now and this becomes an instruc-
tion as inspired as any instruction has President David O. McKay:
been given and for us to remember as
members of the priesthood if we will just Thank you, Elder Lee, for that plain,
keep our eye on the President of this emphatic presentation of this great new
Church and look to him today for God's plan for correlating the work and studies
revelations, we will see him moving to of the Church. Elder Richard L. Evans
do the thing that will be for the salva- of the Council of the Twelve, and also
tion of the children of men in the most one of the General Committee, will now
effective way possible, and I bear that speak to us on the same subject.


Of the Council of le Twelve Apostles

President McKay and my beloved each mission (if my decimal point is

brethren: As I see you before me here put in the right place) it would take
and contemplate some three hundred about three hundred or some five times
other congregations meeting elsewhere more missions than we now have. (If
at this hour, a pride and gratitude fill my decimal point is in the wrong place,
my soul for being part of this great we are really in trouble!)
brotherhood of the priesthood. In a book which Brother William E.
Before turning to the specific topic Berrett has prepared c
or priesthood
that Brother Lee has so ably and quorum study of Book of Mormon
comprehensively and understandingly subjects and themes, he recalls this
presented (and my remarks will be startling illustration on population from
only by way of emphasis of what he some years ago: that if all people in the
has already said) I should like to ex- world were to line up thirty-six abreast
press my missing of President Clark, and pass a point in military marching
who so long has been so much a part order, they would never pass completely,
of these gatherings, and my love for because the rate of those arriving in the
President McKay, which he knows of world would be such that the parade
and, with you, my loyalty and sustain- would be never-ending, and the Church
ing of him with all my heart, and of and kingdom of God has responsibility
those associated with him. for allof them —
however many there
Earnestly I have sought help in this are and however many there may be
assignment and would now suggest comingl If weproject such figures to
some few side lights on the subject that the present and the future and add to
may re-emphasize the need for that them in geometric ratio, we can
which has long been contemplated and glimpse the complexities and the
considered and studied and is now about responsibilities.
to be. I heard, in a great gathering in Tokyo,
In a recent world tour, as we touched Dr. Henry Heald, president of the Ford
in some sixteen countries, we became Foundation, give an account of some of
more aware of the hundreds of mil- the world-wide projects which his or-
lions of mankind; we became more ganization has undertaken in its
aware also of the ever-widening respon- philanthropic distribution of many mil-
sibility of the Church and of the need lions of dollars among many millions
for our widening influence and greater of men, in trying to solve some prob-
distribution of our effort. lems and alleviate some conditions, and
Brother Lee has mentioned the growth he quoted a phrase that may be perti-
of the Church. If we were to cover nent to the point at which we have
the world with ten million people in arrived. He spoke of the "elimination

of the insignificant," and I think it is a better use of time, of effort, and

apparent to all of us that we may have energy. It could mean, and well could,
arrived at that point: the elimination of I would suppose, more emphasis on
the insignificant and of the inconse- the home.
quential. To borrow a sentence recently I am thinking of a phrase: flexibility
read, "It is getting to where our neces- and firmness. These the Church must
sities are too luxurious and our luxuries have: the flexibility to change, to meet
too necessary." I think this phrase conditions as they come, with firm-
used by Dr. Heald, the elimination of ness of principles and of instruction and
the inconsequential or insignificant, is of gospel precepts and commandments,
pertinent to this problem. never tampering with the solid founda-
tions, but ever keeping flexible in meet-
In the June issue of the Era, is a
ing current conditions and being
sentence from a poet, which says: "I am
discriminating as between what is super-
full fed, and yet I hunger." Now, we
structure and what is bedrock founda-
have been full fed in many areas, and
yet we hunger in others, and we will,
tion, and always being prepared to ake m
the necessary adjustment between the
it seems, have to have a wider distribu-
tion of our effort and our influence,
Our opportunities with young people
the elimination of unnecessary duplica-
tion, of internal competition, if there is
are perishable. We
are aware of this
as young men leave us, sometimes sud-
any, and a fuller coverage of some
denly, under the circumstances in
neglected areas. We
have recognized
which we live, and this calls for the
that there is "One Lord, one faith, one
teaching of the whole gospel to every-
baptism, .
. (Eph. 4:5.) must We one, and perhaps earlier than we have
recognize that it is one boy, one girl,
before, in a well-rounded program that
one person, with whom
we are working
will reach every person on all facets and
and always and ever have in mind what
all sides of himself. There is no magic
every program does to the person, to the
formula for it except the simple teach-
man, the boy, the girl, and know that
ing of the truth to everyone in an
the organizations are there so that there
orderly program and procedure.
shall be a fulness of life for each and
all, and not for their own sake or to This would not necessarily change the
perpetuate any particular program. We names or basic traditions of any organ-
must have balance and feed all sides of izations, but it would define them and
ourselves, as suggested by an eminent prescribe their function as to each area
churchman who said, "The Church can and as to any overlapping. This will
be interested in no less than God is in- require more of everything from all of
terested in. Religion has to do with us, this great growth of the Church and
everything." the extending of our organization and

The gospel enters into everything,

influence more of our tithes, more of
our time, more of our offerings and
and it would not be the purpose of this
our effort, as we seek to absorb those
newly proposed program, as I under-
stand it, to take anything essential from
who come to us as well as those who
already are with us.
any area, but to add unto as to essen-
tials and to do all things more fully Now may Iclose with one or two
and effectively. And as to superficial or short quotes, one from the Psalmist,
unessential things, I think we must which I think is pertinent to this pro-

have courage to look at all programs gram as proposed: "Teach me thy way,
in the light of present needs, as did O Lord, and lead me in a plain path,
." (Psalm 27:11.)
the founders of these organizations be- . .

fore us, as they brought them into being. The

other, which I borrow from a dis-
This does not necessarily mean a tinguished friend, as I beard him give
thinning out of the over- all program, it meeting far from here: "Face the
at a
but it means a reappraisal, and per- future courageously and with determina-
haps if the First Presidency so sug- tion. Echo not the cowardly words of
gests a redistribution, a redefinition, the nerveless Hamlet who voiced the
and an abridgment in unessential areas, thought, familiar to all, 'the time is

Saturday, September 30 Second Day

out of Oh, cursed spite, that

joint: of the divinity of his Son, our Savior,
I was ever born to set it right!' Cry, and of the reality of the restoration of
rather, with Rupert Brooke who, sail- the gospel, and the inspired leadership
ing, for the hard campaign in Galli- of the prophet of the present time, and
poli, declared, 'Now God be thanked I do it in Jesus' name. Amen.
who hath matched us with this hour.'
With you, I thank God that we are President David O. McKay:
matched with this hour and, with you,
pray for his guidance and acknowledge Thank you, Brother Evans. The Male
to him our thanks for the prophet who Chorus and Congregation will now sing
leads us, who directs this program, who "Redeemer Of Israel," with Richard P.
has long had it close to his heart, and Condie conducting.
pray with you that it may go forward
for the simplification, the elimination
The Tabernacle Choir Men's Chorus
of all duplications and competition and and the Congregation joined in singing
unessentials, and the enriching of all thehymn, "Redeemer Of Israel."
that is essential in every life, everywhere
in the world. President David O. McKay:
God bless you, my brethren. I leave
with you my witness of the truth of We shall now hear from President
this work, of the reality that God lives, Hugh B. Brown of the First Presidency.


Counselor in the First Presidency

My dear brethren, I think that in a long them. I am thinking at the moment of

lifetime of Church service and appearing an incident in 1912 when the then
before various sized groups, I have never highest ranking officer in the British
felt more humble than I do tonight as Army, came to western Canada to pro-
I stand before this vast group of men mote the organization of what was then
and realize that more than as many as known as the militia. He called all the
are here are probably listening in young officers who were in training into
other places. My
feeling of inadequacy a meeting. Among other things, he said
is emphasized by the fact that you have to us, and I can only paraphrase:
asked me to assume some duties and "Gentlemen, a war is coming. In my
responsibilities for which I am not pre-
opinion it cannot be delayed more than
pared. I therefore lean heavily tonight two years. It is going to be the worst
on your sympathy and God's goodness. war in history thus far, and I am here,
I had made some preparation, having to do what I can to prepare the nation
been notified that I would be asked for what is ahead."
to speak, but I am leaving my notes on
His prediction, of course, as to the
the chair and shall attempt extempora-
time of the outbreak of the war was
neously, with the help of the Lord, to
accurate, because the war started for
emphasize what has been said, though Britain in 1914. Subsequent to that
I may not be able to add thereto. Elder
time, and on a number of occasions, it
Lee and Elder Evans have given us was my duty to talk to officers in the
much to think about. Brother Lee inti- army. Always, under instruction from
mated an analogy which I should like
commanding officers, my purpose was,
for a moment to enlarge upon.
firstto acquaint the officers, so far as I
I do not like to compare the Church
to an army, but there are some things
could, with the strength and position of
that are similar. At least in both or- the enemy; and secondly, to remind the
ganizations we are dealing with human men of their duty and to encourage un-
beings, and human beings are pretty deviating loyalty; and then to warn
much the same wherever you find them against the methods employed by

the enemy by subtle infiltration and ask what kind of men we are. We
attempted alienation. might make a pretty good showing in
We said to these officers, "Your units public, be fairly successful in business
will not be stronger than their leaders. or in politics; but let each man ask
You can pretty well judge the strength himself what kind of man are you in
of any military unit by the quality of the home, in your business, in your
its leaders." We
reminded them also private life. If you do not like what

that the lives of their men depended you see as you look at yourself, then
upon their efficiency and loyalty. do something about it because God will
Tonight we are speaking to perhaps not hold any man guiltless who simply
50,000 men, and every man is a volun- confesses his sin and doesn't abandon
teer and qualified officer. Upon each it, or who admits his weakness and
one of you there is great responsibility doesn't work for strength.
regardless of where you are working or May I pause here to remind all of
the size of the group you preside over. us that it matters little what position
Here, as in the army, our strength is we hold, but it matters much what we
going to depend in large measure upon do in the position we hold. Brother
the quality of our officers, and our pur- Lee referred to Paul's reminder that
pose tonight is to warn you priesthood there is need for all the parts of the
holders, and through you the men and body. I am thinking of the Church as
women of your various groups, of the the body. No one of us should say or
existence, strength, location, and tactics think at any time, "If I were in some
of the enemy, and to remind you that other place, I could display superior my
we rely on your absolute loyalty and ability and faith, but just where I am
that preparedness is indispensable. I do not get a chance to show what I
In the army too frequently we refer can do. If I were a bishop or stake

to fitness as only physical fitness. To- president or high councilmen or one of

night we are calling upon all of you the General Authorities, of course, I
officers of the Church to be fit and could be something great, but down
ready, physically, mentally, morally, here where I am it doesn't amount
and spiritually, for the war that lies to much."
ahead because the enemy is determined when we stand before the
to destroy all that we hold dear. He is Judgment Bar of God— and I am saying
thoroughly organized; he is cunning tonight as the British officer said in 1912,
and ruthless; he is led by men well a judgment day is ahead when we —
trained in his type of warfare; and the stand there, I think we will not be
devil is his commanding officer. Not asked what position we held in the
only must we meet a head-on assault Church. I think the only question, if
from the enemy, but the more danger- any questions are necessary, will be,
ous and subtle attack will be by infiltra- "What did you do with the job assigned
tion, when human termites undertake to to you?" And if a counselor in an
undermine our forces. I believe, my elders' quorum, or a counselor in the
brethren, the time has come when every bishopric, or a man in any other posi-
man who holds the priesthood should tion anywhere in the Church can hon-
figuratively stand himself up against the estly say, "I did the best I could to fill
wall and look himself over, ask himself the position assigned to me," if he can
some questions and be honest with his say that honestly, and if one of the
answers. I may say here, you may as General Authorities cannot say it hon-
well be honest when you are talking estly, I would rather be the counselor in
to yourself because the man you are the elders' quorum, etc., because I think
talking to knows who you are and what the Lord is not going to pay much
you are. There are at least two places attention to any label one may have on
when a man will be honest, and that is his chest. I don't think the Lord is
when he is talking to himself and when much interested in labels. He knows as
he is in his closet talking with God. we do that labels do not always tell
Here at least the truth will be distilled. the truth.
Let us then examine ourselves and My thought tonight, then, is: Breth-
Saturday, September 30 Second Day

ren, connection with this program

in world was laid, and Beelze-
tion of this
that has been presented to us tonight, bub, the devil, Lucifer, declared then
let not any of us say, "Now they are that he would never rest until he
giving us something more to do, more enslaved the souls of men, and Christ
organizations, more committees. Let's declared he would never rest until all
join some other church." were free to "choose their lives and
Personally, I thank God for the op- what they'd be."
portunity to work. I am grateful, We, then, are enlisted in an army
among other things, that this, the with Christ at the head and a living
Church of Jesus Christ, gives oppor- prophet through whom he directs his
tunity to every man and woman and work. Let us be loyal to them, true to
children as well, incidentally, to par- ourselves, and let each of us do the
ticipate in the work of the Lord. May job assigned to him in the place where
I add, there is no position in this he is asked to work to the best of his
Church that is not bigger than the man ability.
that holds it as there is room for growth
I want to assure you that I know what
in every position or calling. Every man
it means to be asked to do a job a
should be apprised of that and realize
thousand times too big for me, and yet
that in any position in the Church
I know too that God can take any one
there is opportunity for any man to
of us and do anything he wants to do
employ all the ability with which the
through us. Let us not spend time ask-
Lord has blessed him. ing the Lord to do something for us
Wecome to you tonight to challenge when he is waiting and anxious to do
you, to warn you that there is a war something through us. Let us not for-
now being waged, the most dangerous get that the priesthood we bear is not

and devastating I am not only speaking in us as individuals, but the power of it

of a war with arms I am speaking of comes through us. Let us keep our-
an ideological war, a spiritual war, a selves in such condition that that power
war in which the enemy is endeavoring can be transmitted. Let us go forward
to enslave the bodies and minds and as President McKay admonished us at
souls of men, and for this we must be the beginning of this conference and
prepared. be unafraid. May we have courage and
Let us be loyal to the stakes and fortitude and faith and go forward with
wards, missions and branches to which the knowledge that though we will un-
we have the honor to belong. Let us doubtedly have to meet many difficult
be true to ourselves and true to our things, with God's help we need not
leaders. Again a quick analogy. I fear.
saw instances where junior officers I like one verse of the "Battle Hymn
criticized senior officers because they of the Republic."
stayed far behind the lines and did not
know what was going on in the trenches. "He has sounded forth the trumpet that
I am speaking of World War I, which shall never call retreat;
definitely dates me, but I am willing He is sifting out the hearts of men be-
to take that. Very often the junior fore His judgment-seat:
officers were critical of the senior O, be swift, my soul, to answer Him!
officers because they did not know there Be jubilant, my feet!
was a rat hole in a dugout, forgetful of Our God is marching on."
the fact that the man back there upon (Julia Ward Howe.)
whom rested the total responsibility of
the entire operation had something God bless you, my brethren. I thank
other to do than to look at a rat hole. you for your support. I want to tell
He must leave that to the man who you from intimate association that we
happens to be in that dugout. have at the head of the Church today
At the head of our force, we have a one of the greatest leaders of the Dis-
prophet of God, who is working di- pensation of the Fulness of Times. God
rectly under Jesus the Christ, who joined has honored him, and we who sit next
issue with Beelzebub when the founda- to him day by day see the work of the

Church being outlined, organized, and that ultimately righteousness will tri-
going forward under the inspiration of umph. Truth will prevail. The Church
heaven. I testify to you that he is the has been organized and set up. It is
prophet of God, and that these men the kingdom of God, and it will never
who are associated here with us are be thrown down.
true and loyal to him. God bless us to do our part. To this
I leave you my testimony of the end I pray in the name of Jesus Christ.
restoration of the gospel, and I want Amen.
you to know that the President and all
of us have confidence in you, that you President David O. McKay:
will not let us down nor be untrue to
yourselves nor become traitors to the President Henry D. Moyle will be
cause. Furthermore, you may be sure our next speaker.


Second Counselor in the First Presidency

My dear brethren, I am sure that one of teresting because there are nearly
the purposes for which this great corre- 10,000 missionaries in the world today
lation program is organized and one of and every one of them, I hope we have
the great results which will be accom- not a single exception, have been inter-
plished by it, will be the elimination, viewed by their bishop, their stake
so far as that is possible, of sin and president, a General Authority, and also
transgression within the Church. their mission president. But it is these
This week many of us read headlines initial interviews that concern us most.
in the Deseret News which disclosed Do young men come to their bishops,
that all was not well. The article re- preparatory to going on a mission, for
vealed more of the details of the an interview without having been
offenses of sex deviates among teen- previously interviewed upon many occa-
agers than prudence might dictate, but sions by their bishops? Every young
be that as it may, the news is shocking man who comes to a stake president to
and alarming. We
might not have paid be interviewed for his worthiness to
as much attention to this news as we receive the Melchizedek Priesthood and
did, were it not for the fact that from be ordained to the office of an elder
other sources transgressions within the should know exactly what is expected
Church are brought to our attention. of him and what he may expect by way
We ask ourselves constantly the ques- of interrogatories which he will be ex-
tion, where have we failed? haveWe pected to answer. If this is not the
had these young people from the time case,then we have
failed somewhere
of their birth until the time of their along the have a feeling that
line. I
transgression. Or, if we lost them some can be attributed to
of our failure
somewhere along the way, then we have the fact that these young men and
to ask ourselves the question, why did young women have not been inter-
we lose them? viewed as frequently or as thoroughly
Our programs in our auxiliary organ- as they should be in their various wards.
and in our priesthood quorums,
You have received word from the
we look upon as excellent. Good as brethren as they have visited your
they are, when this correlation program
stakes, that it is not only proper but it
gets into full swing, we will find a tre-
is essential that candidates for baptism
mendous improvement. The principle
at the age of eight should be inter-
of improvement seems to be one of the
viewed. It is inconceivable that a bishop
cardinal principles of the gospel.
would present a boy's name at the age
There are two things that I should of twelve to be ordained a deacon, with-
like to discuss in this connection: first out having given that boy sufficient of
is the question of interviews. It is in- his personal time and attention to know

Saturday, September 30 Second Day
the state of mind of the boy as well as be accomplished by interviews, by the
his past record, to know what the likeli- bishop giving to these young people of
hood is of his carrying on in righteous- himself, his time, knowing them inti-
ness to manhood. mately and letting them in a sense feel
Then when he is to be ordained a an intimacy towards the bishop, then
teacher and a priest, there should be certainly it becomes rather a simple
other interviews, each one a little more process, if we but devote ourselves
intimate, each one a little more em- thereto, and if perchance we do not get
bracing, and then we come to this all- all the boys, it certainly would be an
important interview to ascertain whether improvement on the present. I just
or not he has conducted himself as take these two categories of activity,
a holder of the Aaronic Priesthood to going on a mission and getting married
be worthy now to receive the Higher in the temple. I just have a feeling
Priesthood, to go to the house of the that that responsibility rests peculiarly
Lord to receive his endowments, to go between the bishop and his young
on a mission, to be married, whatever people.
the reason may be. The bishop should By that I do not mean that the entire
never let that opportunity pass without responsibility rests upon the bishop. It
informing himself as thoroughly as it is is the bishop's duty to see to it, first and
possible for him to do of the condition, foremost, that the home in which that
spiritually, temporally, morally, of this young man lives is an environment in
young man. which he can grow and develop
In of these interviews and many
all spiritually, and that brings me to the
others, because we are always calling second phase of the work, and that is
young men and young women to as- our ward teaching.
sume responsibilities in the Church, I have known ward teachers who have

young men to become presidents of felt pretty sorry about the fact that

their deacons quorum or members of having failed to visit a home rather

presidencies of the teachers quorum, regularly I —mean they have been
or the bishop calls in young men to regular in failing to visit the home
assist in the work of the priests quorum, they suddenly find that out of that
we ought to be looking for opportuni- home has come a boy who has seriously
ties to interview, rather than to mini- transgressed.
mize the number. In each instance we We cannot help saying to ourselves,
ought to say to ourselves, this interview I wonder if I had gone to that home

is not being conducted to inform me more often, if I had known a little

as to the worthiness of this young man more about the family, about what the
to do this, that, or the other, alone, but boy was thinking, I would have been
it is vitally important that in this inter- better prepared as a ward teacher, in
view I should come away knowing this turn to report to the bishop the status,
young man is fully aware of his posi- the condition, the spirituality, the
tion and what is expected of him. weakness, if you please, of that family,
There have been bishops in the in order that the bishop might know
Church who have succeeded over the which of the families in his ward would
years in never missing a young man, justify the greatest effort upon his part.
having practically a hundred percent This is a glorious organization we
record of his young men in his ward have in the Church. I know from past
going into the mission field when they experience that no matter how busy
reach the appropriate age. That means you may be as a bishop or as a stake
that all bishops could approximate that, president, that it is possible for you to

and that in place of having one out of accomplish all that you should accom-
three or one out of four go on a mission, plish, you but organize so to do, and

we would have at least fifty percent; we with the help and the tools that this
feel that ought to be the minimum, and co-ordinating committee is now going
the other fifty percent we would like to to furnish us, I am sure it is going to
have marry in the temple. be made clearer to us just how an or-
Now, if perchance, such a result can ganization can function more effectively.

Let me say that I had one experi- the funeral and in most
cases speak,
ence —if you will forgive me for and it was not uncommon for families

mentioning it, personally but my stake in the stake to tell me that they were
was out in the country. President Faust so happy that brother so-and-so had
who gave the opening prayer this come representing us, that they were
evening is president of the Cottonwood sure they got as much from him as they
Stake over which I once presided. And would have if the stake president had
my work was in the city. My prede- come himself.
cessor lived in the county, had plenty But the important thing was that the
of time, and I doubt very much that he work was done, and there was not a
ever missed a funeral. He realized that high priest who received that kind of
it was an opportune time, when there is call but what felt proud that his stake
grief in the family, to show the interest president would remember him and
of the Church in that hour of their would call upon him to represent him.
bereavement, so he was very diligent, That is true of ward teaching. Every
and I said to myself, "What in the ward teacher is a representative of the
world can I do? Here I am in court bishop. Think what a bishop can do
nearly every day." if he puts all of his resources to work.

Well, I had a stake clerk who lived You know, in the early days of the
there in the center of the city of Mur- welfare program, we had a picture of
ray; he had a business; he knew every- the bishop and his two counselors with
body in the stake and had intimate their arms outstretched trying to hold
contact with most of them in his store, up the meetinghouse or move it, and it
so I said to him, "Will you please keep presented an impossible situation. And
track of every funeral, every death in the next film showed the entire priest-
the stake?" And I was rather fortunate, hood of the ward under that meeting-
because I had 400 high priests —
it was house, and they walked along with it
one of the old stakes. I think there are and bounced it as they went, a rela-
thirteen or fourteen stakes now
covering tively easy job.
the same territory as the one did in the Well, now, brethren, let us go for-
twenties. ward in this priesthood work in the
And do you know that we would call wards and in the stakes and see if we
upon one of those high priests to attend cannot touch every one of the lives
every funeral, to contact the family, to that come under our presidency and
tell them they came as a representative touch them for good.
of the stake presidency and the high That the Lord will help us so to do,
council and brought their greetings and I pray humbly, in the name of Jesus

their sympathy? They would attend Christ. Amen.


As I listened to the very able presenta- answered, ". . Except a man be born

tion of the scholarly plan to correlate of water and of the Spirit, he cannot
the studies of the priesthood and aux- enter into the kingdom of God."
iliaries of the entire Church, I thought (John 3:3, 5.)
what is the end and purpose of all this? In that first sentence, "Except a man
I visualized the fact that 30,000 or be born again, he cannot see the king-
40,000 men and boys in priesthood as- dom of God," we have the answer to the
semblies this night constitute an organ- end and purpose of this great plan to —
ization in the world with one great have our boys and our girls realize that
purpose in mind, and that is to fulfill there is a higher purpose in life than
or respond to the call that Jesus gave yielding to the pleasures and tempta-
Nicodemus: ". Except a man be born
. .
tions of the flesh.
again, he cannot see the kingdom of In our conference today we had a
God." And Nicodemus wondered, he great sermon —
two sermons in fact on —
could not comprehend it. And Jesus the Holy Ghost and what it means.

Saturday, September 30 Second Day

Associate with those words of Jesus to of high priests to set in order all things
Nicodemus the words of Peter after he pertaining to the stake and the wards,
had been ordained and was guiding under the direction of the Twelve
men of his associates to a higher life. Apostles.
He wrote on one occasion: ". . that we
. There come to my mind now the
might be partakers of the divine na- following words of the writer, John
ture." (2 Peter 1:4.) He realized what Dryden, which I think are applicable
it means to be in touch with the spirit- to the spiritual part of our work, getting
ual, to rise above the temporal, the the Holy Ghost, and rising above the
sensual and partake of the divine Spirit temporal, selfish, envious things which
of God. are contrary to the calling of any high
Fellow men of the priesthood, that is priest, seventy, elder, priest, teacher, or
the purpose of making us more capable deacon in the Church:
of responding to the Spirit and subduing "Dim as the borrowed beams of
the sensual. moon and stars to lonely,weary,
I am glad that Elder Lee referred to wandering reason to the
the ordaining of members of the First soul."
travelers, is
Notice that comparison "Dim

Council of the Seventy as high priests. as the borrowed rays of moon and stars
There seem to be a number of men of to lonely, weary, wandering travelers"
the priesthood in the Church who are (on the earth) "is reason to the soul.
wondering about it, because they know And as on high those rolling fires dis-
that the Prophet said that what was cover but the sky, not guide us here,
going on in the early days of making so Reason's glimmering ray was lent,
high priests of seventies, was not in not to assure our doubtful way, but
accordance with the will of God. lead us upward to a brighter day."
Do you know what they were doing? That day is faith, a realization of the
Before a man was ordained a member enjoyment of the Spirit of God. What
of the First Council of the Seventy he the sun is to the earth, so that Holy
was ordained a high priest. This prac- Spirit is to man, and the 40,000 assem-
tice, the Prophet said, was not in ac- —
bled tonight or 30,000, whatever the
cordance with the will of the Lord. number may —
be are entitled each in- —
It should be sufficient for you who have dividual is entitled to that glorious
the Spirit of the Lord to know that the light of the Holy Spirit.
work today is required of those mem- That is why we like to have every
bers of the First Council of the Seventy young man and every young woman
which needs the High Priesthood. They utilize his or her time intelligently,
do not join the high priests' quorum, usefully, to bring the soul in harmony
but they are sent out by the Council of with the spirit, that we all might be
the Twelve Apostles to set in order the partakers of God's Spirit, partakers of
Church in the stakes and missions, his divine nature. That is the privilege,
and they should be given authority to fellow workers, of all who hold the
set apart a president of a stake, a high priesthood of God.
councilman, a bishop of a ward, which think this has been a glorious meet-
requires the High Priesthood. —
ing one of the best, if not the best,
The Lord has never said, nor has ever held in the Church. There is a
the Prophet Joseph, that that is against glorious future. Our minds have been
the will of the Lord. These men are led to visualize the opportunities of the
sent out now to take care of 300 and priesthood, and to be true to the
some odd stakes, and they are given the priesthood, to be loyal to it, that we
authority as members of the First Coun- might in our own little way, give to
cil of the Seventy to attend to anything the world the spiritual message of the
necessary in order to set in order the gospel of Christ. People are denying
affairs of the stake and the ward, and his divinity. Nations are now taught
that is in accordance with the will of young boys and babes of forty years ago
the Lord. are now men forty years of age, who,
The members of the First Council of during those forty years have been
the Seventy are now given the authority taught that God does not exist; that


Christ was not an eternal being. Poor tributions to chapels, to ward mainte-
deluded men and women! nance, or free-will offerings are left
Your responsibility and mine, of entirely to members of the wards to
everyone who holds the priesthood of do as best they can, and no officer
God, is the responsibility of letting men should require any member to go to
see that light which is to the spirit what a bank to borrow his so-called assess-
the vital sun is to the old earth, "not ment.
as borrowed beams of moon and stars," I have one or two matters here, but
but as the sunlight of the Spirit. we shall not occupy more time tonight.
God help us to discharge our responsi- Keep the faith that is within you.
bilities acceptably before him, I pray Make your baptism into this Church
in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen. real by burying the old life, with all
its vanity, indulgence, jealousy, hatred,
President David O. McKay: and rise from the waters of baptism in a
newness of life, as Christ was raised
Wehave a partial report of the at- from the grave. What
a beautiful com-
tendance here on the Grounds. In the parison! And in the newness of life
Salt Lake Tabernacle: 7,641. Assembly let us, as men of the Priesthood, seek
Hall and Barratt Hall: 2,210. A total as Peter of old, to be a partaker of his
on these two blocks of 9,851. Last divine spirit, I pray in the name of
October there were 9,911 on these Jesus Christ. Amen.
Grounds. And in April, 1961, 10,778.
The total tonight is about the same President David O. McKay:
There is one more matter, brethren. The Male Chorus of the Tabernacle
I think that one of the greatest mani- Choir will now sing, "I Need Thee
festations of faith and devotion that we Every Hour," conducted by Richard P.
have in the Church is the willingness of Condie. Elder Howard D. Knight,
men and women to contribute of their president of the Parowan Stake, will
time and their means to the erection of offer the benediction, after which this

needed chapels not only in stakes, but Conference will be adjourned until ten
throughout the missions. We
have re- o'clock tomorrow morning.
ports from some of our stake presidencies Brother Condie, and brethren of the
and bishops of wards that move us to Choir, we thank you for your presence
tears of the devotion of women, men, here tonight, and your inspiring music.
and children, and members of the We have said that before, but you are
Lesser Priesthood to their duties in erect- better tonight than ever. We
ing suitable chapels and furnishing enjoyed you and thank you all.
them, as perhaps never before in the The session at ten o'clock Sunday
history of the Church- morning will be broadcast as a public
But we have received word that some service over television and radio stations
bishops are rather over-eager in asking throughout the West. The Tabernacle
these members of the Church to con- Choir Broadcast will be from 8:30 to
tribute beyond their means. In one 9:00 a.m. Those desiring to attend the
case recently we heard of a bishop who Choir Broadcast must be in their seats
visited a family and told them that their at 8:15 a.m.
assessment was such and such an As thousands leave this great Priest-
amount. They did not have it. The hood Meeting tonight, let us keep in
man had lost his work, and unfortun- mind the admonition that is constantly
ately one of their children was stricken being given us to drive carefully. Let
with polio. And this unwise bishop us have courtesy in the city and on the
said, "Well, we want to finish our highway.
building and get it out of debt. We "I Need Thee Every Hour," and
recommend that you borrow the sum President Howard D. Knight of the
from the bank and pay your assessment." Parowan Stake will offer the benediction.
I wish, and I am speaking for my
associates in the Presidency and the The Male Chorus sang the hymn,
Twelve, that such a thing as that would "I Need Thee Every Hour."
never happen in the Church. Con- Howard Dean Knight
President of the
Sunday, October 1 Third Day

Parowan Stake offered the closing Conference adjourned until Sunday

prayer. morning, Oct. 1, at 10:00.

Sunday morning, October 1. phone, but we will save that money,
Conference reconvened at 10:00 Scotsman-like.
o'clock a.m., with President David O. Elder Harold B. Lee and Elder
McKay presiding and conducting the Richard L. Evans were the speakers,
services. presenting a correlation plan to the en-
(The Tabernacle Choir and Organ tire Priesthood of the Church, with
Broadcast was presented in the Taber- which all the presiding officers in the
nacle from 8:30 to 9:00 a.m. See pages Priesthood and in the auxiliary organ-
126 to 127 for a full report of this izations will become more fully ac-
broadcast.) quainted.
The music for this session of the The Tabernacle Choir under the di-
Conference was furnished by the Salt rection of Richard P. Condie, with
Lake Tabernacle Choir, under the direc- Alexander Schreiner at the organ, will
tion of Richard P. Condie. Alexander open these services by singing, "Arise,
Schreiner was at the organ. Shine For Thy Light Is Come." After
President David O. McKay made the the singing, the invocation will be of-
following introductory remarks: fered by President Wilbum C. West of
the Emigration Stake.
President David O. McKay:
Singing by the Tabernacle Choir,
In order that the large television and "Arise, Shine For Thy Light Is Come."
radio audiences here and on the western
Elder Wilburn C. West, president of
coast may hear the speakers and music
the Emigration Stake, offered the open-
of this, the sixth session of the One
ing prayer.
Hundred Thirty-first Semi-annual Con-
ference of the Church, we shall postpone
the usual announcements until later in
President David O. McKay:
the session.
The General Priesthood Conference President Wilburn C. West of the
Emigration Stake offered the invocation.
was held last evening in this Taber-
nacle, and there were nearly 300 groups
The Tabernacle Choir will now sing,
"All Hail The Power of Jesus' Name,"
throughout the United States and
with Richard P. Condie conducting, and
Canada and other parts of the Church.
with Alexander Schreiner at the organ.
We only a partial report of
the total attendance at these large as-
semblies. Here in the Tabernacle, the The Choir sang an anthem, "All
Assembly Hall and Barratt Hall, we Hail The Power of Jesus' Name."
had a total attendance of 9,851 mem-
bers of the Priesthood.
April, Last President David O. McKay:
we had a total attendance of 10,778 in
these places. I do not know that we The first speaker this morning will be
can get you a total report during the President Hugh B. Brown of the First
Conference today. It would cost about Presidency of the Church. He will be
a thousand dollars to receive it by tele- followed by Bishop Carl W. Buehner.


Counselor in the First Presidency

I am sure we all respond from the depths "A Babel of religious organizations all
of our being to that glorious rendition, proclaim themselves to be the Church
"Crown Him Lord of All," rendered as of Christ. Their doctrines are con-
only the Tabernacle Choir, I think, tradictory and precisely in so far as one
could sing it. of them regards the doctrine which it
Mybrothers and sisters, and in that teaches as vital, it declares those of rival
salutation I should like to include all bodies to be misleading and pernicious."
who are listening regardless of their Now, while we do not agree that the
church affiliation, because we are con- beliefs of
others are necessarily per-
vinced that we are brothers and sisters. nicious, we do
think it regrettable that
We believe in the universal brotherhood the original Church of Jesus Christ, as
of man under the Fatherhood of God. outlined in the New Testament, has
As this is the first conference since been broken up into so many creeds.
my change of status in the Church, I We believe the Lord's house should be
should like to take this opportunity to a house of order, not divided against
express publicly to President McKay itself.

and his associates my sincere apprecia- The question is often asked, what are

tion for the confidence which prompted some of the distinguishing characteris-
them to submit my name for your ap- ticsof the Church of Jesus Christ of
proval, and I wish to thank you mem- Latter-day Saints? What, if anything,
bers of the Church for your confidence has this Church to offer which is new?
in their judgment. I pledge only that Would it be worthwhile to take a closer
I shall do my level best to make that look at Mormonism?
judgment good and to that end humbly Though there are many fundamental
invoke divine guidance and your in- differences between this Church and
dulgence. I shall need your prayers others, we must today be content to
of faith. mention and —that only briefly just —
But we are speaking this morning one of them. We refer to our faith in
not alone to Church members. We
are continued revelation from God to men.
advised that perhaps more than fifty It seems somewhat paradoxical that this

percent of those attending in person or fundamental doctrine of the Church

through the use of modern media are should make it unique or distinguish it
friends of the Church who are visiting from others, inasmuch as in all dispen-
us. We
appreciate your interest we— sations of the gospel current revelation
extend to you a hearty welcome. Your has been the sustaining power, the
attendance seems to indicate that you vivifying spirit of the divine Church.
have heard something about the Mor- In a concrete statement of beliefs
mons and perhaps would like to know known as the Articles of Faith, we de-
more. We
should like to respond briefly clareour faith in all that God has re-
to your implied inquiry about the vealed, all thathe does now reveal, and
Church. We
shall avoid dogmatism, we believe that he will yet reveal many
for that ordinarily brings antagonism. great and important things.
We simply invite you, our friends, this History proves that when the spirit
morning to, as Isaiah said, "Come, and or gift of revelation is withdrawn from
let us reason together." (Isaiah 1:18.) the Church there is nothing but a dead
Werespect all men in their religious form left and men are prone to worship
beliefs, but the divergent beliefs and God with their lips and honor him
multiplicity of creeds have, through the with their mouths, but, because there
centuries, been the cause of much con- is no communication and therefore no

fusion and concern. The condition of understanding, their hearts are far from
the world religiously is stated in the him.
Catholic Encyclopedia, from which I The things of God can only be under-
quote the following: stood by the Spirit of God and the
— "

Sunday, October 1 Third Day

Spirit ofGod is a revealing spirit. The note the dire need of the world for some
Master promised before he left the earth divine guidance and direction.
to send another Comforter which would Well, then, if God could reveal, and
lead men into all truth. Divine revela- we need revelation, is the fault with
tion has always been a characteristic of man? Have we lost the gift or the
the living Church — it is absolutely es- faith or the understanding that will
sential to its continued existence in an enable us to receive revelation? Cer-
on the earth.
organized state tainly it would be more modest of us
You remember the Prophet Amos said, to admit the fault in ourselves than to
"Surely the Lord God will do nothing, blame God for not speaking, if he does
but he revealeth his secret unto his not speak. Or perhaps there may be
servants the prophets." (Amos 3:7.) some jamming of the messages by the
And in Proverbs we read, "Where enemy, as a result of which some have
there is no vision, the people perish: . . been led to believe that there is no
(Prov. 29:18.) power that can transmit. We ask, in
We have ample scriptural authority radio or television language, "Has the
for our declaration that a man must be broadcasting station gone out of busi-
called of God by prophecy and by the ness or broken down, or are there no
laying on of hands by men of authority receiving sets?"
to preach the gospel and administer its So long as men believe there can be
ordinances. The Apostle Paul said, no revelation, they will make no at-
"And no man taketh this honour unto tempt to tune in. They will lose their
himself, but he that is called of God, faith and will no longer look up and
as was Aaron." (Hebrew 5:4.) And listen. Some even deny there is need
Aaron was called by direct revelation for revelation, but the daily press chal-
through Moses. When revelation ceases, lenges that statement. In this imperiled,
people dwindle in unbelief, and not only divided, and chaotic world the need
the people but also the Church aposta- for God's help was never more appar-
tizes in the absence of inspired ent and urgent
leadership. An English divine recently said. "Oh,
That is exactly what happened in the that some man would arise who could
primitive church, and that situation was authoritatively say to the world, 'Thus
a harbinger of a universal apostasy, of saith the Lord!'
which the Church of England speaks Is it possible, our friends, that religion

in its "Homily against Peril of Idolatry," is the one department of human inter-

as follows: "So that laity and clergy, est, investigation, and research where

learned and unlearned, all ages, sects, progress is impossible? Would any
and degrees of men, women, and chil- professor say to his class in chemistry,
dren of whole Christendom an hor- — astronomy, physics, or geology, that no
rible and most dreadful thing to think further discovery or revelation of scien-
have been at once drowned in abomi- tific truth is possible? Is religion the
nable idolatry; of all other vices most only human interest which is static and
detested of God and most damnable to quiescent? Did Christ leave his Church
man; and that by the space of eight leaderless and intend it to continue so
hundred years and more." to be?
Without continued revelation there For ourselves, because of our faith in
can be no authorized ministry on the the universal and unchangeable love and
earth, and without authorized officers justice of God, we cannot believe that
there can be no Church of Christ. If his Church in one dispensation would
some say there is no revelation and will be blessed and led by what in television
not be further revelation from God, we parlance might be termed "live" revela-
ask, "Why not? Has God lost the power tion and in another dispensation leave a
to reveal his mind and will to men?" distraught and imperiled world with only
Of course, to so state is tantamount to the recorded messages of ancient proph-
blasphemy. Do we not need revelation ets, some of which messages were for
or word from God? I ask you to con- specific purposes and under special
sider the condition of the world and circumstances. We believe that revela-

tion both "live" and recorded is now and and live by the revelations of the past
will continue to be available to men. and present and thus prepare themselves
Whenever the Lord has recognized his for the revelations yet to come. Our
Church, he has given through his concepts and even our faith must be
prophets messages of warning, instruc- held subject to new light. The present
tion and hope. and urgent need for continued revela-
tion in this age of communism, atheism,
When we say that we believe all that
godlessness, the spirit of the anti-Christ
God has revealed, we declare our faith
in the scriptures. We
believe the Bible
become more apparent when we realize
that revelation gives us our most con-
to be a repository of divine truth and
clusive proof that there is a Divine
that it is authoritative, though not
beyond the need for interpretation and —
Being and how the world needs to
proper translation and, therefore, we
know of him!
say, when we declare our faith in the when hundreds of millions
In an age
Bible, "as far as it is translated cor- of people are being systematically in-
rectly." When we declare that we be- doctrinated with the abominable doc-
lieve that God does now reveal, that he trines of communism which are that
still speaks through his prophets, and there is no God, religion is an opiate,
that his word is scripture whenever and Christ is a myth; surely in the midst of
wherever given, when we make this such determined, persistent, and relent-
statement we are simply teaching the less attacks from the enemy, we may
gospel of Jesus Christ and declaring as expect from God our Father some direc-
true the Judeo-Christian religion. tion, and for that direction we constantly
We sometimes meet with skepticism pray.
when we say that he still reveals, but But our message is this, our friends,
let us paraphrase the words of Paul for God has spoken from the heavens; com-
a moment. Why
should be thought it munication between heaven and earth
a thing incredible that God will do possible; the lines are open! That
is still
what he has promised to do? If time is the challenging message of Mormon-
would permit we could take you ism, it is an ensign to the nations,
through the scriptures from Genesis to a message of hope to an imperiled
Revelation and show the promises of world. If we are to exercise saving
God with respect to the latter days. faith and accompany it with works and,
Why should it be thought incredible not of course, "faith without works is dead,"
only that he would keep his promise we must know something of him, of
but that he would continue to do what his existence, his personality, his laws,
he has done through all the dispensa- his purposes with respect to man, and
tions of the gospel from the beginning? realize that we are, in fact, his children,
The Church of Jesus Christ was estab- related to him. He said, "And this is
lished and is now directed by revelation, that they might know thee
life eternal,

and that fact is largely responsible for the only true God, and Jesus Christ,
the appeal which this new Church whom thou hast sent." (John 17:3.)
makes, and when say "new," I wish to
I Wedo not say that God is immaterial
emphasize that to us it is not new but a and incomprehensible and without a
restoration of that which was. The true body. Rather we say he is approach-
Church of Christ is not a blind alley, able as our Father. Now, revelation
it is an open thoroughfare, where men may come through dreams or visions,
many confidently pursue truth in the the visitation of angels, or, on occasion
light of revelation. That the Church such as with Moses, by face-to-face com-
is progressive and responsive to revealed munication with the Lord. You remem-
truth is evidenced by our further ber the Lord spoke to Adam, not only
declaration that we believe that God while he was in the Garden of Eden,
will yet reveal many great and im- but after he was cast out. He spoke
portant things. to other patriarchs and prophets through
This Church, our friends, is not com- the ages. He spoke to Enoch, who was
mitted to any formal or inflexible creed, called "The Seventh from Adam," and
but its members are taught to believe in it is said that he. was translated because
Sunday, October 1 Third Day

he was especially favored with the pres- and, incidentally,

this is sometimes
ence of the Lord. The record reads, called the Apocalypse, and that means
"And Enoch walked with God: and he in Greek "revelation." This is what he
was not; for God took him." (Genesis wrote in the first chapter of his book it —
5:24.) was not written of his own wisdom:
The Lord by revelation warned Noah "The Revelation of Jesus Christ,
of the coming flood. He talked with which God gave unto him [speaking
Abraham and told him to leave his of himself], to shew unto his servants
country and go into a new land and things which must shortly come to pass;
gave him some promises with respect and he sent and signified it by his
to his posterity. By revelation he com- angel unto his servant John:" (Revela-
missioned Moses to go into Egypt, and tion 1:1.)
under God's personal direction he re- The scriptures, then, are not only
leased the children of Israel from the replete with evidence, but conclusive
bondage of the Egyptians. in proving that God does and always
So we may trace the line of revelators, has, whenever there has been a dispen-
men who have stood, each in his time, sation of the gospel upon the earth, been
as the medium through whom God in touch with his people.
speaks to his people, from Moses to Remember Paul said this, and he is
Joshua, through the Judges, on to David speaking now of our time:
and Solomon and down to Zachariah "That in the dispensation of the ful-
and Malachi. Christ, himself, came to ness of times he might gather together
this world to reveal God to men, and he in one all things in Christ, both which
himself was led and directed by revela- are in heaven, and which are on the
tion from his Father while he dwelt earth; even in him: ." (Ephesians
. .

on this earth. 1:10.)

The Lord, as you know, revealed to From the scriptures cited and many
Zacharias, the father of John the Baptist, others, seems evident that revelation

what was to happen, and you remember from God to man has been a vital
what happened to Zacharias because characteristic, and standard procedure
of his lack of belief. The Lord revealed in all dispensations of the gospel. All
to Mary that she was blessed among the prophets and leaders of ancient
women, that she should bring forth a times were led, directed, chosen, inspired
son and call his name Jesus. (Luke by God himself through revelation.
1:28, 31.) Christ himself said: "For Eusebius records what happened after
I have not spoken of myself; but the the apostles had been slain and when
Father which sent me, he gave me no authoritative answers could be given.
a commandment, what I should say, He writes, "When the sacred choir of
and what I should speak. apostles became extinct and the genera-
"And I know that his commandment tion of those that had been privileged
is life everlasting: whatsoever I speak to hear their inspired wisdom had
therefore, even as the father said unto passed away, then also the combinations
me, so I speak." (John 12:49-50.) of impious error arose by the fraud and
The apostles in the Meridian of Time delusions of false teachers. These, as
were in touch with the heavens by there were none of the apostles left,
revelation. Note what Paul says: henceforth attempted without shame to
"But God hath revealed them [divine preach their doctrine against the Gospel
truths] unto us by his Spirit: for the of truth."
Spirit searcheth all things, yea, the deep And Mosheim reminds us that both
things of God. Jews and heathens were accustomed to
"For what man knoweth the things a vast variety of pompous and magnifi-
of a man, save the spirit of man which cent ceremonies in their religious serv-
is in him? even so the things of God ice. All the records of the second
knoweth no man, but the Spirit of century mention the multiplication of
God." (1 Corinthians 2:10-11.) rites and ceremonies in the Christian
You remember John, on the Isle of Church. "But," you ask, "were these
Patmos, wrote the book of Revelation, the times that have been?" Some of you

may say, "We can believe in revelation ture in Genesis, "So God created man
in Adam's day and in the days of Moses, in his own image, . . ." (Gen. 1:27.)
in the days of Christ, in the days of the They spoke to him. Other revelations
apostles, but not now." followed. The whole message of Mor-
any indication that we might,
Is there monism centers around the life and mis-
with reason, expect some word from sion of Jesus the Christ, and we pro-
God? Hear John's testimony as he claim to the world in contradiction to
spoke of things that were to come in the the hellish doctrine of communism, God
latter days. He said: does live. He still speaks to men.
"And I saw another angel fly in the There are prophets on the earth.
midst of heaven, having the everlasting If that statement is true, it is the
gospel to preach unto them that dwell greatest message that has come to this
on the and to every nation, and
earth, earth since Christ ascended into heaven
kindred, and tongue, and people, because it is a message of his coming,
"Saying with a loud voice, Fear God, and if it is true, all of you should know
and give glory to him: for the hour of it. That it is true we humbly testify.
his judgment is come: ." (Revelation
. .
We ask you to listen, to read, to pray
That, my dear friends, is a prophetic
—ask God for guidance —
and we prom-
ise you, paraphrasing the Prophet
promise of revelation in our time. The
Moroni, that if you will ask of God in
Church today is founded on the rock of faith in the name of Jesus Christ,
revelation as securely as it was in the
whether what we declare is true, he will
days of Peter when Christ said to him,
reveal the truth of it unto you by the
after Peter had spoken of his knowledge
power of the Holy Ghost.
of him,
". . . upon this rock I will build my We believe this is the message for
church; and the gates of hell shall not
which the world has been waiting. We
declare the very truth of God, and
it is
prevail against it." (Matthew 16:18.)
We think we are justified in antici- for my own self I bear witness to that

pating future revelation, and we believe effect and say to you in humility, but
that it will be surpassing in importance
without any equivocation, by the same
and glorious fulness anything that has power and authority with which Peter
spoke, I say, with him, "Thou art the
yet been revealed. We
believe that he
Christ, the Son of the living God."
will continue to reveal himself as long
as man continues his probation here
(Matt. 16:16.) I know this to be true,
on earth. and I plead with men everywhere to
Now, you friends of ours probably
hearken; for it is a message from the
heavens, to which I testify in the name
ask, "What particular revelation is the
one on which you found your Church?" of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Time will not permit, of course, a com-
plete answer to that, but humbly, and President David O. McKay:
from the very center of my heart, I say
to you, our friends, and to you mem- President Hugh B. Brown, Counselor
bers of the Church, God has restored in the First Presidency of the Church,
the gospel of Jesus Christ and there was has just spoken to us. We
hope that
a great revelation, one of the greatest of all the television sets and radios that
all time, when the Father and the Son, were tuned in along the West Coast,
anticipating our very day and the events in the Northwest, and throughout the
of these times, appeared to a man. nation, heard President Brown's address.
They were personal Beings; they were Bishop Carl W. Buehner will now
separate and distinct; they were in form speak to us. He will be followed by
like man, thus proving the first scrip- Elder Henry D. Taylor.

Sunday, October 1
Third Day


Of the Presiding Bishopric

President Brown began his address by Presiding Bishopric, they said, "We are
saying this is the first conference since proud of you. You go and assume those
the change of his status, and I could responsibilities, and we willrun the
well begin by saying this is the last business. We will keep you on the
conference since the change of my status payroll." They have been wonderful,
with the General Authorities of the and appreciate this.
Church; but I am very happy and very All along the line, people have been
joyous in the wonderful and marvelous so grand. I am so grateful for all of
experience that I have had, and I have the marvelous blessings that have come
discovered there is something wonderful to me.
in being released. I have had hundreds I should now like to make a few
of people come to me and embrace me, acknowledgments: I have had the full
tell me how much they loved me, how support of a loyal and loving wife. She
much they appreciated me, and how has been a Church widow if there has
much I am going to be missed. I would ever been one. My children are all
never have known about this if I had married, and each has a home of his
not been released. own. Therefore, my wife has been
When I was sustained as the second home many, many days alone. I feel
counselor in the Presiding Bishopric, I she will welcome this release. She has
remember saying to the Church that I already thought of many things we can
pledged my wholehearted support to now do, and my children have already
Bishop Wirthlin, Bishop Isaacson, and called and said, "Dad, we can get to-
to the leaders of the Church; and I think gether now and do some of the things
to the best of my ability and at least we have not been able to do in the past
in a reasonable measure, I have accom- years." So, the future looks wonderful,
plished this. I have enjoyed my work I can see
this. I appreciate my family.
so much. Bishop Wirthlin is a great My four children were all married in
man, a man of integrity, a man of the temple. Between them I have six-
honesty, a man whose word was good all teen grandchildren. They and their
the time, and it is to Bishop Wirthlin companions have never embarrassed me
that I owe the great honor that came to for one minute. They are all active and
me, since he is the man who asked that devoted to the Church. One cannot
I serve with him as a counselor in the help loving children and grandchildren
Presiding Bishopric. like these. So, you see, the Lord has
I have enjoyed, of course, with him, been good to me all along the line.
the labors with Bishop Isaacson; and I had wonderful parents. They have
we have had a great time together. We been gone for twenty-seven years. They
have been in many council meetings. did not have very much so far as things
We have been on our knees many of this world are concerned, but they
times, invoking the blessings of the had great faith in the gospel and a
Almighty in the great responsibilities strong testimony. Certainly, we should
that are those of members of the Pre- be good children, having had parents
siding Bishopric. like these and having been trained in a
We love the boys and the men of the home where such great faith was ex-
Church who hold the Aaronic Priest- hibited all the time.
hood and the great army of men who I would like to pay a tribute to those
have been serving as ward teachers with whom we have labored in our
160,000 of them in the Church now. office —
wonderful, dedicated people. We
There are many things that bring great have been blessed with qualified secre-
rewards through service in this great taries. They know just about as much
Church. of our work as we know ourselves. In
When my brothers heard that I had a minute's notice, they can bring letters
been asked to become a member of the out of a file; they can tell you what

your appointments are; and they can who take care of those who come to this
remind you of many things. They are department
efficient and wonderful. I am going to miss many of these won-
derful experiences that I have enjoyed.
Bishop Isaacson mentioned members
I will miss sitting in our weekly report
of our staff in his talk. I should like
meeting where the experience of our
to pay tribute to Brother Henry G.
visits at stake quarterly conferences are
Tempest who has been "my man" in the
related. I, personally, have been to
ward teaching program. He has gone
more than 350 quarterly conferences
out manynights to hold conventions
during the time I have been in the Pre-
and to speak at ward teachers' meetings
siding Bishopric, and this in itself has
and to encourage the great program.
been a tremendous experience.
While there is still a long way to go,
As I look at this great audience, par-
much has been accomplished. We
now ticularly those of you who are leaders
get into the homes of eighty-one percent
of the Church, I realize what an amazing
of the people of the Church. This is an
group of men you are. You have come
increase of about thirty-five percent over
from all over the Church, actually, from
the past few years. I am thrilled about
all parts of the world. I shook hands
this,and some good must come from it.
with leaders from Holland the other day
Brother Thomas and Brother Palmer
who have Aaronic Priesthood assign- and then with some from the new Berlin
Stake, as well as leaders from Australia
ments, those under twenty-one and
those over twenty-one, have performed
and New Zealand. You may be sitting
next to each other at this very moment.
their duties in the same wonderful way.
Recently, Brother Ray White was added
You have come from farms, from small
communities, from large cities, from
to our staff. He
is a qualified, experi-
most of the states of the Union and
enced man who has come to do our
from many foreign countries to be in-
writing. Brother Keith Carroll has been
spired and lifted, edified, and electrified.
our manager. He has been on
I hope you catch on fire so that this
the job all the time. He has kept our
reat work will move forward as never
office routine moving in a smooth and
efficient manner. We
learned to love
I have had the honor of sitting in the
people of this caliber. Brother Harold
presence of President McKay and his
Kirby, Brother Walter Poelman, and
Counselors at least twice each week,
Brother Phillip Jensen are men of this
and many times, oftener. I will never
same caliber. I should like to mention
be in any more wonderful company than
Sister Ella Jack who supervises the de-
while in the presence of prophets of
partment that has more than 1,700,000
membership records in it. This depart- God. Add to this those who comprise
the body of the General Authorities of
ment is so efficient that within a matter
the Church.
of five or six seconds, the workers can
Elder Romney mentioned my experi-
bring out the membership card of any
If you can
ence with him in the welfare program.
member in the Church.
Early in the program, I learned to love
spell their names, and if they are mem-
President Clark, and I wish he were
bers of the Church, this department can
here today so that I could tell him of
produce the membership records for you.
the tremendous influence he has been
It is this type of efficiency in all of our
in my life and for the great contribution
departments that has been so obvious.
he has made to the welfare program. I
Another department that should be was closely associated with President
mentioned is the comptometer depart- Moyle while he was chairman of the
ment which was formerly headed by an program; Elder Harold B. Lee, managing
outstanding servant, Fern Dunn, who director, Elder Romney, and all others
passed away a few months ago, and our associated with this outstanding pro-
medical welfare department where we gram to bless people. I will prize this
handle many cases of people in distress great association all of my life.
and difficulty. Sister Hilda Harvey and I have met with hospital boards,
her staff are qualified, dedicated women while dedicated men have sat and
Sunday, October I Third Day

pondered and worked out problems per- every courtesy. For these things, I ask
taining to our hospitals. These men the Lord to bless you, and I express my
have given their time hour after hour appreciation for you. As I step aside
in the solution of the problems that now, I will remember these tremendous
confront these institutions. They have experiences. You are a great blessing to
been a great aid to the administrators. the leadership of the Church. Many
These are some of the things I shall times I have said that because of the
miss. My association with the men and dedicated men and women scattered
boys who hold the Aaronic Priesthood throughout the Church, this Church
has been tremendous. This, I shall also can never fail. I trust our only concern
never forget. I am even going to miss is, "How far can we take it?" We have
my new, red chair down here. From an excellent start and yet a long way
now on, I will be competing with you to go.
for a seat on one of the benches down The one other thought I would like
below. I have a feeling this is going to leave is that the Lord is trying to
to be enjoyable. save all of us. I hope we will conform
Someone said, "Why do so many our lives to his teachings so that he can
meetings start at 8 pm sharp and close help us to become perfect and one day
at 11 pm dull?" This may be because bring us back again into his presence.
I have been holding some of these We would not be happy to be in his
meetings. I hope this will now elimi- presence if we did not make every effort
nate all those classified as dull. to bring with us those we have learned
I know I must not speak much to know and love and appreciate and
longer, but I should like to let you even many yet that we do not know.
know that I wholeheartedly sustain the The purpose of the Lord is to bring us
changes that have been made. I en- all back into his presence. He has given
dorse the new brethren whose names us the plan whereby this can be done.
have been mentioned. I have loved and I have a great testimony of the gospel.
appreciated Elder Hinckley and admire I love the Church. Again, I say, I ap-
him greatly. I fully support the new preciate every honor and every courtesy
members of the Presiding Bishopric. I that has come to me. I would like to
have a feeling they will do a better job say again to President McKay and his
than we have done. It seems, when Counselors and to all of the General
changes are made, new individuals al- Authorities that I am a better man as I
ways lift the Church to greater heights. leave this assignment because of them
If I can do anything to assist them, I than I have ever been before.
offer my services. Tomorrow will be moving day for
I am very grateful that Bishop Wirth- me. I must say good-bye to most of
lin has received a new assignment in you now. Some of you I hope to see
the Church. I am also grateful that often. I thank the Lord for every choice
Bishop Isaacson has a new assignment. blessing I have had.
President McKay said, "Brother Buehner, I have had to speak this way or I
this will give you time to run your new would have choked up and could not
Beehive State Bank." I told him I have said a word. God bless everyone
would take some of my time to do this of you as you continue your great
and some for other things in which I labors in the work, and may our Father
have an interest. in heaven continue to bless these won-
In closing, may I say that through derful General Authorities.
the privilege I have had of travel- Many great men in the past have been
ing about the Church, meeting you released by death. I am released while
wonderful Stake presidents, I express ap- I am still alive, and there is some ad-
preciation for the fact that you have given vantage to this. God bless you every
me the best room in your home. You have one in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
killed the fatted calf; you have traveled
over busy highways to call for me at President David O. McKay:
the airport or at a railroad depot; you
have waited on us and extended to us You have just heard a retirement

speech from Bishop Carl W. Buehner. and Buehner and those children
I believe it was Brother Critchlow who who have looked forward to a time
was released as president of the stake, when Brother Buehner can sit with
who was called as one of the Assistants them in the evening chair and spend
to the Twelve, who said, "When I was a happy retirement experience, "That
released as president of the stake, I the best laid schemes of mice and men
looked upon it as a retirement. Now I gae aft agley."
find it is a retreading." We shall now hear from Elder Henry
I would like to say to Bishop Buehner D. Taylor, Assistant to the Twelve.


Assistant to the Council of the Twelve Apostles

We sing a beautiful hymn that is a that after death, our earthly, mortal
favorite of mine. It refers to our exist- body will be resurrected and become the
ence coming to this earth.
prior to glorified tabernacle of our eternal spirit.
Sister Eliza R. Snow, the author, poses Our Father in heaven is all-wise and
some very meaningful questions, and in infinite. He is also a God of law and
addressing our Father in heaven asks: order. He has given to man a plan the —
"When shall I regain thy presence, gospel plan, which furnishes instruc-
And again behold thy face?" tions for us to follow in order to return
She concludes the hymn with this to his presence. These instructions are
prayer: known as commandments and are given
to us through his servants, the prophets.
"When I leave this frail existence; Every commandment is important and
When I lay this mortal by, has been provided for a specific purpose.
Father, Mother, may I meet you It is not logical to suppose that man may
In your royal courts on high? choose the commandments he wishes
Then at length, when I've completed to observe and ignore the others. Note
All you sent me forth to do; how emphatically the Lord has expressed
With your mutual approbation, himself on this matter:
Let me come and dwell with you." "If thou lovest me thou shalt serve me
("O My Father") and keep all my
commandments." (Ibid.,
42:29. Italics added.)
Our Heavenly Father loves us, his We might well consider that keeping
children, and desires that each will the commandments is a "one package

return again to his presence, for he has deal."

declared: In contemplating the gospel plan,
". . . behold, this is my
work and my however, there is a possibility that we
glory — to bring to pass the immortality may be attracted to certain doctrines to
and eternal life of man." (Moses 1:39.) the exclusion of others.
In order to attain this goal of immor- Many years ago I read some verses
tality, it was decreed that individuals that made a lasting impression upon me.
privileged to come to this earth must They are called, 'The Blind Men and
pass through the experience of death. the Elephant":
But God in his wisdom allowed his
Only Begotten Son in the flesh, Jesus "It was six men of Indostan,
Christ, to suffer, bleed, and die on the To learning much inclined,
cross to break the bands of death. Who went to see the Elephant
Through his atoning sacrifice, Christ (Though all of them were blind,)
became our Savior and Redeemer. It That each by observation might
is through him that we will return to the satisfy his mind."
Father, for he has said: The first happening to fall against the
". no man shall come unto the
. . broad and sturdy side exclaimed: "the
Father but by me " (D&C 132:12.) elephant is very like a wall!"
We have the promise and assurance The second reeling of the roundness,
Sunday, October 1 Third Day
smoothness, and sharpness of the tusk mandments, the observance of which
cried: "This wonder of an elephant is will bring us promised blessings? While
very like a spear I" the list would be impressively lengthy,
The third happened to grasp the a few essential ones we mention:
squirming trunk in his hand. "I First: Love the Lord thy God with
see," quoth he, "the elephant is very all thy heart, might, mind, and strength.
like a snake!" Love is one of the great attributes of
The fourth reached out his hand, and God and is the very essence of the gos-
felt about the knee, "What this won- pel of Jesus Christ. Love is a virtue
drous beast is like," he said; "Is very that every person should earnestly strive
like a tree!" to develop.
The fifth who chanced to touch an Second: Next to loving God, we
ear, stated: "This marvel of an ele- should love our neighbor as ourselves
phant very like a fan!"
is This anticipates that we will be honest
The sixth in groping about, seized in our dealings with our fellow man
the swinging tail. "I see," quoth he, and not take unfair advantage but help
"The elephant is very like a rope!" him in every way possible.
"And so these men of Indostan, Third: In order to keep ourselves
Disputed loud and long, unspotted from the world, we should
Each in his own opinion, go to the house of prayer on the Sabbath
Exceeding stiff and strong, day, partake of the Sacrament, renew
Though each was partly in the right, our covenants with the Lord, and re-
And all were in the wrong." member our promise always to keep
(John Godfrey Saxe.) his commandments.
Fourth: Prayerfully choose a suitable
And thus it is with us and the gospel. mate, go to the temple, the house of the
We catch a glimpse here and another Lord, to be married and sealed, not only
there. Like the blind men of Indostan, for time, but also for all eternity.
we form our own impressions of the Fifth: Establish a home, multiply
gospel. Yet it has been restored in its and replenish the earth, rear a righteous
fulness, and through study and prayer family, set a proper example for a worthy
we can obtain a knowledge and appre- posterity and the whole world.
ciation of its beauty and completeness. Sixth: All members of the Church
Now to return for a brief considera- should live righteously. By so doing
tion of the Lord's commandments, every male member will make himself
keeping in mind his promise when he worthy to receive the priesthood and
said: should then magnify it by gratefully
"I, the Lord, am bound when ye do accepting responsibilities that come,
what I say; but when ye do not what I which callings he neither covets nor
say, ye have no promise." (D&C 82:10.) refects,and in all his responsibilities he
From the very beginning, God has should be supported by his wife and
provided his children with instructions family, standing loyally by his side.
or commandments. To Adam he gave Seventh: Search out the names of
the law of sacrifice. On Mt. Sinai, departed kinsman. As a proxy perform
Moses received the Ten Commandments ordinances in the house of the Lord for
for the children of Israel. Some of their salvation and exaltation.
these tell us what to do; others what Eighth: Recognize that "the earth is
not to do. Today, we still subscribe to the Lord's, and the fulness thereof; . .

those teachings as being basic and bind- (Psalm 24:1.) Pay tithes and offerings
ing upon us. as a token of appreciation for the good
From time to time through the years things of the earth and for all other
other important instructions have been blessings we receive.
given. Ninth: Share the gospel and teach
Frequently we hear the admonition: all who will hearken to its message. In
"Keep the commandments and you will this way every member will become a
be blessed," but there is more to it than missionary.
that. Specifically, what are these com- Tenth: Provide for our own economic

independence.Remember the poor and ". . . wickedness never was happiness."

needy and show concern for their wel- (Alma 41:10.)
fare. If we keep all of God's command-
Eleventh: Keep the body a sacred ments, we will enjoy a feeling of calm-
temple for the Spirit of the Lord by ness, serenity, and strength. This will
being clean, chaste, and virtuous, real- serve as a bulwark to protect us against
izing that his spirit will not dwell in an the winds and storms created by the
unclean tabernacle. Also keep the body tensions and uncertainties of present
strong by observing the Lord's law of chaotic world conditions. need notWe
health, known as the Word of Wisdom. wait until we get to heaven to obtain
To this list, brothers and sisters, you peace and happiness. can have We
will want to add others. heaven on earth, here and now.
As mortals we are weak. We have May we all hearken to and observe
many frailties and imperfections, and the admonition of the ancient prophet
it may be difficult at first to obey all who exclaimed:
the commandments. But we should never "Let us hear the conclusion of the
cease striving. Progress is doing better whole matter: Fear God, and keep his
today than we did yesterday. Each of commandments: for this is the whole
us should have as an objective the Sav- duty of man." (Ecclesiastes 12:13.)
ior's admonition:
For which I humbly pray in the name
"Be ye therefore perfect, even as your
of Jesus Christ our Savior. Amen.
Father which is in heaven is perfect."
(Matthew 5:48.)
President David O. McKay:
As we become more perfect, we gain
strengthand willpower and thus it is He to whom we have just listened is
easier to keep all of God's command- Elder Henry D. Taylor, Assistant to the
ments. When this is accomplished, we Twelve. The Choir and congregation
are well on our way to happiness and will now sing, "How Firm A Foun-
eternal life. dation." Elder Tanner will speak after
Happiness, and contentment
the song.
can be ours. The Prophet Joseph Smith
taught: The Tabernacle Choir and the con-
"Happiness is the object and design of gregation joined in singing the hymn,
our existence, and will be the end there- "How Firm A Foundation."
of, if we pursue the path that leads to
it; and this path is virtue, uprightness,
President David O. McKay:
faithfulness, holiness, and keeping all
Elder Nathan Eldon Tanner, As-
the commandments of God." (History
sistant to the Twelve and president of
of the Church, Vol. V, pp. 134-135; the West European Mission, will now
italics added.)
address us. He will be followed by
The Prophet Alma also contributed Elder Howard W. Hunter of the Coun-
this important truth: cil of the Twelve.


Assistant to the Council of the Twelve Apostles

President McKay, President Moyle, Pres- my time in the service of the Lord, and
ident Brown, President Smith, and my to associate with our beloved President,
brethren and sisters, I thank my Heaven- a prophet of God, David O. McKay,
ly Father from the bottom of my heart and these other inspired leaders who
for my membership in his Church and have been chosen by him to direct the
kingdom here upon the earth, for the activities of the Church and to lead us
priesthood which I hold, and for the in the paths of truth and righteousness.
honor and call that has come to me, I am truly grateful for the opportunity
which makes it possible for me to spend I have of attending this outstanding
Sunday, October 1 Third Day

conference with you, and partaking of organ recitals in the Hyde Park Chapel
the spirit that is here, and to be in- in London, is making a great contribu-
structed and encouraged by the wonder- tion to missionary work.
ful messages that we have heard. As I Now, regarding that wonderful corps
stand before you, I feel more keenly of missionaries who are serving in these
than I have words to express my different missions, I am happy indeed
inadequacy and humility and a need of, to be able to report that they are really
and I humbly pray for, an interest in doing a marvelous work and a wonder
your faith and prayers as I speak to in the mission field. It is most encour-
you today. aging and inspiring to go from one
As approximately one seventh of all mission to another and hear those de-
the full-time missionaries in the world voted missionaries bear their testimonies
are laboring in the West European to one another and give their reports
Mission, over which I have the honor and experiences which they have had in
to preside, and which includes the mis- teaching the gospel to the world. They
sions of the British Isles, France, and are certainly to be congratulated on
the Netherlands, and because we have their enthusiasm, dedication, and their
in these missions young men and young success as they go forward in their
women representing families, wards, and proselyting efforts.
stakes from all parts of Canada and the To see how humble they are, and yet
United States, I feel that I should make how fearless and determined, reminds
a brief report of their activities, the work one of Paul as he stood in chains before
that is being done, and the progress that King Agrippa. Defending himself, he
is being made in those areas. replied to the accusations of Festus,
First, I should like to congratulate "I am not mad, most noble Festus, but
those devoted stake and ward officers speak forth the words of truth and sober-
and the people in the five stakes in ness" (Acts 26:25), always with the hope
England and Holland on the fine work that those who hear might accept their
that they are doing and the progress that message. The results of their efforts are
is being made. I wish to acknowledge evident throughout the mission.
the presence of, and welcome here today, In April I reported that in the previous
representatives of the stake presidencies, eighteen months the LDS membership
of the bishoprics, and stake Relief Soci- in the British Isles had increased from
ety presidents, who are here from those approximately 10,000 to 20,000, or nearly
stakes, also President and Sister Boyer double. Today, I am happy to report
of the London Temple. I am sure that that in these islands we had 1,197 bap-
they, as the rest of us, will enjoy the tisms in July; 1,274 in August; and in
spirit of this great conference and return September, at the present rate, we will
to their wards and stakes with a keener have over 1,400. This means that we
desire and determination and ability are baptizing in the British Isles alone
to carry on with the heavy responsibili- enough people for four or five stakes
ties placed upon them. each year.
Also, I wish to express my deep But more significant than this is the
appreciation to those unselfish, dedicated fact that the church population there is
mission presidents and their wives who being increased at the rate of over 5
are devoting every minute of their time percent each month, or over 60 percent
and energy in directing the missionary each year throughout the whole of the
work in their several missions. To see British Isles, while in some local areas
the love and devotion which they have the increase is as high as 200 to 300
for your sons and daughters who are percent in one year.
placed under their care and direction is In France and the Netherlands the
most encouraging indeed. They could number of baptisms are also greatly
not show a keener interest in their own increased. It is not difficult to see that
children. The help and leadership which a tremendous fellowshipping program is
they give them will influence their lives and I am happy to report that
for years and years to come. in these wards and branches, though
Brother Roy M. Darley, with his many of them are new members and

though the building facilities are most All of them, though they knew that
inadequate, the people are accepting the there was no remuneration but a great
responsibility of trying to make the new deal of hard work, had only one re-
converts feel at home and a part of the sponse: "I am willing to do my best,
church organization. but am I worthy?" Where in all the
The building program necessary to world, outside of this Church, can you
provide the facilities for this great influx find this kind of dedication? It is
of members presents a real problem. evident that the members of the Church
I personally wish to congratulate the are being prepared to accept and follow
building committee and those fine men the admonition of James wherein he
who are directing the work on the said, "... be ye doers of the word, and
ground, on the very efficient way in not hearers only, deceiving your own
which they have organized their work selves." (James 1:22.)
and their staffs to go forward with the Secondly, we observed that the mem-
program of starting a new building bers, when speaking to one another
every week. and when addressing the people in meet-
I also wish to congratulate the mem- ings, referred to them, as they do all
bers in the stakes and missions on the over the Church, as brothers and sisters.
very wonderful way in which they have This too was very significant. What
responded to this building program and a grand and glorious feeling it is to
in making labor missionaries available know that you are really brothers and
to assist wherever new buildings are sisters, spiritchildren of God, who are
being constructed. interested in one another and enjoy the
President McKay, I am happy to tell fine feeling of love and brotherhood and
you that the people there are responding oneness in the Church wherever you
beautifully to your call and slogan, are, regardless of whether you have
"Every Member A Missionary," first, by known one another before or not. As
striving to live lives worthy of example, the Lord has said, "I say unto you, be
and second, by opening their homes for one; and if ye are not one ye are not
group teaching and inviting their friends mine." (D&C 38:27.)
and neighbors and associates in to hear The third observation we made, and
the gospel. which is also significant and important
I should like to tell you of some of the to the members of the Church, is that
experiences and observations that Sister all speakers concluded their reports and
Tanner and I had in September as we talks by bearing their testimonies, all of
met with the Saints in the stake and which were essentially the same. As
district conferences in the capitals and Sister Tanner and I are unable to under-
some of the larger cities in England, stand or speak the language of any of
France, Germany, the Netherlands, and the countries on the European Conti-
Belgium which I feel are significant and nent, we have to arrange for someone
which helped to strengthen our testi- not only to translate what we say to
monies and helped us to appreciate the congregation, but also to sit behind
probably more than ever before our free us and give us a running commentary
agency and our membership in this of what is being said by the local
great Church. people.
First, we found that wherever we went, While we had an interest-
in Brussels
regardless of country or city or language, ing experience when the district and
there was the same sweet spirit of devo- branch presidents were giving their re-
tion and willingness to accept office ports. After two or three had spoken,
and give service in the Church. As we and another was concluding, the man
interviewed the men in these cities for who was sitting there translating for us
office,we told them they would be re- said, "He is now bearing his testimony."
quired to live up to the standards of the And he said no more. For the speakers
Church, that it would require much of who followed he did the same thing.
their time, and that the responsibilities This made me very conscious of the fact
were heavy and would require sacrifice that the testimonies borne by members
on their part anywhere in the Church, regardless of
Sunday, October 1 Third Day

who they are, or where they come from, God's dealings with the early inhabitants
state or imply certain fundamental and of the people on the American Continent,
significant truths, and that testimony and that it is the word of God, and as
bearing itself is peculiar to the Church recorded on the flyleaf of the Book of
of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Mormon, it is "Written by way of com-
I should like to deal briefly with three mandment, and also by the spirit of
or four of the fundamentals in the testi- prophecy and of revelation —
... to the
mony of a Latter-day Saint. These convincing of the Jew and Gentile that
testimonies include essential points of Jesus is the Christ, the Eternal God,
the message now being taken by the manifesting himself unto all nations. . .
missionaries to the world. First, that This message is a message of peace,
the Godhead is composed of God the the plan of life and salvation, which is
Eternal Father and his Son Jesus Christ the message to all the world, to accept
and the Holy Ghost, and it is their Christ as the Savior of the world and
testimony that God the Eternal Father him crucified and to follow the admoni-
and his Son Jesus Christ are Living tion of Peter: "Repent, and be baptized
Beings of flesh and bones and spirit, every one of you in the name of Jesus
in whose image we are made, and that Christ for the remission of sins, and ye
". God so loved the world, that he
. . shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost."
gave his only begotten Son, that whoso- (Acts 2:38.)
ever believeth in him should not perish, This is the reason there are 9,000
but have everlasting life" (John 3:16), young missionaries, ranging in ages
that Jesus Christ is the Savior of the mostly from nineteen to twenty-two
world who gave his life that all man- years out in the world, receiving no
kind may
be saved and by obedience remuneration, paying their own expenses
to the laws and ordinances of the gospel at a cost of more than $800,000 each
work out their own salvation and exalta- month, or approximately ten million
tion; that God the Father and his Son dollars each year, or twenty million for
Jesus Christ both appeared in person the two to two and a half years they
and spoke to and instructed Joseph are in the mission field. While in the
Smith; that Joseph Smith was chosen field they will have contributed over
as a Prophet of God and that the priest- 18,000 missionary years. They will
hood was restored by John the Baptist have sacrificed 18,000 man years of
and by Peter, James, and John upon the schooling or otherwise productive life
heads of Joseph Smith and Oliver to teach the restored gospel, which is
Cowdery; that this priesthood is the the plan of life and salvation, and to
power of God delegated to man to act bring souls unto Christ.
in his name, and that it is now in the This is a service of love, with no
Church and is the authority by which thought of financial gain, but with an
all ordinances are performed in the unselfish desire on the part of these
name of Jesus Christ; that the gospel devoted young missionaries and their
has been restored, and that the true parents who sacrifice so much to serve
Church of Jesus Christ is established; God and their fellow men.
that this Church is an organization The struggle in the world today and
similar in all essentials to the primitive the threat of nuclear war would be
Church up by Christ among the
set averted tomorrow and peace would
Jews with apostles and prophets, pastors reign upon the earth if the people in
and teachers, evangelists, etc.; and that the world would accept this message.
we have a prophet at the head of our The conflict in the world which
Church today through whom the Lord threatens the free agency and life of
speaks and directs his people. every individual is a continuation of
This is the testimony of these the war in heaven, where Satan was de-
individual members of the Church termined to take away our free agency,
throughout the world. It is their testi- God's greatest gift to man.
mony also that the Book of Mormon, As we read in the scriptures: ". . .

which was translated by the power of because that Satan rebelled against me,
God, is a divinely inspired record of and sought to destroy the agency of

man, which I, the Lord God, had given at the beck and call of a foreign anti-
him, and also, that I should give unto Christ dictator with policemen and
him mine own power; by the power of soldiers on every side to see that they
mine Only Begotten, I caused that he do as they are told and that they can-
should be cast down; not escape. Why? Is it because they
"And he became Satan, yea, even the are so happy and prosperous and con-
devil, the father of all lies, to deceive tented with conditions there?
and to blind men, and to lead them Satan is at work, my brethren and
captive at his will, even as many as sisters. Our freedom is at stake. It is
would not hearken unto my voice." the responsibility of everyone who calls
(Moses 4:3-4.) himself a Christian, and particularly
"Wherefore, he maketh war with the for every member of the Church of
saints ofGod, and encompasseth them Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and
round about." (D&C 76:29.) more particularly for every holder of the
priesthood of God, to take a firm stand
This was so evident to me as we were
and a determined stand against evil. It
in Berlin to organize a stake there. I
is my testimony to you, my brothers and
took the opportunity of going into East
sisters, wherever you may be, that God
Berlin, as a tourist may if he has his
has given us the solution to our prob-
proper papers. Here we have an out-
lems, the plan by which we can enjoy
standing example of the contrast of
peace in the world and peace in our
conditions and the way of life in a
divided city where the East is under
the domination of a dictator where man I plead with you, everyone, wherever

has been robbed of his freedom and is you may be, to accept Christ as the
now a slave of the state, and the other Savior of the world and to go forward
part of the city where he still enjoys as champions of our Heavenly Father
much of his freedom. In the West, and his cause and keep his command-
the stores, the streets with their bright ments that we may enjoy his Spirit to
lights, the cars, the hotels, and beauti- be with us at all times, in the name of
ful parks are all bustling with people Jesus Christ. Amen.
who can go and come as they wish and
who are joyously and actively engaged
in building and other industrial de- President David O. McKay:
velopment. While in the East under
the domination of man, you see very Elder Nathan Eldon Tanner, As-
few people on the streets, a very limited Twelve and President of
sistant to the
number of cars, a drab-looking city with the West European Mission, has just
ruins on all sides, and the people with given that testimony. shall nowWe
an attitude of despondence, despair, hear from Elder Howard W. Hunter of
and defeatism, knowing that they are the Council of the Twelve.


Of the Council of the Twelve Apostles

There a growing concept among men

is religion be eliminated from the affairs
of the world that religion is something of everyday living?
reserved for the Sabbath day, or for the As Christians, I suppose we could de-
hour spent in places of worship or in fine religion as a belief in God and a
prayer. Men distinguish between the devotion to him, which belief stimulates
everyday affairs that occupy their minds a love for God and a desire to serve
and direct their activities in the busy him.
business world, and those things within James said,
the realm of theology. "Don't mix re- "If any man among you seem to be
ligion with business," some say. Can religious, and bridleth not his tongue,
Sunday, October 1 Third Day

but deceiveth his own heart, this man's men are, that they might have joy."
religion is vain. (2 Nephi 2:25.)
"Pure and undefiled before
religion There is no reason why joy should be
God and the Father is this, To visit the turned out-of-doors before religion can
fatherless and widows in their affliction, come in. Many people think of a re-
and to keep himself unspotted from the ligiousperson as one with a sad counte-
world." (James 1:26-27.) nance and draped in black, but this is
In other words, religion is more than not so. When the angel of the Lord
a knowledge of God or a confession of appeared to the shepherds to announce
faith, and it is more than theology. the birth of the Savior, he said:
Religion is the doing of the word of ". Fear not: for, behold, I bring you
. .

God. It is being our brother's keeper, good tidings of great joy, which shall
among other things. To keep unspotted be to all people." (Luke 2:10.)
from the world does not mean that one Christ, himself, said:
must withdraw from all association with "... I am come that they might have
the world, rather to keep away
but and that they might have it more
from the the world; or as more
evils of abundantly." (John 10:10.)
beautifully put in one of our hymns, Joy existed in the pre-existence before
"Freedom from earth stains." the foundations of the earth were laid,
We can be religious in worship on ". .and all the sons of God shouted

the Sabbath day, and we can be re- for joy." (Job 38:7.)
ligious in our duties on the other six Peter, in his epistle, speaking of the
days of the week. The Apostle Paul, appearance of Jesus Christ, said:
writing to those called to be "saints" at ". . . though now ye see him not, yet
Corinth stated: believing, ye rejoice with joy unspeak-
"Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, able and full of glory:" (1 Peter 1:8.)
or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory There is nothing sad or gloomy about
of God." (1 Cor. 10:31.) a person who accepts the truths of the
If such little things as eating and gospel and incorporates these principles
drinking are to be done to the glory of in his daily living. God wants all of
God, how much more important it must his children to be joyous and glad, and
be that all of our thoughts, the words we can have this blessing if we are
we speak, or acts, conduct, dealings with willing to keep his commandments and
neighbors, business transactions, and all live by his word in all that we do. Thus
of our everyday affairs, be in harmony living one's religion must apply to
with our religious beliefs. In the words temporal affairs as much as it does to
of Paul, "whatsoever ye do, do all to those things which we think of as
the glory of God." (Idem.) Can we spiritual.
therefore eliminate religion from our There are some who ask why the
week-day affairs and relegate it to the Church is concerned with temporal
Sabbath day only? Surely not, if we affairs. The Church is interested in the
follow Paul's admonition. welfare of each of its members. This
Religion can be part of our daily work, interest therefore cannot be limited to
our business, our buying and selling, man's spiritual needs alone but extends
building, transportation, manufacturing, to every phase of his life. Social and
our trade or profession, or of anything economic needs are important to every-
we do. We can serve God by honesty one. Man also has need for physical,
and fair dealing in our business trans- mental, and moral guidance. Our lives
actions in the same way we do in Sun- cannot be one-sided, nor can we separate
day worship. The true principles of the spiritual from the temporal. The
Christianity cannot be separate and Lord has said:
apart from business and our everyday "Wherefore, verily I say unto you that
affairs. all things unto me are spiritual, and
Religion often regarded as opposed
is not any time have I given unto you
to pleasure, but God's reason for creating a lawwhich was temporal; neither any
man is that he might have joy. man, nor the children of men; neither
"Adam fell that men might be; and Adam, your father, whom I created.

"Behold, I gave unto him that he has ordained them thus, for they consist
should be an agent unto himself; and of our thoughts and actions as we wend
I gave unto him commandment, but no our way through this part of eternity.
temporal commandment gave I unto Thus our business transactions, our
him, for my commandments are spirit- daily labors, our trade or profession, or
ual; they are not natural nor temporal, whatever we do become part of living
neither carnal nor sensual." (D&C the gospel.
29:34-35.) This imposes upon us a high duty
The Lord makes no distinction be- and a high responsibility. If all men
tween temporal and spiritual command- would live in obedience to these princi-
ments, for he has said that all of his ples in their daily lives and in their
commandments are spiritual. When we dealings with each other, and if this
understand the plan of life and salva- same code would prevail among those
tion, this becomes evident to us. who are in leadership among the peoples
Mortality is just one part of our eternal and nations of the world, righteousness
life. would prevail, peace would return, and
We know where we came from. Holy the blessings of the Lord would be
writ us that we were born the
tells showered down upon his children.
spiritual children of our Heavenly Righteous living must start in the
Father, that we dwelt with him in a lives of individuals. Eachof us has the
spiritual existence before our birth into duty. It must be incorporated into
mortality. The divine object of our family living. Parents have the responsi-
coming to earth is to obtain a body of bility to live these principles and teach
flesh and bones, to learn by the experi- them to their children. Religion must
ences which come to us in this mortal be part of our living. The gospel of
life the difference between good and Jesus Christ must become the motivat-
evil, and to accomplish those things ing influence in all that we do. There
which the Lord commanded. Thus this must be more striving within in order
life is the schoolroom of our journey to follow the great example set by the
through eternity. There is work to Savior if we are to become more like
do and lessons to learn that we might him. This becomes our great challenge.
prepare and qualify ourselves to go into Our daily prayer might well be stated
the spiritual existence to follow. in the words of the hymn:
Man distinguishes between the tem-
poral and the spiritual, probably be- "More holiness give me,
cause living in mortality between the More strength to o'ercome;
spiritual pre-existence and the spiritual More freedom from earth stains,
life hereafter, he fails to recognize the More longing for home;
full significance of his activities during More fit for the kingdom,
the years he spends on earth. To the More used would I be;
Lord everything is both spiritual and More blessed and holy,
temporal, and the laws he gives are More, Savior, like thee."
consequently spiritual, because they
I witness that Jesus is the Christ, the
concern spiritual beings.
Savior of the world. If only we could
Every phase of our life, therefore,
catch the vision and conform our lives
becomes the concern of the Church.
to his teachings, we would find that joy
The great welfare program of the
which has been promised to us. In
Church demonstrates this principle. The
whatever we eat or drink, or whatever
Church is interested in our social and
we do, may it all be done to the glory
our recreational needs, educational, fam-
of God I humbly pray, in the name of
ily life, our business affairs, and all that
Jesus Christ. Amen.
we do.
There is no way we can separate the McKay:
President David O.
activities of worship on the Sabbath day
from the many pursuits of the week- Elder Howard W. Hunter of the
day by calling one religious and the Council of the Twelve has just con-
other temporal. Both are spiritual. God cluded speaking.
Sunday, October 1 Third Day

Theclosing song by the Tabernacle singing. They did well, Dr. Olpin;
Choir will be "Hallelujah" (from the President Daryl Chase of the Utah
"Mount of Olives"), conducted by State University; President Homer
Richard P. Condie, and the benediction Durham of Arizona State University;
will be offered by Elder Joseph R. Ison, President John L. Clarke of Ricks Col-
president of the Nampa Stake, following lege; Dr. William P. Miller, president
which this Conference will be adjourned of Weber College; Judge A. Sherman
until two o'clock this afternoon. Christenson of the Federal Court; Super-
Brethren and sisters, in bringing to intendent M. Lynn Bennion of our Salt
a close this sixth session of the One Lake City Schools; and undoubtedly
Hundred Thirty-First Semi-Annual Con- many others.
ference, we express our sincere appre- We are grateful for the attendance in
ciation to the owners and managers of the Assembly Hall and in Barratt Hall
the many television and radio stations of many of our Conference visitors who
who have offered their facilities to us. are here for the first time, and of course,
We are grateful for this wonderful pub- you stake presidencies, high councilmen,
lic service. A
total of 22 radio stations bishoprics, temple presidents, and all
and 21 television stations in the West the General Authorities and general of-
are carrying the proceedings of this ficers of the Church.
Conference. According to a survey, it We should say a word of appreciation
is estimated that over a million people for the flowers all the way from Hawaii,
are listening to this morning's session. the antheriums, from the Oahu Stake.
Weare grateful for the attendance of I mentioned the General Priesthood
all who are present in the Tabernacle, Meeting held last evening and the ex-
in the Assembly Hall and Barratt Hall. cellent presentation by Elder Lee and
We are pleased with the messages we Elder Evans of the correlation plan and
received yesterday, among which was the spiritual feast of probably 40,000
one from students of the Payson members of the Priesthood at the Gen-

Seminary a hundred and ten of them. eral Priesthood Meeting in about 300
Some of them for the first time in their stake gatherings.
lives attended the session. The singing of this morning's session
We recognize the presence of the has been furnished by the Tabernacle
Honorable Ralph R. Harding, Congress- Choir, with Richard P. Condie con-
man from Idaho. You be pleased also ducting and Alexander Schreiner at the
that the following have been noticed organ.
in our session this morning, and many We will conclude this service now
of them I have noticed at several other with the anthem, "Hallelujah" from the
sessions: Senator Wallace F. Bennett, "Mount of Olives," and Elder Joseph R.
Congressman David S. King; I have Ison, president of the Nampa Stake,
already mentioned Senator Ralph Hard- will offer the benediction.
ing from Idaho; Governor George Dewey
Clyde, last evening also, and is present
this morning; and Secretary of State,
The anthem, "Hallelujah" (from the
Lamont Toronto; Sharp M. Larsen, the "Mount of Olives") was the closing
State Treasurer; Dr. Ernest L. Wilkin-
number by the Tabernacle Choir.
son, president of the Brigham Young Elder Joseph R. Ison, president of the
University; Dr. A. Ray Olpin, president Nampa Stake, offered the closing
of the University of Utah —I missed him prayer.
yesterday when his boys and girls were Conference adjourned until 2:00 p.m.

The concluding session of the Confer- President David O. McKay presiding and
ence was held in the Tabernacle at conducting.
2 o'clock p.m., Sunday, October 1, with The music for this session of the Con-

ference was furnished by the Tabernacle E. Welch, Assistant Tabernacle Choir

Choir, Richard P. Condie and Jay E. leader, conducting.
Welch directing, with Frank W. Asper Elder Nicholas J. Teerlink, president
at the organ. of the Wells Stake, offered the in-
President David O. McKay opened the vocation.
meeting with the following remarks:
President David O. McKay:
President David O. McKay:
President Nicholas J. Teerlink of the
These services are being broadcast by
Wells Stake has just offered the invo-
television and radio stations throughout
cation. The Choir will now sing, "Of
the West. The names of these stations
The Father's Love Begotten," Richard
were announced at the beginning of this P. Condie conducting, after which we
meeting. shall hear from Elder Milton R. Hunter
The music for this session will be of the First Council of Seventy.
rendered by the Tabernacle Choir, with
Richard P. Condie conducting, and
Elder Frank W. Asper at the organ. The Choir sang, "Of The Father's
We shall begin these services by the Love Begotten," Richard P. Condie
Choir singing, "How Lovely Are The conducting.
Messengers," with Jay E. Welch, As-
sistant Conductor, directing. The in- President David O. McKay:
vocation will be offered by Nicholas J.
Teerlink, president of the Wells Stake.
Elder Milton R. Hunter of the First
Council of Seventy will be our first
"How Lovely Are The Messengers" speaker. He will be followed by Elder
was sung by the Tabernacle Choir, Jay Sonne.


Of the First Council of the Seventy

My dear brethren and sisters, we are his true Church. I marvel how devoted
living in a great age of the Church. I to the cause of righteousness many Lat-
thrillwhen I think about the tremen- ter-day Saints are.
dous growth that is taking place, and On the other hand, when I look at
especially when I meditate on the devel- the reports of the various stakes and ob-
opment of the various phases of church serve how many members have their
activity. This unusual growth and names on the records who are not keep-
development has taken place primarily ing the commandments, it causes my
during the past few years since Presi- heart to sadden. It causes me to want
dent David O. McKay became leader to do all I can to help change that con-
of the Church. dition. I strongly desire that all Latter-
As President Henry D. Moyle said day Saints work out their eternal exal-
yesterday, truly the stone has been cut tation now while the opportunity is
out of the mountain without hands, and ours.
it is destined to roll forth and fill the It seems that many in the Church do
whole earth. (See Daniel 2:34-35, 45.) not appreciate the gospel. They do not
As I travel throughout the Church and realize that if they attain the greatest
meet with the stake presidencies, the amount of joy in this life and eternal
other officers, and the people in general life in the world to come, they must
of the various stakes, I thrill with their prove faithful now. This life is our
devotion. Thousands and thousands of opportunity. Yes, our chance to serve
them have an eye single to the glory of God is now! Today is the day for us
God and to the upbuilding of the king- to prepare to meet God. We cannot put
dom. They bear solemn testimonies it off until the next world.

that Jesus is the Christ and that this is Some 2,500 years ago, Nephi, looking
Sunday, October 1 Third Day

down through the stream of time, saw desire to emphasize the point that now
our day and prophesied about it exten- is the time for members of the Church
sively. He said that in the last days of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to
the God of heaven would proceed to render obedience to all of the Master's
bring forth a marvelous work and a laws and ordinances. It is required that
wonder. He described this work and the we keep God's commandments now, be-
great effect it would have upon the cause we have taken upon ourselves
people of the world. the name of Christ. We
are members
Nephi also proclaimed that many of his Church, and so we are having
Church members in our day would not our opportunity to render obedience to
be faithful. He said that they would all of his commandments now. We
be influenced by the Evil One; that should perform our own ordinances in
they would be deceived and dragged the temple and keep all of the Lord's
down to hell. Let me read one of Nephi's commandments while the day lasts,
statements: because for us the night may come
"And there shall also be many which wherein we cannot work. That would
shall say: Eat, drink, and be merry; be terrible if we had not proved

nevertheless, fear God he will justify faithful.
in committing a little sin; yea, lie a In the account of the grand council of
little, take the advantage of one because heaven we read: "And there stood one
of his words, dig a pit for thy neighbor; among them that was like unto God,
there is no harm in this; and do all and he said unto those who were with
these things, for tomorrow we die; and him: Wewill go down, for there is
if it so be that we are guilty, God will space there, and we will take of these
beat us with a few stripes, and at last materials, and we will make an earth
we shall be saved in the kingdom of whereon these may dwell;
God. "And we will prove them herewith,
"Yea, and there shall be many which to see if they will do all things whatso-
shall teach after this manner, false and ever the Lord their God shall command
vain and foolish doctrines, ." (2 Ne-
. .
them, ."
. (Abraham 3:24-25.)

phi 28:8-9.) Thus, in the very beginning even in —

It seems to me
that the principle —
the spirit world we were informed that
theme of this conference has been obe- mortality was to be a state of probation,
dience to God's commandments. I have a proving ground, to see if we would
a strong feeling in my heart this after- keep all of God's commandments. That
noon to say something to cause some of same idea was verified in a modern
us to recognize the importance of keep- revelation through the Prophet Joseph
ing God's commandments at the present Smith to the Latter-day Saints. Jesus
time while the opportunity is ours. Christ, our Lord, declared:
I remember that a few years before "And I now give unto you a command-
President Grant died, he came to a ment to beware concerning yourselves,
general conference one day and said to give diligent heed to the words of
that while preparing his mind for con- eternal life.
ference he had wondered what great "For you shall live by every word
blessing he could give to the Latter-day that proceedeth forth from the mouth
Saints. He pondered on what good thing of God." (D8;C 84:43-44.)
he could do for them. And then he re- A little later another revelation came
marked, "Under the inspiration of the to the Prophet which warned the Saints
Lord I have come to conference with as follows:
the one simple idea, 'Keep God's com-
" "For if you will that I give unto you
mandments!' a place in the celestial world, you must
Many Latter-day think that
Saints prepare yourselves by doing the things
they can reject temple marriage, fail which I have commanded you and re-
to pay their tithes and offering, commit quired of you." (Ibid., 78:7.)
various sins here in mortality and that Jesus Christ is the great Lawgiver and
they will have another chance to make Judge. He is the one that will give us
all of this up in the life to come. I our rewards and blessings for righteous-


ness, and, on the other hand, withhold side our plates and left quickly.
blessings or give us the punishments for I said to the welfare man,"I am not
failing to live righteous lives. He judges going to leave this coffee beside our
on a very fair basis by eternal law. He plates while we eat."
cares not whether one is rich or poor, He replied, "We could push them
bond or free, male or female. aside a little distance from our plates,

Jesus judges by what is in one's heart: and I it will be okay."

". . out of the abundance of the
. for The waitress returned about then. I
heart the mouth speaketh," (Matt. asked her to remove the coffee, stating
12:34), and, "For as he thinketh in his that we had not ordered it. No sooner
heart, so is he: ." (Proverbs 23:7.)
. . had she got away from the table with
And so the Lord's judgment will be the two cups of coffee than the door
based upon law. We
shall receive ex- opened and in walked the stake presi-
actly what we merit. read in the We dent of the Portland Stake. He spied
Doctrine and Covenants: us immediately, came over and sat down
"There is a law, irrevocably decreed in by us, and conversed with us all the
heaven before the foundations of this time while we
ate breakfast.
world, upon which all blessings are When we got back on the train, the
predicated welfare man "My, that was a nar-
"And when we obtain any blessing row escape. If we had had that coffee
from God, it is by obedience to that law on the table, we could not have con-
upon which it is predicated." (D&C vinced that stake president that we had
130:20-21.) not ordered it and that we had not in-
As we learned in the Mutual theme a tended to drink it."
few years ago, the Lord also said: Brothers and sisters, all of us who
"I, the Lord, am bound when
ye do are members of the Church of Jesus
what I say; but when
ye do not what I Christ of Latter-day Saints have entered
say, ye have no promise." (Ibid., 82:10.) into a covenant with the Lord to keep
I think, my brothers and sisters, that all of his commandments now while
we should not only avoid committing here in mortality. In the words of the
sins, but we should also avoid doing Preacher:
things that appear to be sinful. "Let us hear the conclusion of the
When I was a young man, I heard whole matter: Fear God, and keep his
a good woman say several times, "Don't commandments: for this is the whole
do anything wrong. Don't do anything duty of man.
that even appears to be wrong." "For God shall bring every work
Of course, at that time I thought that into judgment, with every secret thing,
that statement was somewhat foolish; whether it be good, or whether it be
but I have become older and have ob-
as evil." (Ecclesiastes 12:13-14.)
served human nature, I have come to I humbly pray that as members of
know that the example we set causes the true Church, we will strive hard
many people to do wrong. Our example "to do justly, to love mercy, and to walk
may also cause them to do right. And humbly with our God." (See Micah
so now I think that that statement is a 6:8); and after mortal life has closed,
very wise one. may we find a glorious home prepared
Let me illustrate with a little per- for us in his mansion on high.
sonal experience. A few years ago, In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
accompanied by a welfare man, I was
on the way to Seattle to a stake con- President David O. McKay:
ference. The train stopped at Portland
for the passengers to eat breakfast. As we Elder Milton R. Hunter of the First
ordered our breakfast, as usual the wait- Council of Seventy has just concluded
ress asked if we would care for coffee. speaking. Elder Alma Sonne, Assistant
Of course, as always, we replied, "No, to the Twelve, will now speak to us,
thank you." But when she brought the and he will be followed by Elder
breakfast, she set two cups of coffee be- Hinckley.
Sunday, October 1 Third Day


Assistant to the Council of the Twelve Apostles

President McKay, brethren and sisters, the Eternal God who manifests himself
after having listened to the music dur- to all nations.
ing these conference sessions, and after It is and always has been a builder of
having heard the prayers which have faith and a converter of souls. Its power
been so fervently offered, and hearing in these respects is marvelous and be-
also the stirring sermons which have yond the understanding of the un-
been delivered, and having felt the believing and those who "are wise in
spirit of all meetings in this conference, their own eyes and prudent in their own
I have been led to say in my own heart, sight." A
humble approach to its read-
"Surely this is the marvelous work and ing is necessary.
wonder spoken of by Isaiah the prophet." Readers of the book are left with
Seven or eight months ago President God's help to determine its value, its
Joseph Fielding Smith in speaking to divinity, and its truthfulness. They are
the General Authorities of the Church not asked to consult with the scholars
suggested that each one of them read or the recognized men of learning as
the Book of Mormon during the year. to its validity. They are cautioned, how-
Like many others, I began the reading. ever, to ask God the Eternal Father in
I have almost finished it. At the same the name of Jesus Christ regarding the
time I also read Orson Pratt's treatise reliability and the trustworthiness of
on the book as he wrote it many years the message it contains, directed as it
ago. It has been refreshing and stimu- is to the Jews, the Gentiles, and the

lating to me and certainly very en- remnant of the Nephite race.

lightening, even though it has been Under that procedure they will re-
read and referred to many times over ceive a testimony as to its sanctity and
the years. authenticity which is stronger and
Elder Pratt,in writing his analysis mightier than all the arguments of
of this latter-day scripture, makes this cynics and skeptics. No one has found
statement: "The book must be either anything that nullifies the testimony of
true or false. If true, it is one of the the three witnesses to this sacred volume.
most important messages ever sent from Their testimonies still stand. Not a
God. If false, it is one of the most single thing has been brought to light,
cunning, wicked, bold, deep-laid im- not a single thing to discredit their
positions ever pawned on the world." solemn declaration. It was challenged,
as you may know and surmise, and the
Many people during this year are integrity of the witnesses was ques-
reading the Book of Mormon. Many
tioned. Their characters were assailed,
have read it in the past, and many will
and they were accused of being in col-
read it in the future. It was given
lusion with a wicked pretender and a
to the world through Joseph Smith
false prophet.
the Prophet when he was a young man
in his early twenties. The Prophet was
It has always been so and naturally
a humble man. He was unlearned in
was expected, for the world is full of
the arts, the sciences, and literature of
doubters and cynics. Jesus knew this
the world. At the same time he laid
when he talked to Nicodemus. "We
no claim whatever to any literary power speak that we do know," said Jesus,
or ability. The book was not produced
"and testify that we have seen; and ye
receive not our witness.
as a result of prolonged preparation or
any studious effort such as the writing "If Ihave told you earthly things,
of a book would entail. It is in perfect and ye believe not, how shall ye believe,
harmony with the Bible teachings. It if I tellyou of heavenly things?" (John
contains a similar message and empha- 3:11-12.)
sizes the same truths. No book was ever These were the words of the Master,
written with a higher and a nobler but these witnesses never wavered in
purpose. Its aim is to teach the Jew their testimony. They left the Church
and the Gentile that Jesus is the Christ, and were unfriendly to the Prophet.

They were excommunicated at a time If Joseph Smith wilfully and deliber-

when the Church needed their support. ately fabricated that volume and gave
There is something dramatic about it to the world as scripture, he was
Oliver Cowdery's return to the Church. unworthy of the confidence of all good
The day he came back the fortunes of men. Of all men he would be the most
the Church were at their lowest ebb. deceptive and the most dishonest He
The people were outcast and had been would be a stranger to every divine and
driven from their homes and possessions. holy impulse. By every law of affinity
Fully repentant, Oliver Cowdery was his mind would be darkened by his
baptized and entered the Church as a evil designs. God's Spirit would depart
humble member. from him. No heavenly inspiration or
Martin Harris returned and was bap- enlightenment could emanate from one
tized after a long period on the outside. so bad, but his scriptural productions,
His numerous testimonies to his neigh- every one, emphasize moral and spiritual
bors and friends are a vindication values. They are warnings against
against the charges that he had denied wrongdoing. They are confirmations of
his testimony. Bible teachings.
David Whitmer, disgruntled and dis- The Book of Mormon especially is a
appointed, did not return. He claimed
strong indictment against every sin in
the Church had left him; that he had
every form. I beg of you, brethren and
not left the Church. He evidently lacked
sisters, to read the book; and as you go
humility which is required of faithful
home following this conference, open
members of the Church. His last act the sacred volume and read it slowly
was to reconfirm his testimony and to
and prayerfully, chapter by chapter,
rebuke those who had accused him of
until it is finished, and, if you will do
being unfaithful to the written docu-
so, God will bless you. He will strength-
ment which he had signed. He executed
en your testimony. He will increase your
an affidavit on his deathbed to silence
faith, and he will bless you in your
those who had questioned his integrity.
devotion to the great cause for which we
But the book itself is the best evidence
all stand.
of its divinity. If the book is a fraud,
Joseph Smith knew it. There could be May you and I be faithful in all

no question in his mind about its being things I pray in the name of Jesus
fraudulent or genuine. He had the Christ. Amen.
answer. Thousands have read it and
have come away with the same testi-
mony which he and the others gave. President David O. McKay:
Not a single logical explanation has
been offered to discredit the claim of We have just listened to Elder Alma
the Prophet and his associates. The book Sonne, Assistant to the Twelve. Elder
still stands as a divine record, unmarred Gordon B. Hinckley, whom we sustained
by the attacks of critics, most of whom yesterday as a member of the Council
were insincere and untrustworthy. of the Twelve, will now speak to us.


Of the Council of the Twelve Apostles

My beloved leaders, my dear brethren with me yesterday morning. I confess

and would be neither appro-
sisters, it that I have wept and prayed.
priatenor desirable for me to speak at I think I feel some sense of the burden
length. I wish merely to share briefly of this responsibility to stand as a wit-
with you some of the feelings of my ness of the Lord Jesus Christ before a
heart. world that is reluctant to accept him.
Sister Romney told me yesterday "I stand all amazed at the love Jesus
afternoon that she knew that I was the offersme." I am subdued by the confi-
one to be sustained because of the ap- dence of the Lord's Prophet in me, and
pearance of my eyes when she talked by the expressed love of these, my


Sunday, October 1 Third Day

brethren, beside whom I feel like a he did not, we are engaged in blas-
pigmy. pray for strength; I pray for
I phemy. If he did, we have a duty from
help; and I pray for the faith and the —
which none of us can shrink to declare
will to be obedient. I think that I to the world the living reality of the

need and I feel that all of us need God of the universe, the Father of us
discipline, if this great work is to roll all; and of his Son, the Lord Jesus
forward as it is ordained to do. Christ, the Savior of the world, our
I expressed three and a half years Redeemer, the Author of our salvation,
ago when I stood here my appreciation the Prince of Peace.
for the name which I bear [Bryant S. I give you my testimony that this is
Hinckley, his father], which has come true. It is not false. Our detractors
from faithful forebears, who gave much may debate theology, but they cannot
and received little that I might receive refute this testimony which has come
much while giving little. by the power of the Holy Ghost into
I was moved this morning as the choir
my heart and into your hearts, and
sang that great anthem, "Crown Him which I solemnly declare this day as I
Lord of All." The unity, the harmony, express unto you my appreciation for
and the discipline of this choir always your sustaining hands and hearts, in
impress me. Now, my brethren and the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
sisters, God has written the score which
we are to perform. Our prophet is our
director. With effort and with harmony
President David O. McKay:
we can the world and "crown him
Lord of all," if we have the will to
discipline ourselves with that restraint
We have just heard from Elder
Gordon B. Hinckley of the Missionary
which comes of true testimony. Department, member of the Quorum of
I would like to say that this cause is the Twelve Apostles of the Church.
either true or false.Either this is the Elder S. Dilworth Young will please
kingdom of God, or is a sham and a
it come forward and speak to us. Elder
delusion. Either Joseph talked with the Young is a member of the First Council
Father and the Son, or he did not. If of the Seventy.


Of the First Council of the Seventy

Yesterday Elder Marion G. Romney have you hear

"but ye were past feel-
mentioned the matter of the Holy Spirit ing, that ye could not feel his
and said that one does not hear it with words; ..." (1 Nephi 17:45.)
his ears. May I read to you a verse of I used to wonder why Nephi didn't
scripture which verifies that. Nephi was say "hear his words." Now I know that
rebuking his two brothers who were one doesn't hear them with his ears,
intent upon killing him as they jour- as Brother Romney said. But into a
neyed toward the Promised Land. He person's mind there come words. These
reminded them that they thought to seem to be his own words, but with the
murder his father, but also their intent Spirit upon him, are not his words.
was to murder him, and therefore in With these words comes a feeling. One
their hearts they were murderers. Then actually feels the words, just as Nephi
he reminded them of the times which said. These brothers had lost that feel-
the Lord had tried to impress them in ing, and therefore could not detect
these words: words given by the Spirit as apart from
"Ye have seen an angel, and he spake their own thoughts.
unto you; yea, ye have heard his This "feeling" comes to all who will
voice from time to time; and he hath hear. One's first experience in this
spoken unto you in a still small voice;" likely is akin to those of all converts to
— and this is the part I would like to the Church when they read what

Moroni said. He told them that after has spoken truly. "That true doc-
they had heard these things, if they trine. He is speaking truth to us," it
would ask God they would know of tries to say.
their truth. (Moroni 10:4.) I believe To me this conference
has been filled
that James was referring to this funda- with that type of thing. I am proud
mental truth when he wrote these to be a member of the Church. I am
words, "If any of you lack wisdom, let delighted to have the opportunity of
him ask of God, ." (James 1:5.) The
. . bearing my testimony that I know these
Prophet Joseph, reading, was impressed things are true, and I do it in the name
to go to the woods and pray. Anybody of Jesus Christ. Amen.
who cannot learn to hear by feeling
will not go very far in the Church, in President David O. McKay:
my humble opinion, for I believe that
to be the way the majority of us know The Choir and congregation will now
if these things are true. sing, "O Say, What Is Truth?" You
By that Spirit which whispers in my have just listened to Elder S. Dilworth
soul, and which I feel with my heart Young of the First Council of Seventy.
and my feelings at the same time, the Elder Jay E. Welch, Assistant Choir
knowledge of which rings constantly in Leader, will lead us as we join in sing-
my whole being, I know that Joseph ing, "O Say, What Is Truth?" and we
Smith received many of his revelations shall hear from Elder Franklin D.
by that means. By that whispered feel- Richards following that song.
ing, too, I know that he was a prophet
of the Living God and that President The Choir and congregation joined
McKay is likewise a prophet of the in singing the hymn, "O Say, What Is
Living God. I would ask only one Truth?"
thing, that each of us as we leave this
conference ask ourselves if during any President David O. McKay:
of these meetings, we felt in our hearts
the whispering, and had the words form Elder Franklin D. Richards, Assistant
into our minds as the whispering be- to the Twelve, will be our next speaker.
came feeling, and the message came He will be followed by Elder Theodore
clearly into our minds that the speaker M. Burton.


Assistant to the Council of the Twelve Apostles

President McKay, President Moyle, Pres- "What do you know about the Mormon
ident Brown, President Smith, and all Church?" and "Would you like to know
of you wonderful brothers and sisters more?"
and friends, I approach this responsibil- It is apparent that many have been
ity and assignment with a humble asking these questions. Are you one
heart, and I pray that our Father in
of them?
heaven will bless me with his Spirit that
I might be able to say something that As a supervisor of the eight eastern
will be helpful in building the kingdom American missions, I have spent a large
of God. part of the time since the last conference
in those missions, and I bring to you the
At the last conference, I spoke to you
affectionate greetings and love of the
about the amazing growth and develop-
mission presidents, the missionaries, and
ment of the Church. At that time I
the Saints. I am happy to make this
suggested that each of you accept Presi-
brief report:
dent McKay's challenge that every
member be a missionary. To do this I First, that convert baptisms are nearly
proposed that we ask our friends and three times those of a year ago, that
neighbors the two golden questions, means approximately 1,100 each month,
Sunday, October 1 Third Day

or as translated into new stakes, roughly not shall be damned." (Mark 16:15-16.)
six new stakes each year. So we in this dispensation have also
Secondly, chapels and church build- been instructed. These prophecies are
ings are being built in large numbers. being fulfilled in this great growth of
Just asan example, Sister Richards and the Church. Baptism is necessary to
I came back a short time ago from the enter the kingdom of God, and to us of
Canadian Mission, and in that mission this dispensation the Lord has given the
during the first seven months of this assignment to baptize his elect. Today
year, six chapels have been completed we have the counsel of our President
and are occupied, and seven more are and Prophet David O. McKay that
either under construction or in the late "every member should be a missionary,"
planning stage. in order to bring more souls into the
Third, new stakes are being organized. kingdom of God. We sustained our
Two have recently been organized in President wholeheartedly and seek to
North Carolina and within the area follow his counsel.
covered by the eight eastern American So every man, woman, and child
missions, it is likely that eight more wants toknow how they can fulfill their
stakeswill be ready for organization assignment to be a missionary.
during the next twelve months. First, each one of us must live the
This pattern of accelerated growth gospel; then we should invite our non-
and development of the Church, as you member friends to attend our Church
can see, going on throughout the
is meetings and functions with us; also,
entire world. Many have asked why find people who want to know more
this growth is taking place. Prophecy about the Church and the best way to
is being fulfilled, my brothers and sisters, do this is to ask the "golden questions,"
and the Lord is pouring out his Spirit — 'What do you know about the Mor-
upon all flesh. I can notice the difference mon Church?" and "Would you like
in just the last few months. to know more?"
In a vision manifested to Joseph Smith Those thatsay "Yes," should be
the Prophet and Oliver Cowdery, the invited into group meetings in the mem-
heavens were opened, and Moses ap- bers' homes to hear the missionaries
peared and committed unto them the discuss the principles of the gospel.
keys of the gathering of Israel from the Where this is not possible, the person
four quarters of the earth. I bear should be referred to the missionaries
witness to you that this, the Dispen- to contact.
sation of the Fulness of Times, is Asking these two questions is a sifting
indeed the time of gathering. process, finding the elect, those that
When the Angel Moroni first visited want to know more about the Church.
the Prophet Joseph, he quoted from the In Charlottesville, Virginia, as an ex-
second chapter of Joel: "And it shall ample, one of our good sisters who
come to pass afterward, that I will pour worked at a bakery decided to ask the
out my spirit upon all flesh." (See five women she was working with the
Joseph Smith 2:41; Joel 2:28.) Moroni golden questions, and all of them said
told the Prophet that this was not yet they would like to know more about
fulfilled but would be soon. I am con- the Church. She invited them to a
fident, my brothers and sisters, that this series of group meetings in her home to
prophecy is now being fulfilled. hear the missionaries, and four of the
The Lord has told are
us, "And ye five women gained a testimony and were
called to bring to pass the gathering of baptized into the Church.
mine elect; for mine elect hear my voice The full-time, stake, and district mis-
and harden not their hearts." (D&C sionaries will work with you, with the
29:7.) special assignment to teach the gospel.
As the Savior instructed: "Go ye into All the missionaries throughout the
all the world, and preach the gospel to Church are using the simple, uniform
every creature. plan. This program assists them in
"He that believeth and is baptized developing greater spirituality, the atti-
shall be saved; but he that believeth tude of success, and a good knowledge

of the gospel and the teaching plan. therewere added unto them about three
Through this preparation, missionaries thousand souls." (Acts 2:41.)
are endowed with great power. The autobiography of Parley P. Pratt
Heretofore a large part of the mission- tellsus of his meeting John Taylor,
ary's time has been spent in finding whose name was given to him as a
people to teach. Now more of the referral. Parley P. Pratt used group
missionary's time is being spent in meetings most effectively. His experience
teaching because the members are find- inNew York City is related as follows:
ing those that are interested and in "Whilepreached, a lady solicited
many instances bringing them together me house in Willett
to preach in her
into groups to be taught by the mission- she said, 'I had a dream of
Street, for
ary. This method is bringing into the you and of the new church the other
Church many more converts. night.' Another lady wished me to
Everything is being done to make the preach in her house in Grant Street.
work of the missionaries more efficient In the meantime I was invited by the
and effective. The use of the telephone Free Thinkers to preach or give a course
in tracting and to follow up referrals is of lectures in Tammany Hall. In short,
a real effective, modern proselyting de- it was not three weeks . . till we had

vice. The use of cars, in many instances, fifteen preaching places in the city, all
is also a great time-saver. Home nights of which were filled to overflowing. We
to permit groups to get acquainted with preached about eleven times a week
the Church and for missionaries to make besides visiting from house to house.
contacts with nonmembers is likewise We soon commenced baptising and
an effective tool. continued baptizing almost every day
We are just starting on a comparatively during the winter and spring." (P. 170
new approach. This involves an advertis- 1950 Ed.)
ing and direct mail program, a new type Our missionary program is based on
of tracting, so to speak. Our advertise- declaring repentance and baptism. Our
ments and letters will provide a coupon missionaries know that baptism is es-
or a card to be returned to us, requesting sential, and they are baptism conscious.
missionaries to call or a home-study
The Lord has given us a list of qualifi-
course to be sent.
cations necessary for baptism, and this is
Wehave adapted the uniform mis- in the Doctrine and Covenants, section
sionary teaching plan to a home-study Missionaries are instructed to see
course. Many who study the gospel in
that these qualifications are met. This
this manner will undoubtedly later want
is not a day for compromising standards.
missionary visits. Through advertise-
After baptism our responsibility is to
ments and through the mail, we will
fellowship the new converts. There will
reach many that we are not able to
be little falling away as we "love" these
reach by our present methods. Baptisms
good people into the Church and give
from this source of referrals are already
them an opportunity to serve.
being reported.
Brothers and sisters, God the Father
Many people refer to our present
missionary plan as a "new plan," but
and his Son Jesus Christ did appear to
the Prophet Joseph Smith. The fulness
it really is not Examining the prose-
of the gospel of Jesus Christ has been
lyting methods of the apostles and the
disciples at the time of Christ and in
restored to this earth. The Church of
Jesus Christ with the authority to act
the early days of the Church in our time,
in his name is on the earth. This is
we find that the methods used today
are very similar. One of the most the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day

remarkable examples was Peter's sermon

Saints. We need a prophet today, and
to the people on the day of Pentecost,
we have a prophet —President David
O. McKay.
the result of which is recorded in the
second chapter of Acts, and the 41st I bear witness to you that these things
verse as follows: are true.
"Then they that gladly received his Remember the scriptures. "For behold,
word were baptized: and the same day the field is white already to harvest;
Sunday, October 1 Third Day

and the eleventh hour, and the last

it is make us equal to the task, I pray in the
time that I shall call laborers into my name of Jesus Christ Amen.
vineyard." (D&C 33:3.) And remember
President McKay's admonition, "Every President David O. McKay:
member a missionary." The challenge
is for each of us to be a missionary. Wehave just listened to Elder Frank-
This means for each of us to bring a lin D. Richards, Assistant to the Twelve.
convert into the Church this year. Let Elder Theodore M. Burton, Assistant to
us make this our goal and may the Lord the Twelve, will now address us.


Assistant to the Council of the Twelve Apostles

My brothers and sisters, I am most graphs are much more important than
grateful for this past year. It has been sentences, and I found that the treatise
a marvelous year to have spent in asso- as a whole must make sense. Other-
ciation with these, my brethren. I have wise, the translation is not good. Words
had my eyes opened. I have learned have many different meanings, and the
many things. It has also been a tre- meanings of these words depend upon
mendous blessing to me to be able to their usage. The context in which they
travel among the stakes and missions are used becomes extremely important.
of the Church and see what wonderful Let us take as a simple example the
strength and leadership we have where- word, corn. It is a simple English word,
ever I travel. but if you were to translate this into
I have been greatly impressed by the another language, you would have to
strength of the Church, for I feel the understand some of its many meanings.
strength of the Church is in the hearts Corn would mean maize to the Indian.
of our people who are willing to serve It would mean grain to the Britisher. It
and to sacrifice because of the testi- would mean whiskey to the moonshiner.
mony they have in their hearts that It would mean to granulate to the
this is the truth. chemist or to the munitions manu-
Now, as a missionary, how can I facturer. It would mean to preserve
teach the things that are in my heart to to the housewife. It would mean to
you, the people? How can I strengthen plant to the farmer. It would mean
the Saints and teach those who are not a horny skin growth to the doctor of
yet members of the Church? can How medicine.
I give confidence to them that God does So, if you were to translate that word,
live and that he does speak in this you would have to know how it was
generation? used. Thusa translator must under-
Perhaps I can by talk-
illustrate this stand the meaning of the information he
ing for a moment about some of the is to present; otherwise, his translation
problems of translation. When I is impossible. So, if he is to translate,
worked for the United States govern- he must become an authority in other
ment in the foreign agency service of fields much more than just an authority
the Treasury Department, it was my in the language with which he is work-
duty to translate some of the customs ing. He must understand something
laws from the German into the English about the subject being translated.
language. I soon learned that a man Let us look now at the problem of
in order to translate has to know much translating the Bible, particularly in
more than just the words of the lan- the Old Testament. Not only must the
guage. I found that a translator must know English, he must also
give a message, not just a literal transla- know Hebrew. He must know what
tion of the subject word for word. the Hebrew says, and then he must
I found that sentences mean much put that understanding^ into the Eng-
more than words. I found that para- lishlanguage.

In the Old Testament there are sev- wrong, our knowledge is false.
eral Hebrew words, "ro'eh," "hozeh," Sometimes, therefore, we make grave
and "nabhf," all of which are translated errors, for our interpretation of the
by the translators as prophet. The first evidence is wrong. What a shock it is
two, almost synonymous, from the roots for us to realize that what we once
"ra'ah" and "hazah," both meaning to —
thought we knew is wrong! This has
see suggest the man of vision and should occurred many times in the history of
be properly rendered as seer. The term the earth. Why, the evidence was so
"nabhi' " from the root "nabha" means plain to those who stated that the earth
to announce. But if the translator felt was flat, that when anyone mentioned
that to see and to announce are synony- that the earth is round, it was a ridic-
mous and that they refer to the same ulous thing, and the people just laughed
thing, then he would so use them. Thus at the idea. Yet by the evidence we
we find that all of these words were have today we interpret this to mean
used and translated as prophet and that the earth is round, and we claim
sometimes the word seer was used where that previous persons just didn't under-
prophet should have been used, and stand the evidence presented to them.
sometimes the word prophet was used The same thing is true when we
where seer should have been used. Con- talked about the sun revolving around
fusion resulted therefrom, because the the earth. Why, any man with eyes
translators did not understand that to see could actually see the sun re-
these two words seer and prophet mean volving around the earth! Yet our
different things; that they have different interpretation of the evidence today is
usages. just the reverse of this. So, what we say
There is a great difference between we know is not always true.
these words, because a seer is greater What then can a person cling to?
than a prophet. King Limhi, in speak- Youth lacks experience, and older people
ing to the missionary, Amnion, said, jump at conclusions also. Knowledge
"... a seer is greater than a prophet." is often based on too little evidence,

Then Ammon explained why. He said, either by the young or by the old.
"... a seer is a revelator and a prophet Thus, young and old, when they have
also; and a gift which is greater can no found themselves questioning, become
man have, except he should possess the skeptical, and they begin to question
power of God, which no man can; yet and doubt everything and have confi-
a man may have great power given him dence in nothing.
from God. Now to what can a man turn? In
"But a seer can know of things which what can he place reliance? In whom
are past, and also things which are to can we put our confidence, our trust?
come, and by them shall all things be Now remember, Ammon said a seer is
revealed, or, rather, shall secret things be greater than a prophet. Before he made
made manifest, and hidden things shall this statement he had said "... I can
come to light, and things which are not assuredly tell thee, O king, of a man
known shall be made known by them, that can translate the records; for he
and also things shall be made known has wherewith that he can look, and
by them which otherwise could not be translate all records that are of ancient
known." (Mosiah 8:16-17.) date; and it is a gift from God. And the
Life for the ordinary man is oftimes things are called interpreters, and no
frightening and bewildering. There is man can look in them except he be
so much that we mortals fear. There commanded, lest he should look for
is so much that we do not understand. that he ought not and he should perish.
There is so much that we do not know. And whosoever is commanded to look
When we talk of knowing, we talk of in them, the same is called seer."
knowledge, and it would be well to ask (Ibid., 8:13.)
ourselves what we mean by "knowl- Thus one can a seer because
edge." Knowledge is only our inter- a seer may see the heavens open. He
pretation of the evidence before us. If may see the great vision of God working
our interpretation of the evidence is in all his majesty. He may see the
Sunday, October 1 Third Day

fulness of truth as it is revealed to him There must be someone to whom the

by God who makes no mistakes. The people can turn and trust, who can
evidence is clear, therefore, and the in- speak for God. God must have someone
terpretation is clear. The seer can bear on earth who can point the way and
personal testimony, not based on books, say, "This is true." How grateful, my
not based on scholarship, not based on brothers and sisters, we should be that
tradition, but based on the evidence of God in the fulness of his grace has given
things that God himself can reveal to us a living prophet to guide us to Him;
him in an actual experience with Deity. even more that God has given us a seer,
He may receive a revelation from God for this seer and prophet reveals per-
by actually seeing and hearing and sonal testimony to young and old alike
being instructed in the real truth. that Jesus is in very deed the risen
A seer then one who may see God,
is Savior, the Living God.
who may with God, who may re-
Of this I bear sacred testimony, for
ceive instruction from God.
under conditions too sacred to mention
Our prophet is a seer and a revelator. I
here God has given me witness three
do not know who originally taught the
times in the temples that David O.
doctrine. I was told once that it was
McKay is truly and indeed a prophet of
taught by President Heber J. Grant,
God, a seer, and I bear you this testi-
but I was taught this doctrine by Elder
Marion G. Romney, who told me that
mony that you can trust him and so
put your whole faith in Jesus Christ.
the Lord will never let his prophet,
the seer, lead his people astray. Men in
We must turn from anything which
tears us away from God our Father and
all ranks on this earth and in the
turn to that which will lead us to him
Church have fallen from grace, but the
through repentance, through our de-
Lord will never permit the great
termination and through our absolute
prophet, our seer, and revelator, to fall
will to do the work of God.
or to lead the people astray. Before this
could happen God must of necessity I bear you this testimony in the name
remove that man from the earth. of Jesus Christ. Amen.


The singing, you know, for this
as and to the Red Cross representatives
afternoon and this morning has been who have been on hand to render any
furnished by the members of the Taber- assistance and service that might be
nacle Choir. We have been inspired needed. To the Tabernacle ushers who
with their singing. I think it would be have rendered service in seating the
fitting at this moment to represent you great audiences of these conference ses-
as well as the General Authorities in sions. Quietly and unobtrusively they
saying just a word, at least, of appre- have looked after your convenience and
ciation of the services rendered by many welfare.
during this three- day conference in We have already expressed, and we
making this inspirational gathering so do so again, appreciation to the radio
meaningful: and television stations throughout our
First, to the General Authorities, we own city and the nation who all
express deep appreciation for the in- through the three days have carried the
spirational messages they have given to proceedings of these inspirational ses-
us. Second, to the public press, the re- sions. These stations have been the
porters, for their fair and accurate means of permitting untold thousands
reports throughout the sessions of the of persons to hear the proceedings of
conference. Third, to the city officials, the one hundred thirty-first semiannual
the city traffic officers in handling in- conference.
creased traffic, etc.; members of the We appreciate especially those who
fire department, some of whom you have furnished the singing throughout
met after one or two of these sessions; this conference. Let me remind you


again, as you enjoy the service they have one has said, "Yes, if that is what the
rendered: first, the Relief Society Sing- Church wants, I will do it."
ing Mothers from the Central Utah and
Frequently we hear reports from
Mt. Timpanogos regions, who rendered
wards and branches of efforts the peo-
service faithfully for two days with the
ple put forth to contribute, perhaps to
Relief Society sisters before they joined
the erection of a building, perhaps to
us Friday morning. Sister Florence
renovate, or to build an addition to
Jepperson Madsen conducted. Next, the a present building. They see that two,
University of Utah Mixed Chorus for
three, four, sometimes six or seven
the Saturday morning session, with
Ardean W. Watts conducting. The

groups wards or branches have to —
meet in one building, and they feel the
University of Utah Institute of Religion,
necessity of contributing of their means.
University Stake Chorus, and the And what those members of the Church,
Bonneville Strings, furnished the music unknown beyond the borders of their
for the Saturday afternoon session, with
branch or ward, do to make more effec-
Elder David Austin Shand conducting. tive conditions to preach the gospel of
Third, the Tabernacle Choir Men's
Jesus Christ!
Chorus last night. How inspiring that
group was! Fourth, last, but certainly I wish all the world could glimpse

not least, the Tabernacle Choir, who the willingness of those people, the sac-
furnished the music this morning and rifices they have to make. I think it

this afternoon, with Elder Richard P. would preach the gospel more effectively
Condie and Elder Jay E. Welch con- than any one other thing we could do.
ducting, and how they have thrilled I recall just a few years ago of visiting

not only this nation, but also people in a stake and dedicating their meeting-
other countries, wherever they have house. I learned of the struggles they
been. Our best wishes and prayers go had in order to finish paying for that
with them in their prospective tour, for building. None of our chapels are dedi-
they will receive a welcome wherever cated until they are free from debt. That
they go. God bless them, and all means that millions of dollars have been
officials connected with that great spent in the erection of stake houses
organization. and ward buildings throughout the 336
stakes and sixty-seven missions.
We mention again these beautiful
antheriums from Oahu Stake. That meetinghouse had just been paid
Indeed, we thank all those who have for about a week before the dedicatory
contributed in any way to the success services were held. The bishop had to
and inspiration of this great conference. call for an extra contribution, and a
Carlyle said: "There is one godlike young boy who earned his money by
virtue, the essence of all that ever was washing cars, polishing shoes, and doing
or ever will be of godlike in this world little odd jobs, had quite a little sum
the veneration done to human worth by of money, for a boy, in the bank. I
the hearts of men." During the last few received this information from the
days especially, and frequently in the banker himself who was an officer in
position which General Authorities oc- the stake. I do not know whether the
cupy, we have occasion to ask men and father had contributed much to the
women to accept certain positions and chapel. I had my
own thoughts, but
to devote their time and their means when the bishop made an extra call for
to the work of the kingdom of God. money this boy went to the bank and
Recently I have seen men's hearts asked the banker, "How much have I in
touched, tears roll down their cheeks, the bank?" He told him, and I think it
as they were surprised to hear a request was something near one hundred dol-
of the General Authorities to accept lars. Sister McKay, who knew about the
some responsibility or be called in some circumstances, says it was near a hun-
other position. Without exception, no dred. The boy said, "Well, I shall take
matter what sacrifice they had to make ten dollars, and you give the rest to the
financially, no matter how unable they bishop to finish paying on this meeting-
feel themselves to fill the position, each house."
Sunday, October I Third Day
"Oh, but you can't afford that," said see, their lips quivering with emotion,
the banker. testify that they know that God lives,
"Yes, I can," and he took ten dollars that Jesus is the Christ, and that they
for himself and gave the balance to appeared to the Prophet Joseph Smith
the bishop. and gave instructions about organizing
What a lessonl I think I told that his Church, and that Peter, James, and
afterwards when I went back to the John, who held the authority from the
stake, and the young boy was then on Christ himself, gave that authority in
a mission. I cite this incident merely this dispensation; that the Melchizedek
as an illustration of the loyalty and faith Priesthood was bestowed upon the
of the membership of the Church. I Prophet and Oliver Cowdery; that John
appreciate these acts, and because of the Baptist who baptized Jesus Christ
them, in our hearts there will be a love bestowed the Aaronic Priesthood, a di-
for one another, which is the Spirit of rect successor of the authority from
the Christ, the spirit of brotherhood, the heaven.
spirit of love. Now you know that. You know these
I am a great believer in the doctrine men. give you my testimony that God

of James. He was a practical man in lives; that he is close to us; that his
the early Church. Paul preached faith; spirit is real, that his voice is real; that

James preached works, and it was James Jesus Christ, his Son, stands at the head
who said, ". shew me thy faith with-
. .
of this great work; and no matter how
out thy works, and I will shew thee my much the atheistic philosophy takes
faith by my works." (James 2:18.)
hold of blinded boys and girls and men
"What doth it profit, my brethren, who hear Satan's voice, the truth stands
as declared by the Father and the Son
though a man say he hath faith, and
have not works? can faith save him?
to that boy Prophet. You and I and
all the members of the Church of Jesus
"If a brother or sister be naked, and
Christ of Latter-day Saints have the
destitute of daily food,
responsibility to declare that truth to
"And one of you say unto them, De-
the world, and the world is full of
part in peace, be ye warmed and filled;
honest men and women waiting to hear
notwithstanding ye give them not those
that truth. Let us not condemn them.
things which are needful to the body;
Condemn the evil men who would blind
what doth it profit? them with their sophistry and with false
"Even so faith, if it hath not works, reasoning. Some of our young boys are
is dead, being alone. so blinded, but it is our duty as officers
"Yea, a man may say, Thou hast of the Church to lead them from that
and I have works: shew me thy
faith, blindness to the truth. I think I can
faithwithout thy works, and I will repeat here, as I did last night, for
shew thee my faith by my works." those misguided boys:
(Ibid., 2:14-18.)
Throughout this conference emphasis
"Dim as the borrow'd beams of moon
has frequently been made by the and stars

speakers to the great responsibility rest-

To lonely, weary, wandering travelers,
Is reason to the soul; and as on high
ing upon the membership of the Church
Those rolling fires discover but the sky,
of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to
Not light us here, so Reason's glimmer-
declare to the world that God lives; that
ing ray
Jesus Christ, his Son, is our Savior; that
his is the only name ". . under heaven
Was lent, not to assure our doubtful
given among men, whereby we must be
But lead us upward to a better day."
saved." (Acts 4:12.) It was said at the
opening of this conference that there
are men and women who are now forty That brighter day is the light of the
to fifty years old who have heard all Holy Spirit emanating from God the
their lives that God does not exist; that Father, and his Son, Jesus Christ.
Jesus Christ is a myth. You have heard God bless you, my dear fellow work-
the testimony from men with tears in ers, bless you in your homes. Make your
their eyes, if you were close enough to faith shown by your works in your

home; husbands true to your wives, not

only in act, but in thought; wives true The Relief Society Singing Mothers
to your husbands, not only in act, but from the Central Utah and Mt.
in thought; children true to your par- Timpanogos Welfare Regions furnished
ents. Do not arrogate to yourselves that the musical numbers for the Friday
they are old-fashioned in their beliefs morning and afternoon sessions. Flor-
and that you know more. ence Jepperson Madsen was Conductor.
Girls, follow that sweet mother and The Musical selections for the Satur-
her teachings. Boys, be true to your day morning session were furnished by
fathers who try to live the gospel; then the University of Utah Mixed Chorus,
strangers, seeing such homes, will say, Ardean W. Watts, Director.
"Well, if that is the result of Mormon- On Saturday afternoon the music for
ism, I think it is will show
good." You the session was furnished by the Uni-
your faith by your works in everyday versity of Utah Institute of Religion,
life. University Stake Chorus, and the Bonne-
God bless you that we may have ville Strings, David Austin Shand,
power so to do, I pray in the name of Director.
Jesus Christ. Amen. The music for the General Priesthood
Meeting Saturday evening was fur-
President David O. McKay: nished by the Men's Chorus of the
Tabernacle Choir, Richard P. Condie,
Tonight the Deseret Sunday School conductor.
Union will convene in this building at The Tabernacle Choir, Richard P.
7:00. All Sunday School workers will Condie, conductor, and Jay E. Welch,
wish to be in attendance. The public assistant conductor, furnished the choral
is cordially invited. numbers for the Sunday morning and
The Tabernacle Choir willnow sing, afternoon sessions.
"Still, Still With Thee." The benedic- Richard P. Condie directed the sing-
tion will be offered by President Wil- ing of the Tabernacle Choir on the
liam B. Wallis of the Ashley Stake, and Tabernacle Choir and Organ broadcast
this Conference will be adjourned for Sunday morning.
six months. Accompaniments and interludes on
the organ were played by Alexander
The Tabernacle Choir sang
as a clos- Schreiner and Frank W. Asper. Alex-
ing number, "Still, Still With Thee." ander Schreiner officiated at the organ
William Budge Wallis, president of at the Tabernacle Choir and Organ
the Ashley Stake, offered the bene- broadcoast.
diction. Joseph Anderson
Conference adjourned for six months. Clerk of the Conference


Sunday, October 1 Third Day


following broadcast, written and that I might go forth and speak with
announced by Richard L. Evans, and the trump of God, with a voice to shake
originating with Station KSL, Salt Lake the earth, and cry repentance unto
City, Utah was presented from 8:35 to every people. Yea I would declare unto
9:00 a.m., Sunday, October 1, 1961, every soul . . the plan of redemption,

through the courtesy of Columbia that there might not be more sorrow
Broadcasting System's network, through- upon all the face of the earth."
out the United States, parts of Canada,
(The Choir sang: "Awake and Arise."
and through other facilities to several
points overseas. The broadcast was as
(The organ played "As The Dew Announcer: How to live with un-
From Heaven Distilling," and on signal certainty is an ever-present problem
the Choir and organ broke into the uncertainties which suddenly shift plans
hymn, "Gently Raise The Sacred and prospects. Young men, for example,
Strain," singing the words to the end of are sometimes suddenly taken away
the second line, and humming to end from pursuing life's preparation, and
of verse for announcer's background.) older men are taken from families and
professions, with much adjusting of
Announcer: Once more we welcome
their lives to altered plans and purposes.
you within these walls with music and
the spoken word from the Crossroads
And this we would say to all who face
of the West.
such circumstances: Go ahead with
your lives, your plans, your preparation,
The CBS Radio Network and its as fully as you can. Don't waste time
affiliated stations bring you at this hour
by stopping before the interruptions
another presentation from Temple have started. Keep going forward and
Square in Salt Lake City, with Richard keep your hearts comforted with cour-
P. Condie conducting the Tabernacle age and faith in the future. The world
Choir, Alexander Schreiner, Tabernacle

will always need indeed, will need
Organist, and the spoken word by
Richard Evans.
much more —the best-prepared people,
and you cannot afford to slowdown the
With the words and music of Don pace of preparation that is necessary for
Gillis, the Choir first sings a "Hymn and fullest effectiveness, aside from what is
Prayer for Peace." "Dear God in absolutely essential. The wise keep
Heaven hear our prayer .Let our
. .
learning, keep moving, keep preparing,
hearts have hate no more. Grant Lord and don't let uncertainties dissuade
that fear and war shall ever cease. We them from moving forward. And even
pray, gracious Father, Let there be when interruptions come, whenever
peace." they come, make the most of every time
(The Choir sang: "Hymn And Prayer and opportunity. Wherever you are,
For Peace."—Gillis.) you take your thoughts with you, you
Announcer: Alexander Schreiner turns take yourself with you. Wherever you
are, you can read, you can think, you
today on Temple Square to a theme
from the moving music of Alexandre can study, you can learn. You can use
Guilmant: "Allegro, From the Fourth the in-between times for profitable and
constructive purposes. Cynicism is easy
(Organ Selection: "Allegro From

to acquire in idleness cynicism and
carelessness and questionable conduct
Fourth Sonata." —Guilmant.) and evil always offers itself. So,
Announcer: From the Cantata, wherever you go, keep intent on solid
"Daughter of Zion," the Tabernacle plans and purposes. Don't succumb to
Choir turns to Cyril Jenkins' setting for uncertainty, and don't feel sorry for
a text from Alma 29, and Moroni, yourselves. No generation was ever sure
Chapter 10: "O that I were an angel, it wouldn't be delayed or diverted in its
and could have the wish of mine heart, plans or progress. Few men's lives have

been lived without difficulties or disap- a song of man's immortality, and of his
pointments. Have faith, and justify the meeting with his Lord and Master:
faith of others in you, of loved ones "For tho' from out our bourne of time
and of others also, remembering, wher- and place, the flood may bear me far!
everyou are, to be a gentleman, a man I hope to see my Pilot face to face when
of honor. You
take yourself with you, I have crossed the bar."
and will wantto be worthy to bring (The Choir sang: "Crossing the Bar."
yourself back, to be comfortable in good —Huss.)
and beloved company. Keep faith with Announcer: Again we leave you with-
the Lord God whogave you life. Keep in the shadows of the everlasting hills.
close to Him humble prayerfulness,
in May peace be with you this day and —
in cleanliness of conduct, and your always.
hearts will find peace under all assign- This concludes the sixteen hundred
ments and circumstances. Build for the seventy-sixth presentation, and continues
future. Go forward in faith. Don't let the 33rd year of this traditional broad-
any period become a blank in your cast from the Mormon Tabernacle on
program of progress. "Lift up your Temple Square, brought to you by CBS
hearts. Be not afraid." Know that He Radio and its affiliated stations, originat-

is that He
is mindful of you, that He ing with Radio Station KSL in Salt Lake
will not leave you alone. City.
Richard P. Condie conducted the
(The Choir sang: "Awake, Ye Saints Tabernacle Choir. Alexander Schreiner
of God."—Stephens.) was at the organ. The spoken word by
(Organ Selection: "Dearest Jesus, We Richard Evans.
Are Here."—Ahle.) In another seven days, at this same
Announcer: With the moving music hour, music and the spoken word will
of Henry Holden Huss, we hear the be heard again from the Crossroads of
stirring words of Alfred Tennyson in the West.

Anderson, Elder Joseph 36

Authorities and Officers Present 1
Authorities and Officers Sustained 40
Benson, Elder Ezra Taft 69
Brown, President Hugh B 93
Brown, President Hugh B 84
(General Priesthood Meeting)
Buehner, Bishop Carl W 98
Burton, Elder Theodore Moyle 120
Changes in Church Organizations 36
Choir and Organ Broadcast 126
Christiansen, Elder EIRay L 9
Critchlow, Elder William J., Jr 54
Dyer, Elder Alvin R 50
Evans, Elder Richard L 82
(General Priesthood Meeting)
Evans, Elder Richard L 126
(Choir and Organ Broadcast)
First Day —Morning Meeting 3
First —
Day Afternoon Meeting 17
General Authorities and Officers Present 1

General Authorities, Officers and Auxiliary Officers Sustained 40

General Priesthood Meeting „ 76
Hanks, Elder Marion D 11
Hinckley, Elder Gordon B 115
Hunter, Elder Howard W 107
Hunter, Elder Milton R Ill
Isaacson, Elder Thorpe B 62
Ivins, Elder Antoine R _ 28
Kimball, Elder Spencer W 29
Lee, Elder Harold B 77
(General Priesthood Meeting)
Longden, Elder John 24
McKay, President David 5
(Opening Address)
McKay, President David 89
(General Priesthood Meeting)
McKay, President David 122
(Closing Address)
McKay, President David 3, 5, 9, 11, 14, 16, 17, 20, 24,
26, 27, 29, 34, 35, 36, 39, 43, 47, 50, 53, 54, 57, 61,
64, 68, 75, 76, 82, 84, 87, 89, 91, 92, 97, 100, 103,
107, 109, 111, 113, 115, 116, 117, 120, 122, 125.
Moyle, President Henry D ~ 43
Moyle, President Henry D 40
(Presentation of General Authorities and Officers)

Moyle, President Henry D 87

(General Priesthood Meeting)
Obituaries _ 39
Petersen, Elder Mark E 47
Presentation of General Authorities and Officers 40
Priesthood Meeting, General 76
Richards, Elder Franklin D 117
Richards, Elder 64
Romney, Elder Marion G 57

Second Day Morning Meeting 35
Second Day—Afternoon Meeting 54
Sill, Elder SterlingW 68
Smith, Elder Eldred G _ 26
Smith, President Joseph Fielding 18
Sonne, Elder Alma 114
Stapley, Elder Delbert L 20
Sustaining of General Authorities, Officers and Auxiliary Officers 40
Tabernacle Choir and Organ Broadcast 126
Tanner, Elder Nathan Eldon 103
Taylor, Elder Henry D 101

Third Day Morning Meeting 92

Third Day Afternoon Meeting 110
Wirthlin, Bishop Joseph L 14
Young, Elder Seymour Dilworth 116
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in the United States of America

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