Airport Site Selection Based On Multicriteria Analysis: The Case Study of The Island of Samothraki
Airport Site Selection Based On Multicriteria Analysis: The Case Study of The Island of Samothraki
Airport Site Selection Based On Multicriteria Analysis: The Case Study of The Island of Samothraki
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1 author:
Athanasios Ballis
National Technical University of Athens
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Athanasios Ballis
Lecturer, Department of Transportation Planning and Engineering, National Technical University of
Athens, Greece
The investigation of alternative sites for the construction of a new airport is a complex task
that involves the cooperation among scientists having complementary disciplines. A typical
investigation comprises a thorough examination of all pertinent factors: existing and foreseen
land use planning, characteristics of wind and weather conditions, operational and safety
aspects, interference with the existing road network, earthworks, construction and
expropriation costs as well as environmental and socio-economic impacts. The preliminary
analysis of the above aspects usually results in more than one alternative solution that satisfies
the above criteria in different ways. The next step is the selection of the most appropriate
solution, where the use of multi-criteria techniques can be of great value. The scope of this
work is to describe such a multicriteria approach, performed within the decision making
process concerning the site selection for the development of a new airport at the island of
1. Introduction
The technological evolution in the field o f aircraft engineering that resulted in the
design of larger, faster and safer aircrafts, in combination with the deregulation of the
air-transport market that has led to a significant reduction of air transport fares and
the supreme appreciation of the modern society for the value of time, have resulted to
the exponential development of air transport sector, during the last decades. The
significant transport demand generated has been converted into requirements for the
262 Operational Research. An Intemational Joumal/ Vol.3, No.3 / September- December 2003
3. Interference with the existing road network. This criterion evaluates the
interference of the foreseen airport construction with the existing road
network, taking into account the degree of restoration (if any) of the existing
road network. In case that far distant alternative airport sites are considered,
the associated access time to and from the airport weighted by the number of
travellers from the various catchment zones of the airport should be taken into
account [Keeny (1973)].
4. Impacts from earthworks. This criterion deals with the earthworks
(embankments and losses) required for the construction of the runway, the
strips, and the runway obstacle-free zones. This criterion is of major
importance, and especially in the case of mountainous landscape, as the
identification of an adequate site with a zone of about 2 to 3 km in length for
the construction of the runway, becomes a rather difficult task.
5. Hydraulic works. This criterion deals with two clusters: hydraulic works
required for the drainage system of the airport and hydraulic works required
for the restoration of the removal of surface runoff due to the alternation of
the existing landscape and the disruption of the water flow through existing
natural watersheds in the area.
6. Structural requirements. This criterion concerns exceptional structural
requirements imposed mainly by the topography at the proposed sites (e.g.
high embankments to align the runway).
7. Impacts on historical or archaeological resources. This criterion evaluates the
impact of the proposed alternative sites to the various archaeological and
historical sites in the surrounding areas.
8. Environmental impacts. This criterion examines the possible interference of
the proposed sites with natural habitats, coasts or protected cultivations in the
9. Air-pollution and noise impacts. The impacts of noise in the airport
surrounding area are measured with the noise patterns according to the NEF
(Noise Exposure Forecast) indicator. This method takes into account aircraft
types, number of flights for a specific time period during the day (including
flights during the night period), etc [Abacoumkin (1990)].
10. Vibration impacts. The vibration from airplane circulation can possibly affect
the structural soundness of antiquities in the vicinity of the candidate airport
11. Impacts on aesthetics that concern the harmonization of the relevant civil
engineering works with the surrounding physical environment.
264 Operational Research. An International Journal / Vol.3, No.3 / September- December 2003
12. Expropriation costs. This criterion evaluates the costs related to the requirec
expropriation of land and existing buildings.
13. Cost of construction. This criterion deals with the estimation of the overall
cost for the construction of the airport. In mountainous landscapes, the cost ot
earthworks for obsessions/obstacles removal and runway-taxiway
construction represents the major cost difference among candidate airport
14. Socio-economic impacts. This criterion deals with the socio-economic
impacts of the operation of the airport on the community such as relocation of
families and business due to expropriation, changes in employment patterns,
changes in the tax base, requirements for new public services, etc.
The selection of the adequate site for the construction of an airport, at Samothraki,
allows for the demonstration of the customisation/applicability of such criteria in a
real world case study.
In order to reduce the isolation and improve the tourist attractiveness of the island, the
construction of an airport is considered. Figure 2 presents the actors and procedures
involved in such a decision making in Greece. The bureaucratic procedures are
initiated by Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) but require the approval of Ministries of
Transport and National Economy. Then CAA assigns the study for the airport site
selection and the feasibility of the project to an Engineering Firm (that should include
scientists from various specialisations). The conclusion/deliverables of the relevant
study should be approved by an authorised committee from the CAA Department of
Planning as well as by the CAA Department of Environment that may accept the
proposed technical solution (airport site selection and relevant justification) or request
for modifications. After its approval from both CAA departments, the study is
forwarded to the Department of Environment of the Ministry of the Environment,
Physical Planning and Public Works (MINENV). This Department forwards copies of
the study to various organisations/Ministries (e.g. Ministry of National Defence,
Ephorates of the Ministry of Culture), asking for their point of view. Based on the
relevant feedback as well as on the evaluation performed by the Department itself, the
proposed airport site selection is approved or returned back to the study team for
modifications. A "hidden" but active actor, in this process is the local community that
through its representatives provides information at technical level as well as
argumentation at political level promoting the local interests.
The above procedure reveals a three stage decision-making process: In the first stage,
scientists from various disciplines have to conclude to one proposed solution, or at
least at a set of hierarchically sorted alternative solutions. In the second phase, the
study team and the CAA staff/engineers should settle in a commonly accepted
proposal. In the third phase, this proposal should be accepted/modified according to
MINENV staff/scientists. This multistage decision-making imposes many
inconveniences as each of the above actor groups (study team, CAA team, MINENV
team) usually weights the criteria in a relatively focused way. The study team usually
focuses on technical/organisational issues; CAA team tries to compensate
technicalities, cost and social impacts while MINENV team focuses solely on
environmental issues. The procedure is usually smoothed thanks to 2 interfaces (see
Figure 2): The project manager of the study team (that "brings" the CAA point of
view in the study team) and the CAA department of environment (that knows the
MINENV group background and "mentality"). All judgments/evaluations performed
in the above "chain of decisions" are usually made according to the "engineering
In the case of Samothraki, in addition to the above "conventional" evaluation, the
Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) was implemented. The AHP is a multiple
criterion evaluation methodology according to which complexity is structured in a
hierarchy, pairwise relative comparisons are made, and redundancy of judgements is
used to improve accuracy and deal with fuzziness. According to this method, weights
266 Operational Research. An International Journal / Vol.3, No.3 / September- December 2003
or priorities are not arbitrarily "assigned", but are derived from a set of judgements,
either verbal or numerical, using a specific scale. Elements are compared to their
peers at each level of the hierarchy. A comparison between a pair of peers is made
about the relative importance, preference, or likelihood of the elements with respect
to their parent element. Thus, a model should be constructed in such way that peers
are approximately within an order of magnitude of one another [Forman (1990), Saaty
The method requires the formulation of a A matrix that contains the relative weights
of the criteria. Since:
-w, ]
w, lw2 w~lw3 ..... w, lw.
w2lw~ w~lw~ ..... w~lw. w2 I- nw 1
w~/w, w~lw~ w~/w3 ..... w~lw.
and we knew __A,but not % we could solve the above equation for w. The problem of
solving for a non-zero solution to this set of equations is known as an eigenvalue
problem [Forman (1990)].
The same process is then followed for the performance expressions of the alternative
solutions, where the pairwise comparison is made among solutions, per criterion. The
summary of weighted, performances (also called decision alternatives scores) yields
the final score of each alternative solution and the selection of the most appropriate is
The AHP allows for small errors and inconsistencies in judgment, using the
consistency index to measure such deviations: perfectly consistent judgments produce
a consistency index of 0 while a value of 1 indicates almost random selections. A
value of 0.1 (inconsistency ratio 10%) or less is usually considered "acceptable"
[Forman (1990)].
The AHP has been applied to a wide range of problems [Zahedi (1986), Zanakis et.
al. (1995), Golden et al. (1998)] including the assessment of transport projects [Saaty
A. Ballis / Airport site selection based on multicriteria analysis: The case study of the Island of Samothraki 267
(1977a), Saaty (1977b), Saaty (1990), Giotis et. al. (1999), Saunders (1994)]. It must
be noted that the case of Samothraki is not a typical site selection case but rather a
very difficult one, thus offers a good test for the applicability of AHP method in
airport site selection projects.
The compliance of the four alternative sites with these criteria is described below:
The first criterion (wl) concerns the compliance of the four alternatives with the
land--use plan. An airport located near the inshore areas of the island, will restrict the
construction of hotels and other poles of tourist attraction. This is quite undesirable,
as the number of beaches in the island of Samothraki is limited. Taking into
consideration the above, the alternative solutions I and II, are most favoured as they
propose the development of the airport far from the inshore areas, thus allowing a
balanced regional development of the island. As already mentioned, the second
criterion (w2: wind generators) is related to the limitations imposed to wing
generators due to airport operations. Wind generators are "obstruction in the vicinity
of the airport". For the airport sites III and IV, the regulations require that wind
generators should be eliminated while for the airport sites I and II advise that wind
generators should preferably be eliminated. This means, that wind generators could be
preserved, under specific safety measures. Concerning the criterion "earthwork
volume transferred" (w3) the rating of the alternative solutions was based on the
output of the relevant earthwork calculation (in m 3) where differences up to 33% were
identified. It must be noted that this criterion reflects the relevant construction costs
as well as the associated environmental impacts. The forth criterion (w4) "transferring
distances" reflects cost but also technical inconveniences during the construction
phase. Impacts on river-beds (w5) occur when the airport's runway, blocks the water
flow to the sea (worst case) or alters the river-bed alignment. Hydraulic works can be
used to overcome these problems but there are negative environmental effects and
risk of failure (e.g. a heavy rain that exceeds the design standards) that are expressed
by the criterion w5 as well as cost and technical problems, expressed by the criterion
w7 "Hydraulic works". Similarly, the criterion w8 "high embankments" reflects cost
but mainly technical difficulties associated to such non-typical constructions.
Another very important criterion considered was the interference of the future airport
with the existing road network (w6). The alternative solutions I, II and III are partly
interfering with the existing road network, while the alternative solution II (in the
central of the area), significantly affects both branches of the road network. Although
a ring road will allow the access to the areas in the periphery of the airport, other
problems arise: the modification of the existing road network, will consequently lead
to alteration in the real estate values (and consequently to reactions from many land-
owners). In fact, this constitutes another criterion (see Table 1, criterion "Real-estate
status-quo") that in the case of Samothraki has played a very significant role in the
airport site selection (see below).
The w9 criterion takes into account the impacts to environment (except from the
impacts due to earthworks, river-beds, noise etc, which are expressed individually).
Due to the absence of studies for the air-pollution and noise impacts (wl0), the distance
from the city of Kamariotissa was used as indicator. Similarly, the wl 1 "vibration" criterion
272 Operational Reseamh. An International Journal / Vol.3, No.3 / September- December 2003
was taken into account through the indicator: distance from the Temple of Great Gods
In relation to the "impacts on aesthetics" (w 12) criterion, the alternative solutions IV
and III are considered less favourable, since they have a significant intervention with
the existing landscape, as a high embankment, will be formed for the construction of
the airport. The alternative sites I and II better comply with the existing topography,
thus impose smoother interventions to the existing landscape.
Two"expropriation" criteria were defined: (a) The w13 addressing the impacts on
high-value real estate (reflecting cost but also impacts to real-estate where demand for
other activities exist), and (b) the expropriation of erections (houses, stores etc) where
-as already mentioned- great socio-economic impacts usual occur.
It must be noted that as the major elements of the construction cost of Samothraki
airport (earthworks, hydraulic works, expropriation cost) are taken into account by
other criteria (the remaining cost for the runway and air-terminal is equal for all
alternative sites) there is no criterion related to the total construction cost, to avoid
double counting.
Table 2 presents the AHP computation that ranks site II as the best altemative
(decision altemative score U2 > U4 > U3 > U1). All consistency indexes are bellow the
0.1 limit (except the one in j 14, but the difference is insignificant). In order to
investigate the sensitivity of the site scores, the relatively higher { Wj x aij } elements
(in other words when a heavily weighted selection criterionj is combined with a high
performance score of the alternative site/) should be altered. For site II, for example,
such strong elements are the earthwork volumes (w3), the high embankments (w8) and
the n-w area impacts (wl). As the difference between U2 and U4 is big enough, the
selection of site II seems quite robust.
The same result (selection of site II) was the outcome of the selection procedure
based on the engineering judgment. Nevertheless, the selection process has not
ended: when the study results were presented to the local authorities, a new criterion
arose: The status quo of the real estate in the island that is affected by the road
modifications. Based on this criterion, site I should be selected. The final outcome of
the study was the ranking of the four altematives as follows: Sites I and II were
ranked equal, higher than III and IV. The study was submitted to the CAA
Department of airport Planning and to the Department of Environment. The
Department of airport Planning was in favour of site I. One main reason for this
decision was that site I was the preference of the local community. The Department of
Environment was in favour of site II due to its relatively low impacts on the
environment. Finally, the site I was selected and the study was submitted to the
Department of Environment of the MINENV for approval. There, focus was given to
the criterion related to river-beds (Table 1, criterion w5) and in order to accept site I,
additional studies were required for the estimation of the environmental impacts, thus
A. Ballis / Airport site selection based on multicriteria analysis: The case study of the Island of Samothraki 273
the study should be modified and resubmitted. This requirement is interpreted as: the
approval will delay for about two years. That introduced an additional criterion: The
duration until the approval of the project. When the whole "picture" was known, the site
II was selected by all parties (local authorities, CAA, MINENV).
5. Conclusions
The airport site selection process is complex as multiple criteria have to be satisfied
and therefore the implementation of multicriteria methods can be of great value in the
decision process. The case of Samothraki offered a good test for the applicability of
AHP method in airport site selection projects. The relevant study was based on a
systematic three-step analysis of the pertinent criteria. The decisions were based on
the engineering judgment of the study-team members and the evaluators of the
governmental bodies involved. In addition to the above procedure, AHP was
performed, based on the same criteria. Both approaches (engineering judgment of the
study-team and AHP) concluded in the same airport site. Nevertheless, in each of the
following stages of the procedure (comments by the local authorities, approval by the
Civil Aviation Authority, approval by the Ministry for the Environment) the selection
criteria were weighted differently, but also new criteria arose.
The lesson learned from this AHP application is that the site selection procedure can
probably be simplified by introducing -at the early stages of the process- a round table
where all parties involved will have the opportunity to present their selection criteria
as well as the relevant argumentation. In such a meeting, AHP can probably be
implemented, as it can -at least- contribute to a better understanding of the site
selection problem through the pairwise comparison of the criteria.
The author would like to acknowledge the anonymous reviewers for their valuable
comments and information provided.
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~ ~~ r~
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~o 0
-- 0-~ 2
~ <~
oFHI o
~ ~ ~i(~ ~
, ,..,~
i gddd
Figure 1: Candidate area and limitations for the selection of the airport site
9~ o
Figure 3: "Free from obstacles" principal imaginary surfaces (upper part) and output of a
software used to identify and quantify the required earthworks