August 9, 2019

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The Minnedosa

Since 1883
Volume 137 Issue 22 Friday, August 9, 2019 90 cents plus tax

INSIDE A Rockin’ Weekend

this week
To Remember


Running For

Photos by Karen Mitchell

By KAREN MITCHELL “A Great venue with an amazing view of the

lake. The sound is incredible on the main and

T he valley is once again silent after a weekend

of classic rock music booming through the
air and keeping several thousand visiting rock
hilltop stages.” Stated Kelley Deveau of Pinawa,
“First time attendee here,” mentioned Cam
If your fans entertained. The streets, campgrounds, Bennett of Dauphin. “I was impressed by the
label businesses and overall community was packed whole event, great site, great lineup, great time.
reads with August long weekend visitors for the 16th I’ll be back!”
annual Rockin The Fields of Minnedosa. “I had a wonderful time at Rockin’ the
19/08/31 Despite the heat and humidity, visitors Fields,” stated Willadeane Howard of Minnedo-
could not of had a better time. Some of the many sa. “As a person in a wheelchair I found every-
It’s time to positive comments from fans included; thing very accessible it was my first time there
renew your
“Such a great venue! Sound quality was and will be back next year.”
subscription great, artists were great, just all around fantas-
Two members of Moon Tan -
Call 867-3816 tic!” mentioned Jerry Kezema of Hudson Bay, Continued on Page 8
the winning band of the
Rock Off Competition .

ThinkingÊ ofÊ buyingÊ orÊ sellingÊ aÊ home?Ê Ê Ê

IÊ canÊ help!Ê
Erin Woodcock
Gill and Schmall Agencies

CallÊ orÊ textÊ 204-868-5559Ê

Ê EmailÊ [email protected]Ê
Or stop by Minnedosa Insurance Services on Main Street
Invested in Community
2 Friday, August 9, 2019 The Minnedosa Tribune

B and E at Blazers Algae Advisory Issued For Numerous

Lakes, Including Minnedosa

L ast Wednesday, July

31st a sign was posted
at Minnedosa Beach to ad-
vise of Increased Algae in
the water. Algae advisory
signs notify swimmers/us-
ers that the blue-green al-
gae or cyanobacteria have
exceed Manitoba’s recre-
ational water quality ob- Photo by Karen Mitchell
jective for the cyanobac- mass or scum called a The posted advisory
teria cell count of 100,00 “bloom” when conditions lists precautions such as;
cells per ml. are favourable. Blooms avoid swimming or other
In the month of July most commonly occur contact with the water, do
alone, 12 other beaches re- in late summer and early not drink the water, pre-
ceived the same advisory fall. They thrive in areas vent pets or livestock from
sign. According to the Gov- where the water is shallow, drinking the water, do not
ernment of Manitoba web- slow moving and warm, eat fish from this lake. Ill-
site, the blue-green algae but may also be present in ness such as; diarrhea,
cells increased from 22,800 deeper, cooler water. stomach cramps and eye/
Photo by Karen Mitchell (cells/ml) on July 17th to a Dense blue-green al- skin irritation can occur.
staggering 265,000 (cells/ gae blooms may make the The Tribune reached
By KAREN MITCHELL filtration device generally used for smok- ml) on July 30th. water look bluish-green, out to the Water Quality
ing cannabis, tobacco, or other herbal Blue-green algae are or it has been described Management department

I n the early morning hours of Sunday,

August 4th, local RCMP responded to
a Break and Enter at Blazers Mini Mart at
substances) off of the back counter. Even
though only one intruder was captured on
camera, there is believed to be more ac-
microscopic, plant-like or-
ganisms that occur natu-
rally in ponds, rivers, lakes
as “green pea soup”. Very
dense blooms may form
solid-looking clumps.
to see what steps are being
taken to rectify this situa-
tion, however as of press
140 Main Street North. complices. and streams. It is not nor- Fresh blooms often smell time we had not received
An intruder was seen on camera If anyone has any information regard- mally visible in the water, like newly mowed grass, word back. Please keep an
smashing the large, north, front window, ing this crime please pass it along to the but populations can rapid- while older blooms may eye on upcoming issues for
reaching in and stealing three bongs (a RCMP at 204-867-2916. ly increase to form a large smell like rotting garbage. further information.


REVENUE The Minnedosa & District Foundation had a busy year in 2018. We were able to give $80,353.00
Total Donations in 2018 $14,801.74 back to the community in the form of grants and scholarships. We took part in Random Act of
GST Rebate $55.90 Kindness Day on November 9th by serving free coffee at Farmhouse 50 and Drusilla’s Diner in
Winnipeg Foundation Grants $7,583.79 town and supplying supper for Seniors at the 50+ Centre.
Affiliate Fund Income $2,237.00
Thomas Sill Foundation youth in philanthropy $3,500.00 Our Youth Philanthropy group at Minnedosa Collegiate gave out $2,000.00 in grants to the
Investment income for 2018 $43,211.71 community.
TOTAL REVENUE $15,033.28
We were part of the province-wide 24 Hour Giving Challenge in November with the
Community Grants and scholarships $82,353.00 Winnipeg Foundation and the Province of Manitoba increasing any donations by a
General Expenses: combined 40%. We raised over $8,470.00 for our Smart and Caring Community Fund in this
Corporation & CFC Membership Fees $685.99 way.
Office Supplies $593.36
Advertising and Promotions $5,626.75 Please think of us when you are looking at your charitable givings either in memory of
Investment Fees $39,278.32 someone or just for a worthwhile cause that continues to give back to the community in the
Misc Expenses $452.64 form of grants. We have three different funds that are open to anyone to contribute to:
TOTAL EXPENSES $128,990.06 The Smart and Caring Community Fund
NET INCOME(LOSS) FOR 2018 $144,023.34 The Shawn Cooper Memorial Scholarship Fund
The District Museum and Heritage Village Fund
Current Assets: As well, we have two family funds:
Minnedosa Credit Union Accounts $59,702.06 The Khandelwal Family Fund
Accounts Receivable $79,087.00 The Isabel M Stewart Memorial Fund
Total Current Assets $138,789.06
Long Term Assets: We encourage families to open funds in their loved ones memory and know they are giving
Winnipeg Foundation Investments $1,920,500.68 back to the community.
TOTAL ASSETS $2,059,289.74 Tax receipts are available for all donations and we are grateful for any amount big or small. Visit
our website at or see our facebook page for more information.
The Minnedosa Tribune Friday, August 9, 2019 3

Minnedosa RCMP Report Over 100 Occurances in July

By KAREN MITCHELL the highest offense being operation and/or over 80 tions act, mental health act ing written traffic offence reported, the highest be-
other non-moving traffic mg% of motor vehicle. and intoxicated persons warnings with four actual ing mischief – damage to

F or the month of July

Minnedosa RCMP had
105 reported occurrences,
with 11 actual occurrenc-
es. The next highest was
moving traffic violations
There were six occur-
rences under the Provin-
cial Statues (except traffic)
detention act.
For the Criminal Code-
Other Criminal Code cat-
occurrences. Other occur-
rences included prisoners
held, victim services of-
or obstruct enjoyment of
property. Other offences
included three break and
with 11 being unfounded, with 10 occurrences. category, the highest of- egory, nine occurrences fered – accepted and vic- enters - one for business
resulting in 94 actual re- Under the Impaired fense being the coroner’s were reported, the highest tim services – proactive and two for residential.
ports. Operation Related Offenc- act and sudden death/oth- being disturbing the peace referral. Under the Common
Under the Provincial es category, there were er activities with three oc- with four occurrences. The In the Crimes Against Police Activities category,
Traffic Offenses category, four occurrences, the high- currences. Other offences next highest was the failure Person category, there there were a total of 24
there were 33 occurrences, est offense being impaired included the family rela- to comply probation order were three occurrences, occurrences including as-
with two occurrences. the highest offense being sistance to general public,
Under the National assault. breach of peace, person re-

RCMP Checkstop Result in 18 Survey Codes category,

there were seven occur-
rences, the highest be-
Under the Crimes
Against Property catego-
ry, 13 occurrences were
ported missing, and well-
being checks.

Offences for RFM Weekend

By DARRYL HOLYK Stanton. “We’re happy the pended driver and one 19082GM1
weekend was a such a suc- Criminal Code charge.

D uring the August long

weekend, members
of Spruce Plains RCMP
cess and look forward to
RFM 2020.”
Although some festi-
Cpl. Stanton also re-
ports that a variety of drugs
were turned over to Police
(Minnedosa and Neepa- val goers found themselves by festival security. These
wa) once again conducted in “hot water” as a result of included various quan-
checkstops on PR#262, just the checkstops, overall, of- tities of Ecstasy, Magic
outside of the gate of the fence numbers were rela- Mushrooms and Canna-
Rockin’ the Fields site. tively low considering the bis. “Obviously, Canna-
Cpl. Jacob Stanton of number of people attend- bis is legal, however the
the Neepawa  Detachment ing the three-day event. event has the right to turn
reports the RCMP was ex- The Friday, Saturday and it away,” explained Cpl.
tremely pleased with the Sunday checkstops re- Stanton. “All of these drugs
turnout and the positive sulted in eight intoxicated were seized by the security
attitudes of this year’s fes- people being lodged in on site and not the RCMP.
tival goers. “We appreci- cells, six 72-hour driving No charges were laid as a
ate the many thank you’s suspensions, two unreg- result.”
we received,” stated Cpl. istered vehicles, one sus-

Forty Years Ago…

Tribune Archives

T he August 16th, 1979 edition of The

Tribune reports that Publisher Earle
Gordon had narrowly escaped serious in-
The building, which dates back to the
early 1900s and at one time housed a law
office, was shortly thereafter clad in the
jury earlier that week. metal siding which remains on its exterior
While walking from The Tribune office to this day.
to the Southend for lunch, a large upper The artists depiction of the incident
portion of bricks from the building at the pictured above, was drawn by Geordie
corner of 3rd Ave. S.W. and Main Street let Vincent of Neepawa and appeared in The
go and came crashing to the ground just Tribune that week.
moments after Earle passed beneath it.
4 Friday, August 9, 2019 The Minnedosa Tribune

Darryl a.Holyk - PublisHer anD eDitor

Around Here, Then Gone in a Flash

Town... By Darryl Holyk

W ithin a five-day period, a bustling community of

its own popped up and then disappeared in al-
most a blink of an eye! Of course, I am referring to the
After three-days of hard celebrating with scorch-
ing summer temperatures and great music blasting
right on the shores of Minnedosa Lake, the party was
sadly over for another year and on Monday, a steady
flow of partied-out fans packed up and hit the road
thousands of out-of-towners who spent their August home. By Tuesday morning, the festival camping ar-
long weekend in Minnedosa for Rockin’ the Fields. eas had returned to empty rolling fields lined with
Local memories published… It’s always amazing to see the rock site, which sits only a couple lonely campers and many blue trash
Former Minnedosan, Mervyn Letts, has recently peaceful and quiet for 11 months of the year, quickly bins. It was a bit sad to see the gate booths boarded up,
published another book, entitled “Flashbacks of a Prai- transform into a bustling little community of its own the campers gone and the teardown underway. The
rie Kid”. The 579 page book features 25 flashbacks/chap- for one busy weekend each summer. This being my bustling little city of this past weekend is again a lone-
ters about growing up on the prairies – especially in the first summer living northeast of Minnedosa, I wit- ly ghost town. But, not to worry, after a well-deserved
Minnedosa and Neepawa regions. Letts’ memories are nessed the daily changes to the site over the past few break, the dedicated RFM volunteers will be back at it,
from his childhood in the 1940s and 50s and include weeks. It was a neat experience to see on my drive to planning for their 17th annual August long weekend
such things as Saturday nights in a prairie town, picking and from work each day. It began a few short weeks event in 2020.
saskatoons, the good old school strap, town curfews and back with just a few vehicles and trailers onsite as the A huge hats off to everyone involved in brining
playing hockey on frozen rivers, sloughs and dugouts. dedicated, hard-working RFM volunteers returned this event to our community and making it the success
This book is a must for all who grew up on the Prairies to begin preparations for this year’s festival. Then, it has become over the past 16 years. I hope the party
and is a follow up to his previously published, “Sinai Sur- last week, the changes were fast and furious! All of continues on for many years to come!
geon”. For more information or to order your copy, email a sudden a cell tower appeared and last Wednesday

Letters to the
[email protected] morning, the first few early bird campers arrived. By
4 p.m. that day, there was a good lineup of campers
Busy with fire calls… and trailers just within the main gate. 24-hours later,
both campsite areas at the site were quickly filling with

Firefighters are always on call and this past August visitors and their weekend accommodations! While
long weekend proved a busy one for our local fire depart- not the heavy, congested traffic of the original Classic
ment. Members responded to five calls over the weekend. Rock back in the 1990s, there was a good, steady flow
The first, on Friday night, being an unauthorized bonfire of rock fans making their way through town to the rock
by our neighbours on the grass just a few feet behind The

PR #355 Needs
site. It may not have always been noticeable, but I can
Tribune building! Thanks to whoever called this in and assure you, it was the most steady traffic flow I have
to our firefighters for putting a stop to this. With the dry experienced on 3rd Ave. S.W. while trying to back out
conditions, it could have easily spread to our building!
Our local fire crew also responded to an accident on 1st
Street S.E. in which a motorcycle slammed into a parked
of my parking spot at The Tribune last Thursday and
I had been warned about the heavy traffic, lineups
Government Attention
trailer sending the driver to the hospital with a leg injury. and checkstop near the festival site and while some lo-
There was also a false alarm at the Personal Care Home, cals who frequently travel PR#262 north of town chose Dear Editor,
a small grass fire on 9th Ave S.W. which was the result to detour around that area this past weekend, I wanted
of sparks from a broken hydro line and a large runaway
grass fire west of Clanwilliam. This one, fueled by dry
conditions and high winds, took firefighters three hours
to experience it for myself. Friday, after work, I headed
home my usual route out the Beach Road. As I turned
the curve by the beach and campground entrance, I
T he upcoming Provincial election in Manitoba is a
way for yours truly to “go public”. I think that PR
#355 from Minnedosa to PTH #83 should become an
to contain on Sunday. On Wednesday morning, firefight- spotted the lineup of cars and the heavy police pres- election issue. It has a proven record over the last sev-
ers responded to another false alarm at the PCH. ence near the top of the hill conducting a checkstop. eral decades of neglect, band-aid patching and aggra-
Rather than becoming frustrated in this delay, I was vation.
All gone…. glad to see the police presence helping to ensure the
well-being and safety of those coming and going to Sincerely,
The Big Boss Challenge down at Minnedosa Home
RFM. I was also impressed how quickly the RCMP
Hardware has wrapped up and all 500 pool noodles have
been sold – meaning a generous contribution of $2,500
moved vehicles through the checkstop and in no time, Lorne Radcliffe,
I had made it through and continued on my way as Recently moved from Cardale to Minnedosa
for the local Beach Enhancement project. The final ten
noodles were purchased Tuesday by Ken and Debbie
Cameron of KC Recycling and Waste of Minnedosa.

The Minnedosa Tribune Ltd. The Minnedosa Tribune is independently owned and is the The Minnedosa Tribune Ltd. does
oldest weekly newspaper in the Canadian West and has guarantee the publication of all submitted articles and

published continuously from the same premises since photographs. These submissions, are at the discretion of the
Box 930 Minnedosa, MB R0J 1E0
March of 1883. publisher and will appear as space permits. The Minnedosa
Published Friday of each week from the premises of
The Minnedosa Tribune Ltd. 14 - 3rd Ave. S.W. E-Mail Addresses: Tribune reserves the right to edit any submission as deemed
Minnedosa, MB. R0J 1E0 necessary by the publisher.
General: [email protected]
Member of Manitoba Community Newspapers Association We are not responsible for fax transmissions or email
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Phone: (204) 867-3816
All contents copyright 2019
Fax: (204) 867-5171
The Minnedosa Tribune Friday, August 9, 2019 5

Pushing the Politicians on Trade

By Cam Dahl,
President Cereals Canada
What is the economic
impact of growing world
chain continues to call for
a World Trade Organiza-
tion (WTO) challenge of
mitigating potential non-
tariff trade barriers before
they arise. This will require Ye O l d
T here is a federal elec-
tion coming this Oc-
tober. Members of Parlia-
protectionism? Italy was
once the largest market
for Canadian durum, the
Italy’s country of origin la-
belling provisions. China
is now a full Member of
a significant policy pivot.
Unlike some of our trad-
ing partners (e.g., U.S.)
ment and candidates are wheat used to make pas- the WTO. Is either country Canada does not have a
canvassing their constitu- ta. But Italy has adopted living up to their trade ob- systematic approach to
ents at barbeques, golf protectionist country of ligations? We need to chal- building the science-based
tournaments and eventu- origin labelling require- lenge our trading partners regulatory capacity of our
ally all-candidate debates. ments that have reduced when trade agreements trading partners. This is
Now is the time for farm- our durum exports by are not followed. not currently part of the
ers to push for policies that about sixty percent. This We also need political mandate of government 1889 – Settlers can obtain permits to cut hay for their
will allow agriculture to has happened after the ag- parties to articulate clear departments or agencies. own use on vacant Dominion of school land on pay-
deliver economic growth. ricultural provisions of the policies that will facilitate This needs to change. This ments of 10 cents per ton and an office fee of 50 cents
Agriculture is a driver Comprehensive Economic market diversification. is especially true as our for the permit. Parties cutting hay without authority will
of the Canadian economy. Trade Agreement with Eu- This does not mean that marketing efforts continue have to pay $1.00 per ton and if cut without authority for
Agriculture and Agri-Food rope was negotiated. India governments should plan to diversify exports into barter or sale, the sum of $2.00 will be charged.
give more jobs to Cana- was once our leading ex- to hire a sales force to sell countries with less-devel-
dians than the auto and port market for pulse crops wheat or lentils or canola. oped regulatory systems 1899 – A new creamery, measuring 30 feet by 70 feet,
aerospace industries com- like lentils and peas. Non- Marketing is the job of in- (e.g., Nigeria, Bangladesh). is now under construction at Newdale. When finished, it
bined. But our jobs are tariff and tariff trade barri- dustry and exporters. Gov- What does this have to will be one of the best in the province.
spread out across Canada ers have slashed these ex- ernment’s job is to create do with the coming elec-
and not concentrated in port opportunities. China an international regulatory tion? Farmers need to be
big centres. So, we don’t is a potential alternative environment that will min- challenging candidates 1909- A couple freight cars toppled over and blocked
see headlines about thou- market for pulse produc- imize commercial risks. and their parties to outline the rail line west of town. As a result, Tuesday’s passenger
sands of jobs being lost be- ers, but this option comes What can government their plan to protect agri- train from the west was over an hour late.
cause of agriculture trade with significant market do to minimize risks? Ex- culture growth, investment
disputes. But that is exactly risks. China, a market that panding the scientific and and jobs. Here are three 1919 – There are complaints of auto drivers parking
what is at risk if we don’t has taken over four million regulatory knowledge in questions that every can- their machines lengthwise of the sidewalks in the busi-
see a refocus of trade pol- metric tonnes of canola our embassies and high didate should face in the ness district. This prevents those using a horse and buggy
icy. over the last several years, commissions is a good way upcoming campaign: from getting to the sidewalk to tie up their horse and al-
The last 20 years have has effectively closed its to start. It is important to 1. What is your party’s low them to do their shopping.
seen a push for reduced doors to Canadian canola. have scientific expertise in- comprehensive plan to
tariffs and increased mar- Tenders for barley pur- country to quickly respond deal with non-tariff trade
ket access through broad chases from Saudi Arabia to phytosanitary and regu- barriers facing agriculture?
1929 – Two 100 percent talking motion pictures are
playing at the Lyric Theatre. They are “The Fall of Eve”
trade agreements. Agri- continue to specify any latory issues before they 2. Will your party use
and “Sadie Thompson” with Gloria Swanson. Admission
cultural trade liberaliza- origin but Canada. Phyto- develop into a crisis. The our existing trade agree-
is 25 cents.
tion has been successful sanitary issues with Peru most recent budget allo- ment to systematically
for Canada. During the last threaten over one million cated additional funds to challenge non-tariff trade
twenty years (1999-2018) tonnes of wheat exports. the Trade Commissioner barriers? 1949 – Minnedosa children are to have a playground.
earnings from farming Vietnamese concerns over Service and this is a good 3. Will your party com- The local Adult Advisory Board has earmarked the sum
have been on a steady up- weed seeds have closed first step. mit new resources to pro- of $100 to purchase land near the Minnedosa Lake beach
ward trend. In fact, farm- that market, despite Viet- Government also actively mitigating non- for a playground.
ing cash receipts in 2018 nam being a partner in needs to develop a com- tariff trade barriers before
were more than double the the Comprehensive and prehensive approach to they arise? 1959 – The Manitoba Government is expected to in-
level in 1999. At the same Progressive Trans-Pacific crease the size of beer glasses from six-and-a-quarter
time, farmers’ utilization of Partnership. The world has ounces to seven-and-a-half ounces and as a result will
agricultural safety net pro- changed and we need to increase the price from ten cents to 15 cents per glass.
grams has been cut in half.
Much of agriculture’s
adjust our trade policies to
counter these threats. MINNEDOSA GOLF CLUB
steady economic growth We need our politi- 1969 – The local Mallard Water Ski Club hosted a suc-
has been fueled by in- cal parties to present a Minnedosa Golf Club cessful championship with 45 skiers competing in 23
creased trading oppor- comprehensive approach Expansion Committee events. Local Mallards took home first place in ten events.
tunities. That growth has to protecting our trading Cash Calendar Draw Winners
for the Month of July 2019
spawned investment in interests. A start would
Lottery License #MGCC3945RF
1979 – Attendance at Minnedosa’s fourth annual rodeo
Canadian infrastructure. be a basic acknowledge- was estimated at a record 7,000 over the two-days. A new
Opportunity and growth ment that a new system- Helen Dyer $250 event, Chuck Wagon Races, were among the top specta-
in agriculture has led to atic approach is required Archie Smith $50 tor’s events.
new processing in our ru- to counter the new world
ral communities. A grow- of protectionism. We need Hannah Crook $30
ing agricultural economy to do more than sign trade
1989 – The Board of Frontier Trading Company regrets
Don Nylen $30 to announce that due to inadequate support funding for
has generated new jobs in agreements; we need to
Logan Kindred $30 Day Programs in rural communities, the doors of their
every region of Canada. All place a priority on mak-
Day Program will close at the end of August.
this is under threat from ing sure trade agreements Barb Gribben $30
protectionist policies and actually work. Canada has
we need to quickly see new been reluctant to call out $20 Winners
policy approaches and our trading partners for • Chelsey Cowan • Mel & Alexis Harvey
new partnerships between their protectionist policies. • Tom Johnson • James Charles
• Norie Rathwell • Larry Shewchuk
agriculture and govern- For example, the value • Ray Csversko • Dawna Cowan
• Terry McNabb • Brad Johnson
• Phyllis Lambert • Dianne Facey
• Keith Hanke • Robyn Koffman
Tribune Founder • Double M Towing • Jay Taylor
William Gibbens • Annette Quirk & Jean Burton • Josh Shewchuk
• Brian & Jan Early • Margo Dunphy
Born - 1854 at London, England • Allan Armstrong • Lloyd Emberly
Died - February 20, 1932 • Bob Grieder • Susan & Barrett Nelson
at Cornwall, Ontario • Diane Michaluk
6 Friday, August 9, 2019 The Minnedosa Tribune

Tennis/Pickle Ball Club Established

Submitted have resulted in no one are welcome and encour-
taking full ownership of aged. If there is enough in-

A group of community
members held a meet-
ing Saturday morning, July
funding the repairs to the
courts. The information
we have is these courts
terest in lessons, we would
try to find a facilitator for
this. At this point, the lines
27th, at the tennis courts at were put in for the Western are only painted for tennis,
MCI to discuss and possi- Canada Summer Games but we hope to have pickle
bly formalize the organiza- in the 1990’s and were re- ball lines done in the fu-
tion of a tennis and pickle surfaced in 2003. Ideas and ture. There is no cost to
ball club. volunteers for fundraising play on the courts.
Several have been would be welcome. If you have any ques-
meeting regularly to play The newly formed tions, would like to be in-
tennis and are interested group – The Minnedosa volved in seeing upgrades
in seeing the sport grow. Tennis and Pickle Ball Club done, or have some input,
There has also been some - appointed an executive to please contact Dean Whit-
interest in seeing the sport enable the group to pursue tington at 204-430-1579 or
of pickle ball started in the grant opportunities and Arthur Dornn at 204-868-
community. These two decided to collect a small 0712. Photo submitted
sports could share courts. membership fee of $20 per
A few upgrades have adult (no cost to minors) to
recently been made to
the courts such as new
nets, hardware and a
have a little “seed” money
for future repairs and other
Neepawa Film Festival Ready for “ACTION”
windscreen, however, the Tennis players have
surface of the court is in been meeting regularly Submitted try – A comedy short called stories and those about lo- The day’s events will also
need of repair or replace- Saturday at 10:00 a.m. and Camp DontWannaCome- cal history. There are also include a question and
ment. Quotes have been
obtained with the options
Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. and
other times as it works for T he red carpet is ready
and on Saturday, Au-
gust 10th, the Neepawa
Back, filmed just north
of Minnedosa by Dylan
Ewasiuk, his brothers and
dramatic entries, featur-
ing both original scripts
and historical classics. En-
answer session with some
of the filmmakers in atten-
dance, as well as an awards
to either repair the cracks them. Anyone is welcome
or recoat the entire sur- to come and play tennis Film Festival will showcase friends. tries have come from film- ceremony.
face. Both options would with a group at these times close to three hours of lo- The entries run from makers of all ages, giving The prizes will be
include painting lines for or at a time that works for cal films. five minutes, up to about both family and friends a awarded based on audi-
both tennis and pickle ball. you, if you have a partner. Included within the a half hour in length and chance to work together. ence voting, with all at-
To date, all queries made All ages and ability levels programming is a local en- represent a diverse range At the festival, the tendees selecting their top
of subject matter. There are screening will begin at 1 three favourite films in
documentaries, in the form p.m., with an intermission three categories: People’s
of travelogues, personal around the halfway point. Choice (all entries), Peo-

Well Water Testing Day ple’s Choice Youth (under

18) and Nod to Neepawa.
The committee is hop-
August 20th, 2019 ing to see a good turnout
19082HH0 of people looking to enjoy
9:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. an afternoon of fantastic
local talent, local stories,
ATTENTION: For Residents in the Little Saskatchewan River Conservation District local people and local lo-
within the municipalities of Oakview, Minto-Odanah, Rosedale, Yellowhead, cations. “I’d really encour-
Clanwilliam-Erickson, Harrison Park, Riverdale and the Town of Minnedosa. age everyone to come out
The Little Saskatchewan River Conservation District will be co-ordinating a well and see the fantastic en-
water testing day for these residents on August 20th, 2019. All shipping costs will be tries put together by their
covered by the District. Two different tests are offered. friends and neighbours.
It’s inspiring and I think
Test #1: $21.25 - total coliform and E.coli people will really enjoy it,”
Test #2: $61.25 - total coliform, E.coli, nitrate/nitrite, calcium, magnesium, said one of the committee
sodium, hardness, potassium, manganese, copper, iron, zinc, chloride, sulphate, members.
conductivity, pH, arsenic, barium, boron, fluoride, lead, uranium The event will be held
Pick up sample bottles at the following locations before Monday, August 19th, 2019. at Neepawa’s Roxy Theatre.
For more details see ad on
Rivers – Riverdale Municipality office
Page 5.
Oak River – Little Saskatchewan River Conservation District office
Newdale – Municipality of Harrison Park satellite office
Sandy Lake - Heritage Co-op Grocery Store
Rapid City - R.M. of Oakview satellite office Running on
Minnedosa - R.M. of Minto-Odanah office Empty?
Erickson – Municipality of Clanwilliam-Erickson office
Print jobs can take up to
Onanole – Municipality of Harrison Park office 2-3 weeks to complete.
Strathclair – R.M. of Yellowhead satellite office
Fill up before you run out!
Elphinstone – Hilltop Groceteria & Gas (closed Mondays)
Please mark your calendars as we will ONLY ACCEPT SAMPLES Minnedosa Tribune
collected on the morning of TUESDAY, AUGUST 20th, 2019 204-867-3816
[email protected]
from 9:00 A.M. TO 11:30 A.M.
Drop Off locations will be included in the sample bottle packages.
Any questions please contact:
Little Saskatchewan River Conservation District
P.O. Box 209, 55 North Railway Street
Oak River, MB R0K 1T0
at 204-566-2270 or Toll Free 1-866-820-1512.
Fax: (204) 566-2299 Email: [email protected]
The Minnedosa Tribune Friday, August 9, 2019 7

Kayak Club Paddling The Summer Away

By KAREN MITCHELL Historically, Magu- p.m. Through this program
ire along with Kim Mof- the kids get a chance to

T he Minnedosa Kayak
Club, under the um-
brella of the Minnedosa
fat took over the club in
2011, which was being
offered a few evenings a
paddle, work on the basics
and finessing their skills
for increasing speed. Par-
and District Recreation week by a couple of ladies ticipants are moved from
Commission, heads into out of Brandon. “Kim and a recreational kayak to a
the last stretch of the 2019 I thought that this is some- more competitive boat and
season. The season runs thing we both loved and eventually transitioned
from May until the end of our kids loved doing as into a trainer if they choose
September each year. well,” said Janice. “So, we the completive side. All in
Janice Maguire, Man- jumped in with both feet all, the main goal of all pro-
ager of the Kayak Club, is in and took it on.” At that time grams is to have fun.
charge of the crew that cur- the duo’s goals were to Other programs that
rently includes Candace just get people out on the run through the season in-
Crooks (full-time), Shayla lake, teaching them how clude; Ladies Nights (Mon-
Woychyshyn (part-time) to paddle and just simply days), Intro to Kayaking
and Callie Maguire (part- having lots of fun. “We also (Tuesday and Thursday),
time), and also teaching wanted to provide differ- Five Dollar Fridays, and
and instructing interested ent programs that encour- drop-in times throughout
kayakers. Working in con- aged children of all ages to the week and weekends.
junction with Alexis Kuby, join the sport as well.” For more informa-
Rec Director, Maguire also The two ladies dedi- Photo by Karen Mitchell tion on the club you can
creates, prepares and pro- cated years of passion email m i n n e d o s a k ay -
motes programming. into the sport before Jan- Three members of the Minnedosa Kayak Club head out on the water [email protected]
Maguire got involved ice left in 2016 and Kim in to enjoy a peaceful afternoon on the lake. or speak to Alexis at the
in the sport through her 2017. Partnering with the Minnedosa and District
sister stumbling on an in- Minnedosa and District the recreational aspect of the umbrella of the Mani- take things to the next level Recreation Commission
tro to kayaking event years Recreation Commission the sport and does kayak toba Paddling Association, with racing.” There is cur- by calling 204-867-2250.
ago and from that point in 2018 brought the sport rentals, however they also out of Winnipeg, which of- rently a program running
on she was hooked. She back to the water and is offer instructs to children fers the more competitive for children aged six to
went out the next day and now a combined team ef- in the area interested in racing side. “It is wonder- twelve called Sprint Kids
purchased two kayaks and fort. the racing component. The ful to watch kids growing that runs twice a week
she’s never looked back. The Kayak Club offers Kayak Club is also under up with the sport and then from 9:00 a.m. until 12:00

M U SE U M & H




H Day
§ Old fashioned games: Anti-I-Over, Three SATU
Legged Races, Drop the Hanky, Bean Bag Toss, Egg and
Spoon, Sack Races, Hoola Hoop, board games and more!
§ Critter Dipping (fun with bugs!) TIN
§ Rope Making and Sawing 4:00 G AT
Demonstrations P.M.
§ Live Music featuring John Cullen and § Kiddies Train Rides
Friends § Classic Cars
§ Scavenger Hunt and BINGO § The day winds down with an
§ Operational Blacksmith Shoppe
outdoor movie, A Dog’s Purpose
§ Tour the Historic Buildings (filmed locally) at Dusk! The Village Concession will be
§ BBQ supper open for the movie!
Admission by Donation
Minnedosa Heritage Village is located 5+ blocks east of Main Street on 3rd Avenue. N.E.
A Huge Thank You to our Sponsors:
Gold: RM of Minto-Odanah and Minnedosa Credit Union
Bronze: Heritage Co-op and Minnedosa Pharmacy
Friends: Hillside Plumbing and Heating and Minnedosa Insurance
8 Friday, August 9, 2019 The Minnedosa Tribune

A Weekend of Music and Memories!

Continued events and contests were test, there was four entries
from Page 1 held through the weekend and the winner, Mutiny in
including 50/50 raffles, Minnedosa, won a pair of
Rockin’ the FIelds best campsite contest, a weekend passes for RFM
fan, Chad Saunders com- flip cup tournament, vari- 2020. Congratulations to
mented, “15 or 16 years in ous games and the 2019 all winners throughout the
a row, you guys never dis- Rock Off Competition. weekend.
appoint. Thank you for the This competition had The committee will
best weekend of my life for five bands competing for need a break for sure after
almost two decades.” first place and the oppor- this huge event and end-
The three-day event tunity to open up the main less hours of work, how-
which ran August 2nd to stage for the Sam Roberts ever I am sure they will
4th saw bands such as April Band on Saturday night. be back sooner than later
Wine, Collective Soul, Tom The winner of this year’s preparing for next years
Cochrane with Red Rider, Rock Off Competition was event again. A huge bou-
Sam Roberts Band, Sass Moon Tan, a three-man quet goes out to everyone
Jordan, Streetheart, Lee band from Winnipeg. involved in the weekend
Aaron, Platinum Blond Winners of the 50/50 festivities for volunteering
and Harlequin take to the picked up $4,302.50 Fri- countless hours to ensure
stage here in Minnedosa. day night, $5,400 for Satur- this event goes off without
In addition to the day night and a whopping a hitch. You all deserve a
main attraction of great $6,210 for Sunday night! huge pat on the back.
music, numerous other In the Best Campsite con-

Photos by
The Minnedosa Tribune Friday, August 9, 2019 9

Final Yard of the Week For Season

Neighbours Indeed
Be a Neighbour...
And announce

T he final Minnedosa Communities in Bloom

Yard of the Week for August 5th goes to Randy
Collins on 4th Ave N.W. As usual, the Minnedosa
these special events
to your community
●Birth of Child
Home Hardware is donating a gift certificate to the ●Wedding Anniversaries
winner. 25th, 40th, 50th, 60th
Linda Bertram, Communities in Bloom mem- ●New home residency
ber would like to express thanks to everyone who You may qualify for a
personalized keepsake
works hard to beautify their yards. “Yard of the gift offer compliments
Week is a fun event for Communities in Bloom of local business and
professional sponsors
members to check out the yards around town,” said
Minnedosa Pharmacy
Linda. “We are aware that there are some beauti- Glenndosa Glass 1990 Ltd.
ful back yards in the community, but front yards Minnedosa insurance Services
are chosen because the rest of the community can Kim’sQuality Foods
Integra Tire
check them out by driving down the streets”. Heritage Co-op
As this is an annual event, residents will have Minnedosa Tribune
Gateway Motel
until next spring to plan their yards so they can be
considered in next year’s competition. Be part of your Community!
Contact Tillie Johnson
Photo by Karen Mitchell 204-867-3414

*We accept Visa, Master Card & debit card purchases

Sale Dates: *We sell lottery tickets
*We deliver within town limits Monday - Friday at 4:00 p.m
($2 charge - $25 minimum order)
AUGUST 9TH - AUGUST 15TH * Try one of our delicious BBQ chickens!
* We sell fruit, veggie & meat trays and fruit baskets
*Senior’s Discount every Friday (65 & up) (STARTS FRIDAY 9:00 A.M. - ENDS THURSDAY 9:00 P.M.) (24 hours notice is appreciated)
*We sell R.O. water

MH Tin original roasted coffee ..............925g ...... $8.99
FM TS 12 pack Chocolate Chip Cookies ..............................456g ............. $3.99
Kraft Dressing assorted ........................................................ 475ml ...............$2.99 Breyers classic ice cream .......................................................1.66l ............. $3.49
NN Oats Minute/Quick/Large 100% Whole Grain..................1kg ...............$2.29 Popsicle assorted .................................. 720ml ...... $3.49
NN Peanut Butter assorted .......................1kg ...... $4.49 Chapman Yukon cone or sandwich ................................... 150ml ............. $5.49
NN Jam assorted ......................................................................... 1lt ...............$4.49 NN french fries assorted ...........................................................1kg ............. $1.99
NN Creme Cookies assorted ....................907g ...... $2.99 PC cream first ice cream or frozen yogurt ........................1.5lt-2lt ............. $3.99

NN Lard ....................................................................................454g ...............$2.19
NN Cherries Red/Mixed Glace ...............................................450g ...............$5.49
NN Tuna LT water Flake/Chunk ............................................170g ...............$1.49
Sapporo Noodle Flats original ................................................100g ...............$0.89
NN Tomato Paste .................................................................. 369ml ...............$0.99
NN Pickles Dill with Garlic/Dill Chip ....................................... 1lt ...............$2.49
NN Paper Towel 6 roll or Bath tissues 24 roll.................................................$4.99 Fresh chicken legs.............................................. $1.99/lb
Quaker Oatmeal assorted ............................................... 228-380g ...............$2.99 Pork loin chops rib or sirloin end ............................................................ $2.69/lb
Nabob Ground Coffee assorted ..............................................300g ...............$7.49 Top sirloin beef roast ................................................................................ $4.99/lb
PC Bacon .................................................................................500g ............. $5.49
Heinz juice tomato ................................ 1.36lt ...... $1.59
Motts Clamato assorted ........................................................ 1.89lt ...............$3.79 NN smoked sausages ..............................900g ...... $7.99

NN Rice Crackers ....................................................................100g ...............$0.99
Christie Crispers assorted .......................................................175g ...............$2.59
SnackPack Pudding CP assorted ..............................................99g ...............$4.49
Nature Valley bars assorted ............................................ 170-230g ...............$2.59
Betty Crocker Frosting assorted .............................................340g ...............$2.29
Betty Crocker Super Moist Cake mix assorted ......................432g ...............$2.29
LA Grille seasoning spice assorted ........................................190g ...............$3.99 Cherries ............................................................. $3.49/lb
Shake N Bake assorted .................................................... 140-184g ...............$2.59 Cantaloupe ..................................................................................................... $2.99
Puritan Soup assorted ...........................................................700g ...............$2.99 Grape pint tomatoes...................................................................................... $2.49
NN canala oil ......................................................................... 1.89lt ...............$4.19 Raspberries .................................................................................................... $3.49
Green Giant Canned Vegetables assorted .......................... 398ml ...............$1.39 Cucumber ...................................................................................................... $1.29
Glade Aerosol assorted ...........................................................227g ...............$1.59 Honeydew melon .......................................................................................... $3.99
Glade Plastic Wrap Cling ........................................................ 30m ...............$1.99 Onion yellow ............................................................................. 3lb ............. $2.49
Glade Garbage Bags Container size .......................................30ea ...............$9.99 Bartlett Pears ............................................................................................. $1.99/lb
Lysol All Purpose Cleaner/Wipes ..............................650ml/35ea ...............$3.19
PC Dinner Napkins................................................................180sh ...............$5.99

Bounty 4-6 Full Sheets ..............................................................4ea ...............$7.99
PC Xtra Meaty Cat Food assorted .............................................85g ...............$0.69
Meow Mix Cat Food original/Hairball Control ................ 1.6-2kg ...............$6.99
Milk Bone Biscuit assorted............................................. 800-900g ...............$3.99
Alpo Cookout Classics ...........................................................7.2kg .............$15.99
PC Meaty Mix Dog Food assorted ..........................................624g ...............$1.99
Danone Activia Strawberry/Vanilla .......................................100g ...............$4.49
Lactantia Butter salted ..........................454g ...... $5.29
Parkey Margarine Vegetable Oil/Quarters ................ 1.28-1.36kg ...............$4.49 OPEN 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM, 7 DAYS A WEEK • 70 Main Street South, Minnedosa 867-2821
NN cream cheese brick ............................250g ...... $2.99 *PRICES AVAILABLE AT THE LUCKY DOLLAR IN MINNEDOSA ONLY
10 Friday, August 9, 2019 The Minnedosa Tribune

Bajoosh Run for Diabetes Cadurcis News

By doreen TroTT Garnet Rose of Arden
By KAREN MITCHELL visited last week with Mal-

O n Thursday, August
1st, Wes Hunter, of the
O ur sincere sympathy
to the Brown fami-
lies on the passing of Me-
colm and Shirley Rose.
A number from the
area attended the memo-
Southern Chiefs Organiza- gan Hedley-Brown. Our rial service for the late Lyle
tion, ran down Main Street thoughts and prayers go Cooper. Lyle grew up in the
to bring awareness to the out to mother Jen, sister Cadurcis area. Our condo-
First Annual Bajoosh Run Kristen and grandmother lences to his wife Bev and
for Diabetes Prevention. Bea. family.
Starting on July 28th

Basswood News
from Long Plains First
Nations, runners left on
their journey to the end
site of Clear Lake in Kee-
seekoowenin which was By Zelda FirBy Jennifer Brown and Kris-
the official site of the first ten of Minnedosa on the

ever Anishinaabe Nation n Thursday evening, sudden passing of daugh-
Gathering. The total route Photo by Karen Mitchell
under a clear sky and ter and sister, Megan Hed-
from start to finish was 194 joosh because he was a drove in the truck, follow- will be adorned with feath- warm temperatures, Mark ley-Brown. We also extend
km. The Anishinaabe Na- messenger that ran from ing one runner along the ers of different colors to Donohoe and family host- sympathy to the Bea Brown
tion Gathering will be held community to community, route. Due to the extreme represent the nation and ed an appreciation bar- family and relatives on the
on August 13th to 16th at establishing and main- heat throughout the week, used during elder meet- becue for relative, friends passing of granddaughter,
Clear Lake, where First Na- taining communications runners only ran short dis- ings and ceremonies. and neighbours. The bar- niece and cousin Megan. A
tion people from all over between the neighbouring tances before changing up The reason the Orga- becuing was very ably celebration of life was held
will come together for tra- tribes. He was also a well- to ensure everyone’s safety nization chose Diabetes handled by Mark’s great at the Minnedosa Ag Barn
ditional teachings. known medicine man and and health. awareness is because the niece Molly of Mexico and on Monday with a large
Bajoosh was the in the spirit of keeping his The runner wore the Grand Chief has Diabetes nephew Tom McLeod of crowd in attendance.
Grand Chief, Jerry Daniels, legacy and tradition alive, “grandfather” rock around and several First Nation Brandon. All present en- Mark, Sylvia and Jor-
grandfather and was the we hope to encourage and their necks and carried the people are dealing with joyed food and fellowship. dyn Firby returned home
first member of the family promote healthier ways of sacred stick which will be this disease every day. All Holly Donohoe of Regina Thursday from Spain
to carry the Daniels name. living.” carved into an eagle staff funds received will go to- was home for the evening where they spent three
The Grand Chief was quot- The group of three men when they reach Clear wards Diabetes Prevention and the long weekend. weeks visiting and sight
ed as explaining, “We are took turns running the leg Lake. The eagle staff is a initiatives for Southern Deepest sympathy of seeing with Irene Sahael
naming this run after Ba- of the journey. Two men very ceremonial item that Manitoba First Nations. the district is extended to and her parents.

The Minnedosa Tribune Friday, August 9, 2019 11


BY PHONE Call 204-867-3816
Hours to place, correct or cancel ads: Selling something? If Place an ad for your up-
Monday - Friday 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. 19082SF0 you are not advertising here, coming event in The Trib-
19082PS1 you are missing a whole audi- une classifieds – they start at
BY MAIL CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING ence of potential buyers who $9.00! Call 204-867-3816 or
The Minnedosa Tribune, P.O. Box 930, are not seeing your ad on fa- email class@minnedosatrib-
Minnedosa, Manitoba R0J 1E0 cebook or an online buy and
BY FAX 204-867-5171 sell. Community newspapers
still have value, especially to Heritage Day at
BY E-MAIL [email protected] those who are not connected REDUCED x3 63 Centre
Minnedosa Heritage Village –
to the online world. Street, Erickson, MB. 1,100
Saturday, August 17th starting
sq. ft. home built in 1987 on a
The Minnedosa Tribune Ltd. reserves the right to at 4 p.m. and concluding with
Caught you looking! corner lot. 3 bedrooms – 2 up,
delete any words or phrases deemed by The Minnedosa an outdoor movie, A Dog’s
Reach over 400,000 Mani- 1 down, 2 bathrooms – 1 up,
Tribune Ltd. to be objectionable, or to refuse to publish any Purpose, at dusk. Fun for the
toba readers weekly. Fall is 1 down, finished basement,
advertisement. The Minnedosa Tribune Ltd. shall not be whole family. Admission by
coming. Having a Sale? Do Air Conditioning, Central Vac,
responsible for any loss or damage to any advertiser or third donation. See more detailed
you have an event that you Central Air, Double attached
party resulting from the failure of an advertisement to appear ad elsewhere in this paper.
would like to promote? Do garage. $151,000. Call 204-
in The Minnedosa Tribune Ltd. or from any error or omission in you have all of the staff that 636-7800. (15-7) x Minnedosa Covenant
any advertisement which is published. you need? Book your An- Church Vacation Bible School
nouncements, Events, Sales, is August 19th - 23rd, 2019. We
RATES Employment Opportunities, are travelling back in time to
$9.00 for first 40 words, additional words .10 each. Auctions, Wanted Ads, For visit the Apostle Paul in Ath-
Rent, Volunteer Opportuni- ens. Come for games, crafts,
Repeat ads - Half Price. ties, etc. People rely on these snacks, singing and time with
Classified Display - $9.00/col. inch each insert. (Incl. logo, box & classifieds to find what they friends Ages 4 - Grade 6. All
bolding, and centering). need. Catch them looking at are welcome and its free!
your material in our 48 Week- 207 - 6th Street North- More info and online registra-
Happy Snaps: (Birthday, Engagement, Wedding, Birth, &
ly Community Newspapers. west Minnedosa. 1,216 tion at  www.minnedosacov-
Graduation) - $16.00 for the first 20 words and the picture.
Call this newspaper NOW or square foot mobile home” (22-2)
Obituaries: - $6.50 per col. inch. email [email protected] on large corner lot. Built ap-
Reach the entire province (50 weekly newspapers) $189.00 for details. MCNA (204) 947- proximately 2003.  3 bedroom Franklin Flea Market
Westman and Eastman: $119.00 1691. 2 bathroom. Central air con- to be held at the Franklin
ditioning. Lovely  Playhouse Memorial Hall on Saturday,
All Ads plus 5% G.S.T. built 2013  + 2 storage sheds. September 14th from 11:00
$165,000.  Call or text 204- a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Lunch avail-
Deadlines 1731 Middleton Avenue 720-4612  able. Anybody wanting a table
Classified advertisements must be submitted no later Brandon, MB please contact Linda Fleger
than noon Tuesday for insertion in the following Friday’s Freightliner Manitoba is PELICAN LAKE cabins, at 204-212-0711. Tables are
edition. All classified advertisements must be prepaid BEFORE pleased to announce that lake homes, lots, on SW MB’s $10.00 each. (22-24-26) x
Dwayne Stone has accepted
insertion. the position as Parts Manager largest navigable lake, Key-
for our Brandon, MB location. stone Realty, Fay McEachern Flower show and
The Minnedosa Tribune is not responsible for tea. Tuesday, August 13th
Formerly from the Canpro REALTOR/Broker 204-724-
typographical errors published AFTER the first insertion, nor Gator Centre, Dwayne’s from 2:00 – 4:00 p.m. at the
4456. key-
does it assume responsibility for errors published as a result of expertise of 25 years+ in the Ag Minnedosa Community Con-
Sector is a huge asset to [email protected]
an advertisement placed, changed, or cancelled, by telephone. Your AFFORDABLE Freightliner Manitoba Ltd. ference Centre. Entries 5:00 –
To ensure your advertisement appears correctly please submit Electrician! when looking to develop
9:00 p.m. on Monday, August
it in person, by fax, mail, or email. accounts and provide busi- 12th and from 8:00 – 9:30 p.m.
We do: ness solutions to both current
• Renovations and new customers. Dwayne Tuesday, August 13th. Every-
• Service Upgrades will take care of customers Wedding shower one welcome to bring entries.
AUCTIONS FOR SALE • Knob & Tube Removal coming into the Brandon loca-
tion as well as visiting custom-
in honour of Admission by donation. Sales
• Aluminum Wire of veggies and flowers at 4:00
ers on the road in all areas of DANNA HARVEY
Upgrades Manitoba - west of Portage La at 225 – 2nd Ave. S.W. Sponsored by the Minnedosa
GE Top Freezer Refriger- • Specializing in Prairie. Dwayne looks forward
ator. $500.00 OBO Call 204- Agricultural Wiring to reconnecting with previous on August 17th from Horticultural Society. X
customers and building new 2:00 – 4:00 p.m. In lieu
441-3395. (21-2) x Get our best price guaran- relationships. Newdale Horticultural
tee on all your commercial of cards please share your
EMAIL: [email protected] Society Annual Flower show
BATTERIES FOR EVERY- and residential wiring. PHONE: 204 724 0211
favourite recipes!
(22-2) x on Wednesday, August 14th
THING. Automotive, farm, Call the experts today Parts Special Code: DSTONE from 2:00 – 4:00 at the New-
construction, ATV, marine, and get 15% off. PowerDrive 3000w Power dale Community Hall. $4.00
motorcycle, golf carts, phones,
tools, radios, computers etc.
Inverter $299.99
OFFICE SPACE admission includes dessert
service@ and coffee. x
Reconditioned, obsolete and expertelectricwinnipeg.
hard-to-find batteries. SOLAR com
FOR RENT Office space for rent,
equipment. The Battery Man. former Minnedosa Med-
Winnipeg. 1.877.775.8271 2 bedroom mobile home. ical Clinic. 2,200 sq. ft., 8 of- 4 appliances. Available Sep- fices and reception area. Will
tember 1st. Call 204-868- renovate to suit needs. Ideal
0946. (22-3) x for daycare centre. Call 780-
619-8349, email huyghehold-
[email protected]. tfn
12 Friday, August 9, 2019 The Minnedosa Tribune



Rolling River School Division

Rolling River School Division is located in southwestern Manitoba,
Canada in close proximity to Riding Mountain National Park and
EDUCATIONAL ASSISTANT required The Town of Minnedosa is requesting submission of Proposals
Douglas Elementary - 5 hrs/day from qualified Proponents to develop a Strategic Asset
Rivers Elementary - 5 hrs/day Management Policy and Comprehensive Asset
Rivers Collegiate - 4.4 hrs/day Management Plan for the Town’s major assets that is in
Rivers Collegiate - 2.5 hrs/day accordance with or exceeds the guideline produced by the
Association of Manitoba Municipalities, titled “Introduction
For more details and application information, please visit our website at William Charles A celebration of the life of select Employment then Support Positions. to Asset Management” and further will provide a working Nechwediuk passed away in YVONNE SOLOWAY
document that the Town can use going forward. Minnedosa, MB on July 29th, will take place on
Thank you to all applicants for their interest in 2019 at the age 65 years. A August 24th, 2019 at 2:00
The complete Request for Proposal documents are available at private family service will take from the Smoland cemetery.
Rolling River School Division.
the Town of Minnedosa’s website www.discoverminnedosa. place at a later date A time of fellowship and
Only those candidates selected for interviews will be contacted. White’s Funeral Home,
com. Sealed proposals will be accepted until Friday, refreshments will be held at
Minnedosa, Manitoba in care the Evangelical Covenant
Looking for compassionate and experienced caregiver
September 20, 2019 at 11:00 a.m. (Central Time). Should you of arrangements. 1-204-867- Church basement
required to assist woman recovering from stroke in residen- have any questions regarding the documents or the process, 3868 after the service.
tial home near Minnedosa. She has full mobility. Duties to please contact:
include, but not limited to, companionship and conversation,
Chris Yuen, ACAO – Town of Minnedosa, IN MEMORIAM
light house keeping and meal preparation, driving patient to ANNOUNCEMENTS
appointments. Must have valid driver’s license, vehicle will be Box 426, Minnedosa, MB, R0J 1E0
provided. Call 204-867-7291 (22-2) x 204-867-5967 In Loving Memory of
[email protected] JACQUELINE KAY LAWSON
The Selkirk Record is currently seeking a full-time editor June 16th, 1985 -
and a reporter/photographer to join its award-winning com- All interested bidders are requested to complete a August 12th, 2009
munity newspaper. We are looking for someone who is pas-
“Bidder Registration Form” to be advised of any updates
sionate about leading the best outlet of interesting and break- Response Builder Just when her life
ing news stories and event coverage in Selkirk and surrounding and addenda that may be made. (21-2)
Advertising was brightest,
area. Qualifications: journalism post-secondary degree/di- Just when her
ploma or equivalent experience in related field; Layout and hopes were best,
design experience and knowledge of CP style, InDesign and GARAGE SALES NOTICES • GET SEEN by over God called her
Photoshop; Strong photography and writing skills; Self-starter 400,000 Manitoba from among us.
with the ability to exercise solid news judgement; Ability to es- Homes!
To a home of eternal rest.
tablish professional relationships to consistently source and Yard Sale on Saturday, Advertisements and • Create instant top of
mind awareness
write a wide range of stories and cover events in a fair, balanced August 10th from 2:00 – 4:00 statements contained herein Fondly remembered
• Showcase your info,
and accurate manner; Able to work both independently and p.m. at 43 – 4th Ave. N.W. Mir- are the sole responsibility of business, product, Marc, Elaine, Shannon
as a team on a flexible work schedule including both evenings rors, ladies Norco bike, gar- the persons or entities that job, announcements and Erin.
and weekends. Please forward your resumé along with three dening, scrapbooking tools, post the advertisement, and or event x
writing and photography samples to: [email protected] Christmas and more. X the Manitoba Community • We format it, to
Deadline to apply is Monday, August 12th. Newspaper Association and make it look great! A Special Daughter
Garage, Craft and Col- membership do not make • Starting at $239.00
(includes 35 lines of
TENDER lectable Sale. August 10th at
Lot 8 Bison Hills road. 9:00
any warranty as to the ac-
curacy, completeness, truth-
space) 1985 – 2009
• The ads blanket the
a.m. – 2:00 p.m. No early fulness or reliability of such province and run in When the stars
birds. x advertisements. For greater MCNA’s 48 Manitoba shine up in the sky
information on advertising community We miss you.
conditions, please consult the newspapers When the sun rises
LOANS Association’s Blanket Adver- • Very cost effective and sets everyday
tising Conditions on our web- means of getting
We miss you.
your message out to
Town of Minnedosa site at
the widest possible When the rain falls
and everything looks
The Town of Minnedosa is accepting tenders for: Do you have a PRESS bright and beautiful
RELEASE / MEDIA ADVISO- Contact this newspaper
We miss you.
RFQ 2019-05
Victoria Bay Water Main Replacement
Need RY that needs to go out? Let NOW or MCNA at
204.947.1691 or email Everyday, every hour,

General information:
Cash? us help you with that! Though
we cannot guarantee publica-
[email protected] in every way,
in everything we do
• We Loan tion, MCNA will get the infor-
We miss you.
Work to include directional boring of 245m of C900 water main, • Easy application mation into the right hands
directional boring of 145m C900 water main, installation of 1 fire • Approval with
for ONLY $35.00 + GST/HST. Love Mom, Dad and Jeff.
hydrant, and replacement of seven ¾ house service lines new main to
We also do Media Monitor- GOT x
• Title Loans
curb stop including curb stop replacement. Utility locates to be arranged
by contractor. Contractor responsible for any soft expose costs.
• No Credit Check
• We service ALL of
ing, if you would like to follow
up and see who picked up the D YOUR In loving memory of
Work must be completed by September 20, 2019. Manitoba material. Call MCNA (204)
947-1691 for more informa- V ATTENTION? JACQUELINE LAWSON

Tender package available for pick up at the Town Office or by emailing Call Dan Devloo tion, or email classified@ Of all the many blessings
[email protected] (204) 526-7093 for details. www. However great or small
Book this
CAI Financial
Any enquiry concerning the content of this Request for Quotation should Unit K - 2151 Portage Ave.
To have had you for a niece
be directed to Kevin Marcino at 204-867-0037 or [email protected] Winnipeg MB space for Was the greatest one of all

T your next ad The family chain is
broken now
will be accepted at the Town of Minnedosa’s Civic Centre, 103 Main Street
South, Box 426 Minnedosa, MB R0J 1E0 until 4:00 p.m. on Tuesday, STEEL BUILDINGS I Call
And nothing seems the same
But as God has taken us
August 13, 2019. S 204-867-3816 one by one
The chain will link again.
Fax: (204) 867-2686 Email: [email protected] STEEL BUILDING SALE ... “SUMMER OVERSTOCK SALE
– BLAZING HOT DEALS!” 20x21 $5,828. 25x25 $6,380. 28x29
E for more
information! Forever missed and lovingly
Any or all of the quotations may not be necessarily accepted.
(21-2) $7,732. 32x33 $9,994. 35x33 $12,120. One End Wall Included.
Pioneer Steel 1-855-212-7036
! remembered
The Moran Family
The Minnedosa Tribune Friday, August 9, 2019 13

Food Creates Memories

things that he liked most we cherish so much. For meal, or anything in be-
about this day was that I let example, can you imagine tween. Every day is full of
him choose what we were a birthday party without choices in every aspect,
going to eat for lunch in the a cake? Or what about a and I know food is always
garage as we worked on holiday celebration like one of those choices (at
the car. I told him he could Thanksgiving or Christmas least three times per day).
choose anything he want- without a feast? No, I can’t How’s the car project
ed, and I would make it either. Eating in itself is a coming along, you ask?
happen. He thought about celebration of the senses Well, to make a long story
it for a short time and be- as well as nourishment, short, we figured it would
ing only five-years-old he so we remember these have been about 15 to 20
said to me “I want us to eat times so vividly, especial- years before we ever got
chunks of ham off of knives ly when the food is con- it done, and a lot of work
just like pirates would, nected to a special time or that was way over our
and drink root beer!” I occasion. Even if it is the heads, so we sold it and
chuckled but honoured simplest of preparation. got a new project car (our
his wishes of this lunch I could have easily just decision together) that we
request – with my wife’s said to Noah that we will could at least drive while
recommendation that we break for lunch to come we fixed it up. That switch
supplement with some inside and have some- in project cars lead to a
vegetables as well (which thing we would normally very slippery slope how-
the rest of the car pretty tion. Please keep reading... we ate off of knives too). have. Instead, I gave him ever and we have had a
By CHEF DEZ much needed a complete He remembers this Whenever we talk the choice and thus cre- 1965 Pontiac Parisienne,
rebuilding from ground day very well. It was a spe- about this particular day, ated a wonderful memory. a 1949 Chevrolet Pickup,

I t was about eight years

ago when my youngest
son, Noah, and I rented
up. Now, you’re probably
wondering why I, as a
cial day for just dad and
son to hang out together
the thing he remembers
most is that lunch. He
brings it up regularly. Food
What can you do to-
day with food (or drink
for that matter) to create
and currently a 1967 Ply-
mouth Barracuda (which
we are still working on).
Chef, am writing about this in the garage all day. My
an engine hoist to remove in my food column. Well, oldest children did not is life, quite literally be- a wonderful memory for Anyway, think about
the 289-V8 engine out of like the title of this column live at home, my youngest cause we need it to survive, someone? It could be just your food choices today,
our 1965 Ford Mustang states, this is not a “how to” daughter was in daycare but food is also life in the as simple as treating some- and the people in your life.
father and son project. Al- on fixing up classic cars, for the day, and my wife sense that it brings people one to a coffee, or as elab- How can you make a dif-
though the body of this car but on how food creates was at work. This left just together and helps to cele- orate as surprising a loved ference to someone on this
had no rust whatsoever, memories in any situa- me and Noah. One of the brate relationships that one with their favourite very day?

Crop Report counts wrap up. disease presence this year.
back home to Sherwood
Park, AB after spending a
and boys Beckham and
Zayden of Winnipeg and

Spring cereals are rip- Some lodging is visible in eepest sympathy few days with his mother- Joan Derhak of Oakburn.
H igher than normal
temperatures pre-
vailed with very little to no
ening quickly. Most of the
crop maturing well without
any major issues. Fusarium
low-lying areas. Sunflowers
are starting to flower, at
R5.1 to R.3 stages. There
is extended to the
Maluk family and Ryste-
in-law Sadie Rystephanuk.
Visitors with John
Allan and Nancy Derhak of
Riding Mountain, Angela,
phanuk families on the Domaschuk were daugh- Jessie and baby Nolan of
rain across the Southwest head blight is showing up are some reports of insect
passing of Helen Maluk ter Holly and Neil Rocker- McCreary and Gary and
region. Scattered showers especially in unsprayed damage, but no spraying so
at the age of 94. Funeral bie of Victoria, BC. Lindsay Doreen Derhak of Calgary.
in the Russell and Birtle fields of spring wheat, but far.
service was held on Wed- Domaschuk of Calgary, AB Robert Mandzuik returned
areas amounted to less than incidence is very low at this Corn is advancing well
nesday at the Ukrainian and Leonard Domaschuk back here after going back
five mm. Crops are showing stage. The majority of the and benefitting from hot
Orthodox Church with in- of Kelowna, BC. home to St. Catharine, ON
symptoms of prolonged dry crop is at hard dough stage. weather conditions, but
terment at the Municipal Spending the weekend for the past two weeks.
weather and in some cases, It is expected that there will needs rain. The majority of
soils are close to the perma- be some swathing activity the crop is in R1 stage. Cemetery. with Helen Derhak were
nent wilting point. Most at the end of this week in Grasshoppers are Brian Bragg returned Brad and Teagan Derhak
winter cereals are close to these crops. present in all crops and
the pre-harvest herbicide Soybean staging is at along roadside ditches.
stage. Low fusarium levels R3 to R4. The majority of Crop loss is minor to non-
in winter wheat and low the crop looks green and significant to date and no
levels of ergot in fall rye be- tall with no major signs of reports of spraying in the PROPERTIES FOR SALE
ing reported. Winter wheat water shortage. Any pre- area.
harvest has begun near cipitation will be appreci- Pastures are declining
Prairie Mountain Ph: 204-867-4657
Brandon and eastern parts ated at this stage for pod fill. rapidly with the excessively Gwen Usick Fax: 204-867-2150
Independently Owned
of the region. No yield re- There are no reports of any hot, dry weather. Pasture and Operated Broker Realtor
[email protected]
ports at this time. soybean aphids. Field Peas management is making
The majority of the are looking promising with- some difference, but poor TIN TIN
canola crop is at the pod- out any major concerns. soil moisture reserves are LIS LIS
filling stage. Re-seeded Most of the crop is ripening affecting the entire region.
fields are finishing flower- to dry down stage with Reports of dugouts dry-
ing. Dry weather and ex- some pre-harvest products ing out are coming in from SANDY LAKE MINNEDOSA
cessive heat is causing re- being applied. Some pea the northern and southern -Move in ready 2+1, 1 1/2 bath
- Unique property consisting of 5 corner lots.
-Store with live in suite consisting of 2 Bi level
duced pod fill and flower aphids have been noted portions of the region. Dug- bedrooms with main floor bath and 9 - Home features oak kitchen Well maintained 2 bedroom 1 bath - 2 + 1 bedroom, 1 bath
foot ceilings. cabinets, L shaped dining room/ mobile home on 2 lots.
blasting. Very low levels of but crop stage is past dam- out levels are generally low, living room
- Cental air
-There is a dishwasher hookup in kitchen, - Skylight in kitchen, open concept,
sclerotinia this year in can- age point. Some initial pea about 50 percent of normal breakfast nook, ornamental fireplace in - Newer laminate flooring, chair lift, central air, plenty of storage. - Updated windows on main
living room. newer berber carpet in basement, - Large mudroom addition leads - 2 decks & storage shed
ola. There are no reports of harvest has begun in lighter capacity. Cooler weather - Dry basement has 8 foot ceilings, - Some windows have been to the oversized single attached in yard
electric furnace, sump pump & tons more upgraded and shingles in July 2019. garage.
any insect damages at this soil zones with no yield re- and precipitation are need- storage space.
- Outside you will find a single car - Shed, vegetable garden, paved
stage. Bertha armyworm ports yet. ed immediately to boost -The yard is spacious with plenty of trees
and a vegetable garden.
garage, carport, vegetable garden
and deck.
MLS #1911282 $154,900
trap counts are in the low Flax fields are finish- annual feeds and pastures. MLS# 1917609 $89,900 MLS #1919385 $189,900 MLS#1906414 $129,900 $149,900
to uncertain range as the ing flowering with major
Take a tour on or our website www.remax-prairie
14 Friday, August 9, 2019 The Minnedosa Tribune


“Living in your
Proud Supporter Rick Taylor 867-7551 CONSTRUCTION

[email protected]

BIRCH Parish Backhoe
GENERAL ●Septic Systems ●Weeping tiles
CONTRACTORS ●Water Systems ●Basements
• Specializing in water & sewer
Commercial ●All types of excavation●
NEW LISTING installation & repair Residential Certified in waste
• All types of excavation
246 - 1ST ST. S.E.
204 - 6TH AVE. N.W.
216 - 3RD AVE S.W..
MINNEDOSA • Basements, Demolition
• Snow removal
867-0400 water management
- 1,036 sq. ft. bungalow - 1,450 sq. ft. 1 3/4 storey - 820 sq. ft. bungalow
• Gravel, Topsoil 0r Call: Ian
• Sales of septic tanks
- 2 bedroom & main floor - 3 bedrooms, 2 baths - lots of updates and nice yard Kirk 867-0180 867-7506 874-2134 or 867-0383
- Close to downtown - Extensive renovations and - Single detached garage.

huge yard. $160,000 MLS #1918753
$129,900 MLS # 1919127
$184,900 MLS #1911047 ELECTRICAL
Enterprises Ltd.
Air Conditioning,
Heating & Electrical 204-867-0260
SEMI WITH LOW BED &[email protected]
LOT 2, PLAN 7032 Ex perience!!
241 - 1ST AVE. S.W. 7 LAKEVIEW DR.
Bus : 867-3950
- 1,115 sq. ft. 4 bedrooom - 1,216 sq. ft. mobile home - 678 sq. ft. year round cottage
Fa x: 867-2340
bungalow - 3 bedroom, 2 bath - Built in 2013, septic tank
- 3 acres just off of #10 Hwy. - Near the river on a quiet and well
- Municipal water street
- 3 lots totaling 205’ lakefront
$360,000 MLS #1909289 $124,900 MLS #1908520
$239,900 MLS #1916868
Considering listing your Property? 204-867-0260 5” AND 6” continuous
Call me today for great service at great rates! [email protected]
Jon Kowal Siding Roofing
Soffit Fascia

ACCOUNTING CONSTRUCTION 867-0145 Closed cell Polyurethane Spray foam

Glen Burgess Blow in Attic & Wall Fibre Insulation
Fire Retardent Coating

PRAIRIE REDI-MIX Electrician 204-867-3738

Minnedosa - 867-3853
R eady Mix Conc rete 204-868-5211 Email: [email protected]
Concrete forms, Rebar, Wire Mesh,
George Allard, FCGA*
Open Weeping Tile, Concrete Sealer, Snap Ties
Gateway Street
Onanole, MB Monday - Friday
All at Competitive
prices Fairmount Solar and Electrics
8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. For All Your Electrical Needs
Howard Wirch, C.G.A*
9-515 4th Ave.
1:00 - 4:00 p.m. Custom
Shoal Lake, MB
Suite A
110 Main Street South Fertilizer Minnedosa
Minnedosa Floating Credit Union
Dauphin Office - Call today to book your
● Roofing ● Decks Main Line
15 1st Ave. S.W. 204 867-5550 ● Fencing ● Exterior ● Finishing spring floating needs! 204-867-6350
Phone: 204-638-3005 ● Renovations ● Repairs Brad Ross
Fax: 204-638-5817
Darvin - 204-868-5869 204-867-6366
AUTO [email protected]

Terry McLenehan
*Denotes Professional Corporation
204-868-5980 or 204-867-5544 Specializing in Robert - 204-867-7113 204-867-6363
Farm Susan Glasgow
CatharineÊ Solar
Debbie Strelczik
MÊ GijsbersÊ New Builds 204-867-6360
Dan Quesnel
Chartered Professional
Accountant Inc.
● AC
Call us today for your 204-867-6359
MinnedosaÊ 1-204-867-2558 Donna Dowsett
electrical needs 204-867-6361
Ê 213ÊÊ 2ndÊ StÊ NEÊ Ê -Ê Ê BoxÊ 385Ê Ê (48-4)
T:Ê 867-3884Ê Ê Ê C:Ê 867-0190Ê 204-281-3394 Kim Butler
Email:Ê Ê [email protected]Ê
M&M [email protected] GRAIN 204-867-6352
Alayna McTavish

AUTO BODY HAULING 204-867-6354

BDO Canada LLP All Auto Body Repairs
Trisha Paterson
Chartered Book Joanne Clarke
Professional Accountants Ph: 867-2083 Brian Horner 204-867-6364
Farm, Business & Individual 5 Main St. North This Spot Gaylene Johnson
Grain & Fertilizer 204-867-6357
Professinal Services: for Hauling Amber Johnson
- Tax 204-867-6374
only Fax
- Accounting 204-867-6391
$8.29 E-mail
- Farm Programs
per [email protected]
Don Simpson, CPA, CA Website
39 Main Street South, Minnedosa week!
The Minnedosa Tribune Friday, August 9, 2019 15


WAHOSKI G ORD K E L LY Lakeside St. Alphonsus
Septic Service
Drivers Licenses, Autopac MECHANICAL LTD. Plumbing & Heating Catholic Church ● Lawn Mowing & Trimming
General Insurance Gas Fitting 142
142 4th
4th St, NW.
St, NW. ● Hedge Trimming
PLUMBING Potable water Minnedosa,MB
MB 867-3831
Cheri McTavish – Broker ph: 867-2084 Minnedosa, 867-3831 ● Aerating & Power Raking
867-3946 HEATING cell: 867-0346 delivery.
Mass Sunday 9:00 a.m. ● Licensed Arborist Service
Book your portable ● Yard Clean Up
GAS FITTING toilets.
Cory Johnston ● Minnedosa
(204) 476-4705
204-867-3121 867-2416
Alexander or A.D.A.M.
204-476-5185 Cell: 867-7558
Jackson Anxiety Disorders People Helping People
Law Office - Committed to Caring - Prairie Mountain HVAC/R
B-116 MainSt.St
of Manitoba RAINKE'S
RAINKIES Phone (204) 857-6100
Ventilation/Air quality
Minnedosa, MB Support Group Sewage Service Fax (204) 857-8389 Air Conditioning
867-3981 Plumbing & Heating JIM BEAUMONT
[email protected]
Meetings are held at Kitchen Equipment Neepawa Library 3rd Tuesday of 476-2483
Ty Burton the month 1 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. Owner/Operator
Commercial Gas Fitter
Commercial & Residential
Burgess Law 204-868-5358 For more info call:
Debbie Fisch
Cell: 476-6591 REAL ESTATE service specialist
Office (204) 725-8550 Dennis: 476-2766 Kent Brown
51 Main Street S 1-204-867-7346

Plumbing & Heating
Studio Of Image
minnedosa@ • Construction •
If you like to drink and can
That's your business Summit Septic If you want to stop and can't ServiceS Family Hair Care
MAIN OFFICE •Eminence Facials
204-867-5458 That's our business. Minnedosa and surrounding areas
& Product
SIMS & COMPA N Y [email protected]
P.O. Box 36 Frank r. Ford and • Pedicures & LCN Nails
L a w O ffi c e PLUMBING & HEATING
Russ Huyghe
or 867-3966 penny Ford PETER HARRISON • Spray Tanning
Alanon - 210-0433 • Piercing
Norman H. Sims, Q.C. 204-868-6376
Alateen - 867-5121 Owner/Operator Phone/Text 867-5444 • Eyelash Extensions
7 6 Ma i n S t r e e t S o u t h 867-3401 Minnedosa 204-210-0158
MINNEDOSA • 867-2717 Cody Huyghe
Mtg. Times: 8:00 pm Tuesdays Cells 204-867-2287
67 Main St.
Matt Saler Drug Problem? 204-868-0851 or 204-868-0863
email: [email protected] SERVICES
204-868-6886 Narcotics TAC
Anonymous can help Ventures Inc.
Meetings every Waterpals Rob’s Waste
Potable Water Delivery Small EnginE REpaiR &
EAVESTROUGH Tuesday & YaRd maintEnancE SERvicES
Management &
Minnedosa and area Contracting
Saturday at 7 p.m. Health Inspected • Mowing & Trimming
at Calvary Temple, (204)476-0002
RAINBOW EAVES 221 Hamilton Street, No Job is too small!!! •

Snow Blowing
Unwanted Item Removal
Garbage Removal
Bin Rentals
& CUSTOM EXTERIORS Neepawa, MB 204-868-5674 • Handyman Services Construction Demolition
• Alum & Stainless Welding Household clean up
Seamless Steel Siding • Reasonable Rates Estate clean ups
Soffit ● Facia ● Cladding ● Vinyl Siding SERVICES 204-720-5934
James Hardie Boards ● CanExel Siding ÊÊÊ TRADING
Cell: 204-729-6896 ● Fax: 204-728-5067 We now offer Picker Barn
JOHN FEHR Pick your antiques and
other items!
[email protected] Call us today for your carpet
(12-16) By appointment only .
& upholstery cleaning needs. 204-868-5674
Ê 204-867-5551

House/Business Electrolysis Gently Used Furniture
Cleaning Services Clothing & Misc. Items
Permanant Hair Removal
- Residential 204-596-5111
By Donations Only
- Commercial Open Monday - Friday
● 204-848-0097
204-848-0400 Home: 867-3272
● 204-848-0400 Cell: 210-0818 [email protected]
[email protected]
16 Friday, August 9, 2019 The Minnedosa Tribune

Minnedosa Credit Union
Community Owned, Community Minded
Main Line 204-867-6350 Nicole Loewen - Loans Officer/Clerk 204-867-6369
Brad Ross - General Manager 204-867-6366 Trisha Paterson - Loans Clerk 204-867-6362
Terry McLenehan - Manager of Lending 204-867-6363 Lisa Dyck - Administrative Clerk 204-867-6367
Susan Glasgow - Operations Manager 204-867-6353 Joanne Clarke - Finance Administrator 204-867-6364
Debbie Strelczik - Ag/Comm. Acct. Manager 204-867-6360 Amber Johnson - Deposit Service/Marketing 204-867-6374
Dan Quesnel - Ag./Comm. Acct.Manager 204-867-6359 Gaylene Johnson - Member Service Manager 204- 867- 6357
Donna Dowsett - Loans Officer 204-867-6361 Fax 204-867-6391
Kim Butler - Loans Officer 204-867-6352 Email info
Alayna McTavish - Loans Clerk 204-867-6354
Hours of Business
Monday to Friday - 9:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Saturday - 9:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

Minnedosa Credit Union’s
Hot Dog Day August 30th, 2019
11:30a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
Proceeds to Benefit

Minnedosa Credit Union remains strong to its mandate of

community owned, community minded with continued support
to a broad range of community projects. In 2018 MCU donated
over $67,000.00 and provided support to many local charities,
organizations and events!
Minnedosa Credit Union also offers MCU Campus Lines of Credit:
Harvest Festival Heritage Village • $5,000/student/year to a maximum of $25,000/student.
Skate t he L ake Canadian C ancer S ociety • $50,000/family which can be split between 2 or more children
Frontier AAA Yellowhead Chiefs • Competitive interest rates
Minnedosa Mi nor Camp Wannacumbac • Interest only payments while attending school
Community Christmas Dinner Canada Day • All activity is recorded on your monthly statement
• Available for Colleges, University and Trade Schools
Strathclair D rama 4H-Minnedosaan dE rickson
• Guarantee of Parent(s) required
Strathclair Chorus Minnedosa Performing Arts
Minnedosa C urling C lubs Fun Festival
Senior Bomber Hockey Waves of Hope
High S chool A thletics Communities i n B loom
Santa Day Clanwilliam Community Hall
Youth S occer Tanners C rossing S chool
Ducks Unlimited Rapid City Community Hall
Minnedosa G olf C lub MCI
Minnedosa Food Bank Rapid City Fish Derby
Par 3 Tournaments 55+ G ames
Dr. A J K handelwal P rimary C are Men’s Wellness Workshop
Rockin’t heF ields Tournament Festival of the Arts
Adult and Teen Challenge Aggie B edpush
Mixed G olf Tournament Newdale Mixed Bonspiel
Bethany Community Centre Hospital A ctivity B ooklet
Thursday N ight Me n’s G olf Delta WaterFowl
Brandon Shriners Alzheimer’s S ociety
Wednesday NightL adiesG olf Rotary Club Minnedosa
Safe Grad Knights of C olumbus
ClanwilliamMe n’sB onspiel UCT
Minnedosa Beach Enhancement Manitoba B arrel R acing
Manitoba C entral G ames Minnedosa Farmers Market
Minnedosa Fish and Game Assoc.
MB B aseball Hal l of F ame

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