Review Article: Harmonic Mitigation Techniques Applied To Power Distribution Networks
Review Article: Harmonic Mitigation Techniques Applied To Power Distribution Networks
Review Article: Harmonic Mitigation Techniques Applied To Power Distribution Networks
Review Article
Harmonic Mitigation Techniques Applied to
Power Distribution Networks
Hussein A. Kazem
Faculty of Engineering, Sohar University, P.O. Box 44, 311 Sohar, Oman
Copyright © 2013 Hussein A. Kazem. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
A growing number of harmonic mitigation techniques are now available including active and passive methods, and the selection
of the best-suited technique for a particular case can be a complicated decision-making process. The performance of some of these
techniques is largely dependent on system conditions, while others require extensive system analysis to prevent resonance problems
and capacitor failure. A classification of the various available harmonic mitigation techniques is presented in this paper aimed
at presenting a review of harmonic mitigation methods to researchers, designers, and engineers dealing with power distribution
𝐿𝑐 D1
𝐿𝑟 D3 𝐼𝐿
𝑉in 𝐼𝑖
𝑅𝑠 𝐿𝑠 Load
Switch 𝐶𝑟
mode DC 𝐸𝑖 𝐶dc 𝑅𝐿 𝑉𝐿
𝑉𝑠 𝐶in 𝐶dc load
D4 D2
(a) (b)
D1 𝐿𝑜
𝐿𝑟 D3 𝐼𝐿 D1
𝐼𝑖 𝐿𝑟 D3 𝐼𝐿
𝐶𝑟 Load
𝐸𝑖 𝐶𝑏 𝐶dc 𝑅𝐿 𝑉𝐿 𝐶𝑟 𝑅𝐿
𝐸𝑖 𝐶𝑏 𝐶dc 𝑉𝐿
D4 D2
D4 D2
(c) (d)
Figure 1: (a) The Series inductor filters for current shaping, (b) The Ziogas inductor capacitor filter, (c) The Yanchao improvement on Ziogas
filter, and (d) The Hussein improvement on Yanchao filter.
Boost converter 𝐿1 𝐿2
𝐿𝑐 D𝑏
𝑉in D1 D3
𝑅𝑠 𝐿𝑠
Switch 𝐼𝑖 𝑄
𝑉𝑠 mode
𝐶dc DC
power 𝐶1 𝐶dc
load 𝑉𝑠 𝑅𝐿
D4 D2
(a) (b)
D5 𝐿1 𝐿2
𝐿 D6
D1 D3 𝐼𝐿 D1 D3 𝐷a1
𝐼𝑖 𝐿 r1 𝐿 r2 𝑄a1
𝐼𝑖 𝑄
𝐶dc Load
𝑆𝑃 𝑆𝑎 𝑉𝐿 𝑉𝑠 𝐶1
𝑉𝑠 𝐶dc 𝑅𝐿
D4 D2 𝑅𝐿
D2 𝑄a2 𝐷a2
PWM control
(c) (d)
Figure 2: (a) Boost converter current shaping circuit, (b) buck converter current shaping circuit, (c) improve boost converter current shaping
circuit, and (d) improve buck converter current shaping circuit.
Advances in Power Electronics 3
6.6 kV
𝑉𝑖 Residential Commercial
𝐿 r3 𝐿 rh 𝑉in
𝐿𝑠 THD 5th harmonic THD 5th harmonic
Rectifier Max. 3.5% 3.4% 4.6% 4.3%
+ Min. 3.0% 2.9% 2.1% 1.2%
𝐶r3 𝐶rh switch
𝑉𝑠 mode
supply sinusoid. The power factor is also very poor because of the
high harmonic contents of the line current waveform. In
Figure 4: Double-tuned series-connected resonant filter. rectifier with a small source reactance, the input current is
highly discontinuous, and, as a consequence, the power is
drawn from the utility source at a very poor power factor.
connection of series line reactors, tuned harmonic filters, and The magnitude of harmonic currents in some nonlinear
the use of higher pulse number converter circuits such as loads depends greatly on the total effective input reactance,
12-pulse, 18-pulse, and 24-pulse rectifiers. In these methods, comprised of the source reactance plus any added line
the undesirable harmonic currents may be prevented from reactance. For example, given a 6-pulse diode rectifier feeding
flowing into the system by either installing a high series a DC bus capacitor and operating with discontinuous DC
impedance to block their flow or diverting the flow of current, the level of the resultant input current harmonic
harmonic currents by means of a low-impedance parallel spectrum is largely dependent on the value of AC source
path [9]. reactance and an added series line reactance; the lower the
Harmonic mitigation techniques used for supply power reactance, the higher the harmonic content [1–3].
factor correction and harmonics mitigation in two ways to Other nonlinear loads, such as a 6-pulse diode rectifier
qualify the products performance. One is to put a limit on feeding a highly inductive DC load and operating with
the PF for loads above a specified minimum power. Utility continuous DC current, act as harmonic current sources.
companies often place limits on acceptable power factors In such cases, the amount of voltage distortion at the PCC
for loads (e.g., <0.8 leading and >0.75 lagging). A second is dependant on the total supply impedance, including the
way to measure or specify a product is to define absolute effects of any power factor correction capacitors, with higher
maximum limits for current harmonic distortion. This is impedances producing higher distortion levels [7, 11].
usually expressed as limits for odd harmonics (e.g., 1st, 3rd,
5th, 7th, etc.). This approach does not need any qualifying 2.2. Series Line Reactors. The use of series AC line reactors is
minimum percentage load and is more relevant to the electric a common and economical means of increasing the source
utility. impedance relative to an individual load, for example, the
Harmonic regulations or guidelines are currently applied input rectifier used as part of a motor drive system. The
to keep current and voltage harmonic levels in check. As an harmonic mitigation performance of series reactors is a func-
example, the current distortion limits in Japan illustrated in tion of the load; however, their effective impedance reduces
Tables 1 and 2 represent the maximum and minimum values proportionality as the current through them is decreased [12].
of total harmonic distortion (THD) in voltage and the most
dominant fifth harmonic voltage in a typical power system 2.3. Tuned Harmonic Filters. Passive harmonic filters (PHF)
[10]. involve the series or parallel connection of a tuned LC and
Certain techniques, such as the use of tuned filters, high-pass filter circuit to form a low-impedance path for
require extensive system analysis to prevent resonance prob- a specific harmonic frequency. The filter is connected in
lems and capacitor failures, while others, such as the use of parallel or series with the nonlinear load to divert the tuned
12-pulse or 24-pulse converters, can be applied with virtually frequency harmonic current away from the power supply.
no system analysis. Unlike series line reactors, harmonic filters do not attenuate
all harmonic frequencies but eliminate a single harmonic
2.1. Effect of Source Reactance. Typical AC current waveforms frequency from the supply current waveform. Eliminating
in single-phase and three-phase rectifiers are far from a harmonics at their source has been shown to be the most
4 Advances in Power Electronics
effective method to reduce harmonic losses in the isolated 𝑉as 𝑅as 𝐿 as 𝑖a-in
power system. However, the increased first cost entailed Rectifier
presents a barrier to this approach. If the parallel-connected 𝑉a-in +
filter is connected further upstream in the power network, 𝑉bs 𝑅bs 𝐿 bs
higher day-to-day costs will accumulate due to 𝐼2 𝑅 losses in Rectifier
the conductors and other plant items that carry the harmonic 𝑉b-in +
currents. Conversely, for series-connected filter at the load, SMPS
there are increased losses in the filter itself. These losses are 𝑉cs 𝐿 cs 𝑖c-in
simply the result of the higher series impedance, which blocks Rectifier
the flow of harmonics but increases the line loss as a result 𝑅𝑟 𝑉c-in +
of the flow of the remaining components of the load current
[12, 13]. The quality factor of the filter inductor 𝑄 affects the
actual value of the low-impedance path for each filter. Usually, 𝐿𝑟 Neutral harmonic
blocking filter
a value of 𝑄 ranges between 20 and 100 [14]. Many types
of harmonic filters are commonly employed, including the 𝐶𝑟
2.3.1. Series Induction Filters. Harmonic currents produced Figure 5: A neutral current blocking filters.
by switched-mode power supplies and other DC-to-DC con-
verter circuits can be significantly lowered by the connection
of a series inductor that can be added on either the AC or in series as shown in Figure 4 showing a third harmonic
DC power circuit [15–17], as shown in Figure 1. So many tuned 𝐿𝐶 circuit, 𝐿 𝑟3 and 𝐶𝑟3 , and a high-frequency tuned
improvements on these filters have been made. 𝐿𝐶 circuit, 𝐿 𝑟ℎ and 𝐶𝑟ℎ , to eliminate high-order harmonics
Ziogas passive filter for single-phase rectifiers has some [5, 7, 12].
reduction in Total Harmonics Distortion THD and improve-
ment in PF in comparison with conventional rectifier. Also, 2.3.5. Neutral Current Filter. This filter is connected in the
Yanchoa waveshaping filter used to reduce THD and increase neutral conductor between the site transformer and the three-
power factor. Connecting author filter at the output terminal phase load to block all triple frequency harmonics, as shown
of the rectifier will improve power factor and reduce input in Figure 5. Because these triple zero-sequence harmonics are
current THD of the supply. in phase with each other, they all flow through the neutral
conductor, and it is more economical to block them in the
2.3.2. DC-DC Converter Current Shaping. Like the series neutral instead of individual phases [5, 12].
induction filter, this circuit (Figure 2) can greatly reduce
current distortion produced by switched-mode power sup- 2.3.6. Zigzag Grounding Filter. By integrating phase shifting
plies and other DC converter circuits by modulating the into a single or multiphase transformer with an extremely
duty cycle of switch 𝑆𝑏 to control the shape of input supply low zero-sequence impedance, substantial reduction of triple,
current to track a desired sine waveshape [5, 18–20]. So many 5th, and 7th harmonics can be achieved. This method
improvements on these filters have been made. provides an alternative to protect the transformer neutral
conductor from triple harmonics by canceling these har-
2.3.3. Parallel-Connected Resonant Filter. Passive LC filters monics near the load. In this method, an autotransformer
tuned to eliminate a particular harmonic are often used connected in parallel with the supply can provide a zero-
to reduce the level of low-frequency harmonic components sequence current path to trap and cancel triple harmonics as
like the 5th and 7th produced by three-phase rectifier and shown in Figure 6 [16].
inverter circuits. The filter is usually connected across the
line as shown in Figure 3. If more than one harmonic is 2.4. Higher Pulse Converters. Three phases, 6-pulse static
to be eliminated, then a shunt filter must be installed for power converters, such as those found in VSD, generate low-
each harmonic. Care must be taken to ensure that the peak frequency current harmonics. Predominantly, these are the
impedances of such an arrangement are tuned to frequencies 5th, 7th, 11th, and 13th with other higher orders harmonics
between the required harmonic frequencies to avoid causing also present but at lower levels. With a 6-pulse converter
high levels of voltage distortion at the supply’s PCC because circuit, harmonics of the order 6𝑘 ± 1, where 𝑘 = 1, 2, 3, 4,
of the presence of an LC resonance circuit [7, 12]. and so forth, will be present in the supply current waveform.
In high-power applications, AC-DC converters based on the
2.3.4. Series-Connected Resonant Filter. This work on a sim- concept of multipulse, namely, 12, 18, or 24 pulses, are used
ilar in principle to the parallel version, but with the tuned to reduce the harmonics in AC supply currents. They are
𝐿𝐶 circuits connected in series with the supply. The series referred to as a multipulse converters. They use either a diode
filter can be tuned to a single harmonic frequency, or it bridge or thyristor bridge and a special arrangement of phase-
may be multituned to a number of harmonic frequencies. shifting magnetic circuit such as transformers and inductors
The multituned arrangement connects multiple tuned filters to produce the required supply current waveforms [9, 21–27].
Advances in Power Electronics 5
3. Active Harmonic Mitigation Techniques
𝑉𝑑 /2
When using active harmonic reduction techniques, the
𝑖𝐴 𝑉𝑑 improving in the power quality came from injecting equal-
but-opposite current or voltage distortion into the network,
thereby canceling the original distortion. Active harmonic
𝑉𝑑 /2 Load filters (AHFs) utilize fast-switching insulated gate bipolar
transistors (IGBTs) to produce an output current of the
required shape such that when injected into the AC lines, it
cancels the original load-generated harmonics. The heart of
the AHF is the controller part. The control strategies applied
Figure 7: Series 12-pulse rectifier connection. to the AHF play a very important role on the improvement of
the performance and stability of the filter. AHF is designed
with two types of control scheme. The first performs fast
Fourier transforms to calculate the amplitude and phase angle
2.4.1. 12-Pulse Rectification. In large converter installations, of each harmonic order. The power devices are directed to
where harmonics generated by a three-phase converter can produce a current of equal amplitude but opposite phase
reach unacceptable levels, it is possible to connect two 6-pulse angle for specific harmonic orders. The second method of
converters in series with star/delta phase-shifting transform- control is often referred to as full spectrum cancellation in
ers to generate a 12-pulse waveform and reduce the harmonics which the full current waveform is used by the controller
on the supply and load sides, as shown in Figure 7. This of the filter, which removes the fundamental frequency
could be beneficial despite the considerable extra cost of the component and directs the filter to inject the inverse of the
transformers. Twelve-pulse rectifier is frequently specified remaining waveform [31–38].
by consulting engineers for heating, ventilating, and air- Typically, these filters are sized based on how much
conditioning applications because of their theoretical ability harmonic current the filter can produce, normally in amper-
to reduce harmonic current distortion. age increments of 50 Amps. The proper amperage of AHF
Instead of connecting the two converter bridges in series, can be chosen after determining the amount of harmonic
they could also be connected in parallel to give 12-pulse cancellation current.
operation. A parallel 12-pulse arrangement is shown in Essentially, the filter consists of a VSD with a special
Figure 8. Parallel connections require special care to ensure electronic controller which injects the harmonic current onto
adequate balance between the currents drawn by each bridge. the system 180 out of phase to the system or drive harmonics.
Secondary leakage reactance must be carefully matched, This results in harmonics cancellation. For example, if the
and extra reactors are needed on the DC side to absorb VSD created 50 A of 5th harmonic current, and the AHF
the instantaneous differences between the two DC voltage produced 40 A of 5th harmonic current, the amount of 5th
waveforms, [9, 22, 28]. harmonic current exported to the utility grid would be 10 A.
When using a 12-pulse system, the 5th and 7th harmonics The AHF may be classified as a single-phase or three-phase
disappear from line current waveforms leaving the 11th as the filters.
first to appear. Only harmonics of the order 12𝑘 ± 1, where 𝑘 Also, it could be classified as parallel or series AHF
= 1, 2, 3, 4, and so forth, will be present in the supply current according to the circuit configuration.
6 Advances in Power Electronics
𝐼𝑑 /2
+7.5 deg 𝐼𝑑 /2
𝑖𝐴 𝐼𝑑
𝐼𝑑 /2 𝑉𝑑
−7.5 deg 𝐼𝑑 /2 𝑉𝑑
Figure 10: 24-pulse rectifier connection.
Nonlinear load
Active filter
Figure 9: 18-pulse rectifier connection.
Figure 11: Parallel active filter.
3.1. Parallel Active Filters. This is the most widely used type
of AHF (more preferable than series AHF in terms of form is added to the supply voltage to counter the distortion
and function). As the name implies, it is connected in parallel across the supply impedance and present a sinusoidal voltage
to the main power circuit as shown in Figure 11. The filter is across the load. Series AHF has to carry the full load current
operated to cancel out the load harmonic currents leaving the increasing their current ratings and 𝐼2 𝑅 losses compared with
supply current free from any harmonic distortion. Parallel parallel filters, especially across the secondary side of the
filters have the advantage of carrying the load harmonic coupling transformer [43].
current components only and not the full load current of the Unlike the shunt AHF, the series AHF is controlled on the
circuit [39–44]. basis of the following methods:
AHF can be controlled on the basis of the following
methods: (i) the controller detects the instantaneous supply cur-
rent 𝑖𝑆 ,
(i) the controller detects the instantaneous load current
𝑖𝐿 , (ii) the AHF extracts the harmonic current 𝑖𝑆 from the
detected supply current by means of digital signal
(ii) the AHF extracts the harmonic current 𝑖𝐿ℎ from the processing,
detected load current 𝑖𝐿 by means of digital signal
processing, (iii) the active filter applies the compensating voltage
𝑣𝐴𝐹 (= −𝐾𝑖𝑆ℎ ) across the primary of the transformer.
(iii) the AHF draws the compensating current 𝑖𝐴𝐹 (= This will result in a significant reduction in the supply
−𝑖𝐿ℎ ) from the utility supply voltage 𝑣𝑆 so as to cancel harmonic current (𝑖𝑆ℎ ), when the feedback gain 𝐾 is
out the harmonic current 𝑖𝐿ℎ [45]. set to be high enough [45].
3.2. Series Active Filters. The main circuit configuration for An AHF with both series and parallel (shunt) connected
this type of AHF is shown in Figure 12. The idea here is sections, as shown in Figures 11 and 12, respectively, can be
to eliminate voltage harmonic distortions and improve the used to compensate for both voltage and current harmonics
quality of the voltage applied to the load. This is achieved simultaneously [34–36]. In all cases, the critical requirement
by producing a sinusoidal pulse width modulated (PWM) of any AHF circuit is to calculate the required compensation
voltage waveform across the connection transformer, which current accurately and in real time.
Advances in Power Electronics 7
Supply AHF controller mainly is divided into two parts, that is,
transformer Filter reference current generation and PWM current controller.
transformer The PWM current controller is principally used for providing
gating pulse to the AHF. In reference to current generation
Nonlinear load
scheme, reference current is generated by using the distorted
waveform. Many control schemes are there for reference
current generation, such as 𝑝-𝑞 theory, deadbeat controller,
Active filter neuro, adaptive control, wavelet control, fuzzy, delta-sigma
modulation, sliding mode control, vector control, repetitive
Figure 12: Series active filter. control, and SFX control for improving the steady state and
dynamic performance of AHFs [52–59].
𝑇1 𝑇3 Filter
System transformer 𝑇1 𝑇3
𝑇2 𝑇4
𝑇2 𝑇4
Shunt AHF filter Shunt PHF
AHF Series AHF
(a) (b)
𝑇1 𝑇3
𝑇2 𝑇4
Shunt PHF
Active filter
Series AHF
4.6. Triangle-Comparison PWM Control. This control meth- (i) cost of the equipment and installation,
od is also called linear current control. The conventional (ii) harmonic indices (ex. 𝑖ℎ , THD𝑖 , THD𝑣 , TDD, and
triangle-comparison PWM control principle is that the mod- PWHD),
ulation signal achieved by a current regulator from the cur-
rent error signal is intersected with the triangle wave. After (iii) life time and failure rate,
that, pulse signals obtained are to control the switches of the (iv) maintenance and engineering.
converters. With analog PWM circuit, this control method
has simple implementation with fast speed of response. 5. Conclusions
Because the modulation frequency equals the triangle fre-
quency, the current loop gain crossover frequency must be Electrical system reliability and normal operation of electrical
kept below the modulation frequency. equipment rely heavily upon a clean distortion free power
supply. Designers and engineers wishing to reduce the level of
harmonic pollution on a power distribution network where
4.7. Space Vector Modulation (SVM). The aim of this method nonlinear harmonic generating loads are connected have
is to find the appropriate switching combinations and their several harmonic mitigation techniques available. Because
duty ratios according to certain modulation scheme. The of the number and variety of available methods, selection
SVM operates in a complex plane divided in the six sectors of the best-suited technique for a particular application is
separated by a combination of conducting or nonconducting not always an easy or straightforward process. A broad
switches in the power circuit. The reference vector is used to categorization of different harmonic mitigation techniques
locate two adjacent switching-state vectors and compute the (passive, active, and hybrid) has been carried out to give a
time for which each one is active. SVM is of low speed of general viewpoint on this wide-ranging and rapidly devel-
response caused by the inherent calculation delay, due to the oping topic. PHF is traditionally used to absorb harmonic
strong antijamming and the good reliability of digital control currents because of low cost and simple robust structure.
technique. In order to solve the drawback, the improvement However, they provide fixed compensation and create sys-
of adopting deadbeat control and a certain oversize of the tem resonance. AHF provides multiple functions such as
system reactive components is advised. harmonic reduction, isolation, damping and termination,
Currently, the research trends of the AHF control strate- load balancing, PF correction, and voltage regulation. The
gies are mainly towards the optimizing and practical appli- HHF is more attractive in harmonic filtering than the pure
cation of the control strategies. At the end, the comparative filters from both viability and economical points of view,
criteria for PHF, AHF, and HHF could be summarized based particularly for high-power applications. It is hoped that
on the following: the discussion and classification of harmonic mitigation
Advances in Power Electronics 9
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