Device Accessories
Device Programmer / Test Unit
Models DPU, DPU-C1 and DPU-RPT
• Programs and addresses devices compatible with
various Siemens ─ Fire Safety control panels
• Compact and portable
• Up to four hours continuous use
on fully-charged batteries
• FLASH memory for easy download and software upgrades
• Operates with `NiMH’ rechargeable batteries
(included) or ‘AA’ Alkaline
• Auxiliary Current (AC) adaptor included
• Carrying case (DPU-C1) available, ordered separately
• Serves as a loop tester and ground-fault detector
• Works with optional label printer (DPU-RPT) to print
loop-detector addresses
• UL Listed, ULC Listed;
CSFM (#7272-0067:223 | #7300-0067:226 | #3240-0067:230) Approved Device Programmer / Test Unit
Model DPU
Product Overview Specifications
The Device Programmer / Test Unit (Model DPU) is a Each device programmer / test unit electronically
powerful programming / test tool that expedites programs the address for the device into its non-
installation of devices used on Siemens 50-point | volatile memory. Model DPU subsequently tests the
252-point | 504-point addressable systems, as well as device’s functionality, assuring the installer the device
FireFinder and MXL panels. works properly prior to installation.
A portable, compact and menu-driven component, Model DPU has a liquid-crystal display (LCD) screen
Model DPU programs addresses into FACP-compatible with keypad that prompts the installer through an
devices, and tests them to ensure proper operation easy-to-use program, and test menus that take little-
prior to installation. to-no-training for first-time users.
Prior to connecting a device circuit to the control
panel, the loop from Model DPU can be operated Model DPU is supplied with ‘NiMH’ rechargeable
(AC power must be used for this operation.) batteries and an AC power supply, and will operate in
This looping process shall allow for ground-fault either battery or AC modes. The batteries are easily
detection, as well as debugging the circuit. exchanged with off-the-shelf Alkaline (AA) batteries.
Additional orderable parts include Model DPU-RPT, To program and test a detector, simply insert the
which has a label printer and a larger carrying case detector in the integrated DB-11 base of Model DPU.
for Models DPU and DPU-PRT-CBL; as well as Model Enter the device address as prompted on the backlit
DPU-C1, which is a carrying case for the Model DPU. LCD display of Model DPU.
Notice: This marketing data sheet is not intended to be used for system design or installation purposes.
For the most up-to-date information, refer to each product’s installation instructions.