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I. General Discussion: Facts

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Transportation and Public Utility Law | Africa, B2021

a. What is a public utility? When one becomes a member of the society, he
• Public utility is a business or service engaged in necessarily parts with some rights or privileges.
regularly supplying the public with some One authorises the establishment of laws requiring
commodity or service of public consequence. each citizen to so conduct himself, and so use his
own property, as not unnecessarily to injure
- This implies public use and service.
another (sic utere tuo ut alienum non laedas.) From
- Examples: electricity, gas, water, this arises the police power which allows the
transportation, telephone government to regulate the conduct of its citizens
• Public utilities are privately owned and operated towards another.
businesses whose services are essential to the
general public. They are enterprises which In line with this power, when a private property is
specially cater to the needs of the public and affected with a public interest, it ceases to be juris
conduce to their comfort and convenience. As privati only. Property becomes clothed with a
such, public utility services are impressed with public interest when used in a manner to make it of
public interest and concern (KMU Labor Center public consequence and affect the community at
v. Garcia) large. It must then submit to be controlled by the
• public for the common good, to the extent of the
interest he has thus created
Facts: In the present case, a large traffic of grain from
1. Munn & Scott were the managers and different States passes through the elevators of
proprietors of “The Northwestern Elevator.” a Chicago. Every bushel of grain, which is a
grain warehouse in Chicago, in which they common charge for its passage pays a toll.
stored grain in bulk, and mixed the grain of Therefore, it becomes a thing of public interest and
different owners together in said warehouse. use.
2. An information was filed the criminal court
against Munn & Scott as they allegedly engage LUZON STEVEDORING v. PSC
in a business without procuring a license from Facts:
the Circuit Court, permitting them to transact 1. Luzon Stevedoring and Visayan Stevedore
as public warehousemen. This is in violation of Transportation Inc. are corporations mainly
Sec. 3 of the act to regulate public warehouses engaged in the stevedoring or lighterage and
and the warehousing and inspection of grain. It harbor towage business.
was also alleged that they charged rates higher 2. Upon the complaint of Philippine Shipowners’
than those prescribed by Sec. 15. Association alleging that respondents were
3. They were found to be guilty. M&S then engaged in the transportation of cargo without
appealed the conviction on the ground that the authority or approval, the Commission issued
regulation constitutes unconstitutional an order restraining them from further
deprivation of private property without due operating their watercraft to transport goods
process. for hire or compensation between points in the
Issue & Ruling: The general assembly of Illinois Philippines until the rates they propose to
can, under the limitations upon the legislative charge are approved by this Commission.
power imposed by the Constitution, fix by law the 3. Petitioners argued that they were not public
maximum of charges for the storage of grain in utilities, as they only offered services to a
warehouses. limited clientele and not to the public at large,

Transportation and Public Utility Law | Africa, B2021
through private lease agreements and not gas, electric light, heat and power water supply and
ordinary transportation contracts. power, petroleum, sewerage system, wire or
wireless communications system, wire or wireless
Issue & Ruling: The appealed order of the Public broadcasting stations and other similar public
Service Commission is affirmed. In order to be a services: Provided, however, That a person
public service, an organization need not be engaged in agriculture, not otherwise a public
dedicated to public use, i.e., ready and willing to service, who owns a motor vehicle and uses it
serve the public as a class. It is not determined by personally and/or enters into a special contract
the number of people actually served. It is only whereby said motor vehicle is offered for hire or
necessary that it must in some way be impressed compensation to a third party or third parties
with a public interest, that is service rendered by it engaged in agriculture, not itself or themselves a
is of a public character and of public consequence public service, for operation by the latter for a
and concern. limited time and for a specific purpose directly
connected with the cultivation of his or their farm,
In the present case, it was immaterial that Luzon the transportation, processing, and marketing of
Brokerage was rendering transportation service for agricultural products of such third party or third
compensation to a limited clientele, not to the parties shall not be considered as operating a public
public at large. service for the purposes of this Act.

The Court also held that they are bar were ordinary • The term public service is included in the broad
contracts of transportation and not of lease because concept of public utilities.
the watercraft was manned entirely by crews in • Elements of public service:
their employ and payroll, and the operation of the 1. Person must own, operate, manage, or
said craft was under their direction and control, the control in the Philippines public services,
customers assuming no responsibility for the goods which may include distribution of goods or
handled on the barges. rendering of services;
2. It must be for hire or compensation; and
b. What is a public service? 3. It must be done for general business
Sec. 13(b), CA No, 146 (Public Service Law). purposes.
The term "public service" includes every person - Business: the means by which a party
that now or hereafter may own, operate, manage, habitually or regularly earns a
or control in the Philippines, for hire or livelihood of some gain.
compensation, with general or limited clientele, • It is not required that the business is permanent
whether permanent, occasional or accidental, and because it may be “permanent, occasional, or
done for general business purposes, any common accidental.”
carrier, railroad, street railway, traction railway, • The business may be with general or limited
sub-way motor vehicle, either for freight or clientele.
passenger, or both with or without fixed route and
whether may be its classification, freight or carrier c. Legal Basis and Rationale for regulation
service of any class, express service, steamboat or Legal basis: Sec. 6, Art. XII, which states that,
steamship line, pontines, ferries, and water craft, “the use of property bears a social function, and all
engaged in the transportation of passengers or economic agents shall contribute to the common
freight or both, shipyard, marine railways, marine good. Individuals and private groups, including
repair shop, [warehouse] wharf or dock, ice plant, corporations, cooperatives, and similar collective
ice-refrigeration plant, canal, irrigation system, organizations, shall have the right to own,

Transportation and Public Utility Law | Africa, B2021
establish, and operate economic enterprises, In the present case, the issue hinges on the
subject to the duty of the State to promote determination of the kind and the amount of
distributive justice and to intervene when the operating expenses that should be allowed to a
common good so demands.” public utility to generate a fair return and the
proper valuation of the rate base or the value of the
Rationale: Police power property entitled to a return. Income tax payments
are not expenses which contribute to or are
REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES v. incurred in connection with the production of
MERALCO profit, but are made in exchange for benefits
Facts: received by the taxpayer from the State. The use of
1. MERALCO filed with ERB an application to net average investment method, where properties
increase its distribution charge. An order was and equipment used are entitled to a return only on
granted allowing the increase to 0.184 on the the actual number of months they are in service, is
condition that if it will be found after hearing proper.
that they were entitled to a lesser increase, all
the excess amount collected shall be refunded NOTE: In determining the just and reasonable rates
or credited to future consumption. to be charged by a public utility, three major factors
2. Later on, ERB rendered a decision adjusting are considered by the regulating agency: a) rate of
the rate increase to 0.017. It was held that return; b) rate base and c) the return itself or the
income tax should not be treated as operating computed revenue to be earned by the public utility
expense. This was reversed by the CA. based on the rate of return and rate base.
3. Petitioner seeks reversal on the grounds that
income tax should be considered as operating d. Where does the power to regulate public
expenses and that the net average investment utilities reside?
method used by COA should be adopted ALBANO v. REYES
instead of the average investment method used Facts:
by MERALCO. 1. PPA conducted a public bidding of the
Issue & Ruling: CA decision is reversed. The development, management, and operation of
regulation of rates to be charged by public utilities the Manila International Container Terminal
is founded upon the police powers of the State and (MICT), where in ICTSI consortium was
statutes prescribing rules for the control and announced as the winning bidder. The mICT
regulation of public utilities are a valid exercise contract was then approved by the President.
thereof. When private property is used for a public 2. Later on, petitioner (member of HOR) filed a
purpose and is affected with public interest, it petition assailing the award of the contract,
ceases to be juris privati only and becomes subject claiming that since MICT is a public utility, it
to regulation. The regulation is to promote the needs a legislative franchise before it can
common good, specifically to protect the public legally operate as public utility pursuant to
from arbitrary and excessive rates while Sec. 11, Art. 12.
maintaining efficiency and quality of services Issue & Ruling: A franchise specially granted by
rendered. However, such regulation involves Congress is not necessary for the operation of the
balancing of interests of the investor and Manila International Container Port (MICP) by a
consumer, such that it must guarantee a yield of fair private entity. Franchises issued by Congress are
return to the former and reasonable price for the not required before each and every public utility
former. may operate. Thus, the law has granted certain
administrative agencies the power to grant licenses

Transportation and Public Utility Law | Africa, B2021
for or to authorize the operation of certain public establishment of presumption of need in favor
utilities. Sec. 6 of PD No. 857 (Revised Charter of of applicants violates CA 146 and ROC.
the PPA) expressly empowers PPA to undertake by Issue & Ruling: Under CA No. 146, the defunct
itself the operation and management of the MICP Public Service Commission was given the power
or to authorize its operation and management by of fixing the rates of public services. Respondent
another by contract or other means, at its option. LTFRB, the existing regulatory body today, is
likewise vested with the same under EO No. 202.
The contract between the PPA and ICTSI, coupled However, nowhere under the said provisions are
with the President's written approval, constitute the the regulatory bodies authorized to delegate that
necessary authorization for ICTSI's operation and power to a common carrier, a transport operator, or
management of the MICP. Moreover, the other public service. In the case at bench, the
determination of whether or not the winning bidder authority given by the LTFRB to the provincial bus
is qualified to undertake the contracted service operators to set a fare range over and above the
should be left to the sound judgment of the PPA. authorized existing fare, is illegal and invalid as it
Neither the Court, nor Congress, has the time and is tantamount to an undue delegation of legislative
the technical expertise to look into this matter. authority. Potestas delegata non delegari potest.
What has been delegated cannot be delegated.
Facts: e. What happened to Public Service
1. Petition at hand questions the constitutionality Commission?
of the a) memo issued by DOTC Sec. Orbos The 20th century ushered in the birth and growth
allowing provincial bus operators to charge of public utility regulation in the country. During
passengers rates within a range of 15% above the Commonwealth period, Public Service Act was
and 15% below the LTFRB official rate for a enacted, thereby creating a regulatory and
period of 1 year, in line with the plan to franchising body known as the PSC.
liberalize the regulations in the transport
sector. This rate was later widened to 20% and On 24 Sept 1972, PD No.1 was issued. This
-25%; and b) the DO 92-587, which provides abolished and replaced PSC by 3 specialised
that in determining public need, the regulatory boards: Board of Transportation, the
presumption of need for service shall be Board of Communications, and the Board of Power
deemed in favour of the applicant and the and Waterworks.
burden of proof that there is no need shall be
with the oppositor. The Board of Transportation (BOT) lasted for
2. Later on, Provincial Bus Operators thirteen (13) years. On March 20, 1985, Executive
Association availed of the deregulation policy Order No. 1011 was issued abolishing the Board of
without first having filed a petition for the Transportation and the Bureau of Land
purpose and without the benefit of a public Transportation. Their powers and functions were
hearing, announced a fare increase of twenty merged into the Land Transportation Commission
(20%) percent of the existing fares. (LTC).
3. KMU then filed a petition before the LTFRB
opposing the increase of bus fares, but was Two (2) years later, LTC was abolished by
dismissed for lack of merits, hence the current Executive Order Nos. 125 dated January 30, 1987
petition. KMU argues that the authority given and 125-A dated April 13, 1987 which reorganized
by LFTRB to provincial bus operators to set a the Department of Transportation and
fare range is unconstitutional and the Communications. On June 19, 1987, the Land
Transportation and Public Utility Law | Africa, B2021
Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board collect fees from the riding public. It will have no
(LTFRB) was created by Executive Order No. 202. dealings with the public and the public will have
The LTFRB, successor of LTC, is the existing no right to demand any services from it. Even the
franchising and regulatory body for overland mere formation of a public utility corporation does
transportation today. not ipso facto characterize the corporation as one
operating a public utility.
f. Not a public utility
Facts: Facts:
1. DOTC planned to construct EDSA LRT III. 1. The National Investment and Development
During the evaluation of the prequalification Corporation (NIDC) entered into a JVA with
bids, the Committee declared that only the Kawasakin for the construction, operation and
EDSA LRT Consortium met criteria set by the management of the Subic National Shipyard
technical committee. Inc., (SNS) which subsequently became the
2. It was agreed that the target completion date is Philippine Shipyard and Engineering
3 years after the implementation date of the Corporation (PHILSECO).
contract, that DOTC shall pay the private 2. NIDC transferred all its rights, title and interest
respondent on a monthly basis, and that after in PHILSECO to PNB, which were
25 years ownership shall be transferred for the subsequently transferred to the National
consideration of only $1.00, provided that Government. As the trustee of the National
payment of rental has been completed. Government, APT deemed it best to sell the
3. Petition at hand was filed to prohibit the National Government’s share in PHILSECO to
respondents from implementing the Revised private entities in the interest of the national
and Restated Agreement to Build, Lease and economy and the government.
Transfer a Light Rail Transit System for EDSA 3. After a series of negotiations between the APT
on the ground that EDSA LRT III is a public and KAWASAKI , they agreed that the latter’s
utility, and the ownership and operation right of first refusal under the JVA be
thereof is limited by the Constitution to “exchanged” for the right to top by 5%, the
Filipino citizens and domestic corporations, highest bid for the said shares. They further
not foreign corporations like private agreed that KAWASAKI woul.d be entitled to
respondent. name a company in which it was a stockholder,
Issue & Ruling: There is a clear distinction which could exercise the right to
between the "operation" of a public utility and the top. KAWASAKI then informed APT that
ownership of the facilities and equipment used to Philyards Holdings, Inc. would exercise its
serve the public—the former needs a franchise, right to top.
while the latter doesn’t. In the present case, the 4. At the public bidding, petitioner J.G. Summit
respondent does not operate but merely own the Holdings Inc. submitted a bid of 2.03B with an
facilities and equipment needed by the public acknowledgement of
utility. For the 25 years during which period DOTC KAWASAKI/PHILYARDS right to top. As
shall operate as a common carrier, private petitioner was declared the highest bidder, the
respondent only provides technical maintenance, COP approved the sale subject to the right of
repair services, and personnel training to DOTC. Kawasaki/ PHILYARDS. to top JG’s bid by
The latter shall also assume all the obligations and 5% as specified in the bidding rules, which was
liabilities of a common carrier. In sum, private timely exercised by the latter.
respondent will not run the light rail vehicles and

Transportation and Public Utility Law | Africa, B2021
5. Petitioner then filed petition for mandamus,
which was granted by this Court on the ground
that shipyard like PHILSECO is a public utility
whose capitalization must be sixty percent
(60%) Filipino-owned.13 Consequently, the
right to top granted to KAWASAKI.
Issue & Ruling: PHILSECO is not a public utility.
By nature, a shipyard is not a public utility. A
public utility is a business or service engaged in
regularly supplying the public with some
commodity or service of public consequence. As
its name indicates, the term public utility implies
public use and service to the public. The principal
determinative characteristic of a public utility is
that of service to, or readiness to serve, an
indefinite public or portion of the public as such
which has a legal right to demand and receive its
services or commodities. The true criterion by
which to judge the character of the use is whether
the public may enjoy it by right or only by

In the present case, a shipyard cannot be

considered as public utility. Its nature dictates that
it serves a limited clientele whom it may choose to
serve at its discretion. While it offers its facilities
to whoever may wish to avail of its services, a
shipyard is not legally obliged to render its services
indiscriminately to the public.

Secondly, there is no law that declared it a public


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