Maud MS 218

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Establishment - Proposal for Rationalization of Staffing Pattern in Urban

Local Bodies – Approval of Norms for Staffing Pattern in various Urban
Local Bodies except Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation – Orders -


G.O. Ms. No.218 Dated : 15-06-2011.

Read the following:

1 .The Commissioner and Director Municipal Administration,

Lr.No.3430/2005 K1, Date:09.05.2008.
2. The Commissioner and Director Municipal Administration,
Lr.No.3430/2005 K1, Date:25.08.2008.
3. The Commissioner and Director Municipal Administration,
Lr.No.3430/2005 K2, Date:29.07.2010.
4. The Commissioner and Director Municipal Administration,
Lr.No.3430/2005 K1, Date:27.03.2010.
5. The Commissioner and Director Municipal Administration,
Lr.No.3430/2005 K1, Date:13.09.2010.
6. The Commissioner and Director Municipal Administration,
Lr.No.3430/2005 K1, Date:13.10.2010.


O R D E R: -

The Commissioner and Director of Municipal Administration

has reported to Government that Urban Local Bodies are suffering from
lack of adequate manpower and technical skills and it is affecting the
financial resource base to shrink against the increasing expenditure which
demands to maintain minimum level of services and amenities. The quality
of municipal service delivery and building up an environment conducive to
effective governance depend to a large extent on the quantity and quality
of human resources available in Urban Local Bodies. He has informed
that a study of existing Staffing Pattern in Urban Local Bodies indicates
that there is no uniformity in staff strength in various Urban Local Bodies
among different grades as well as Urban Local Bodies in each grade. It is
noticed that norms have not been prescribed for sanction of posts in
Urban Local Bodies. It is felt that there is absolute need to fix norms for
Staffing Pattern in Urban Local Bodies on a rational manner to enable
them to perform their functions efficiently.

2. The Commissioner and Director of Municipal Administration has

stated that the following points illustrate the need for fixation of norms for
Sanction of posts in Urban Local Bodies:-

(i) Significant increase in urban services to be provided to the

increased urban population from 125 lakhs in the year 1981
to 205 lakhs in 2001 where as there is no increase in the staff
in Urban Local Bodies during this period to provide the
required urban services.

(ii) Entrustment of new functions namely, Urban Poverty

Alleviation, Slum Improvement, Welfare of Weaker Sections
to Urban Local Bodies in the recent past.

// 2 //

(iii) Significant increase in financial transactions in Urban Local

Bodies consisting of increase in Municipal Revenue from
Rs. 688.00 crores in 1994-95 to Rs. 3500.00 crores in
2008-09 and similar increase in expenditure.

(iv) Implementation of Urban Reforms in Property Tax, Accrual

Based Double Entry Accounting System, Engineering and
Poverty Alleviation Schemes.

(v) Implementation of Centrally sponsored schemes / External

Aided Projects within the time line fixed to have access for
further release of funds.

(vi) Need to improve quality of various services rendered by

Urban Local Bodies to meet the growing aspirations of the

(vii) Need to improve governance in all Urban Local Bodies by

adopting Information Technology, implementation of Citizen
Charter and Right to Information Act.

3. A committee of officers constituted by Commissioner and

Director of Municipal Administration has studied the Rationalization of
Staffing Pattern in Urban Local Bodies and submitted its report in
December, 2006 and March, 2007.

4. On the report of the above Committee of Officers,

discussions were held in Government with the concerned officers. The
Commissioner and Director of Municipal Administration has submitted the
following proposals for Rationalization of Staffing Pattern in all Urban Local
Bodies, except Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation.

A) Coverage : At present 23,209 employees including Public Heath

and Non-Public Health workers are working in all categories in all
Urban Local Bodies except Greater Hyderabad Municipal
Corporation, Greater Visakhapatnam Municipal Corporation and
Vijayawada Municipal Corporation. The present proposal covers
the posts from category of Commissioner to Bill Collector in 55
categories of posts only. At present 5,115 employees are working
in these categories. The present proposal does not cover the posts
of Public Health and Non-Public Health Workers, Attenders,
Drivers, Record Assistants, other Class-IV employees in the Urban
Local Bodies for the reason that the requirements of these posts
vary from Urban Local Body to Urban Local Body and also these
posts are also outsourced to a major extent.

B) Norms : Norms have been developed for sanction of posts in

Administration, Revenue, Public Health, Engineering and Town
Planning sections based on population for the reason that
population is the basis for provision of civic services in Urban Local
Bodies. Further Urban Local Bodies except GHMC have been
classified into six categories based on population for development
of norms as shown here under :

Connect Page “3”

// 3 //

Population Range Municipalities Corporations Total
1 < 40,000 10 - 10
2 40,000 - 1,00,000 79 - 79
3 1,00,000 - 3,00,000 19 9 28
4 3,00,000 - 5,00,000 - 2 2
5 5,00,000 - 10,00,000 - 3 3
6 > 10,00,000 - 1 1

Total 108 15 123

C) Income : Income has been taken as criteria for sanction of posts in

accounts section of the Urban Local Bodies as shown hereunder
for the reason that the work in accounts section relates to
transactions in income and expenditure in Urban Local Bodies :

Number of Urban Local

Category Income Range (per
No. annum)
Municipalities Corporations
I Upto Rs. 3 crores 30 0
Above Rs. 3 crores and
II 59 0
upto Rs. 10 Crores
Above Rs.10 crores and
III 17 3
upto Rs. 20 crores
Above Rs.20 crores and
IV 2 7
upto Rs. 50 crores
Above Rs.50 crores and
V 0 3
upto Rs. 100 crores
VI Above Rs.100 crores 0 2
Total 108 15

D) Norms : Norms for Staffing Pattern in various Urban Local Bodies

except GHMC as per the above criteria is submitted by
Commissioner & Director of Municipal Administration.

E) Sanction of the posts : Sanction of 4048 posts in various sections

and permission to fill up the posts in three phases and to meet the
additional expenditure of Rs. 86.99 crores per annum through
Government Treasury from the Head of Account “010-Salaries”.

5. Government after careful examination of the matter hereby

approve the norms proposed by the Commissioner and Director of
Municipal Administration as indicated in Para 4 above. The details of the
norms proposed for staffing pattern in Urban Local Bodies in respect of
Administration, Revenue, Accounts, Public Health and Sanitation,
Engineering and Town Planning are Annexed to this Order on
Rationalization of staffing pattern in Urban Local Bodies except Greater
Hyderabad Municipal Corporation.

Connect Page 4”
// 4 //

6. Orders regarding sanction of 4048 posts in various Urban

Local Bodies, as per the norms prescribed in Para 5 above, and for filling
up these posts in 3 phases will be issued separately by the Finance
(SMPC) Department.

7. The Commissioner and Director Municipal Administration

shall take necessary action in the matter accordingly.

8. This orders issues with the concurrence of Finance

(SMPC.I) Department vide their U.O. No.15064/560/A3/SMPC.I/11,
dated 13.6.2011.




The Commissioner and Director of Municipal Administration, A.P. Hyderabad.
The Engineer-in-Chief, Public Health, AP, Hyderabad.
The Director of Town and Country Planning, AP, Hyderabad.
The Managing Director, APUFIDC, Hyderabad.
The Project Director, MEPMA, Hyderabad.

Copy to:
All the Regional Director-cum-Appellate Commissioners of
Municipal Administration in the State
All the Commissioners of Municipalities in the State. ) through
All the Commissioners of Municipal Corporations in the State. ) C&DMA,
All the District Collectors in the State ) AP, Hyd.
The Director of Treasuries and Accounts, AP, Hyderabad.
The Director of State Audit, AP, Hyderabad.
The General Administration (Cabinet) Department.
The Finance (W & M / Budget SMPC) Department
The Special Secretary to C.M.
The Centre of Good Governance, Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad.
The P.S. to Minister (MA&UD)
The P.S. to Principal Secretary (UD)
The P.S. to Secretary (MA)


Urban Local Bodies – Population size
Sl. 5 lakhs and 3 lakhs and 1 lakh and 40,000 and
Post 10 lakhs and Below Remarks
No. above and above and below 5 above and above and
above 40,000
below 10 lakhs lakhs below 3 lakhs below 1 lakh
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)
1 1
1 1 *1 1 * With regard to
In the cadre of As per
1. Commissioner In the cadre of In the cadre of In the cadre of As per grade Municipalities as per grade
Addl. Dir. ogf grade of
IAS Regl. Dir. of MA Jt.Dir of MA of ULB of ULB.
1 1 *1
Addl. In the cadre of *for Municipalities no Addl.
2. In the cadre of In the cadre of In the cadre of -- --
Commissioner Addl. Dir. Of Commr. post is suggested
Sel. Gr. M.C. Spl. Gr. M.C. Spl. Gr. M.C.
1 1 1 *1
*for Municipalities, no
3. Secretary In the cadre of in the cadre of in the cadre of in the cadre of -- --
Secretary post is suggested
Spl. Gr. M.C. First Gr. M.C. First Gr. M.C. First Gr. M.C.
Asst. in the cadre of
4. -- -- -- -- -- *for Municipalities only
Commissioner Second Gr.
The existing post of Manager
Asst. may be re-designated as
5. Commissioner 1 1 1 *1 -- -- Asst. Commissioner (Adm.)
(Adm.) as in the case of GHMC.
*for Corporations only
1 1 1 *1
Public Relation
6. (in the cadre (in the cadre of (in the cadre of (in the cadre of -- --
of Dist. Divl.. P.R.O) Divl. P.R.O) Divl. P.R.O) Officers will be taken on
Urban Local Bodies – Population size
Sl. 5 lakhs and 3 lakhs and 1 lakh and 40,000 and
Post 10 lakhs and Below Remarks
No. above and above and below 5 above and above and
above 40,000
below 10 lakhs lakhs below 3 lakhs below 1 lakh
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)
P.R.O) deputation from I&PR Dept.
*for Corporations only

Officer (in the Officers will be taken on
category of Dy. deputation from Education
7. 1 1 1 *1 -- --
Educational Dept.
Officer) *for Corporations only

In the relevant category of

Managers (Category I, II and
8. Manager -- -- -- 1 1 1 III of APMMSS) depending
on grade of the Municipality.
But not in Corporations.

11 (7 + 4) 9 (7 + 2) 7 *7
One for each One for each One for each One for each
section section section excluding section
excluding excluding accounts, viz., excluding
accounts, viz., accounts, viz., 1. Admn. accounts, viz.,
1. Admn. 1. Admn. 2. Revenue. 1. Admn.
9. Superintendent -- -- *for Corporations only
2. Revenue. 2. Revenue. 3. Secretary 2. Revenue.
3. Secretary 3. Secretary 4. Public Health. 3. Secretary
4. Public 4. Public 5. Engineering. 4. Public
Health. Health. 6. Town Planning Health.
5. 5. Engineering. 7. UPA. 5. Engi-neering.
Engineering. 6. Town 6. Town
6. Town Plng Planning Planning
Urban Local Bodies – Population size
Sl. 5 lakhs and 3 lakhs and 1 lakh and 40,000 and
Post 10 lakhs and Below Remarks
No. above and above and below 5 above and above and
above 40,000
below 10 lakhs lakhs below 3 lakhs below 1 lakh
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)
7. UPA. + 7. UPA. + 7. UPA.
1 for each 1 for each
circle. circle.

Urban Local Bodies – Population size

1 lakh and 40,000 and
Sl. 5 lakhs and above 3 lakhs and
Post 10 lakhs and above and above and Below Remarks
No. and below 10 above and below
above below 3 below 1 40,000
lakhs 5 lakhs
lakhs lakh
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)
*for Corporations
**for Mplts.
*14 &
6 # One Asst. per 2
22 18 14 **6
(@ one sections
10. Sr. Assistant (@ two Sr.Asst. (@ two Sr.Assts. (@ two Sr.Assts. (@ one #3
Sr.Asst. per - These posts are
per section per section) per section Sr.Asst.
section exclusive of the
per section
posts in the
*for Corporations
**for Mplts.
*14 &
6 # One Asst. per 2
33 18 14 **12
(@ one #3 sections
11. Jr. Assistant (@ three Jr.Assts. (@ two Jr.Assts. (@ two Jr.Assts. (@ two
Jr.Asst. per - These posts are
per section per section) per section Jr.Assts.
section exclusive of the
per section
posts in the
One Sr. Steno each
for Commissioner,
Addl. Commr. &
Sr. Stenographer
12 7 5 3 1 1 1 Dy. Commr. in Mpl
(PA to Commr.)
Corps., and one
senior steno for
Commr. in Mpties.

Urban Local Bodies – Population size
1 lakh and 40,000 and
Sl. 5 lakhs and above 3 lakhs and
Post 10 lakhs and above and above and Below Remarks
No. and below 10 above and below
above below 3 below 1 40,000
lakhs 5 lakhs
lakhs lakh
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)
Existing Existing Existing
Existing posts to Existing posts to Existing posts to incumbents will be
13 Typist posts to be posts to be posts to be
be continued be continued be continued continued till they
continued continued continued
vacate the posts
There is wide
divergence in the
number as well as
duties of Record
Existing Existing Existing
Existing posts to Existing posts to Existing posts to Assts in various
14. Record Assistant posts to be posts to be posts to be
be retained be retained be retained Mpl. Corpns/
retained retained retained
Mplties. Hence
existing posts may
These posts are
15. System Manager 2 1 1 1 1 1 essentially required
in view of
System Assistants / taking place in
16. 5 2 2 1 1 1
Data Entry Operator ULBs.

Urban Local Bodies – Population size Remarks
5 lakhs and 1 lakh and 40,000 and
Sl. 3 lakhs and
Post 10 lakhs and above and above and above and Below
No. above and
above below 10 below 3 below 1 40,000
below 5 lakhs
lakhs lakhs lakh
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)
In the cadre of
Additional Addl.Director of
1. 1 -- -- -- -- --
Commissioner Mpl.Admn.

In the cadre of
2. -- 1 1 *1 -- -- Spl. Grade Mpl. Commr.
*for Corporations only
Deputy 4 2
In the cadre of
3. Commissioner One for each One for each -- -- -- --
Spl. Grade Mpl. Commr.
(Circle Offices) circle circle
Covered under A.P.
8 4 Municipal Ministerial
4. Revenue Officer Two for each Two for each 2 *1 **1 - Subordinate Service Rules.
circle circle * Category II
** Category III
In the cadre of Senior
One for 4 One for 4 One for 4
UD Revenue One for 4 One for 4 One for 4 Assistant.
5. Bill Bill Bill
Inspector Bill Collectors Bill Collectors Bill Collectors There shall be at least one
Collectors Collectors Collectors
RI in every ULB
One for One for One for
One for 3,000 One for 3,000 One for 3,000
3,000 3,000 3,000
6. Bill Collector Assess- Assess- Assess-
Assess- Assess- Assess-
ments ments ments
ments ments ments


Urban Local Bodies - INCOME RANGE

Sl. Above Above Above Rs.3
Post Above Rs.50 crores Remarks
No. Rs.20 crores Rs.10 crores crores and Upto Rs.3
Rs.100 and upto
and upto and upto upto Rs.10 crores
crores Rs.100
Rs.50 crores Rs.20 crores crores
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)

Examiner of In the cadre of Deputy Director

1. 1 1 1 - - -
Accounts of State Audit Department

Accounts Officer
2. 2 1 1 1 - -

Junior Accounts
3. 2 1 1 0 1 1 Norms proposed vide Govt.
dated 5.3.2008
4. Senior Accountant 6 4 3 3 2 1

5. Junior Accountant 8 6 5 3 2 1

Urban Local Bodies – Population size
5 lakhs and 3 lakhs 1 lakh and 40,000 and
Sl. No. Post above and and above above and above and Below Remarks
10 lakhs and above
below 10 and below 5 below 3 below 1 40,000
lakhs lakhs lakhs lakh
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)
Chief Medical Officer In the cadre of Civil
1. 1 1 -- -- -- --
of Health Surgeon
4 2
Asst. Medical Officer In the cadre of Asst. Civil
2. (One for each (One for -- -- -- --
of Health Surgeon
Circle) each Circle)
Municipal Health In the cadre of Asst. Civil
3. -- -- 1 1 -- --
Officer Surgeon
In municipalities, existing
One for One for *One for
incumbents will be
One for every 5 every 5 every 5 every 5
4. Sanitary Supervisor -- -- continued till they vacate
Sanitary Inspectors Sanitary Sanitary Sanitary
the posts.
Inspectors Inspectors Inspectors
*for Corporations only.
In municipalities, existing
One for One for One for One for *One for incumbents will be
One for every every every every every every continued till they vacate
5. Sanitary Inspector
40,000 Population 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 the posts.
Population Population Population Population Population *subject to minimum of
one post
Health Assistant / One for One for
One for every
6. Birth & Death every 1 lakh every 1 lakh 2 2 2
1 lakh population
Registrar population population
In municipalities, existing
Three for Three for Three for Three for Three for
Sanitary Maistry / Three for one incumbents will be
7. one Sanitary one Sanitary one Sanitary one Sanitary one Sanitary
Sanitary Jawan Sanitary Inspector continued till they vacate
Inspector Inspector Inspector Inspector Inspector
the posts.

Urban Local Bodies – Population size
5 lakhs and 3 lakhs and 1 lakh and
Sl. 40,000 and
Post 10 lakhs and above and above and above and Below Remarks
No. above and
above below 10 below 5 below 3 40,000
below 1 lakh
lakhs lakhs lakhs
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)
In the cadre of
1. Chief Engineer 1 -- -- -- -- -- Chief Engineer
In the cadre of
2. PA to Chief Engineer 1 -- -- -- -- --
One for every 5
lakh population
In the cadre of
3. Superintending Engineer One for 1 1 -- -- --
PA to Superintending In the cadre of
4. One for each SE 1 1 -- -- --
Engineer DyEE(PH)
One for
every 2 lakh 2+
Executive Engineer / In the cadre of
5. Two for each SE population + 1 for 1 -- --
Municipal Engineer Gr.I EE(PH)
1 for Env.Engg
Dy. Executive Engineer / Two for each In the cadre of
6. Two for each EE 4 1 for 1 --
Municipal Engineer Gr.II EE Dy.EE (PH)
Asst. Enggr. / A.E.E / 1 for In the cadre of
7. - - - - 1 for
M.E.Gr.III Env.Engg. AE / AEE(PH)

Urban Local Bodies – Population size
5 lakhs and 3 lakhs and 1 lakh and
Sl. 40,000 and
Post 10 lakhs and above and above and above and Below Remarks
No. above and
above below 10 below 5 below 3 40,000
below 1 lakh
lakhs lakhs lakhs
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)
1 On deputation
1 1 1
in the cadre from
8. Horticulture Officer In the cadre of In the cadre in the cadre - -
of Hort. Horticulture
Asst.Dir. of Asst.Dir. of Asst.Dir.
Officer Department.
One for One for
One for 40,000 40,000 40,000
One Electrical
Municipal Asst. Executive Population + Population + Population +
MAE for every 4
9. Engineer / Two for S.E. Two for S.E. Two for S.E. 5 2 1
Municipal Asst. Engineer Office and One Office and Office and
(Min. One)
for E.E. office One for E.E. One for E.E.
office office

10. Draughtsman One for each EE 2 2 1 1 1 --

Work Inspector / Technical One for each

11. 8 8 4 2 1 --
Maistry MAE / AME

12. CAD / GIS Operator 2 1 1 1 1 1 --

Note: Proposed posts for GVMC / VMC are worked out with reference to the norms for the reason that these corporations require posts as per the
works taken under JNNURM.

Urban Local Bodies – Population size
5 lakhs and 3 lakhs and 1 lakh and 40,000 and
Sl. No. Post above and above and above and above and Below Remarks
10 lakhs and above
below 10 below 5 below 3 below 1 40,000
lakhs lakhs lakhs lakh
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)
In the cadre of
Director of Town
1. Chief City Planner 1 -- -- -- -- --
& Country
2 In the cadre of
One for every 10 Joint Director of
2. City Planner 1 -- -- -- --
lakh population Town & Country
with minimum of 2 Planning
4 In the cadre of Dy.
Two for each City Director of Town
3. Deputy City Planner 2 1 -- -- --
Planner with & Country
minimum of 4 Planning
Asst. City Planner / 8 In the cadre of
Town Planning Two for each Asst. Director of
4. 4 2 1 -- --
Officer (Selection Dy.City Planner Town & Country
Grade) with minimum of 8 Planning
5. Town Planning -- -- -- -- 1 -- --
Officer (Special
6. Town Planning -- -- -- -- -- 1 --
Officer (Ordinary
7. Transportation *1 *1 **1 **1 -- -- * In the cadre of Dy.
Director of Town &
Planner Country Planning
** In the cadre of Asst.
Director of Town &
Country Planning

Urban Local Bodies – Population size
5 lakhs and 3 lakhs and 1 lakh and 40,000 and
Sl. No. Post above and above and above and above and Below Remarks
10 lakhs and above
below 10 below 5 below 3 below 1 40,000
lakhs lakhs lakhs lakh
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)
One for
One for One for
Town Planning One for every every every
8. 60,000 2 1 --
Supervisor 60,000 population 60,000 60,000
population population
One for
One for One for
Town Planning One for every every every
9. 40,000 4 2 --
Building Overseer 40,000 population 40,000 40,000
population population
One for One for
One for every 2
10. Tracer every 2 lakh every 2 lakh 1 1 1 --
lakh population
population population

New post to be
11. CAD / GIS Operator 4 2 2 1 1 1
To be taken on
12. Town Surveyor 4 2 2 1 1 1 deputation from





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