Brand Personality and Consumer Behaviour

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Brand differentiation is now becoming an important tactic for combating

competition in the hostile marketplace. A viable solution for establishing the
distinctiveness of a brand is through brand personality. Attaching
personalities to brands contributes to a differentiating brand identity, which
can make brands more desirable to the consumer. While positioning the
brand, it is important to treat it like a human being with specific
characteristics. There are a host of brands out there and if we position the
brand in a general manner, it will become a commodity that will get lost in
the crowd. The only distinguishing factor we would then have is price, which
would leave the task of brand identification at the mercy of market forces.
A very dangerous proposition indeed, because it would effectively mean very
little control. On the other hand, if the brand has a distinctive personality, it
will come alive for the consumer and endear itself to him. It will help the
consumers in identifying with the brand’s personality traits. If youth is a
personality characteristic of the brand, it need not appeal only to youngsters.
It could appeal to everyone from six to sixty for whom being young and alive
is important.
Colgate’s brand personality is Cheerful, Honest, Spirited, Reliable, Strong and
Family oriented. This brand personality portrays that Colgate as a brand is not
boring and can target to all age groups be it teenagers or older consumers.
It also portrays an image that it is reliable and cares for its customers and will
be there for them yet is energetic and spirited. Colgate’s brand personality
also shows that it is family oriented and targets people who have a large
family and people of every age as well as Colgate is like a family member, a
brand you can always count on.

Perception- how a person sees world around him

Consumer perception is how the consumer sees the brand, how he
recognizes, selects and interprets the stimuli according to his needs.

Consumer perception is influenced strongly by or there are four factors.

Cultural Factor, Social Factor, Personal Factor, Psychological Factor

1. Cultural Factor:-
Cultural factor divided into three sub factors (i) Culture (ii) Sub Culture
(iii) Social Class

Culture has a great influence on the behavior of a consumer. Because
people learn from the society. If the culture of a country cannot suggest
using toothpaste or Colgate is good quality toothpaste then people will
not buy this.

Sub Culture:-

If the experience of the group says that Colgate is bad toothpaste then
people will not buy this product.

Social Class:-
If the social class of people is low or much high then people do not buy
Colgate toothpaste.

Social Factors:-
A consumer's behavior also is influenced by social factors, such as the
(i) Groups (ii) Family (iii) Roles and status
Sometimes groups make the choices of an individual.

Psychological Factors:-

It includes these Factors Motivation (ii) Perception (iii) Learning (iv)

Beliefs and attitudes
· Motivation:-
Company must take some motivated activities to persuade the
customer. Ex-Advertising, give some free etc.
The process by which people select, Organize, and interpret
information to form a meaningful picture of the world. The company
must try to create the positive perception on the mind of individual.

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