Agroecological Practices For Sustainable Agriculture. A Review
Agroecological Practices For Sustainable Agriculture. A Review
Agroecological Practices For Sustainable Agriculture. A Review
Alexander Wezel, Marion Casagrande, Florian Celette, Jean-François Vian,
Aurélie Ferrer, Joséphine Peigné
may be the outcome of a radical change in thinking, or In this review, we present agroecological practices in tem-
approach, to establish a new system (e.g. biodynamic agricul- perate areas, and classify them according to the analytical
ture), thus creating innovations for the practical implementa- framework of Hill and MacRae (1995). It describes an agricul-
tion of the new system. tural transition towards sustainable agriculture by defining three
The aim of this review is to define agroecological practices (usually) consecutive stages: efficiency increase, substitution,
and present them with their constraints, advantages and their and redesign. Nevertheless, some farmers enter the third stage
potential in a concise manner. So far, agroecological practices directly when dramatically changing their cropping systems,
have been presented in books or papers, some with extensive e.g. moving to no tillage systems or agroforestry systems.
literature, but either only focusing on one practice or on only Efficiency increase refers to practices that reduce input
some of them, and in most cases only generally calling them consumption (e.g. water, pesticides, and fertilisers) and im-
agroecological practices without defining what qualifies them prove crop productivity. Substitution practices refer to the
as such. Also, a summarised evaluation of the potential of a substitution of an input or a practice (e.g. replacing chemical
large set of agroecological practices has, to our knowledge, pesticides by natural pesticides). Finally, redesign refers to the
not yet be made in a review paper. A final point is that change of the whole cropping or even farming system. Note
evaluating agroecological practices has been to a larger extent that one practice could correspond to one or more categories
done for practices which are mainly used in the tropics and of such a framework (Table 1).
subtropics, but so far this has only been done to a limited Furthermore, we distinguish between practices that are
extent focusing on temperate areas. either related to crop management or the management of
Therefore, in this paper, we define and present agroecolog- landscape elements. In the case of crop management practices,
ical cropping practices of crop-based farming systems in we distinguish different types: (1) practices addressing crop
temperate areas in analysing their potential and constraints, choice, crop spatial distribution, and crop temporal succes-
and in classifying them into efficiency increase, substitution, sions; (2) tillage practices; (3) fertilisation practices; (4) irri-
and redesign practices. We also analyse which practices are gation practices; and (5) weed, pest, and disease management
based on diversification of systems. In addition, we carry out a practices. In the case of landscape element management, we
detailed analysis of more recently developed agroecological distinguish between practices at the field/farm level and land-
practices by evaluating their potential and constraints to con- scape level. In Fig. 3, we summarise the categories of practices
tribute to the different goals of sustainable agriculture: to and show their scales of application.
provide sufficient food for a growing world population not In developing agroecological practices, the question of
to be at the detriment or risk to the environment and to assure diversification is inevitable, as these practices are based on
economic viability for farmers. ecological processes and provision of ecosystem services. In
the last decade, a growing number of scientists have claimed
that species diversity has to be (re)integrated into cropping
2 Definition of agroecological cropping practices systems for a host of reasons, e.g. higher agroecosystem
and analytical framework resilience to perturbation (Jackson et al. 2007; Loreau 2000;
Malézieux et al. 2009; Tilman et al. 2006; Vandermeer et al.
In our understanding, agroecological practices are agricul- 1998, 2002), decreased pest outbreaks (including weeds), or
tural practices aiming to produce significant amounts of biodiversity conservation (e.g. Médiène et al. 2011).
food, which valorise in the best way ecological processes Diversification refers to integration of more diverse culti-
and ecosystem services in integrating them as fundamental vars, crops or intercrops into the cropping systems, or
elements in the development of the practices, and not valorising natural biodiversity for agricultural purposes
simply relying on ordinary techniques, such as chemical such as conservation biological control. Thus, we also
fertiliser and synthetic pesticide application or technological specify in Table 1 if the presented practices lead to system
solutions, such as genetically modified organisms. Indeed, diversification.
agroecological practices contribute to improving the sus-
tainability of agroecosystems while being based on various
ecological processes and ecosystem services such as nutri- 3 Efficiency increase and substitution agroecological
ent cycling, biological N fixation, natural regulation of practices
pests, soil and water conservation, biodiversity conserva-
tion, and carbon sequestration. Some of these practices Efficiency increase refers to practices that reduce input con-
have already been applied in varying degrees in different sumption (e.g. water, pesticides, and fertilisers) and improve
regions of the world for years or decades, while others crop productivity. Substitution practices refer to the substitu-
were more recently developed and still have a limited rate tion of an input or a practice, e.g. replacing chemical pesti-
of application. cides by natural pesticides.
Table 1 Agroecological crop and landscape element management practices. Each practice is briefly described and assessed according to the conceptual framework (efficiency increase, substitution,
redesign (ESR)). In case of diversification practice, a D is inserted in the D column
Table 1 (continued)
this risk.
Enhancement of biodiversity conservation. Use
et al. 2009).
Table 1 (continued)
Tillage Crop
management fertilisation Crop
Field Direct seeding into
Split fertilisation, irrigation
scale living cover crops or
Organic fertilisation, Drip irrigation
Reduced tillage
water use efficiency in water-scarce conditions (particularly Commercialization of PGPR and AMF inoculants remains
rainfed water) is possible with relevant crop rotations (Pala low besides the utilisation of an Azospirillum inoculant, which
et al. 2007; Salado-Navarro and Sinclair 2009; Turner 2004). is available for a variety of crops in Europe and Africa (Vessey
Moreover, in conditions where rainfall events are sporadic and 2003). Some experiments have reported plant growth promo-
sometimes violent (storms in the Mediterranean climate, for tion, increased yield, and uptake of N and some other elements
example), cover crops can play an important role by reducing through PGPR inoculation (Singh et al. 2011) or AMF
surface runoff and permitting a better water infiltration, pos- inoculation (Ortas 2012; Pellegrino et al. 2011).
sibly gainful for the next crop (Celette et al. 2008; Gaudin Biofertilisers can decrease the use of synthetic fertilisers
et al. 2010). and reduce environmental pollution to a considerable
extent. But this technology needs further improvement
3.2 Crop fertilisation management and a better understanding of the different conditions
and features of the interrelationships in the soil–plant–
Splitting N fertiliser application is an effective means of microorganism system in the field (Malusá et al. 2012).
improving N use efficiency in agricultural crop production Indeed, the effect of biofertilisers on plant growth has
(Table 1). The objective is to match the supply of N to the crop been frequently hampered due to the variability and
N demand in time (Fageria and Baligar 2005; Zebarth et al. inconsistency of results between laboratory, greenhouse,
2009). The timing of applications could be triggered and field studies.
depending on the actual N uptake of the crop, which can be Organic fertilisation is a way of substituting inorganic
measured or estimated with the use of different tools (Lemaire fertilisers and of improving the efficiency of fertilisation by
et al. 2008). This improved matching of supply and demand improving general soil fertility. However, it can also lead to a
would help to improve the efficiency of the practice and to necessary redesign of the system. Application of organic
limit ground and surface water contamination by fertilisers. fertiliser causes enhanced soil biological activity (Birkhofer
However, it requires increased labour; the estimation of crop et al. 2008; Steenwerth and Belina 2008) and potentially
N demand might be difficult. increased soil mineralisation. Nevertheless, the constraints of
Utilisation of biofertilisers is another way to reduce these practices may include higher labour and energy
fertiliser inputs and improve nutrient availability. They are demands, and difficulty in optimising N availability in
“substances which contain living microorganisms which, soils with organic fertilisation as well as in matching plant
when applied to seed, plant surfaces, or soil, colonise the demand (Sanchez et al. 2004). Moreover, obtaining off-
rhizosphere or the interior of the plant, and promote growth farm organic fertilisers might be difficult, expensive, and
by increasing the supply or availability of primary nutrients to may even incur undesirable transport costs, e.g. manure.
the host plant” (Vessey 2003). Three major groups of micro- Finally, the introduction of more organic fertilisers into the
organisms are considered biofertilisers: AMF, PGPR, and cropping system may entail introducing livestock into the
nitrogen fixing rhizobia (Malusá et al. 2012). The latter is farm. This would imply a redesign of the whole farming
used with legumes and has existed for over a century. system.
Agroecological practices for sustainable agriculture 9
in order to decrease pest pressure. For example, Brassica redesigning the crop rotation system is to maintain good farm
crops can function as cover and trap crops, but also as bio- productivity and profitability. This consists, then, in optimally
control, biofumigant, and biocidal agents against certain in- allocating resources, e.g. land, time, energy, fertilisers, and
sects and pathogens (Ahuja et al. 2010). water, to improve profitability, productivity, and ecological
services (Dogliotti et al. 2003; Dury et al. 2011).
4.1.2 Crop temporal successions
4.1.3 Crop spatial distribution—intercropping
Crop rotation is a more classic way to introduce crop diversity and agroforestry
into an agroecosystem. It consists in managing the crop suc-
cession to optimise positive interactions and synergies be- Intercropping may be defined as the coexistence of two or more
tween crops. As crop presence during the rotation is normally crops in the same field at the same time (Table 1). Different
sequential, interactions between species are mostly indirect, spatial arrangements of these species are possible; the intensity
and also depend on crop management and growth conditions. and type of interactions will depend on the chosen arrangement
In general, crop rotation affects soil fertility, therefore and associated species (Malézieux et al. 2009). Interactions can
influencing plant production as well as the prevalence of pests be positive (facilitation) or negative (competition). The sim-
and diseases (Altieri 1995). plest differentiated crop mixtures (or mixed intercropping) are
First, cropping sequences can be optimised to improve row and strip intercropping where at least one of the associated
nutrient availability and to limit fertiliser need. For example, crops is planted in a row (or strip). These arrangements consist
integration of leguminous plants into the rotation allows fixing of “full intercropping”, where interactions between associated
atmospheric nitrogen, and provides an important source of species occur throughout the crop cycle. This differs with relay
easily absorbable nitrogen for subsequent crops. Second, cer- intercropping, where two or more crops are grown together
tain crop rotations favour soil protection and conservation by only for part of their life cycles, thus limiting interactions
increasing soil cover, e.g. with the introduction of cover crops between species (Vandermeer 1989). Other categories some-
or favouring winter crops, but also by improving carbon times mentioned are associations partially composed of peren-
content and soil fertility which permits an increase in soil nial species (e.g. agroforestry—see below).
stability (Dogliotti et al. 2004; Watson et al. 2002). Root The intercropping systems are assumed to have potential
systems of the subsequent crop play an important role as their advantages in productivity, stability of outputs, resilience to
roots (as crop residues) stimulate soil biological activity and disturbance, and ecological sustainability, though they are
improve soil structural stability. Up to 40 % of the microbial generally considered harder to manage (Vandermeer 1989;
carbon uptake comes from root systems, e.g. exudates or root Fig. 4). The main issue in such a system is managing compe-
turnover (Richardson et al. 2009). In this sense, introduction tition for resources between the associated crops (Ong 1995;
of cover crops and catch crops into the rotation is a potentially Ozier-Lafontaine et al. 1998; Van Noordwijk et al. 1996;
good option (Bilbro 1991; Bruce et al. 1991; Nearing et al.
2005; Wu et al. 2010). Additionally, as mentioned before, they
can mitigate nitrate leaching and improve nutrient use effi-
ciency. Under temperate conditions, they are also likely to
improve water infiltration during the winter period and to
increase water availability for the following crops (Celette
et al. 2008; Justes et al. 2002).
Third, crop rotations can also be an efficient way to reduce
pest and disease prevalence by diversifying crops in the
cropping sequence while avoiding the presence of successive
host crops for diseases (Colbach et al. 1997a, b). In addition,
crop management, e.g. crop residues and fertilisation, play an
important role. Fourth, crop rotation is known to be an effi-
cient way to reduce weed infestation. This is due to the
specific ability of some crops to rapidly cover the soil, thus
competing with weeds for soil and light resources. In addition, Fig. 4 Relay intercropping of wheat and undersown clover in southeast-
crop management is important for weed control with different ern France. In relay intercropping, leguminous species are often sown
possible weeding interventions at different moments during some weeks after the crop to reduce the risk of competition between
crops. They assure a supplementary soil cover in particular after crop
the year (Anderson 2007; Bàrberi 2002; Koocheki et al. 2009). harvest. There, they limit nutrient leaching, wind, and water erosion, fix
Optimising ecological services cannot be the only approach Nitrogen, and can potentially be harvested as forage (photo by F.
to better manage crop rotations. An important point for Boissinot)
Agroecological practices for sustainable agriculture 11
efficiency and results are highly variable depending on local favouring soil biodiversity to promote biological activity (Ball
conditions (De Albuquerque et al. 2011; Médiène et al. 2011), et al. 1998; Vian et al. 2009). For instance, with no tillage
and third and allelopathic crops can also behave as pathogen– more anecic earthworms were found (Capowiez et al. 2009;
host (Ratnadass et al. 2012). Peigné et al. 2009; Pelosi et al. 2009) which increased soil
porosity and thus improved water and root penetration into the
4.3 Tillage management soil. The impact of reduced tillage may also be found on
earthworm abundance, but to a lesser extent than under no
Shifting from conventional to reduced tillage or no tillage tillage management (Peigné et al. 2009). Moreover, a better
(direct seeding) helps to reduce energy consumption, de- control of certain pests can be expected because increased
creases wind and water erosion, reduces soil compaction, numbers of predators, such as ground beetles, are found in
increases soil biota activity, increases soil organic matter, no tillage conditions (Kromp 1999).
and thus carbon sequestration (Table 1). Although no tillage and reduced tillage are promising
No tillage corresponds to tillage practices without soil practices, there are still considerable constraints for adoption.
disturbance, such as direct seeding into a living crop or mulch A primary one is weed control. In conventional agriculture,
(Fig. 6). Specific machinery may be used, such as direct reduced tillage can also mean increased use of chemical
seeders, which are comprised of coulter discs or tines for fertilisers and pesticides to control weeds and maintain yields
cutting and opening furrows for seeding. Reduced tillage (Teasdale et al. 2007). For no tillage systems with direct
corresponds to minimal soil disturbance without soil inversion seeding into mulch, the increase of herbicides is due to
(in contrast to ploughing). The soil is only worked to a depth destroying the cover crop. In organic farming, reduced tillage
of 5–15 cm before seeding. The main goal is to reduce soil often results in increasing the machine traffic for weed control,
disturbance and preserve organic matter (fresh crop residues) and thus increasing labour time and energy costs (Peigné et al.
at the soil surface or in the first few centimetres of the soil. 2007). In temperate climates, soil compaction can occur due to
Many authors have discussed advantages of these practices for climatic and soil conditions, such as in the northern part of
improving soil fertility (El Titi 2003; Holland 2004), with a Europe (Soane et al. 2012). All these constraints result in no
high impact on soil fertility with no tillage and with a lower clear conclusion regarding their effect on crop yields.
impact on soil fertility with reduced tillage. Reduced or no According to Soane et al. (2012), in Europe, it seems that
tillage practices are currently spreading throughout the world, the yields of winter crops with no tillage or reduced tillage are
including temperate areas (Holland 2004; Peigné et al. 2007; comparable to conventional tillage with ploughing, whereas
Soane et al. 2012). the yields can decrease for spring crops.
Reduced or no tillage practices help reduce energy inputs To alleviate constraints and increase efficiency, introduc-
and thus increase cropping system efficiency. Other advan- tion of such practices implies redesigning the cropping sys-
tages are protecting the soil from erosion (organic matter at the tems. For instance, to better control weeds, it is necessary to
soil surface), stocking organic C (less C mineralisation), and rethink the cropping system as a whole, e.g. modifying the
choice of crops and crop rotations.
elements are that they may also harbour habitats for pest To summarise, eight categories of agroecological practices
species, and that the efficiency for natural pest control may can be distinguished that need a redesign of the whole or part
vary considerably. In addition, they reduce the cropped area of the existing cropping system before they can be adopted.
and potential food production, and have to be managed by Often, this includes a diversification of the system. Among
farmers. these agroecological practices are crop choice and rotations;
Current research regarding the integration of landscape intercropping and relay intercropping; agroforestry with tim-
elements into agricultural landscapes faces the challenge of ber, fruit, or nut trees; allelopathic plants; direct seeding into
improving biological control of pests in order to reduce pes- living cover crops or mulch; reduced tillage; integration of
ticide use. In most cases, the diversity of habitats within semi-natural landscape elements at field or farm scale; and
landscapes greatly affects communities of herbivores and their management of landscape elements at landscape scale.
natural enemies within an agricultural crop (Altieri and
Nicholls 2004; Gardiner et al. 2009). The majority of studies
show that herbivore density and crop damage decreases with 5 Promising agroecological practices
increasing proportions of non-crop habitats in the landscape.
For example, Thies et al. (2003) found decreased plant dam- 5.1 Scales of application, system change
age and increased larval parasitism in structurally complex
landscapes. Östman et al. (2001) showed that regardless of A broad variety of agroecological practices that improve
conventional or organic farming practices, early season estab- agricultural production without an expense to the environment
lishment of aphids was lower in landscapes with abundant or biodiversity have existed for decades. Nevertheless, they
field margins and perennial crops. Altieri and Nicholls (2004) are applied to various extents in different parts of the world
and Obrycki et al. (2009) found that the introduction of and to different degrees within the prevailing regional or
flowering plants as strips within cropped fields enhances the national farming systems. Whereas agroecological practices
availability of pollen and nectar, necessary for optimal repro- are applied by a higher share of farmers practicing integrated
duction, fecundity, and longevity of many natural enemies of agriculture or organic agriculture, wide contrasts are found in
pests, leading to greater abundance of aphidophagous preda- conventional agriculture. In most of the highly industrialised
tors and reduced aphid populations. large-scale cropping and livestock systems, the use of agro-
Although many positive effects of landscape elements and ecological practices is still limited. In contrast, in less inten-
natural habitats on pest control have been observed, either in sive conventional systems, e.g. in less-favoured hilly or moun-
and around fields or at the landscape scale, the current chal- tainous areas, different agroecological practices have been
lenges are to preserve the existing landscape elements and to more widely applied for decades as these areas have lower
re-establish or increase introduction to present agroecosystems potential for intensive production.
and agricultural landscapes. Here, habitat thresholds play an The application of the different agroecological practices
important role. With and King (1999 cited in Gardiner et al. presented in this paper implies modifying the farming system,
2009) as well as Thies and Tscharntke (1999) showed that either at crop management scale or at the cropping or farming
search success of natural enemies and parasitism rates declined system scale. In the case of a single practice, the level of
when the non-crop area fell below 20 %. In addition, the change is usually low because only part of the crop manage-
impact of landscape structure is dependent not only on the ment has to be changed or adapted by the farmer (Table 2).
total amount of suitable habitats within landscapes, but also on This is usually the case when considering efficiency or sub-
the spatial arrangement of habitats as herbivorous pests and stitution practices. For example, applying split fertilisation
their natural enemies vary in their capacity for dispersal or changing crop cultivars that can be relatively easily
(Gardiner et al. 2009). In their review paper, Tscharntke et al. implemented. In contrast, when the practices require modifi-
(2007) clearly state that the enhancement of biological control cation of the cropping or farming system, the necessary level
needs a landscape perspective and consideration of possible of system change is normally medium or high because not
interacting effects between the landscape context and local only a single practice, but a much larger part of the system has
habitat quality. Even so, specific recommendations to design to be reorganised or redesigned. For example, direct seeding
appropriate agricultural landscapes that effectively assure bio- into living mulch might require a strong system change; new
logical control are needed. machinery is necessary to prepare fields and carry out seeding,
Integration and management of semi-natural elements at new types of mechanical weed management have to be ap-
the landscape scale demands multi-stakeholder agreement plied to avoid applying high amounts of herbicides, and crop
as this has to be implemented within territorial develop- rotations have to be redesigned to take into account mulch
ment. In this respect, this not is a single-operator practice benefits. This high level of system changes explains why this
compared to the other agroecological practices presented agroecological practice is not yet widely applied in current
in this paper. agriculture.
14 A. Wezel et al.
Table 2 Agroecological cropping practices, scale of application, level of system change, and integration in today's agriculture in Europe
Agroecological practice Scale of Level of system Level of integration Potential for the
applicationa change needed in today's agriculture next decade
Diversification plays an important role when implementing agriculture (Fig. 7). The two practices that are currently wide-
many agroecological practices. This is accomplished, for ex- ly applied are split fertilisation and use of cultivars from plant
ample, with the integration of more diverse cultivars, crops, or breeding. This seems to be due to their longer existence and
intercrops in the cropping system, use of agroforestry systems, the high level of experience and knowledge that have been
and valorisation of semi-natural landscape elements for con- developed for two or three decades, but also because they do
servation biological control. The overall objective is to valorise not require a high level of system change (Table 2).
different ecosystem services linked to diversification in order Integration of organic fertilisation, cover crops, drip irrigation,
to increase resilience of agroecosystems to perturbation, to and biological pest control has already reached a medium
decrease pest outbreaks (including weeds) or control them at level of integration in today's agriculture. The latter three,
an acceptable level, and to conserve (agro)biodiversity. together with split fertilisation and the use of plant breeding
Nevertheless, to implement the agroecological practices that cultivars, have, in our opinion, a high potential to be more
are based on diversification, a redesign of cropping systems is broadly implemented in the next decade because they already
often necessary because the general trend after the green rev- benefit from good scientific knowledge as well as broad
olution was, contrarily, to simplify production systems. experience of farmers.
In addition, legislative regulations and laws in Europe or at
5.2 Integration in today's agriculture and promising national levels, such as the Nitrate Directive, Water
agroecological practices Framework Directive, Pesticides Framework Directive, the
greening of the second pillar of the Common Agricultural
In general, most of the agroecological practices presented in Policy in Europe, and agri-environment schemes, will proba-
this paper remain today at a low level of application in bly boost implementation of more environmentally friendly
Agroecological practices for sustainable agriculture 15
and rotations Cultivar
Drip irrigation
integration in today's agriculture, choice
and only low or medium potential
for the next decade to be more Reduced
broadly implemented. In contrast, Biofertilizer
organic fertilisation, reduced
tillage, drip irrigation, biological pesticides Intercropping
pest control, cultivar choice, and and relay
Allelopathic intercropping
split fertilisation have already plants Organic
medium or high integration levels fertilisation
in today's agriculture, and Integration of semi-natural
landscape elements at
medium or high potential for the field and farm scale
Direct seeding
into living cover
crops or mulch
Integration of semi-natural
landscape elements at
landscape scale
practices that are less polluting and less reliant on external conditions, as it involves a larger scale of management.
inputs. These regulations could enhance an extended use of Moreover, this type of agroecological practice/approach can
split fertilisation, cover crops, diversified crop rotation, and probably only be implemented in the framework of territorial
biological control. development projects and planning. The main constraints for
Nevertheless, most of the agroecological practices only the development of practices based on allelopathy are low
have a medium potential for a broad implementation in the scientific knowledge and practical experience, and difficulties
next decade. This is due to still-limited scientific knowledge to manage allelopathic plants. Although agroforestry systems
or low practical on-farm experience with practices such as exist in many European regions, the combined management of
direct seeding and relay intercropping, and the use of natural trees and meadows, for example, is considered an “old-fash-
pesticides and application of biopesticides in agriculture. A ioned” system without high yield potential. The surface areas
major constraint for direct seeding and intercropping is still of these systems are presently decreasing, although some
their agronomic performance as yields are very variable national support programs do exist (Rigueiro-Rodrígues
(Malézieux et al. 2009; Soane et al. 2012). Natural and botan- et al. 2009).
ical pesticides as well as biopesticide application will probably What can be generally expected from agroecological prac-
not be used on larger areas in the next decade. tices in the following years? Although some of them are
In contrast, practices such as direct seeding into living already quite well known, most of them will not be applied
mulch or cover crops and the integration of landscape ele- in the near future at larger scales. It seems more realistic that
ments around fields that we classified as medium or low we will still have to focus on core production areas with high
potential for the next decade might even develop much faster inputs to guarantee high yields, but in setting clear rules
than expected as much research is currently carried out on against environmental degradation and pollution as well as
these topics, but also because an increasing number of farmers biodiversity loss. A broader dissemination of agroecological
or farmer groups own the development of these practices. practices will probably happen first in less-favoured agricul-
Integration of allelopathic plants, biofertiliser, agroforestry tural areas or low potential production zones.
systems, and management of landscape elements at field scale In contrast to temperate zone agriculture, potential for yield
have a low level of integration in today's agriculture and will, increases with agroecological practices are much higher in
in our opinion, not be broadly implemented in the near future. developing countries as they are usually not at yield maxi-
A landscape-based integration of landscape elements will mums, except for irrigated rice systems. Pretty et al. (2003) and
strongly depend on the regional and national general De Schutter (2011, 2012) summarised such examples from
16 A. Wezel et al.
tropical and subtropical countries. Nevertheless, as in the case The most important parameters for a limited or broader
for temperate zone agriculture, many of these agroecological application today are if (1) the practices have already existed
practices with high potential in developing countries are not for a significant period of time, (2) there exists widespread
yet widely applied (Altieri 2000; Wezel and Rath 2002). farming and good scientific knowledge about the practices, (3)
To summarise, most agroecological practices have so far a there exists practical on-farm experience, and (4) a system
low integration in today's agriculture, and only low or medium change and redesign of cropping systems is required.
potential for the next decade to be more broadly implemented. To feed a growing world population, we need practices that
In contrast, organic fertilisation, reduced tillage, drip irrigation, provide sufficient food that are not at the detriment or risk to
biological pest control, cultivar choice, and split fertilisation the environment and that assure economic viability for
have already medium or high integration levels in today's farmers. Here, agroecological cropping practices can and
agriculture, and medium or high potential for the future. should play a central role.
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